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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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to join him, let's discover a better world expo 2023. the hello . this is in use our on 20. i'm 45 people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes is really tax fire at todd is simians waiting for aging guys. a city killing at least 20 people a possible you'll see fire in guys that will be discussed when the directors of a c. i a most sides and contacts administered me this weekend is around demolishes buildings to create a so called buffer zone in guys that despite warnings from the u. s. and the international court of justice is set to move on south africa's genocide case
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against i'm do want to just go with the sports. we now know the last 16 teams of the asian come south. korea will face down here right here in the know how space also being held to the surprise to in the final the thank you for joining us. we begin in the gaza strip way as well as relentless bombing shows. no sign of slowing and large crowd of palestinians waiting for desperately needed aiden guys, a city were targeted by is really soldiers on thursday, at least 20 of them were killed. honey, my mood re for some rough in southern gas of the gather, the long philosophy. indeed, the gaza strips main north south road hoping to receive a food handout without a warning and is really strikes it. then at least 20 people were killed in more
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than 100 injured ton unit is really strikes. targeted several locations. the injured were rushed to the few remaining health centers in the besieged fit. the more got lost, their hospital is full. the dead are buried in a hurry, not in a cemetery, but the hospital compound plays right. these are fighting the bullets on the door of tomorrow. there's really strong to everyone, the killer bombardment upon you and is, has force tens of 1000 to seek refuge and run those lucky enough to survive. these really strikes the north and central dog road over crowded thompson, dropbox. there is no help for them there, but this bill anywhere is paid for then connie, on this thing, dollars of 50, is really strikes hit the residential building in the city. the victims were mostly
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women and children couldn't regarding the treasure and were sitting at home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby mosque. the whole area close to it was destroyed. my sense of the occupation claims there is a safe zone. we came to it off of based on the occupations instructions that it was a safe zone. only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted if we don't, prior warning, without informing people to evacuate with no signs of. and in today's really onslaught civilians would continue to pay a heavy price. honey, my mode was just that uh, southern gaza. and i speak to another of our correspondents in a rough tower. god bless them, tarik and is really attack on people who are waiting for humanitarian aid. i imagine many uh, now even more afraid to go out and get food. yes, so that's really what palace themes and these conditions are feeding,
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especially what had what had happened today in the northern part of the territory where it 20 palestinians being killed as with a gathering just waiting for much needed supplies to be delivered to this very desperate area that was waiting eagerly for these aids as they have been completely as running through a rustic in human conditions as there is no food, no water left remaining. for the majority of people who being trapped in the north of gauze, i'm at the intensifying greats of fire and also for the confrontations between the palestinian fighters and they just very soon just bought today. what happened also will let palestinian think twice before the just trying to get to the areas where the the are trying to be an areas for a distributions as these very forces. today's acts as completely clean violations for the majority of the principles of international law regarding bruce, people who work peacefully waiting to be just for these aids now whose people have been completely living comparable humanitarian situations. but these body forces
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today you had to those of palestinians and where the majority of the injured were fleeing to a transporter to why she felt medical complex, which only providing a very primitive medical health care for the injury i bought to this very moment to is people are completely suffering from a very serious risk of 5 men as they do not have any sufficient amount of food to survive. one right risk of finding the bombing continuing in the north. but also in the south, in con eunice, which has been the focus of research, this is really a tax tell us about what's been happening so desperately. the staggering is where the military bombardment of the city of funding is continued today from land and seats where they are trying also to control the city of con eunice, which is considered to be the 2nd largest city where isabel was completely keen on the lising level. trip military brigades to fight in this very densely populated
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area. now, these areas supposed to be saved zones from the majority of gauze them. since the beginning of this conflict were thousands of how this thing is, how things lead to the city of con. you this now with the expansion of the miniature operations, people start to run away from the city just to seek safety. in a rough work is well to tell you how targeted the majority of evacuation since is dropping people in their residential houses at torturing human light. using them a long slide also with consecutive the last remaining hospital and in the past. oh exactly. medical team so that i'm a hospice managed to attract scrap no, that is around one kid abraham from the body of a 60 year old power. stay in person after being in good of taught these very bombardment targets at the vicinity of the medical complex. as this is a part of the ongoing dentist only to the military attacks by the is by the forces as it considered to be a kind of
