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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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mainstream, it is always an attempt to same as 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the, [000:00:00;00] the services and use our on how to 0 for the back to live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. know where to go is really strikes had a un refugees sense are getting at least 11 people in gaza. hundreds with sheltering back. oh yeah, we should have, my brother doesn't know till now that he's lost all of his family except me.
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families torn apart, caesar as well on guys a has left tens of thousands of children without parents. also, these are protests seeing, 10 of the families of captives housing guys. i joined thousands marching towards the defense committee through to have a library and did not even use a russian military pain crashes killing everyone on board. moscow accuses ukraine of shooting it down, saying it was carrying prisoners of war and tens of thousands of origin canadians go on strike against controversial economically for the ordering trapped people to evacuate in bombing than before. they can even do so. is callous. that's how the ones who bought a terry and chief is characterize is around slate is of times on godsa. 11 people to confirm just been killed and buildings are on fire after these really strike on
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a you and training center. in the 7 aside that you wednesday is up to 800000 displace people were taking shelter that con eunice is also under attack in the south of the gaza strip is really true. 7 circle, the city showing residential areas, hospitals, and buildings where hundreds of families have been taking shelter. guys, as health ministry says at least 210 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. is there any protest as meanwhile, including family members of captives held in guys that have tried to prevent you monetary in a truck from entering the gaza strip? at the time i was signing, crossing, and as a blood shed continues, the international court of justice says it will rule on friday, whether or not they will grant the emergency measures against israel, south africa as accuses relevant, 8 specific genocidal acts in its case at the world court, let's go lie to, i'll just there is tonic i was in southern gaza to take a look to get an update on the latest situation in guys. not the 1st time of course
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that the you, when are you in shelter? are you in school even has been targeted in the gaza strip? give us a details about this a taco on this center. yes, it was. the 1st attack inside that had been carried out against one of the united nation runs filters in the gaza strip, where it had been, and one of the series of multiple strikes that targeted the united nation run a show test that had to be done to be a complete evacuation senses for the majority of concepts who are fleeing from the desperate situations that they had been going through, and the intensifying of bottles between the policy and font isn't the usability of military and what we have been seeing that on units with it. within the initial days of the who was ignited as a say. so right now we've been seeing these very troops are reaching further and deeper into the main central areas as they are pushing people the way out to rough law as the are also targeting the buildings that they were taking show to inside
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just to give them a please sign that you will not be safe, you seeking safety mode to refund. according to the united nations, a d a is really meant a treat tanks hot target to a building that costs hundreds of out of city. and as they were taking shelter, as we are talking about those of them being killed due to these very fire. others being completely trapped by these very military tents, were sick chasing them from place to another. forcing them to take a very risky and dangerous routes, just 2 heads more to rough off where it's going to be much more densely populated by the fact on the ground. that if i knew this, that situation is a change in an hourly basis. confrontations the rage and also the people are completely suffering from the ongoing bustles we're talking about. move done of forty's, palestinians being killed since the hours of these morning in 5 minutes along side all done, 50 others being wounded till now,
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mid acute thieves come not completely up the rate and these on her and that these are risk situations, right? how do this have been going through as they are fixing difficulty to reach to the areas of targeting, which means that victims of egypt, people would keep bleeding to death. the yeah, very horrendous situation. you describe therefore the people who are effectively stuck in con eunice and you have israel's military at the same time ordering and evacuation. for those warren con eunice, i mean where they expected to go and how safely can they get their yes for that. so the question, what go it means task thomas city is have new options remain bought to seek safety to run by. we need to clearly remember the early days of the where they have recommended people to sleep, to the middle and southern parts of dollars. now we have been seeing this, that phase of it used by the funny thing that it had been transferred to these areas, supposed to be safe zone for palestinians,
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or as more than 85 percent of dollars. this population had been displaced to roughly right now, roughly is the largest and most densely populated area right now we're taking about more than one point. 9000000 palestinians are taking worksheets inside the site at the very densely and a very small space of land like who kinds of basic civil mississippi's just to keep providing civil services for people that for support evacuees, including hospitals, including shops, bakeries, and also you'd like to make your run to choose which are packed into the vacuum use right now. i'm of the absence of heightened conditions. so literally people are being so kind, you just did not find enough spaces to remain inside as deep as the white color of the make shift tens of covering all agriculture lands in gauze as every single empty land. and also open areas in a row for in particular have tend to be,
