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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm AST

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you believe it's doable? what this is real for. i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the more than 200 tell us city into killed him is riley attacks on guns are in the past day. school is among the places target, the frontal mccrae. this is their life. and also coming up is riley's block, a trucks from entering cars without demanding the release of the captives being held in the strip. russian plan reportedly carrying thousands of ukrainian prisoners of war has crashed near the city of bell girls. and to find out the free speech and sure link as parliaments to buy tools to regulate online content
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the we begin in gaza with the health industry. so is this riley strikes have killed at least 210 palestinians in the past. i here are using southern goals are under intense se land bombings. a school sheltering displaced, palestinian families has been this. several people are still under the rubble and ambulance and civil defense crews are unable to reach them. israel is more on gaza has so if i killed at least 25700 palestinians, the hospitals are among besides being targeted by his ready forces. there's been intense bowman around the hospital and con eunice, those injured count, richard wall, existing patients and musical stuff. the trapped inside this role is also caring out the types of northern garza residential building into a valley of the said an overnight strikes. the attack killed 14 palestinians. ok,
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so meanwhile, is riley protest as a trying to solve humanitarian aid trucks from israel entering. the gallons a strip to demonstrate does include family members of captives being held and gone . so they blocked the entrance of the car, um, of asylum crossing and demanding the release of their loved ones. for the honey mcclure joins us from ross, but in the southern, gaza and honey, is there any protest to try to stop these trucks from entering this room? what do we know about that? yes. well, i think the news that came out of the lots of the restoration going on and not only will look at now what intense bombing comes again are for us. the gods are but now reports about the a dominance tracing going on of this really protest or is that the karma boost style him a cross thing to the gaza strip that preventing human attorney and trucks it from
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entering the, the, the groove. it is the limit for testers are members of a group that are known as order 9 move mental are calling for the a not for the rejection on the a stopping data from entering the gaza is driven, told all of these and on campus i've been released also, and no equipment and no medical supplies. they should be allowed into the gas turban till all the captives and their relatives uh, being uh, being released from the gaza strip. that that includes as far as the medical supplies, how to agreed upon. an a brokered by a, by cook chart, and it's important to point out that the, the, the amount of, of a been in training a, the gods forbid just so little compared to the, the actual need here. and it has been reduced within the past few weeks. of from 200 trucks a day into a the, the trucks and even those a number this, um,
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but i have been reduced to a truck solely uh, going through a very lengthy process of clearance and security check just causing further delay to the uh, the internet at the entrance of the or the flow of it into the office, or just further the, the complications of difficult living conditions for much needed and desperate. the population across the gulf, particularly in the northern parts and gauze, and city, and the over crowded southern parts. and also the whole, this is royal's military has ordered a individuation order for those in the south. we ave expected to go with this point in time as well. these evacuation orders are for people in certain residential blocks in con, you and as a city it's important to point out just before the expansion of the uh, the uh,
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the military operations and the uh, the really tens bombing across honda is people work already coming to the roof, i did you to the point, the roof i have run out of space, run out of supplies, run out of bed, basically providing and accommodating the large number of the displays. palestinians here now is not only these evacuation orders have been very confusing and contradictory. to displace palestinians in these targeted areas. but these really military houses are filled in providing a safe corps a door for people to leave their homes in han, you and his wife, and they issuing these ordered the same time of locking the road leading to the coast on the road that is supposed to be the safe corner door for people to come. do a rough actually, but so far the people who have already managed to get through or pass they are talking about miserable in their living condition, that they don't have a space. they don't have enough supplies. then basically
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a sense so being led lives the alone and down forgotten lars. these a. 5 the turret, ongoing terrible conditions and ongoing a bombing. so i sort of cannot accommodate more people and they're looking at what options do they have. they have the borders of egypt and go to the board or the from the southern parts and the continuous, ongoing bombing. and the northern part of my city, mainland han you and is taking advantage of this further difficulties they have been going through since the beginning of this work. thank you so much, honey. we really do appreciate all you. we're getting us the latest out of a rough are in southern gaza. i'm old and 3 months into israel's will roll and goes a hundreds of thousands of palestinians are constantly being forced to move. to escape is ready, foaming, and ground rides, and cut our reports from a road where people stuck between causes cities. a hyundai on other sheet streets.
