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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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she's the hello, i'm sammy's a them. this is the news, our life from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes is riley tags, fires, palestinians waiting for a didn't gaza city killing at least 20 people as well. demolishes buildings to create a so called buffalo named gaza. despite warnings from the us. also, i had more claims encountered claims officer rusher accuses ukraine of shooting down the middle reply and carrying ukrainian prisoners of war and warring sides in
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savannah. excuse each other of full siblings, attaining and torturing civilians. we hear from some of those who say they will be joining us for us to go with the sports. we now know that last 16 teens of the asian top south korea will face saudi arabia in the no cap stage of being held to a surprise through in the final improvements the, it's 1800 g m t i p m and gone. so as well as relentless bombing shows, no sign of slowing a launch crowd of palestinians waiting for desperately needed aid in gauze. the city with target to advise riley sol, just at least 20. what killed reports that say that over the past few days, all those waiting for a have been shots hot to highly my mood reports from or off in southern garza. we gather the long flashing de la garza strips main north south road,
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hoping to receive a food handout without a warning and is really try to get them at least 20 people were killed in more than 100 injured. a ton unit really strikes targeted several locations. the injured were rushed to the few remaining health centers in the besieged city. the more got lost, their hospital is full. the dead are buried in a hurry, not in a cemetery, but the hospital compound plays right. these are fighting the bullets on the door of tomorrow. there's really strong to everyone, the killer bombardment upon you and is, has force tens of 1000 to seek refuge and run those lucky enough to survive. these really strikes the north and central dog road over crowded thompson,
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dropbox. there is no help for them there, but this bill anywhere is paid for then connie, on this thing, dollars of 50, is really strikes hit the residential building in the city. the victims were mostly women and children couldn't regarding the treasure and were sitting at home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby moss. the whole area close to it was destroyed. my sense of the occupation claims there is a safe zone. we came to it off of based on the occupations instructions that it was a safe zone. only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted without prior warning, without informing people to evacuate. with no signs of an in today's really onslaught civilians would continue to pay a heavy price honey. my mode i was just the it out of uh, southern gaza. the all thought a couple i zoom is in the off in southern gaza and public. tell us how this incident of people waiting to receive
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a being killed is impacting people's confidence appetite to go out and try and look for aid and supplies. yes, i mean there's people who generally are completely desperate for straits that are as they have been being trucks in the northern parts of gaza strip. i'm at the very intensifying grace of military battles, the between the study and fight isn't that he's really so just along with the on religious list is very bottom into the never and sick time. now it was, people had been waiting for the age to reach to await each round about as the these body forces at attack them with their minute treat tags, showing the crowds of people were lining up ways and for the age were 20 palestinians that have been killed alongside with more than 150 others being voted according to the ministry chosen guns. um, this is not the only attack that have been conducted against the people that had
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been waiting for the aid spot, the situation for people and also the scene. as for the residents being running away and escaping from the bombardment of the, from the fires of the east, very forces this completely horrific that we've been seeing them watching just caved up completely terrified and they didn't have any. all the options remains that are just waiting for something that might help them to survive despite the fact it will not be a day quick enough to them for survival, rotating about hundreds of thousands of palestinians still trapped in the north of guns that they are completely and a very serious risk of famine, they are suffering to a very acute of fluids insecurity, and they are struggling each day for survival considered to be the challenge for them. i just acute that basic mississippi's i'm, it's a very deep short to just of fluids supplies for the residents. and this attack have been widely condemned by the international organizations and also from the
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east very strongly. they have stated that they are investigating this incident, but this is not the only time that this has been made against palestinians, and the expansion of the military operations to reach the southern part where the bombardment is unfolding, palestinians across the territory. not only of course, the north, let's talk about the bombardment in the south con eunice approaching unprecedented levels of intensity of shelling the right that's configure right sammy, we have been sleep multiple times from the news. the midway areas then to the south right in our roof as we have been clearly understanding, what does it mean to sleep on the intense bombardment we are talking about? people of tonya is right now have been going through the same conditions. what people in the north and in middle areas have gone to the city had been witnessing since that october, the 7th, on top of abutment forceful eviction from the houses. some people have been killed,
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invest in the houses when they refuse to sleep. this is the option that is remaining right, right now for policy is, is just pay for survival. but also the tax did not stop in the areas the audits ignited. i saved zones for the majority of the evacuees, but the city of con, you just had been on the wall. i disagree. you military. a tough, you're talking about. hundreds of people being injured in daily basis as these body forces are attacking a residential buildings. evacuation centers alongside that there are trapping also the main central hospitals that are operating in the city of communist endangering the lives of patients and medical workers alongside with it back to reason who do not have any other place to go. and that is the majority of palestinians have been ordering about what to go. rough eyes very densely right now populated old areas are flooded with residents and evacuees. people are facing the problem to move with the vehicles in rough are due to the higher rates of congestion. that roughly
