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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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that's not how it was, the the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming off in the next 60 minutes. the huge fire rock software is ready for us to show a building. and con eunice with hundreds of millions families of sheltering more than $200.00 pellets. indians are killed in this ready a tax on gaza just in the past and died. the schools among the places talk is, is last week's clear and repeated rejection of the 2 state solution at the highest level of these rarely governments is unacceptable. the un secretary general looms, and as well as rejection of a 2 state solution will indefinitely prolonged your own casa and threaten global
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pace. well, so this now a russian plane reportedly carrying thousands of ukrainian prisoners of war crashes in sports as a huge shock on the call to the australian open the well number to call us out cross trails. alec sound as a virus and the quarter finals. and it's just one game away from getting out the we begin and goes away. the is riley, military has intensified a land and sea buildings on southern areas of the strip. the number of palestinians killed has now reached 25700. the city of con eunice is under attack, is ready troops having circled up showing residential areas, hospitals and buildings with hundreds of families have been sheltering is ready. troops are continuing their operations in northern gaza. 2 weeks off to saying that a chief that targets in the area,
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the residential building was hit the killing at least 14 palestinians. earlier is there any protest is including family members of captives trying to prevent humanitarian i by to loved ones is never easy. and expanding those deaths to children is difficult to a steady stream of bodies here means funeral appraisal performed throughout the day . children are forced to help the family survive. this will they search through the rubbish to forward to, but to keep warm and to cook. in the body of refugee compliment, except to try and treat the injured some, don't make it a child's graves like that side. the clinic on wednesday. is there any forces? continued the intense plumbing did right. on the side of hospitals. in con eunice, that's the father, just striking a nearby school. the people, the sheltering doesn't to injecting the attack amid the war and misery, subtract a speculative hope. the sort of side of that are doing this raises the spirits and
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brings optimism off to what we witness from war destruction and the destruction of homes. everyone becomes optimistic of the size of these roses. also, everything they've witnessed. they represent the hope that the war with and, and people the see goes if what goes above it, soil rather than the painful memories of who is buried underneath it. i started big of a 0 honey mcmurry joins us from rafa in southern garza now. and i understand that it has been an attack on another school. in con, you just, its only just happened. what more can you tell us about that? so yeah, so just a little bit of background. this particular area is known as the honor of vocational school in han you and is the type of a cold call. is you plus vocational school for a high school graduate, who ventures into the world of, of the locations and the training gotten not within the all day the initial weeks
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of the war. and when people were told to evaluate the northern part in gauze and city, this area was designated by this really military. it's group, multiple statements, van lines do on our way to solve that. this is that the, the safe zone for, for palestinians evacuated from the northern part and gaza strip, where they have, where they set up tents for them. and i remember doing a reports of from that particular area that is managed and operated and under the care of bon, why that's the united nations for palestinian refugees within the past 2 days when the expansions of military operation on the uh, the bush in deeper the military vehicle and not on tanks into the area that there has been surrounded by tying fennel snipers who took all the high rise building, including some of the public facilities building and were shooting at people so far . 3 people were buried inside this. a valuation is on an event and vocational
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schools, but to be concentrated tang schilling and targeting the town, found the building of that is location of the school and just the spirit of fire everywhere. and people are still trapped inside the area. unable to leave us, everybody tries to move in or out. the area would be shut out by the, by the taca, drones. and by the long, long centuries. a times during the policy enterprises and society reports that they're dealing are so far with 6 people are being killed. the multiple other injuries as a result of the attacks either by snipers around the area or by the directly a by is getting hit directly the by times bang. so this is the, the latest we get it from the vocational school. and this is not the 1st time we're looking uh i have thoughts on or what facility is across the gaza strip. coming
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under heavy attacks. we've seen this in the past in the northern parts and garza city are now in hon eunice, where the vast majority of the of the schools the turn into evacuation centers for the 1000s of 1000 of displaced, holla spinning. and since the beginning of this work, i've been taken shoulder inside these facilities, but unfortunately, well was uh, described as safe zone for these displays largest traumatized. how opinion is not safe at all? because you know, this is, you mentioned, israel's military is now ordered and evacuation for those in the south, up to half a 1000000 people. but we're at this point in time. they actually expected to go are seemingly know where is safe at all. now in the strip fortunately, these evacuation lines and orders are unfortunately displayed on monday just
