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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:58pm AST

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so this gigantic properties, the ones that you see behind me turn off, we've touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicle south korea's answer to the air. it has the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, i'm for the batch of or this is the news our on out you 0 line from to coming up in the next 60 minutes. he's ready to expire at palestinians waiting for 8 in guys, a city killing at least 20 people the directors of the c. i. a most sided potash prime minister are to meet in europe this weekend to discuss
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a possible new sci fi, a full, gaza, and captives exchange is around demolishes buildings to create a so called buffer zone and gaza, despite warnings. some of the us also i'm gonna assume that i'm getting capital both. that's where wild fires are raging on the hills surrounding the city due to us severe drowsing sense of 5 by in new weather phenomenon and climate change. the to thank you for joining us. we begin in the gaza strip way as well. so we lend class bombing shows. no signs of slowing a large crowd of palestinians waiting for desperately needed aid in gaza. city were targeted by is really sold just on thursday. at least 20 people were killed. hiding
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my mode for getting coverage from rossa in southern gusts gathered a long philosophy. indeed, the gauze of strips main north south road hoping to receive a food handout without a warning and is really try to get them. at least 20 people were killed in more than 100 injured fun, eunice was really strikes targeted silver, a location. the injured were rushed to the few remaining health centers in the besieged city. the mortgage loss or hospital is full. the dead are buried in a hurry. not in a cemetery, but the hospital compound plays right. these are fighting the bullets on the door of tomorrow. there's really short every one. the killer
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bombardment of hon. unice has force tens of thousands to seek refuge and run those lucky enough to survive. these really strikes the north and then throw dog good over crowded calms and drop off. there is no help for them there, but this bill anywhere is paid for then connie, on this thing, dollars of 50, is really strikes, hit the residential building in the city. the victims were mostly women and children couldn't regarding the treasure and were sitting at home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby moss, the whole area close to it was destroyed and the sense of the occupation claims their problem is a safe zone. we came to it off or based on the occupations instructions that it was a safe zone. only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted. if we don't pry a warning without informing people to evacuate with no signs of and in today's really onslaught civilians would continue to pay a heavy price. honey, my mode was just that uh, southern gaza. let's get an update. now from another van correspondence in guys i
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tarry, cup was the one who's in rafa, forrest herrick. so and he's really attacked as we saw there on people who were waiting for humanitarian aid. i imagine many now even more afraid to go out and get food. yes fully that's completely right now disparate palestinians were waiting today and it's unbelievable conditions that they have been giving through just waiting for much needed human terry supplies to our life to the number of costs of the territory. now this area, in fact, did not receive much amounts of age, that would tell people that to survive and also to mitigate the aggravating humanitarian crisis in the north and due to the expansion of these very military operations. that now has been to date, a tax credit, the crowds of people with mining got long please. just waiting for those hates were at least 20 palestinians being killed alongside with more than 150 others being
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wanted them. this is practically not the 1st attack for you that's completely conducted and carried out by the ministry games, people who were waiting for aids. previously, they had attacked a group of residents for waiting for a hold of host of loads of the western side of kansas city. as a, these body forces are trying to excessive paint that humanitarian crisis, where people say by dates are struggling to find a food to find drinkable water. and also to at least to provide their children with sufficient amount of food that will tell them to survive. but right now with these ongoing repeated attacks, the situation in the news will uh, we aggravate, move as farm and started to practically spread among residents that with the absence of fluid items and the most no food in the north bombardment in the north. but it's also happening in the south as well, in con eunice, which has been the focus of,
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of israel's relentless funding of these past few days. tell us about the situation there. and as specifically, perhaps the situation at nasa hospital, which has been under siege a man or yes fully. that's right. the is the highest where the forces were close and tracing on the city of con units because it's considered to be the longest. the 2nd largest city, of course, calls on from these really perspective it's considered to be one of the strong codes for palestinian fighters where the is where the forces that trying to take it down and to completely take full control over the city. but what we clearly have been seen within the last couple of days that there was no lights up and fighting on the ground where the power steering and find. so having close concept pointing with these really. so just trying to looking them from a gene a forward, the main central name for who it's where israel from each side started to attract evacuation centers, forcing people to sleep mode roof. or i'm also a part of the ongoing military campaign they are surrounding and trapping. the last