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here, this trees is where a noun it starts. and as you see, surrounding all of these people, floods from the intense bonding and air strikes and also the ground invasion where there is there any forces, hang our stations in this area. people around the me took all of the day what they have under choir. they're telling us that they're standing here and they're sitting here. they have 0 places to go. and not only that, they also don't have any type of transport taste. we are seeing people walking on their grounds, holding their belongings. we are also seeing people with trucks where comedies are sharing these trucks to evacuate either this way, to drop off more thousands because of safety or this way to get it back to the center of the gaza city. let's take
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a look and see how people are evacuating with this is all of what is left where these people have been homeless and misplaced more than one time. as you see, more people are coming and evacuating from community. this is not the 1st time we have been seen seeing this list seen as this is a movie your, a documentary documenting that people evacuating and leave their homes just like them not by 1948, but this is real. it's happening in 2024. as you see, people are just patients, we see how scared they are in their eyes, and they're all searching for a place we're talking about, of course, where most, more than half of the population of the causes is currently resizing there. it's
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blocks and, and we're talking about getting by the, which is also talk to people and a lot of people are old shows, cared of another invasion auto up to a hospital in this area. it's very close to a loss that hospitalized where it has to be seized and people are scared from the fact that hospitals are also a target for moss has claimed responsibility for a rocket to attack that killed 21 is really soldiers in the gaza strip on monday, if at least this video to show the attack is simply because a refugee camp and central cancer, the rockets hit the building, which is where the troops were laying explosives. monday was the with single times and will for these ready army. with 24 soldiers killed, the
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police say go look at some of the other world news. now the kremlin is investigating a plane crash that it says was caring ukrainian prisoners, the military transport. i came down near the city of belgrade in southern russia. the russian defense ministry says the crowd had 74 people on board, including 65 ukrainians, but kansas was carrying weapons of more in this way now joined by daniel hawkins, who is in moscow. and daniel, the planning of reports both wise, potentially this might have been shot down. what more do we know at this early stage? well, the bell road region where this planning came down is clearly on the border with ukraine. that's the reason that has been effected by shedding, by drawing strikes by vonn. it's indeed just weeks ago, one of the biggest strikes of the conflict took place. the kidding? 25 people. this ministry call go play and that it was 76 was according to russian
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officials carrying ukrainian p o w 65 prisoners of war and 9 russian crew members and attendance. and it was according to russian officials on its way to a prison. this will play to today uh prison. the deal was due to take place $192.00 prisoners from each side being exchanged. now, you quite in a rush or of course have exchanged prisoners before and in fact the biggest prisoner exchange took place just a couple of weeks ago, earlier in january, when the style of some sort of incident took place in the skies. over belgrade that's according to regional, russian officials and lawmakers, some sort of error lot. and they claim they received a signal from the products that the plane had suffered. some sort of external influence, some sort of external input or explosion, which would cause it to come down. rushing media are also saying the pilots could have ejected, but they took this plane away from the nearby village on a crash to away from the residential areas into