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i'm not sure what's up for palestinians inside profile. thank you very much, terry. for that, ty capitalism revolting their life from rafa in 7, gaza, or the impact of these really bombardment on guys as far reaching, tearing families apart. it's created a flight of children who have been opened according to the euro med human rights school. more than 24000 children have lost their parents. guys's health ministry says at least $10000.00 children have been killed in the gaza strip since october. the 7th comes of homage reports on us. an awesome on the of each of the pardons. what came in and it's really right on the home in the say about what the g comes in central plus to protect the 6 year old brother on us has no philosophy. what's happened to them mom and dad. oh yeah. we should know. my brother doesn't know till now that he's lost all of his family except me. i
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don't know how to tell him. i'm afraid that if i tell him it will have a psychological impact. the strife did not just go to the pods left, a life changing thing, duties on a good? no, i was with my family at home. i went to bring something from the kitchen. suddenly everything fell down and i was on fire. the fire was eating me, then i loved playing outside with these friends, football, their favorite sport. and i'll go full on my legs amputated. what can i do? i want to walk. i want to run. i want to play. i want to see my mother. i was close to where i want to stand up. i want to walk alone on my own. i can sit down. i want to be able to sit down. i can sleep. i stay awake all the
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time. as the main shop honest is wondering what he did to this of these so what's the new, what did i do to these? really? i did nothing to them. i did not carry a gun against them. i did nothing wrong to these realities. the for now on us an awesome alone but the light but it is right intensifies it's bombardments and because that is not guaranteed to have them have much data. as we mentioned, the international criminal court of justice, this international court of justice, i should say i c j will deliver of late on friday on south africa's requests for action on israel's violations in gaza. and his application 0, we call south africa accuses right of counting out genocide in gaza. and it asks the court to indicate provisional measures to act against for the severe
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irreparable harm to the rice of policy and people to prevent and punish genocide, but speak to michael becker about this season. assistant professor at trinity college dublin school of law and was formerly working at the international court of justice. michael, good to have you with us. so just for our international audience, to recap, what's happened to you? about 2 weeks ago, the i c j. heard, saw topic is arguments at a, at the hague. then he heard israel's defense and now is deciding on the provisional measures. what exactly are these provisional measures? and which way do you think the court will go on friday when it decides? and it's really important to understand that what the court is going to be deciding on friday is not whether israel is and for each of any of its obligations under the genesis. by convention, those are as excited south africa's main claims. and the case. this is about provisional metrics, that's
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a kind of emergency relief for in term relief that south africa is 16 while the case is pending. and so south africa has asked for a number of things, but to make the most prominent requests are 1st for an order that would direct israel to suspend all military operations in gaza. and secondly, for an order that would direct israel to not impede and indeed facilitate the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance into casa. and so how the court addresses those 2 requests, if it decides to indicate provisional measures, that all is what to really look out for on friday. okay, so to request all is the court likely to grant one request and deny another one? because i understand this has happened in the past, like in the case of, uh, uh, the guy in the boss in the a case a few years ago. right. so 1st, what we'll see if the course besides the south africa met the basic test for provisional measures to be, to be ordered in the 1st place, many eyes to experts. and i would agree with, with this view,
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think that south africa did do enough to show that it's claims under the genocide convention or at least plausible. and very importantly, that the palestinian population of guys that faces a real and imminent risk of irreparable harm and nothing that's happened in the last 2 weeks, i think has changed that assessment. so the court can, the court isn't limited to what south africa has asked for this out to. the court doesn't have to say yes or no to south africa's specific requests. if he decides to issue provisional measures, they can formulate whatever set of measures it thinks is most appropriate. okay? and so while i think the court will want to say something about a bill, israel's military operations, i'm not convinced that they will be willing to go quite as far as south africa as ask them to go to the right places by the state military categories. okay, so you don't think it is likely to order the suspension of military activities, even though we know that the i c j of course is part of the un system. and we've
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heard time in time from un secretary general in the last 2 weeks. he's called for a sci fi and gaza. you think that that isn't likely to influence the decision? but i think it's more likely that the court will say something that's quite similar to what we saw in the un security resolution back on the 22nd of december. so that would be instructing israel to ensure that any military operations taking place or in accordance with international law and by israel's other obligations under international law. right. i think the court also will address the request related to the manager and assistance and direct israel to ensure that it's not doing anything that impedes effective delivery of humanitarian assistance in accordance with the international law. all right, michael speaking here, hypothetically, of course, if the court, the brands and rules in favor of these provisional measures that south africa has requested and perhaps of emissions like you said, what happens after that?
