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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 4:30am-5:01am AST

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the type of dance was 295 flights of henry 192-520-0000 passengers suffered today because of these people voted by the many that it was a gamble for argentina's unions. many of whose most emblematic leaders a widely criticized for corruption. so i sort of seem to get the fun to trade unions. i'm not very popular actors in our society. and we have a government that presents itself as the enemy of the union's. so the strike could be counter productive for the organizes perhaps, but argentina is still very powerful. train unions have made it clear this strike was just the beginning, this in the country where social unrest fuels by power. and this unions, amid in the queue economic crisis has brought down governments before. to see a newman al jazeera window site is a french farm is they've taken that protest to brussels. the movement has been growing across from since, by some of the demonstrations in germany and the netherlands,
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the angry at the you and the french government for what they say are rising prices, taxes and unreasonable ecological legislation, especially box or the pulse. taking that protest of the whole to the new french form is demonstrated in preference. they say the rising cost to new you environment for rules and making that work impossible. the fed up budget for the service to i'm so frustration. i love my job, i always have but we can't deal with all these a regulations anymore. let me social fits. it were simple as a post mortem, more draconian standards on us. but on the other hand, they'll produce isn't protected. like we need to be clean and clean out there, which costs us more and more, but we're in a global market. so the cheapest way to of the french protests, the pulse is a growing european movement. the began in germany and the medicines in france form is a big demonstration for more than a week looking roads. most ways,
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maybe the south of the country on tuesday, a fall into doors that were killed after a call. he's a blockade with a roof protesting of just 5 minutes to gabriela house, the system problems stitching, pull face from keith, on the you. a whole profession is in morning i, a whole rural community is morning. a family is a discharge of the effects each and every one of the killing me to fix the whole country. the growing on rest as a major challenge for the new, the appointed prime minister. the governments made some concessions, including old fuel costs. farm is still angry, is a compensation from foreign impulse, and what they say is excessive. you regulation talks between natal informing representatives on monday. indeed without agreement. good, it is silver's answer for the difficulties, and i know that farmers feel about the low pay is very real. what we experience on a daily basis on our farms is the lack of pay, a lot of income and prices that reflect the work that we do. the protest comes come
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paintings on the way for june to european parliamentary elections in france. marine depends far right party is quoting farms. i'm leading independent polls making, resulting the crisis ever more urgent for the french government. it's actually about the, i'll do sarah virus. from the reminder you can keep up to date with all the news on our website that's i'll just say that top. com is continues here on. i'll just go off to the listing price to sickness, the the
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more than $100.00 days into the war on gaza. the as ready media space is really over the implications of the court case in the hay. and the role journalists have played in awards event. a broadcast network in australia has been accused of caving into the pro israel lobby and firing one of its journey. plus finland tries to 4 to 5 future generations against this information, fake news simself africa brought its genocide case against israel to the international court of justice. last week. the reaction from the it's really news media has been incredulous. some pundits have been mocking the case. others have criticized is really officials not for the mass slaughter in garza, but for their candor,
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including some blood curdling statements that south africa has offered as proof of genocidal intact because really government is taking the prospect of losing this case seriously. prime minister netanyahu says he will not allow an ice c, j ruling or anything else to stop the bombing of gossip. since october, 7th, more than $24000.00 palestinians have been killed. and according to god's us health ministry, at least $10000.00 children, hundreds of thousands more are now going hungry, staring a famine in the face. should the i, c, j is ruling go against israel? the implications will extend well beyond the middle east, all the way to the u. s. where israel's lead sponsor will be expected to honor its obligations under the genocide convention. the israel's war on guns is more than $100.00 days and 2 days after the court hearings in the hague benjamin netanyahu was that his most defined f, if odd low,
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got so low hog low to oh, there's so little off the read between the lines stuff and that doesn't sound like a prime minister who thinks the international court of justice is ruling, is going to go. israel's way. his statement following the hearing was on the easel . the audience is to say that the war is not over. and especially because of right, we can get pressure from the extremist and if any, all governments that are unsatisfied that they're moving to the, maybe the final stage of the war, it was also an insignificant part at the palestinians. if you think that anyone has the power to stop us raining down high explosives on because of strep, think again, because we issue the orders and no one will be able to assist you and very much to the international community. no, don't think of stopping us with any i would say they all posted 2 days before we
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say that these are, does not have any intention to stay for ever. and guys as well as no intentional, permanently occupying guzman or displacing it's sabrina in population. so it was for me they shall be mixed up and various and not knowing exactly what to do with the political system and the media, or the old schultz. so this whole procedure because it's games so rapidly out of the blue sky, is where it is used to long roll processes, which never even start. so to say never ends end here or of a sudden is my face, the visual which she never face before. march of the information more is real, it's been fighting since october 7th has been based in its new student. journalists in those studios then covered the i. c. j. hearing's law. in this case, alongside the deputy speaker of the connect whose name came up at the hearings as