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a significant restrictions for the majority of medical teams and for evacuees for taking shields. and some of these areas to have a sense of safety and they aren't completely on april to be afforded a safe core result to run flat. but what we can see is that the, as well as doing completely the opposite, what they have been informing people to do in the early days of the fighting. thank you very much. terry, for the updates target was a lie for us in rafa. and 7 guys, a w h o has repeatedly warns that is or as well on guys that has brought the house system to the brink of collapse. we didn't, this from bob meant has created widespread damage and that to die shortages of medical staff and supplies. just 12 doctors are still working at zach's the hospital that's about 10 percent of what they had before the start of the war. at nasir hospital in the south. more than half of all staff have left. at least 400 patients remain and the monks off for 357 health care workers have been killed by
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is really forces since october the 7th, and 30 hospitals and 50 for health care centers. completely out of service to eric . yeah, sorry. they choose a spokesman for w h o, he says injured, can not get the urgent care they need and added that a launch. a health crisis is looming. according to the ministry of health, 26000 people have been killed mainly due to vomiting. but if we keep up conditions as bad as they are definitely going to be worse, we will have even more people dying a room and not be able to research to receive medical care. so again, people with cancer, people with diabetes, people who need the a, renal dialysis people to be but who, who have conditions that require a going to see the doctor and that the server reboot's also is a we have reports of that are real diseases among children that the rest of the
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viruses, so humanity is going down, people so hungry, our trucks are closer to the being stopped by. but i will just hold, there is a for those trucks and we have to explain, it makes its medicine. so people are hungry. people live outside, sorry, conditions with no access to boilers with no access with no access to clean water. so it's, it's really definitely combination which will increase the mortality. so really we need access to, to hospitals to preserve of what is left of the health system. and if you need a vessel, you really need a ceasefire. otherwise the deductible is just the increase uh increase more i'll just see, or understand cutoffs. prime minister will meet the heads of the c i a most side and intelligence in europe, egyptian intelligence i should say in europe this weekend to try and secure
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a deal between how mice and israel a new deal talks on the way i had about meeting with key mediators, i've yet to narrow differences between a mouse and israel. let's find out more with him. this out hotels unoccupied is to has them. so lots of reports, time to about a possible use. he's 5 deal between israel and him, us what is being negotiated, what are you hearing? and we do want to know that israel's war cabinet is convening tonight to discuss the very issue of a new captives deal, but according to reports and weeks within his really media, we're looking at a deal that can see a ceasefire for upwards of 2 months. and exchange for the release of all $136.00 captives currently being held inside of gaza. now in exchange, you're looking at a significant number of palestinian detainees in is really jails also being released. the numbers we're looking at as of now are for everyone is really captive . we're looking at $100.00 palestinian prisoners who would be released and that's
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just in the initial phases. they're saying that it's going to be a staggered release of these captives over the course of the 2 months. and for the several phases that are to follow that 1st one, there would be an even larger number of palestinian prisoners released in exchange . now there are no words on what kind of humanitarian aid or how much will be going in during that time. we do know that the properties and the objections are the main mediators spearheading these conversations and negotiations. but it is also important to note how masses position that it has been having for the last month or so. and it's about there will be no sort of exchange. we're not going to entertain anything until all of these really aggression on gaza ends in the war. is over, what about these really position? have the has the change at all? because for me to send it to alice said he wouldn't want to stop the offensive the attacks on gas these really position for more than
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3 months has been clear and has not changed. any sort of way they're saying that until all of their military goals are achieved, the war is going to continue. but there are going have to be concessions. these really are having to give up if they want to see any sort of deal come to fruition . these really is are now building this buffer zone, as they're calling it demolishing thousands of palestinian homes around 2800 different buildings to create this in order. they say to feel secure, the feel no sort of threat from gaza. one of their goal objectives. you also have pressure from the united states pressure from the international community. don't want to see any sort of reduction in the palestinian territory. but there's also pressure on wanting to achieve a palestinian state for which prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he'll do everything in his power to block that. but on her mazda side, you also have these really who say that they want to exile. how much leadership like? yes, yes and want, and i'm having of the list from us has entirely rejected that saying that it's
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a red line. so there are going to have to be concessions from both sides. if they want to reach a deal this meeting happening in just a couple of days in europe, we're not really sure what it's going to bring just yet. but one thing is certain, it's that these really as have been calling on their government to bring any sort of deal to the table. they're saying that the captive had been gone. a 111 days and time has simply run out for these really government to achieve military objectives when they shouldn't be back with their loved ones. i'm to thank you for the update honda sound who it's live in occupied east jerusalem. literally i spoke to lauren school, who was a former assistant secretary of defense and a senior fellow at the center for american progress. he says, the c i chase involvement in these negotiations is significant. i mean, the very fact that bill barnes has there, given who we yes, he's not a political appointee. he's a career foreign start off with service officer. he's been in bassett or to uh to
