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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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in training is leading to a live success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm, stay, relax, and be able to share your shot as you normally would amongst episode sweep. oh no, just the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of the clock this is in use life in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. no
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less up in israel is that the tax on golfing strikes over night killed and injured . a number of palestinians including babies is run, is accused of demolishing homes and buildings in gaza as part of a plan to creative buffers. a palestinians in the occupied westbank say that being arrested to force family members wanted by israel to surrender. and the blame game officer playing goes down in russia. the kremlin says the jack was carrying ukrainian prisoners of wolf. ukraine said it had left for him. a light to slide from us in support defending women's champion arenas sutherland coast, taking the fest against carthage. go in there, australia. nice and semi final. that's the asian come greet stage comes to a close when live ahead of south korea's game against malaysia. the
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so it is 10 g and see that is mid day in gaza where israel's bombing of the strip is not stopping hospitals. schools, i know you in building sheltering displays, palestinians will be in the tax, the main building of nasa hospital and han eunice is the latest focus. troops have surrounded the facility and the area around it has been found. intense causes, health ministry says no one has been able to enter or leave the hospital, which is already struggling to treat the wounded. the red cross is one of thousands of people whose deaths may have been prevented, could die if medical facilities on protect it from indiscriminately assaults and is right is being accused of establishing a buffet. then within garza, i mean officials previously said creating such an area with protected civilians, the us as opposed any plans to change color steins borders. all right, we'll be speaking to stephanie duyka in just a few minutes. so 1st, let's get more on the ongoing bump options for that we can go to,
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i need my mood is tiny by for us in reference, southern garage, and i need 1st up tell us about the latest fighting around con units. if you would of the yes, well, so far, the reports emerging from hon. you and it started very devastating. we're talking about a place that that is the place for healing. instead it has turned into a battle zone. it's a scene of devastation and more suffering. not only for injuries and people with life threatening conditions side the hospital, but also for the 1000 of displays, the traumatized, a palestinian and as of now they are unable to leave the hospital on top of that, the the 6th stream shortage of medical supplies in a day no, no really over wont hospitals and the over whelmed exhausted medical staff. it just means the whole situation is very catastrophic for the hospital then as these
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really military now surrounding the hospital where there is no and then out of it, including the fuel that it will run out very soon. just the threatening the, the hospital of shutting down major departments then medical services. i provided for much needed the population in the area just as deep. uh, this is not the 1st time we're seeing a systematic attacks on, on hospitals with students in the past in the northern parts and and gaza strip just leading into one conclusion, the health care system across the gaza strip. it's either destroyed the pushed out of service to fairly damaged or just the over whelmed, as we see in here, in the southern part of the gastric new me in and drop by city. but as the fighting continues, these really military pushes pushed deeper within the past 2 days to include the areas in the western part of han, eunice, and again around the a of one of the largest. and they can demick institution that,
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that in fact is the largest academic institution. and they've got through the locks . the universe is a public university and it has turned in to a shelter for hundreds of thousands displays, palestinians that who slid the horror of the world, the know the parts and gauze off a city are now inside the buildings on able to leave. as the mill it to the times environment, vehicles that surrounding their, their reports so far from last night than they are now. as of this morning, 50 people have been killed with 10 more injuries. those 50 been collected, identify either either in the nozzler hospital or those who made their way to rough i city and i measured hospital or here where we're reporting from, from the can with the hospital including women and children, as young as 5 years old. the situations are, are in increasingly becoming difficult and catastrophic by dollars. and by the way, honeywood,
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this is not the only place right now where that this experience of intense bombings, also on the, the, uh, the central area where most of the refuge accounts are located. and the site right or cameras, the target in overnight, a tax work, an entire residential deluxe been targeted and destroyed. reports of 10 people of from one family of the william family were killed, including the children were talking about an entire family. 3 generation grandparents parents and their siblings were all killed in the attacks. you have is catastrophic situation and does a continuing into honey is real. meanwhile has demolished thousands of buildings that fits grades of buffet zone around the strip. what more can you tell us about that? swollen and it's causing the it becomes clear that there are, there is a plan that is, is being implemented across the goal is to buy these really monetary, particularly. and these trans, pardon, just the,
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the sheer level of destruction and the patterns of bombing and the, the, the difficult conditions are created on the ground is causing a difficult is for people to do, go back and to return to their homes as they, it's very consistent with that is really narrative whether the political leadership or the military leaders do a repeatedly said the. 2 their intent is those tablets of buffer zone and the requirements for a buffer zone is the a total destruction of the eastern area of the gas for the, from bates handling all that we do for the southern part of the gas turban to city and drop by city where the vast majority of residential buildings, they have been destroyed. idol culture land been raised completely at all, feed into a very consistent narrative of making it on an habitable and livable unbearable conditions. and by destroying all means of life, all civic institutions and forcing people into internal displacement and eventually,
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and to expose units become very clear in each passing date. this is the plan, even the, the thought of returning it becomes it very difficult in each passing day. as people are going to go back to the areas, but there are no homes, no services, and no public good facilities and nothing to support the civic uh, civic life in those areas. and he thinks about the honeymoon, who does speaking just from rough or in southern guns that lets with across to occupy the streets. and stephanie decker is dining by for us. the and stuff is so cool off is what it is really saying about it. and they're saying that this is crucial to maintain security for israel and also in particular for the border communities. so that the attack of october, the 7th cannot happen again. so it appears that this is already a reality on the ground that is being executed by these really made
