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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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for testing for environmental risk, and it's like 10 words pod, 3, the template on our to 0. the attacks by israel, let's say, lined up for food hungry and desperate people and goals of risk the lives to avoid starvation a possible new c foreign goals that will be discussed when the directors of the c. i a both sides and capital is prime minister. the this weekend, the gloves around me, what you know is, is there a large headquarters here in the also coming up the un security council discussed
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as rush as allegations that to ukraine shut down a military plane carrying ukrainian prisoners of war plus and all about a man dropped becomes the 1st death row, a convict in the us to be executed with nitrogen guns. the welcome to the program the you and says that there's likely already some in, in goes up on the route homes. the population is at risk of starvation, including hundreds of thousands of children. desperate people are searching for food every day, coming a defiant from these really military is they do so. tell me a couple of as a reports now from rough uh, in the south. and these people were looking for food, but instead came on to find the gulf that along so long. the, the goal is a strips main north south roads hoping to see to have a house without a warning and is really strong kit that they used
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earlier. oh, the searching for who stood with go for it. hard to hear me. okay. this is why people here all prepared to risk the noise. they alternative is a slow death by starvation mode and then we'll have the that is 3. how is the, the sort of, i'm all about the basic is there is nothing to but we're all living of the kind of food and this is really bad at the children, a suffering and loss and getting sick. the situation is really bad for them and has a sort of easy. it was very little, very desperate. parents can do it since i was the what should we do? what's your children dying in front of our eyes? either going from the we from hunger. this is too much for us, very youngest, some of the most venerable and without punishment or serious risk, which could affect them for the rest of their lines that have not been settled. and was this of us, you know, in a month and
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a half ago this baby's white receiving point, 5 catalogs in a month and a half a loss. nearly 2 kilo's is white, is now $5.00 killers, which will impact the price of the baby. and it impacts as a unit. and then it say, the worries would program say, is that the humanitarian does not sign. garza is the worst. they have seen more ages, desperately need it. but for that to happen, the funding has to stop talked about as boone algebra, russell in southern guns, a tens of thousands of palestinians, a flag knows, and then central gauze of being targeted by as well as i seek refuge in the south. i mean, most major pulls from russia in southern cause a ton unit is really strikes. targeted several locations. the injured were rushed to the few remaining health centers in the besieged city. the more got lost, their hospital is full, the dead are buried in a hurry, not in
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a cemetery, but the hospital compound phase read. these are fighting the bullets on the door of the marble most. so there's really strong every one, the killer bombardment of hon. unice has 4 tens of 1000 to seek refuge and run those lucky enough. the 3rd vibe, these really strikes the north and central dog. good. over crowded thompson drop off. there is no help for them there, but the feel anywhere is paid for then honie on this thing dollars a 50 is really strikes hit the residential building in the city. the victims were mostly women and children. so when the guy gene, it's a jet and we're sitting at home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby moss, the whole area close to it was destroyed. and i said that the occupation claims their problem is a safe zone. we came to an offer based on the occupations instructions that it was
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a safe zone, only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted. if we don't pry a warning without informing people to evacuate with no signs of and in today's really onslaught civilians would continue to pay a heavy price. honey, my mode was just the uh, southern gaza or so just there understands that because i was prime minister will meet the heads of the us as rarely on the gyptian intelligent services. and you this, we come to try and secure a deal between homos on israel, sol, solved, and the way it had all the main thing, but key mediators have yet to know the differences between how i'm us and israel, so the speak to stephanie decade occupied these truths constantly vice versa and stuff. what more we hearing about the nature of the negotiations. yes. so these are tools that have been carried out for weeks now. leaks about sticking points about what was on the table. i think what's happening now is you're
