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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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so is it just you going to make any difference on the ground? i think it's very important decision and i think it's what it has implications and the ramifications political, diplomatic implications and strategic ramifications any which way if there is a decision to stop the fire and is there a does not abide by that would still have because 1st of all, there is what we call the, the court, the been the national public opinion. that's going to be key because that's when reinforced and even further swing the open use against is right. and it's west them backers to i think it's what he put, pressure spotting was here to see and power and then funk to the american power to stop putting pressure in his right here. because you cannot have a rolling of this nature just isn't to stop the war under clear evidence that it might be getting genocide and watch them back or just say this, this just this visit and continue with business as usual. this cannot happen in
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today's world. it's very difficult when there is genocide, i'm driving in plain sight for the worst on public opinion to see what's the empowers to say, let's just dismiss it. that's all forget about it. that's also for, remember that the west or what's the powers but the west in general is highly, are present. it has been the international court. been the international court of justice. i mean it's, it's portion in the court is quite prison. but at the high, in comparison to what it is, and let's not forget that the space is not even, you know, a bite and member of the court to order it. or there wouldn't be diplomatic implications for that. and they wouldn't be strategic ramifications. and eventually, this is a great step forward and the warning cause you love, we don't have too much longer to wait on the huffman out until we are expecting that decision. thanks so much more. one moment the shower of the senior political analyst as well. i'll just or understand because i was prime minister will meet the
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heads of the us as rarely in egyptian intelligence agencies in europe this weekend to try to secure a deal between mazda and this ro, towards taking place a head of the meeting. but media just haven't been able to bring the parties any closer to a compromise of the stage off more on this that speak to stephanie deca, who was an occupied east jerusalem. and so if it's such powerful people involved in these tools, somebody just had them to kind of truce could actually be quite close here. i think certainly is in the case that there is momentum. i think we have to be cautious, obviously because it's so complicated, but you're right that you're seeing this high level of man who the last time they came together was just before the deal was reached. and november means that there seems to be some kind of agreement according to sources. some of the parameters have been agreed upon. there is still sticking points, particularly when it comes to the issue of a ceasefire. cessation of hostilities visit the the end of the war. the is really
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prime minister, has made it very clear he is not going to end the war. how mouse has made it very clear that they demand an end to the war until they release the captive. so this is now a sticking point, being negotiate to some of the details that have leaked out of what's being discussed. for example, all these really captives will be reduced and batches, one is really captive for a 100 pounds of sting and prisoners at the beginning. and then apparently that number of palestinian prisoners will then increase. there's not a lot of pressure on if he's ready prime minister, no interest from the families of the captains that are demanding a deal immediately, but also from tens of thousands over hundreds of thousands of his rainy's. i'm from the international community. i know just from the i c j that we've all this we've been referring to, i can do more particularly here inside, as we're all saying, what is your priority, mr. prime minister, whether it's the war or actually bringing our loved ones home safe. so i think yes, this all in education,
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particularly the level of meeting that there is no mention. we're going to have to wait and see whether they could actually take that and build on something. and then we see something concrete playing out in the next days. and weeks and speak to plenty of expectation around it. it's, as you mentioned, that they will have plenty of sticking points here. the families of is there any captives been that are being held in kaiser as we have seen, kept up the pressure relentlessly on these rarely government. but i mean how much, how the demand is actually being considered when it comes to this negotiation. a while these really prime minister has over the weeks maintain, despite the goals for the families. and they've been increasing, of course, as the weeks go by. and as you have for example, is really soldiers killed 3 hostages that were trying to come towards the inside goal is that then you have mass release video. uh, just about a week ago showing 3 hostages, one girl, 2 men alive and then the next day they played another video where they showed
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a close up of the 2 men dead. this kind of pressure is really escalating the pressure again on. and that's when you know from the families that are saying the longer this will goes on for and that you're carrying out a ministry operation, the more danger you're pushing our loved ones. and so, until now that we're hearing that there may be some kind of start of agreement on the negotiating table. the very public message from the prime minister has said that he's not going to barge that it's going to be a miniature operation that will get the kept his back. but again, when it comes to politics, what is said publicly and what is dealt and agreed on privately can often be 2 very different things. all right, thanks so much. just a stiff ticket in for us and occupied east jerusalem. well still ahead on just very much more on the upcoming ruling at the high can so so a controversial execution and convicted mid or it becomes the 1st inmates in the us to be put to death using nitrogen. get the
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unique perspective. some people need teasing really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices. very few people in israel are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy human noises. that is all i want to want to know us as a human to have the connection with the stream on out to 0, a team decimal assistant. the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings cop concerning his face, is a text book, genocide, frank assessments. politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's