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uh, russia. i think it sends a signal that this is probably going to lead some place though. i know that prime minister that yeah, who has not helped things with all of the comments that he's made lately. but we have let him know that in fact, if he continues to act like this, the whole question of usaid is on the table. and he also is feeling pressure at home because of what this war is doing to the is rarely economy. and so many people called up from civilian civilian jobs. so i think the fact that bill barnes is involved is a signal that this is pretty serious. how does bell bands convince the most i chief and natalie is really officials that this is the best deal. right now to, well, i say key less of though, that there's a lot of opposition in the united states to continue the many democratic senators
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are opposing any more a to israel. president biden has communicated that to prime minister the app on. net and yahoo publicly in terms of how the direction that we want to go, particularly with the 2 state solution. so i think if you get the 60 days that allows nat yahoo to save face, you could say, well, i'm not giving up my age, which is just temporary. what the fact of the matter is, if you can do this with too much, it will set the stage, i think, for more meaningful negotiations and empower those people. it is real soon know when to this war and know that connect yahoo, a lot of reasons. he's doing this is because when this war ends, you'll probably be voted out of office as early as being accused of establishing a kilometer wide buffer zone inside the borders of gaza. it's commanders have previously suggested that creating such an area would protect who's really
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civilians, the usaa cities opposes any plans to change kind of science borders. i side bake reports. is the one cause that has not been raised for over 100 days. the destruction is immense. along with the loss of life and pressure, elaborate is called on, we have no place to go. my apartment is gone. i found nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children, and we all live in a school. my children are sick, they're a lot of dead under the rubber. and they all concerns that these really ministry is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing a so called buffer zone one colombia to white, and eventually running the entire length of that 65 kilometer garza is, roberta does be no form and announcement but these ready military has already destroyed nearly 1100 buildings in the northern part of the strip move. it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining and effect
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the, the territorial integrity of gas. it does really lead to ship appears to be ignoring the us. they want to move the border photo, but it does for the dental data destroying the lives of the people of garza. and that is of course, very dangerous and it should not be accepted under will not be allowed after that the input and the fact that in my opinion, the talk about about also now is in a way article commission of data failure. the buses own could also be legal under international law. whoever is riley is a proposal has been proposing and is now perhaps re uprising with a little advertising. there's bit more emphasis is both loved paid to below full opposed by the international community. and a way of occupying garza, whatever happens at the end of this conflict, is red has already paved the positive destruction for the buffer zone,
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pushing palestinians into an even smaller piece of land. but if the zone is established, it gives no way for palestinians to return to the part of gaza with the homes once stood a start date of the 0 to speaking to all g 0. the you case for and secretary david cameron, police a 2 state solution is the only long term answer for lasting piece. he added that he had been pushing israel for concessions on getting aid into guys. the situation in gaza is terrible and getting worse, the people going hungry. there's the danger of diseases spreading even more than they all to day. one of the reasons i was in israel yesterday was the press for whole series of things to change. to get a into israel, we need the check point open for longer. we need united nations officials in garza to be increase the number to have the visas to have the on would cause to take the aid around and go. so we need to make sure they can actually get the from the size to the north and all over. we need the port of ash don't open symbol
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a from come. we should be focused on these things all the time and i am. but clearly the best, the aiden is a pause in the by the opposite to this whole question is a 2 state solution. it is a long time on the end, in spite of the horrors, all this. but we have to try and use this crisis for opportunity. and the opportunity is to, is to bring about the pools and then the see spot and then the political horizon. but this time to try and make it unstoppable and a reversible so we can get that long term solution. but as we get, of course it's, it's obviously still the case that israel as a state, needs to be respected by other states as having the right to exist within its borders and having the right to self defense has every state does. now the international court of justice is due to deliver is entering ruling, especially on south africa's genocide case against israel. south africa wants to you and to top legal body to order an immediate cease fire in gaza. diplomatic,
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it is a james based report from the hague on the possible outcomes us off to well over 3 months of constant is really bombardment. in garza all lies are on the coast house more than 3000 kilometers away in the netherlands. south africa wants the u. as talk legal body, the international court of justice to order an immediate cease far as part of its interim judgement expected in a matter of hours is either the case being brought under the genocide convention. if it goes against israel does vittles, our country's leaders would ignore it and that they would refuse to comply with the cause orders. but it would be a huge blow both politically and diplomatically, not just the israel, but also to explain back to the biden, to ministration the us president is already facing bouncing political pressure at home. in the un security council, on 3 occasions,