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i mean, is there an enforcement mechanism here? so the court can't enforce its own decisions that rests with other actors within the international system. in this scenario, it's difficult to imagine security council playing a role. so really what this will do is place additional political pressure on israel to work towards a ceasefire. we know that that's already taken place anyway, but this will be an additional pressure point on israel and also it will place additional pressure, i think on some of israel's strongest allies to do with it. it can behind the scenes to try to push this target with some kind of resolution and address the humanitarian situation on the ground. okay. one last question, mike will be before we let you go and we really appreciate your, your expertise on this. um, they are deciding on the professional measures on friday. the quote, as you mentioned, early on is not avoiding on the genocide allegations of genocide case against
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israel at this time. how long would it take to make that voting, and what do you think will be the likely outcome? having heard south africa's arguments and israel's defense as well. i think that it takes us take a long time. we wouldn't expect to see a decision on the merits of this case for years. this is something that will take multiple years to be sorted out. and i think it's premature and some ways to offer any predictions here because yes, we heard each size, preliminary set of arguments, but both sides will have the opportunity to put forward much more developed legal arguments and importantly, support those arguments with evidence coming forward. with that said, the standard to demonstrate genocidal intent under international law is very high. that shouldn't take away from the fact that other unlawful acts might be taking place. but to demonstrate genocidal intent is still going to be a very high threshold for south africa to meet on the merits. michael becker thank
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you very much for your expertise and just breaking that down for us, michael becca, joining us there from dublin. thank you for your time to know if i'm these of these really captives held in guys. i have joined protesters in tennessee, thousands march through the streets waving between traffic towards these routes defense ministry. the crowd were calling for the release of always really captive, still being have in gaza. let's speak to hold the need about this in tennessee for so hold on. just how big are the crowds and how much more pressure does this put on these really golf? while they were several riley's is captured in several cities around the country in jerusalem and hyphen, as you mentioned here and tell a view. so earlier about an hour ago they were on the ring road surrounding the city. they blocked the traffic briefly and then police showed up to this the 1st
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them and now they're heading towards the defense ministry here in tel aviv. i mean, these were old protests that were not so big numbers. i think one would say a few 100 people joined to each one of them, but certainly it is a way to keep the pressure at to make a voice is heard this for to on this particular day, they were called upon by women's movements. uh, but the message was the same, make a deal and bring the captives helden guys back home time is running out, which is the same message. we've heard also from the families of these captives over the past months and weeks and even this week. so it's, it is, i think, a way of keeping that message alive at the time where there seems to be a flurry of diplomacy in negotiations on going. right. so they're trying to keep the message alive. you say how much of a sway if anyone,
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for it is it's having on he's really public opinion. where does is really public opinion spend today about this for what i think is it's quite difficult to go to because every day it comes with its own stories. i think you would find a lot of people here in this room that would say that the priority is to bring back these captives that are in guys and out for a 109 days, especially that. and they have been reports that the number of them are dead and deep and the families are worried. they keep on saying that time is running out. and then you have also try a very difficult days for israel like yesterday when 21 soldiers were killed in one attack. and guys are the largest number of soldiers killed in one day since the beginning of the ground invasion. so old that things to the forefront of many
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questions about what to do next. i think there's still support for the war the way the government puts it forward as a war to get rid and diminished. how about us? so that is something a large part of the population, if not one of the population here in israel would agree on. but there is also a realization that is going to take much longer than what they thought. even though the government has been warning about that. and is, and it's coming get that cost, that the personal costs for many families is and not only the families of the captive adults, of the families of the soldiers. and at the moment, there's also a state of confusion in the country because there's all these leeks about whether there's big variations on going with him. also note whether they'll be a ceasefire. how low that sees far would be. would it be 2 months or one month and what would happen during the ceasefire? and they hear from politician everything in his country all day long. so that is
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this holding factor at the moment of people don't know where things are going to go in the coming days. and the war is definitely having that tool and the society, or do i thank you very much for that. how do i have done? how made life for a say in tennessee? so the, let's take a look at some of the days having use now. and ukraine says it has no reliable information on the passengers on board. a downed russian plane the crime and says it was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war. the military transporter came down via the city of belgrade in southern russia. the defense ministry says the aircraft has $74.00 people on board, including $65.00 ukrainians. keith has confirmed the prisoners swamp was due to take place on wednesday. it says so the plane was carrying weapons. so i just sort of must have a load today,
