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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the low i'm sam, is a them, this is the news live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes is riley times fire. it's palestinians waiting for a didn't garza city killing at least 20 israel demolish is buildings to create a so called buffalo zone and gaza. despite warnings from the us. also ahead. most planes in council claims officer rusher accuses ukraine of shooting down imagery,
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claim carrying ukrainian prison this morning. sides and sedan accuse each other a full so if the detailing and torturing civilians, we hear some of those who say they will be joining us for us. go with the sports, the former head of spanish football, louis through b l as will stand trial for sexual assault, of the testing of player during the women's wealth comp, metal ceremony the we begin in ga. so what is rouse related to this bombing of the strip shows no signs of slowing hospitals, schools and the un building sheltering displays. palestinians of all being attacked, a large crowd of palestinians waiting for desperately needed aid in gauze. the city were also talking to advise riley sold just at least 20 what killed well then a $150.00 of the injured taken to a ship. a hospital in the south is ready troops of surrounded knots at
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a hospital in san eunice sold as have been shooting at the main building of the hospital. and this riley is being accused of establishing a so called buffet zone. within garza, army officials previously said creating such shenaria would protect its civilians. the us has opposed any plans to change the borders of the palestinian territory. a highly must most begins on coverage and the gather. the long philosophy also strips main north south room hoping to receive a food handout without a warning and is really isn't try to get them. i guess least it 20 people were killed in more than 100 ton unit really strikes, targeted several locations. eager to do the few remaining health centers in the fifty's fit, the more got lost their hospital is full. the dead are buried in a hurry, not in a cemetery,
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but the hospital compound please read these are fighting the bullets on the door of the mark. there's really strong every one, the killer bombardment upon eunice has force tens of 1000 to seek refuge and run those lucky enough to survive. these really strikes the north and central dog go to over crowded thompson dropbox. there is no help for them there, but these bill anywhere is paid for then honie on this thing. dollars of 50 is really strikes hit the residential building in the city. the victims were mostly women and children couldn't engaging in the treasure and were sitting at home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby mosque. the whole area close to it was destroyed and i found that the occupation claims their profile is a safe zone. we came to an offer based on the occupations instructions that it was
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a safe zone. only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted. if we don't pry a warning without informing people to evacuate with no signs of an in today's really onslaught civilians would continue to pay a heavy price. honey, my lord, how does your data? southern gospel, a tonic, how about zoom is it off off in southern garza, as we heard in hand, these were pulled that people curing up for aid, ended up getting killed. how's it impacting people's appetite to go out and look for supplies? a will send me a generally the situation in the nose of the gaza stripes. completely dahlia for people who are so truck that for more than $110.00 days of fighting. we how much time to use roll valve, the ground, and right now they have been attacked today as they were waiting for the aids to be delivered to the nose a which did not receive identity. chris aids since the beginning of this round of
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fighting gun was people had been attacked and were surprised also by the existence of the military turns on the inter, wait to round about where they have been show by the military time stuff. and also these very forces were deployed in the area, had opened the fire against was ready to be in line and got an order to receive uh the uh, aids uh, from the uh, the united nations. and what is also important to say that 20 palestinians have been killed and such incidents with more than 150 others being wounded. but this is literally a part of the systematic attacks that had been carried out against people who are still trucks in the newest as well. so within the past hour people, a group of people has been directly targeted, but he's very trend in devalue about towns where people completely are facing a difficulty to move on the ground in the north. and they are no longer will be able to get to receive a humanitarian supplies if they are giving to be bombarded again. and it's not, by the way, the only time they have been attacked as they were waiting for the age to be
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delivered previously whenever she drove the coastal line of the kansas trip. a group of residents have been also that you targeted by these very strikes as we were waiting for aids to be delivered to those disparate people who are talking about people who are running extremely low on food water and medical supplies and do are struggling also to survive the very deep shortage of hold a central license for living. the and thought bombardments of con eunice, reaching unprecedented levels of intensity. take us through what that means for people that of the pro sammy, we can say that this situation in han units is considered to be completely classic . the we're talking about an extreme aggravating humanitarian crisis. the city as the is where the forces are stepping up. the military attacks as they are also destroy, incomplete residential neighborhood. one officer,
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the other have been seeing these very forces all encircling nasir hospital alongside with an amount of hospitals. the last 2 remaining hospitals operating in the city of hon unit spots. and also that led to the terrifying of hundreds of patients to be brought to reason. also, medical records was trying to keep providing a treatment for the people on the internet. also along side for the pregnant women who are on april to leave from the hospital due to the intensifying grades of attacks on the city only and kind of get a sense the 80 hours of these morning 16 policy is being killed in separate strikes . there are also still people are still stuck on the ripples were medical teams that the civil defense cruise to not get to that locations would be hearing from medical sources. saying that your on able to get out from the hospital. we are being track that were in the hospitals by ourselves as we are also being isolated from the rest of the 2 or 3. and they are afraid to witness the same scenario and
