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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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or a 100 states has left many feeling likely will never end with in depth reports. many saying that is most like 3 until all the campuses, a boat fire to the price, even if that means an immediate and from the heart of the story, palestinians here say destruction caused by his really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist the risk of famine is growing and does have more than half a 1000000 people are facing catastrophic food and security because of as well as war i'm siege. that's the stop warning from the food program of the un agencies. so is israel using food deprivation as a war tactics? this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian said again surviving a wall that has killed more than 25000 people. and injured 63000 in guns, that is not just a natural of avoiding israel bones, bullets, and brutality. survival for 2300000 palestinians on the siege and under attack also means finding enough food to eat. a crisis of unprecedented scale is looming, according to the un, with everyone in guns at risk of food and security in the next few weeks. a mass of cold for the area to be to glad assignments own well as well claims there is enough food. so what's really happening and what needs to be done to ease the crisis, we'll be discussing all of this and more with our guest in just a moment, but 1st not a problem with safety. has this report on why many people in casa a hungry, a desperate cry for help, for the most basic of human needs. when palestinians,
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i'm looking for shelter from east really drones and rockets, they are searching the essentials for survival, food, and clean water. within 2000000 people in gaza, and that is really a take and seat facing what the united nations is cooling, catastrophic hunger. there's nothing wrong i'm, i'm not a much. i regret to say, we're not on the verge of the salmon. the real salmon. the rice is almost also some doctor is the 2nd was the basic food item to flour. if we run lots of rice will be consumed the same on this is the hush. we had a ton of agencies trying to deliver 8 across guys, a se, israel's unrelenting bombardment hinders them from doing so, and nearly 3 quarters of a request to into our rejected israel, such as old deliveries it permits into the territory. this causes major denise. well, some 8 doesn't get through at all, and they want to go voice that on the 11th and the 15th of january, the cutting 200 tons of wood 415000 people. 15000 people. that's really
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a very, very small numbers. and this is why we're seeing people becoming more that's for i think in patient to wait for it for the distribution because because that is part of it, they don't get to fit funds in. and they have not of confidence that these, that these come voice was comedy. israel says it is allowing 8 and there's enough food and accuses agencies of lying and creating falls narrative to allegations of deliberate. it says to stuff, palestinians, and guys over time is that the core of south africa's genocide lawsuit that is being considered in the international court of justice in the heat. more than 25000 palestinians have been killed in the school. gaza has been under siege and is rarely a tech for nearly 2 decades. the world bank and both health organizations that before the war, nutritional deficiencies and associates of health problems with wide straight into
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strip with pregnant women and infants, particularly effective. the war has listened to the situation with food and alpha. most skiffs and expensive of the prices are unimaginable. one kilo of this bad quality, wheat flour is 1012 shekels that's up from 3 in the past. for a much better quality, half of this flour is on usable. imagine that even before the war and when people had salaries, the situation was already untenable. people were suffering right now. it's many, many, many times before the war has brought to misery for people in gaza. those have survived, as well as a text. so fall face a daily battle to find food for themselves and the families live in once a day or 20 for inside story a will for those suffering from hunger in cause a legal definitions. i know exactly what they will be thinking about right now, but what actually defines assignment? well, according to the integrated fluid security phase,
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classification of food security, nutrition and mortality, a rule consider the threshold is reached when at least 20 percent of households in an area of facing extreme food shortages with limited ability to change the circumstances. about one out of 3 children in the population of acutely malnourished. and when there's at least 2 people dying per day for every $10000.00 inhabitants due to salvation malnutrition and disease. optical age of the rooms, statues of the international criminal court states. but intentionally using the salvation of civilians as a method of wolf by impeding relief supplies is a little crime. so let's bring it down. guests from sullivan will massachusetts, in the us were joined by alex deval, who is the author of mass starvation and authoritative history of martin simons. he's analyzed food deprivation as a crime and research to forced to starvation as an instrument of genocide and war
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from also were joined by match gilbert's a doctor of emergency medicine with low experience of working in gauze health sector, including during previous is really bump apartments from best i have in the occupied westbank, we're joined by we have jaffar. if there's the communication and advocacy coordinator for action aid, palestine level, and welcome to you or alex, let's start with you. what does the word from it actually made in practical terms and can it be applied to what we're seeing right now in gaza? you just gave the the correct definition as it developed by international humanitarian agencies over the last 20 years. and under that definition of concert is on the brink of farm, and in fact, you may already be descending in, in, in, into, from, in conditions and, and certainly it's a pies here on, on muslims time. and so essentially,