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because the reality on the ground. these are very they are contradicting the conditions on the ground for it. so there is no sleep or a door sports for palestinians to take in order to get the safe areas in my paper right now is, i mean, the only option that is like for people is the renewal for the routed with 1900000 display palestinians and the expansion of the military operation in the central area on eastern and southern part of the fun unit. if you know we're looking at a city. 6 around out of space front of the resources is becoming increasingly difficult. and on top of that it is not a safe area. it's not a safe zone for displace palestinian there people within weeks or 5 days sometimes there are right there. they were killed in the very residential homes. they were sheltering in. what's going on and hot and what is the more effective cost would be right now where people are, are forced to live under heavy bombing on intense,
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showing it from one block to another. and it's changed by the ongoing, the snipers shooting at them more by be the constant tank. ok, thanks so much honey. we really do appreciate your work and attending mcmurry for us to reference southern guns mold in 3 months into israel's world. goes a hundreds of thousands of palestinians are constantly being forced to move to escape is rarely foaming and ground rides as honey was mentioning them and get our reports from a road where people a stock between towns and cities. i am currently hunting on the seed streets here. this trees is where you and it starts. and as you see, surrounding all of these people, floods from the intense bonding and air strikes and also the ground invasion where there is there any forces tanks are stationed in this area. people surrounding me
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took all of the day what they have under choir. they're telling us that they're standing here and they're sitting here. they have 0 places to go. and not only that, they also don't have any type of transport taste. we are seeing people walking on their grounds, holding their belongings. we are also seeing people with trucks, where comedies are sharing the strokes to evacuate. either this way to do and more south is the cause of safety or this way to dead is the last to the center of the gaza city. let's take a look and see how people are evacuating with this is all of what is left where these people have been homeless and misplaced more than one time. as you see, more people are coming and evacuating from community. this is
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not the 1st time we have been seen seeing this listing as this is a move in your documentary documenting the people evacuating and if leaving their homes just like them not by 1948, but this is real. it's happening in 2024. as you see, people are just races. we see how scared they are in their eyes and they're all searching for a place. we're talking about reference where most uh, more than half of the population of the cause is currently resizing there. it's blocks and, and we're talking about good by that, which is also talk to people and a lot of people are old shows scared of another invasion auto up to a hospital in this area. it's very close to a lot of the hospitals where it has to be seized and people are scared from the
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fact that hospitals are also a target. and the united nations security council has held is quarterly open debates with israel's foreign guys. the top of the agenda goes for a $65.00 and $2.00 sides solution. a growing thought had been rejected by his ro, gabriel, as on the reports from you in headquarters in new york, the un secretary general antonio gutierrez said the entire population of gaza is in during destruction. unparalleled in recent history. 2.2000000 policy. as in guys, as i seen you main squaddies conditions struggling to simply make it so another day without the proper shelter, seating sanitary facilities, food and drinking water. speaking to the council yog menu key, the palestinian minister of foreign affairs reminded the counsel that the over whelming majority of the world has called for an end to israel's bombardment of
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guys. when one side there is the will of the international community and on the other sides, the whims of. and is there any prime minister driven by a single gold his own political sort of bible at the expense of the survival of millions of palestinians under is illegal occupation. but he's real continues to reject a ceasefire. what do you think will happen if there is a ceasefire? i will tell you what will happen. come us would remain in power. they would regroup and re arm and soon is riley's. we'll face another attempt at hollow cost. several foreign ministers came to new york to speak at the meeting. a sign of growing urgency took car for an inch to the war in the face of security council inaction, there's really aggression in gaza has lasted for far too long. it has massacred far
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too many lives as we are seriously concerned with the reports that is arouse war crimes. and because that may imongary genocide, it's clear, more needs to be done to help the people of guys and for the un that job falls to c grid. cock the humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys that appointed by the secretary general in late december. she has a very difficult task ahead. as she saw 1st hand on tuesday when she briefly visited southern gaza. but could only stay for a few hours due to the difficult security situation, primarily caused by israel's bombardment. gabriel was onto out to see it at united nations in new york. these rarely military has told him several cities across the occupied with bank demolishing palestinian houses at these uh, images from or if south of napkins way is ready. troops blew up behind with the palestinian prisoner rights. have also been carried out in janine in hebron. some
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people are reported to have been arrested at least 351 palestinians had been killed by is ready forces in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th. israel has transferred pod all of the tax ribbon, use it always to the palestinian or store receipt following a 3 month freeze, but it's only a very small amount for an economy with business. so it is a struggling to keep the tools icon. the problem spoke to some of them and nicholas and the occupied west bank for more than 100 years. disliking the factory kept its wheels turned a family owned business that's passed down through 5 generations. there's no heading to the on the i really, really admire to have here is a piece of my know what i'm doing tomorrow. i don't know what i'm doing. what i can manage their own. my fact your, the israel keeps the tides good on the inputs and outputs of the palestinian economy in the last 2 decades alone. the one says these weighty restrictions costs,
