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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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i think there 9 and there is nothing new. everybody knows that police and i a lot of the stories that we cover all highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can as always is 0 correspondence. that's what we strive to do. the attachment is rather state line up the skiff food desperate people than gaza spend lives to avoid starvation. the i don't want elizabeth put on and this is algebra. live from door ha. also coming up a possible need, new sees fund and also will be discussed when the director of the c i n. most ad. unconscious comment is to meet this weekend
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as well. demolish as buildings to create so called zone and gaza despise warnings from the u. s. and the un security council discusses rushes allocation that you kind of shut down a military plane carrying ukrainian president of the the u. n says that there was likely already famine in gaza. and about half the population is at risk of starvation, including hundreds of thousands of children with desperate people are searching for food every day coming on the follow from the is why the military, as they do so, thought it was the reports from dasa. these people were looking for food, but instead came on the floor of the gulf at the long salon. dean, the goal of the strips main north south roads hoping to see to have the house
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without a warning and is very strong kit that they used earlier. all the searching for who stood with go for it, part of hearing, okay. and this is why people here all prepared to risk the noise. the alternative is a slow death by style vacation mode, and then we'll have the that is 3. how is the, the sort of, i'm all about the basic things. there is nothing to but we're all living of kind food. and this is really bad at the children is suffering and loss and getting sick . the situation is really bad for them and has a photo season. there was very little that desperate parents can do it, since i was the what should we do? what's your children dying in front of our eyes? even going from the we from hunger. this is too much for us, very youngest, some of the most venerable and without putting a rushman, a serious risk which could affect them for the rest of their lines with the shuttle
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and was with somebody. ready in the month and a half ago, this baby's white receiving point, 5 catalogs in a month and a half a loss. nearly 2 kilo's is white, is now $5.00 killers, which will impact the close of the baby and it impacts as a unit. and then say the worries with brother i'm saying is that the humanitarian does not sign guns as the words they have seen. most ages desperately need it. but for that to happen, the funding cost is still topic of as soon algebra. russel in southern guns, a tens of thousands of palestinians who fled know that as central gaza. and now being target advise, as well as they seek refuge in the south. any more with reports from dasa and southern gaza. the fun unit is really strikes, targeted several locations. the injured were rushed to the few remaining health
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centers in the besieged city. the more got lost, their hospital is full. the dead are buried in a hurry, not in a cemetery, but the hospital compound phase read. these are fighting the bullets on the door of the marble most. so there's really strong to everyone. the killer bombardment upon eunice has force tens of 1000 to seek refuge and run those lucky enough to survive. these really strikes the north and central dog. good over crowded thompson, dropbox. there is no help for them there, but the field anywhere is paid for then honey. on this thing, dollars of 50 is really strikes hit the residential building in the city. the victims were mostly women and children. so when the guy gene, it's a jet and we're sitting at home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby moss. the whole area close to it was destroyed. most of the
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occupation claims there is a safe zone. we came to it off or based on the occupations instructions that it was a safe zone. only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted. if we don't pry a warning without informing people to evacuate with no signs of and in today's really onslaught civilians would continue to pay a heavy price honey. my mode, i was just the uh, southern gaza and i'll just say are on the stands because as the prime minister would meet, the heads of us is ready and egypt should intelligence. in view of this, we came to try and secure a deal between him. awesome as well, talk to on the way ahead of the me saying that t mediators have yet to now differences between him off and as well as speak to him . the son who is she's drawing his line from occupied east jerusalem. and what are you sharing about the negotiations home the well,