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a tree. it really came to light when you had 21 reserved for soldiers killed in an explosion on a home, on a house that they were demolishing in the buffer zone. it looks like what they're planning is for around one kilometer of buffer zone along the east. and along the borders and something that the americans have very public, you said that they don't agree with that the territorial integrity of palestinian land needs to remain as such. and of course, nick, this is about land and the loss of palestinian land over the decades. so any nature of line that israel will take or will deem as a security buffer zone, is something that certainly the palestinians and large members of the international community will say, is simply not conducive to any future posting and state. which of course is government has already denied that they is, this is something they're not willing to negotiate on. they've also talked about the for the, for the delphi card. or this is, these really is that the southern area close to the board with egypt. and they
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wanted to control that also citing security. egypt has said that that is not going to happen. so again, it gives you an indication of the day after what israel has said, even though the day after what their aims are. and when enough is going to be enough and hasn't really made that clear what they've talked about a is the total destruction of how mass to the demon to try zation of the gaza strip . and then they talk about the di rather radicalization of the gaza strip. and certainly the demon to try is ation and that kind of military operation that's happening now along that border is already very much a reality. all right, so if it takes about to stephanie decker, a report of never much fight east jerusalem. let's take its own with mist off about good to use. the 2nd, the general of the policy and national initiative in a form of palestinian information minister joins, is not from ramallah. and we're talking about the day off to, but it's really question of how long the day off the last this buffet perimeter would around one kilometer at say, the is right,
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is inside cause or of course to prevent a repeat of october the 7th. say, say, what's your thought there is no military value whatsoever of this procedure to, but the, actually, the intentional. this is the sitting kind of guy's us times. we have to remember that the guy's eyes on the $362.00, a square kilometers. with 2.3, a 1000000 people living there. it's the most densely populated area and the one i know that is there is one to cut us a big part of it. no less than 15 percent. it's good to go up to 25 percent of that list in place as an ex and good practically to israel. and this would be perceived on the as an act of ethnic cleansing, of the whole population that lives in this very important part of gus. as to it is an app to destroy. also, one of the most important are getting kind of shouldn't areas in the, in the,
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in the place. and you said what would be effectively on that. so his route is these right? and you say no one will be there, they'll only be mines in this area to prevent people crossing and they say they needed to maintain security. yeah, i'm exploring new lands woods mines. that's what they want to do. they want to move the board of photo, but it does for the dental guys, up destroying the lives of the people of guys. and that is of course, very dangerous and it's a must be accepted and they should not be allowed after that. the not that important fact that in my opinion, the talk about about also now is in a way article, the mission of data failure. they offend in the all data military goals. they failed and sort of thing to tell ethnic cleansing, go guys, they've failed, and it's, and, and destroying that existence and garza defend their and imposing to their domain ition in the area. and that will corporation. and these, these, the methods of sending guys the, as the, the x,
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the administer spoke about core him a, i'm not going to help anybody. and i think the whole international community must take a very strong stand against this violation of people's rights. and they'll feel my life, so it's kind of the integrity of understanding and, and talking about is now in the community because the united states disagrees with the concept of a buffet zone. but as we blinking the affect your state saying that that may be scope full transitional arrangements. what does he mean by that? do you think mister blinking is only acting as a, as a lawyer does? what is it in? and he's playing games with his words. when he says position, and he means he's given, goes on in the panama, to do this on the transition of become pregnant. if the united states was serious about this position, they would tell is an stump of that and, and they don't do it. they would, the police tell is, or, and to stop the seas at the, the, the attack on guys until have any serious settlement on
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a ceasefire. something that the whole world once. and the only country that is obstructing now is the american states of america. i don't believe is that a blinking and i think he's my move in and i'm playing games for support of the is there any intentions? you say that if the united states was serious about, all they need to do is tell israel to stop, but it isn't as real operating on a site in the cold and just ignoring what anybody else as all things know they come through the night that states because of the united states, dave says that they should stop, they will have to stop. they cannot live without, i made a gun weapons. they cannot live without many good money. they cannot live without dominican diplomatic support. the united states, as a participant, unfortunately in this war and as long as they don't support to use fire and they become participant in the car and stuff that happened and, and as a, it's very serious, very serious. i'm just about good to you. appreciate your time. thanks very much indeed. stuff. a bug speaking just that from rebecca. a. now israel's military has
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carried out more overnight. rage across the occupied westbank is ready forces still in the city of geneva using full days is to destroy the streets. at least full palestinians were arrested. now nicholas is ready, forces are reported to a run site, several homes in the town of yada, which is south of hebron palestinians who have family members wanted by these rarely armies say they all be unjustly, arrested. interrogated in administrative detention. they say it's designed to put pressure on their loved ones to surrender or call and match some of the families in the occupied with back low volume thought it does the mother of a young man who is one to, to by israel and says she's being harassed and threatened and violently pressured by these ready minute treat to read the 1st on the list. it's a yeah. i spent 9 days in prison. they told me to give up my son, or they would come back and take me. i'm bull, my house. after i left prison,
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they would calling us around the clock. i was so stressed because they threatened to kill my son. they also come back then sacked, the house and the rest. and so i just my daughter get of her husband says he's also being treated like criminal and it's been in prison twice in 2 months. that sort of . so if you look at this picture, they found my hands put a blindfold on me. they threw me onto my face into a jeep, where they beat and kicked me. i asked, what did i do? they told me why son is wanted and they want him to surrender. the policy imprisoned, the rights group says, this is a form of collective punishment. that's illegal on the international human rights. little about the set on oaks is october. the 7th. this policy over us to family members of one to people is happening more frequently our especially seeing the women like wives. um, what does the news the hundreds of people now being used as captive?