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westbank, economy, $50000000000.00, a large amount for a small economy under occupation. business owners say they've been abandoned by their government left baths and again on certain political reality with little support and no compensation. but the palestinian authority has been drowning in death very solely the so it's not just the war but decades of poor economic policies. probably 60 to 70 percent of the palestinian authority's budget is dependent on the tax revenues that often get help. now the government has limited ways to help people financially. the whole lot under us pressure is really has released a part of the tax revenues. it was the palestinians, but it will do little for an already fundable economy. it would be $23.00. the cost of living in the west bank has risen by 4.8 percent. the unemployment reaching unprecedented levels of 29 percent even under occupation. people are eager to
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live a somewhat normal life. this is why palestinian businessman invested millions of dollars in nablus over the past few years to advance tours in this neighborhood. so new business is who sells and restaurants bringing up now with a close military check point at the end of this roads, it's become deserted. disclosures and pulls after the war have prevented hundreds of thousands of palestinians living in israel from coming to the occupied left bank . it also meant that palestinian workers can not go to work in israel and bring cash to the palestinian market. sales and this furniture shop have dropped like 80 percent. local sales are almost nonexistent. lucky for summit bottom, he's sometimes able to sell to palestinians living inside as well for the highest, for me now it's all about survival. i am not even looking towards making a profit that i am just trying to evade my business from
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a total collapse. many believe the use effort to relieve pressure on the palestinian authority is meant to prevent the bank from reaching a tipping point with the war and gone so big the weeds in huge uncertainty. a collapsing economy with only inflamed the situation, the that but he does eat a novelist the occupied last thing. the war on garza and is, rose blockade has made a shortage of nearly everything and gaza from medicine to food, to clean water, as well as close as one defense. and this makes life even more difficult for the nearly 2000000 people have been displaced from their homes and don't have access to their belongings to erica, but resume reports from rossa of the the local guys has taken away almost everything that people once had the lives the homes and even the eclipse at the york, somebody sending these places in the mail. and i've had them since the beginning of the roll on a lot of companies tucker for someone who could well, i'm not letting my remaining close at them and we're happy and gone. so we were
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living for while you're online. i've been living in a tend to roughly the pend, his children are struggling to keep with. when i got that, i'm gonna have to pull that closer to accomplish anything for them to look at these clothes for like the price of you when to close this calling holly. so some out to any secondhand clothes shops like this is i saw the surf, the displacement occurred during the summer and people came with summer clothes. now it's winter and it's cold. so there are no new clothes coming from abroad. there's no refuge except for 2nd hand clothing stores. ha, the easiest 2nd has come prove expensive. do you? yeah. then what kinda like boy i have 200 chuckle. i'm entering the store to buy just a few items. appliances, and this means i'll call you before 5 people that most of these are things we desperately need. oh, is to provide will nearly 2000000 palestinians, and garza had been forced from the homes. they'll say you think starvation does
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these as many of them right now? we're living the open. so struggling to keep home without winter clothes only adds to the misery target to zoom out a 0 roof. in southern gauze, the rocky prime minister is continuing us as strikes and wisdom of rock. mohammed shall sit on a says they undermine use of collaboration between baghdad and washington that 2 people were killed and attacks on 3 sides into the top has the law. that's an um group link to around us come on to say they were in retaliation from the south strikes on american troops and allies in iraq and syria. how they on board is and rocky political and list, and civil society coordinator. this is the us names to address the root causes of the problems in the region. with just a few weeks ago, the parameters sort of has called for the i think a troops to leave the country and the that we are no longer in need for the support
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of the american, the troops of the hood. but uh, american consultants in the cost of tense. and so this is quite unfortunate because eventually it's important to have the norm of the relationship with the united states. but at the same time, united states should realize that and palestine was out and, and the cdl, the young man. and as long as this is ongoing golf course, the, the normal relationship with the united states, would it be much affected, surrounds presidency for him, racy has arrived and took here for an official visit. he said to hold talks with the present time add on later on wednesday. the latest are expected to discuss the war on gaza and energy cooperation between the countries. bases trip comes as concerns crow that as well as more uncomfortable spread across the middle east. over so, so the is following developments for us from to run into. so what are the expectations there full of us making as well. there are several issues that both leaders
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are going to discuss and from the uranium start these on the statements. we see that they have great expectations regarding the costs board that a trade as of now, the roughly annual trade william between the $2.00 companies is around $12000000000.00, which is quite significant. however, both sides are now expressing their willingness to increase that to $2000000000.00 and bus depart exactly by setting up a freeze on between the 2 companies. so the economies of these 2 comes up complementary here on is an oil and gas for each country. wife turkey is a huge production house in the region, and now they just want to have it more and more tray, setting the products and also buying the, the energy here. and also another issue is toward a gas turbans and both companies have a significant part of kurdish population, but they're facing the trash, particularly from the curtis on groups in nor in, in north of iraq. and you see that from time to time, both companies attacks conduct the operations,