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discouraged us. more area as is being witnessing and policy is generally have been forcing, witnessing completely terrific. seems some of them were saying that we have been surviving from death multiple times throughout the process of evacuation. others being killed as the where sleep? well, there are 2000 subtracts and evacuation centers, waiting for a chance to sleep. they might be luckily april to flee tomorrow. they might know that the ongoing will bump that, but generally just have some funding this or did not stop as these values. so just having concept plus pointing with palestinian a funny to is of course the city all kinds of this and this is all so won't stop us as well. save yourself the our loan. they use um prolong phase of fighting. a white thing inside goal is to many tally, dismantled oldham industry 1st jump to for kind of some insight as, as the ministry spokesperson and oldest, wait a minute to officials have been promoting since the beginning of this round of conflicts. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much thought
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a couple was due the w h o has repeatedly will. this rouse will on garza has brought the health system to the brink of collapse. relentless bombardments has created widespread damage and lead to dia, shortages of medical stuff, and supplies. just 12 doctors are still working on so long as the hospital. that's about 10 percent. what they had before, the stuff the will. and also hospital in the south mold and hospital staff that have left at least 400 patients remain. and the mugs of full $337.00 health care work has been killed by is ready for since october the 7th. and for the hospitals and 50 full health care centers, all completely out of service on top of your shot, which is a w, i chose folks person joins us live from geneva. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, what do you make of the intensification of a tax that we've been seeing?
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a tax and sieges on medical facilities and age facilities in the last 20 for 48 hours as well. what this means, that means there are more people of being injured in the relentless bombardment to find the goings ever more to the solitude of gaza. and these injured people and not be able to get to medical care their need by simply because as you have just described, medical schools are not working. there is no specialized stuff. there is no medicine. in many instances, it's simply impossible to read trust with those. because roadside damage, because uh because there is a, there's an insecurity. now for us, there's nobody shuttle. if you want to daria's, we would try as much as possible to reach out to visit us through functioning as only 14 out of $36.00 hospitals in garza function. of a function to get
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a minimal level, but it was really difficult to get there. but many times our missions have not been granted security clearances to go there. there were, there were delays of the check points and simply, but it was impossible to reach the hospitals under the old trays. basically, the situation as your reporter has described. what do you have injured people? you have people, we chronic diseases. you have pregnant women, all these people need medical care. they need health services. adults, child services are less and less available. i don't all that you have is proud of infectious diseases, waterborne diseases, respiratory viruses disease. so the judge was getting only worse every day and really what we are feeling for uh and uh and what she was said, oh, well, the only source it really is ceasefire to stop booms, the reading down, the guys are products you mentioned quite a bit. i'm gonna try to unpack it,
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but 1st of all, do we have any idea how many people are dying each day? simply because what would otherwise be easily obtainable. madison is something out of the reach. a well, according to the minister of health, 26000 people have been killed by major to go by much. but if we keep up the conditions as bad as they are definitely going to be worse, the people dying of room and not be able to research to receive medical care. so i guess people with cancer, people with diabetes, people who need the uh, reno, dialysis the people but it should be but who, who have conditions that require a great to see, see the doctor and we have reports. awesome. i to say we have reports of that are real diseases among children about the rest of the viruses. so it is going down
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people so hungry. our trucks are constantly being stopped by, but i will just hold there is a phone in those trucks and we have to explain, it makes its medicine. so people are hungry. they believe you have a secretary conditions with no access to the toilets with no access with no access to clean water. so it's, it's really definitely going to be nation, which will increase the mortality. so really we need access to, to hospitals, to preserve what is left of the health system. and we eventually really need to cease fire. otherwise, the deductible just to increase the increase more thought. you mentioned that you'll convoys sometimes held up stop by check points, and i'm wondering what in your conversations with these radius are these when you ask for access, what kind of response do get as well, we are always ready on a daily basis to,
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to go and deliver what we have to hospitals, they need what we need. we need to really a guarantee is that the that, that we can do where we are going on now do i suppose to get the exact weight off of those guarantees? when you say people are going to die in this area, unless we can reach it, we need those guarantees. what reply do you get off to those therapies? if we do not the car and when they come, when we go, there are delays as checkpoints, unnecessary delays that they were used. this is what, how, how health workers policy in the records that have been detained. but and then after long do is when we gets it, for example, to el cheapo hospital in the north. oh guys i think we simply don't have enough time to, to do, uh what you would like to do. but so, so, so really we, we, we, we kept, uh, uh, you know, sending the speed threes router to have this access because we have
