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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the attacked by is around the same line up for skiff food desperate people in the cause of the skin lines to avoid starvation. the, the problem of this is out of the, on life from don't ha, also coming up. the possible new says find gospel movie discussed when the directors of the a, c,
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i and most sides and causes prime minister meet this we can is found demolishes buildings to create a circle, also selling and gaza. despite warnings from the us. and the un security council discuss discussions allegations that ukraine shopped on a military plane carrying ukrainian president of the u. n. says that there was lucky already famine in gaza. and around half the population is at risk of starvation, including hundreds of thousands of children. desperate people are searching for food every day coming on the fire from the is where the military is. they do so thought of was in reports from dasa. all these people were looking for food, but instead came on to for the going to long. so the, the goal is a strips main north south roads hoping to see to have the house without
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a warning and is very strongly kept the days earlier. oh, the searching for help with going for it. hard to hear me. ok. and this is why people here all prepared to risk the noise. the alternative is a slow death by starvation mode and then we'll have the dish 3. how is the buckle? yes, the med, most of, i'm all about the basic things. there is nothing to but we're all living of kind food and this is really bad at the children, a suffering and loss and getting sick. the situation is really bad for them. it has the photo jesus. there was very little that desperate parents can do it, since i was the what should we do? what you all children dying in front of our eyes, even going from the we from hunger. this is too much for us. is very youngest, some of the most venerable and without putting the rushman at serious risk,
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which could affect them for the rest of the lines that had the shuttle and was about to get them in a month and a half ago. this baby's white receiving point, 5 catalogs in a month and a half a loss. nearly 2 kilo's is white, is now $5.00 killers, which will impact the price of the baby and it impacts as a unit. and it, so you the way with brother i'm saying is that the humanitarian does not sign. garza is the worst. they have seen more ages, desperately need it. but for that to happen, the funding has to still talk about as boone algebra, russell and southern guns. the 10s of thousands of palestinians who fled northern at central gauze are being targeted by israel as they seek refuge in the south. honey muscles, reports from rough and southern gaza, fun eunice was really strikes, targeted several locations. the injured were rushed to the few remaining health
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centers in the besieged city. the more got lost, their hospital is full. the dead are buried in a hurry, not in a cemetery, but the hospital compound. please read these are fighting the bullets on the door of the mall. there's really strong every one. the killer bombardment of hon. unice has force tens of 1000 to seek refuge and run those lucky enough. the 3rd vibe, these really strikes the north on central dog road over crowded thompson. dropbox. there is no help for them there, but this bill anywhere is paid for then honie on this thing. dollars a 50 is really strikes hit the residential building in the city. the victims were mostly women and children. so when the guy gene, it's a jet and we're sitting at home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby moss,
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the whole area close to it was destroyed. and i found that the occupation claims their profile is a safe zone. we came to an offer based on the occupations instructions that it was a safe zone. only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted. if we don't pry a warning without informing people to evacuate with no signs of and in today's really onslaught civilians would continue to pay a heavy price. honey, my lord, how does your data southern gaza? it was a 0 understands because as prime minister would meet the heads of us as rarely and egypt, sion intelligence in europe this weekend to try and secure a deal between him. austin, israel, tulsa, on the way ahead of the meeting. but key mediation as of yet to narrow differences between the 2 sides. let's fix it on the cell hoops. just joining us live from occupied east jerusalem on the top us through what you hearing about the negotiations. well this meeting being
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described as critical for these negotiations, according to reports and links within is really media of the framework of the deal would consist of a maximum of a 2 month pause in the fighting in exchange for the release of all 136 is really captives. now in the palestinian side, you would see a large number of palestinian detainees in is really jails also released in the 1st stage of this deal. we're looking at per one is really captive $100.00 pallets to indian prisoners to be released in exchange. and as the phases of the deal go on, the number of palestinian prisoners per is really captive would go up. we don't really know about what kind or how much you monetary and aid would go into gaza. what is real, is willing to compromise on there. but we do know that the property is and the directions are spearheading these negotiations. it's also important to note how maces' positions since the last deal back in november that they are not willing to