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keys committed to terrorist act of the russian military transport headquarters down flying from color scheme. i feel to build the route to transport ukrainian service when for exchange daniel hawkins has more on this or moscow. the familiarity of moments. busy the awesome loss of this crash was watching those over these were unequivocal about who they blame up full this crash with russian politicians. describing this as up all by rick act or criminal acts, a cooling them know you trying to be designated a terrorist states. and saying that this was a pre planned attack on this. charles pope lang, carrying prisoners to the prison. the exchange that was due to take place is off noon, $192.00 prisoners from each side to be sent home. uh that was before the russian side claims they detected michelle launch is coming from the podium side from the cape old list, which exploded near the plane,
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causing it to crush with no survivors. now as i say, russian politicians have been up to the scaling about this release and also list solve the $64.00 q w is that they claim what on board the this plane. so like a level for us in 4 minutes to come out with a press conference earlier today, also saying he will be calling for a emotions. he's summit of the un security council to get some on says presumably at the summit at this meeting rather was with russian officials, the present version of events and laying the blame full, this faithful, tragic crash squarely at the feet of kias. right, let's get the view now from ukraine and speak to rob mcbride, who's the key for i. so rob, what, what is key saying about this? and yeah, that has been a significant change of tone. hey, a late so wednesday, especially with the publication of a statement from ukraine's military intelligence. i'm really
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a very carefully way where did statements of the, when you read between the lines. although ukraine officially says it has no idea or no way of knowing exactly who was on this at croft and says, i'd see no evidence that any of its prisoners of war were on this across this time by the russians. it does seem as though they couldn't be preparing the way for a possible acceptance and the very difficult acceptance that indeed ukrainian prisoners of will, will rom this across. but it's been taking a very accusatory tone with the russians saying that russia had, did not inform you crane about the arrangements for the transports of prisoners in preparation for this prisoner as wolf as they should have done. also asking for no safe passage for any ad across that might have been carrying ukrainian prisoners zable and then also accusing russia of a demanding to know why it's flew. and ashcroft with prisons award if that's what it said he did so close to inactive was as
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a very much laying the blame squarely with the russians and all of us earlier joining wednesday, some ukrainian media have been quoting, but what it says were intelligent sources in ukraine saying that they believe that will weapons on board this craft also accusing the russians of additional information content. but gradually you do get the, i sense that the day that there are some hints that ukraine may well be putting some substance in these claims. and by the russians. ok of rob, thank you for that. rob mcbride lie for us there in ukraine's capital key. well, a short while ago, the russian foreign minister, 2nd line from spoke at the united nations describing the incident as a criminal act by ukraine tickets that i spoke to someone to, to view the russian transport aircraft. bill $7.00 to $6.00 was down to was, it was supposed to transport from the mazda region to belgrade, $6065.00, no, to a service man of the armed forces of ukraine. they were accompanied by 3 of russian
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officers and the crew of 6 people. all of them died, the cleaning and prisoners of war were transported to the belgrade region in order to conduct yet another swapped capabilities under is live for us at the united nations gave the russian foreign minister also requesting an emergency security council meeting over this. what do we expect to oh yeah, that's right. the russian foreign minister laughed for off here in new york at the un headquarters. and during this briefing, announced that he was requesting an urgent security council meeting. as you said about this incident, it is now up to the french to decide if they will schedule that meeting for today. wednesday, as the russians request or not, francis holds the rotating presidency of the security council this month, so it's really up to them. they could schedule it at 4 o'clock local time, which would be about an hour and
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a half from now or could push it perhaps to thursday or friday. we simply do not know yet, but it's a little after little before 230 here in new york right now. so we expect to hear from the french very soon. can also say that the lab rob did in these briefing here to reporters did as call this downing of this aircraft in his words, a terrorist act by cave. and clearly, if this an emergency meeting of the security council goes forward at some point later on wednesday or even thursday, we don't know yet. we expect that we'll hear from the russian side, giving their evidence per se, if on how this aircraft went down. and why they believe or why they claim that it was ukrainians that are responsible. and of course we'll keep up to date with the developments there at the you when we do gape. thank you very much for the moment. gabrielle is on the line for us at in new york while i'd speak to honda. she lets about this now. she's the security studies program director with the ukrainian
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press and foreign policy council and is joining us from odessa. thank you for being with us. honda, the russian saying that this was a pre planned and pre determined act by the ukrainians. we've heard from our correspondence in kiva said it's there was a very carefully worded statement from ukraine about what happened. your thoughts for us about what could have happened to you? did the ukrainians down displayed by mistake? i know, 1st of all i, it's kind of the binds to you something considering that it was only just a few dollars to monitors from the, from like 0 for where and the russians i to the shooting ukrainian savage range. so 80 on the military jets and that song can be considered. and the g 2 is not charging according to these national we're definitely going to have reached out to us because it's been military cardboard airplane. i used to be clear and the pre i'm careful,