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we do want to mention that israel's war cabinet is convening tonight to discuss this very issue that meeting in europe described as critical by multiple is really source is now what we understand from weeks and other reports with in is really media is that this deal could see the cease fire for upwards of 2 months. these relatives are asking in return for all 136 captives currently being held inside of gaza. but the exchange wouldn't be for palestinian prisoners. this deal would be throughout multiple phases and in the 1st part of it you're looking at for each is really captive around $100.00 palestinian details needs to be released from is really jails as this deal would go on. the number of palestinian prisoners per is really captive would go up. additionally, we don't really know much about what kind or how much you met a terry and aid is going to go into gaza if this cease fire work to be put in place . but we do know that the egyptians and the club buddies are spearheading these negotiations between both sides. additionally, it is worth mentioning,
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how masses positions throughout all of us, especially since the last deal took place, but they are not willing to entertain any sort of deals or negotiation that sees the release of is really captive. unless israel stops it's war on gaza, they have an ottoman about this, and it is something they had been reiterating since then. and what about the is riley position home the, the families of those really captives health guys. i have kept up the pressure on the government, but how much of a consideration of they as that is why the government negotiate? so now the cx 5. so there's a lot of pressure on these really governments specifically prime minister benjamin netanyahu. you're talking about now almost daily protests that are blocking main highways, intel a v. but let's talk about some of the pressure that's coming internationally on these relatives from the americans. the americans do not want to see this buffer zone. that is really is creating, taking away land from the palestinian territory to create this area where these rarely say will be the militarize so they can feel safe. that's one of their goals
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and initiatives of this war. but you also have these really position that has been clear since the beginning of this war a 111 days ago, that the war is not going to end until all of those objectives are met. so even though there are some of these conversations about a potential pause in the fighting, the position on stopping the war has been clear. and if that's simply not going to happen. but there are also other concessions. these really might have to give up if they want to come to the table and actually make a deal something they can present to the population. something that has been weighing on the shoulders of as rarely society, the families of these captives. they're asking these really government for help. they feel that they are not seen. they are not heard. they want the government to do whatever they can necessary, even if it's an all for all prisoner exchange, to release those captives. but there's also pressure from regional partners. you're talking about arab states within the region who want to see a palestinian state after this war is over, but it's not just the arab states,
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it's countries in the west. it's countries like the united states, a staunch supporter of the 2 state solution for decades. now, but these really prime minister has also been out of it, but that's simply not going to happen. and he's going to stand in the way of that. but look how mass also has red lines that they are not willing to concede on as well. these really is perhaps we'd like to see the exile of some of the leadership in him as like yes, yes and want. i'm the uncle sam brigades command are kind of a list, but they have said that's a red line for them. and that's not going to happen, they're going to need to be serious concessions from both sides. if they want to reach an agreement, we do understand that that meeting is set to happen just a couple of days time on the thank you very much for that. i'm the son who was an age was live and occupied east jerusalem to any of my colleagues. funny about you both spoke to lawrence cold. he's a former us assistant secretary of defense and senior fellow at the center for american progress. he says, the ceiling a cheese involvement in these negotiations,
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the significance. i mean, the very fact that billboards is there, given who we. yes. he's not a political appointee. he's a career foreign start off with service officer. he's been in bassett, or to uh to uh, russia. i think it sends a signal that this is probably going to lead some place though. i know that prime minister that yeah, who has not health things with all of the comments that he's made lately. but we have let him know that in fact, if he continues to act like this, the whole question of usa is on the table. and he also is feeling pressure at home because of what this war is doing to the is rarely economy. and so many people called up from civilian civilian jobs. so i think the fact that bill barnes is involved is a signal that this is pretty serious. how does bell bands convince the most side
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chief and the other is really officials that this is the best deal right now. so, well, i say key less of though, that there's a lot of opposition in the united states to continue the many democratic senators are opposing any more a to israel. president biden has communicated that to prime minister that on that yahoo publicly in terms of how the direction that we want to go, particularly with the 2 state solution. so i think if you get the 60 days that allows nat yahoo to save face, he could say, well, i'm not giving up my age, which is just temporary. but the fact of the matter is, if you can do this for 2 months, it'll set the stage, i think for more meaningful negotiations. and in power, those people, it is real soon go into this war and know that connection. yeah. who a lot of reasons. he's just doing this is because when this war ends,