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i guess the on the curtis groups in north of iraq that is close and other major issue that today they're going to talk about and trying to develop a kind of cool vision over there and other issue is sir. yeah, definitely turkey and everyone has different approaches that turkey supposed to sit in a position while iran back to the city of the gym in damascus. however, we have seen that these different approaches, particular the often establishment of the us on a format is not losing an up and they are trying to the loop. and another reason to find the political solution through the us down, afford met for the city and crisis that's going to be also discussed today a but in any way, the war on guys that is going to be the major issue that's going to the domain name to the thoughts between the 2 presidents over there. so these 2 companies are quite co pro 2 major actors in the region that are quite vocal to promising in voices. and both have concerns that the more dispute over could be over there. and also
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that the more to go beyond the guys and turn into original one. now both companies are expressing their concerns and they say that they're trying to build a mechanism to, to, to, to, to campaigned war in gaza. and to bring us these 5 not to, to per, went original war. so we can see that these 2 companies, one of the consequences, syria, iraq and region, they have different approaches to different policies. however, on the other hand, they are also able somehow to manage the differences as well. so in that sense, be, disclose both companies are both competitors and also major partners in the region . ok, thanks so much rest of the original set of for us the interim. so tropical cycling is threatening flooding of the ne queensland states in australia. here's jeff with the with. so hi again. we now have a tropical side clone in the coral sea and this one's going to make landfall on thursday. somewhere between karen's and townsville will drop about
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a 100 millimeters of rain all at once. of that much rain certainly could produce some flooding elsewhere in queensland. look at birds vill 49 potentially 50 degrees on thursday. speaking of the heats, we're also going to see it through sidney. at $35.00, it's going to feel more like the 40 is so hot, humid and hazy to be sure, but center, so on. so we'll break the heat on saturday, fairly quite across new zealand. some moisture is being pushed in to the escape there, so showers seem likely and gets been on thursday and to southeast asia. we go the monsoon rain picking up again so we see a burst of rain through them of leaping in so that that could produce some flooding and those months in range. also steering pretty intense stuff through the central coast of the down temperatures beginning to slowly recover across china. i mean book hong kong is now up to 15 degrees on thursday and still that blizzard come in for japan. so keitel island. so this is going to impacts the portal, won't be surprised if there was wind succeed, 70 kilometers per hour. so why don't conditions blinding snow?
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visibility will be near mill on thursday and we could see upwards of 30 centimeters of snow slot. pansy still aid hit on alice's hair of 5 of the free speech. and so lanka is telling me it approves, i just place you to regulate online content. donald trump triumphant. again, we'll hear what his arrival has to say after the new hampshire primary and action from the effort to a couple of nations as the former champions. a dumb down in the group stage. that's coming up nicely with jim at the the and then looking out to was savvy and he said, and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding pure revenge before record occupied. i mean prison
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outages in the latest news as it breaks on. and the save it challenge the president is going to face is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage to native far as some of the other half of this drug down to the properties. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really pilots. it personal air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air. the, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching l 20. a reminder about top stories, the ssl it is rarely, military has intensified it's, it strikes and the ground rides in the southern casa residential areas. hospitals and the building shelves, and hundreds of displaced ellison is, has been this least 25700 people have been killed and as well as war on casa, is ready. protesters have tried to stop it from getting into the guns and strip they belong to the entrance to the crossing. demonstrate this includes family members and captives being held in gaza that demands in shared release. mccleveland says it's investigating a plane crash near the city felt around in southern prussia, the russian defense industries has $74.00 people on board, including $65.00 ukranian prisoners. the keeps is carrying with it earlier in the war as well. this ignited the area of l. milwaukee. and southern gaza circled sites on both sides. forces have
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a text tense that we're displaced. people are living, one palestinian mother played with a sufficing towards the to a rough of the, the self. she describes the attack and her and with will not be on the, on the solid, national. and then the cost of the model is i'm not sending them and that's for the list. we also show you, the movers have issues. so what is that now you can transfer you to them as soon as i am on the east side of the shore. the smoke not let me just finish it. i'm not so i haven't been a payment this time of good stuff and how much defense you put in a lot better. so now i'm not going be the guy the signing on
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the means inviting was the the be the non was we alone? i'm lucky. let's look is it will look into the movie and stuff because of the has to be on the. 2 bus, what do i have like a bubble bus. the could take a look at some of the other world news. now the kremlin is investigating a plane crash that it says was caring ukrainian prisoners, the military transport that came down near the city of belgrade and southern russia . the russian defense industries has the cross had 74 people on board,