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evidence of these really officials speaking with jenna seidel intent during the i c j hearing one ton of 131 of the guests that was the parliament's member. missing the 2 weeks who said that all you guys us would be burned down. and this statement was quoted in the i c j and the whole asked him about the damage it call. normally we flip the little stomach and he started to talk about what happened on october 7th, kind of preaching to them about so re 6, the attack against is a call you based on the notes on the line. so we have a deemed and the whole told him that we already reported that we are asking you something to add as and when he continued, they asked him to leave for the job and
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that kind of pushed back is highly unusually. is riley's, haven't seen much of it on their news channels. in fact, some of the genocide statements raised at the i c. j were originally delivered from those new studios. the shuttle came in. this is shown in double sounds. like i said, not just quite politicians or comments. some of it came straight from the anchor chat. i remember i gave you the portal above the shooting door, like those people who i mean, oh no problem. but anyway, but the impulsive of wanting a sick, old old old but the old frequently sure lawyer lamb no fault journalists have been among the prominent is randy is driving the prop again. they are in no position now to point the finger in a blamed from these really media. they're basically 2 scenes. the 1st theme is outrage along the lines of how they're there. where are the ones who are the
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victims of genocide here? the not only during the 1940s, but also on october 7th. so how dare they accuse us of genocide we're only defending ourselves. and the 2nd one is basically a standing ovation for what is presented as a phenomenal job as real as legal team did. rebutting south africa, the belief, let me see how much it might go down to a screen build. so i make sure that she looks if it's a normal freak guy with a dean. so soft, keep it. it's a simple, i mean, how did you get to this? we after 3 months of war and gaza in which the is really, really the almost order for the told the tray, the professional mission. if you go see the people of the guys, you don't see this, the vision with those. see this dying to that on, on the floor. suppose that there's the bombarding you just see vague images. so
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he's really scary to this session of the quote. i was assuming that said everything went the rights in the war. outside of his royal media, watchers criticize the u. k. 's most watched news channels, bbc and scott, for failing to provide live coverage of the 1st day of the hearings when south africa made its cakes only to carry parts of israel's defense. the following day, some british interviewers had already been pushing back against is really talking points. once the hearings, wrapped up, armed with the evidence sofa, africa had just dropped on the i. c. j. they appeared to turn the screws even tighter on his really officials if they get this project and the following of south africa has decided to play, advocate for the devil, and serve as the legal home. if i don't get a policy, the file name is deleted because almost every point i put to every question i ask you, you respond with
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a non so that is not relevant to the question on the custom to, to tough questions from western news outlets. some of the exchange is left, this is really spin. dr. square and final fairmont co fairly. this is one person i wish we questionable it's difficult for me to comment on you know exactly what kind of mates of it spend less so often of questions that they are fox i think, i think is providing a foundation for some less to consider that the allegations that as well as kind of think serious violations of intestinal, i have no credibility. now that us aside state south africa, has decided to bring this case the ice, the chase, the judges are expected to issue their room by early february. if not seen, the american position on this case has not changed, at least publicly,
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as its officials keeps saying. the submission against israel to the international court of justice distracts the world. and moreover, the charge of genocide is mer reports like this one, however, faltering us officials say otherwise, the president bite is running out of patience for president. nothing. yeah. polls indicate the biden's backend of israel's war on. gosh, in an election here will cost $10.00 volts, particularly among young americans. as one former is rarely political advisor has suggested gift joe biden is looking for a way out of this. the i c j case could provide him with one. could this be the latter? that helps america walk itself to a different position where we finally shift towards the ceasefire. the small thing for a new as administration, if it wants to cnn to this, would be to say we didn't go to the iceland chase. but we have to respect the
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seriousness of these hearings, assuming there is some kind of find varies, problematic for israel's card compact or that that offers us a way forward. so we could play that role difficult. what is provisional measures that will mean that there is at least the principal case the israel is carrying out, genocide, locks, and 1000. and one would hope they've done this would reflect that fact in the reporting that it might shift the debate to an extent on as well as miniature oppression and gaza on land more credence relay to the nation. that is what i was committing genocide. these formal accusations of genocide at the highest court on the globe may well turn out to be a turning point, a very long overdue turning point. but a turning point. nonetheless, this conflict has cost more journalists their lives than any
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other conflict. can you imagine the same number of ukrainian bridges journalists had been killed for is really generous, killed by palestinians. nuclear weapons would have been deployed against a ghost. as the saying goes, how citizens are indeed children of a lesser pro is real lobby has global reach as employees at a stretch. he is public broadcaster abc, my tell you after the firing of a journalist there for sharing a story about casa on social media. i mean obviously robbie is here with more richard a month ago hosted abc sydney morning radio program, australia lebanese during this antoinette and the tooth was sacked, the official reason latifah g posted a human rights watch report stating is it a, was using starvation as a weapon of war, however, in an investigation by the sydney morning herald ledges,