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they put pressure on family members to have themselves in trouble for you. since is ralph oral garza more than 6000 people have been arrested and placed in administrative detention in the occupied westbank. often it is ready presence without any formal charges or trial. just 5 minutes for me to boss were here and tell loon when more families are facing the same. there among dozens across the occupied west. fine. who's being arrested interrogation and put into person to give information on family members and to add to the pressure here. they say they have to enjoy list night, you raids and drains continuously suckling goes ahead. intel mood, mohammad ashuelot says his brother is wanted by the is ready army for questioning. he shows me where the army broke into his house that night, smashing. and the mess with 2 certainly went a whole. they asked about my brother. i told him, i don't know where he is. then they started beating me. they didn't find him, so they destroyed the tool and ended my house and took me instead. they
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interrogated me for 8 hours in an open area. what about some of the stuff? and he says a recent break and it's cause one of his children to constantly shake and like so many across the occupied westbank. he says these arrests or another form of oppression that's continued the generations. laura con, i'll just say or occupied westbank the on to other well use no new cranes that security services. it's opening a criminal investigation into the downing of a russian ministry plane. department says 65, you crate in prison is a full were among 74 people on the plane when it came down. the belgrade in the southern russia, but keeps as the cross was transposing weapons, most cases ukraine shot down the jack pride reports now from key. this was the moment to russian military transport plane crash to the ground,
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prompting conflicting claims and counter claims about what and who was on board. russian officials say the illusion. 76, similar to this one, was transporting 65 ukrainian prisoners of war for a prisoner exchange. the say, clay months, you had crossed missiles were detected, being launched from the crane you inside of the border. launch 2 or 3 miles from us, both on the morning of january 24. moscow time a terrorist act was committed as a result of which in the area of the belgrade region, a russian transport, a cross was shot down which was carrying out to flight. and to transport the 65 military personnel of the armed forces of you crying from moscow region to belgrade, who were accompanied by 3 russian officers and a crew of 6 people. they all died. the claims were immediately treated with deep suspicion by ukraine, that accuses russia of conducting longstanding this information campaigns,
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which are with the short i see on the sam. usually jim. okay, and it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners with the feelings of their relatives and with the emotions of our society . it is necessary to establish clear facts as much as possible, given that the plane crash happened on russian territory. beyond the control facts is the key word. now stop was the salon. you believe you didn't assume? officially, ukraine says it has no evidence of its prisoners of war being on the plain, but the statement by military intelligence has hinted that if they were on board, russia was responsible for the safety. blaming must go for nothing, foaming, keep upfront spoilt arrangements for the prisoner swap, and for flying p. o w's so close to an active was establishing the truth as being made. honda, by the secrecy that surrounds the highly sensitive exchanges of russia and ukraine in prison. as this was the last prison,
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this walter carried out to new. yeah. even russia's list of the ukrainian p o. w 's . they say what on the plane is being disputed with a number of social media posts questioning the veracity of some of the names from mcbride. i'll just say era key. let's cross the most go. daniel hawkins is dining by for us. the daniels the statements from both sides of the last 24 hours, but still there are more questions and answers are absolutely lots of questions to be on said claims and counter claims swan and what's the most common key about with the last 24 hours the black box record, as we understand, have been discussed with this morning by investigators at the same that motion some more lights on what's happening. most school, of course unequivocal about who blames for this tragedy. over the skies of belgrade to ukraine, hesitant to confirm more than i need development directly of the picture, maybe building up uh since yesterday morning, given that you crying and medias statements,
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the statements from official bodies that on forces may have had some involvement in the shooting down of this plane, of course, if that is established by the russian investigation, any international prob, that happens, the question remains as to how and why this happened. and that's why the pregnant version comes in, blaming the russian side for not providing for the safety. all of these p o w use, and as we heard the front president savanski of putting the lives of these prison is at risk. now today the kremlin echoed cools for an international pro, cooling for investigation. and so what it described as keeps crime and shooting down this plane, a human security council, a session request was denied yesterday for a minute the sucker elaborate court in for an urgent meeting. that is due to take place now tomorrow we understand them not as well. both sides will be able to publicly officially present that version of events and hopefully some evidence that
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can back up those claims. and calendar claims on the site that have been going back and forth over the last 24 hours and tell you of the kremlin, said this morning. future prism is what this could be in doubt what. what do we know about law? and indeed that's been the worry um, certainly for the families of the peer, but w's on both sides. and today's mutual pascals. presidential spokesman said, it's unclear how this incident would impact seats or prisoners swaps vote since then on. but i come to apollo foods. the chatter of russians defense committee has said, russia, we'll keep talking to you train about the swaps because that's the only option the sides have to bring the soldiers home. richard plesco also said that the process of prisoners folks must have been in silence, alluding to the very complex nature of a secretive nature, as we've had the earlier of the swaps. and they have been multiple exchanges. of course, since the start of the conflict, russia took the unusual step guess that they're releasing the names based sites,
