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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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yeah, put your name and date that and send them to read. it just goes like this. the priority for now is to provide shelter and for and even that is costing united way. there is no clear indication of when refugees students would be able to return home. and to that process the no less often as well as a tax on garza strong. so i've been, i've killing into a number of colors, simians including savings. the for me to try this is i will just hear a live from the also coming up is roll continues to demolish homes and buildings to create and bosses on with guns of colors to indians and the occupied with bank side. that being a risk to pulls,
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family members wanted by his room to surrender. square is facing the we begin and goes away, is ready for us as a showing no signs of slowing their attacks. the main building, if and as a hospital in con eunice is among the licensed targets troops. the surrounding the facility and intense bombing has been taking place around at i have a nice gauze as health ministry says, no one has been able to enter or exit the hospital, which was already struggling to treat the wounded. the red cross this morning of thousands of preventable dis, this medical facilities and not protected from indiscriminate assaults of honey must moved to join us from rougher and southern gaza for more on this. and how many can you just tell us about the latest file?
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i think that is happening around con eunice in particular of the yes. so since the early hours of last night, then are the hours of this morning and overnight the concentrated attacks on across the han, eunice, manly, at the vicinity of nasir hospital and were just within the past few hours. the hospital is being talked directly by a heavy, heavy machine guns and the snipers who, who took the position of nearby, uh, told buildings. and in addition to it, now the presence of attack and drones are quite captured. there are the surveilling, the, the courtyard of the hospitals work still hundreds of displays, palestinians filtering in the hospital just causing a great deal of panic and concern for people who have no other place due to shoulder and so far. but their reports about the northern sense of the hospitals
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being destroyed then now that people can a see the times that the, the main gate of, of the hospital. and so far, those who are injured inside the hospital, they're running the risk of losing their life as there is nothing coming into the hospital in terms of political suffice for almost a week now and it just increased the difficulty of the medical staff has been over whelmed and exhausted since the beginning of the work, but doesn't have the sufficient medical supplies to conduct the proper medical intervention to save lives in there actually, but reports about a some of those who are being killed inside the hospital are buried in the courtyard of the hospital as of now, given the difficulty due today intensity and then the scale and magnitude of the tax, the, the western part of, of ton unit sort of mainly around the alarm of the hospital and the red house city
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and the policy of a crescent society. and around the academic is that you send the largest one instead of one eunice, it's a lot saw university were still 1000 of displaced palestinian birds. children have no place to go to and the ongoing failure to provide safe cora doors just make, make, makes them a trapped inside the facilities of this university. unable to, to go elsewhere to show the situations are, are getting very difficult via the hours. and as of now we can safely say that the hospital, whether it's not the hospital or the other mid size, a smaller size, hospitals are put 1st to gradually out of service. then it will be soon enough where people have no medical and attention whatsoever. noon on top of all of this as well as the most thousands of buildings. and then if it's a create a buffer zone around the strip, what more can you tell us about that? if it's a
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this will not only the central of the part of the entire gaza strip is being a targeted continuously and it's an old means of life being destroyed. but also the eastern part of the dogs trip it from the city of the tunnel and all the way through further southern part with the addiction border and city of rough off of the boss, majority of residential buildings and over culture land including public facilities and to major industrial zone have been under tv, repeated bombardment of destroyed completely, and that all feeds in the efforts made by it is really military. and it goes in line with the declared the plan at the beginning of the world establishing a buffer zone just now, just judging it from the patterns of bombing, not only at the use of artillery still being in the lens, if there is right. but now this is really military conducted, neighborhood,
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the neighborhood, and the eastern part of a opperation that to meeting and demolishing combs in the vicinity of that area. again, it's very consistent with the plan of establishing a buffer zone by creating conditions are great on the ground, and that makes life impossible on unbearable support for the local residents. i've been already displaced in the central part and further southern part of the gaza strip. it just so far, it's the old, a pushing people and squeeze them in this a small part of the gaza strip and eventually forcing them into explosion. and that's the part of a declared the plan since the beginning of the war. mm. okay, thank you so much for that. it's automatically for us in rafa. let's speak to stephanie decker now who isn't occupied east jerusalem, and that's how he was signed. what these riley's sign when it comes to the circle bought design, it's trying to create around the strip. is this a land crab?