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seeing some momentum with the news that you do have the heads of all intelligent surfaces. it also called her as prime minister and found a foreign minister and meeting. now, what's on the table from what we understand a 2 month, a pause in the fighting. this is something that we had been reporting before. what's next? all the captives. these are the captains to be released. what we understand initially is for one is really captive to a 100, how this thing and prisoners and as the captives go on uh that number will increase . and then what is the real sticking point? what we understand is the ceasefire. and this is really the public positions, these really prime minister has been very clear. this is not going to be an end to the war that they're going to get the captives with attorney. there's been a lot of back and forth about that mouse has made it very clear that they say there needs to be a full end to the war before they will release any of the captive. so this we
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understand remains the sticking point, but certainly all the sources and leaks and the media also saying that there does seem to be some of the mentioned that there now starting to talk about the serious issues. and so this is the 1st time that there seems to be some hope that possibly the both sides can come to some form of understanding since the ceasefire collapse in the beginning of december. of course, stephanie the, the families of the is ready to captives holding goals have continued to put pressure on the government. and they wanted to have a fact into sort of the negotiation equation when it comes suddenly from the israeli side. while the message from the families of the captives is very clear, bring our loved ones back immediately and to live whatever that takes. so what they've been calling for is any deal, but what you have on the ministry side on the political side, particularly the words coming from benjamin have to know is that how mass needs to be fully eliminated. this is
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a military campaign that everything is being done to bring them back alive, also military. but a lot of pressure and criticism was there from within his work cabinet that the ministry option simply isn't compatible with bringing them back a life particular one. we're on in a 112 days of war. so the families of the hostages don't care what the cost is. at this point. they just want to bring them back alive. we have a lot of pressure growing on the prime minister, not just from the cap to families, from tens of thousands of his ranges that are protesting every week from the international community, from within his war cabinet. so we're going to have to wait and see, i think again, we are closest in some way of some form of momentum when it comes to these talks. but again, these are very complicated. it's about who holds the cards, who feels that they're going to win that the negotiating table, but certainly have mass for still holding a 103 is really alive and also dead. this is a major bargaining chip for them. stephanie duncan, that far as the bodies, tristan thing stuff. natalie?
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am i calling for the by the by and spoke to lawrence cole. he's a former us assistant secretary of defense and the senior seller of the center for american progress. he says, the c i, a chiefs involved in these negotiations is quite significant. i mean, the very fact that bill barnes has there, given who we yes, he's not a political appointee. he's a career foreign start off with service officer. he's been in bassett, or to uh to uh, russia. i think it sends a signal that this is probably going to lead some place though. i know that prime minister that yeah, who has not helped things with all of the comments that he's made lately. but we have let him know that in fact, if he continues to act like this, the whole question of usa is on the table. and he also is feeling pressure at home because of what this war is doing to the is rarely economy. and so many people
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called up from civilian civilian jobs. so i think the fact that bill barnes is involved is a signal that this is pretty serious. how does bell burns convince the most side chief and other is really officials that this is the best deal. right now, as well, i say key less of though, that there's a lot of opposition in the united states to continue the many democratic senators are opposing any more a to israel. president biden has communicated that to prime minister that on that yahoo publicly in terms of how the direction that we want to go, particularly with the 2 state solution. so i think if you get the 60 days that allows nat yahoo to save face, you could say, well, i'm not giving up my age, which is just temporary. but the fact of the matter is, if you could do this for 2 months, it'll set the stage, i think for more meaningful negotiations and empower those people. it is real who
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soon know when to this war and know that connection. yeah. who a lot of reasons he's just doing this is because when this war ends you'll probably be voted out of office. that is right, is being accused of establishing a kilometer wide buff. is that inside garza, it's commanders have previously suggested creating such an area with protect is really civilians the us to set. it opposes any plans to change policy lines bold as, as the back cause of the story of the one cause it has now been raised for over 100 days. the destruction is immense along with the loss of life, and to show you elaborate is called on, we have no place to go. my apartment is gone. i found nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children, and we all live in a school. my children are sick, they're a lot of dead under the rubble. and they are concerned that these rating ministry is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing