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she was let go because of something else entirely. something quite nefarious. but people obtained dozens of leaks messages from the watts abdul cord lawyers for the israel, whose members route to abc calling for the tools to be sacked and threatening legal action if she wasn't. screenshots from the group show a coordinated letter writing campaign in an email sent to all staff at a b. c. managing director, david anderson, who rejected any claim that it was influenced by any external pressure. whether it be an advocacy or lobby group, a political party, or a commercial entity, the tooth called her dismissal, unlawful and took a, b, c to court. lawyer treated the the 2nd was based on both political opinion and race . the case which looked at whether the broadcasting company acted under the influence of external lobbying, failed to be 2nd deleted. getting this past thursday, the matter didn't result today, but the fight continues and i'm willing and prepared to fight for as long as it
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take. this is such an important case because it's not just about me. it's about free speech. the tooth case is not the 1st of its kind many to unless particularly india, unless you have lost the jobs of being suspended since october 7th. so that he was in because of war. thanks me or social media, the ability of people to broadcast their own stories have shown it's important as once again during israel's war on gossip. but online platforms can also be hot spots for facebook's one country that stresses the importance of training young people to distinguish fact from fiction. it's been what the fans got a head start on this for more than half a century. they have to contend with soviet propaganda coming over there, eastern border these days. the misinformation comes from all directions and is mostly digital. so the finish government has woven courses on media literacy into what school curriculums to equip fence with the tools to assess the accuracy of the
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information they say. teachers are on the front lines of this fight for truth. and the national broadcaster also has its part to play. but listening post flo phillips, now on a sidle wide educational drive that offers a model for educators, broadcasters, and countries around the world. a grinning cocoa cap, a bouncing yellow sons, a plastic combination for any animators out to attract the attention of small children. but this video produced by finland's national audio visual institute has an important message about the media. these kids are consuming, it's being designed to help pre primary school children walk out what's real, what's not, and what can be done if that that's good or confused by what i see. that's because in finland, no one is too young to stop thinking about the reliability of the information they encounter. the approach that we are promoting is that that you have to start with
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very young children. before the school age and a new start with basic elements of, of media and understanding of what media is about, then you built the understanding that there's always some one behind each picture and each story and the, the, the old or the children get the vapor, you go into these different parts of media and content creation and production. maybe a local 5 or a let me send the most media literacy is not one single subject, is total trustful subjects, for example, and finish language and literature. we teach to basic skills. we talked about fake news source analysis, media criticism that in mass might focus on statistics and algorithms. last boy, he will go to the main lot of an art classes. students learned about images, how photos are edited in history class. we discussed an error rate that took place
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during the 2nd world war and thought about how the same incident could be taught differently depending which side the country had followed on. it's very important, but we don't just teach the subject matter, but also the analytical skills. who produced it and for what purpose? some of me does not apply to somebody in sporting fake news is a very real part of daily education here. and sometimes it's, he was an into every day subjects. sometimes it's more specific. we're about to sit down on the cost where 14 year olds aligning what about missed this model, information questioning and challenging claims like the moon has made a change. 1 yes, is that seemingly does the problem the it has? yeah. okay, cool. and we felt the phonics, i see. oh sorry. so what do you me as i see that is by square
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noticed in the fall and then an email. i thought it was the only book. yeah, most of that a lot. bottom is on process. sorry. comment about a brief the open up name is diana stanley. many school the students a very good and recognizing fake news. for example, when news about the warren, your train started appearing on line up for me, things in general have a very high standards of media. literacy will not easily fold. so i think a handful of made that we up that's in part because media literacy is not a new concept since it's been part of the culture for more than a century. ever since the nordic nation 1st gained independence from russia in 1917, almost a 100 years on having rolled itself off from use of soviet propaganda. the fight against fake news is still being fault. first in the,
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off them off of russia's 2014 on next ation of crime. it more recently with prudent invasion of ukraine in particular, concerns about narrative challenging finland's vision to join nato. and media literacy is now mandatory, a cool component of the national curriculum. teaching finished students to form a front line of defense against any dis information, including content infiltrating the 830 mile long buddha. the 2 countries still share summit commission icon during the period of finland dies ation in the cold war to finish media were very cautious about their neighbor. the soviet union. people always had to ask themselves whether the news was really true. of course, there have been changes since russia has taken on increasingly aggressive global roles. we're also spending an increasingly significant part of our lives on social media. so teaching media, literacy and criticism in schools is so important on means that we,