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the us is used is vito to block and of agency spa, but would bite and be prepared to retail again. this time in defiance of the world's top court, with a dilemma is that it puts him in a position of contradiction because through other conflicts, including ukraine. most recently, we've seen these calls for the maintenance of the roof space international order, the highest level of maintaining that order is the directors of the courts. so if america finds stuff in a position of contradiction between what they've said on other concepts and what they're saying on israel, then this is a huge limit for the administration. of course, if the ruling doesn't go south africa's way, it's a very different story. expect these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet to say that military campaign has been vindicated, and that there are no wall tribes, obviously that so it was certainly not the case, but it wouldn't mean that this quote has decided that it can take action on the very high threshold demanded by the genocide convention of all the colts,
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including the international criminal cost. also based here in this city could also bring charges related both to war crimes and crimes against humanity. james bay's alger 0. the hate coming up on the news, our warring sides, and so don accused each other a force of the detaining and torturing civilians. we use some of those who said it would be i'm on the phone that i'm getting hold on guess capital for the tasks were wild fires are raging on the hills surrounding the city due to a severe drowsing sense of 5 by in your weather phenomenon. and climate change the ass now take a look at some of the days of in use on ology 0 and the un security council will discuss roches claims that ukraine shot down. a military pain, transporting ukrainian prisoners of war keep, hasn't denied the phase,
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but this huge key aspects of rob mcbride reports from ukraine's capital a day after a russian military plane crash tier not far from the border with ukraine. there's a growing list of questions, but few ounces. why? for example, us, the ukranian government has russia, which normally documents present their exchanges like this one not released any images. right? you have shopped from. if the russians had any photographs or video, they could show the location of our prison as a rule, they would have done so already. ukraine has also called for russia to allow access for a full international investigation of the crash, accusing moscow of a long standing campaign of this information. i think it's russian propaganda. they want to undermine this. i don't believe our prisoners were on board. there weren't enough bodies recovered from the site in the country that's deeply suspicious of any information coming out of moscow. there are continuing guidance about the
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reliability of the list of the 65 prisoners of war and the same use spokes person for military intelligence. the question just how many people were on board 5 bodies have been delivered to a local move. the same official has also claimed russian intelligence agents prevented a group of v. i piece from bolting the doomed croft before takeoff so many and ukraine down to surrounding the crash is evidence of a general lack of information about ukrainian prisoners of war. uh, we need uh, an access to real information we need to know for, for the sake of justice. and so i'm assuming it's around all or, and i mean the global vendors. definitely we need this access as a like, as of right them as a principal for relatives of the estimate to day 1000 p. o w's the growing doubts,
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add to existing anxieties, rubbing cry, delta 0. keith. and daniel hawkins is in moscow with the latest on the russian investigation at the crash site of the more time pauses. the dialing of this plane over the bell goes wheezing. the more adamant russia is that you crane was behind this incident. when investigators today discovering the black boxes and missile fragments at the scene, the crash site evidence is likely to box those claims up and t is refusal to directly confirm or deny involvement appears to add weight to the russian version of events. now what you find wants to see more evidence solved is who exactly, and how many were on board the claim. a russian of course, was very quick to release a list of prisoners. they say well on board as well as details of the russian crew members, they lead sales would very widely publicized today in the media. russian media also dismissed claims that some of the names on that present list coincide with
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prisoners that they've already been released. russia said that's simply spike news . now investigators that i also said d n. a analysis would be required to then to fly a lot of the remains something that's going to take a rather long time. it will be a complex process. now we have to remember in the form of war over the course of this contact we have seen cases before. was such and reports were publicized even by official sources before relate to being proven to be not entirely accurate. and with this plane being down on russian territory, it's a full stance of russian investigators and russian or thirty's to come up with that evidence. as soon as possible. the blacks up back claim that ukraine was directly behind the desk of these p o w to a russian woman who's been sentenced to 27 years in prison by courting a st. petersburg for the sassik here has been sent infested. say for the assassination of a high profile pro kremlin blanca diary, a trip of ours convicted of terrorism,
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charges in connection with the death of lot in petoskey. he was killed last april in a bomb attack. the device was hidden in a statute of him that type of i gave as a gift, as he was giving a talk in the st. petersburg, cafe, not to columbia, where the president is to declare wind fires running across the country as a natural disaster. so in temperatures have been fielding fires with more than $200.00 already this month. residents in the capital bogota have been surrounded by smoke from fires and forest areas present. gustavo petro, his natural disaster declaration, will make more government resources available to speak to our correspondent in columbia. alice, on that on 50, was in boca top, what is being done then alejandro to bring these fires under control yes, fully. well, there are hundreds of firefighters and soldiers that have been battling around the clock for 3 days now to bring down their control. these fires here in the capital
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book that there have been at least 9 major outbreaks over the last the 72 hours, according to the mayor's office, said, there are still 6 active fires around the metropolitan areas. 5 of them i've been pretty much brought. i've been pretty much brought under control. busy the 6th one is the one that you can see behind me here in a central bowl. good bad. this one is still pretty much am growing as you can see, a part of it that's been also the been brought under control here. but that one in particular is what is boring the story to see because it's very close to a neighborhood there. uh, that has been built on this uh, a hill. we understand that there are almost 400 and members of firefighters and soldiers that are dealing with bad fire right now. but overall,