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including 65 ukrainians. the cave says it was carrying weapons, but we are now joined by daniel hawkins, who is in most going to daniel conflicting reports that may or may not have been shot down. what more do we know at this stage? what information is still coming in to establish what exactly happened in the skies over belgrade to russian officials have confirmed this. it was 76 minute to transport plane came down around 90 kilometers from the quoting buddha. it took off from this kind of flu members and, and other service personnel allow, they claim that russian radars detected a to missile that came from you claim from the how to get region from the area all but lipsy and the these are working on choose believe it by russian officials, a claim of russian officials to be possibly patriot missiles were responsible for this plain coming down. not rushing media levels so. so let's start with this
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report. so saying they heard at least 2 explosions in the sky before this planning claim came down and russell will make us have been very clear, they believes that is the crating of forces which were responsible for this attack . russian lawmakers cooling at the above barrack act. so cooling on t if to be designated a terrorist states, the low mike under the apollo, who's the chairman of the security committee saying that no prison exchanges, no negotiations, all possible with that. you train off to this. and the russian side is also said that today a prison exchange was scheduled between a key of and most gone from like a 2 prisoners to be swapped in a deal form. which side not is where these prisoners were being taken as a frequently offer. must go to belgrade to then be exchanged somewhere on the border. information of this are you still coming in then to emergency services investigators at the scene of the crush, but the only indications, at least from the russian side, according to what russian officials,
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the saying that this plane came down as a result of the rook, it strikes from the quote inside, obviously we'll wait for more than it's from the scene as that comes in. okay, thanks so much. daniele daniel pumpkins for us the most go for more in this, we're going to go to mcbride, who joins us from the ukranian, kevin and keith, and plenty of confusion and debate about exactly what's happened to you. is it being any official reaction from cvs? yes. of the yeah, i mean, the view here from ukraine is that all of they should be treated with a high degree of self inspection. that has been repeated warnings from different government offices over the past few hours in details about this have been emerging as saying that all of this information coming from moscow should be treated very wherever lee, that's a accusing. the russians are being responsible for missing information in the past, telling me though, that has been a statement from
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a representative from the main directors of intelligence is one of the main intelligence agencies he had quoted on radio free europe confirming. that's a prison. the exchange was due to take place on this day that that exchange will not now be happening, but also saying that to this claims of prisoners being on board, this croft are still being investigated. we've had a similar kind of statement from one of the main advisors to the presidential office here, saying that we need time to clarify these claims that they are being looked into. that will be comments later. ukrainian media here have been quoting that road intelligence sources as a stating that this evolution 76 military transport plane, they believe, was carrying us 300 missiles to be used in an ongoing at the air attacks against
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the how to see the regents that has been the narrative which the ukrainian military seems to have the ukrainian media here seems to have been carrying. but as i said, people are still waiting for more information about this. so can just give us a little bit of context to how many ukrainian prisoners of war of aaron rusher and how the prisoner exchanges usually with. so yeah, these exchanges have been taking that's bad. they take place occasionally. they've been taking place from since pretty much the start of this full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago at the ukrainians. the office said that looks off the p o w a f as the coordination headquarters for the treatments of p o w. and they are involved in all of these exchanges of prisoners. they have come up with a statement saying that the at the, at the moment around $8000.00 ukrainian prison is off in russian custody. that have been a total of around $49.00 exchanges over the many months of this,
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a full scale war involving just over 2 and a half 1000 soldiers for are you pregnant? and so just being returned to ukraine in which in return full russian, p. o w is being returned to rest year, so they do take place occasionally. the last major x j to take place was round about the new year of, of this year. but say to complicate the matches with this particular case. they are always surrounded by secrecy. that was always of that very little details that they've given about these exchanges ahead of time because of the sensitivity which makes trying to find details about these actual claims. all the whole the how to to acetate. okay. thanks so much rover up in front for us there. in case i mean there's a problem in kentucky. i have given that along the way, his approval for sweden to become a member of nato secretary general jim stocum deck, welcome to kias approval. he's called on hungry to now full. i served cit. boston is in brussels, with more is so sweet in the road to nato. it has been long and bumpy,
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but after 20 months of the lease, the west military lives were now soon welcome. it's 32nd member. sweden already signed the accession protocols here at naples headquarters in july 2022. but then 2 countries rejected its fits turkey and hungry. after long negotiations and sweden adopting strong measures against afford his work as far to dispute, we start to consider as a terrorist organization was smooth than it is now. also expected this hungry will follow soon. for may 2. this means that in a little over a year, the alliance has flown from 30 to 32 members with friends and also becoming a full member in april last year. and also with macy addiction of 2 strong militaries, looking at sweden's geographical location. it's seen as an important enhancement for nato's defense is in the baltic sea region. it's been