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was mostly because there was new your evidences and you don't have the information on how it's really happened was that you pay the task for the washer. in the beginning, the use of the see malware in the russian media home build roads region will saying that there are several defray young tools and was watching the intense upset with the users after that. so we knew that 80 time system, so both got to be working in the same very time. but the russian russians are adam into that ukraine. what was behind this? i don't want it. i mean, your brain is always guilty noticing what's happened itself. it isn't all to um, the visual for the russian federation. so here i have no doubt as, as well as do the pleasure. nice information that we received at the very, very 1st hour should try to imagine your airplane ease pulling. josh sent you the very, very loads village, but searching minutes after these incidents where they have statements won't be
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handled. the biggest media in bar as for all the m d's and go to sort this physically possible even for the emergency team to it was the way. but we already heard 0 statements about the federal system for some. so a nice yeah. that we have to. yeah. of course kat careful when dealing with this type of information because if that has been this information and this information from both sides not prisoner deal honda was supposed to take place when this plane crash happened. was ukraine aware of this that the prisoner exchange we knew that for today uh, this change uh, really being plans. uh however i do need any information about the disability. all these prisoners to be. ringback groups of why they really usually when and you type home, the prisoners who is plans are each set to meet your needs. are all these exchange, these very carefully discussed as why these to georgia services of the site. so previously when russia deliveries are horrible, i airplane,
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our security services can be informational to russians. view west e, for example, for the call. so for the service, you get to the airplane to last year, lease information about the proposal for luke's extremely suspicious. and i will give you just several fast we over to definitely, you know, 1st of all, you're going into the russian station and he's just 3. come, where's put 65 prisoner? so for that 2 possible. yeah. you could have less things. you have to pull it plane up, you treat people in just 3 people to secure them out from the previous exchanges. we know that it's approximately one uh cuz we're a pull to prisoners to here. we should have at least 13 additional russian personal above which they are not reporting this as the least to preserve the view probably by russian need. yeah. for the $65.00, at least the 70 already confirmed these people,
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the unit exchange or the sort of january. so we know that the lease is uh, falls as also a if we move to the airplane move, man, it's been the lindsey, it can be on the right time because we have used, we have tracking on overseas, but it was taken from the ballad, right there also sounds quite as fresh the street as much as i don't see that it would be spiteful moscow. but nobody noticed these right now suddenly a lot of cranes encounter claims from both sides. we appreciate honda you talking to us and, and giving us the view the from ukraine. honda, she les, from the security studies of the ukrainian prison foreign policy council live there from odessa. thank you very much for your time to. let's return now to the united nations and gabriel is on don't because there's an updates gave on on the un security council emergency meeting that the russians have asked for. what's the latest? yeah, that's right. we just heard within the last minute or so that france has scheduled
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this un security council emergency meeting for thursday at 5 pm new york time. that's 22 g m t. so france, accepting this, putting this on the schedule, this meeting that was requested by russia because of this. a downed aircraft. now sergey lab, rob the foreign minister from russia just happens to be in town this week. as he was taking part in various other security council meetings on monday and tuesday. so it will be interesting to see now if he goes back to rush or we'll stay here to be part of this meeting or not. but the top line of this is, is that russia, i'm sorry, france confirming that they will have a, a c security council meeting on the downing of this russian aircraft at the request of russia thursday 5 pm new york time. ok, thank you for that update capabilities on their lives there at the united nations,
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a student head on this news, our only solution. there is a 2 state solution you invoice for the middle east explains what the council denise could be key to peace between israel and palestine. yvonne's president is insert key to build the comic preparation and discuss the war on task statement. the hey, they're good to be with you. more outbreaks of showers rolling across the islands of ireland and britain here, but still hanging onto that warrants, london coming in at 12 degrees. but watch what happens. really. this rain starts to intensifies that hops over the channel and the north sea heavy rounds of rain, eastern germany, western areas of poland through denmark. there is storm surge alerts in play. not
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too far away from copenhagen and some fairly last 3 winds as well. so this is going to be nice. the weather for you on friday. let's go back to thursday. the much of central europe. we're dealing with the warrants look at zurich up to 12 degrees, but this is nothing compared to what's going on in spain. feeling more like spring, maybe even summer, valencia at $25.00, that's almost 10 above where you should be for this sum of the year. winds will turn around and temperatures will lower speaking of low temperatures, other side, mediterranean, still cool. and we've got this cool brain coming into the bat that cool air has also flooded into ne africa. so cairo just at 19 degrees. and oh yeah, whether alerts and play across southern algeria for a dusty wind there. let's say to the south, we're dialing up temperatures across the cape provinces in south africa, heat wave alerts in play, and still heavy rounds of rain stuck over northern madagascar. on thursday. see you later. the
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a joe button and donald trump has started really opposed messages by officer. trump would turn the us into a dictatorship or sure car is trump's cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out. com is locks and specials and the radical left dogs that live like firm and within the confines of our country. many voters are fed up with high prices, and biting stands on israel's more ongoing, as well as close to decline and support in his own party. trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal codes is elected. trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more. thoughts and feelings in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states. it's likely to be