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a while these ranges would never say that they're saying that this is to establish security uh to prevent a similar attack is what happened on october the 7th from ever happening again, they say it's essential and vital to the border communities, safety and security. but when you look at the, the job, the geography of it, when you have the goal is to strip a tiny strip of land. um, that is most narrow, 6 kilometers edits wide is 12 kilometers. if you're talking about a kilometer of buffer zone, this already diminishes what is already a tiny strip. the population has been growing over the years, 2300000 and the land has knowledge. these people are stuck between walls and the sea. there was nowhere for the palestinians to go. it's been a already vocally, been rebuffed by the american saying that they do not believe in any buffers, though they do not believe in taking any line that belongs to the policy. and,
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but it's something that these really maintain is vital for their security. it's not something new that's been, it's been talked about before. it's been presented according to reports, to our country's. and this is why also you've had the americans address it specifically. and also you have in the south and from the delphi carter as it's called, which is along the coast, along the border, if you, if you will, with egypt initially is, are all saying it's going to take control of that again for is security um, but egypt rebuffing that, so it already seems to be a reality on the ground. it's happening is route is executing it. and this is of course, something that the palestinians and the why the international community does see, as you mentioned, that a line grab. okay, thanks so much for all of this. tiffany dixon for us an occupied east. jerusalem us as well as military has carried out more of the night rides across the occupied west bank. it was ready full system of the city of janine using full does is to destroy the streets,
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at least for palestinians were arrested in nablus as ready forces reported to have ransacked several times in the town of yada south of hip problems as well. tell us any ins who have family members once is buying these ready on the side, they are being unjustly arrested. interrogated and held an administrative detention . they say it's designed to put pressure on their loved ones to surrender laura con mid some of the families in the occupied west back. yeah, it loads auto thought it does. the mother of a young man who is wanted by israel and says she's being harassed and threatened and violent be pressured by these ready minute treat to surrender for some of this to. so i spent 9 days in prison. they told me to give up my son, or they would come back and take me. i'm bull my house to the class. after i left prison, they would calling us down the clock. i was so stressed because they threatened to kill my son. they also come back then sacked the house and threatens to address to
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my daughter. and her husband says he's also being treated like criminal and it's been in prison twice in 2 months. that sort of. so if you look at this picture, they found my hands put a blindfold on me. they threw me onto my face into a jeep, where they beat and kicked me. i asked, what did i do? they told me why son is wanted and they want him to surrender. the policy imprisoned, the rights group says this is a form of collective punishment. that's illegal on the international human rights. little about the said on since october, the 7th. this policy over us to family members of one to people is happening more frequently. our especially seeing the women like wives of mothers being used, the hundreds of people now being used as captive. they put pressure on family members to have themselves in trouble for you. since israel's foreign garza, more than 6000 people have been arrested and placed in administrative detention in
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the occupied westbank often and is ready presence without any formal charges or trial. just 5 minutes on to the us were here and to alone. when most families are facing the same. there among dozens of coffee occupied westbank who's being arrested interrogation and put into person to give information on family members. and to add to the pressure here. they say they have to enjoy a list nightly rates and drains continuously suckling overhead. intel mood, mohammad ashuelot says his brother is wanted by the is ready army for questioning. he shows me where the army broke into his house that night, smashing in the metro too. suddenly when a whole, they asked about my brother. i told him, i don't know where he is. then they started beating me. they didn't find him, so they destroyed the tool and ended my house and took me instead. they interrogated me for 8 hours in an open area. what about some itself? he says a recent break and it's cause one of his children to constantly shake and like so
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many across the occupied westbank. he says these are us or another form of oppression. discontinued the generations. during con, i'll just say or occupied westbank, as the international court of justice says it will deliver it. it's very direct on mission. so by south africa against israel, this friday, the south african governments pulled the case in december, accusing israel, of carrying out genocidal acts and guns of the ruling would address. the basic issue of with israel is committing genocide that's expected to take years. instead will consider south africa's request, but non so called provisional missions. if grounded bad codes include an order as well to stop its military campaign. and then she will palestinians have access to humanitarian assistance. the court could also decline to order the measures. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has already said he won't be bound by any order to halt the world. best to spite orders from the ice each i being legally