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the same conditions that they should have medical complex had been going through earlier in this, around the fighting. but generally, these very forces are raising the time to destroy the city of con eunice as the are trying also to blue up the majority of residential buildings. as they have been. tell us that you think that you are about to sit on a puff as soon as we're out the destruction of residential buildings just to protect their civilian spots from the east value side. they are also saying that there are some problems, days of fighting or waiting as we need to eliminate all the threats on the ground, the site gauze. all right, thanks so much talk to come by soon. bye. us thomas white's is the director of underwood affairs in johnson, joins us now. live from rough off. good to have you with us. so i'm sure you've heard the news of people queuing up waiting for a ended up being killed. how on earth is it possible to distribute
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a to help people when you have civilians in this kind of situation? dying under file, somebody is already paid very difficult to get into the door of gaza. it's required us toward meeting with the as riley army to cross into the north of, of, of gaza. you know, the large majority of our requests for safe passage to the north. i've been denied when we moved into the north, the costs people up there are already desperate. uh yeah, people are stopping in the north and i a desperate to the side which makes it very difficult for us to uh, to run distributions in the, in the goals. uh, now your where, why did you get the results from out saying, but, you know, what we're seeing today is going to be fairly g o u n a. and you've been to terry partners to get any i into the north of guys and people up that desperately know
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you decide. and of course, it's not just the north. we had the targeting of a non rule administer building a training center. then you spoke this morning, i think about the persistent targeting of civilian sites. what does that mean for the humanitarian situation in the south to as soon hon eunice. uh theres been intensified flossing in the west and thoughts upon eunice in the last few days where you have a warning full parties to the conflict. but i need to ensure that they protect civilians are in that area. uh, full owner, while i load it out shelters and met out of us, we had all even $90000.00 people taking shelter under you and flag. and of course there are other protected sites in this area most nicely. the best uh, uh, medical complex. uh, what were saying yesterday is a direct attack upon the hi eunice training center. the owner was connie and his training say that tragically so same paperwork you did not attack and 56 people uh
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injured uh, 21 of them stealing a critical condition. um, what were saying to die is uh the is riley ground forces uh in uh west and han eunice and i are telling people that i have to 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to leave the area. and we are already saying tens of thousands of people. yeah. leaving west and pops off on eunice coming down onto the cottage drive and heading towards rafa. are you concerned thomas about that because we've seen people being killed on the coastal road to we've seen people leave conyers and go to the off i have off himself coming on the fine they me just a way that i got it. so i know thomas in that sort of situation here, since you mentioned that, do you communicate with these writing, socrates and sights of them? you can't do this, you, you go to stop hating areas that you previously told people are safe and if so, what kind of response do get
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a look. we are in constant contact with the east riley army. we provide the coordinates of all of these protected sites, all of these you and facilities that are under a you and flag. and particularly those facilities, the, the big schools that uh, sheltering internally, displaced people. so i, we're very clear about where these locations are. yeah. and then at times all appeared, all flashing in that area. we are literally an hourly contact with the is riley. i mean, to reinforce the fact that these are protected thoughts and try and work with and to ensure that the adequate precaution is taken in those areas where they are. uh, civilians. uh, types of shows do you get um is that it doesn't look like a good precautions being taken though? i mean, are you satisfied with,
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with the response you get from these riley's and that kind of conversation? so we are getting assurances from these riley's but that is not followed up. and yeah, what's very clear yesterday, and this isn't not, yeah, this is not what you know. no, i slide it into this is happening all across on, you know, stand as buying the pat, you know, the pots of gaza, you know, that there's been a disproportionate toll on the civilian population. as far, i think has come in space area started. on the one hand, we're getting assurances that civilians are we protected, but then civilians are losing their lives and to be injured in the costs of these hostilities. all right, thanks so much. thomas white's always good talking to you. thanks for making the time the as far as being accused of establishing a columbus of why bosses that an inside the boat is of gaza is come on. does it previously suggested crazy in such an area would protect is rarely civilians. the us is that it opposes any plans to change palestine to pull this though. i said
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bike has more of the one cause it has not been of age for over 100 days. the destruction is immense, along with the loss of life, and pressure, elaborate is called on. we have no place to go. my apartment is gone. i found nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children, and we all live in a school. my children are sick, they're a lot of dead under the rubber. and they all concerns that these rating me the tree is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing a so called buffer zone one colombia to white, and eventually running the entire length of the 65 kilometer garza is, roberta does be no form and announcement, but these ready military has already destroyed nearly 1100 buildings in the northern part of the strip move. it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining an effect,