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a few minutes areas we need to have that humanitarian space up to operate. but again, just to go step back again. even if we have the taxes, even if we can bring the medical supplies inside, as long as there is a phone bar with as long as there's a fighting, more people will will get injured. so really, the only solution is base to is to stop the violence. all right, we'll leave it the thanks so much for your time and explaining this tragic situation to us product a shot of which is right is being accused of establishing a columbus to wind buffers and inside the boulders of gauze is come on. those have previously suggested creating such an area with protects these riley civilians. the us instead of the poses any plans to change palestine support. as i said, the bike has more of the one cause it has not been raised for over 100 days. the destruction is immense, along with the loss of life, and pressure,
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elaborate is called on. we have no place to go. my apartment is gone. i saw nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children with them. and we all live in a school. my children are sick, there are a lot of dead under the rubber. and they all concerns that these rating me the tree is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing a so called buffer zone one colombia to white, and eventually running the entire length of the 65 kilometer garza is, roberta does be no form and announcement, but these ready military has already destroyed nearly $1100.00 buildings in the northern part of the strip. i move it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining an effect. the, the territorial integrity of guys have these really, leadership appears to be ignoring the us. they want to move the board of photo,
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but it does for the dental data destroying the lives of the people of garza. and that is of course, very dangerous and it should not be accepted. they should not be allowed after that the input and the fact that in my opinion, the talk about about also now is in a way article commission of their failure. the bus is own could also be legal under international law. is riley is a proposal has been proposing and is now perhaps re uprising with little advertising. there's bit more emphasis is both loved paid to below full opposed by the international community and a way of occupying garza, whatever happens at the end of this conflict, is red has already paid the positive destruction for the buffer zone, pushing palestinians into an even smaller piece of land, but if the zone is established is no way for palestinians to return to the part of gaza with the homes once stood a start date of to 0. let's go now to our white house correspondent,
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kimberly how kit joins us live from washington dc and they'll come to boss's ends in a minute. but 1st kimberly this line about another us and boy within buttons heading out being dispatched to the region. what can you tell us about that? what his mission is to yeah, well his mission is going to be somewhat similar to his previous mission to the region, and that was to try and bring about some sort of agreement between the israel is at home us to try and broker a deal that would allow for the remaining captives to be exchanged for the prisoners policy and prisoners, and it's really jail such as we saw when there was a cessation of hostilities that allowed for a prisoner swapped back in november. what we know is that there are serious discussions underway. there's already one other mid east as senior official in the
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by the ministration, but it's in cuts are right now by the name of rapp my girl. and he is set to be joined by the c r, a director william burns. and together, they will be accompanied, we understand by the heads of intelligence of the is really government as well as the egyptian government. and the hope is, is with some serious discussion that they will be able to come up with a longer term agreement that would allow for the remaining captives to be released perhaps over a series of inc. permits. now, we don't have a lot of granularity in what this potential agreement could look like, but what we're being told by the national security council spokesperson, john kirby, is that the discussions are both sober and serious. and what we're expecting is that if this is to go through in terms of what the united states is hoping for,
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that what this could look like is it would be women and children of those remaining captives being held by how mosse that would be going out 1st, as well as the remains of any that have died in captivity in exchange for those that are being held in as really jail. so that to some of that session that is taking place again, william burns being dispatched by the us president the c i a director because of his expertise. and the fact that he was also very useful in brokering the agreement that allowed for some taxes to be released previously in that halt in fighting but took place back in november. i'm coming to those reports of his royal trying to construct a buffer zone in gauze, a house not going down and washington as well. what i can tell you is that this is just another example of a rolling rift between the,
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by the administration. and me is really government, given the fact that this is something that has distance the 2 sides, given the fact that the again, national security council spokesperson, john curry says. but the bottom administration doesn't want to see any diminishment in territory in any way. you have to remember that uh, already the by the ministration has been very clear. it was to see a 2 state solution when this conflict ends, the benjamin that's and yahoo has said, but he is opposed to that. and also the by the ministration of said it was to see a limit and the number of tell us do the casualties. something that the is really is have not done as we've now exceeded the number of 25000 palestinians killed. so the concern here and all of this is that there have, in order to put a buffer zone in place that would be enforced through land mines. that is something that, of course there is a global ban on the other concern is that uh,