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a so called buffer zone one colombia to white, and eventually running the entire length of that $65.00. cuz i'm going to cause a israel board to be no foreman announcement, but these ready military has already destroyed nearly $1100.00 buildings in the northern part of the strip. i move, it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining and affect the territorial integrity. guys have these really, leadership appears to be ignoring to us. they want to move the photo, but it does for the dental data, destroying the lives of the people of guys. and that is, of course, very dangerous, and this will not be accepted and this will not be allowed after that. the. another important fact that in my opinion, does talk about about also now is in a way article commission of data failure. the both as own could also be legal under
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international law. whoever is riley is a proposing, has been proposing and is now perhaps re pricing with a little advertising. there's bit more emphasis is both lot of paid to below for a post by the international community. and a way of occupying garza, whatever happens at the end of this conflict, is red has already paved the path of destruction for the buffers on pushing palestinians into an even smaller piece of land. but if the zone is established, it gives no way for palestinians to return to the part of gaza with the homes. one stood a side vague of 20 or on friday, the international court of justice will deliver it into a ruler. going south africa's genocide case against israel, or diplomatic get to the james page report. so from the hey, on the possible outcomes of, to well over 3 months of constant is really bombardment in casa,
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all lives are on the coast house more than 3000 kilometers away in the netherlands . south africa wants the u, as talk legal body. the international court of justice to order an immediate cease far as part of its interim judgement, expected in a matter of hours to see that a case being brought under the genocide convention. if it goes against israel, there's little doubt the country's leaders would ignore it. and that they would refuse to comply with the cause orders, but it would be a huge blow both politically and diplomatically, not just the israel, but also to its main back of the bite into the destruction. the us president is already facing bouncing political pressure at home solutions and the un security council. on 3 occasions, the us is used is vito to block and of agency spa, but would bite and be prepared to retail again. this time in defiance of the world's top court, with a dilemma is that it puts him in a position of contradiction because through other conflicts,
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including ukraine. most recently, we've seen these calls for the maintenance of the roof space international order, the highest level of maintaining that the order is the, the directors of the courts. so if america finds stuff in a position of contradiction between what they've said on other concepts and what they're saying on israel, then this is a huge whatever for the administration. of course, if the ruling doesn't go south africa's way, it's a very different story. expect these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet to say that military campaign has been vindicated, and that there are no will crimes. obviously that's what was certainly not the case, but it wouldn't mean that this quote has decided that it can take action on the very high threshold demanded by the genocide convention. all the colts, including the international criminal court, also based here in the city, could also bring charges related both to war crimes and crimes against humanity. james bay's outages era, the hague. now these very ministry is again,
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conducting rates. of course the occupied westbank is where the falls is installed in several cities, things leading to our boss, janine unclear. there are also reports of classes in the town of at least $372.00 palestinians have been killed by his baby falls as old settlers in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th still had his own. i'll just say i'm going to send that. i'm guessing columbia capital both fast were wild fires, are raging on the hills surrounding the city due to a severe drought, the sense of 5 by in the, in your weather phenomenon and climate change. the underlying does that. it's still winter's the amount of rain. it's just about to
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fold in the event. huge amount, i think was a following. when will make it very unpleasant, anywhere from left in time to was northern, egypt is just getting a little was, is fridays, full cost. now it doesn't last, it does go through eventually, but friday. and so that's the basic pretty pull into at least the end of saturday. we left behind with the, on the dimensions of nose. and so if you just tumble down to 7 in the right, but the sun has returned. so most of this is all moving eastward can be seen because for the persistence though. and that's why john and pounds of a round this most noted, fairly obvious. the here rain is file, so i have as q 8 and the system will probably push down. so i don't have $28.00, which you see on the full cost of friday. will change to about 20 for the dusty from that system coming. so that'll attempt to back in riyadh. it'll be briefly, i think, quite dusty say pull this busy but probably drawing to be honest which is a typical picture fully right beam condenser. and indeed, most a tropical ask at this time of year, but a bit further south, and particularly in terms of the res,