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a field. now the russian lawmakers have been very clear, they blame you. crane for this incident. cooling isn't active, blah barrett's, the cooling ukraine, a terrace states and the signing off of this incident that can be no negotiations whatsoever with key if uh, from the ukrainian side we have c media reports in ukraine that this plane was carrying not prisoners, but components or something through with s 300 missiles, which are used by the russian army. so you claim any officials of said, there's not enough information yet to comment on exactly what caused this plane to come down. investigation has already been launched by both sides together, likes to gather information. we should get some more of that in the coming hours. but so very clear, at least from the russian side. exciting period that we use on board and very clear, of course, who was a blame full this plain, crushing in the billboard region. thanks so much for the daniel. as soon as we get some more concrete information, we will no doubt to go back and speak to you again. daniel hopkins for us in moscow
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in you try and emergency personnel are looking for survivors following russian. it strikes on tuesday, at least 18 people were killed and at least $160.00 injured, including in hockey. even keith, at the latest and months of russian attacks, also damaged residential buildings and other property. but mcbride has more from the ukrainian capital. these casualty figures have continued to mount as such. operations had been continuing well into the hours of darkness on tuesday, along with the attacks themselves, the ukrainian, a 2nd safety of how to keep sustaining a 3rd wave of miss all attacks, at least on a tuesday. it's reckoned at a total of $200.00 sites across ukraine would targeted in this sustained air attack . that more than a 100 residential buildings were impacted in a one way or another with some buildings, of course being completely destroyed. now, a president full of them is
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a lensky of ukraine, has spoken about this attack in his latest nightly address. talking about the complex mix of themselves. the russian was used in this attack on didn't other attacks, a total of 40 missiles, some of them cruise, other ballistic missiles, in an attempt to try to over well the defenses of ukraine and concerning the full the ukrainians. although around half of them were intercepted, that means at the around 50 percent did get through. and this comes as key. how you like allies such as the united states are still holding back on committing to billions of dollars in military aid, which includes much needed meeting munitions and does this, a refund saved by the russians continues at the ukrainians. have also given a running tally on the number of the weapons that the, the russians have been using that over the past 2 months. russia has 5, they say a total of $600.00 missiles and $1000.00 drones at ukraine, wrote mcbride,
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i'll just say era. keith, a spell so hit hit on al jazeera donald trump twins the new hampshire primary. but his ronald mickey hardly says she wants to drop house the hey everyone for the alerts and play for the us golf states. this rain is being amplified by moisture of coming off the gulf of mexico, so some heavy rounds of rain to be expected here. this wet weather shoots up through the ohio valley just the other day. there was some snow around the great lakes including for toronto, and now the weather is going to fall on top of that. it has been quite active for california and their round of rain for central and northern california. and if i move northwards of this warm push of their coming off the pacific for british
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columbia is lower mainland and the pacific northwest that will bump you up into double digits and a warm breeze for calgary. you're on the plus side of things at 3 degrees today on wednesday. central america, the trade winds are picking up. so some downpours around his span, eula and for the eastern caribbean, and the forecast on wednesday. top end of south america. usual problem spots around ecuador filtering into the amazon jungle, and there has been some flooding just to the northeast of realtors and narrow there's been heavy pulses of rain here that's still in the forecast once again today on wednesday. let's talk about this heat though, from the argentine pappas to patagonia colors are on dark bread, the hard, the temperature, and we're in a heat wave for the next several days via blanca temperatures, up to 37 degrees c later. the, the, this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves.
