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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the phone off from there, he gets up and the storms off. the us is always of inside 50 for the world. people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just leave this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the not at least 20 people are being killed in kansas city of israel, talked to thomas didn't go waiting for 8. the the clock is, is out. is there a line from dell also coming up? israel is demolishing homes and buildings to create the so called buffers. a with guns of the blame game after playing goes down in russia,
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the kremlin says it was carrying ukrainian prisoners crane said ton wesson's own warning signs ensued on accused each other of forcibly disappearing and torturing separately. the so we begin and goes away as well as relentless bullying of the strip shows just no sign of slowing hospitals. schools in a un building sheltering displays, palestinians have all been struck by a large crowd of palestinians who were waiting for desperately needed aid in gauze . the city with target to advise ready sold just at least 20 people were killed in more than a 150 of the injured being taken to elsie for hospital in the south is ready troops of surrounded knots. the hospital in hon. eunice. so just to be shooting at the main building of the hospital, the red cross is warning thousands could die if medical facilities are not protected from attack and is restless. being accused of establishing
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a buffer zone within garza officials previously said tracing such an area would protect civilians at the us has opposed any plans to change palestine borders. what his role as intensified as from baldwin to the seas, gaza strip, and a civilian death. toll mounts at least 20 people have been killed in kansas city strikes. civils. i talked to nasa hospital in hong eunice dawes, his health ministry says at least 25700 palestinians of not being killed in his ready strikes since october the 7th. how does the mohammed begins are coverage now? they've got a long silent deed. the guys, a strips main north south was hoping to receive food handouts. we thought the warning, and it's really straight hit them. a at least 20 people who are killed and more than 100 injured. and con unit is really strikes targeted civil
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location that you just flushed to the few remaining hosting to the seed city the most. but most of the hospital is full. the dead body in a hardy, not in a symmetry, but the hospital comp on phase right. these are fighting their bullets on the door of tomorrow. there's really strong to everyone, the killer the bombardment of can use us both tens of thousands to seek refuge and roof. is really strikes residential building in the city. the victims, while most of the women and children couldn't regarding the treasure and were sitting at home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby mosque. the whole area close to it was destroyed. my sense of the occupation claims there is a safe zone. we came to it off or based on the occupations instructions that it was
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a safe zone. only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted. if we don't pry a warning without informing people to evacuate. with no sign of an end to is right . you also civilians. we've continued to pay a heavy price having some kind of a just data let's across the reference southern gaza target we resume study by for me, sir. and talked to this more about the striking because as if you were yes um that's completely a part of the attacks that have been carried out today against different areas across the territory. now in fact, today in gaza city, a new incident that had been carried out by the used by the forces that led to the targeting of a crowd of palestinians were lining up on the crate sea round about just waiting for a delivery in 2016 where this s strike had killed and also with the authors shooting,
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had killed 20 palestinians at least alongside with more than 150 others being wounded. and all the details regarding the attack had been declared right now. it was the incident, had been the plans and prepared by these many men to treat who have some different messages too. as to the numbers of the palestinian citizens are still trucks. in gauze, a city inform exempt or fits to wait to round about to receive aids that will be delivered to them. and this messages were sent with the owner, last name. and this was a kind of misleading process that had missed that palestinians who had been gathering the lines to receive these treatments. i was, as we have been also hearing, i'm speaking to, i witnessed that on the ground. they were saying that you are completely surprised when they have reached the locations that with the existence of the military tanks, which open the fire and started to bombard the entire area where people were gathering. and this is completely a new part of the attacks. just just early to eliminate the existence of people in
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garza city. as israel continues to talk, it's old, the gaza strip from the north to the southern part of the territory. all right, we'll live with that. thanks very much for that to talk a busy spring, just different roughly in southern goals. now the international court of justice says it will deliverance. verdict on measures sold by south africa her days israel . this friday, the south african government brought the case in december, accusing is relative tearing out. genocide lacks in gaza. the ruling will not address. the basic issue of whether is right is committing genocide. that's expected to take perhaps is instead it will consider the south africa's request for name is so cool. provisional measures if granted, that could include an order of israel to stop it's ministry campaign and ensure that palestinians have access to humanitarian assistance. the court could also decline to order the measures. and if they did as well as prime minister and mean yahoo as already said he won't be bound by any order to hold will. thus,
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despite orders from the icy j being legally binding and not open to appeal is difficult for the cold day to enforce its products. or the how many joins is now from tel aviv. and how do we understand that said the prime minister has been talking with lawyers about the i. c j's, rudy on friday. is this an indication that doesn't mean that yahoo is worried about it really? of the it wouldn't be, i mean publicly at least a israel's position is that it's quite confident that the i c j will throw out the submission put forward by south africa spots. at the same time, the prime minister is meeting was self legal advisors and experts of this country among them the minister of justice and the attorney general. and that would indicate that israel is again going over the 5 is submitted some $400.00 pages
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that it's submitted to the court. now, part of that 5, where is the secret orders that were d classified? those secret orders were made at the beginning of the war, the 1st weeks of the war, and then there finally, a chosen and q rated, but they would show that prime minister danielle had a concern about at the minute sort of the limiting civilian casualties. and also providing humanitarian aid to gaza. what it doesn't show really is the 1st 10 days of the war. what orders were given then if you recall at the time each garza was seated in darks is at night, the water was also caught off. the bombing was relentless. i think israel is quite worried, especially also that south africa underlined the rest of the week that came out from some of the most senior members of this government. some of the most senior
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members in the country really. and that hasn't stopped just 2 days ago, the minister of heritage repeated again defiantly that a garza should be moved. and he actually even added my words, are i the international court of justice and i am repeating them again that but it's really the government here in a quite a difficult position because it was trying to still proves by releasing the secret orders. that regardless of the respirator that was coming out, when actually the push came to shove and when they were meeting and they, when they were planning the next move of the war. well, at the there were other considerations a take. and so i think israel is quite worried, people in israel are also very surprised by is always repeating that they have not started this war. and i think that everybody here will be actually close to the watching tomorrow or the advice for that. so how do i go, how and reporting that?