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a historic shift for both finland and sweden to abandon. it's that case of neutrality. also, russian station in ukraine was looking for protection from nature, especially from article for which has an effect on one member o. secretary general of nato stole some very earliest that he expects that sweden will be a full member by july this year, monday to holes is summit in washington, stepped out to see rough russell truly because parliament has approved controversial legislation that i'm to regulate speech online under the online safety bill a commission would be created to oversee engineer content and fun unit uses who post material that it considered as a legal opposition. politicians and human rights groups form that the hosp penalties will stifle free speech and criticism of the government. the bank is of the lowest science necessary to combat incident scams and harmful information of
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more or less men else. and that is to its us from mister lincoln, capital of colombo and the festival. in practical terms, what does it mean now that this law has actually passed of the so the actual regulations under the law is war to all of these rights activists. those in the industry, in social media and platforms like that had raise the alarm about. so what they say is it will allow the creation of this commission of 5 members appointed by the president. so it increases the government controls on this very sort of why didn't popular medium. so it allows for the commission to determine what is the truth of speech is allows especially a pointed exports. is that called in some of the documentation to go in such premises and things like that. it also is robert m because in some definitions
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which i use, which will then be the basis with which a certain decisions i've taken up. and this is what many people. 7 crying file about is not just here locally, but also on the international stage, the asian internet coordination, which includes john's, that google meta apple have all said that, you know, this is not an order, it's not workable, and it will look at and really affect the growth of the industry, as you said, many people are angry the aaron and obviously it's as well. do we expect similar protests to in the past? i mean, is there anything those who actually oppose it can do now as well to be quite frank with you, the fact that the sort of ruling party impala who sway in parliament, and despite all the houses of protest, all of the very valid concerns that i add at the end of the day,
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they get whatever legislation that they plan to pos, been parliament, a business part of a series of legislation being brought in by the government. another is looking at the new counter terrorism. i know, and all of these things have been sort of the alarm has been sounded by human rights activists by people. 5 like i said here and abroad, that they go to the point of stifling defense. now we are in an election year this year that is the presidential election that has been sort of a these do. and for many people, the implications of all of these things. you know, typing the screws, reducing that space, the voice has to be heard. and sort of, you know, tightening on this end is not a good thing, especially when you look at the sort of, you know, politically explosive developments as well as an election down the road. okay. thanks so much melvin nelson. and is there for us in columbus the man who could have been some say should have been prime minister of thailand has been found not
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guilty in a court case, but might have banned him from politics. if he did, let me show unwrapped, was suspended from parliament for holding shares and immediate company after his party won the general election last year. 20 changed reports from bangkok, a heading into cold with his political future in the balance between them during rep, looking relaxed as he felt his way through crowds of supporters and generous. c to get into the constitutional cold, despite his demeanour consume, the court might well ban him from politics as it has with other popular politicians, recent years. so it was something of a surprise when a not guilty verdict was handed down by a margin of 8 to one. the judges agreed that the media company hadn't been active for 17 years. but the judgment would change the fact that peter isn't prime minister, nor is his policy move forward in government. despite a surprise, when in last year's general election,
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his appointment was posted by the on the like to the of the house. and the party remains in opposition. anyone could have avoided move forward and pizza audited or either you give up politics and walk away from it, ignore it, you know, hopeless. or you actually, you pay more attention to it and become more hopeful whether it's outside of the parliament for inside the apartment because i'm of the people's choice. but the parliament's enemy lou quotes, previous incarnation, future ford was suspended by the court in 2020. the reform is platform. the 1st part is well popular is a good time down to establish ment. let's try to shut them down. the call for change and reform and progress in time that is unmistakable index, horrible and scrolling. so you know, putting that down, denying it comes out of right high costs for thailand and for the establishment that runs time. and so does the quotes. verdict indicate to change the surprise no guilty validate today and something of
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a really cool lives are on run for these. not out of the woods, yet the policy will be back here in 7 days time for decision of the constitutional course. good season is fine. does he try to leave the crowd search for some shouting out prime minister? it's a job. he didn't get this time, but it's still very much in his sites. it's already set up in 5 minutes with joe. now are you happy to sit out in opposition for the rest of this down or where i'm through the prime minister all candidate according to the constitution? so it anything that happens then i must say, i'm always ready and willing and able to lead this country going forward. but that depends on the process. thank you so much. tony chang, l 20, bank code. for me you as president, donald trump has won the new hampshire primary. beijing, his only arrival nikki, highly, by a comfortable margin trumps victory since the republican party on the path to re nominated presidential candidates whose last previous selection. and that is