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remaining costs patrol is getting called unit squared, talking about and loss or hospital room side with the problems sitting vickers in prison society hospital, which is that i'm a hospice i've had also been surrounded by these very tags, preventing medical teams from leaving the hospital and also terrifying hundreds of patients and indeed people who are receiving good treatment out bought now due to all this a despite oldest a rough succeeds and situations that they have been going through with these hospitals to operate as at least today uh, 15 palestinians were being killed in the city. ready of con eunice as soon as the hours of these morning, thank you. time for the update to capitalize them. live for us. it in rough in 7 guys or the world health organization, w h o has repeatedly wants. that is, or as well on guys or has brought the health system to the brink of collapse. relentless bombardment test created widespread damage and lead to dia, shortages of medical staff and supplies. just 12 doctors are still working out of
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locks. the hospital. that's about 10 percent of what they had before the start of the war, nasir hospital in the south. more than half of all the staff there of left at least 400 patients remain. and the more or full $337.00 health care workers have been killed by is really forced, has since october, the 7th and 30 hospitals and 50 for health care centers are completely out of service. earlier we spoke to tired us every choose a spokesman for the world health organization. he says, not only can people into advise really bombardment not get the current urgent help they need, but larger health crisis. a larger health crisis is little me. according to the ministry of health, 26000 people have been killed mainly due to the bar much. but if we keep up conditions as bad as they are definitely going to be worse,
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we will have to remove people dying from and not be able to research to receive medical care. so again, people with cancer, people with diabetes, people who need the a, renal dialysis, the people but it has to be but who, who have conditions that require a going to see the doctor and that we have reports also that it's a uh, we have reports of that are real diseases among children, that the restaurant, sorry, the viruses. so unity is going down. people so hungry, our trucks are supposedly being stopped by the end of my sled spring. you know, white house correspondent, kimberly how get in washington dc. i'm on this. what's the word from the white house about this can be yeah, the warehouse not talking too much about it, but we have been able to confirm that this meeting is set to take place. the white house has been a little bit quiet about the details,
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but what we're learning is that there is an attempt to try and get a break in the fighting in order to try and allow for the remaining captives to be swapped for a number of palestinian still being held in his really jails. now, this is similar to what we saw back in november. it was a week long break in the fighting in order to allow for prisoner swap. this time, what we understand is that it could be a much more substantial, something in the neighborhood of 60 days in order to allow for humanitarian aid that is obviously desperately needed. given the starvation that is occurring in gaza to allow for not only the humanitarian aid to get in, but also for the remaining captives to get out. we understand that it would be a priority for women and children and also for the bodies of those that have died in captivity. but we also understand,
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but what is complicating this is some of at least audio of some of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose comments disparaging so some of the, with regard to cuts are in general talking about, cut are being unhelpful in some of these negotiations. and that, of course, has been making it very difficult given the fact that the united states is friendly to both these really as well as guitar and governments. so this is something that is in the works. we understand the ca, director bill burns on his way to help with this. he facilitated that back in november as well as breton, the girl who is already in the region. okay, kimberly thank you very much for that. kimberly hawk, it lives there at the white house, well, talks are reportedly under way ahead of that actual meeting in your but key mediators has yet to narrow differences between how my send is read. let's find out more about this and speak to hold that. don't have made was in tel aviv lots of reports in these really media and elsewhere of
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a possible new sci fi between his route and a mass florida. what exactly are you hearing about what's being negotiated at this stage? well as you said, these really media is a wash with leaks about this possible be of that could be reached any time soon. depending on the reports we're talking about a ceasefire that could be for a month to 2 months period. during that time, there would be a staggered release of the captives held in gaza in exchange of palestinian digit needs and is really jails. and when we talk about policy needed to do needs, we talk about both the denise problem, the occupied westbank and from gaza. the ratio according to the media reports here would be one, is really captive, an exchange of a 100 pallets sitting in
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a dated detainees. this is what we're hearing here. at the moment. we haven't heard anything about the humanitarian aid, but this is what the government is leaking to the media. it is presenting to the is really public. but the 2 made me deja here is a cutter and egypt and we haven't heard from them. and we do know that there are many sticking points, especially that thomas had said from the onset knows, use fire, know, exchange of out of kept is vs detainees unless it leads to the end of the war. yeah, many sticking points as you say, honda. and these are the prime minister himself and said he wasn't interested in a new deal as recently as i think yesterday 24 hours ago. given these differences. how coast do you think we ought to reaching an actual deal? what i mean day is that meeting that we shouldn't be happening in your uh, in the coming days. i think that with meeting would tackle the very difficult