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when is renter's being accused of establishing a kilometer y buffet say inside the borders of gauze, it's really ami combined as of previously suggested, creating such an area with protect. he's ready civilians. the us to set it opposes any plans to change palestine ford. as i said, bank has more the one cause that has not been of age for over 100 days. the destruction is immense. along with the loss of life and pressure you elaborate is called on, we have no place to go. my apartment is gone. i saw nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children, and we all live in a school. my children are sick, they're a lot of dead under the rubble. and they are concerned that these, raising the tree is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing a so called buffer zone one colombia to white, and eventually running the entire length of that 65. cuz i'm a to cause a israel border. there's been no form and announcement, but these ready military has already destroyed nearly 1100 buildings in the northern part of the script. i move,
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it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining and effect the, the territorial integrity guys have. these really leadership appears to be ignoring to us. they want to move the board of photo, but it does for the dental data, destroying the lives of the people of guys. and that is of course, very dangerous and this will not be accepted and this will not be allowed after that the. another important fact that in my opinion, does talk about about also now is in a way article commission of data failure. the bus is own could also be legal under international law. whoever is riley is a proposing, has been proposing and is now perhaps re pricing with a little advertising. there's bit more emphasis is both loved paid to below,
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full oppose by the international community, and a way of occupying goss or whatever happens at the end of this conflict is red has already paved the path of destruction for the buffer zone, pushing palestinians into an even smaller piece of land, but if this one is established, it gives no way for palestinians to return to the part of gaza with the homes once stood a start date of 20. a. hi, let's close to the white house now in washington dc. all correspondence can be how it gets tiny by for so it can be say, tell us more about how the u. s. has reacted to this needs. well, the latest reaction has been somewhat confusing. given the stats back in december by the white house has been largely in opposition of this buffer zone. we had heard from the state department spoke 1st and matthew miller back in december. that there was no support for such a buffer zone by the binding administration. but that'll changed on tuesday when we
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heard from the national security council spokesperson john kirby. that is the binding ministration. did not want to see territory diminished in any way. but there was some conflicting statements made by the secretary state and to the blanket. and when he said that there might be a scope for some transitional arrangements, and that left open the possibility that the, by the administration or at least the secretary of state, was entertaining the possibility of a buffer zone. and so this has left open some concerns, not just here in the united states and obviously for palestinian groups. and for those that are concerned and supportive of the of those that are already watching very closely and seeing the land that has been diminished. the fact that there are more than 2000000 palestinians that have been internally displaced. but the also that there has been a history of when there has been land grabs by israel,
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but they tend to be not temporary or transitional, but permit. and so this is the grave concern that this is not going to be transitional, but would be the sort of once again receiving a board or something that we've seen repeatedly. and so as a result, this has now created some confusion here in the united states and around the world as to what exactly the secretary of state meant. so we're trying to find out and drill down here. we are watching carefully to see what will come out of the by the ministration. today. there will be a gaggle as the president travels where we can get some clarity on what exactly the policy is moving forward. given the fact that there had been opposition. and now there appears to be some opening in terms of where this transitional movement could be in terms of this buffer zone. ok, that's