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the, the territorial integrity of guys that these really leadership appears to be ignoring the us. they want to move the border photo, but it does for the dental data destroying the lives of the people of garza. and that is, of course, very dangerous, and it should not be accepted under will not be allowed after that the input and the fact that in my opinion, the talk about about also now is in a way article commission of data failure. the bus is own could also be legal under international law. whoever is riley is a proposal has been proposing and is now perhaps re pricing with little advertising . there's bit more emphasis is both lot paid to below full opposed by the international community. and a way of occupying garza, whatever happens at the end of this conflict, is red has already paved the positive destruction for the buffer zone,
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pushing palestinians into an even smaller piece of land. but if the zone is established in is no way for palestinians to return to the part of gaza with the homes once stood a start date of the 0. well, our white house correspondent, kimberly how okay, it joins us now live from washington dc. so kimberly, how these reports of buffet zones resume thing there in washington. the other not being receives well, given the fact that the position of the by the administration has been opposed to a buffer zone since at least december, that was the position of matthew miller. he made it vocal to the press, back in the end of 2023, and that was reiterated by the national security council spokesperson john kirby. as recently as last 24 hours when he said that the white house does not want to see the territory diminished in any way. and the reason that, uh, this is a disturbing to the white house is this is another example of the various homeless
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wrist between the white house and the is really government. now we have not only this difference of opinion when it comes to the buffer zones, but also the 2 state solution which the white house supports and also the limiting of civilian casualties. which the is really government has now cost that access and $25000.00 palestinian desks. so the white house is deeply disturbed by this. but there's also been some confusion because given the fact that the official position is in opposition to this, yet the secretary of state asked me blank and also made comments. recently saying that there may be a window of transitional scope for these arrangements for buffer zone, almost indicating that the white house was open to the possibility and that has left some concern that there was some entertainment of thought. but officially,
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the position is of office vision and that is also because i've been painting this would mean that there would be land mines that would be put in place something. but there is a global battle against and also that the, even if this is transitional, we know historically that what is transitional and the words of these rallies tends to be permanent. so we're watching carefully to try and get some clarity on this. the us present and is traveling today, he'll be going to the us states of minnesota as well as wisconsin. he is going to be potentially having a opportunity to speak to reporters at george base andrews. whether he'll do that, we're not sure, but there is going to be a gaggle on board air force one wherever, hoping the reporters will be able to get some answers or i will leave it there. thanks so much. kimberly, how can the russian authorities say ukraine was willing to the location of a russian ministry plain?
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15 minutes before it was shot down the ocean aisle. 76 crashed on wednesday in the battle. go to the area in russia. on 1st day russian authorities sent out the check points around the crash side. russia has accused ukraine of destroying the ministry plane. it says was carrying 65 ukrainian prisoners of war give as neither confirm nor deny the claim is calling for an international investigation. with all of them in on are they on is a caps it in the ukraine. it on forces is also a form of minnesotans instruction. he says, some of the people on the list, russia provided, have actually already been released a s of today. the knows that this lady was down and present the pray launched the with vacation. what happened reality yesterday, but in my private, from the opinion, it's ongoing or as bus i will cry about many has or their phone book
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gets and the reference of the ground. so i believe the russians pop laughing as they do always the same about prisoners. we're dikes these, these uh accidents because we don't see a single picture. what types of that comes across according to intelligence officer prey, it was reported yesterday only about 5 steps. basically from the cross side to the belle grove, a hospital that's h o m c and i hope that all those prisoners, the russians, least that it can possibly be yesterday. i still alive because that's also what i spent for us. at least what circles this publish least consist prisoners which back shouldn't be full. and they already facing your credit. and i'm a will hear from daniel hawkins in moscow. but 1st of all, mcbride, he joins us from the ukranian capital key of. so 1st of all,
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robs what is the ukranian narrative right now and what happened to this place. so yeah, there's continuing deep suspicions here about any information coming out of moscow and the continuing list of questions that just seems to be due to in the lack of any answers over the absence of that. but any adequate answers from ukraine's perspective in particular, for example, just going back to this basic list which has been circulated from russian sources up to 65. suppose at present as a world of our own bold, this across very early on. the people here with questioning on social media or online about the veracity of some of the names on that list. i pointed out that some of the names appear to be people who have already been exchanged in previous prisoner exchanges. and in fact, we just heard in the last few minutes or so from the human rights commission here in ukraine repeating, the suspicion that some of the names do appear to be people who have already been