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entertain any of these deals to negotiate for the release of any captives until the war is over. they say that these really some less stop the constant aggression on the gaza strip. b a land air and sea in order for them to offer up some concessions . and what's the, is riley position home, the, the families of israeli kept as housing cause i have kept the pressure on the government. but how much of a consideration a day as the government negotiates, and now the cx 5 it's certainly an interesting talking point because the issue of the captives is of the most important and sensitive within is really society and the families of them say that these really government is simply not doing enough and hasn't been doing, announced they feel that they have been kept in the dark and they are urging the government to go to the negotiating table to get any sort of deal possible. even if it means an all for all types of exchange for all palestinian prisoners to be released for all of these really captives to be released. but you have to remember
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that's not the only pressure that's on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu . you also have international pressure, like from the americans who have denounced this buffer zone. but these rallies are creating. they said that they don't want to see the reduction of any land of the palestinian territory, but that's exactly what these really are doing. and when it comes to have housed indian state, you have countries within the region and also western countries like the united states, the biggest is really ally who say that the only way to solve this conflict fully is through a 2 state solution. but these really prime minister has said that he would get in the way with that he would simply not allow that to happen saying that much of his really, society wouldn't support that decision. so there are a lot of things these really is, are going to have to concede on if they want to bring the captives back with these really prime minister has been out of it for more than 3 months, saying that military pressure is the only way to bring them back and the only way the war is going to end of all 3 of those military objectives are cheese. i'm the
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thank you very much for that. and so i'm the son who for the nation is live and occupied east jerusalem. and as the mentioned as well as being accused of establishing a kind of major wind buffers on inside gaza, it's commodities have previously suggested creating such an area would protect as rarely civilians. the us has said it opposes any plans to change pounds funds. borders as big as small is the one cause that has not been raised for over 100 days . the destruction is immense along with the loss of life and cause i have a lot, but i just called them. we have no place to go. my apartment is gone, i saw nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children with them and we all live in a school. my children are sick, they're a lot of dead under the rubble. and they all concerns that these rating ministry is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing a so called buffer zone one colombia to white, and eventually running the entire length of that $65.00. cuz i'm going to cause
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a israel border. there's been no form and announcement, but these ready military has already destroyed nearly 1100 buildings in the northern part of the strip move. it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining and effect the territorial integrity. guys have these ready leadership appears to be ignoring to us. they want to move the photo, but it does for the dental data, destroying the lives of the people of guys. and that is of course, very dangerous and this will not be accepted and this will not be allowed after that. the. another important fact that in my opinion, does talk about about also now is in a way article commission of data failure. the bus is own could also be legal under international law. whoever is riley is a proposing,
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has been proposing and is now perhaps re pricing with a little advertising here's bit more emphasis, is both loved paid to below, full a post by the international community, and a way of occupying goss or whatever happens at the end of this conflict is red, has already paved the path of destruction for the buffers on pushing palestinians into an even smaller piece of land. but if this only is established, is no way for palestinians to return to the part of gaza with the homes once stood a start date of to 0. on friday, the international court of justice will deliver its interim voting on south africa's genocide case against as ro on diplomatic editor james base reports from the hey, go on the possible outcomes of the case of to well over 3 months of constant is really bombardment in casa, all lives are on the coast house, more than 3000 kilometers away in the netherlands. south africa wants to you as talk legal body,