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a bitter battle the they're watching the news out on how to 0. a reminder of our top stories. the direction of the un, richie g agency, says, is really forces have fired 2 shells. as you can use training center, killing 11 people and injuring dozens more in the southern city in the gaza strip. 800 people have where sheltering in the center the international court of justice says it will go on friday, whether or not to grant the emergency measures in south africa's genocide case against israel. south africa, the request of
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a court order is ralph to suspend its military operations in gaza and take all necessary measures to prevent genocide and refrain from kelley and entering madison and time. these of these really captives housing guys that have joined protesters in tennessee, thousands last through the streets waving, weaving between traffic sports as well as defense ministry. the pounds were calling for the release of all these reading captives still being housing gas and more than 3 months into as far as well on guys, a hundreds of thousands of palestinians, a constantly being forced to move to escape is really bombings and raids. and whatever you reports from a roadway, people stranded between cities, the hyundai on never sheed streets. here. this trees is where you and it starts. and as you see, surrounding all of these people, floods from the intense bonding and air strikes and also the ground invasion where
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there is there any forces tanks are stationed in this area. people surrounding me took all of the day what they have under choir. they're telling us that they're standing here and they're sitting here. they have 0 places to go. and not only that, they also don't have any type of transport taste. we are seeing people walking on their grounds, housing their belongings. we are also seeing people with trucks where comedies are sharing the strokes to evacuate. either this way to do and more south is the cause of safety or this way to get it back to the center of the causes city. let's take a look and see how people are evacuating with
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this is all of what is left where these people have been homeless and misplaced more than one time. as you see, more people are coming and evacuating from community. this is not the 1st time we have been seen seeing this listing as this is a move in your documentary documenting the people evacuating and if leaving their homes just like them not by 1948. but this is really, it's happening in 2024. as you see, people are just patients. we see how scared they are in their eyes. and they're all searching for a place. we're talking about reference where most, more than half of the population of the causes is currently resizing there. it's blocks and, and we're talking about good by that, which is also talk to people. and a lot of people are old shows,
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scared of another invasion auto up to a hospital in this area. it's very close to a lot of the hospitals where it has to be seized and people are scared from the fact that hospitals are also a target as well. the number of palestinians killed in a gas that has not reached 25700 honey. my whole 3 for some rough even though death is familiar, sight in gaza, saying good bye to loved ones is never easy. explaining to children is even more difficult. this, there is 3 of bodies here, means the funeral prayers are performed throughout the day. children serves the rubbish for what the birth to keep warm to cook children forced to help their families survive. this for and this is india value refugee camp metix work to try
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and treat the injured some don't make it a child's grave just outside the clinic on wednesday as regularly forces continue their intense bombing around las or hospital in han. eunice followed in a tack on a nearby school where people work cell 3, dozens were injured in the attack. i mean, the war and the misery there are those who are trying to spread a little hole. the sort of side of that are doing this raises the spirits and brings optimism off to what we witness from both destruction and the destruction of homes. everyone becomes optimistic at the size of these roses. also, everything they've witnessed. it's the hold that the war will and, and people will see gaza for what grows above its source rather than the painful memories who is buried underneath the honeymoon mode, which is 0. and your opinion, foreign ministers met earlier this,
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we can argue that the creation of a palestinian state is the only credible way to achieve peace in the middle east. they also express concern about prime and as soon as yahoo is clear rejection of that idea, set boss and spoke to the special envoy for the middle east, about the hurdles to a 2 state solution is the only solution. there is a 2 state solution. is it realistic? it is very difficult, but there is no other solution. but talking about a 2 state solution isn't the ceasefire and not a lot more urgent right now, especially if you look at saving lives. there are differences between the 27 governments that the e u is comprised of some say it should stop immediately. every thing right now, some say, well there needs to be more time to get to the hostages out or to, to get to the how much leadership out. there are nuances between the 20. so that has made you look, wait and defy that and even irrelevant in the middle east. if you see what's going
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on there. yes, there are these differences at the same. so this is a family emergency urgent difference, right? it's talking about the ceasefire right now to save people's life. absolutely. but at the same time, we are united old, those $27.00 government. these are united in saying that needs to be massive, massive supply of you military and a. could you explain why your base plan? the plan for 2 state solution will work while others have fail, so we're not coming with a roadmap. we are saying, let's not identify step $12.00 to $7.00, and then try to walk them. let's start with the end. let's start with step 7. let's start with peas and then identify what we needs. i'm going looking back from there and prepare all of that. so it's a reverse engineering, the peaks, if they reach beach. that also means that israel is integrated in the,