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to put this one kilometer buffer zone in place would mean to demolish meant of more homes. we already have more than 2000000 palestinian instead of internally just place that as something the by the ministration as opposed to but a lot more a some are the comments by the secretary of state and seem to give a bit of possibility that there was some tolerance for a transitional. so for transitional arrangements of a buffer zone, and the worry here about that is that any sort of transitional taller as of a buffer zone? historically, when ever the israel's been given a window for any kind of transitional arrangement historically that is become permanent, something that no one would like to see. all right, thanks so much. kimberly how could, as the un security council will discuss russian claims ukraine shot down the minute reply
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and transporting ukrainian prisoners of war cave has not denied the claims but disputes key aspects of mcbride. for faults from kids. a day off to a russian military plane crashed here, not far from the board. with ukraine. there's a growing list of questions, but few ounces. why? for example, us, the ukranian government has russia, which normally documents present their exchanges like this one not released any images. right? you have shopped um, uh, if the russians had any photographs or video, they could show the location of our prison as a rule they would have done. so already. ukraine has also called for russia to allow access for a full international investigation of the crash, accusing moscow of a long standing campaign of this information. i think it's russian propaganda. they want to undermine this. i don't believe our prisoners were on board. there weren't enough bodies recovered from the site in the country that's deeply suspicious of
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any information coming out of moscow. there are continuing guidance about the reliability of the list of the 65 prisoners of war at the same use spokes person for military intelligence. here as question, just how many people were on board 5. all these have been delivered to the same official has also claimed russian intelligence agents prevented a group of v. i piece from bolting the doomed croft before takeoff from any in ukraine down to surrounding the crash is evidence of a general lack of information about ukrainian prisoners of who and uh, we need uh, an access to real information we need to know for for the sake of justice and so i'm assuming it there in all or, and i mean the global vendors definitely we need this access as a like,
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as of right them as a principal for relatives of the estimate to day 1000 p. o w's, the growing doubts add to existing anxieties. rub mcbride autism era. keith well now joined by daniel hawkins, who's in moscow. and daniel, was the russian saying about some of those questions. ukraine is raising about the russian narrative a will for now the line now from moscow appears to be, let's white's what the investigation of the site shows us for the what the black box we show today that were recovered was the missile fragments that russian investigate to say, well recovered, so i think that with the last 24 hours of picture as a much web i, there's increasingly less styles about some form of ukraine involvement in the downing of this plane. the where the 2 versions best of courses we had, there is just how and why this plane was down on the who and how many people on
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board the russian side. framing those 65 p o w use. they've tried inside costing license a del, now it's worth remembering that in this full, the rule that had been previous incidents which have been reported as one of the facts and later been disputed and disprove. in such as, for example, incident with dislike on him garrison, which was reported, a group of soldiers to have been killed, subsequently, fried by russia and a president exchange. that was proven by video evidence. we've not seen that as the exciting side has said, in this particular case, to get its version events across and to prove the accuracy of its claims. russia will have to come up with the evidence which it may do at this upcoming un security summit. the security council meeting just in a few hours time. until then of course, we'll be more questions about offices and particularly troubling and warning some
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of course with the relatives of those p a w. c. were expecting to have their loved ones home yesterday and who never made it back out. increasingly boring. of course, the people who still have thousands of p o w use on both sides of this conflict. the exchange of which has not been brought into further down. all right, thanks so much, daniel hawkins. the a russian woman has been sentenced to 27 years in prison by a quotes in saint petersburg for the assassination of a high profile pro kremlin blanca. daddy at the above, what was convicted of terrorism charges in connection with the death of loveland. petoskey was killed last april and the bomb attack, the device was hidden in the statutes of him. that proposed they gave as a gift, as he was giving a tool in st. petersburg cafe. the still ahead on al jazeera, we examine possible outcomes of the international court of justice,
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provisional routing and the cause of genocide case against israel view on friday, plus right cold temperatures in columbia, fuel wild 5 across the country who lives in the campus involved with us and for my head of spanish football the way so bad as will stand trial for sexual assaults, details with joe the . here's a reminder that is still waiting to the managers clad this collaborative view of trust to a t is not that unusual of what it has done is produced a huge amount of snow and eastern turkey. there's no full costs for friday, is tumbles, come back down to average, more or less for this. right. and he's already produced re, uh, well setting him cuz whether it's wrapped in advance is going to get worse. i think during friday. so if you're not at the height for snow,
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you're going to get rain. it does move east was not so much to a rock over booby 70 rock reaches down this fall south of q a. certain you come through the song talk assistance producing snagging, talk to you. you might to get unusual to see raining choices time here, but surprisingly not the average is 20 degrees way more or less there. and there should be 5 writing days on average in january. so this is not on usual weather size so that it has been rather warm recently up to about 20 to 20. not if it though, however you had to go that's coming down as he had to invent to it. and those lead research were nearer to nolan. the same is true across the network as well. to be just that wind. few cheryl stood around like victoria and in the middle of town to be a 50. this part here that chris dar salon. we seem studying recently that might just be repeated. the heavy rain, which was seen by the gasket is still a ryan, but not quite as extensive of the.