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the international court of justice to order an immediate c spa is part of its interim judgment expected in a matter of hours in receipt of the case being brought under the genocide convention. if it goes against israel, there's little doubt the country's leaders would ignore it and that they would refuse to comply with the cause orders. but it would be a huge blow both politically and diplomatically, not just the israel, but also to its main back of the binding to ministration. the us president is already facing bouncing political pressure at home, solution to the un security council. on 3 occasions. the us is used, is vito to block and of egypt see spa, but would bite and be prepared to retail again. this time in defiance of the world's top court, with a dilemma is that it puts him in a position of contradiction because through other conflicts, including ukraine. most recently, we've seen these calls for the maintenance of the roof space international order,
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the highest level of maintaining that order is the, the directives of the courts. so if america find stuff in a position of contradiction between what they've said on other concepts and what they're saying on israel, then this is a huge whatever for the administration. of course, if the ruling doesn't go south africa's way, it's a very different story. expect these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet to say that military campaign has been vindicated, and that there are no will crimes, obviously, that so it was certainly not the case, but it wouldn't mean that this quote is decided that it can take action under the very high threshold demanded by the genocide convention. all the codes including the international criminal court, also based here in the city, could also bring charges related both to war crimes and crimes against humanity. james bay's outages era by the israeli military is again conducting raised
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across the occupied westbank is fairly full of storm several cities including 2 bus janine and khaki. yeah, there are also reports of classes in the town of trauma. at least 372 palestinians have been killed by his very forces all setlist and the occupied westbank. since october, the 7th are still ahead on knowledge as they are. molly's military who owns the ends of 2015 peach. dave with twice separate tests and to choose as mediation al julian stone x plus another. so that i'm getting caught on guess capital book tasks were wild fires a raging on the field surrounding the city due to a severe drowsing sense of 5 by in the new weather phenomenon and climate change, the reco breaking. so in the holding shared goals,
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some trouble call for me through in about 12 hours. it's still snowing but much more likely to happen. the 9th is a punch you no longer do. we have a blizzard on friday in hawkeye to like to breeze. so the reading stuff, extreme and the terms on the extremely low anymore. that code has disappeared. and zip code in hampton and the co to cable with them to, to something charter way, hong kong with any about 10 degrees or 2 or 3 days go up to 18 now in the forecast setting. and henry still disappointing. and that's because of platinum range is creeping in to the rest of southern china for the size this seasonal rain in malaysia and indonesia will cause funding and have goal setting. the focus is probably going to be put into them an idea, so include call them and the job of they may be not jakarta for flood risk of the next day or so to the sounds of loudly stopped in indian r one or 2 down the east coast and they went to and so, and i guess the, the new story really is the persistence of the folk and the north indian plain and
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through most of pakistan that we is poor at quality is i'm present when to see here's a picture for you covering package diamond going across into the northwest. the video that he's forgot seen from space is persistent. the unique perspective, some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in this row are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations, you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises, that's 10 years. so i want to go and see, you know, as if you were to happen to next to the stream on out to 0 of
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the the, you're watching all just the of, of me it is with problem. and uh huh. reminder of on top stories to sell, at least 20 palestinians have been killed by is really fun as they were waiting for an aid. more than a 100 others what and you had and taken township hall specials and causes such as obviously you understand c, i a chief of major castles, prime minister, and the heads of his writing and each action intelligence to try and secure a new c spy. ideas between a mazda israel, she mediate, just have yet to know differences between the 2 sides. and israel's going to choose to destroying buildings in a circle off a zone within gaza. army officials have previously said creation such an area would protect us where you civilians the us as opposed any plans change palestine gorgeous.