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issues because as you said, 5 minutes to benjamin nathan now has said all along that they will be no and the war until is well, it reaches its ames now for, for example, at the moment is will is demolishing thousands of home with the along the border with guys that because it was built as one kilometer buffer zone. something to white house has dropped, i guess. but israel says it's aiming to demolish about $2800.00 buildings all along that border area with that stop will, is ro give up doing that. then you have the position of our countries like egypt, guitar, and even saudi arabia who say, well, at the end of all of this, they should be a serious start a negotiations to reach
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a 2 state solution. the political track that would finally bring about the palestinians. they prime minister benjamin nathaniel has said repeatedly that he was against that. so very important and very substantial sticking point. and will that, is that something that they will manage to have a compromise about another one being is, well, one thing the exam from guys delete the how much leadership and guys are what would be it? yeah, yes. and why? or they had the guess brigade, but how many days, how much so far as indicated that that was off the table that that was not possible then negotiation. so they are very is picky points here. but i think also from the leaks that have been happening here and these will you, you do get the feeling that the government is under pressure to put forwards something to this republic. alright, hold. i thank you very much for that. hold on. i've done how made life worth it in
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tennessee they've let's discuss this further now with lawrence called in washington dc. he's a former assistant secretary of defense, the most sad country prime minister meeting in new york. this coming weekend to discuss a possible new deal between israel and her boss. now, the last time william burns was in the region in november. we had that present exchange deal. so the fact that we have these high ranking officials meeting again, what does this signal any of you? are we likely to see a new deal being announced very soon? i that i mean the very fact that bill barnes is they are given who we yes, he's not a political appointee. he's a career foreign sort off of service officer. he's been in bassett or to uh uh, to uh, russia. i think it sends a signal that this is probably going to lead some place though. i know that the prime minister that yeah,
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who has not helped things with all of the comments that he's made lately. but we have let him know that in fact, if he continues to act like this, the whole question of usa is on the table. and he also has the. busy refresher at home because of what this war is doing to the is rarely economy and so many people called up from civilian civilian jobs. so i think the fact that bill barnes is involved is a signal that this is pretty serious, right? pretty serious. you say, see i directed joining efforts to find this new d a. a not for media reports have suggested that this is perhaps one of the most ambitious ones that the us is seeking. and in terms of a ceasefire involving the release, reportedly of all remaining is really captives and a longer cessation of hostilities in gaza. given what you've told us about 5 minutes and it's yahoo! and what we've heard is his reluctance to stop hostilities in gaza. how does bill
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burns convince the most i, chief and other is really officials that this is the best deal right now as well. i say key less. so know that there's a lot of opposition in the united states to can to do the many democratic senators are opposing any more a to israel. president biden has communicated that to prime minister net. net and yahoo publicly in terms of the direction that we want a goal, particularly with the 2 state solution. so i think if you get the 60 days that allows net yahoo to save face, you could say, well, i'm not giving up my age, which is just temporary. but the fact of the matter is if you can do this for to watch, it will set the stage, i think for more meaningful negotiations and empower those people. it is real. who soon know when to this we are and know that connection. yeah. who,
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a lot of reasons he's is doing this is because the, when there's more and so you'll probably be voted out of office. now, what is the view right now in the us? of course, you've mentioned the fact that prime minister netanyahu, you know, is roughing feathers right now in washington, dc in the bottom administration. but at the same time we hear, you know, uh, uh, uh, the, the, for an uh, the foreign secretary say that very, you know, on this talk of a buffer zone, for example, difficult buffers on that is read, wants to build in gaza that the us has expressed opposition to we here to forward to the foreign minister say that he's opposed to this. that there is however room for compromise. so is there is washington speaking with one voice when it comes to its message to miss? now, the whole story definitely from the beginning our president biden has told the
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israel east don't make the same mistake we made in afghanistan, where you think you can change the whole society and do it quickly. and we've also publicly criticized these come out against the 2 state solution. we said, no, that's what we want. because i tell you a get that you're going to continue to have these conflicts. and i think the 60 days is a time enough for people to realize that we can end this war without endangering israel's security. and i don't think again, this is helped by him, a president that yahoo or prime minister that yahoo! criticizing garner garner has played a very, very important role in this whole situation. mediating between hamas and israel, and egypt and the united states. okay, thank you very much for talking to a thank you for your time. during school, former assistant secretary of defense at the us defense department. thank you for your time. okay,