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you'll probably be voted out of office as well as being accused of establishing a can these wide buffers on inside gaza? it's commodities have previously suggested creation. such an area would protect israeli civilians. the us to set at the poses any plans to change. palestine is bored as, as a bank has more of the one cause it has not been of age for over 100 days. the destruction is immense along with the loss of life. and the sheriff elaborate is called on, we have no place to go. my apartment is gone. i found nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children and we all live in a school. my children are sick, they're a lot of dead under the rubber. and they all concerns that these really ministry is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing a so called buffer zone one colombia to white, and eventually running the entire length of that 65 kilometer garza is, roberta does be no form and announcement but these ready ministry has already
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destroyed nearly 1100 buildings in the northern part of the strip move. it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining an effect, the, the territorial integrity of guys. it does raise the leadership appears to be ignoring the us. they want to move the board of photo, but that is forwarded and together destroying the lives of the people of garza. and that is of course, very dangerous and it should not be accepted. they should not be allowed after that . the important fact that, in my opinion, the talk about the buffer zone now is in a way article commission of data failure. the bus is own could also be legal under international law. however, it is rarely is a proposal has been proposing and is now perhaps re pricing with
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a little advertising. there's bit more emphasis is both loved paid to below full opposed by the international community and a way of occupying garza, whatever happens at the end of this conflict, is red has already paid the positive destruction for the buffer zone, pushing palestinians into an even smaller piece of land, but if this one is established in is no way for palestinians to return to the part of gaza with the homes once stood aside, paid up to 0. the international court of justice as to the it's interim rolling on south africa's genocide case against as well. south africa wants to quote the top legal body that you when's talk legal body to order an immediate cease fund and gaza. diplomatic has to james base reports from the hague on the possible outcomes of the case of to well over 3 months of constant is really bombardment. in garza all lives are on the coast house more than 3000 kilometers away in the netherlands
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. south africa wants the u as talk legal body, the international court of justice to order an immediate cease far as part of its interim judgement, expected in a matter of hours to see that the case being brought under the genocide convention . if it goes against israel does, little is our country's leaders would ignore it and that they would refuse to comply with the cause orders. but it would be a huge blow both politically and diplomatically, not just the israel, but also to explain back to the bite into the destruction the us president is already facing bouncing political pressure at home solutions and the un security council on 3 occasions. the us is used is vito to block in immediate c spa, but would bite and be prepared to retail again. this time in defiance of the world's top court, with a dilemma is that it puts him in a position of contradiction because through other concepts, including ukraine. most recently,
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we've seen these calls for the maintenance of the roof space international order, the highest level of maintaining that order is the directors of the courts. so if america find stuff in a position of contradiction between what they've said on other concepts and what they're saying on israel, then this is a huge limit for the administration. of course, if the ruling doesn't go south africa's way, it's a very different story. expect these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet to say that military campaign has been vindicated, and that there are no will crimes, obviously, that so it was certainly not the case, but it wouldn't mean that this quote has decided that it can take action on the very high threshold demanded by the genocide convention. all the colts, including the international criminal court, also based here in this city, could also bring charges related both to war crimes and crimes against humanity. james bayes, l g 0 by 8. it's still a head on alice's era. i'm alyssa,