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the situation has improved here in the capital, in terms of the smoker, thanks to a change in the way. and so that has been good news on thursday, right, alessandro. this is the beginning of the dry season, what, what's being done to prepare for, move bias possibly as well. there has been criticism. i have the governments so far, especially in terms of preparation, given the fact that the experts have been warning about this being got particularly severe dry season this year. especially because it has been intensified or compounded by a weather phenomenon called the nino, which usually brings the lower precipitation and over all the fact that the changing of the climate has brought more severe a dry season in more severe wet seasons across the country. so right now,
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i'll tell you these are saying that 87 percent of columbia is under a, a severe risk of a fire. so there is a lot of monitoring going on. also, president douglas, have a 5th rise, announced that he has requested international health at the united nations from the us and at sheila for the coming months at the other thing is that usually the dry season here ends in uh, february, but in this case, due to a mean, you know, the expectation is that could that probably continue until the end of march or the beginning of april and that we could see effects in terms of fire in terms of severe draw droughts in many parts of the country until may. and this is obviously very, very worrisome. indeed, alejandro. thank you very much for that amount of funds or on p a t reporting that live from boca time. still ahead on the new south
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side of square spaces. and the former hedge of spanish football, luis, will be honest, we'll spend tries for section assaults, details coming up with just the the recent stormy weather, particularly in northern europe, is setting diamond. it's a bit now. and this is looking bit more like a proper when to progression stuff, particularly the cold anymore. this is the last significant storm that came across from the west for the next one isn't really, is still much all these just frontal systems. she's what you'd expect to say. having said that, i think during friday, denmark doesn't, jeremy in public, could see rather wait and briefly rather windy weather. lots of actors will be
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significant snow for sweet and you told me of kids for these cold weather. and the final reason inside of your, from western russia, but to the west of them and or western europe is affect to be quite mild and some places quite well. this is the picture and must go there. we've got beatrice. i started sitting on the ground into these cold consistently, so minus 2 to minus 4 are the best, but the news that was being driven down through remained year towards effective bulgarian maybe positive turkey in due course. the wind. so in places like spain is surprisingly high, it looks like cold of about hitting is wrinkled, the next 2 or 3 days. so this part of space has been around a consistent the will the high mountain that seasonal no 50 when it's been just for you up until now. he's not full of dust for this, the how and it's going off to south america as well as the
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every human mind is unique and manage installed set the emotions can be a challenge. and if you're not helping meant to me, then it's sort of like you do not living. we travel to south africa to explore traditional healing techniques, being used to improve wellbeing on his ancestors today. the 1st of all cleansing on to south korea. we're bring cleaning is leading to a lympics success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm. stay relaxed and be able to share your shot as you normally would month's episode. sweet? oh no. just a lot of the stories that we cover a variety complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people's as possible no matter how much they know about a given crises. so issue the smell of that is all of the power as all just it recall respondents, that's what we strive to do the
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the the welcome back, a recap of our top story. so now to sierra this hour, at least 20 palestinians have been killed by is really fire as they were waiting for aid more than $100.00. others were injured and taken to i'll shoot the hospital and got the city. i'll just bear on the sands that the sea ice chief william burns most side, any diction. intelligent sheets will meet with contest fund minister in europe this weekend to try and secure. are you satisfied? you have a statement from us and these route talks on the way ahead of the actual meeting. but the mediators have yet to narrow differences between the 2 sides and his relatives being accused of bulldozing a so called buffer zone. within garza,
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army officials have previously said creating such an area which protects civilians, us as opposed any plans change how to sign sports. now the death toll from wednesday strike only you and shelter in con units in southern guys or has risen to 14. earlier my colleagues time is they don spoke to thomas white, the director of nor affairs in gaza. he said these are the forces, gave reassurances that civilians would be protected, but they were not followed up as we are in constant contact with the is riley army . we provide the coordinates of all of these protected sites, all of these un, uh, facilities that are under you in flag. and particularly those facilities the, the big schools that uh, sheltering internally, displaced people. so i, we're very clear about where these locations are. yeah. and then at times all appeared, all flashing in that area. we are literally an hourly contact with the is riley. i
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mean, to reinforce the fact that these are protected thoughts and try and work with and to ensure that the adequate precaution is taken in those areas with their ah, civilians taking shelter. it doesn't look like adequate precautions being taken though. i mean, are you satisfied with, with the response you get from these riley's so we are getting assurances from these riley's but that is not followed up and you have what's very clear yesterday and this isn't not. yeah, this is not what you know. no, i slide it into this is happening all across on eunice and has been in the past now the pots of gaza, you know, that there's not disproportionate toll on the civilian population as far, i think has come into space areas. so on the one hand, we're getting assurances that civilians are we protected and then civilians are losing their lives and to be injured in the cost of these hostilities. hey,