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thank you for having me. as well as we mention is being accused of establishing a kilometer wide buffer zone inside the borders of guys is commanders have previously suggested creating such an area would protect is really civilians to us . however, i said it opposes any plans to change on assigns borders outside big as on report on that of the one cause it has not been of age for over 100 days. the destruction is immense, along with the loss of life, and pressure, elaborate is called on. we have no place to go. my apartment is gone. i saw nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children, and we all live in a school. my children are sitting there a lot of dead under the rubber. and they all concerns that these rating me the tree is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing a so called buses on one columbia to white and eventually running the entire length of that 65. cuz i'm going to cause that israel border does be no form and announcement, but these ready ministry has already destroyed nearly 1100 buildings in the
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northern part of the strip move. it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining an effect. the, the territorial integrity of guys. it does raise the leadership, appears to be ignoring the us. they want to move the board of photo but it is forwarded and together destroying the lives of the people of garza. and that is of course, very dangerous and it should not be accepted. they should not be allowed after that the input and the fact that in my opinion, the talk about about also now is in a way article commission of the san leandro of diseases spreading even more than they all today. one of the reasons i was in israel yesterday was the press for a whole series of things to change. to get a into israel, we need the check point open for longer. we need the united nations officials in
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garza to be increased and number to have the visas to have the own would cost to take the $8.00 around dollars. so we need to make sure they can actually get the income, the size to the north and all over. we need the port of ash don't open symbol a from come. we should be focused on these things all the time and i out this. but clearly the best, the aiden is opposing the by the opposite to this whole question is a 2 state solution nitrogen to not have walked off the job in a general strike against the president's proposal, economic reforms the best. and i'll take a look at some of the base avenues and gunmen have a talk. several villages in central nigeria getting at least 30 people divine and slate on wednesday, despite a cat, a few being imposed a day before the latest, but should follow as an attack that killed at least
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a 140 people on christmas day. community leaders are accusing the nigerian military of helping the attackers. it's been repeated that's been repeated. finance between farmers and heard is in the area for you and security council will discuss russian claims that ukraine shot down and military pain, transporting ukrainian prisoners of war keep hasn't denies, denied the case, but disputes key aspects. rob mcbride reports from ukraine's capital once a day after a rushing military plane crash tier not far from the border with ukraine. there's a growing list of questions, but few ounces y. for example, us, the ukranian government has russia, which normally documents prison or exchange is like this one not released any images, right? you have shopped from. if the russians had any photographs or video, they could show the location of our prison as a rule. they would have done so already. ukraine has also called for russia to allow access for a full international investigation of the crash,
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accusing moscow of a long standing campaign of this information. i think it's russian propaganda. they want to undermine this. i don't believe our prisoners were on board. there weren't enough bodies recovered from the site in the country that's deeply suspicious of any information coming out of moscow. there are continuing guidance about the reliability of the list of the 65 prisoners of war, of the same us folks person for military intelligence here as question just how many people were on hold waiting. at least 5 bodies have been delivered to a local move. the same official has also claimed russian intelligence agents prevented a group of vicki's from bolting the doomed croft before takeoff from any in ukraine . down to surrounding the crash is evidence of a general lack of information about ukrainian prisoners of war. we need a,
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at an access to real information we need to know for, for the sake of justice. and so i'm assuming it there in all or, and i mean the global vendors definitely we need this access as a like, as of right them as a principal for relatives of the estimate to day 1000 p. o w's the growing doubts add to existing anxieties. rub mcbride, autism era. keith, a russian woman has been sentenced a 27 years in prison by a court in saint petersburg for the assassination of a high pro 5 pro cap crammed in blogger daddy, a type of i was convicted of terrorism charges in connection with the desk of a lot in petoskey, he was k as last april in a bomb attack. the device was hidden in a statute of him. that type of i gave as a gift. as he was giving a talk in a st. petersburg, cafe and russian police have arrested at least 3 people outside of moscow court
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after they protested against the prison sentence. for a prominent kremlin critics, a gold garret can also known as tread cove was sentenced to 4 years for repeatedly criticizing moscow. a previous they've been instrumental in fomenting conflicts between coming back separatists and keys on forces in ukraine's dumbass region in 2014 sachi vaughan, where there's been a large fire at the gun. the hospital in tehran details on the source of the fire and yet to be known, but the ministry of health says patients are being sent to out of hospitals and so far they are no casualties. columbia as president, is to declare wind fires burning across the country as a natural disaster. soaring temperatures have been shooting fires with more than $200.00 already this month. residents in the capitol bogota have been surrounded by smoke from fires in forests areas present. gustavo petros, natural disaster decoration will make more government resources available. let's go