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a picture from the white house. can we? how can we put, do that? thank you. in reference of him, dogs of the larger family is excited, a storage generosity and they built of bread often to allow just base people to make food out. is there a space? a lot of the items are called, my name is ro, feed hosting are just a resident of russell. i live near the area where displaced people from gauze, uh, taking refuge. they don't have cooking gas, you know what? they have nothing. they live in tens. i welcome to them into a home, and i have built them a model open. i provide them with a portable water. let's assume i can well then this from on the top of the oceans of the day, ma'am. yeah, there is no other place where we can bake oven wood is expensive and no 2 ways available. but we come to the house of all, all shall i mean, baker, to the house. we don't have any utensils, either. bless them. they gave us what we need, they gave us water as well. we, they call bridge the and i personally cook the, i hate this anguish is removed and this will comes to an end,
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so we can return to our homes. and i hope we can invite everyone who stood by all sides and supported us too. and as how many of the lot of the month to continue with this. if enough, him the, for the month of the i have them display from has that good offer. we have tons of money because our and we big bread that our neighbors are ours. a family. of course it's been difficult. it took a while until the found flower too big. the situation is tragic and unlike which one would imagine. thanks to god, the fondest people who welcomed us into that home. not just us, but also all those this over and can be useful for you by older people in this neighborhood. the ours are well known for their kindness and we have been fortunate to come across them or so the head here now does 0 tile position leader back in parliament doctor a surprise winning quote,
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the and then what to do was solve e c. and everything is horrible. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor revenge, occupied and imprisoned. the bold and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on the
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the the other guy and you're watching out 0 and one of our top story is this. uh, and at least 20 palestinians have been killed in del, as a city while waiting for the aid to be destroyed. well the 100 people were in zip and they've been taken to out she for hospital is ready for us as of a tank. the main building, if not the hospital and on eunice trips the surrounding facility. the area has come
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from boston is run, is being accused of establishing circle buffers. and within garza army officials of previous decent. creating such an area would protect civilians, us as of case any plans to change palestine porters on to some other well use now and rosters, accusing a crime, the shooting done a ministry plane, a crash near the city of belgrade and southern russia. cremeans says the aircraft had 74 people on board, including 65 you created prison is a full became says it was carrying weapons, training. president vitamins zalinski as cool for clarity on the circumstances of the crush. i've joined not by daniel hawkins who's in moscow. and so tanya, we've had plenty of statements read aside, but it's still more questions than answers. yes, a lot of uh, information left without all is, is that the stays the investigation at the crash. so it continues today at the
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blank boxes from this down, the plain will discover alongside missile fragments as well, which will be sent off to moscow for analysis that's according to investigate is the same rush with cool. it's very clear about who it blames for the down and of displaying saying it was deliberately targeted and it myself strong while you frame a tier for remaining much more uh, not giving a direct on. so claiming responsibility. not confirming involvements or not in the downing of this plane, just saying that it was russia that was responsible, a full this prisoner swollen for the safety of those prisoners on board, if, of course, according to you frame, and they were on board as well, that will be a un security council emergency meeting later today, just in about 7 hours or so. a web both sides can present that points of view that version of events and perhaps some evidence. in the meantime though, the filed one is of course of the thousands of pew w's left on both sides. all of
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this conflict and attention will be worried about what impact this incident will have on the safety of their loved ones. and just how difficult prison the swaps all going to be to negotiate. and off to this tragic incidents over this cause of founder of done you hook, and thanks very much i tell you, hold is that it must go well blood, man. i mean, yeah. and is a captain in the credit on forces. he's also full administrative infrastructure and he says, the rest of the accounts of incident is not true. a co ross's objects on that. it's easy, see easier, legitimate targets for you printing are what happened yesterday. it's still under investigation, but we believe is either be destroyed and also russian. but with reject russians of blocking, as of today, the nose explained was down and present the pray launched. the was big ation. what happened the reality?