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the un security council has convenient, an emergency missing a russian military playing that was shot down near the border with ukraine on wednesday. most goes to choosing caleb down in the play and that was trans forcing ukrainian prisoners of war. ukraine has requested more evidence. gabriel, that is under reports from the un headquarters in new york as a pre meditated crime at an emergency meeting of the un security council. that is how russia describe the downing of a plane, reportedly carrying dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war. but not unless it us peacekeepers this time, the key regime for some inexplicable reason, decided to sabotage this procedure and do it in the most barbaric way possible. as was shown, brother preliminary investigation,
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this act of terror by the ukrainian armed forces was done by using an anti aircraft complex from the car key, or blast. a lot is indicating this could be either an american patriot or an iris t system, which is german, manufactured in carefully worded statements. the ukranian representative put the blame on russia, russia, there is full responsibility for the lie. so if you crane in prisoners of war, we have a system conducting an international investigation to sublease all the circumstances of this incident. but it will be difficult if not impossible for the un to conduct a pro when to the downing of the plane. and that's because it was a military aircraft. and that's something the us international civil aviation organization. doesn't have the jurisdiction to look into gabriel's onto. i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. a russian quote has sent us the woman to 27 years in prison for the assassination of
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a prominent pro kremlin blog. a 26 year old audience report of of was convicted on terrorism challenges and connection with the death of loveland. petoskey. he was killed last april and a bomb attack to pose. i gave him a minute just that you read with explosives as a gift and the st. petersburg, cafe sitarski was killed on the spot to naples has requested russia send back hundreds of it's nationals who were recruited to fight against ukraine. this estimation more than 200 and the police have been fighting for russia. at least 14 of them have died according to naples, foreign minister who asked for the bodies to be of attend the ruling military, junta and molly says it's ending a 2015 p. stayed with separate just rebels with an immediate effect. was a truly, to say the day with moving onto this has been terminated following months of hostilities between separate tests and beyond me. and the home does the choosing lead to mediation algeria of hostile acts. of last thing is the head of the health
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program at the conrad. i don't know. foundation. he says the military was involved because i have always been suspicious of algeria as intentions. the jury has always treated northern monte. yes. is kind of influence area and i mean the independent lead us, you know, to come i think relations also has contact space. it was a rebels which is to our x, e, my g at this. and as i guess and you know, demarion's for all kind of suspecting i do and they want to keep the bad guys with cell as soon as you yeah. out of i g area and let them in and do that one thing and northern molly and so the, you know, did my, the governments had a g reyes interfering with its owner for years and that'd be not unhappy about as a jewelry approach a piece, the so that, that, you know, after the recent intentions between the 2 countries, zimbabwe is main opposition. data has resigned from the political movement a found it 2 years ago,
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claiming it's been hijacked by the government. nelson to me, so was president and the symbol and god was named live in the new 20182023 disputed elections. the ruling party denies the allegations 45 year old to me. so said he, but remain in public service and has urge them bob wins to rally behind fresh politics. another mass grave has been on the list and lawanda, 3 decades off the jet. aside there was fun on tundra house in the southeast, in town of and goma. the man says they've discovered the remains of at least a 141 people. so far. alexandra biased reports rwanda's famous. we rich volcanic red soil turned over by shovels and garden tools, reviewing a family secret hidden for 3 decades. shards of bone teeth sculls, yet another mass grave from the 1994 genocide,
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it was discovered beneath the home in the village of him go mad. it's believed the family knew what was underneath. 5 of them had been arrested on suspicion of consistency in genocide and concealing evidence for the community around them. it's horrifying. hey, by new equipment, equipment one, let them know what time you know. you know, we're not. we found so many bodies under the house and we're still finding more can you imagine in building a house where they sleep and knowing for 30 years of their own bodies onto them and never saying any cell wanda is genocide, song 800000 ethnic tutsis. but also moderate ethnic hutus killed by members of the food to majority. years later, survivors are still searching for their loved ones. shoes and tattered clothing. carry important clues on your credit card that i just need as well. on top of that, we tried to also send us for genocide crimes to tell us where the bodies are
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located because we didn't want to find them in the form not buried. it's unfortunate the off the suit to use. we still found bodies under construction sites . we feel bad and we keep thinking about what happened was the, the biggest challenge is getting those who commit the killings to reveal the locations of these grades. they're still being found regularly across the country. the remains of more than 100000 genocide victims have been honored in the past 5 years alone in government. they're not sure how many victims are buried here. the mayor says the deeper they dig more they find alexandra buyers out a 0. the us supreme court has ruled the state of alabama can go ahead with the nation's 1st execution by nitrogen gas. the decision clears the way for kenneth's eugene smiths to be executed using the gas which will be pumped into a mosque. alabama argues, he'll be unconscious within seconds and die within minutes. critics say the method