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released. so there's continuing questions about the basics such as that list and we've been talking to the rights groups here. the groups that represent relatives all at present, as being held in captivity and prisoner will come, soon rushed around the estimated to be around a 1000 ukrainian prisoners. a rule being held in russian comes and it just, it simply adds to the direct desire to use that they already claim that they get a lack of information. and all of this, what they believe is a missing information on the withholding of information by the russians simply adds to that exactly. and calling for that full international investigation. and rob take us through the questions which the ukrainians are raising about the russian narrative. so yeah, that seems to be, i a growing list of questions of growing inconsistencies from the ukranian point of view, for example. and the ombudsman folk human rights here has raised as a question about the of the documentation of these prisoner exchanges. the russians,
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as they point out the volume meticulous about taking photographs and video of prisoners who are being taken to exchanges. they believe that it's this of a large group of the ukrainian p o w 's was on board this cross where all the images, wherever the video of the prison is getting on both the play and, and so on. are being taken in buses to the, to the cross before to call. so there's questions like that as well. so continuing questions from seeing just folks posted in here with that military intelligence, raising questions about the number of people on bold, the cross pointing out that's according to historicism without specifying what those sources are saying that he believes only 5 bodies have been delivered to the local move in belgrade, also claiming a game without claim that it was revealing his soul says that a v i p group of russian officials was meant to get on the on board. they sat cross for the last moments he says they were prevented from doing so. by
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a russian f s b intelligence offices. alright, let's find rob for this update is keep this going though, because russian state tvs release voltage of church, the morial services held for the pilots killed in the crash. the opening ceremony took place in the autumn. the region where the crew members of local residents and colleagues pay their respects. let's continue this now is daniel hawkins, he's in moscow. so is russia providing some offices to solve those questions which rob was mentioning that as well, russian officials are saying it's a waiting game for evidence from the crime scene, which is what, what, what that designates, invest, as we understand the black box is well founded here today, fragments of a mess. so i will also found the audio today, but they should shed some light on what exactly happened in the skies. over belgrade, they have been counted claims about these ukrainian concerns with the old intensity
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of the present list. so russian did release the list of 65 names. as we heard the audio russian media has dismissed. the opinion, claims that to any of the prisoners have already been released or sent home on the list as simply of phones. presumably, some evidence should follow if, if those claims ought to be believed if that to be presented at the un security council session about 6 hours time or so. because of course, uh as um, as we say, questions have been honest from the other side. it's clear that this plane was down was lucky, down by you're playing in a missile. i'll uh, test mission uh, from the, from the inside, without the rick leak and find the goldman. but what exactly happened to those pure w? so how many people were on boards and why on this plane was downs, and those are the questions that so on says will be sold off. so hopefully in the coming hours in days,
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more information should come from the crime scene. and more information should be released by the russian side, which will shed light on some of those doubts. all right, thanks so much. daniel hawkins. a russian woman has been sentenced to 27 years in prison by a quotes in saint petersburg for the assassination of a high profile pro kremlin blanca. daddy at the pogo was convicted of terrorism charges in connection with the death of loveland. that's how the escape, it was killed last april in the bomb attack. the device was hidden in a statute of him that for public gave him as a gift. as he was giving a talk in the st. petersburg, cafe russian police have arrested at least 3 people outside of moscow colt. also, they protested against the prison sentence from an kremlin critic it go to get a can also known as that i've called was sentence. the for is for repeatedly criticizing moscow the previous they've been instrumental in fomenting conflict
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between criminal and bank separatists and keys um false is new crimes don't bass region in 2014. the still ahead on al jazeera tile position later back in paula, dr. a surprise. within colds and the defending women's australian open champion through to the final again, show you how she did it. school the . there is a continuing the heat waving argentina. lack of cloud. when did the right direction, they're not very strong stuff is coming. definitely know, gives you 36 or 57 by a blanket down to come with the value. these are on the high side, extreme high side because right,
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that's the path of getting here that's is changing as range kind of getting from the southern pacific that if you jump pads of argentina, you mean to different talk with a summer, right. and it's produced some funding recently and re, or even more recently and better ours on the page is just about here. and that writing the full sentence tools will be welcomed in most of the areas and based on wedge rights has been thing this year for a long drive. i know, but this is particularly there to the environment. recent funding probably won't be repeated in his spend your other with the, with these easing a bit, but they're, so cheryl is going to shelves in it and that comes on the cases and the provide your maybe home juris, much and mexico is enjoying the woods. but enough to extreme homes of the last week, we're down to 22 in monterey as the us where we now got the warm cold contrast. this is the wall just been for the from the gulf company of kansas through cold at over the plains. and the midwest, the result flooding rain, switch off the system all the way up from the southern states to the will, northeast
