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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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full offense that our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man regions. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care strict who bodies pile up in hospital as israel continues to pound multiple locations in town units in southern johnson, the whole realm and what you know interested in life headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next top of the international colt of justice. is set to publishes provisional rulings in south africa's genocide case against israel, bodies with it to him to ends. a 2015 piece deal with 12 accept protests. and the
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keys has me data. algeria style acts also an alabama, but it becomes the 1st death row convict in the us to be executed with nitrogen guns. the book into the product opened his riley strike on gauze and said he killed 1220 palestinians. what queuing for food a while in central garza house and on the strength refugee camp was targeted, killing 6, and those tens of thousands who fight northern and central gaza. well, that facing is really a tax while trying to seek refuge in the south. meanwhile, i'll just say around the sons of casals prime minister will meet the heads of us, is really and gyptian intelligence services in europe this weekend to try and skew a deal between homos and israel. honeymoon, who begins on coverage from russia in southern casa, the, the fun unit is really strikes,
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targeted several locations. the injured were rushed to the few remaining health centers in the besieged city. the more got lost, their hospital is full. the dead are buried in a hurry, not in a cemetery, but the hospital compound phase, right. these are fighting the bullets on the door of tomorrow. there's really strong to everyone. the killer bombardment of hon. eunice has force tens of 1000 to seek refuge and run those lucky enough to survive. these really strikes the north on central dog road over crowded thompson. dropbox. there is no help for them there, but the field anywhere is paid for then honey on this thing, dogs of 50 is really strikes hit the residential building in the city. the victims were mostly women and children. so when the guy gene it said you were sitting at
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home and all of a sudden a strike hit the nearby moss. the whole area close to it was destroyed. my sense of the occupation claims there is a safe zone. we came to it off or based on the occupations instructions that it was a safe zone. only to discover that it's just like the other areas that it's targeted. if we don't pry a warning without informing people to evacuate with no signs of, and in today's really onslaught civilians would continue to pay a heavy price. honey, my mode. how does your data? well, during garza the you and says that there's likely somebody in garza around the house, the population is at risk of starvation, including hundreds of thousands of children. that's where people are searching for food every day. coming on to find fault is mainly military is i do say somebody come through as a most likely pulls from rough these people were looking for food, but instead came on to for the government that the long seller had deemed the goals
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of strips main north south roads hoping to see to have the house without a warning, and he's really strong kit that they used earlier. others searching for who stood with go for it, part of hearing. okay. and this is why people here are prepared to risk the noise. that alternative is a slow death by starvation mode, and then we'll have the that is 3. how is zebra, the sort of, i'm all about the basic things. there is nothing to but we're all living of kind food and this is really bad at the children. a suffering and loss and getting sick . the situation is really bad for them and has a photo easy. it was very little, very desperate. parents can do it since i was the what should we do? what's your children dying in front of our eyes? either going from the we from hunger, this is too much for us. very youngest, some of the most venerable and without punishment or at serious risk,
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which could affect them for the rest of the lines that have the title. and was this of asking them in a month and a half ago, this baby's white receiving point, 5 catalogs in a month and a half a loss. nearly 2 kilo's is white, is now $5.00 killers, which will impact the price of the baby. and it impacts as a unit. and then it said, the wife would program say is that the humanitarian does da signed, guns was the worst. they have seen more ages, desperately need it. but for that to happen, the funding has to sell topic about, as boone algebra, russel in southern guns. and now the w h. i is repeatedly will that as well as well, and also has bolt the health system to the brink of collapse. relentless bombardment has created widespread damage and lead to dive shortages of medical stuff and supplies. just 12 doctors are still working with alex the hospital that's