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live to all just areas. alexander on 50 was in bogota for a, so i found the worst being done. done 1st of all to bring the 5 under control to yes, fully re area just receive the latest report from the mayor's office here in a book. and it says that there are still 6 active fires on hills surrounding the city. 5 of them have been mostly been brought under control, 80 percent. pretty much according to what the authorities are saying. the 6th one is the one that you see behind man, it's the one that worries the, i'm sorry these the most so far because it's a very close to a couple of neighborhoods that have been built on the hills also because this particular hill has an same as with the cellular connection,
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so that's very important for communications that in the city of the there are hundreds of firefighters and soldiers that are working to bring on their control these fires in the city outside of this city. we also understand that there are a number of fires on their way in an area called the name of co on a roughly an hour and a half away from both that and also in the northern region of columbia. overall, we understand that 87 percent right now of, uh columbia. as of the country as a whole is at high risk for fires due to the current situation, right? and this is the beginning of the dry season, alessandro. so what's being done to prepare for, for move fires for us? absolutely, this is usually the normal dry season, one of 2 in the central area of the,
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of columbia and also along the coast. but it has been intensified by the new phenomenon of this had happened already in 2016. there were wild fires in various parts of the country. unfortunately, a lot of animals also died in the plains towards that benny swell due to the compounding effect of both the dry season. the new and climate change a global warming that has had an effect on making these dry seasons longer, more a severe the government that has already announced that a will declare a good base. the situation is a natural disaster. oppressive in federal also said that has been speaking with that, the united nations, the us, and she likes to look for international health because the expectation here in the end business day worries telling me is that this is just the beginning that this dry season that usually ends in february, well instead,
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continue at least until the end of march, possibly into april and that the effects of this dry season could uh, very well go into may. that's uh, obviously a very, very worry some situations for uh, for columbia as a whole. uh, there has been criticism towards that the preparation to buy by the government. thank you, and his sons were honest on the property and he lived there in boca time and still ahead on this use our south korea ones that north korea is posting it's weapons capabilities as tensions rise on the peninsula. that the, the recent stormy weather, particularly the northern europe is texting dime little bit now. and this is looking bit more like a couple winter progression stuff, particularly cold. and,
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you know, this is the last significant storm that came across from the wes for the next one. isn't really is still much all these just frontal assistance. she's what you'd expect to see. having said that, i think during friday, denmark bills and jeremy empowered and could see robert winston brief, the rather windy weather and also that it would be significant snow for sweet and it's all can we have kids for these cold weather? and the final reason inside of beautiful west and russia, but to the west of them and or west and europe is affect to be quite mild and some places quite well. this is the picture and most scared that we've got beatrice. i started sitting on the ground and did his cold consistently, so minus 2 to minus 4 and the best, but the new snares being driven down through remained year towards effective ball gary and maybe positive turkey in due course. the wind. so in places like spain is surprisingly high, it looks like cold of about hitting it's rick over the next 2 or 3 days. so this
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process pain has been rather consistent. the will the high mountain that seasonal no 50 when it's been dust free. up until now, he's not full of dust for this to how and it's getting off to south america as well . the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching, the news, our on algae 0, a reminder of our main stories. at least 20 palestinians have been killed by is really fire as they were waiting for aids more than 100. others were injured in taken to ashi for hospital in goddess city. houses here understands that the sea ice chief william burst most side in egypt, intelligence chase, or meet with content as prime minister in europe this coming weekend to try and
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secure a new society or between tomas and his route officer. and the way ahead of the actual meeting, but to mediators have yet to narrow differences between our mazda and its round. this route is being accused of bulldozing a so called buffer zone. within garza, army officials have previously said creating such an area which protects civilian. us supposes any times to change kind of science folders, how the international court of justice is to deliver it's entering ruling on a genocide case against israel, south africa, one c, u n's top legal body to order an immediate cease fire in gaza. i did provide it as a james based report on the heck on the possible outcomes of the case is often well over 3 months of constant is riley bombardment. in garza all lives are on the coast house more than 3000 kilometers away in the netherlands. south africa wants the u