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the hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you the bible does impose, you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you all. the good cooks i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe. in the security council. this is a major stumbling block. is the problem to get access to if he of the story on told to how does he have the latest news as it breaks the word along over a 100 save has left many feeling like you will never end with in depth reports. many saying that is not like 3 until all the caps is about 5 to the price, even if that means an immediate and from the how to the story palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is
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a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist the the you're watching out. is there a time to recap the headlines? at least 20 palestinians have been killed in gaza city as they were waiting for it to be handed out. more than 100 was injured in taken to a ship, a hospital is rather as being accused of establishing a so called buffet zone within gaza. army officials have previously said creating such scenario would protect civilians us as opposed any plans change palestine full . this is there any forces of attacks, the main building of loss of the hospital income,
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eunice trips the surrounding the facilities. the area has come under intense from bol. the international colts of justice says it will deliver of the dates on measures sold by south africa against israel. this friday, the south african government brought the case in december, choosing israel of carrying out genocide, black st. garza, the routing will not address the basic issue of weather as well as committing genocide. that's in friday's reading. that is, so that's expected to take years. instead, it'll consider south africa's request for 9. so cold provisional measures, wave grunted. it could include an order for israel to stop it's minute for a campaign and didn't show palestinians of access to humanitarian assistance with the cold could also decline to order the messages. and if they did as well as 5 minutes have been doing this now. who has already said he would not be bound by any
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older. so how the war? well, that's just by doing this from the i c. j being legally binding, not open to appeal. it's difficult for the quote to enforce it's verdicts. how do i have to how many joins us now from tel aviv? so who do i, how are his ready officials preparing for the possibility of perhaps the emergency measures being adopted by the i c j as well, at least publicly. the tone is one of the fires. i'm just going to read to you here . what? 5 minutes to benjamin that the now said, just this morning while he was visit it visiting some troops. he said how much came to approved us. we will approve them. they came to wipe us, we will wipe them out. we will deepen our roots in our land, and we will uproot an enemy's. we will be here and they will not be there. so that
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gives you an idea that the prime minister has no intention of taking any direction from the international court of justice. should it pronounce itself in favor of a ceasefire? a man among many other recommendations, it's good to come up with. we also heard other words of defies, but example from the minister of heritage does. 2 days ago. it, he's, his words were already reported by the south african team and it's a mission. but he repeated again that he is in favor of new king guys, and those are his words. and the actually defiantly said the i have already been reported that the i c g. well i'm saying it again. so this is publicly what's happening privately. do we do know that the prime minister should be meeting with a team of legal experts including the minister of justice and the attorney general of israel's. it was reported earlier in the day,
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but we haven't heard about this meeting since. i think israel will be pondering over what it's response would be in any case, should that ruling come in favor or against israel. but in all cases, the government knows that the strong of public support and latest pulled by the piece index survey done by the tel aviv university shows that actually 94 percent of the population of the jewish population of is rose, sayings that the army has use the reasonable amount of force in gaza and actually is 75 percent thing that the number of casualties in gaza. i justified to reach the goals as well was to reach. so the government knows that it's strong of that. but certainly this is a 1st for israel to be put in the dog, and it's something that does why reach the government behind closed doors? all right,
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nice thing. hold on. how many that from tel aviv now the international pricing says youth has issued a joint statement, demonic as rout stops. kidding john, unless at least 80 john, this has now been killed by his right. the strikes in gauze or ins, solves and 11. and since october, think food, colleagues, the vows of, i'll just say era, the institute support of leading to editors, journalists, and publishes from 20 countries condemned in the strongest possible terms. the unabated killing of gen list is right the strikes. and it says the board is united in its hara over this unprecedented attack on general is safety and press freedom. they on the school that deliberately targeting douglas is a war crime and say they pursue accountability before a court of law. for those who do so on the front amount
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of which is an executive director of the international press institutes, he joins us live now from vienna. good to have you with us. so in the statement that the ip guy talks of unprecedented killings, journalist says we know, finally they, they get training for science to try and minimize the threat. but just took us through how the nature of the threats in gaza is so unprecedented. i mean, it decides to be a thing, an absolute before breaks it. no rule generally steal indies really strikes in gaza and this is something that you cannot possibly be power train for. this is the worst feeling we have snow dude, you know, exhaust, since organization was founded 75 years ago. so this is something that, on my executive board, which is who said it was made off of not the doesn't janice from around the globe. you know, defines for maria, maria, that's a cooling for stopping of getting