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about 10 percent of what they had to before the start of the war and also hospital in the south mold and hospital staff of left. at least 400 patients remain on the molds. a full, 337 health co workers have been killed by is ready for assistance. october the 7th, and 30 hospitals and 50 full health care centers. completely out of service. tonic inside of which is a spokesman for the world health organization. he says, that's highly cut. the engine don't get the edge and kind of a need. but the larger health crisis is leaving according to the minister of how 26000 people have been killed. may lead you to go by much. but uh if we do but uh, conditions as bad as they are definitely going to be worse. we will have to remove people dying uh from and not be able to reset to receive medical care. so i guess people with cancer, people with diabetes, people who need the uh, reno dialysis,
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uh people. but it should be, but who, who have conditions that require a going to see see doctor and we have reports also id say uh we have reports of that are real diseases among children that the risk surgery viruses . so it is going down people, so hungry, our trucks are supposedly being stopped by, but i will just hold, there is a phone in those trucks and we have to explain, it makes its medicine. so people are hungry. people live even outside, sorry, conditions with no access to boilers with no access. uh with no access to clean water. uh so its, it's really definitely combination which will uh, increase the mortality so really be need access to, to hospitals to preserve of what is left of the health system. and to be eventually, really, if you need to cease by otherwise, the deductible,
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just to increase the increase more. now these are the middle trays, again, conducting rates across the occupied westbank is really falls as it stalled in several cities including total bust janine and can see it also reports of clashes and the town at least 372 palestinians have been killed by his ready forces all settlers in the occupied westbank since october the 7th, as well as well as being accused of establishing a columbia to wide buffers that inside garza, its commanders have previously suggested crating. an area that would protect is why the civilians, the side that opposes any plans to change palestine is both as, as a bank has the story of the one cause it has now been raised for over 100 days. the destruction is immense. along with the loss of life and pressure, elaborate is called on, we have no place to go. my apartment is gone. i found nothing but these things in my hands. i'm responsible for 7 people and i have children, and we all live in
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a school. my children are sick. there are a lot of dead under the robots, and they all concerns that these rating ministry is moving to take permanent control of areas along the border, establishing a so called buffer zone one colombia to white, and eventually running the entire length of that $65.00. cuz i'm going to cause a israel border, there's been no form and announcement, but these ready military has already destroyed nearly 1100 buildings in the northern part of the strip move. it says is necessary to provide security deeds ready communities on the other side of the border. we've been very clear our opposition to the force displacement, the people we've been very clear about maintaining and effect the, the territorial integrity guys have these ready leadership appears to be ignoring the us. they want to move the photo, but it does for the dental guys, up destroying the lives of the people of guys. and that is, of course, very dangerous and it's a must be accepted and it will not be allowed after that. the other important fact
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that, in my opinion, the talk about the buffer zone now is in a way article commission of data failure. the buffer zone could also be legal under international law. is riley, is a proposing, has been proposing and is now perhaps re pricing with a little advertising. there's bit more emphasis is both lot of paid to below for a post by the international community and a way of occupying garza, whatever happens at the end of this conflict, is red has already paved the path of destruction for the buffers on pushing palestinians into an even smaller piece of land. but if the zone is established, it gives no way for palestinians to return to the part of gaza with the homes once stood a start date of 20. or on friday, the international court of justice will deliver it into and ruling on south africa's genocide case against israel. diplomatic, i just the james space report from the hague all the possible outcomes of the case
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of to well over 3 months of constant is really bombardment. in casa, all lives are on the coast house, more than 3000 kilometers away in the netherlands. south africa wants to you as talk legal body, the international court of justice to order an immediate c spa is part of its interim judgment expected in a matter of hours to see that a case being brought under the genocide convention. if it goes against israel, there's little doubt the country's leaders would ignore it and that they would refuse to comply with the cause orders. but it would be a huge blow both politically and diplomatically, not just the israel, but also to its main back of the binding to ministration. the us president is already facing bouncing political pressure at home solutions and the un security council on 3 occasions. the us is used, is vito to block and of agency spa,