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as top legal body, the international court of justice to order an immediate cease far as part of its interim judgement expected in a matter of hours, we see that the case being brought under the genocide convention. if it goes against israel does, little is our country's leaders would ignore it and that they would refuse to comply with the court's orders. but it would be a huge blow both politically and diplomatically, not just the israel, but also to explain back to the binding to ministration. the us president is already facing bouncing political pressure to listen to the un security council. on 3 occasions, the us is used is vito to block in immediate c spa, but would bite and be prepared to retail again. this time in defiance of the world's top court, with a dilemma is that it puts him in a position of contradiction because through other conflicts, including ukraine. most recently, we've seen these calls for the maintenance of the roof space international order,
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the highest level of maintaining that order is the, the directives of the courts. so if america find stuff in a position of contradiction between what they've said on other concepts and what they're saying on israel, then this is a huge whatever for the administration. of course, if the ruling doesn't go south africa's way, it's a very different story. expect these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet to say that military campaign has been vindicated, and that there are no will crimes, obviously, that so it was certainly not the case, but it wouldn't mean that this quote has decided that it can take action under the very high threshold demanded by the genocide convention of all the colts, including the international criminal cost. also based here in this city could also bring charges related both to will crimes and crimes against humanity. james bay's, which is 0 by now within the last hour, a spokesman for the us state department was asked about washington's position on
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the icy jay's upcoming bully springing patio and in washington dc. to find out more about that as to what the state department said patty, about absolutely the exact same thing. they've been saying since the beginning that this is merit less and that they don't believe that is or israel is committed genocide in gaza. it's james just mentioned, we're really carefully watching what the americans are saying, because it does have the potential to truly matter. as you mentioned, the ice, c, j is the highest cord in the land. if it arose against israel, israel kept appeal, but it doesn't have any it enforcement mechanism. the enforcement mask, the mechanism would come from the un security council, which as you mentioned, the us has vetoed several resolutions. i really protects israel at the united nations security council. so we, he was asked about the potential ru alina to stay for the state department,
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and here's what he had to say about that. over the course of this, we've been pretty clear that it's our expectations that all parties, including of the government of israel and comply with international humanitarian law. i will note though that throughout all of this, tomas certainly has not been uh, but uh, what i'm saying is i'm not gonna a pine on any uh forthcoming ruling on this. and i will reiterate again that of the crux of this when these arguments started. um uh, the week before last that was rooted in this notion that the, these allegations that israel is committing genocide and i will say again that we find those obligations to be unfounded. the state department is spend a lot of time just try to deflect saying, look, we're working to try and get more aden. and when reporters pointed out, but it's not working, it hasn't worked in your language, hasn't changed in all of these many months. they really just deflected that he was asked,
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will the us commit to upholding any ruling from the i c. j at he said, i am not, i'm not going to commit to any action from here meeting the podium so very much an open question as to whether or not the us is going to take this step if it comes to that. thank you, patty, for that patty. go ahead and life in washington. the the, let's take a look at some of the days out of use now and knowledge and t. now the newly elected president denounced lines last month described will change more than $350.00 economic regulations. critics say, have you malays degree is unconstitutional and we most consumer and employee protections. a lot in america editor, lucy and human has more from buenos aires, tens of thousands or trade union members answer the call to take to the streets of
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argentina, to protest against new president cub getting malays austerity measures are kind of obvious, even though i have stopped funds for soup kitchens, the starving, the poorest, while a favor in the pharmaceutical companies, big business and big land owners. the president is a lunatic. he wants congress to see all its power to him. my heart aches for what's happening in my country. the public sector workers were docked a day of pay, and union leaders could face fines or even prison for disrupting the free flow of traffic. but that didn't stop huge numbers of people from taking part in the 12. our national strike. price of 5, the trade unions capitalize the country. rather
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discuss whether or not small as it's called the people here, 630 article all of their social security administer describes the strike is the work of quote, must doses trying to preserve their corporate privileges while the government concedes the industrial action has cost argentina millions, money i don't know if i can be now since then gone. c, l o c and the national airlines had to cancel the 295 flights. so i'm reunited 25 to one or 200000 passengers for today because of these people voted by the committee that it was a gamble for argentina's unions. many of whose most emblematic leaders are widely criticized for corruption. so i sort of seem to get the fun to trade unions. i'm not very popular actors in our society, and we have