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that's so political, military decision, either deliberate or rec, plus reckless meaning that the, those in charge know that they are producing a mess, hunger, and starvation, and dest, through hunger and disease, and continue on regardless, even if it is not the stated policy to cause death through starvation, the functions of by not already triggered by this fact to not by natural calamity. alex would have to expiration of famine in gaza, actually change anything on the ground. declaration of thumb and dusting, have legal effect. it is really just an alarm signal to the international community that something needs urgently to be done. and of course, even a one step show to apartment and such as we are now. the conditions are absolutely unacceptable. people a whole ready dying on mass from, from hunger and disease,
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the threshold. this is quite an arbitrary one. and that's, let's talk about mount nutrition. and what happens to an adult at a child when they don't get sufficient food, or at least food with the ripe nutrients? well, it weakens the bodies, assistance, the power over the seats thing. but tara and virus, and the lights are cheap at large. we know from studies that the, the kind of chronic model nutrition that we see in garza and i, i want to make a point that this situation we have now is x the duration of a situation that we've had during the 16 years of seats. there are a number of studies showing a chronic, low grade protein mountain nutrition as a result of the seats of gossip affecting children. but what do you see in the body is that you will have a weaker immune system. and then you wouldn't be more vulnerable to infection,
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slight infections with the color. smallpox, acute a spit or infections, which we see actually in the southern gospel. in the smallest of the children. we have seen of search in r, s, the virus infection. you will have the chronic asthma and you will have a need. one important point is that the pregnant woman who experience estimation or family will have a child that is in the uterus, is model of attrition with a protein. and that will have 9 strong consequences for cardiovascular disease or diabetes for um, um i ordered 2 problems. and in addition to this, of course, you have the problems with a combination and with the mental development, the children who are exposed to collect mountain nutrition up to all of these on a battery. so you see the medical consequences that i wanted to ask you mads off to
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a period of, of severe hunger. when a person does begin to get the right kind of food and nutrition. again, i can the effects that you've just described be, be reversed. i mean, in, in children, you know, as you say, particularly with, with, with unbuttoned children that the effects can be lifelong. of. what about adults? well, the studies that we know so far from other countries also during your time and times of the few natural disasters that have quotes from. and we see, it seems that the, the problems you have while i'm being in pregnancy or the trade or symbol, they are lifelong to the extent that the children will have more kind of your last are problems. then people then children who were not exposed to find me during their pregnancy for the adults. it is of course, a matter of how complex your health problem has been. and don't forget that from in order or lack of food in gaza is one of the only one aspect of this matter from
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a disaster. in addition, you have the complexity of the trauma, all the effects and you have the injuries. and we hear from or police and go, so that's a 100 percent of the balloons are infected because certainly to border, i'm probably also be caught because of the amount of interest in situations. so this is a very, very complex and very dangerous situation for the people in gus i need. so my mate cabinet, a burst in a 2nd, 300 give us an idea of, of, of what daily life is like. a family's trying to survive in gaza. right now we know that causes fresh water and sanitation services are not functioning but, but how, how do people go about finding food to feed the kids? so the situation is confessed, are vickie, do some more that if that's a big if somebody is a sprint think and got the interest in buying the bottles of the us
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and the situation is of is all quantity golf courses. i'd like to think of this isn't and call and then combine limited in the didn't work together. so that is in gather, loves, have saltisha with to feed themselves a, get the cost of the bins on a fishing and come to the product. or did you want to inform the systemic bob, dean and components for the system by the door? so they do not have access to base, must have access to go outside of the products if you do the actual body 22. but it says that the got so a lot of detroit is more the 17 volt distribution. but what's, what's drawing as this? so the big one depends on that when he did in it, and that when it stay in a,
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the weight is more than one. this would really just call the go, but the immune leaves of the big one. so as the north, it depends on it drives rise and to drive the bus stop for the daily board. because also we have to take into consideration that there is no way to get to the board meeting board or board meeting id. so so the board meeting board as big it is with the vehicle. in addition, we will often a severe shortage. oh, and i'm in the ration so they have the viewers to me there what they don't have a no, it'd be one of the steps we have to do that. people in order to get your
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the eagles. any mass for agreeing. think it flow. i the for the week, okay. re him israel and says so that is enough food and for so for people in cars, i'll come back to you just about a match is what is blaming the you and, and time us for the slow distribution of a is there any merits, a tool in that argument does the you and have enough stuff, hasn't deployed enough trucks and the delivery of all the humanitarian in human infinity and exact is being beaten is due to the continuance bumping into the guarantee for the sick people water. i'm also documentation of black off in gas in v, in special or donation to prove this between the organization and the structure of the o. m b. the look i'm deliberately added to