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seem to big charles recently there was funding in dallas and i'm for the northern mounting gasket as well. but that also seems to be easing. ask for south africa, the sheriff. i'm returning not to jo big but just to the east. the oil rich, the rock is facing a crisis and a final 5 to results. water. as dimes built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to the
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welcome back. you will keep watching, i'll just say with makes the hill robin a reminder on top stories. at least 20 palestinians have been killed. fox is really fine. as they were waiting to age more than 100, others were injured in taken to ship a hospital in kansas city. i was just there understands that the c i a chief will be canceled as prime minister in the heads of it's really an exception intelligence trying to secure of any sort of deal between the boss in his room. he mediators have yet to narrow the differences between the 2 sides and these really minute traits conducting rates across the occupied mustang. storing several cities, including to ross jeanine and calculate at least $372.00 palestinians have been killed by his ready forces. all such as the occupied westbank since october the
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the un security council is contained on an emergency meeting, a russian ministry plane that was shot down to the board with ukraine on wednesday . most good. it was accusing keys of dining the plane that was transposing ukrainian prisoners of will. but ukraine has requested more evidence. gabriel, as on the report style from you and a headquarters in new york, in a pre meditated crime at an emergency meeting of the un security council. that is how russia describe the downing of a plane, reportedly caring dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war. i'm not going, let's see it, us peacekeepers this time, the key regime for some inexplicable reason, decided to sabotage this procedure and do it in the most barbaric way possible. as was shown by the preliminary investigation. this act of terror by the ukrainian armed forces was done by using an anti aircraft complex from the car keys,
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or blast. a lot is indicating this could be either an american patriot or an iris t system, which is german, manufactured in carefully worded statements. the ukranian representative put the blame on russia, russia, there is full responsibility for the lie. so if you crane in prisoners of war, we have system conducting an international investigation. discovery is all the circumstances of this incident, but it will be difficult if not impossible for the un to conduct a probe into the downing of the plane. and that's because it was a military aircraft. and that's something that you and international civil aviation organization doesn't have the jurisdiction to look into gabriel's onto. i'll just see that at the united nations in new york. the state of alabama has executed a band with nitrogen gas the 1st time the method has been used in the country. kenneth eugene smith was killed using the guns which was pumped into
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a mask. execution was given go ahead by the us supreme court earlier on thursday, 58 year old smith had been on death row for more than 3 decades. after being convicted in a motor for high a case. nothing happened here today is going to bring them back and this is kind of a bitter sweet. ready so we're not going to be jumping around, but then holler re, you know, there are some out of that too, or glad this diesel question. so leave me is in washington dc with more on why this particular method of execution was used. i should point out, this is the 1st time that alabama use this form of execution, but it was the 2nd time that it tried to execute ken smith. the 1st attempt
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in 2022 was by lethal injection, and it took hours and they couldn't get the injection in the vein. and he survived that. and it wasn't the 1st time that a lethal injection had failed in alabama. it happened a couple times, so they put a pause to capital punishment and reviewed the what they were doing in the system. and they decided to try to go this route. another issue for alabama and other states and in the united states, it's up to the individual states to decide whether or not to have capital punishment. another issue for many states is that it's harder to get the chemicals and the drugs that had been used in lethal injections. and that's because, um, some front pharmaceutical companies. well, all pharmaceutical companies won't sell them to the jails because in europe, there are forbidden from doing so. they, europe has bands against drugs that are used for executions and,
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and for torture. so this was seen as a more readily available way of doing execution for, for the states like that. the columbia was appealing for international health as it battles dozens of far as size across the country. hundreds of fund finance is involving to as a been trying to extinguish places on the mountain surrounding buckets off on a sunday run p i. t has moved from the capital from the air and on the ground. hundreds of firefighters and soldiers from the columbia, an army have been battling around the clock, against dozens of forest fires burning across the country. in the capital, besides, there are at least 6 buyers in the city surrounding hills. some of them close to buildings and houses. emergency themes are using hose rakes and machetes to create fire breaks on the sloping hills to contain the fires. you know, how many days will good some hot spots are still active. they are being contained,