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every human mind is unique and manage installed. simply emotions can be a challenge. and if you're not helping meant to me, then it's sort of like you're, you're not living. we travel to south africa to explore traditional healing techniques, being used to improve wellbeing on his ancestors today. for the 1st of all cleansing on to south korea, we're bring cleaning is leading to a limited success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm, stay relaxed and be able to share your shot as you normally would. month's episode sweet. oh no, just because of the cost of all the $100.00 days, that's the goal on costs of the humanitarian trust. retreat is deepening. as the conflict continues, the cost to the is really economy is in all of us. plus some taiwan is view president to bring peace and prosperity to the i'm counting the cost on al jazeera
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as the the all go back. you're watching, i'll just do a time. to recap the headlines. at least 20 palestinians were killed, vice right. the fire, as they were waiting for a more than 100 others were injured, taken to a civil hospital and gone to the city. as well as being accused of bulldozing a so called buffalo within garza officials and previously said creating an area with protect civilians. us as opposed plans to change palestine folders and it's very forces have attacked the main building of loss of the hospital in san eunice troops the surrounding the facility. the area has come under intense from box the
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death toll from wednesdays. try and come to you and shelter in sonya and it says, residence of 14. 0 yeah, i spoke to thomas white's director of unruh affairs and garza. he said he's ready for his gave assurances. civilians would be protected, they would not followed off on we are in constant contact with the is riley army. we provide the coordinates of all of these protected sites, all of these un, uh, facilities that are under a un flag. and particularly those facilities, the, the big schools that uh, sheltering internally, displaced people. so i, we're very clear about where these like patients. uh, yep. and then at times all appeared, all flashing in that area. we are literally an hourly contact with the is riley me to reinforce the fact that these are protected thoughts and try and work with them
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to ensure that adequate precaution is taken in those areas with their ah, civilians taking shelter. it doesn't look like adequate precautions being taking the right. i mean, are you satisfied with, with the response you get from these riley's so we are getting assurances from these riley's about that is not followed up and yeah, what's very clear yesterday and this isn't, yeah, this is not what, you know, nice divided into pieces happening all across on eunice and has been in the past, you know, the pots of gaza, you know, that there's been a disproportionate toll on the civilian population. as far as the thing has come into play. serious. on the one hand, we're getting assurances that civilians are we protected, but then civilians are losing their lives and to be injured. in the cost of these hostilities, the international colt of justice is expected to announce so cold provisional measures in a genocide case against israel brought by south africa. it could include in order
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for as well to hold as minute trail for actions in gaza. both policies presented their arguments 2 weeks ago. selves i'm of which takes a look at the public hearings. i do last seem to address the court. you have the format of the start of a legal battle. and israel score on gaza is the suffering of the palestinian people, south africa thought the law. so with the international court of justice or i c. j t and accusing israel of carrying out acts of genocide against palestinians for the past 96 days is where it has subjected godsa to what has been described as one of the heaviest, conventional bombing campaigns in the history of modern will fair. also south africa's legal de presented evidence. it's said to show the need for prompt action and it showed entire families had been wiped out and 60 percent of the homes, and garza destroyed. they describe israel's relentless
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bombardment as a collective punishment. the palestinians, after how mazda at that, southern israel, on october the 7th. as we stand today, one percent of the part of student population in garza has been systematically decimate. as they said, the intention to commit genocide was clear is or is political leaders made a type of comments and pestilence, holding official positions have systematically and an explicit tens declared that genocide, the intent is ro rejected the charges that have been ex, that may be characterized as genocide or they may have been pip perpetrated against israel hospital, the defendants that there was no solid evidence to support the charges. there is little beyond run the sessions to demonstrate that israel has or has have the
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specific intent to destroy. and how low impulse upon the streaming people as such, they argue urban warfare is complicated, and civilian casualties are an unavoidable result of conflict. of the legal team also questioned the accuracy of casualty figures collected by international and deals. and did you, when you characterize the quarters, told of the 23000 casualties as the applicant repeats? as many have and verified statistics provided by some us itself. hardly a reliable source. this case is likely to take years to resolve because proving genocide is legally complex to put in. the provisional measure of salt by south africa are temporarily ordered the i c j can issue to israel, the stop. it's the military reactions each while the court is deliberating. they are legally binding, but the court has no power to enforce them. excell sandwich out is there.