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but would bite and be prepared to retail again. this time in defiance of the world's top court, with a dilemma is that it puts him in a position of contradiction because through other conflicts, including ukraine. most recently, we've seen these calls for the maintenance of the roof space international order, the highest level of maintaining that the order is the, the directors of the courts. so if america finds stuff in a position of contradiction between what they've said on other concepts and what they're saying on israel, then this is a huge whatever for the administration. of course, if the ruling doesn't go south africa's way, it's a very different story. expect these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet to say that military campaign has been vindicated, and that there are no wall tribes, obviously that so it was certainly not the case, but it wouldn't mean that this quote has decided that it can take action on the very high threshold demanded by the genocide convention. all the colts, including the international criminal court, also based here in the city,
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could also bring charges related both to war crimes and crimes against humanity. james bay's alger 0 fake. well speaking to all, just bear with me. okay. for the secretary, david cameron, blaze a 2 state solution is the only the long term plan. so for lasting p c, i did that he'd been pushing is around for concessions. on getting a into garza, the situation in gaza is terrible and getting was that people going hungry? there's the danger of disease is spreading even more than they all today. one of the reasons i was in israel yesterday was the press for whole series of things to change. to get a into israel, we need the check point open for longer. we need united nations officials in gaza to be increased and number to have the visas to have the own, would cause to take the aid around and go. so we need to make sure they can actually get the income, the size to the north and all over. we need the port of ash don't open symbol a from come. we should be focused on these things all the time and i am. but
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clearly the best, the aiden is opposing the by the onset to this whole question is a 2 state solution is a long time on so, and in spite of the horrors, all this, but we have to try and use this crisis for opportunity and the opportunity is to, is to bring about the pools and then the see spot and then the political horizon. but this time to try and make it stop of bull and irreversible. so we can get that long term solution. but as we get, of course it's, it's obviously still the case that israel as a state, needs to be respected by other states as having the right to exist within its borders and having the right to self defense has every state does a still head, hey, hold i'll just i'm gonna assume that i'm getting cold on guess capital. both facts were wild fires are raging on the hills surrounding the city due to us severe drowsing sense of 5 by in menu, weather phenomenon and climate change. the
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underlying does that. it's still winter's the amount of rain it's just about to folding. the vi and huge amount i think was a following. when will make it very unpleasant? anywhere from 11 and down to was northern. egypt is just getting a little worse. this is friday's fall across. now it doesn't last, it does go through eventually, but friday, and that's the basic, pretty pool until at least the end of saturday. we left behind with snow on the mountains of nose until a few assembled down to 7 in the rain. but the sun has returned for most of us. it's all moving east when we seem cause for the persistence though. and that's why john in pounds, i'll be around this most noted, fairly obvious. the here rain is false have as q 8 and the system probably pushed as i don't have 28,
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which you see on the fall concert friday will change to about 20 for the dusty fronting system coming side of that. a lot of times you back in reality, it'll be briefly, i think, quite dusty say poor visibility, but probably drawing to be honest, which is a typical picture for the very beginning. and indeed most of shop class at this time of year. but a bit further science and particularly tell them that we've seen some big charles recently there was funding in doris and i'm funded in those amount of gas cars. well, that also seems to be easy. as for south africa, the shells are returning not to jo big, but just to the east, the . this is the 1st genocide this me see. it's the victims this. so this was when i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the book about you, what you'll just bear with me, single robin and hard reminder, volunteer stories. the international court of justice is set to rule long south africa's genocide case against israel in the coming hours, south africa as the you and the top colt owed an immediate cease fire and gauze enough that 83 months of indiscriminate unbox items at least 20 palestinians have been killed by is very fine, was labor waiting for a move and 100 others in just taking the ship hospital in golf and city. also these
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are the military is conducting rates across the occupied west bank, storming several cities, including 2 of us janine and complete. at least 372 palestinians being killed, finds ready forces all set the lives in the occupied west bank since october. the 2nd, the, the go to the days of the nice though and the un security council has convened on emergency main thing is that a russian ministry plane that will shut down in the boulder with ukraine on wednesday. most go is accusing keith of dining. the plane that was transposing ukrainian presidents of will. but ukraine has requested more evidence. gabriel, as on the reports now from un headquarters in new york, a pre meditated crime at an emergency meeting of the un security council. that is how russia describe the downing of a plane,