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but at nights because of the high altitude in the women's, they flare up again and creating new files and on the streets of book with many are wearing masks to deal with the worst. and the need of quality schools and universities close to the fire were closed and dozens of flights canceled or delayed due to low disability is the 1st i have seen in many english. and i have been leaving 3 blocks from here for, for the things experts say a particularly severe dry season, compounded by a new weather phenomenon, which typically produces hotter and dryer weather together with climate change are to blame. but they are not excluding a human hand in some of the outbreaks. overall, columbia split out more than $200.00 fires this month across much of the country around 8 per day. as cities and towns face record temperatures. the government says it has already spent almost half of the budget set out for confronting
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a new president. gustavo pedro declared a natural disaster to transfer more resources to fight the fires and leave it for international health. for the fundamental problem during this season is not just a lack of water, but the heat as well. the walk that you've operates and the fire has and see well, it's an aggravated el nino phenomena i'm popping back. your global warming on the climate crisis. i me 3 all legit spear that this could be just the beginning of an extended and possibly unprecedented dry spell that could bring more fires and droughts across much of the country. and many also fear the columbia might be ill prepared for it. less than that, i'm 50. i'm just so you have a good time. now sweeping changes to auction team is economic regulations of trade . the 1st huddling congress but tough a obstacles lie ahead. you present? have a malays bill now requires majority approval from the congressional chambers where his coalition only holds a minority of seats serving the launch is probably testifying through the full
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package with the code has privatized to public sends and introduce to exchanges. well, as the most grave has been to the general one to 3 decades of to the 1994 genocide, it was signed on to a house in the southeastern town of the government. the man says that they've discovered the remains of at least $141.00. people say fall alexandra buyers or polls of rwanda is famous with rich. volcanic red soil turned over by shovels and garden tools, reviewing a family secret hidden for 3 decades. shards of stone teeth sculls, yet another mass grave from the 1994 genocide, it was discovered beneath the home in the village of him go mad. it's believed the family knew what was underneath. 5 of them have been arrested on suspicion of
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consistency in genocide and concealing evidence for the community around them. it's horrifying. hey, by new equipment or criminal and let them know what time you know, you know, we're not. we found so many bodies under the house and we're still finding more. can you imagine them building a house where they sleep and knowing for 30 years of their own bodies onto them and never saying any cell. wanda's genocide, song, 800000 ethnic to these. but also moderate ethnic hutus killed by members of the food to majority. years later, survivors are still searching for their loved ones. shoes and tattered clothing. carry important clues on your credit card that i just need. as i was told that we tried to also send us for genocide, crimes to tell us where the bodies are located because we didn't want to find them in the form not buried. it's unfortunate the officer to use. we still found bodies under construction sites. we feel bad and we keep thinking about what happened was
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the biggest challenge is getting those who commit the killings to reveal the locations of these grades. they're still being found regularly across the country. the remains of more than 100000 genocide victims have been honored in the past 5 years alone in government. they're not sure how many victims are buried here. the mayor says the deeper they dig, the more they find alexandra buyers. i'll just era the repeated central bank because of those that it's due soon to lower interest rates. inflation has full and after a soaring for a year ago, but the war new crane intentions disrupting shipping in the red sea are expected to drive prices up again. this year, so boston has moved from brussels. tons of fruits rejected by supermarkets of past it's sell by date, ends up at this food bank distribution center on the outskirts of brussels from here, which will find its way to thousands of full families in the belgian cathy. so despite the decline and the rate of inflation in the euro's own,
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from its peak of more than 11 and a half percent, and 2022 to 2.9 percent at the end of last year. food prices have remained high and millions of europeans are struggling. the number of people we have is constantly increasing. not by too much, i mean a few percent each year, but it's a, it's a realtor. in fact, it develops very products and wrap some more than 30000 poor people delivered to your every day with poverty levels going up in many european countries. more and more people are depending on food donations. turning what started a small hand those into a well oil industry, a free food, with a tax on ships and the rep sci fi us that the guys i work with escalate in the middle east and energy prices remaining high after rushes invasion of ukraine hopes of economic relief this year being dashed, the european central bank maintaining the hold on interest rates.


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