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binding. and no, it's always going to appeal. it is difficult for the court to enforce its good ex haley and my colleagues. only bessie but i spoke with michael becca fullness associated lawyer at the i. c. j, he says south african mit the basic requirements for provisional missions to be ordered against israel. it's really important to understand that what the court is going to be deciding on friday is not whether israel is in breach of any of its obligations under the genesis of convention. those are, as you've said, south africa's main claims and the case. this is about provisional measures, that's a kind of emergency relief or interim relief that south africa is 16 while the case is pending. and so south africa has asked for a number of things but to, to make the most prominent requests are 1st for an order that would direct israel to suspend all military operations in gaza. and secondly, for an order that would direct israel to not impede and indeed facilitate the
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effective delivery of humanitarian assistance into casa. and so how the court addresses those 2 requests, if it decides to indicate provisional measures at all, is what to really look out for on friday. so to request all is the court likely to grant one request and deny another one? because i understand this has happened in the past, like the boss, me a case a few years ago. right. so 1st, what we'll see if the court decided that south africa met the basic test for provisional measures to be if you order it in the 1st place, many eyes to experts. and i would agree with, with this view, think that south africa did do enough to show that it's claims under the genocide convention or at least plausible. and very importantly, that the palestinian population of guys that faces a real and imminent risk of irreparable harm and nothing that's happened in the last 2 weeks, i think has changed that assessment. so the court can, the court isn't limited to what south africa has asked for this out. the court
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doesn't have to say yes or no to south africa's specific requests. if he decides to issue provisional measures, a can formulate whatever set of measures it thinks is most appropriate. and so while i think the court will want to say something about the israel's military operations, i'm not convinced that they will be willing to go quite as far as south africa as ask them to go or in a complete suspicion of military activities. slow. so hit hit on al jazeera, moscow is describing it as a monstrous act will, here won't the down and get the russian military g. it means the future prisoner exchanges with to cry. the there's been some visible flooding, st. studying, and indonesia. you hadn't been lazy it recently. i think the concentration of heavy rain will be in similar areas which is basically put in splitting the idea down
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through sumatra and java. let's say bornea or sooner ways either i would really tired. and this is because of the continuation of the, of a strength thing in the northeast, the winter months soon. right to the sides of that. and right at the moment, northern equations contending with this land folding tropical sites and the winds on the big concern of the cost damage. limitation has taken place, but the rate, i think we're for costs and funding somewhere in those in queens. and at the same time, so science is that the cookbook feels temperature $46.00 degrees is a heat. the way to real streak is very hot weather going down towards the back of new south wales as well. but for the cities, the weather is calm down quite a lot. brisbin is to say current ship it. and if you look further west that was significant, right? in some parts of western australia, which i think will be part of the pleasing has been use even most pit bulls on its way to christ church. as the wind increases brings rain to pass this out about sunshine for the rest across ships because up to 28 degrees to an effect that is
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significant right on the west side of the hills. but that 28 doesn't last long. we're down to 21. by monday, the oil rich get rock is facing a crisis and a final fight to results. water as dams built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now, when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land rocks. walter was parked one of 2 on the jersey to the
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the you're watching, i'll just say are a reminder about top stores. the ssl is ready for us as have a text, the main building of nesa hospital and con eunice trips the surrounding the facility and the area has come under intense bombardment. israel is being accused of establishing a buffer zone within garza and the officials have previously says creating such an area of woods protects civilians. the u. s. has opposed any plans to change. hello suns orders is ready for this. carry them all right, so the night across the occupied with banks for people were arrested in nablus. and so just folks with palestinians and janine golden, $6000.00 palestinians have been to times since october the civil israel's bombardments of gaza has created a generation of opens the year. and mid human rights groups is more than $24000.00 children have lost. the parents comes in the home and reports on us on us,