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and i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the you're watching out is there a minder of our top story is the south, is there any forces have attacked the school? in con eunice? we had just placed people with sheltering at least 210. tell us the needs have been killed and is ready strikes on garza the past day. is there any protest as have
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tried to stop you from getting into the kansas trip pump? the entrance to the car i'm off site in crossing demonstrate is include family members and captives being held in gaza, demanding their release. and the kremlin says it's investigating a plane crash near the city of fellow girls and the southern russia. the russian defense ministry says $74.00 people on boards, including $65.00 ukranian prisoners. the keeps his and was carrying weapons for the united nations security council has held us quarterly open debates with israel's war on cause the top of the agenda goals for a safe spot and 2 sites solution a growing but had been rejected by his room. gabriel ellis, on the reports from you in headquarters in new york. you and secretary general antonio gutierrez said the entire population of guys isn't during destruction unparalleled in recent history. 2.2000000. follow savings in guys
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a face in your mind. squaddies conditions struggling to simply make it so another day, with all the proper shelter, heating, sanitary facilities, food and drinking water. speaking to the council yog millnicky, the palestinian minister of foreign affairs reminded the council that the over whelming majority of the world has called for an end to israel's bombardment of guys. when one side there is the will of the international community. and on the other side, the whims of, and is there any prime minister driven by a single of his own political sort of bible at the expense of the survival of millions of quite a seniors on the is illegal occupation. but he's real continues to reject a ceasefire. what do you think will happen if there is a ceasefire? i will tell you what will happen. come us would remain in power. they would regroup and re arm and soon is riley's. we'll face another, attempted holocaust,
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several foreign ministers came to new york to speak at the meeting. a sign of growing urgency took car for an inch to the war in the face of security council inaction. there's really aggression and gaza has lasted for far too long. it has massacred far too many lives. we are seriously concerned with the report that isn't as war crimes. and because that may imongary genocide, it's clear, more needs to be done to help the people of guys and for the un that job falls to see grid cock the humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys that appointed by the secretary general. in late december, she has a very difficult task ahead, as she saw 1st hand on tuesday when she briefly visited southern gaza, but could only stay for a few hours due to the difficult security situ. busy nation primarily caused by
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israel's bombardment. gabriel was onto out is eating at united nations in new york . the rocky prime minister is condemning us here, strikes and wisdom rock mom and she also dani says they undermine years of collaboration between baghdad and washington. 2 people were killed and attacks on 3 sides linked to tom, his beloved vision group linked to a ron who is come on to say the invitation to miss all strikes on american troops and allies in iraq and syria. the us and the u. k. have again struck who's the targets and given the us also conducting strikes against to the end to ship themselves. i aimed at the south of the rid same type of calhane reports from washington dc. the us central command is announced. another 2 strikes against who's the target in yemen. this time they say they were going after anti ship missiles that were aimed at the red sea. all of this comes as the white house. it sends out
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a statement about the attacks that took place on monday against those who the targets. this is a joint statement though, and it's a little bit different because up until now there been a handful of countries that have signed onto these statements. but this one has $23.00 other countries plus the united states. they include the czech republic, estonia hungry italy, lots of the republic of korea. the list is fairly long. so that is a bit of a change. and this is what the pentagon said about those earlier strikes and how effective they believe they were. since january 11th, we've assessed, we assess that we've destroyed or degraded over $25.00 missile launch and deployment facilities more than 20 missiles plus we've struck unmanned aerial vehicle coast or radar and air surveillance capabilities, as well as weapon storage areas with good effects. it's fairly significant when, when you look at the missile launch and deployment facilities, missiles, you know, you're, you're talking over 50, you know, when, when you add those numbers together,
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in addition to the other capability. so clearly a degradation of capability. we have been very focused on targeting the kinds of things that they've been pulling or using to conduct attacks against international shipping and mariners. and that will continue to be our focus. and so the, the last who, the attack that i'm tracking was on the 18th of january. so 5 days ago, as you know, since that time we have taken several self defense strikes when there wasn't a minute imminent threat or an anticipated launch. but again, we'll continue to stay focused on that and against the backdrop of all this is an additional strikes that we're hearing from the central command interact 3 targets. they say they were targeting of. so it is that belong to a rainy and backed militias. they believe they have been using those facilities to strike at the bases, interact with us spaces. it's cause some minor injuries among us troops. of course,