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reportedly carrying dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war. i'm not going, let's hear us. can i ask you to do this time? the key regime for some inexplicable reason, decided to sabotage this procedure and do it in the most barbaric way possible. as was shown by the preliminary investigation. this act of terror by the ukrainian armed forces was done by using an anti aircraft complex from the car keys, or blast. a lot is indicating this could be either an american patriot or an iris t system, which is german, manufactured in carefully worded statements. the ukranian representative put the blame on russia, russia, there is full responsibility for the lie. so if you crane in prisoners of war, we have a system conducting an international investigation to sub list all the circumstances of this incident. but it will be difficult if not impossible for the un to conduct a probe into the downing of the plane. and that's because it was a military aircraft. and that's something the us international civil aviation
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organization. doesn't have the jurisdiction to look into gabriel's onto. i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. the really military contain molly is ending a 2015 piece deal with separatist groups in the north of the country with immediate effect. need to say the deal has been terminated. following months of hostilities with the all mean felix the water ripples it was a moment the people of monte whole could usher last in peace of the use of brutal conflict. but almost a decade on molly's military, jumped up, used to have caused a death to mill on the beach to lucky. so was that the transitional government notes, the absolute in the click ability of the agreement to the peace and reconciliation and bali issued from the l. g as a code signed in 2015 and consequently announces its end with immediate effect. but
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if a me don't on at least say the announcement reflect the reality for communities trapped in the month of fighting. molly's on me is also now accusing of julia. a key media to the 2015 view of changing its posture and exercising hostile acts. but oh jeez, say's its contribution is in promoting peace and respect. molly's territorial integrity area has always treated northern monte. yes. is kind of influence area. i mean, the independent lee of, you know, to commodity relations also has context based services, a rebels which is to our x, e, my g at this and as a fee goes and you know, demarion's for all kind of suspecting as you and see, want to keep the bad guys, michelle. so in a julia out of i g area and get them in and do their own thing. and northern molly, the un peacekeepers withdrew from money at the end of 2023. it followed the tents.
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relations with the government in buckle of to the military seized by one of the cases of violence, are already increasing felix me or i'll just 0 a tens of thousands of people, australia, all protesting in solidarity with indigenous people calling for australia to be abolished toby, celebrated at a different time, the national holiday on january the 26 monks today, a position fleet sailed into city hall. but more than 200 years ago, it's referred to by many as invasion day. indigenous australians reject holiday. let's say it represents injustice has suffered since you repeat in color is ation the us days of alabama has carried out a controversial 1st of its kind execution using nitrogen gas 58 year old candice smith was put to death for his role in the 1988 mad kristin, so maybe as well as far as the state of alabama is concerned, the execution was
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a success. smith was pronounced deceased by positions at 82558 year old kenneth smith convicted for his role and a 1988 murder for hire. was forced to breed and nitrogen gas. a form of suffocation was strapped to a gurney. journalist were allowed to watch. he appeared conscious for several minutes and to the execution. for about 2 minutes following that can a smith shook and rides for about 2 minutes on a gurney. that was followed by several minutes of deep breath. smith's lawyer say the use of nitrogen gas violated the u. s. constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. a view back by demonstrators who oppose the death penalty united nations experts warranted could be painful and would likely violate prohibitions on torture. but the u. s. supreme court denied smith's appeal. jeff hood,
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his spiritual advisor, was with him at the end. over and over again, we were said that this was going to be the most humane execution that humanity has ever ever experienced. there is no doubt that even the most hopeful of persons could not look at what we saw tonight and see any sort of humane. this was the 2nd attempt to execute smith in 2022 prison officials spent hours trying to give him a legal injection, but never hit a vein going forward. alabama as well as 2 other states that still allow capital punishment plan to use nitrogen to inflict the ultimate punishment. kristin salumi, algebra, colombia was appealing to international help as it backwards dozens of far as far as across the country. hundreds of fights as involuntary as have been trying to extinguish places on the mountains surrounding bug, a tall sand drum p i. t,