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now the world news gunmen habitats several villages in central nigeria, killing at least 30 people. the vine and sweat on wednesday to spite of curfew being imposed the day before. the latest batch shed follows an attack that killed at least a $140.00 on christmas day. 3 teenagers are accusing the nigerian military of helping the attackers. this being repeated, this being repeated finance between farmers and herd is in the area or after 9 months, the sudanese ami any time military rapids afford forces have been fighting for control. more than 5000000 people have been displaced in the war. both sides are accused of forcibly disappearing civilians and torturing them in detention centers . they deny the allegations. even morgan talked to some of those who say they were detained and beaten every day for more than 3 weeks. how many recounts how he
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was beaten by his captors. he says, who was imprisoned in the national television building, controlled by the parent military rapids support forces. his family puts out notices, in hopes of finding him after he disappeared from home and on demand. profundity. that's why they took me from you to my house and stopped beating agent before selling me into it. because the accused me of working with the army and beat me mercilessly. they took me to the state televisions building due to me and threw me into a room. there weren't people who are bleeding somehow distinguish cut off. i was beating every day for 23 days before they finally released. i was on the a civilian and let them go. my, how much says more than 20 others were detained with him in the same room. many said in these families have been reporting the 4th disappearance of relatives since the early weeks of fighting between the army and the rest have many of the missing were men. but the women were reportedly health to doesn't says she was detained by the parent military for over 8 months, per se car, as she says,
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are from ripple bullets fired by the recess while she was being tortured. i'm still so let if so fits as if i was being tortured exceptionally abused. they accuse me of working with the government. i was taken to the eastern part of the capital along with other women. they beat us with a hold to the point we couldn't get up. they would wake us up with cold water if they find a sleeping. there was a woman who died because of the torture. they took her and we asked about her days later. and we were told she had died. oh, but if no, my, and it's not only torture that those forcibly disappeared and detained has to deal with this. but it is the right group known as emergency lawyers, they hundreds of people are being detained in various parts of the capital. some families who report that they loved ones missing, don't even know they're being detained. the group also says most detainees are being held in any human condition that include 470 patients with very little food and water. the lawyers, they both were in size,
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have detained and forcibly disappeared civilians which may amount to our crimes brass at the $52.00 detention centers in costume. the types of 5 being confirmed, others have to reach and confirmed because of the ongoing conflict, detaining and forcibly disappearing people is classified as a violation of international human rights vote, according to the international criminal court, and can be classified by the quotes, prosecute as a war crime crimes that have taken away many from their loved ones, leaving doubts over whether their captors will ever be held accountable. keep a morgan ologist there on how to a bill in argentina that would overall the country's economy has been cleared by a lower house committee. it will be debated for the buying piece next week. origin tina's president have him in a campaign on a place to slash social spending and privatize the public sector. a lot in america is a lucy and human resource from by the size. tens of thousands of trade union members
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answer the call to take to the streets of argentina, to protest against new president kept getting malays austerity measures are kind of obvious. you'd be in the habit stopped funds for soup kitchens, the starving, the poorest lot of favor and the pharmaceutical companies, big business and big landowners. the president is a lunatic. he wants congress to feed all its power to him. my heart aches for what's happening in my country. the public sector workers were docked a day of pay. and union leaders could face fines or even prison for disrupting the free flow of traffic. but that didn't stop huge numbers of people from taking part in the 12, our national strike price of 5. the trade unions really capitalize the country. rather
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especially as they discuss whether or not he bought small, as it's called the people here, 630 article all of their social security minister describes the strike is the work of quote, fuel shows, trying to preserve their corporate privileges while the government concedes the industrial actions has cost argentina millions, money. i don't know if that can be now since and guns say levels and the national airlines had to dances 295 flights. so i'm really not 825200000 passengers so far today because of these people are owned by the many that it is a gamble for argentina's unions. many of whose most emblematic leaders are widely criticized for corruption. so i sort of seem to get this on the trade unions. i'm not very popular actors in our society, and we have
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a government that presents itself as the enemy of the union's. so the strike could be counter productive for the organizes perhaps. but argentina is still very powerful, trade unions have made it clear. the strike was just the beginning. this in the country where social unrest fuse by power in this unions amid in the queue economic crisis have brought down governments. before to see a newman al jazeera window site is payment of blanco is research director at risk consultancy, very maple croft. she expects more confrontation between the union's and the argentine in government. as i think there's 2 crucial points to highlight here in terms of, you know, the 1st part is what display one to achieve. the precedent was selected on a platform that was very clear about the economic shop program. he would follow the deregulation of the economy and how he would want to open argentina up for private