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the all these conditions they make, the human interior is made. the items are possible to it so many miles in gas. so add to that they need to amount the through the i'm going through that in a couple sentences once i'm present borders. so it is the end of the day. yeah, that means according to the estimation of the government and the office needs nowadays more that the to the needs of residents. so before the month of october, i guess i used to receive around $500.00. is it just what was easy now? is mostly the needs of the people in the attic, so i'll come back to you in
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a minute. but nancy, do you want to, you want to make a point that yeah, i think these allegations that, you know, it's all up to you and then on the mouse and the palestinians, and there is enough food from these really occupation army. it's a, it's another blessing fly. i mean, we, we, we have the statistics from the very punctual and accurate statistics from old shock coming every 2nd day. and that's my colleague in, in the us and you know, before them this attack, they were on average of $500.00 trucks per day. oh, then a 150, at least where trucks would food to sustain life in gaza, even with agriculture and fishing. and the food basket that they could feel themselves no after it has to be an average down to a 100 trucks per day. and only 7240 trucks with food. this is according to the last by pc, special reef on finding us out. so there is absolutely no doubt that these rail
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tests being blocking the entry of not only a medical release, but also for brittany. i need to set the link, but it's a deliberate plan of mental politics to advocate the people of gossip through the seas through bombing, and through the availability of medical supplies and medical services. i'm the assignment and the lack of order. this is one of the most gruesome, a concert to the tax on public health that i have ever seen. and they say so also in the i p c report. this is the worst of the scenes in modern history. so this is a modified situation aimed at diminishing hill survival among civilian the palestinians. let's call them out the name they say said waterfront, this is a weapon of mass destruction use deliberately by use rep alex. what does international law say about sages and, but if the company is the cost of ation and farming and, and how does the firm in threshold have to be crossed for israel to have violates
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of international law if it is violating international law with the siege. but it's more on gaza, can it be held accountable? and those are all very good points. let me just preface that by endorsing something that meant to said, which is that i've been studying this topic for almost 4 years. and during that for 2 years, i have not seen or studied a situation in which a population was reduced with, with this speed to this regardless, comprehensiveness to state to stop by should it is exceed unprecedented since was about to an, as such, profoundly disturbing. so in terms of international law, there are, there are a number of aspects here on south africa broke the case to the international court of justice alleging genocide and the prohibition. the most relevant prohibition on
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the genocide convention is on the to see in the genocide convention, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in popped on the key that gives the intent intent to destroy it. and how it are in part and it will take many is called b, b i c j to come to a decision on that. but in the meantime, they couldn't issue provisional order instructions for what israel might do. and without having to, to, to, to confirm that there is a genocidal of content. and here's the wall. crime of starvation is the relevant one. and let me read that because the, the zip codes in it, but you don't, you actually mentioned in your, in your introduction which is and so let me read it to the full intentionally using start. patients has a method of both pass by depriving them of objects indispensible to best supply
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volt, including willfully impeding really surprised. so the key there is destroying objects, indispensable to survival, which is not just screwed. it's that's based on the legal definition of salvation. also includes voltage, sorry, taishan, health care, shelter, the tunnel cap of children and all of those are being destroyed. and the important thing here is not the intention is to cause death by starvation. the intention is to decry. and that really is happening deliberately. there is no question that the, the israel is, is, was strategy include space, massive destruction, of all this essential can construct. now these rainy argument is the thomas is using on civilian fields. it has, it's more, it's own more infrastructure hidden in and then civilian infrastructure of entities,
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obstructing and stealing pages and so on. and some of this may be true, but a violation by one party to a conflict in no way justifies a violation by the other part of the israel is responsible no matter what. if alex israel tomorrow was suddenly to allow in all fade in to feed the people of gaza. uh, would that allow it to of to, to wriggle hours have of the accusations the that it has committed the crime of starvation. you know, it put no, because the crime has, has, has already been perpetrated at scale. and let me, i'm going to will things if, even if it allows in a. but it continues to destroy objects indispensable to survive. that would be prohibited. and also the, the, the crisis will, i'm afraid not to stop overnight. a humanitarian crisis on this scale is like