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on the beach of the pods. what keep you know, me sorry really straight on the home in the say about procedure. he comes in central to protect his 6 year old brother on us husband, the lawsuit of what's happened to them mom and dad. oh yeah, we should know. my brother doesn't know till now that he's lost all of his family except me. i don't know how to tell him. i'm afraid that if i tell him it will have a psychological impact. the strife didn't disagree with the pods left, a life changing thing, duties. on a good? no, i was with my family at home. i went to bring something from the kitchen. suddenly everything fell down and i was on fire. the fire was eating me, then i love to clean outside with these friends, football, their favorite sport. and number 4 on my legs
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amputated. what can i do? i want to walk, i want to run. i want to play. i want to see my mother. i was close to where i want to stand up. i want to walk alone on my own. i can sit down. i want to be able to sit down. i can sleep, i stay awake all the time as the main shop on this wondering what he did to does of these so what's the new? what did i do to these really? i did nothing to them. i did not carry a gun against them. i did nothing wrong to the israelis. those are the for now on us on awesome alone but the life. but a visitor i intensifies it's bombardments inc,
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cuz that is not guaranteed to have them have a disease in vasa, in southern gaza. one family is giving others hope and inspiration through an active generosity of bills and often to enable this place, people to bike bridge. i'll just hear a spoke to them. this. a lot of the items are called, my name is ro, feed or saying are just a resident of russell. i live near the area where displaced people from gauze, a taking refuge. they don't have cooking gas, you know what? they have nothing. they live in tens. i welcome to them into a home, and i have built them a model open. i provide them with the potable water. let's assume i can well then this from on while out was half of the the oceans of the day, ma'am. yeah, there is no other place where we can bake oven wood is expensive. i know 2 ways available, but we come to the house of all, all shall i mean, baker, to the house. we don't have any utensils, either. bless them. they gave us what we need, they gave us water as well. we,
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they call bridge the and i personally cook the, i hate this anguish is removed and this will comes to an end, so we can return to our homes. and i hope we can invite everyone who stood by all sides and supported us too. and as how many of us the, the 1st month to continue with this. if enough, him, the, for the month of the, have been displaced from has that good offer. we have tons of money because of the big bread that our neighbors are. as a family, of course, it's been difficult. it took a while until the found flower to bake. the situation is tragic and unlike which one would imagine. thanks to god, the fondest people who welcomed us into that home. not just us, but also all those this over and can be useful for you by older people in this neighborhood. the ours are well known for their kindness and we have been fortunate to come across them. and then the
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2 other news now and for us here and you trying to try it again because i sions about the crash of a military. just the cleveland says your crime shows down in belgrade in southern russia, near the ukrainian border. the russians, i 65 ukrainian prisoners of war among 74 people on board. the train inside the aircraft was transporting weapons. rubbing fraud has more from the capital case. this was the moment a russian military transport plane crash to the ground, prompting conflicting claims and counter claims about warrant and who was on board . russian officials say the illusion. 76, similar to this one, was transporting 65 ukrainian prisoners of war for a prison. their exchange, they claim on 2. yeah, across missiles were detected to being launched from the ukraine. you inside of the border launch 2 or 3 murder. let's go from the morning of january 24 months ago time. a terrorist act was committed as
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a result of which in the area of the belgrade region russian transport it across with shut down, which was carrying out of flight and the transport of $65.00 military personnel of the armed forces of you crying from moscow region to belgrade, who were accompanied by 3 russian officers and a crew of 6 people, they all died. the claims were immediately treated with deep suspicion by ukraine, that accuses russia of conducting long standing, this information campaigns, which with the short i see on the right, sam. usually, jim ok, and it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners with the feelings of their relatives and with the emotions of our society . it is necessary to establish clear facts as much as possible, given that the plane crash happened on russian territory beyond the control fact is, the key would now stop was the salon. you believe you didn't, that's the officially ukraine says it has no evidence of its prisoners. of war being on the plain, but the statement by military intelligence,