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will unfold that plane a t of has yet to confirm that officially. but whatever the results of this investigation, certainly the families of the peer deputies on both sides of which there are thousands. i'm going to be very concerned this morning about the future of bringing their loved ones home. because of what's happened over the last 24 hours. i don't think so. that's, i don't know who can say in most your thinking well, ukraine says russia has attacked residential areas in odessa, ukraine's main grain. ford has been repeatedly targeted since russia pulled out of the black sea grain excellent deal last year. a soft career is wanting that north korea is boost these weapons capabilities. the north said, testified what it called a new strategic cruise missile this week, showing i also last a long range hypersonic missile and sabrina tech driven system. last week, eunice came, visited the community on the border to see how the tension is affecting people's
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lives. the farmer gimme on being also runs a distillery business on the side making rice wines. he can be proud of working near the demilitarized zone or the d. m. z. as it's widely known, means he sees the highs and lows across the border relations. toyota and tongue balconies. i just don't know if there's mill, it just crashes. farmers are forced to suspend their work and retreat to safety. if the situation motions younger people believe you're going to corporation will be losing, making it any harder place to live for us. peace is a critical need for our daily lives. a motto, rail, ride to a former us military outpost offer is a unique vantage point. a rare glimpse over the d. m. z at and to north korea centrally located on the korean peninsula. this former transport hub used to be bustling with activity until korea was divided. what you see behind me is white horse hill, the sight of one of the fiercest battles of the korean war. changing hands
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thousands of times and sustaining massive casualties by both the chinese army and you one forces. the battlefields are now rice paddies were only registered farmers and visitors are allowed. a few kilometers away. on the other side of a forest stands a north korean town. satellite imagery shows a statue in pelham young, built by north korea's founding ruler to celebrate reunification. one day now demolished, to erase that hope. after an order last week from leader came town and back in the south. a town in the border, county of total and rebuilt to show what life was like in decades past weights for tourists, along with a lasting piece which remains ever elusive on the korean peninsula unit skim algebra shuttle and south korea. a weird thing. so right now, but still
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a head is facing and ivory coast sites, vague codes, but then find out they've straight into the north costs would be after a couple of nations that's coming out of the gym or in school. the other last name storm. jocelyn has width through now it is more or less here. so what are we looking at next for the u. k. in particular, when they suddenly it's still fuzzy in places, city of york, for example, the small writing to come, but it's not extraordinary. was it is that the cold stuff is still that the baltic states is still snowing through this. you a near for example, and then in 2 minutes and as a wallace now in moscow. so this part of europe and then running into western russia is still called
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a wintry. whereas to the science and i really mean from spain right across the degrees to many places quite modeled. in fact, in cold weather, for example, we talked about record high values for january and a lot of rain which could be kind of consumed in spain in front this year. the big picture on a friday c's mall reading fell through denmark and to reach a version of what we've just seen, a lot more snow up in at least the dose of sweden, but everywhere else mile, this is probably the best description of it and that's rain coming down into the high ground, even of all stream. quite strong winds recently, you've taken this reason, dust off as a hard and is go your trusted down, take towards south america. otherwise the pictures, as you might expect at this time of year windy and dusty, the, the unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of
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imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sleeping up against the door, right? now i want to be one of them connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises. that is all i want to want to know us as a human to happen to next to the street on out to 0. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the other guy you're watching out 0 remodeled on top stories is and is ready for us as of a tech. the main building of nasa. hospitalized cardenas troops surrounding the facility and the area has come on. the intent on bob is around is being accused of establishing an officer and within garza, army officials have previously said creating such an area with the types of in, in the us as opposed any plans to change clicked on port. now the international court of justice says it will deliver its verdict to on the measures sold by south africa against israel. this friday, the south african government brought the case in december,
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accusing his right of carrying out genocidal x in garza, the running wedding to dress the basic issue of where the israel is committing genocide that's expected to take years. maybe instead it will consider south africa's request for 9. so cool. provisional measures is granted that could include an order of israel to stop it's military campaign and ensure palestinians have access to humanitarian assistance. the call could also decline to order the measures. israel's prime minister, been witness. yeah, it is already said you will not be bound by any order to hold the will. that's despite the orders from the i see j being legally binding and not open to appeal. it's difficult for, for the court to enforce its products. i didn't my colleague funny back to bruce spoke to michael becca, who's a former associate with associate lawyer, i should say at the i c j. and he says, i've ever committed the basic requirements to prove original measures to be ordered