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as move from the capitol from the air and on the ground. hundreds of firefighters and soldiers from the columbia. an army have been battling around the clock against dozens of forest fires burning across the country. in the capital, besides, there are at least 6 buyers in the city surrounding hills. some of them close to buildings and houses. the emergency themes are using hose rakes, and my chevy is to create fire breaks on the sloping hills to contain the fires. you know, how many days real quick, some hot spots are still active, they are being contained. but at night because of a high altitude in the women's, they flew up again and creating new files and on the streets of but with that many are wearing masks to deal with the worst. sending a quality schools and universities close to the fire were closed. and dozens of flights canceled or delayed due to low disability is the 1st i have seen in many
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english. and i've been leaving 3 blocks from here for, for the things experts say a particularly severe dry season, compounded by a new weather phenomenon, which typically produces hotter and dryer weather together with climate change are to blame. but they are not excluding a human hand in some of the outbreaks. overall, columbia split out more than $200.00 fires this month across much of the country. around 8 per day, cities and towns face record temperatures. the government says it has already spent almost half the budget set out for confronting a new president. goose, double paid through, declared a natural disaster to transfer more resources to fight the fires and pleaded for international health. for them of the fundamental problem doing this season is not just a lack of water, but the heat as well. what i evaporates in the fire happens here. well, it's an aggravated el nino phenomena i'm talking back, your global warming on the climate crisis and i was me 3 all legit spear that this
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could be just the beginning of an extended and possibly unprecedented dry spell that could bring more fires and droughts across much of the country and many also fear the columbia might be ill prepared for it. i listen that i'm get the address the you have a good a. in slovakia, thousands of beam protests degree days. prime minister robots because plans to bend the country's penal code, the proposed changes included a limit 1990 corruption prosecutor's office. i'm reducing punishments for financial crimes predicts on the president plans will jeopardize the rule of law and damage of society say are the best graves as being a central one to 3 decades of to the 1994 genocide, it was signed a drug house in the southeast and tell them to go to the 9 says they've discovered the remains of at least $141.00. people say fall, alexandra bicycles. the rolanda is famously rich. volcanic red soil
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turned over by shovels and garden tools revealing a family secret hidden for 3 decades. shards of stone teeth sculls, yet another mass graves from the 1994 genocide. it was discovered beneath the home and the village of him go now. it's believed the family knew what was underneath. 5 of them had been arrested on suspicion of complicity in genocide and concealing evidence for the community around them. it's horrifying. hey, by new equipment. i'll come over and let them know without you know. no, we're not. we found so many bodies under the house and we're still finding more can you imagine and building a house where they sleep and knowing for 30 years of their own bodies onto them and never saying any. so wanda is genocide, so 800000 ethnic to these but also moderate ethnic hutus killed by members
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of the food to majority. years later, survivors are still searching for their loved ones. shoes and tattered clothing. carry important clues on your credit card that i guess it was not gonna need is a long term that we tried to also sent us for genocide, crimes to tell us where the bodies are located. because we didn't want to find them in a form not buried. it's unfortunate the off to sue to use. we still found bodies under construction sites. we feel bad and we keep thinking about what happened was the, the biggest challenge is getting those who commit the killings to reveal the locations of these grades. they're still being found regularly across the country. the remains of more than 100000 genocide victims have been honored in the past 5 years alone in government. they're not sure how many victims are buried here. the mayor says the deeper they dig, the more they find alexandra buyers out a 0. south credit is one thing that know okay,
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is boosting it's weapons capabilities. little said that it testified when it cooled, a new strategic cruise missile this week, feeling young also launched a long range type of something we saw and a submarine drive and attack systems last week. you just get this to the community on the border to see how the tension is affecting farms. lives. farmer came young, been also runs a distillery business on the side, making rice wines. he can be proud of working near the demilitarized zone or the d . m. z, as it's widely known, means he sees the highs and lows across border relations, a toyota and tongue balconies. i just don't know if there's no logistical issues. farmers are forced to suspend their work and retreat to safety. if the situation motions younger people believe you're going to corporation will be using, making it any harder place to live for us, peace is a critical need for our daily lives. a model rail ride to a former us military outpost.


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