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as hinted that if they were on board, russia was responsible for the safety flaming must go for nothing. folding, keep upfront spoilt arrangements for the prisoner swath on for flying p, o w's so close to an active was establishing the truth as being made. honda, by the secrecy that surrounds the highly sensitive exchanges of russia and ukraine in prison. as this was the last christmas, walter carried out to new. yeah. even russia's list of the ukrainian p o. w 's. they say what on the plane is being disputed with a number of social media posts questioning the veracity of some of the names from mcbride. i'll just say era, key crime says russia has attacked residential areas in odessa, ukraine's main grain port has been repeatedly targeted since russia pulled out of the black sea grain export deal last year. but we now joined by daniel hawkins, who is in moscow and said, daniel, in regards to the russian military pioneer thing,
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statements from both sides over the last 24 hours. but they are still far more questions than answers right now on indeed, and of course, facts being the keyword that are set by the cleaning president on that. hard to come by right now, we understand, of course the russian position was clear in the media to off the mall. solve this crash for laying the blame on ukraine for what happened. we understand the, the last couple of hours. the black box resembles subaru, a cupboard by investigators from the scene, and they could set some more lights on what exactly happened yesterday morning i with the skies of bell girl now t if has remained rather hesitant to confirm or deny any involvement in his crash though the picture has been in my eyes are now over the last 24 hours building up from your training and media statements which was published and some of which were drawn by statements from the president and general stuff. the ukraine may have had
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some sort of moments in this claim being shot down that will be shown by the investigation. of course, if that is established, the question is how and why this could have happened. and that's why ukraine blaine's rusher is we had the same rush had responsibility for the safety of these prisoners and failed in itself, locations to protect them. now today, the kremlin at codes president savanski is, was also cooling for what it described as an act of a crime by key of cooling for an international investigation. this gay lab are all for us and for the firm. and this is cool. yes. but i for an emergency un security council session, what rejected that is now due to take place tomorrow. and that's what i would like to see both sides per present, that version of events, and hopefully some evidence from both sides as well to backup of the claims and counter claims about exactly what happened in daniel the cleveland has sincere future prisoners swaps could actually be in doubt,
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what more do we know about all of this as well, just yesterday, russian officials were in extremely angry rhetoric said that any sort of negotiation with kiff was basically off the table off of this crash. and that was partly occurred by the criminal spokes person to be true. past calls this morning who said that it's unclear how this incident is going to affect the future present a swaps. subsequently, ross is charles the defense committee on drake of the portal. then said, just in the last couple of hours that negotiations about prisoner folks would continue because of rush, i simply had no other choice but the to, to trying to bring that prisoners home. now pest control so said these exchanges must happen in silence, alluding to the very complex process and for a lengthy negotiations that happened on a levels to bring prisoners home rush. or, of course to be unusual step. yes, they have releasing those present lists. they said what on board the plane,
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presumably to backup that version of events. and they have been many personal exchanges. of course, since the start of the conflict, pretty much the biggest one around $200.00 soldiers from both sides sent home around the new year in the gazing, a positive dynamic in these negotiations. but we understand thousands remain on both sides. and this incident is going to have the families of those peered. nobody's very worried about the future of their loved ones and day. thanks so much daniel. daniel hopkins, for us the most got the general strike and argentina has gained support. and mexico to the 100 shows the solar terrace, the outside, argentina's embassy, and mix the coast. as he demonstrates, has denounced economic reforms in both countries. as i planned austere, he measures well with an already difficult living conditions. lodge and changes nearly elected president announced plans last month to scrap or change more than $350.00 economic regulations. critics,
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a heavy and realize decree is unconstitutional and removes consume and employee protections. here's our left in america and it's alyssa and human in the capital one authorities, tens of thousands or trade union members and to the call to take to the streets of argentina, to protest against new president of cub getting malays austerity measures. unless you mean the have stopped funds for the soup kitchens, the starving, the poorest, while a favor and the pharmaceutical companies, big business and big landowners. the president is a lunatic. he wants congress to feed all its power to him. my heart aches for what's happening in my country. the public sector workers were docked a day of pay. and union leaders could face fines or even prison for disrupting the free flow of traffic. but that didn't stop huge.


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