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against israel. it's really important to understand that what the court is going to be deciding on friday is not whether israel is in breach of any of its obligations under the genesis of convention. those are as excited south africa's main claims. and in the case, this is about provisional metrics. that's a kind of emergency relief or interim relief that south africa is 16 while the case is pending. and so south africa has asked for a number of things, but to make the most prominent requests are 1st. for an order that would direct israel to suspend all military operations in gaza. and secondly, for an order that would direct israel to not impede and indeed facilitate the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance into casa. and so how the court addresses those 2 requests, if it decides to indicate provisional measures at all, is what to really look out for on friday. so to request is the court likely to grant one request and deny another one? because i understand this has happened in the past, like the boss, me a case
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a few years ago. right. so 1st, what we'll see if the court decided that south africa met the basic test for provisional measures to be if you order it in the 1st place, many ice age experts. and i would agree with, with this view, things that south africa did do enough to show that it's claims under the genocide convention, or at least plausible. and very importantly, that the policy and population of guys that faces real and imminent risk of irreparable harm and nothing that's happened in the last 2 weeks, i think has changed that assessment. so the court can, the court isn't limited to what south africa as asked for the south. the court doesn't have to say yes or no to south africa's specific requests. if he decides to issue provisional measures, they can formulate whatever set of measures it thinks is most appropriate. and so while i think the court will want to say something about a bill, israel's military operations,
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i'm not convinced that they will be willing to go quite as far as south africa as ask them to go, or in a complete suspect. there's no dirt activities of all right, let's move on to thailand that politically. the lim, jonah, and right, has returned to parliament. often the supreme court acquitted him a violating election though the 43 year old opposition politician was on the verge of becoming prime minister officers policy one elections last year. he was then accused of illegally holding share as an immediate company. as reformist move forward policy says that the case was politically motivated. certainly try reports now from bangkok. heading into cold with his political future in the balance between them during rep, looking relaxed, as he felt his way through crowds of support isn't generous to get into the constitutional cold. despite his demeanour consume the cau, might, will ban him from politics as it has with other popular politicians recently is. so it was something of a surprise when a not guilty verdict was handed down by
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a margin of 8 to one. the judges agreed that the media company hadn't been active for 17 years, but the judgement would change the fact that peter isn't prime minister, nor is his policy move forward in government. despite a surprise, when in last year's general election, his appointment was posted by the on the like to the of the house and the party remains in opposition. anyone could have avoided move forward and pizza audited or either you give up politics and walk away from it, ignore it, you know, hopeless. or you actually you pay more attention date and become more hopeful whether it's outside of the parliament for inside of the apartment. because i'm of the people's choice, but the parliament's enemy lou thoughts, previous incarnation future, ford was suspended by the court in 2020. the reform is platform. the 1st part is well popular as ng good time down to establish meant,
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let's try to shut them down. the call for change and reform and progress in time that is unmistakable index, horrible as scrolling. so you know, putting that down, denying it comes at the right high cost for thailand and for the establishment that runs timing to does the quotes, verdict indicate to change the surprise not guilty, verdict today and something of a really cool present looms are on run for these not out of the woods, yet the policy will be back here in 70 days. time for decision of the constitutional court could see them as he tried to lead the crowd search for. so i'm shouting out prime minister, it's a job. he didn't get this time, but it's still very much in his sites. it's already charged. so for the 5 minutes of joe, now, are you happy to sit out in opposition for the rest of this term? or we're, i'm through the prime minister all candidate according to the constitution. so anything that happens then i must say, i'm always ready willing and able to leave this country going forward. but that depends on the process. thank you so much,
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tony checking out to 0. bank of those papers, home experiences and unemployment sort of like he's a professor of political science at the to the local university joins is not from the bank conquer. welcome throughout the 0 set. so 1st up and not guilty, verdict, we surprised by that and not really because i'm on 2 or 3 grounds plus the charges were printing we, you know, the, the mean he owns such a minute skills, insignificant us as it didn't give them any insurance. it was 0.0035 percent. then 2nd, advertise was for nothing dissolute and bought a band for kind of but for be tied to a not be eligible to be prime minister. so most uprising because the way we charged followed by a dubious, a person in fact. and the evidence was a little lemming because the chairman of the company mentioned the set ended in a meeting that the,
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that the company an immediate company. it was no longer making any business or any money. so therefore that, that testimony of the chairman became the crucial evidence. but the time to be that, okay. and i think the, the evidence is to a whole, let me write this a box. the policy will be back in 7 days time in court. what do you think will come of a we have to bear in mind that all of this was designed to, to prevent p tied to be prime minister and move forward to take over the government . and once that was the cheese, then everything else was negotiable. so move forward now has been relegated to the opposition mazda lies, and a good face, a dissolution charts coming up next wednesday. but i think that task also does not come up with the solution bigger for the pocket to stop campaigning on amending the less mr state law against writing. so, so on next wednesday, i don't think the policy will be solved, but it could be that the court well will make it known that the,