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the columbia as president, is to declare wild fires burning across the country. a natural disaster. soaring temperatures have been fueling fires with more than $200.00 already this month. residents in the capital both have been surrounded by smoke from fives and forest areas. president gustavo pets was natural. this off the declaration will make more government results is available. now that sounds that i'm the is live for us in but with also all the fines under control at this point of the some of them are now under control. busy sammy, we were also lack key that the wind as a move to some of the smoke away from the central areas of the city of burgers, tablet, as you can see behind me on this hill, there's still
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a fire that is raging. this is the one that is watering the most, the tory it is here right now. because as you can see is very close to a couple of neighborhoods that have been built on that hill also because there are important antennas on, on the field that essentially uh, bring cellular connection to a great part of the city, but the firefighters in the army have been working for more than 24 hours now to bring this fire under control on this other side. you can see it uh right now. uh, but i can see there are at least another 35 years up north, outside of this city that are still raging at but beyond the capital. there also fires in other regions in particular, in the northern region of a sense. and there, there has been some big effects on a very important to pile to,
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to the environment. they are, that it's called the bottom of which is unique to this part of the tropics, the where, where a lot of rivers are born. and so the stories are also worried on the environmental affects the there. if we look at the larger picture, there is a lot of where you have what will happen in the coming weeks and months right now, practically, the majority of the country is under alerts, and a 3rd of colombia is the towns and cities are under high alert to do 2 possible fires with the material logic mitsy or largest this, are you saying that that this the route will likely continue at least until the end of march, possibly the beginning of april, and we could see the effects, the width of it well into may all right, we'll leave it that time so much. not a sound that i'm p at the gun and have a tank. several villages in central nigeria,
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killing at least 13 people, the violence flag on wednesday, despite the costs you being impose the day before. but like this bloodshed follows and attacks, it kills at least a 140 people on christmas day. community leaders are accusing the nigerian ministry of helping attackers has been repeated violence between farmers and hood is in the area for 9 months. the soothing these ami in the palm of the tree rapid support forces have been fighting for control. over 5000000 people have been displaced in the wall, both sides of accused of forcibly disappearing civilians torturing them in detention centers. they did not like the allegations of a morgan talked to solve those who say they were detained and beaten every day for more than 3 weeks. how much the recounts how he was beaten by his captors. he says
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he was imprisoned in the national television building, controlled by the power military rapid support forces. his family put out notices, in hopes of finding him after he disappeared from home and on demand profundity. that's why they took me from you to my house and stopped beating even before sending me into a pick up. the accused me of working with the army and beat me mercilessly. they took me to the state televisions building due to me and threw me into a room. there weren't people who are bleeding somehow distinguish cut off. i was beating every day for 23 days before they finally released. i was only a civilian and let them go. my, how much says more than 20 others where detained with him in the same room menus to these families have been reporting the 4th disappearances of relatives. since the early weeks of fighting between the army and the r a staff, many of the missing were men. but the women were reportedly health to because of says she was detained by the parent military for over 8 months. per se, car,
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as she says, are from rebel bullets fired by the recess while she was being tortured until the letter. so fits as if i was being tortured, exceptionally abused. they accuse me of working with the government. i was taken to the eastern part of the capital along with other women. they beat us with a hold to the point we couldn't get up. they would wake us up with cold water if they find a sleeping. there was a woman who died because of the torture. they took her and we asked about her days later, we were told she had died. and it's not only torture that those 4 simply disappeared and detained. have to deal with this, put in is right. group known as emergency lawyers say hundreds of people are being detained in various parts of the capital. some families who reported they loved ones missing, don't even know they're being detained. the group also says most detainees are being held in any human condition that include 470 patients with very little food and water. the lawyers, they both were insights,
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have detained and forcibly disappeared. civilians which may amount to work crimes, a backup degree of the 52 detention centers in costume. the types of 5 being confirmed, others have to reach and confirmed because of the ongoing conflict, detaining on facility disappearing. people is classified as a violation of international human rights vote, according to the international criminal court, and can be classified by the quotes prosecutor as a war crime. crimes that have taken away menu from their loved ones, leaving doubts over whether their captors will ever be held accountable. keep them oregon all just there on how to. i was making some breaking news coming in now just there understands that causes prime minister the most sides c i a and e gyptian intelligence chief role meeting in europe and a bit to secure a deal between hamas and israel. now these folks are on the way ahead of the actual meeting between key mediators. but we understand the yet to narrow differences between hamas and israel. now there's differences, thoughts of