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a dentist and not funding this given because this is what they say is the president and killing all generalized and civilians. nga how finally the statement also valves accountability. how, how can that be accountability for the killings of some of these, john les, i mean, what they have seen is that a country like so that ticket has launched the case in front of the international tribunal. there is a case manager, i believe the prosecutor on the on called shouldn't be pursuing and be to get the best for you to move in as agents and also providing the evidence to them to pursue . there is also something that i think should be examined into this idea that saw problems so renders them all kinds of so they try to send national this universal
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jurisdiction. so it's something that we should also look at how we can prosecute those bible because would be, have seen that this is something that is not done by my organization, by other organizations related to project gemini. so i would like to know to you 1st and then the credit for report, i believe already in september, looking at the past 20 years of the 90 a piece where the defense forces hang on to. and i think you and your colleagues show, you know, outlet without any ability without any phone off. so what they're saying is it is rarely something actually failing to investigate these prize. now the ip, your cell for the chairman of the bull, kadijah fatality, who worked hard on this issue. what is this something that, ju, unless something more that journalists themselves can do to try and help offer a layer of protection for those who are being killed in gaza. this
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is the actual point of this statement that this is why it's important that the statement comes from such notable. and it does provide as a leading journalist from 20 countries around the world. it's a state in the know somebody directly that for that we are speaking of for every journalist, but generally something to try to be on the 2 sides and to ensure that those lives are protected by my city. this is the only thing that we have at this moment is our tool because, and we also the other tool i think that we have is to put the pressure on these residents, the national allies. and this is something which is in despite, we are going to have both of these corner lines running international, the immediate and call it action to protect the rightful job, is to color this will say. so those countries which i want to use. i also need to pay the ashen to put the german. this is day responsibility as well. thank you very
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much. find him out of which the for your time. thank you very much. by the case, foreign secretary david cameron is called for a humanitarian pools that he hopes can develop into a ceasefire in the war and gaza. cameron has been speaking to these riley's and to negotiate this here in casa. so what we're saying today is that we want to see 1st of all and a mean just humanitarian pools. we think this hostile situation must be brought to an end and we're desperately keen for a to go in. and what we're saying is that we should try and move from that pause to the sustainable cx 5. we've always wanted to see without a written timble flight, to a more destruction the more destined in gauze. now if that's to happen, which is all flat, then some things will have to happen. first of all, we'll, we'll need to see a new palestinian authority revitalized and ready to go for a clearly going to have to see a, a relatives and set how it so power steering and people can see the pathway to
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a future palestinian state. but crucial. we will also have to see not only all the hostages reviews to make this a sustainable c spot. but we'll have to see the key how mass leaders leaving gaza and the infrastructure that enables them to fire rockets in israel and commit terrorist atrocities in israel. that infrastructure needs to be dismantled because most things fall will be sustainable if those things don't come about. so that is all planned, that's what we're putting forward. that's what i've been discussing yesterday with these radius. and today, here in castle. now in kenya, a small riley and suppose of palestinians in gaza was broken not by police that i said, you know, to the people themselves. they used to gas and arrested several people demonstrates is it trying to gather outside the german embassy everett support for these, right? the government, but will blogs fine police human rights group. i'm this the international side.
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it's concerned that i'm the police of repeatedly disposed legal and approved peaceful protests and support of gaza of the let's take a look now some of the days of the news gun then have a tight several villages incent, phone lines. you read killing at least 30 people, the violence flag on wednesday despite the few being impose the day before the life is bloodshed follows. and the attack that killed at least a $140.00 on christmas day community lead is, are accusing. then i jerry and ministry of helping the attack has this been a piece of violence between farmers and hud is in the area. for 9 months, the sudanese army and current military rapids supposed force has been fighting for control. on 5000000 people have been displaced in the will, both sides are accused of forcibly disappearing civilians and torturing them in
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detention centers. they deny the obligations morgan told to some of those who say they were detained and beaten every day for more than 3 weeks. how much the recounts how he was beaten by his captors. he says he was imprisoned in the national television building, controlled by the parent military rapids support forces. his family puts out notices in hopes of finding him after he disappeared from home and on demand to find any that's it. they took me from you to my house and stopped beating agent before selling me into a pickup to accuse me of working with the army and beat me mercilessly. they took me to the state televisions building due to me and threw me into a room. there were people who are bleeding somehow distinguish cut off. i was beating every day for 23 days before they finally released. i was only a civilian and let them go. how much says more than 20 others were detained with him in the same room. ministered in these families have been reporting the 4th