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in the regions in the middle east. it means that there is a palestinian state that is independent and is integrated in the whole region. that means there is lots of security cooperation possible. there is a lot of economic cooperation possible to bring jobs to people. yes. but there's also cooperation possible if there is peace on energy on water, on climate change, on so many other things, many of those things you refuse at upstage americans, canadians, australians, different news. can contribute, but i'm sure you would agree that at the moment the 2 state solution looks further away than, than ever. it looks very, very far away. and if you see all the suffering and the whole, the tragedy right now in this war, it is hardly imagine that one day there will be peace at the same time. it is absolutely essential that the re, speech is clear from i take it now from the prime minister of health as are held
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within this and yahoo, that is not in favor of a 2 state solution. and that has been clear for a long time. at the same time, we don't hear any alternative solution iranian back till see, find to is a 5 i 3 on tie should have 53, and i should ballistic nissan is that the us container ship mice, detroit. the vessel came under fire as it was transiting the gulf of aidan in the red sea, 50 nautical miles south of boca in yemen. one miss han landed in the sea, and 2 others were short done by that worship us as gravely the ship and crew. a safe mast, a shipping line says it's turning around to us flanked vessels as a result. commercial vessels in the area have repeatedly come under attack from who the fighters, backed by iran. are you bringing president e braimer? i, you see is into a key for an official visit. he's been holding talks with the texas president bruship type or the one on his rounds will on guy for and energy corporation
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between the 2 countries. history comes as concerns ongoing that the war on guys i could straight across from the lease to them go say we will, has more from anchor to run by you see around in president came to to care on wednesday with a high level economic economy and politic politics, diplomatic delegation, they held violate tools, tools, and right now they are holding a business for intro because you run in business for them as 2 neighbors have very strong economic ties, along with a strong energy of deals and 2 k is also trying to discuss these a natural gas field that this has or it's to from that will end in a 2002 and a 6 and 2 kids dependent on foreign energy resources. but of course the main odenza of today's meetings were the situation and gaza is miles war and gaza since october 7th,
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no one expects to lead or is to be able to stop what's going on and gone south. but at least what they aim is to contain the escalation, as a growing crisis in the region, especially in e. m a. and then in the red sea areas, a 2 countries, 2 neighbors, they have a full size. usually this is the relation between 2 countries. are tense when it comes to terrorism issues, when it comes to syria, when it comes to the call, cuz those 2 countries are like rivals. but today, both presenters of play pads on a new runyan presence ibrahim, right? you see so that they are committed to fight against terrorism. but of course on carter has more expectations from tester on when it comes to a fight against the apple to do some work as far as a p k k. and it's a syrian branch, a y, p chief. the
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world news out in french farm is, has taken their protests to brussels. the movement has been growing across france, inspired by similar demonstrations in germany and the netherlands. the farmers are angry at the european union and the french government for what they say are rising prices, taxes, and unreasonable ecological legislation. latasha butler reports taking that protest to the heart of the new french form is demonstrated in preference. they say the rising costs to new you environmental rules and make that work impossible. i'm just fed up above the surface to, i'm sorry, frustration. i love my job. i always have but we can't deal with all these a regulations anymore. let me social fits what they impose more and more draconian standards on us, but on the other hand, they'll produce isn't protected. like we need to be clean and clean up, which costs us more and more. but we're in
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a global market. so the cheapest way to of the french fruits as the pulse is a growing european movement began in germany. and the medicines in front of them is a big demonstration for more than a week. looking rhodes, most ways, maybe the south of the country on tuesday, a fall into door. so we killed officer a call. he's a blockade where they were protesting. was this 5 minutes? the gabriella house, the offices in providence kitchen, full face from keith on the you. a whole profession is in morning like a whole rural community is morning. a family is a discharge of the effects each and every one of us telling me to fix the whole country. the growing on rest is a major challenge for the new, the appointed prime minister. the governments made some concessions, including on fuel costs. farm is still angry, is a compensation from for an impulse, and what they say is excessive. you regulation talks between natal informing representatives on monday. indeed without agreement. good is silver sponsor for the
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difficulties and i know that farmers feel about the low pay is very real. what we experience on a daily basis on our farms is the lack of pay, the lack of income and choices that reflect the work that we do. the protests. com is come paintings on the way for june to europe and paul demetri elections in from marine. the pens far right policy is quoting pharmacy. i'm leading in opinion polls making, resulting the crisis ever more urgent for the french government. it's actually about the, i'll just say era virus, tens of thousands of workers. the knowledge in tina are walking off the job as they launch at 12 hours strike against controversial economic reforms. and you right wing president, have you any ladies showed a decrease cropping or changing more than $350.00? you cannot make regulations last month. critics say the new policy, the most protections for consumers and workers and is unconstitutional and latin america editor lucy newman,
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has more from when desirous the 2nd 6 weeks free with the democracy. the other one said, on the bus a part of the president is trying to find the
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union's per se, a very, very mixed reputation. they've been able to in the past, by calling from a national strikes, the power lies the country. but also many people think that they are responsible for any of the loads of argentine, that they have a reputation for corruption. and so it's, it's a mixed bag right now. what's interesting is that a lot of public servants are here today. the government says that they will have their day off to their salaries docs. we're having taken part in the demonstration . the government has also described the 3 leaders as a bunch of members of a mafia. their privileges are kind of a it's