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that i'm getting called on guess capital bull. but that's where wild fires are raging on the hills surrounding the city. due to us severe drowsing sense of 5 by you mean your weather phenomenon and climate change? the brought to you by visit capital, there's to winter, so still residual cold over a good part of the us and canada. but that in this bottom right hand corner, the gulf as it will seem, as tough is come up to me to read these, to me too, tend to get a lot of rain. and thunder storms has been flooding in some of the southern states . the city to the southern states because of that right news because they're, it's easing away through georgia and the fire department handle that being during friday. i think it will repeat itself and coughing cause get more flooding trouble
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. during the same time coming down the california coast is no spell it right. not quite as heavy as the last one but rain nevertheless, so that the caribbean and the gulf of mexico, the breeze is easy and it's a bit, but it's still full of channels. mostly there are light chairs with the they're all the same in south america where we won't be showers, which is basically anywhere in the amazon base. and there will be a few. but the heaviest sitting in population areas has been that the survey are know, supposed to been at home is on the day that's produced city funding in the last day or so. it could the same again, but the size of that and it's a completely different story. now i know it's still summer, but temperature is really out on the high side for most of options. and because that normally raises sunny and told many risk without the weather brought to you by visit cuts on this is to took is the 1st country in the development for him to sustainable tourism profile. in partnership with the global,
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sustainable tourism comes village life here retains it's charles. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the the, [000:00:00;00] the, what you're going to say of me elizabeth put on them. and uh huh. reminder of on top stories, the south, please 20 palestinians have been killed by. it's really fun to do of wasting aid
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more than a 100. others were injured in taken to all ship a hospital in regards to city to 0. understand that c, i a chief williams, and for me, cause prime minister, the heads of israeli, and to gyptian intelligence, to try and secure a new sci fi deal between our mazda and this royal oaks underway. head of the main thing to mediate, just have to get to know the differences between our mazda and as well as, as well as being accused of bold on saying a so called the office on within gaza on the officials of previously said, creating such an area would protect us right, and civilians, us as opposed any plans to change palestine support is the rushes an investigative committee has released for to it's showing what it claims as debris for the military playing that was shot down on wednesday. russia has a huge ukraine of down in the play and that was transporting ukrainian prisoners of
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war. cape hasn't denied the claims, but disputes key aspects. and the united nations security council kind of and earlier, to discuss russia's allegations that's costing out of gabriel and his own though he's joining us from the un headquarters in new york and both sides presented their version of events at the security council gave. what did they say? yeah, that's right, the russian deputy ambassador here at the one security council chambers. he said that in his words, it was a pre meditated crime perpetrated by ukraine. he also gave a little bit more detail saying that according to russia, the initial investigation points perhaps, to the projectiles that brought down the plane. either being a patriot missile made in the united states or a german made iris t miss. so he said that this is still a part of the investigation, but he gave a little bit of the details of where that is headed. now. the ukranian deputy
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ambassador also spoke her words were very carefully worded, if you will. she did not admit that all the ukraine was involved if that happens, that would probably come out of key, but not from the un mission here. but she said that russia is ultimately responsible for all prisoners of war, particularly ukrainians, and said that any investigation done by russia would be legitimate. and she called for an impartial, independent investigation to get to the bottom of what happened. so we'll see you wednesday involved in investigating this well, we asked top you and official that today. and he said probably not. and that's the read. the reason is because uh, the international civil aviation organization of the un, based in montreal, canada,
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does not have the jurisdiction nor the mechanism to investigate military plane crashes. and this was a military plane. so the short answer is, if there is some sort of independent investigation, it likely will not be coming from the us or it gabe. thank you for that. gabriel. and he's under live at the un headquarters in new york, a russian quote and sentenced a woman to 27 years in prison for the assassination of a prominent pro kremlin blanca 26 year old davia, to pull it up, was convicted of terrorism, charges, and connection with the death of loveland petoskey, he was killed last april and a bomb attack. she probably gave him a minutes a statute ridge with explosives as a gift and a st. petersburg. cafe petoskey was killed on the spot they put on his requested vos, just send back hundreds of its national silver recruiter to fight against ukraine.