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disappearances of relatives since the early weeks of fighting between the army and the r a staff. many of the missing were men, but the women were reportedly health to because of says she was detained by the parent military for over 8 months. first car, as she says, are from rebel bullets fired by the recess while she was being tortured. i'm still so let it so fits as if i was being tortured, exceptionally abused. they accuse me of working with the government. i was taken to the eastern part of the capital along with other women. they beat us with a hold to the point we couldn't get up. they would wake us up with cold water if they find a sleeping. there was a woman who died because of the torture. they took her and we asked about her days later, we were told she had died. let us know my, well, it's not only torture that those forcibly disappeared and detained. have to deal with this, put in is right. group known as emergency lawyers say hundreds of people are being detained in various parts of the capital. some families who report that they loved ones missing,
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don't even know they're being detained. the group also says most detainees are being held in any human condition that include 470 patients with very little food and water. the lawyers, they both were insights, have detained and forcibly disappeared. civilians which may amount to work crimes, a backup degree of the 52 detention centers in costume. the types of 5 being confirmed others have to reach and confirmed because of the ongoing conflict, detaining on facility disappearing. people is classified as a violation of international human rights vote, according to the international criminal court, and can be classified by the quotes prosecutor as a war crime. crimes that have taken away menu from their loved ones, leaving doubts over whether their captors will ever be held accountable. keep them oregon all just there on how to tune in thailand. politically the p telling dodo and rises with tons of pile them and down to the supreme cold, acquitted him of violating election laws. before the 3 year old opposition,
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politician was on the verge of becoming prime minister. ralph, that his policy won the elections last year. it was then accused of a legally holding shares, and the media company is reformist move forward. policy says the case was politically motivated. let's say that i'm pulling in stock is a professor of political science a to the long calling university. yes, more on the legal challenges still facing because move forward policies that we have to bear in mind that all of this was designed to, to prevent p, taught to be prime minister and move forward to take a overcoming bit. and once that was achieved, then everything else was negotiable. to move forward now has been relegated to the opposition mazda lines, and you could face the additional loosen charts coming up next wednesday. but i think that task also does not cover the solution, but for the pocket to stop campaigning. on amending the lesson is just
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a law against royaleen. so, so on next wednesday, i don't think the policy will be solved, but it could be that the courts will, will make it known that the, the monarchy is sacrosanct. uncomfortable. and even the positive one, the less than most through amend the best. but just a law that might be enough for the court to say that it violates the constitution because it wants to undermine the constitutional monarchy. and then therefore, this could then be passed over to the less permission to file another task to dissolve the party, the party is deemed to it violated cost to so. so it boils down to the parties, call for reform of the monarchy, and that may be sec the same thing. so we can still see the party get in trouble next wednesday. japanese call to a sentence to death. the also this to killed 36 people in an attack on studio 2019 shinji o. but dallas the entrance to the studio k o to and the nation with petrol and
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suffered severe bonds himself. his lawyers said he's suffering from mental health issues. japan is one of the read developed economies to still have the death policy with over a 100 people currently on death row. still a head on al jazeera eliza strides late to pull off the surprise of the aging. com . it's coming up with joe in school. the business latest is sponsored by interlock talk. he's real estate consultant.
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the business relations to be sponsored by intellect tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the thoughtful science cuts out for the game is to me. thank you. a judge has ruled, but for my spanish football president, news, it would be as well face trial for kissing
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a play without her consent would be l. as denies any room doing regarding the incident which could a spain's top goals cor jennifer, and i'm also set of braces winning. the women's woke up last its st. prosecute as a case that will be alice of sexual assaults and allegedly co us thing her most. so to public key back came the trial. the light is yet to be can funds will be, as could face of fine or a prison sentence up to full use. a found guilty face of band ruby alice from football for 3 years in spain. sports authority, wilton unfit to hold a post in sports management. in that time, the judge or several that springs from a coach or a build up, along with 2 other federation officials, should face trial for pressuring and most so to support. it will be alice to form in the line. and chelsea stripe ownership tanker has been elected the new president of ukraine's football association. the country's oldtime needing goals score 193 of the 90 full sites as a delicate shifting co himself, how device but didn't use it. he schooled 48 goals and
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a 111 gave us the crane one the champions leave with milan. the bottom to the in the next hour will know the full line up for the last 16 of the asian cop with the fire. ringback around a brute much is currently underway. saudi arabia playing thailand with tops button group f up for grabs. it's going this heading into off time. saudi arabia missed a penalty. castanan armand can still qualify as one of the best place teams and amman have taken an early need that well, whoever finishes tougher group f 4 plays south korea off to the 33 drawer with malaysia, the 9th, and tops pulsing group a piece of stem it reports from alternative stadium whose number 23 you should always be favorite to defeat the 150 at the rank side. and going according to plan