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yes. but in my private humble opinion, it's ongoing as low as possible. cry about maybe has or their phone book gets and the reference on the ground. so i believe says rushing up laughing as they do always the same about freeze, most of your diets. these, these uh accidents because we don't see a single picture was kind of that comes across according to intelligence officer prey. it was reported yesterday only about 5 sports, basically from the crash site to the belle grove of hospital. that's h o f i c, and i hope that all those prisoners russians least in public yesterday i still alive because that's also what i spent for us. at least one circles. this publish least consist prisoners which back shouldn't be full. and they already facing you
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credit for 9 months. the sued news army in the apartment entry rapids support forces. they've been fighting for control more than 5000000 people have been displaced in the war. both sides are accused of forcibly disappearing civilians and torturing the detention center. it's an ivy allegations have been morgan talked to some of those who say they were detained and beat of every day for more than 3 weeks. how many recounts how he was beaten by his captors. he says, who was imprisoned in the national television building, controlled by the parent military rapids support forces. his family put out notices in hopes of finding him after he disappeared from home and on demand. profundity that they took me from you to my house and stopped beating even before 7 me into a pick up. the accused me of working with the army in between mercilessly. they took me to the state televisions building. it's due to me and threw me into a room. there were people who are bleeding somehow distinguish cut off. i was beating every day for 23 days before they finally released. i was on the
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a civilian and let them go. my how much says more than 20 others were detained with him in the same room. many said in these families have been reporting the 4th disappearances of relatives. since the early weeks of fighting between the army and the r a staff. many of the missing were men, but the women were reportedly health to because of says she was detained by the parent military for over 8 months. first, car, as she says, are from rebel bullets fired by the recess. while she was being tortured. i'm supposed to let it so fits as if i was being tortured, exceptionally abused. they accuse me of working with the government. i was taken to the eastern part of the capital along with other women. they beat us with a hold to the point we couldn't get up. they would wake us up with cold water if they find a sleeping. there was a woman who died because of the torture. they took her and we asked about her days later. and we were told she had died, but if you don't mind, it's not only torture that those 4 simply disappeared and detained. have to deal
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with the news arrived, group known as emergency lawyers say hundreds of people are being detained in various parts of the capital. some families who report that they loved ones missing, don't even know they're being detained. the group also says most detainees are being held in any human condition that include force and it's ation with very little food and water. the lawyers, they both wear and sides, have detained and forcibly disappeared. civilians which may amounts to our crimes, the 52 detention centers in costume, the types of 5 being confirmed. others have to reach and confirmed because of the ongoing conflict, detaining i'm supposed to be disappearing. people is classified as a violation of international human rights vote. according to the international criminal court, and can be classified by the quotes prosecutor as a wall crime crimes that have taken away many from their loved ones, leaving doubts over whether their captors will ever be held accountable. he but
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more than alter their own how to him in thailand, the politically de peter lim, joe has returned to parliament off to the supreme court, acquitted him a violating election little 43 year old opposition. politician was on the verge of becoming prime minister after his party won elections last year. he was then accused of a legally holding, says, in immediate company, just denying opponents with it right because of professor of political science a to the local university. and he's got more now on the legal challenges still facing pieces move forward part. we have to bear in mind that all of this was designed to, to prevent, be taught to be prime minister and move forward to take a over government. and once that was achieved, then everything else was negotiable. to move forward now has been relegated to the opposition mazda line, and it could face a dissolution charts coming up next wednesday. but i think that task also does not cover the solution bigger for the pocket to stop campaigning. on amending the
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lesson is just a law against evaluation. so, so on next wednesday, i don't think the policy would be to solve, but it could be that the courts will, will make it known that the, the monarchy is sacrosanct. uncomfortable. and even the positive, the one, the less and most through amend the best. but just a law that might be enough for the courts to say that it violates the constitution because it was to undermine the constitutional monarchy. and then therefore, this could then be passed over to the last permission to file another task to dissolve the party, the party is deemed to violate the constitution. so it boils down to the parties, call for reform of the monarchy, and that may be sec the same thing so we can still see the party get in trouble next wednesday. the breakthrough in gene therapy treatment is allowed 11 year old boy to shift the 1st time as in the month when the experimental surgery at the children's hospital philadelphia, in the united states, the surgeon says the treatment could have a profound impact on future treatment for deaf people so fantastic progress,
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the as always the website as is there a comments all the latest details, insight stores coming up, discuss the green risk assignment garza, i'll see, you see the the it is the right time to get to see flooding item an easier for an easy old bice and it has happened another best if that a heavy rain maybe. and potentially malays, even though like you sumatra, java could repeat that process it's. it's very typical when the ne monsoon is blowing, and that's actually before it says up, because then we use a very cold air active continental agent that produced a huge amount of snow in home, show up to about half a meter and 12 hours and included in hawkeye, due by friday,
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those these things are easing though it's still snowing up on the 9th and the air is still quite cold. tom is at minus 13, but the real cold stuff it was jack si size was and dropped hong kong to about 910 degrees. well that's the one that slowly is the sun does this work? whereas the son is working very hard to get rid of off his long lasting fall, threatening those indian paint. and if there's a good positive packet star, it's been there every day is producing very poor, a quality both from the amount of fault and the smoke co deputy because it pollution there elsewhere. and indeed expect this time the it'd be dry. we've seen some pretty heavy shells recently. no dish it, but then there are longer in the fall across the problem from one to 2 light ones interlink. that's exactly what you get. a few snow cheryl, some of the human that otherwise drawing the study and for the latest news as it breaks the word along, over a 100,
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dave has left many feeling like you will never end with in depth reports. many saying that as long as like 3 until all the campuses, a boat to the price, even if that means i didn't need it. and from the how to the story palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist the risk of funding is growing and does have more than half a 1000000 people are facing catastrophic food and security because of as well as for an siege. that's the stop warning from the food program on the un agencies. so is israel using food deprivation as a war tactics? this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian 2nd surviving and a wall that has killed more than 25000 people.


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