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the monarchy is sacrosanct. uncomfortable. and the even the positive one, the less than $10.00 and then the best buy is just a law that might be enough for the court to say that it violates the constitution because it wants to undermine the constitutional monarchy. and then therefore, this could then be passed over to the less permission to file another task to solve the party the party is deemed to have violated constitution. so it boils down to the parties, call for reform of the monarchy, and that may be sec the same thing. so we can still see the party get in trouble next wednesday. to what degree do you think the establishment is, is treading dangerously, given the popular push for reform on the street. i mean, we've seen this like 2 decades now. you know, they've been kind of up ads establishment they've been going through so far. i protests from below, they want a different kind of thailand. the timing stuck in the past with
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a very conservative royalist establishment that have 2 minutes. it cools a bunch of but you do show the interventions that are very high cost of china kind of is being as bad. still the economy is going to the doldrums. so this cost is becoming, i think, is registering, that's why it establishes my way to deal with taxes, you know what? and allowing him to come back in his pocket to, to cover that, and then turn the positive i positive taxes and again, a small sort. so there, there establishment, i think it says re thinking a little bit, but at the end of the day, i think that they want to email at all costs to maintain their power and interest. so i think we will have more attention is coming out because the book we had last last made was very clear. it was a go for the chance. and before i'm a pilot and for a new kind of future, right, i dream celsius pretty to time to continue to say, he says i am the people's choice, the parliament's enemy will his time come as well? if you time selves now is eligible to be finally start can he's back in parliament seats, cosmetic, he's a, you know, vocal he's yes,
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a principal of these i to collect. so he, he's definitely fine ministerial email system, you know, and he is attractive. 5 for the voters is messaging is very good. so yes, chance, but sure. the fact that he's back in front of me now, i think, well, we'll see him as a better establishment of a positive self. you know, it might even have. so somehow you saw another popular come up because move forward . so saw a predecessor future for to solve before. it's not about the concepts, month, not about p. time is about what they spend for baseband, for a new kind of time. and a more modern thailand, before them time at with the military. it goes back to the barracks with them on how to use uh, was within the constitution. i'm more transparent, more comfortable for thailand, democratic institutions to move forward based on the popular will to populated legitimacy. and that's, i think, very clear if you look at the vote, move forward and prototype, combined for twos, both of the electrodes. so have they been allowed to run the country? we would have the ties prime in this step, move forward and government together that type. but because there's no middle
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t manipulation, we have to send it to body. it gets the time just slipping charges on the tie beforehand so that you know, this continues. but i think it's a matter of time. great to get your analysis. it doesn't end up going through direct. thank you very much. i a general strike intelligency there has gained support in mexico. no. yeah, 100. sure. the so there are 2 outside argentina's embassy in mexico city. demonstrate is denounced economic reforms and faith countries. and so you can find those sturdy measures will lessen already difficult living conditions. large and team is usually elected president announced plans last month to scrap or change more than $350.00 economic regulations. critics say that have a malays decree is unconstitutional and removes consumer an employee protections is, are locked in america, added to this in human, in the capital of one,
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sir. tens of thousands or trade union members and to the call to take to the streets of argentina, to protest against new president of cub getting malays. austerity measures. knock on the bottom. as you mean the have stopped funds for soup kitchens. the starving deforest, while a favor and the pharmaceutical companies, big business and big glendon is the president as a lunatic. he wants congress to see all its power to him. my heart aches for what's happening in my country. the public sector workers were docked a day of pay, and union leaders could face fines or even prison for disrupting the free flow of traffic. but that didn't stop huge numbers of people from taking part in the 12
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hour national strike. trying to find the trade unions, but it is not meant to any of the country discuss whether or not me bought small as it's called various area people here, 600 an article will here say what sell the country out of their social security minister describes the strike is the work of quote, mafioso is trying to preserve their corporate privileges while the government concedes the industrial actions has cost argentina millions, money. i don't know if that can be now since then. gone. say those and the national airlines had to dance was $295.00 flights. i'm reunited 25 to one or 200000 passengers so far today because of these people voted by the committee that it was a gamble for argentina's unions. many of whose most emblematic leaders are widely
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criticized for corruption. so i sort of seem to get the phone, the trade unions. i'm not very popular actors in our society. and we have a government that presents itself as the enemy of the union's. so the strike could be counter productive for the organizes perhaps, but argentina is still very powerful. trade unions have made it clear. the strike was just the beginning. this in the country where social unrest fuse by power in this unions amid in the queue economic crisis have brought down governments before the sea and human outages, era windows situs farms in front. so continuing the roadblock demonstrations, they say the livelihoods of trust me by rising costs in your opinion, environmental regulations, some have been using tractors to disrupt the traffic over the past week. and we've, we've just been growing across from, inspired by some of the demonstrations from germany and in the netherlands. while a breakthrough in genes therapy, treatment is allowed and 11 year old boy just yeah. for the 1st time,