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. joe young school in the south korea. even though he is a little help and they say as long as it's one move the training team is do you know? and it seems to be the case is minutes from the last with a baby tide. we finish conclude cool. you can go through a famous victory if i'm on 62nd, when it penalty handed malaysia, so deemed but they could not hold on. you can please give me a food minutes. and they me one minute into added time captain soon. you mean this is a penalty to complete the come back, i had incredible 15 minutes into added time. ramelle. my role is quiet in the same section, equalize the table after that i was still
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nervous because they were going to be there the same score, but now i'm satisfied with this for is like teen honestly. i did not think they would have these drug, and i didn't think the way that is going to go with the advisory really and i think everything or that was so good. i think i was impressed. it goes on unexpected. like a lot like at the end, what a good. well especially did they be? it was amazing. they say for the day i just expected we're gonna eat, we really don't want to be because next year we will be we every, every, every game. so you're not them, was that as far as this result? mean, south korea finish seconding group each, but still headphones to the last 16 crucially. they remain in the homes to assist asian cup. try to since 1960 pitas name it al, jazeera, ultra new stadium. well that result also helps behind jump from some place to finish group be on top of the beach and jordan,
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absolutely use his school. the only goal is the match and the 1st health that finished one. no, it also means so faced upon in the last 16. so this is how group the finished up behind top, the group ahead of south korea, jordan confirm the spots in the last 16 as one of the best 3rd place teams in the competition. just thought that break performance in that much again, south korea, malaysia, all going home, a arena so blank as one went away from successfully defending. how straight in up, insightful and well, number 2, beach full seed cause a golf in the 70s to offend to us like the final defeat the american last year. supplemental one and straight 6766. so i didn't into the final without dropping said she has 6 months. at this moment. i have in fact about 22 as in melvin is victoria, as the reason did it in 20122013 standing in the way of sutherland kind. a 2nd major title is king. when jen the 12 see to defeated, ukrainian qualified diana?
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yes. trends. she becomes the 2nd chinese slave to reach a grandson, final of the 2014 australian open champion, lena, it's one to bull. so breaking for well, it's the top 10 for the 1st time when the new warranties are released on monday. i'm super excited to have such as great football moves today and arriving the final, you know, i think the sheets play um, believe about tennis and got the really good baseline stroke stuff to explain my feeling now and the winning run continue. so the oldest of the doubles well, number one indeed is a 43 year old friends upon a has already secured his place at the top of the rankings. but now he and matthew anton, have reached the 2nd straight run some final, but they'll hope for different outcome having you'll see us. i lost it to now to an unusual start to an ice hockey game in the late show
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it would see fully inside the 1st 7 seconds is the florida pumps has came up against the arizona priorities. it will related to an incident in that previous meeting earlier this month, which i prefer to play up with a concussion. thankfully the fights posts for that major injuries, and the pump has went on to win the game. 62 in canada is being reported that up to full common n h l i. so key players could face allegations of sexual assaults. house off the 5 members of canada as 2018 genius team were ordered. c, surrender its place in london, ontario relates to an alleged group sexual assault that occurred 6 years ago to hockey, canada fundraising. gullah no names have been given, but 5 plays on the 2018 team have been granted leave by the pro teams and recent days. and cleaning for me and i tell in india are in control of the 1st test against england going in today to in hyderabad. there were 3 where kits each for experience been to evaluate your data. and robbie ashwin as england was all about $276.00 england, captain ben stokes, top score and with
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a crucial 17 for the visitors. rapid response from the indians. thanks to just josh . we just swear he sco 76 of just 70 bowls. as i closed a 119 from one trailing england by a 127 funds. and that's what i spoke for now. it is back to semi. thanks so much joe. and that's it. for this news out the ballistic seek immediate shelter. feels like something is wrong, the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise of anxiety. are you doing scrolling radio tape already? that's a, that's like exploring how exist. central affects to life impacts the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on outsourcing. the buckets aren't as
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busy as normal. the saying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax. this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel is rarely saved, will release the money, but with deductions and no money for the employees. and goals of the last president, jo gordon, is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds for the palestinian authority. the us though is claiming it once a revitalized p, a to take a vengeful, controlling goes off the wall. anything other than a week the is not something is wrong, one's currently view or is he is this week as it has ever been passed. it's getting week of the latest news as it breaks the war going on for a 100. they have left many feeling life. you will never end with in depth reports
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many saying that is most like 3 until all the caps is about 5 to the price. even if that means an immediate and from the heart of the story, palestinians here say destruction caused by his really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm so i may say them, this is the news out. live from dell coming up in the next. 60 minutes is ready. tanks, fire palestinians waiting for the aid in garza city. kidding. at least 20 people israel demolished as well. demolish is buildings to create the so called buffalo
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zone and garza warnings from the us. also, i had more claims and counterclaims off the roster accuses deprived of shooting


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