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a on the duration of the pools, the number of captives to be released in exchange for palestinian detainees. and so let's go to hold on how many in tel aviv. so given the fact that i must have said they don't want a another show to impose as well. so it doesn't want a, a complete cessation. we've got off the question. what exactly? all they negotiate. seeing is that clear at this point? well there's a lot of links at the moment in there is really media has been to conversations throughout the evening here according to what has been linked to these really media . well, there is talk about the 2 months a ceasefire during the 2 months. these fire, you would have a staggered release of palestinian prisoners in exchange of these really captives held in gaza. the ratio would be one is really captive in exchange of
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a 100 policy need. and did you need, we're talking about the detainees that i've been taken from the occupied west bank and from gaza. and that will be staggered over that 2 month duration. but this is only the side we're hearing from the israel. now the 2 key majors in this are egypt and guitar, and so far they have no release much information about what's going on and is, and these really public is really not given the full picture because they are still any sticking point. how much has said over and over again, that it won't agree to any deal without this. a 2 months cease fire if it indeed happens, leading to a permanent a ceasefire to the end of the war. and then egypt and guitar are also talking about what happens next. they, they did, they, they would want. so jerry b,
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as actually even said there is no normalization without starting to talk and substantial talk about as to state solution. we ignited that political track. so there are still many sticking points on given what you've just said, been who the, how close of a to reaching a deal as well. there is a meeting, as you said, that's going to happen in europe in the coming days of that meeting with does have to wait and see what will be the outcome of that meeting. but i mean if you listen to the rest of it coming from the prime minister, benjamin need to know he has ruled out over and over again. and he kind of political settlement that would lead to the formation of a palestinian state. and this is as taking point, he also has ruled out the outcome, the end of the war. he said that israel will have,
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has to militarily achieve its goals. and he reiterated that this morning while he was visiting some troops. um there's also the issue about what to do with the how much leadership in gaza. uh yeah, he asked and why and how mid day flu is the head of because we, we gave is will, would want them to leave guys that to go to a 3rd country. so how much has so far review. so there are some very serious speaking void and it's difficult to see how they would reach a compromise on them. and i think it's only then that we would reach actually some sort of deal, but that it will take some time still. all right, thanks so much for that. how many the, the still ahead on al jazeera, the defending women's australian open champion through to the final again,
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she did this for the business like this, this wrote to you believe i guess is i live my on one of your lives makes more than please the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is i like fly on one of your just makes model and plates the alright, let's catch up with all the sports news with joe. now savvy, thank you. well, we now know that line out for the last 16 of the asian comp, south korea will face saudi arabia are in the real count stage. i'm just surprised . true with malaysia denied them top spots in group a piece of stem. it reports an alternate stadium whose number 23 you should
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always be favorite to defeat the 150. it's the rank side and going according to plan joe young, the school in the south korea, even though he is a little help and they say as long as this one knew the training team to sleep in it. and it seems to be the case is minutes. somebody with a baby tidy finish but was hoping to do when you can go through a famous victory. i'm on 62nd when it penalty handed malaysia, so deemed but they could not hold on. you contains one's name equal to 2 minutes and then one minute into added time, captain soon you mean this is a penalty to complete the come back. so did he had incredible 15 minutes into added time. ramelle, my role is quiet in the same section, equalize the cable answer,
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then i will still nervous because they were going to be here the same score. but now i'm satisfied with this score is like honestly, i didn't know then they would have these drugs them. i don't think they would have these go to go with the advisor behavior. i think everything or that was so good. like i was impressed. it goes on unexpected. like a lot like at the end what it goes. well, it was amazing disabled. so i just expected we're going to eat, we really don't want to. okay, because next year we, we, we every, every, every game the most, that is fine. this result means south korea finish seconding group beats, but still headphones to the last 16 crucially. they remain in the homes to assist asian cub charges since 9060 feet the same. it al jazeera alj, a new stadium. well, that was also helpful, right, and jump from sub place to finish group 8 on top,
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pasta beach and jordan. abdullah use a school, the only goal is to match. and the 1st health is it finished one? no, it was. i mean 7 se supplying and la 16 in, grew best. saudi arabia will help. the goal is to buy thailand to split, having plenty of opportunities to school. they had a pendency saved early on. silent then how to go. this allowed for off site, but both teams still reach the know count states and the other group best match them on when to head against chemicals done to give themselves hope of reaching the last 16. but they were paid back in the 80 s minute. the 11 results mean 1st teams . i think time with both of those teams going out to it meant that indonesia is nervous. wait for placing the last 16 paid off. their applicants will start here in the 1st months of an account stage. that's followed by to jake is done on the u a on sunday and they sees iraq take on jordan and then defending champions and host capital play palestine at our bait stadium. now the big game takes place on choose