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a government that presents itself as the enemy of the union's. so the strike could be counter productive for the organizes perhaps. but argentina is still very powerful, trade unions have made it clear. this strike was just the beginning, this in the country where social unrest fuels by power. and this unions amid in the queue economic crisis has broke down. governments before the sea and newman, al jazeera window site as well. let's find out more about this bill with him in a blanca, who's a research director and chief families said risk consultancy varies maple croft and joins is from my guy in spain. thank you very much. for a minute for being with us. so that is more about this on the bus build that president harvey and the lady wants the argentine in congress to approve. what does he want to achieve with it and why i labor unions not happy with it as well. i think there's 2 crucial points to highlight here in terms of, you know,
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the 1st part is what the smell a want to achieve. the precedent was selected on a platform that was very clear about the economic shop program. he would follow the regulation of the economy and how he would want to open argentina up for private investment competition and then search in into the global economy. so that really is what of the core of both the degree of national emergency and the omnibus bill that is now both are now before congress. on the flip side are the trade unions which remain one of the strongest political stakeholders in argentina and has been for over 70 years. and they're very strongly linked to the parents party, which is no longer in government. so this is not only a debate about policy, but it is also a flexing of muscles, if you will,
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in terms of trying to demonstrate who is stronger at the moment, is the unions or reset the government. and of course, this competition will continue as the fallout from the implementation of any reform is actually being felt very interesting that to, to hear that, that is not just about policy. so who stands then to, to benefit benefit most from this plan, which sector of the argentine and economy would benefit from it if at all as well, in terms of the sectors that would benefit it's very battery because the, the bell looks that change in fiscal terms of labor allies thing you know, are the regulating employment law. it is very hard to fire people in argentina. it takes a very long time to actually set up businesses in the country. and so the bill is actually looking to make it easier for the private sector,
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and particularly for investors to not only operate and go into the country, but also in the event of generating profits being able to re patch. we have those right. and the bill also wants to see the privatization of state owned companies, changes to the pension system, a tax increases, and so on. is this part of, of the reforms that the i'm a fast for for, for the $44000000000.00 loan that is lend to argentine? well the husband asked for these reforms, but it welcomes them. and for the 1st time, you have a fund that is facing an arch and try and government that openly said to the people before being elected. this is what it was going to do and promised a program that is quite aligned with what the fund would like to see in economic terms. right. however, i believe on the social front there will be concern not overly um in the fund, but also in argentina as to what will be the impact because we're talking about a country that already has
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a 40 percent poverty. right. right. and we've already seen some of those social concerns being expressed on, on the streets. argentina, of course, as you mentioned, is facing a deep economic crisis. well, this bill be the remedy to all of the country's problems, economic trumpets as well. there is no silver bullet for argentina's economic problems. these may late the foundations for a more competitive economy in the long run. but if we're talking about 40 percent inflation, sorry, 40 percent poverty, triple digit inflation, this is not something that is going to be sold, not even in the next 2 years, but in the media a 4 year term, or even in the event twylah t of a re election. this is really a 30 year recovery that arch and tina is trying to lay the foundations for uh through the process. i mean a bronco. thank you very much for your inside. thank you for talking to us on august here. thank you. now trained,
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striking gemini is now and it's the 2nd day the gym and the motive drive is union, wants to negotiate, pay increases and reduction in working hours with the country state own domain array. we operate a deutscher bank, the 6th day strike is the 4th. since october last year, and if completed will break, records of its forage duration farm is in front of long rows across the country and protests against rising cost. they're blaming the government and the european union for rising prices, taxes, and the cost of ecological legislation. some have been using tractors to disrupt the traffic. that movement has been growing across from since 5 by similar demonstrations in gemini, and from the lead this also montville new z all day. but hong, this riley today is that we so close off and all the costs and standards that have been imposed on us to use that we can't take it anymore. and so a price is still not being increased. and so the see the effect means that people
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have no income on the farms. and so we can no longer make a living from a profession or in a meeting addressing the future of agriculture in the u. european commission, president or slough on the land outlined some of the challenges faced by the bulk. how can we elevate the standard of living for farms and the attractiveness of food communities? how can agriculture be sustainable with in the planetary boundaries? how can we but to harness knowledge and technology? how can we enhance europe's food system for competitive driving future? these are just some of the questions that we are facing. it's all coming up after