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investment competition and insertion into the global economy. so that really is what of the core of both the degree of national urgency and the omnibus bill that is now both are now before congress. on the flip side are the trade unions which remain one of the strongest political stakeholders in argentina and has been for over 70 years. and they're very strongly linked to the parent is party, which is no longer in government. so this is not only a debate about policy, but it is also. 2 a flexing of muscles, if you will, in terms of trying to demonstrate who is stronger at the moment, is the unions or risk to the government. and of course, this competition will continue as the fallout from the implementation of
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a venue reform is actually being felt. a trained, striking germany is in it the 2nd day. the german, the commodity of drive is union wants a reduction in working hours and pay increases from the countries main railway operates at deutsch event. the 6, the strike is the 4th since october last year. if completed, it will break records for its duration. a tom is in fine set launch roads across the country in protest against the rising cost, the bleeding, the government, and the e. u for rising vices, taxes, and the costs of ecological legislation. as scientists have announced the world's 1st idea of pregnancy in a southern whites reino, its hopes, the process can be repeated to save the new extent. northern white final, alexandra bias has the story for nadia and and her daughter sat to it's been a day like any other but not for the conservationist who look after them there. the
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last remaining northern, the white rhinos in the world looked after with extreme care under 24 hour armed guard at the open jetta conservancy. but far from the foothills of mount kenya, scientists have just announced a major breakthrough that could change everything for their species. any important moments and i'm really emotion natalie shakes up. an international team of researchers has created the 1st successful pregnancy in the closely related southern white rhino using in vitro fertilization the sheaf together as something which was not believe to be possible. i think as a buyer, let's say like cubic, consult, some bucks a so hot and so effective together of this on or pop nice at that so that you really made it impossible possible with this milestone scientists will attempt to
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replicate the feet later this year. but with an embryo from a northern white rhino implanted in a surrogate. if the 16 month pregnancy is successful, it would be the 1st of its kind since 2000 hosting the last 2 known to exist. not annoyed right? those as a huge responsibility. and it reminds of every morning that if nothing is done, then we are facing extinction that we do, whatever it takes, whatever humanly possible. still make sure that these animals do not disappear from the face of the reproduction program is the northern white rhinos. last chance of survival, but the team says it has great potential beyond that and can be used to save other highly endangered species around the world. alexandra buyers al jazeera,
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still ahead on al jazeera in sports. the defending women's jumped in terms of the final of yesterday, and i'm hoping to show you how she did the
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the of the time for support. now here is joe with the ation. absolutely follow. yes. we now know that line up for the last 16 of the agent comp, south korea will face saudi arabia in the know count stage. after surprised, strode laser tonight, then top spots in group
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a pizza segment reports from alternate stadium whose number 23. you should always be favorite to defeat the $150.00. it's the rank side. and going according to plan joe young, the school in the south korea, even though he is a little help and they say as long as it's one, move the training team to sleep in it. and it seems to be the case is minutes. somebody with a baby tide, we finish conclude cool. you can go through a famous victory. i think i'm on 62nd when it penalty handed malaysia, so deemed but they could not hold on. you contains moves, maybe 2 minutes, and then one minute into added time, captain soon you mean this is a penalty to complete the come back to did. he had incredible 15 minutes into added
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time. ramelle. my role is quiet in the same section, equalize the table after that i will school nervous because they were going to be here the same score, but now i'm satisfied with this score. it's like honestly i did nothing good there . what are these drugs them? i don't think the way that is going to go with the advisory really. i think everything or that was so good. like i was impressed. it goes on unexpected. like a lot like at the end what it goes. well, especially did they be, it was amazing. disabled the today i just expected we're going to be really, really busy. so if you want to, okay, because next year we will be we every, every, every game. so you want to keep this result means south korea finish, seconding group beats, but still headphones to the last 16 crucially that remain in the homes to assist
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asian cup parties. since 1960 pitas name it al, jazeera, ultra new stadium. well that result also helps barring jump from the 3rd place to finish group, be on top of the beach and jordan, absolutely use a school. the only goal is the match. and the 1st health is it finished one? no, it was, i mean, self placed upon in the last 16 in group as saudi arabia, warehouse in color store by thailand, despite having plenty of opportunities to school. they had a penalties saved early on time and then how to go. this allowed for offside, but, but seems still reach the new account states. any other group as much? i'm on went ahead against katie. it's done to give themselves hope of reaching the last 16, but they will pay in the ac is minutes. the $11.00 results means both teams are heading home to impose those teams going out to meant that individuals, none of us wait for a place in the last 16 paid off their applicants. so straight here in the 1st match of the no count stage that's followed by to jake is done in the u. e on sunday.