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where one of the 1st countries in, in a, you probably in the world to actually have a specific policy for mediately to see. there's no one single right wage to promote the ability to assist them multiple way is different organizations tend to work from their own viewpoints. that way we feel that we can reach much more people's doesn't than we would be able to do. is the pause of silence only by us a couple of mental office producing only only materials by the government and feelings like the official story. there's no escaping the multi faceted media education effort underway. so many different organizations developing and delivering learning programs from schools, universities, and libraries to government departments. and yet i'm one of the biggest players is the public pool, costa whitening the hello. this walk own or so maybe across the street,
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the north end of many, a local type. i married this a new me is one of why these media producer and she works on a number of the news networks, teaching tools, including the project cool news cloths. we have 14 different use mentors working from around finland. they go and meet the class, they tell them who they are and then they go through like, how use come about, like what you see on the tv. how does that happen? and once you go through the whole process they, they actually start thinking about these publication mess methods. and that is really the way fake news can be to dictates who then of course, they're like us, a lot of lot of other things we have wiley learning which does different types of video on media education, like the lighting sector. they get moving on the main main 80 to a to in a video and 3. then i'm going to come start. i think video and i on
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a we ok the deep sake of videos we produced have been really popular. um, the reason why we put them out was that artificial intelligence is coming up to speed. why we need to kind of let people know that it exists and how it works out to be there. we also offer a different types of games that you can immerse yourself into, and i'm think of what it will be like to be. for instance, charles trolls, foxes jobs. there's a home and naturally of characters being deployed by game designers and developers to drink is that it's the more entertaining side of the educational tool kit. but that doesn't mean it to just kind of the gate probably thing. so thought of the troll factory is where you put yourself in the position of a troll and deliberately create as much harmful material as possible for online distribution. is quite an unpleasant game,
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but still didn't experience the harm of spreading misinformation. which is perhaps a good thing for them. yep. we've got new mandate and all of that, all of a sudden you can buy it will be good. but that instead of throw, lena, you may have to do that this outside. i'm always mobile and sale, right? yeah, yeah, and that could be samantha miller, the last minute uh let me just in the same format the other day following. so as he does the buttons as a means to me, i said why didn't use lab produced troll factory when russian trolls were really on the news here in, in finland. it really makes you think, like, i do not want to be the lord of both lies, which is the end result. when you think of kids who are gamers, if for some reason we manage to incorporate one media education game into the sets of, of gaming, it's only
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a bonus playing the student's strengths. the media literacy program is a point of pride. one of the many international indexes, whether it's small nordic nation consistency comes out on top. having spent the last century schooling, it's citizens defend allstate, news. finland is shifting its focus, guarding against new trends, technologies and platforms to ensure that every pupil is prepared to fight pulse information, what type of form it might take, the closing more than a 100 days into the war on gaza with nearly $120.00 journalists killed we are reminded of the devastating cost to our colleagues on the ground. what l dr. do has been described as a mountain of journalist based in gaza for algebra arabic. he has kept on reporting even after he lost his wife and son, daughter, and the grandson to one is really striking october the even after he helped the
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late to arrest his colleague, camera man, somebody abo doctor after and is really attacked in december that also left dr to wound, and even after the killing of his eldest son and fellow journalist homes, in the early days of 2024, what al duff do has now left casa to get the medical attention his wounds require. but he says, he'll be back. we just wanted to close by acknowledging the many journalists still on the ground, still bringing you the news on this story under the most dangerous circumstances imaginable. we'll see you next time here at the listing cost. as the situation in gaza escalates, we bring you expert news. he's going to ask you the 20000 people, 70 percent of whom are women and children. these are the has destroyed. garza is
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a little worried when we see certainly civilians being moved. one from one area to another and the area there. so the reason for this is here he is, is having life and it has become so heavy that the presence of one thing and forced fits in the i spoke to the liquid where he said openly, health plan is so expelled, palestinians stay with us for the latest developments on tuesday if we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. if the human suffering victory reports on pre brave bullets and bonds and we always include the views from all sides. joe button, a donald trump headstart. we oppose messages by nonsense trunk would turn the us into a dictatorship. shaking car is trumps cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out the communist locks in spanish and the radical left dogs that live like firm and within the confines of our
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country. many voters are fed up with high prices and bite and stance on israel's war on gaza as close to decline and support in his own party. trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal towns is elected. trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more. thoughts and feelings in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states, it's likely to be a bitter babel. the relentless seeds on con, eunice, this rather imposes
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a cuff few on out. i'm out of hospitals kind of thing and red crescent. cool. is it a violation of international though the i'm carry johnston. this is i'll just say a lie from dave also coming up. oh yeah, my brother doesn't know till now that he's lost all of his family except me families toner pods. israel.


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