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i see some underwent the experimenting surgery at the children's hospital of philadelphia. in the united states surgeon says the treatment could have a profound impact on future treatment folder and a study published in a loan. so it is from the fund have of 6 children treated in china using experimental gene therapy. had the hearing significantly restored thing. the gen is a doctor in boston's mass. i and yeah, hospital and a senior officer of the study in united states. it explains how the therapy works. liza therapy to treat the children welcome completed their. so these are quite a gsr to you. why do we to use it to use these are so called a special type of virus, a v fires to carry the gene and that we can get into the year. oh, the children and as a chosen, we don't have that is pretty good. the gene,
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the kind of here before the treatment that complete that after we inject, as a gene product utilization, a year, the product actually go into the cell and work. and we started the fall sheet as a result the children can't hear. and that's how it works. do use are these really very advanced technology is the use of all different diseases, fossil fuel and loss. these are particularly important thing in the wake hospital or it won't be that people worldwide. and as a know, single drop be proved by $58.00 country hearing loss. so nobody ever be treat, doing loss kind of retaining the hearing. so this rate is a 1st time that we've shown the gene syrupy can be, was to treat genetic hearing loss, which per donald and effective children. so the chosen weapon incomplete that i'll just read them in the weekend, the hearing loss, as they regained a speech,
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a head hearing out 0 transaction from the women semi finals at this really nice light is coming up with gemma,
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the business latex, to be sponsored by interlock tuck, he's real estate consultant. the business like just to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant the the . busy let's get onto this board is jemma. thank you, nick. while in the last few minutes serena saw blanca has creased into the final of the all straining ice and the defending champion was up against full seed coca golf . and a repeat of last is u. s. hyphen fido, which golf one to climb, how fast, grandsons high so. but satellite one, this one in straight sets, 76 to cloth, which puts the into the final without having dropped a set. it has 6 matches so far, this one,
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then the better option will face either china is king. when jen or you, prince diana, yesterday got in the final and the winning run continues. the oldest of us doubles about number one in this policy 3 year old. right hand, they've tanya has already secured his place at the top of the ranking. but now he and matthew, i've just reached the 2nd straight from some final but sounds like for different outcomes, having most of the us sites. and last in the south korea kickoff against malaysia, shortly as they look to secure a top to finish and the agent cut group, south korea, jordan, as all right. ok, so have a chance of winning group a finish. a run is up beings avoiding
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a last 16 months against japan. all those south res coach, young kinsmen says that is not something he's thinking about. now we don't want to avoid anybody v one to go from game to game respect. the next opponent, which is malaysia, who learned a lot from their 1st game played much, much better the 2nd game and have a lot of quality in there. so we expect that we expect a very difficult game. whoever comes after that, you know, is, is not important. it's jordan, he lead group a, it's a baseball right himself, career, defeat, malaysia. the teams would still be on the same number of points. so the window of the group will be determined by go difference, which gives jordan the edge of the night and both sides can lose. and we'll still go through. it was one of the best fed place teams and the joyful bar, right. and we'll guarantee they progress. so lots of scenarios are possible in this group, but skate life to a piece of stem it's at. so i was in each state in for the south korea, malaysia game piece. as i just try to explain that it is a tight group,
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most the most likely outcome jeanette. i think it says that the paradox, but it's very complicated. and at the same time it's not complicated. so if you solve korea, you're already through to the last 16 when lose or draw, it doesn't matter. but what does matter is way they finish in the pool. so for example, if they were to wind, that will be 1st a 2nd. it depends what children do with games for rain, but if they finish 2nd, which at this stage seems to be the most likely outcome. a math whole thing last 6 feet high against japan beacons. if they were to win the group that could come up again. so a saudi arabia, a big party, and that itself would be a block best of fixture and south, threatening the to tottenham captain as well as some to menacing, pretty quiet by his very high standards. is it time he made his lock in this told me that you think it's interesting, you say that you know, i'll just be honest with you. i was actually at south korea's match. i've been sold in the other day and i didn't think that he played particularly badly are drawn
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through that. he didn't lights up the match and he hasn't looked up the tournament . and maybe a player, the skill and caliber is expected to do so, and that's the highest band it is when it comes to play as such as him. but then you go to a guy like a li canyon and the parent sandra mat in the play. who, by the way, a lot of friends you all wearing, he's sure it's with these number on the back. and you know, he's been very good and i have no doubt that at some point someone likes on will come to the policy. you will lights up the tournament, play that is very good. it's only a matter of time. i believe. i don't think it was his quality of play. i think it was his lack of goals so far. i think that's what everybody think talking about when that told you about his performances, but as for opposition, malaysia. do you think that could be dangerous to south craving this much? yeah, just a quick point on so that you correctly point out that it's a pay like that people don't really care about the cost is in the sense that they could judge on the goals benefits. but just on the laser look, that runs more than 100 places below south korea. so it's unlikely that they would