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a huge heavy freight train. and if the driver puts on the brakes immediately as, as hard as, as can be put on task many to have that train will continue put some time. so the, the, it will be a weeks, months for, for, for the combined to terry and crisis. the crisis of, of hunger, of infectious disease of black of sanitation to be overcome announcement was saying earlier that there will also be the for lifelong complaints almost of ation on, on pop on, on children. this is not a crisis that can be solved over night. and the, the, the, the, the effect of going to last for many, many years we have, we're talking about objects indispensable to survival. tell us something of the situation that women in particular face right now in gaza, the killer,
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they base them. oh, okay. so the, because this is for me on the, to the means of there is so then i'm also a, been the increase the nodes on their shoulder. and because they need to find the warranty. and that is and for the, for you when to a for making the brakes and then also they have to wait in for, oh, all you want for getting get more for me, the brakes for the day and then so then i'm also a pregnant woman, a go to have his children and then they might give them a sig, shows that in your to, this is what i'm all. and they also they have to make something impossible choices and sometimes they will not eat. and they
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wouldn't give the reality of the what they have to be instead of the so the, this a crossed this low in that little that increases the increases been roles and responsibilities all. and it may be in been then have added for that and then send it on him. and then so, and for this reason the ceasefire, the, the link of the work to be taken and you get this female, you mean, just mean it is, i'm going to score 36 by a to, to, to come this summer. so might be did it's, it's because it's impacts when the stay for a long time. okay, that's what can we expect to see in the coming weeks, your trust on this several times before. but, but if israel doesn't to allow enough aid into garza but what's gonna happen?
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well, more people will die. avoidable best avoiding people that don't forget that there are tens of thousands of award in june in the, in addition to that, you know, people with ordinary diseases who are also affected by the assignments. and don't forget that when you are in a negative protein balance coming from salvation back or food, your wounds will hear much more slowly. your bones will grow together much more slowly and you are much more likely to have the infections in your woods. all of this we seen goal setting up, so they are actually in addition to, to making life miserable for the population by not having enough food. they are also coal seen massive medical problems in that population with tens of thousands of voted were they were complicated words with complicated factors. many of them going to set these emails and die for all avoid the both infections. and i'd like
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to add one more point to these effect of the lack of dietary energy. meaning, you know, if you don't have enough food, you like also be energy to leave a normal and active life and the face if there is anything needed for people in government. now it is to have the energy to subdivide the cold, the, the, the, what, the weather, the lack of housing, 60 percent of the housing for people in golf sites destroyed by bumping to have medical problems to have a split. finally, all of these, the minds and the energy just to survive the, everything with the star vase and the energy is be stalled and so to make life unbelievable, miserable. ok. dangerous. all of these factors are soto collectively done by his ram, but with the starvation, the lack of water, the lack of security, the lack of medical supplies, i agree, the only the only recipe. now it is to stop the bomb be immediately and open the gates to go. so alex, we've got about a minute left and i'm going to ask you
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a complicated question. i'm sorry, but be as brief as you can, please. is israel deliberately trying to delay or the rail a declaration of funding in casa? i don't think it's that israel has at this time in declaration, on its agenda. i think israel to, from what we see is pursuing its role with a pun, determination to inflict as much damage as it can in the short term before content. tional precious in general, begin to press it towards restraint, all backing down. i'm afraid we are headed full scale into a temporarily unnecessary calamity that will go down in the panels of the history as, as one of the great crimes of the century. and that we must leave the manufacturing
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date. alex the valve, not skilled. and we have jeffery, thank you for watching. you can see the program again at any time by going to the websites without a 0 dot com for further discussion and join us on our facebook page. you'll find that at facebook dot com forward slash 8 inside story. out of course, you can join the conversation on x on handle the, at a inside story from the adrian clinic and the team here. and so i will see you again, bye for the every human mind is a manageable thoughts. that emotions challenge. and if you're not helping men to me, then it's sort of like you're, you're not living. we travel to south africa to explore traditional healing techniques, being used to improve wellbeing. level one is an assessment for the 1st of all
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cleansing and to south korea, we're bring training is leading to a limited success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm, stay relaxed and be able to share your shot as you normally would amongst episode. sweet. oh no, just this is in regions that is washer to me, philip thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflict. police collapse, we try to balance the stories, the good, the bad i've been, and the people allow us into their lives digging into money see as detailed as stories expo 2023. the world, the fascination to
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join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha. the hello. i'm sam is a them, this is the news out live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. is there any time fire? it's palestinians waiting for a didn't garza city killing at least 20 israel demolishes buildings to create a so called buffalo zone in gaza. despite warnings from the us. also i had more.


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