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all of this is also coming as people are very concerned that this is going to lead to a wider conflict in the region. particularly al jazeera washington. because parliament has approved controversial legislation to regulate online speech back is all the little say that it's necessary to combat instigated scans and whole information, but opposition politicians and human rights groups. so the harsh penalties for violations can stifle free expression and criticism of the governments. nelson and as has moved from mister lincoln capital columbia. when you talk to rights activist, when you talk to the media practitioners, you talk to put cost to people who are, you know, getting that voice is heard to talk about injustice, to talk about issues that are being seen day to day interest. and that's what they say that this is an attempt to stifle the freedom of speech. something the government actually dismisses. they say that there are people that need to be
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protected online. they say women and children must be protected. people must be protected against defamation. but at the heart of it awesome very, very far reaching changes that of many people say give the government over a overly strong kind of weapons in the hands to control and stop defend, defend. now i have with me a put cost, a bruno, the bucket of who i'm just going to oscar, how he feels because he does regular stuff on social media. how do you actually, i don't know how to express myself. i'm definitely afraid of because of because there are several concerns to me like, you know, i don't know whether the commission how to, how defined a truth and i don't know how the vip, a nicely sat because that other sort of vague definitions the in this act and i
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don't know what, what did, what we'll do to industrial? it's a huge industrial share like i is thailand's highest cold has cleared the top opposition populated violating election laws. peter, them showing the right to lead the progressive move forward. posse to victory and the general election last year. it's faced being banned from elections. if found guilty, tony chang has moved from bangkok. a surprise not guilty the here with the constitutional code to be taught them german, right? it'd been investigated. the holding media says something that's a bit in the parentheses under the tiny constitution. the 8 to one panel of judges decided that those shares or the media companies that have been defunct for 17 years. why they couldn't decide that when he won the election last summer is anyone's guess the job it already been done, heaping disqualified from taking up the position of prime minister in the works not
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yet done. the policy is expected back here in 7 days time to face another charge, the could see the whole party disbanded. so will they've gone through this? how do i know? yes. with tony chang al jazeera for me, you as president, donald trump has won the new hampshire primary and he bade his only rival nikki highly by a comfortable margin. helen fisher report from manchester in the state of new hampshire for the state. no one for political surprises. this wasn't one of the supposed predicted, a win for donald trump, and the republican frontrunner delivered for the 3rd time in new hampshire. this is an evening that i will not forget because it's the 3rd time, but more importantly, i think it's going to be. i think it's going to be the most important to you things to state alongside his when in iowa, just over a week ago, he believes that almost assures the presidency when you, when iowa, as you, in new hampshire, they've never had a loss. there had been
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a steady stream of waters across the states, right, the day, many of whom give a hell of a search for the former u. n. a bus that they're nicky healey. in the end, it wasn't enough, but was a performance better than predicted. she's not giving up and taking the flight to a home state, south carolina. at one point in this campaign, there were 14 of us running and we were at 2 percent in the polls as well. i'm a fighter, the and i'm scrapping and now we're the last one standing next to donald trump. south carolina voters don't want a coordination. they want to know election. trump one because he was able to maintain his hold on the republican party. he spent a lot of his energy since he was elected in 2016, making other of being
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a good republican, being a member of the republican party equivalent to supporting donald trump support on the democratic side a row for timing of the primary event. the result isn't recognized by the national party, but it was still a winful job. i looked on the ballot picking up right and endorsements, making healy is in trouble. she said she would when you hampshire and she didn't. she will come under pressure to step aside. so the republicans can cool that's around one candidates, donald trump, and also save their money for november's general election because joe biden has built up a significant war chest. the 2024 election will be a rerun of what happened in 2020 and the medicare remembers how bitter that was. and how much of the bitterness still hasn't going to wait. island for sure, i'll just see you to manchester, new hampshire, public sector workers and fitness. while i have taken to the streets to demand bits of wages, many site, they can't afford basic necessities. and that's the spot and government moves to
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boost sellers. marianna sanchez has more than this, went and spoke, testing for better salaries and pensions. this wages of less than $10.00 a month, teachers among the public sectors worst paid in the country. they really have the 4 gigs doing you live day by day within a precarious situation that after a few years changes your living conditions last year were simply sion hits nearly 190 percent. the cost of monthly staples is nearly $500.00. teachers say we haven't received an increase in 2 years school director or maybe any of his sis, just eating is a daily struggle. is at the ping me that way. sometimes i get so depressed i being sold to the key to to education and get the sunroof is not enough for anything. maybe says teachers must find other.


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