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wind here today. having said that, they're already eliminated from the tournament. they've got nothing to lose. why not go out on a high with a big opposite victory here today? it's not beyond the realm of possibility, but you never met peace that will let you go and get inside the stadium. as we know, take off is fast approaching. we'll hear from you again a little bit later. thank you. it was the window of south korea's great. we'll avoid it. depends, as i mentioned, they could instead of face saudi arabia, in the last 60, that's if the saudis, when that group, which they will do is they avoid defeats against thailand, but should revise who mancini side lose thailand will lead program unfinished will manage this team seeing so for mine, for some time is not enough for because you need to have the most time. but the way i improve dental in these for mine, for and that in that we can april more and a in the future a full week. i,
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when i don't know the ways of that along the but the, and all we wanted right now to have is all twisted the africa cuff of nations warehouse ivory coast sacks. that coach we need to find. they'd actually squeeze through into the don't count stage. they posit company was only we got say also that humiliating for defeats equitorial guinea, left them with just 3 points from the 3 games that they might wish they'd way to is because the wrong guy did them a massive favor. the told him is highest, right? seen these, i'm the one know to progress as 3 f. when is sound, you only needed a point to go through as a best place to finish up. so they get home on his eyes because to go through instead and that these was very well received of 5, these ivory coast funds set everything on the streets of adage, on that team. now face is a really tough challenge and that's, that's no help. okay, okay, the rest against defending tompkins set a goal and of course without a permanent coach and carla and the movie
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a kick off the last 16 on saturday, followed by a blog post aside between nigeria and cameron. creepy with his equitorial guinea face gide at egypt. without mohammed stella faced the democratic republic of congo . it's kate, but it gets worse. have you ever had that set of go? i've read case much. molly plate became a fast so and member okay. take on south africa or independence like a union violence coach has apologized for shopping, binds leroy sign. it in the face may not be alice uh was sent off off to the incidents in the 7th of minutes. this is not the but ms. vega, this is actually ice. okay. so i will tell you about this fights and the ice. okay . came a just 7 seconds into the match between the sort of pumps is on the i reside at coyotes. i mean, we used to sing sites and i still keep it. uh yeah, 2 and 7 seconds that that must be it ruckel just got your machine is not very happy that the lines been jumped in now to an unusual
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start to an ice hockey game in the add a towel. there we go. here we go. this is the same game i showed you just a moment ago, but it's i did we have to show you twice. this is sort of passes up against the average that it causes. yeah. suddenlink i was pretty use. the thing on the i can tell you the pumps has went on is when the game 6 see now in canada is being reported that up to full conference and they tell us how he plays, criticize allegations of sexual assaults. that soft, a 5 members of kind of those 2018 and jr. his team ordered to surrender to police in london on terry relates to the electorate groups, sexual assaults. but a code is 6 years ago. out a whole. he kind of that fundraising gala no names have been given, but 5 players on that 2018 team has been granted leave by that pro teams in recent days,
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including full in the n. h o. a quick update on this last test between india and england and hodge about india spend as around somebody on day one, reducing england to a 1376. that one site probably today. justin rushman to 3, which is each but england did recover to get to $246.00. 0, out loud to me. thanks to a 70 from captain ben 6 in the 86 for one in reply. that is a useful for me for now i'll be back quite set whether or not now that we will look forward to that see you later that is it for this these are toma craig cut me off. he'll have another offer of use. i'll see you later. bye for now the you have the right, the boy costs anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that. and 3 pod series explodes, the implications of us and people close the freedom of speech and 1st amendment by
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how many words would i have to exchange in this legislation? thing use it to flush free speech. of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 words pod, 3, the template on out to 0. so want making sure. well i, i guess the scared the hell. i don't think i've ever had anybody get my face like that if i was 20 years younger or something like that, i might as the raffle, the reeves was arrested in charge with aggravated battery, with a deadly weapon. and 2nd degree murder. throughout his 8 year legal battle, he maintained that he shot in true chide and self defense. during the trial paced out on the stand and claimed that this was the most dangerous, terrifying life threatening situation he had ever experienced. and his whole life.
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i'm sitting down as a completely defenseless position. i'm looking up at this guy and he looked like monsters down there. and that's just hard to believe that someone throw in a little bit of popcorn i knew was the most terrifying experience in all of your smart days. and all of your police career, the man that took a life has turned into the victim. and my husband is now the aggressor. and that's not fair because that's not the truth. that's not how it was. i care about helping us engaging with the rest of the world. we're really interested in taking you in to a point you might not visit otherwise. i feel as if you were there the
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know this often. israel is a tax on guns and strikes of an i've killing into a number of palestinians, including babies the


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