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destination. more than 200 nationals have been fighting for russia. at least 14 of them have died. according to naples, foreign minister so asked for the bodies to be returned, the ruling military, junta and molly, it says it's, and then a 2015 p, stayed with separate as revels with immediate effect. military leaders say the did with moving books has been terminated. following months of hostilities between separatists and the army and the home does the choosing, lead a mediator. algeria of hostile acts. from 9 models, the sudanese army has been fighting the power mother to rapid support forces for control of the country. more than 5000000 people have been displaced in the will. both saw as a crew are accused of torturing civilians in detention centers. they did not have the allegations haven't moved on the slip to some of those who say they were detained and beaten. of every date for more than 3 weeks. how much recounts how he
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was beaten by his captors. he says he was in prison in the national television building, controlled by the parent military rapids support forces. his family puts out notices in hopes of finding him after he disappeared from home in on demand quantity. that's why they took me from you to my house and stopped beating agent before selling me into a pick up to accuse me of working with the army and beat me mercilessly. they took me to the state televisions building due to me and threw me into a room. there were people who are bleeding somehow distinguish, got the. i was beating every day for 23 days before they finally released. i was only a civilian and let them go. how much says more than 20 others were detained with him in the same room? ministers in these families have been reporting the 4th disappearances of relatives . since the early weeks of fighting between the army and the r a staff, many of the missing were men. but the women were reportedly health to because of says she was detained by the parent military for over 8 months. first car, as she says,
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are from rubber bullets fired by the recess while she was being tortured until the letter. so fits as if i was being tortured, essentially abused. they accuse me of working with the government. i was taken to the eastern part of the capital along with other women. they beat us with a hold to the point we couldn't get up. they would wake us up with cold water if they find a sleeping. there was a woman who died because of the torture they took her and we asked about her days later, we were told she had died. it's not only torture that those 4 simply disappeared and detained. have to deal with this, put in is rights group known as emergency lawyers say hundreds of people are being detained in various parts of the capital. some families who report that they loved ones missing, don't even know they're being detained. the group also says most detainees are being held in any human condition that include 470 patient and was very little food and water. the lawyers, they both were in sides,
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have detained and forcibly disappeared civilians which may amount to our crimes backup that created the $52.00 detention centers in costume. the types of 5 being confirmed, others had to reach and confirmed because of the ongoing conflict, detaining, unfortunately disappearing. people is classified as a violation of international human rights vote, according to the international criminal court, and can be classified, but the quotes prosecute the as a war crime. crimes that have taken away menu from their loved ones, leaving doubts over whether their captors will ever be held accountable. keep them oregon all just there on how to, to columbia as a beginning for international health as a batch of thousands of forest fires across the country. hundreds of file sizes and volunteers. advantage trying to extinguish blazes on the mountain surrounding bull with the schools have been forced to close in flights, cancelled columbia, as president, has declared a natural disaster on the sounds are on p, as he has moved from bull with the hundreds of fire fighters and soldiers have been
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working around the clock to contain dozens of wild fires that have broke out in the last week across the many parts of columbia, including here in the copy tow. both our there have been a number of active awhile, fires on the hill to a surrounding the city. you can see one of them behind me where hundreds of of firefighters are still working to contain the fire there. you can see that it's very close to a number of neighborhoods that have been built on, on the hills here. and that's all right. these are worried the of what will happen in coming weeks and months where a pretty much in the middle of a very severe dry season here that has been intensified by in new weather phenomenon and the climate change. the expectation in a useful year is that the dry season with the end in february. but in this case,
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the experts are saying that it could the easily continue until the end of march or the beginning of april. and we could see severe effects in terms of more fires and routes across the columbia until may, which is obviously very worry so much for the country. the president of the columbia announced the a natural disaster and also called for international health to, to help the country contain the fires. and what will happen in the months to come? allison that i'm get the address, the book with the a large ha that broke out in a hospital. and a ron has been voted to control the blaze and engulfed the facade of pat on the ground. the whole schedule on thursday night, officials say no death to serious injuries have been reported investigations and looking into what cools the file. angry farmers have done to radish in front of a train station and from it says they protest against the rising costs. they blaming the government and the you from rising prices, taxes,
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and the costs of ecological legislation. some have been using tractors to disrupt traffic. they move into has been growing across frauds inspired by some of the demonstrations in germany in the netherlands. now finally, this bulletin genetics account for more than half of the old baby is heal born deaf . now a medical breakthrough in gene therapy may give some a chance to hear research as in the us in china have succeeded in restoring hearing to a small number of children who undergo on an experimental procedure. how does your construct has more 11 year old i some done, a boy born with hereditary deafness, was the 1st to receive the experimental treatment in the united states. doctors at the children's hospital of philadelphia, inserted a dose of gene therapy into his inner ear. and a month later he could hear her that is


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