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a natural strike that's going to last or more than 12 hours. really know what i would rather about sending the message or off windows. a shank, as bonnam ain't, has approved a new law that aims to regulate speech online after multiple revisions from the supreme court. the measure passed by 108 votes of 62 opposition politicians and human rights close one that the harsh penalties will stifle speech. that criticizes government policies, but by cuz of the law say it's necessary to combat internet's cons and home for information. now for non base has more from colombo it allows for. 5 the commission to determine what is the truth of speech is allows especially a pointed explosives, they are called uh, in some of the documentation to go in search premises and things like that. it also is robert m, because in such a definitions which i use,
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which will then be the basis with which a certain decisions are taken up. and this is what many people are crying file about. it's not just here locally, but also on the international stage. the asian internet coordination, which includes john's, that google meta apple have all said that, you know, this is not an order, it's not workable. i need to look at and really affect the growth of the industry. the alarm has been founded by human rights activists by people like i said, here and abroad, that they go to the point of stifling defense. now we are in an election year this year that is the presidential election. 5 that has been sort of me, these do, and for many people, the implications of all of these things. you know, typing the screws, reducing that space the voice has to be heard of and sort of, you know, tightening on this end is not a good thing,
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especially when you look at the sort of, you know, politically explosive developments as well as in the election down the road or the man who could, has been some say should, has been prime minister of thailand, has been found not guilty in a court case that might have found him from politics. the title in general and wrapped was suspended from parliament for holding chairs and immediate company after his party won the general election last yet totally changed before. some michael heading into court with his political future in the balance between them during rep, looking relaxed, as he felt his way through crowds of support. as in jim is to get into the constitutional cold. despite his demeanour concerned, the co might well banned him from politics as it has with other popular politicians recent years. so it was something of a surprise when and not guilty, verdict was handed down by a margin of 8 to one. the judges agreed that the media company hadn't been active
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for 17 years, but the judgement would change the fact that peter isn't prime minister, nor is his policy move forward in government. despite a surprise, when in last year's general election, his appointment was posted by the on the like to the of the house. and the policy remains in opposition. anyone could have avoided move forward and pizza audited or either you give up politics and walk away from it, ignore it, you know, hopeless. or you actually, you pay more attention to it and become more hopeful whether it's outside of the parliament for inside of the parliament because i'm of the people's choice. but the parliament enemy lou thoughts, previous incarnation, future food was suspended by the court in 2020. the reform is platform, the 1st part is well popular as ng good time down to establish mon, let's try to shut them down. the call for change and reform and progress in time that is unmistakable index, horrible and scrolling. so, you know, putting that down, denying it comes out of right,
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high costs for thailand and for the establishment that runs china. so does the quotes verdict indicate the change as a surprise. no guilty, validate today and something of a really cool free. tell him to run rough, but he's not out of the woods yet. the policy will be back here in 7 days. time. for decision of the constitutional court could see them expanded. as he tried to lead the crowd search for some shouting out prime minister, it's a job, he didn't get this time, but it's still very much in his sights. it's already set up a department. it's a job now. are you happy to sit out in no position for the rest of this term or we're, i'm through the prime minister all candidate according to the constitution. so it anything that happens then i must say, i'm always ready willing and able to lead this country going forward. but that depends on the process. thank you so much. tony chang, l 20,
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bank code. and that is in use for now on how to 0. 12 more is always on our website that onto 0 dot com. i'll be back in just a few minutes with one of the top stories, including the latest stay with the the man was 71 year old curtis reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought a gun within that day. we just went back to washington previous thinking everything was over like okay, manager is going to come up, so keep your phone way. that would be a but that's not what happened. not at all. when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? movie hasn't even started. and he was just nasty surveillance footage,
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just chattering popcorn, it reads mediately fired a pistol, and a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down. and from there a i didn't even realize that my finger was shot as well. i was just so worried about the surface when it got shot, the computer. i'm a nurse here so hard to have a point. i'm just trying to make sure the size. i said with a child died less than an hour later. just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the exploring type less cultural, exciting political disco exposing societies. doctor
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award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into human folds and untold stories from asia or in the pacific one. 0 one east. on out. just see around the no way space is really strikes h a u. n. refugee center in southern gaza, getting at least 11 people hundreds with sheltering back. the say you watching out your 0 at night from to have with me for the back. people also coming up. oh yeah, we should have. my brother doesn't know till now,


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