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day. saudi arabia's face south korea with his breakfast on and thailand in the other much of the day. and japan pipe, all right on wednesday with the wrong take you on syria in the last know count stage much. and we will manage and you can cope. house defendant mohammed, fellow talkie stations, the egypt captain, and showing a lack of commitment to his country. solid was injured during the great stages of the african couple of nations and returns to the k to get treatment, which that's a criticism for, for my egypt play with how son he said sala should have stayed with the team, even if he only had one leg to stand on sala is hoping to return. if egypt make the final, it still gets a lot to the living and, and so it's just them, it's, i think to do it. even most people in egypt understand the situation because we have executive assembly comes, i can say it again. we have exactly the same target as, as age make as quick as possible. a judge has room that form
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a spanish football president noticed it'll be alice will face trial for kissing a play without her consent. ruby l as denies any wrongdoing regarding the incident which occurred a spain's top gold score. jennifer had most so celebrated winning the women's well comp. last year. state prosecutors, the keys will be out as a sexual assaults and allegedly coalescing. and i'm also to public feedback him the trial date is yet to be confirmed. we realize could face a fine or prison sentence of up to 4 years, a found guilty face of band rebel, as from football for 3 years in spain, sports so. so receivables him on fits to hold the post and sports management in that time. the judge also ruled, but spain's former coach hold a booster. along with to all the federation officials should face trial for pressuring and most so to support rebel is for milan, and chelsea strike a andre of tank or has been elect to the new president. if you crane's football association, the country's old time leading goals score 193 is a 94 fights as a delicate shift tank himself, how to vote, but didn't use it. he schooled 40 at goals and a 111 games,
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so you crane on the champions, even the line, the bottom do a arena so blank or as one went away from successfully defending how strongly and i've been title the well number 2 beat full saved, took a golf in the semi to eventually us, i can final defeat to the american, lost it sutherland code one in straight sets, 7664. and as into the final without dropping the set in her 6 months. she's so far at this tournament. she's a means to become the 1st science when back to back titles in the open since the fellow bella, russian, victoria as of encrypted it in 20122013 yeah, it wasn't great. well, much. she's a great player. what was the both skins her and i think the keywords that i was able to stay focused no matter what, no matter what the score was. so i was just keep trying my best keep fighting for it. and of course i'm super happy to being in the, in another final on the grand slam. and hopefully i can do a little bit about it and then the last,
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last time. so new way of sutherland cameron a 2nd major title is king. when jen be 2012 said the defeated ukrainian qualified diana. yes. from scott. she becomes the 2nd chinese player to reach the grandson. final of the 2014 australian open champion, lena 21 year old. also breaking so was top 10 for the 1st time. i'm super excited to have such as great football minutes today and read the fine. oh, you know, i think the sheets play unbelievable pennies and got the really good baseline stroke stuff to explain. my feeling now to india are in control of the 1st test against england going in today to and hydra beds and starts with a 5 test series. well, there was 3 rocket seats for experience been us. that'd be good agent and will be asked when as england's were bold out for the 246 england captain friend stokes top schooled with a crucial 70 for the visitors. a rapid response from the indians. thanks to yes.
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ashley joyce. well, he's code 76 of just 70 both as a close to a 100. 19 for one trainings, england, 527 months uninformed. many one chose the cook has signed a new multi year contract with ferrari. the 26 year old didn't reveal the length of the new deal, but he's already been with the telling team for 8 years since joining its driver academy. okay, because 15 races and taking 23 po positions to ferrari. now we are continuing the story which i am so incredibly happy off. and my target is obviously to bring back ferrari to the top of the welsh. i'm in shape to win the championship with ferrari is my ultimate dream and i'll do absolutely everything in order for these to happen. all right, that is a split from outside the semi. thanks so much joanna. that brings us to the end of this new sab follies, back. stay with us. the
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unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days the another i couldn't think is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us. we'll permit. and nothing leaves casa without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. well, joe biden and donald trump had starkly opposed messages by officer trunk would turn the us into a dictatorship. shaking car is trump's cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out the communist locks in spanish and the radical left dogs that live like vermin within the confines of our
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country. many voters are fed up with high prices and bite and stance on israel's war on gaza as close to decline and support in his own party. trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal towns is elected. trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more. thoughts and feelings in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states, it's likely to be a bitter babel. the latest news, as it breaks on the civic challenge, the president is going to space, is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage, the native forests on the other half of this gigantic properties. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicles. south korea's answer to
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the air. it's hot. the, [000:00:00;00] the for the back to the this is the news our on algae 0 line from to coming up in the next 60 minutes. he's ready to expire at palestinians waiting for 8 in gaza. city keeping at least 20 people the directors of the c. i, a most sided potash prime minister are to meet in europe this weekend to discuss


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