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monday sees a rock take on jordan and then defending tompkins and high scouts all play palestine at. i'll bite stadium. and now the big game takes place on choose day, a saudi arabia face south korea, with his back is done in thailand in the all the, much of the day. japan played behind on wednesday with the wrong taking on syria and the loss and lockout stage much improvement, as you can call past defended mohammed style or off to accusations the egypt captain. it showed a lack of commitment to his country. solid was injured during the group stages of the african couple nations and retents the u. k. to get treatment, which led to criticism from form, egypt by a mad house on who said sala should have stay with the team. even if he had only had one leg to stand on, sala is hoping to return, if egypt to make the final stuff, to get to the living and, and so it's just them, it's, i think to do it. even most people in egypt understand the situation because we
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have executive assembly comes, i can say it again. we have exactly the same target as, as age make as quick as possible. now judges roll the fullness spanish football. president, newest, it'll be alice will face trial. so testing a player without her consent, ruby as denies any wrong doing regarding the incident which occurred, a springs top call score jenny and most so celebrated winning the women's world cup . last year. state prosecute to the keys that will be all as a sexual assaults and allegedly coercing and most so to public feedback him the trial date is yet to be confront. ruby alice could face of fine or prison sentences up to full use if found guilty, fee for the band or b l. as for football, for 3 years in spain, sports also received, rolled him on, fits to hold the post and sports management. in that time, the judge also ruled, but spain's former coach hold hey bill, along with 2 of the federation, officials should face trial for pressurising at the most. so to support. so it will be alice for me in the line and chelsea stripe ownership jenko has been elected.
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the new president of ukraine's football association. the country is on time leading goals for $193.00. the 94 bites as the delegates, shifting himself, how to vote, but didn't use it. he schooled 48 goals and 111 games for ukraine won the champion z with milan and the bottom to to read this i blank as one went away from successfully defending a strain. open title. the will never to be full save cousin golf and the semi to eventually us open final defeat to the american, lost it sutherland for one and straight to 766 full anything to the fine without dropping such and has 6 months. as i saw this tournament, she gave me to come the 1st place, went back to buy titles and melvin this fellow by the russian victoria. i was wanting to do that in 20122013. yeah, it wasn't very well much. she's a great player will boost of both skins her and i think the keywords that i was
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able to stay focused no matter what, no matter what the score was, i was just keep trying my best keep fighting for it. and of course i'm super happy to being in the, in another final on the grand slam. and hopefully i can do a little bit about it and then the last, last time, standing in the way of so blank turn. a 2nd major title is king. when gen the 12th seeds, the features you creating qualified daily. yes from. so she became the 2nd chinese player to reach grandson final off to 2014 australian open champion, lena. 21 year old for break is 12 top 10 for the 1st time in the are in control of the 1st testing and thing and going into day 2 and hide your beds and then starts with the 5 test series. well, that was 3 with a feature experience. been us happy to j. j a. and by the ashwin, as in bold out for 246 in captain penn state's top schools with a crucial seventies to the visitors. a rapid response from the engines. thanks to just ashby j slow. he's code 76 of just 70 both. so say close down
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a 119 for one training and by 127 runs. and for me, one tells the cook has signed a new multi year contract with for our e $26.00. so didn't reveal the like the new do, but he's already been with they telling team for 8 years is joining its driver academy. the clock is on 5 races and taking $23.00 pull positions full for all right. now we are continuing the story, which i am so incredibly happy off. and my target is obviously to bring back ferrari to the top of the welsh. i'm in shape to we in a time and shape with ferrari is my ultimate dream. and i'll do absolutely everything in order for these to happen. right, that is all useful for me that i'm willing to fully joe. thank you very much for that best and use our for now or knowledge is 0, but to stay with us. i'll be back with me on today's top stories on the
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the police to seek immediate shelter. feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight, they will be met with fire and security rise of anxiety. are you doing sterling radio tape or i'd be that to that. just like exploring how x is central threats to life impact the human psyche. fucking. it's amazing. coming soon on out to see the man was 71 year old curtis reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought a gun within that day. we just went back to watching the previous thinking. everything was over like okay, manager is going to come up, so keep your phone away. that would be at. but that's not what happened. not at all . when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about,
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oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? maybe hasn't even started. and he was just nasty surveillance footage is chattering popcorn, it reads mediately fired a pistol in a trance. chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down. and from there a i didn't even realize that my finger was shot as well. i was just so worried about him. the truth is when it got shot, the computer. i'm a nurse, here's the point. i'm just trying to make sure the size. i said with a child died less than an hour later. just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly.
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the . the, i'm for the back to boy, you're watching out. you 0 life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, attacked by israel as they lined up for scarce food. desperate people in guys are risk their lives to avoid starvation, possible new sci fi and gas that will be discussed when the directors of a, c. i a and most side and contacts fund minister news this weekend is rout demolishes buildings to create a so called buffer zone in guys that despite warnings from the us and how to use the un security council.


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