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a 1st since richard nixon. in 1960 eyes, helen fisher report from interested in the state of new hampshire. from the state, no one for political surprises. this wasn't one of the suppose predicted a win for donald trump. and the republican frontrunner delivered for the 3rd time in new hampshire. this is an evening that i will not forget because it's the 3rd time, but more importantly, i think it's going to be i think it's going to be the most important to the banks. the state along site is when i would just over a week ago, he believes that almost assures the presidency when you, when i was, and you in new hampshire, they've never had a loss. there had been a steady stream of waters across the states, right. the day, many of whom give a hell of a search for the former u. n. a bus that they're nicky healey. in the end, it wasn't enough, but was a performance better than predicted. she's not giving up and taking the flight to a home state. so it's kind of lineup. at one point in this campaign,
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there were 14 of us running and we were at 2 percent in the polls as well. i'm a sign or the and i'm scrapping and now we're the last one standing next to donald trump. south carolina voters don't want a coordination. they want to know election. trump one because he was able to maintain his hold on the republican party. he spent a lot of his energy since he was elected in 2016. making other of being a good republican, being a member of the republican party equivalent to supporting donald trump support on the democratic side. a row for timing of the primary meant the result isn't recognized by the national party. but it was still a winful job. i looked on the ballot picking up right and endorsements. mickey healey is in trouble,
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she said she would when you hampshire and she didn't. she will come under pressure to step aside. so the republicans can cool that's around one candidates, donald trump, and also save their money for november's general election because joe biden has built up a significant war chest. the 2024 election will be a rerun of what happened in 2020 and the medicare remembers how bitter that was. and how much of the bitterness still hasn't going to wait. island for sure, i'll just do the manchester new hampshire. public sector work is in venice, while i have taken to the streets to demand space of wages. many site i can't afford basic necessities, that's the spot and government moves to boost sellers. marianna sanchez has more than this when spoke testing for better salaries and pensions. this wages of less than $10.00 a month, teachers among the public sectors worst paid in the country. we really have the
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projects doing you live day by day within a precarious situation that after a few years changes your living conditions, the last 2 years, inflation hit nearly 190 percent. the cost of the monthly staples is nearly $500.00. teachers say we haven't received an increase in 2 years. school director, or maybe any of us says just eating is a daily struggle. you must have thought that the premium that way. sometimes i get so depressed, i've been sold, indicated to education. and yet, this summary is not enough for anything. maybe says teachers must find other jobs to try to make ends meet. sometimes they skip work, and that impacts the children's education. last week president nicola offered a month, the $60.00 bonus for public workers to get $40.00 in food stamps, but maybe who is ill, fix her medicine costs more than $70.00 per month. her treatment is only possible
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with donations from fellow teachers. if the an hour i seem to be saved, the bonus does not be sold. anything. i didn't study so much to make $10.00 a month. i'm so frustrated. economists say my buddhist measures are not enough. it's up, i didn't think me code i. the bonus isn't a parent increase, which doesn't result fundamental problems, especially for those and vulnerable conditions. and that's where the bible's the political opposition is. can move in this women's to wake up and protest. it's an election year. tuesday might the anniversary of the hosting of the military dictatorship more than 60 years ago on the symbolic date, to test or show. they don't want any bonuses, they just want to leave again, ascentis or just see to us those still ahead on al jazeera in sport. does it come back on the cards? well, number 2,
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carlos ultras on time to sign these terms. you know, i think that's coming up with jim
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the the the test on his book now. he has 2, ma'am. thank you tom. we still have that. the australian, i put a way call us out crowds will need to pull off one of tennessee's great comebacks to reach the semi finals. the wimbledon champion was totally out play why alex sound is very valuable. and in that course, the final, the gentleman succeed race 3, the 1st set in 29 minutes of taking it 6 games to one across and then went to sit
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down with the better of winning the 2nd 63, the spanish. the 2nd c was just one game away from defense in the said he came back to win it in a time. right. so he's clinging on a waiting in the semi finals is well, number 3, a dining med with. if you needed 4 hours to get past night seed, i will catch this match when the distance with the russian engine, the 5th set, 6 full to reach the 70s for the 3rd time in full. yes. in the women's go, diana? yes, from scott has become the 1st qualified in 46 years to reach the semi finals in melbourne, ukrainian beach, then the most about and straight set to move into the last 4 of the crime lab pulled the 1st time. and as she left the court, she showed her some support for the training. so just fighting in the war against russia also what she was also asked about. so 16 year old compound trips. elizabeth co. yeah. who ship the hand of a russian plant and melvin?