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is cruel and experimental. 58 year old smith has been on death row for more than 3 decades off to being convicted and the motive for high a case. the columbia is a painting center national health as a battles. thousands of forest fires across the country. hundreds of hot sizes and volunteers have been trying to extinguish blazes on the mountains surrounding boca alejandra, rom, p, a. t reports from the capital from the air and on the ground. hundreds of firefighters and soldiers from the columbia. an army have been battling around the clock, against dozens of forest fires burning across the country. in the capital, besides, there are at least 6 buyers in the city surrounding hills. some of them close to buildings and houses. emergency themes are using hose rakes and machetes to create fire breaks on the sloping hills to contain the fires. you know, how many days will good some hot spots are still active. they are being contained
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but at nights because of the high altitude and the women's like flare up again and creating new files and on the streets of book with many are wearing masks to deal with the worst. and the need of quality schools and universities close to the fire were closed and dozens of flights canceled or delayed due to low disability is the 1st i have seen in many english. and i have been leaving 3 blocks from here for, for the things experts say a particularly severe dry season, compounded by a new weather phenomenon, which typically produces hotter and dryer weather together with climate change are to blame. but they are not excluding a human hand in some of the outbreaks. overall, columbia split out more than $200.00 fires this month across much of the country around 8 per day. as cities and towns face record temperatures. the government says it has already spent almost half of the budget set out for confronting
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a new president. goose, double paid through, declared a natural disaster to transfer more resources to fight the fires and pleaded for international health. for the fundamental problem during this season is not just a lack of what the, what the heat as well the walk that you've operates and the fire has and see well, it's an aggravated el nino phenomena i'm popping back. your global warming on the climate crisis. i me, 3 all a just fear that this could be just the beginning of an extended and possibly unprecedented dry spell that could bring more fires and droughts across much of the country. and many also fear the columbia might be ill prepared for it. less than that, i'm 50, i'm just so you have a good that that is where the and guy on his farm and us does have committed to avoid violence and a border dispute. it follows talks hosted by brazil, the dispute centers on the fostered region of s a cable with large amounts of oil and gas. so being found in recent years, as a keyboard makes up, 2 thirds of guy on
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a fan is way that has recently reassessed its claim to the territory. and its off show area is to the your pm central bank because of dollars that is too soon to lower interest rates. and inflation has full and off the soaring a year ago over the war and ukraine intentions disrupting shipping in the red sea are expected to drive prices off again. this year, step lawson has moved from brussels. tons of food rejected by supermarkets of past it's sell by date, ends up at this food bank distribution center on the outskirts of brussels from here with will find its way to thousands of full families in the belgian capital. despite a decline in the rate of inflation in the euro zone, from its peak of more than 11 and a half percent in 2022 to 2.9 percent at the end of last year, food prices have remained high and millions of europeans are struggling the number of people we have is constantly increasing. not by too much, i mean
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a few percent each year, but it's a, it's a realtor. in fact, it develops very products and wrap some more than 30000 poor people delivered to your every day with poverty levels going up in many european countries. more and more people are defending on food donations. turning what stop a small handouts into a well oil industry, a free food with a tax on ships and direct sci fi us that the guys i work with escalate in the middle east and energy prices remaining high after rushes invasion of ukraine. hopes of economic relief this year being dashed, the european central bank, maintaining the hold on interest rates is keeping borrowing costs high and demands for loans flow. that's expected to dump in growth and you as own to less than half of one percent. having the european economy is somehow stuck in spec nation, it's not a severe recession, but it is
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a minor 2nd nation. when we also look at the leading indicators. uh, there are no signs of an imminent improvement. not a great prospect for both sellers and bias at the local markets. business has been slow for over a year. out of the top of smith novices especially now with the problems and the receipt, cheapest, have to make lights that option. so transport costs a higher and our goods will become even more expensive to present for us. it's a 2 full appropriately if customers already buy, unless it is a tray that it has become hot to make a living. we started the program with a rack of low unemployment rate of 6.4 percent. it's expected that work is around to euro fill the month. large pay rises this year. something that could push up prices even more. and not a reason for europe. central bank, which is aiming for an inflation rate of 2 percent by next year to not take any chances. well, many europeans hope for better and cheaper time soon. economists say it's hard to


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