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the break on alger 0 at this 11 year old boy. you can hear for the 1st time in his life. thanks to a break through gene kathy, treat the the welcome back. brazil will be the 1st country in the world to offer the dang, gave fever vaccine via its public health system, also known as break bone fever. patients suffer severe joints pain and why most people get better after a few weeks. it can be fatal. as mosquitoes transfer the disease, brazil has taught a spring, cds, threes with insecticide. to stop the sprague, it comes and made a spike and cases across south america. due to rising temperatures in the southern hemisphere, a breakthrough in gene therapy treatment has allowed an 11 year old boy to hear for
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the 1st time a sound underwent the experimental surgery at the children's hospital of philadelphia. in the us. doctor say he now has only miles to moderate hearing issues. a surgeon says the treatment could have a profound impact on future treatment for destiny. and a study foundation, the lancet has found that 5 of out of 6 children treated in china using experimental gene therapy. had the hearing, significant be restored? is adney 10 is a doctorate boss since last i and get hospital. harvard medical school and a senior officer of the study in the us explains how the therapy works. liza therapy to treat the chose the problem, completed that so these are quite a gsr p. why do we to use it to use these are so called a special type of virus, a v fires to carrine jean and we can get into the year. oh, is
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a chosen and as a chosen, we don't have that. he's pretty good. the gene, the kind of here before the treatment that complete that after we inject as a gene product utilization, a year. the product actually go into the cell and work. and we started the fall sheet as a result the children can't hear. and that's how it works. do use are these really very advanced technology is the use of all different diseases, fossil fuel and loss. these are particularly important in a way, a karen aspect over 1000000000 people worldwide. and this is a no single drop be proved by $58.00 country clearance. so nobody ever be treat your loss can retain the hearing. so this is the rate is a 1st time that we assume the gene syrupy can be, was to treat genetic hearing loss,
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which per dollar for the effects of children. so to choose a work phone company that i've just read them in the we gain the hearing loss of their we gain to speech and scientists, 7 downs to wells 1st, ivy f pregnancy. in a southern wide rhino, alexandra vice has a story. as for now, jane and her daughter sat to it's been a day like any other, but not for the conservationists who look after them. there the last remaining northern white rhinos in the world looked after with extreme care under 24 hour armed guard. at the open jet, a conservancy which far from the foothills of mount kenya, scientists have just announced a major breakthrough that could change everything for their species. any important moments. and so, i'm really emotionality shakes up an international team of researchers has
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created the 1st successful pregnancy in the closely related southern white rhino using in vitro fertilization sheaf together something which was not believe to be possible. i think as a buyer, let's say like cubic consult, some books, so hot and so effective together of this on or pop nice at that so that you really made some possible possible with this milestone scientists will attempt to replicate the feet later this year. but with an embryo from a northern white rhino implanted in a surrogate. if the 16 month pregnancy is successful, it would be the 1st of its kind since 2000 hosting the last 2 known to exist. not annoyed right? those as a huge responsibility. and it reminds of every morning that if nothing is done, then we are facing extinction that we do, whatever it takes,
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whatever humanly possible, to make sure that these animals do not disappear from the face of the reproduction program is the northern white rhinos. last chance of survival, but the team says it has great potential beyond that and can be used to save other highly endangered species around the world. alexandra buyers out to 0. i say with this one is coming up very shortly on out. you see the the, the tools to solve e, c and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of
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their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding, poor revenge, occupied and imprisoned as his rooms wore on, guns are continues. we bring you every angle of the story. we're getting into the hospital that you've spent almost about 100 days here. what lessons can be drawn if you adjust the piece, you better prepare for. it's clear to the family that the plan for the government to continue with this move isn't working. so many more people killed overnight. can you talk us through where the strikes have been focusing on? we know, seeing a worrying escalation, the prices and where the system lead international efforts to contain the will stay without a 0. for the latest developments in official reports of the deadly rate police indicated that they believed the protest as in the forest were
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dangerous and often referred to them as domestic terrorist. that's why i took you to was murdered because i believe that the police saw that they were being faced with dangerous criminals. and i think that they were hyped up to be ready to go. sarah was charged that day with domestic terrorism under georgia state law. a conviction because mean decades in prison, that wouldn't burn my life just because i was sleeping in the woods in a human and like i have faith that that won't happen. but it could and it's very scary. the he's really tang speier at times. scenes waiting for
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a didn't guys. a city came in at least 20 to play watching how to 0 life from to have with me for the back. people also coming


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