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she's now being investigated by ukraine's tennis federation. ukrainians. we have our position. we're not shaking their hands, but i think she's still a little bit young. i'm not so experience. i can not judge her because i didn't know what was in her head. ditches made these and purpose or nothing purpose. i don't know, but i'm sure that she's done by ukraine and i'm sure that she just got to emotional and confused. and history and the men's doubles indians, india, sorry, right. how did they pot i will become a tennis is the oldest was number one after the 1st a 3 year old reach the somebody who's trying honda c as in victory, that we listen to the top of the douglas rankings. the japan have made sure of that place and the asian cup know, count stage,
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they beat indonesia comfortably. 3, want to secure 2nd spots and greek d. behind a rock, you beat vietnam 32. and that last game depends on the tri state full times, more than any other country. there's no strong jobs. so face of south korea in the last 16, depending on how fast days games walk out. to have a science football team have secured the 1st as a asian cup victory to reach the knockout stage facing hong kong 3. no. do you want to cause real good? was that for us the it was a very easy to find. it is a very nice things, especially when you have access to like when when is when they're within the 1st 30 i was telling you earlier,
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when would be enough to see the press and they got to work against home, home or data by putting palestine in front, just 12 minutes into the match, hitting the bowl in from place range. both teams continue to create the 1st 12, but it wasn't until also the break. the palestine really got towing, said combined with a head a across the home can keep that to double the leads of someone go to the midway through. the 2nd off, when you take the bus stop time, the rebounds of the thomas se themselves came up with all the late in the game home. rewarded a penalty for a policy and handle as both funds held. debra pumpkins, evanson, come out of go hit the ball. that was palestine 1st ages helped victory seals 3 new the final school. it's amazing because we were making history, you know, for the,
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for the national being for the policy and people for we're suffering. so this is have, we're only thing is happy, i think we, we, we may happy also for a little further states are on the one the, the resume continues here and there was another threatening finish at the africa, a couple of nations as cameron, just about said in the tournament, but 2 other big teams have been dumped out. david states has the action of comes lab as rank team can be on the verge of a huge upset when they went to heading. it's kind of rude with 5 minutes left, but it quickly unraveled 1st and then go square things up. and then christopher was put temporary, 32 in front. that was still more towards the drum is i went down be a founding that to get a $33.00 drawer. would have eliminated both teams va little bits out for an obvious marriage on
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a style. humble 3 to the final school can be as tournaments. these are the, the 5 ton champions kind of really well now facing the interior in the last 16. kimberly infinity. second in group see behind send a go. the defending champion, submitted 3 wins from 3 with a 2. no big tree of guinea. beginning the still progress as a best place finish a group. d was one by its low strength team and gold. they beat but key to 5. so to nail, to reach the knock out stage for the 1st time since 2010. but it's been another tournament to forget, but 2019 champions. algeria, they ended with a wonderful defeat to minute was mauretania. we've tried that 1st ever ask on when to reach the know counts a jerry of i would know wins from that 3 games failed to get out of that group for the 2nd time running. and joining them on the list of high profile exits is going to, he's 2 points when it's enough to see them through. they've set that coach chris shooting, who'd only been in the job less than a year. david stokes o g 0. that is always bolts. now that jay will be back with another update later,
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including perhaps the result from the call us alcaraz outings on his virus not true . it might still be going on to nice video. so thanks so much jim. we look forward to that. well, that's all for me. tell mccrae for this news out, there's much more on our website which is 0 dot com, but i'll be back in just a moment with more of the dice use. stay with us the the latest news as it breaks the word along over a 100 states has left many feeling life. you will never end with in depth reports many saying that as long as like 3 until all the caps is about 5 to the price, even if that means an immediate and from the heart of the story, palestinians here say destruction caused by his really forces is a form of collective punishment and the israel is attempting to turn them against
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the resist the water with the depths investigations give compelling science inter toes to from asia and the pacific one. 0 one is on out. just sierra likely to yeah, it should be a time to read it. but in europe's coming to, you know, make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living mixed price hikes and forced evictions. and unlikely candidate can spend images from these quad for tom and trying to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community, explains housing factors, a witness documentary on how to 0 injustice. for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day.
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whether it's a war or natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best, produces the best spaces and those of the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world of the huge fire and gauze as, as rarely show fy hits. as shown to us, a hundreds of palestinian families and the continuing bombardment of con, use the potomac right. this is, is there a lie from?
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so coming up more than 200 palestinians are killed in this friday attacks on gaza and just the past i but you in run school is among the places target is full. so


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