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not receive task protection that seen as convocation. inside story on al jazeera, the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the sound, the is there. any army has killed at least $183.00 palestinians across the gallons a strip. and just the pos guy that takes the desk told the more than $26000.00 since the will began in october. i'll just say or understands cause i was prime minister will meet the his basic the international court of justice and the height is expected to deliver a ruling on with that as well. must index for on guns. and so the african wants to
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court to order an immediate cease fire to protect palestinians. so the africans, foreign minister says the case is highlighting the suffering of palestinians to the international community. that was cool. south africa is hopeful, we will lose the approach this case in a positive spirit. but i'll quote, this was really that is vital to highlight the plot of the innocent in palestine and to also alert the international community to the great home that is being done to the people of post time to the public institutions and to the general role in that area and also drawing attention to the lack of justice and freedom over many, many decades, much of which has been ignored by the world. so today i think the
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palestinian issue is front and same talk the world. and that is a very important, a chief went through this case, broad advice of africa or so the applicant has accused, as well, if it's genocidal acts and it's case at the international court of justice. they come under these headings. the 1st is the killing of palestinians. nearly 26000 have been killed since the war again. and at least 8000 i'm missing then is causing serious importantly in mental hum. more than 64000 palestinians have been injured. and of a 1000 children have last names. next is mess expulsions from homes and displacement . that comes the full symbol displacement of 85 percent of gauze is population. deprivation of food and voice that relates to his riley latest cooling for a complete siege of gaza blocking electricity, food, water, and fuel. the production of a shelter, close hygiene and sanitation to sizes,
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as many palestinians being left exposed to the elements without access to claim voice. and toilets, deprivation of medical assistance, israel has carried out more than 250 a tax on the health facilities, destruction of palestinian life science, the obliteration of the entire neighborhoods, housing infrastructure, schools, religious sites, intercultural institutions, and the genocide will act as imposing measures intended to prevent this, now this highlights unsafe conditions for giving birth and an increase in premature best buy from the on all of this. we joins by thomas mcmanus who is the director of the international state crime initiative. it clean me or university of london and he joins us from the a thank you very much for being with us here on al jazeera. as with said, we're not going to have a final decision on this case today that could take some years, but an inter enrolling festival, the ice age i could decide to follow or some, or none of south africa's missions. how do you think it is going to play out?
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and we don't know, of course, what's going to happen and as you say, they can buy own on that or some provisional measures or they could um, write their own provision. the measures that they think is appropriate in the circumstances. and so from what we've seen from the south africa chase, i think it's gonna be very difficult for the court to say that there's not a plausible jurisdictional issue here. that there's not a plausible case for genocide, so they're going to have to make some measures. i don't expect them to go full hours and say that they want to see a see far um, but i do think they're going to ask the state of his route to stick to its obligations under the genocide treaty. that's quite of a difficult one because as well we'll say, well, we're most committing genocide, so we're already sticking to bass. and also we might see measures on humanitarian
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aid. i fully expect that based on the situation on the ground that the court will be changed for put in place. so indicate i find that in front of your said that uh you doubt that i got a quote for a complete ceasefire. uh, having outlined everything uh in southern for his case and seeing on a daily basis what was actually happening on the grounds in gaza. why not? as well, i think, asking for as far as the court asking for a cease fire would go beyond its of its role in stopping genocide if it's not being asked to start war. it's not being asked to stop. countered her operations been asked the top 10 side for i think it's going to focus on boss. of course, the 2 are related, but it from a legal point of view we can separate ours a counter intelligence action, which would be within the re minutes of israel's uh,
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what a lot have to do. and of course they've gone well beyond that, as we can see from the situation on the ground on the cord is going to focus on the going beyond that it's gonna focus on genocide acts of genocide with the intent to destroy the palestinian people. so i think it's going to is restrictive provisional measures to bass. and of course, one of the easiest ways and the best ways of preventing genocide in the situation wouldn't be a full fi fire. um, but i think that's kind of go beyond what the course feels. it is necessary for it to order. right? i mean, how free and fair if a political interference is, is the cause. and my understanding is that the court is completely free from political interference, but these are judges of upstanding and excellence in the world. these are some of the best judges best the world has to offer. and yes, they do, obviously come from different states as we all do, but they're going to put that aside and they're going to make
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a determination in mind. you based on the evidence that sent before. i don't think they're gonna come to any political pressure from the outside. i'm. i think they're gonna, they're going to just come back from what's been given to them and that's, and that's what we will expect of them. and i think i think it's fair to say that's what will happen. okay, thank you so much for your time and you're inside. that's a tonic, thomas mcmanus, director of the international state crime initiative. thank you. thank you. the we'll go back to the hey, got a little later in the show. he did that expected ruling in less than 15 minutes. about 10 minutes. bring you some of the dies of the world news. while the state of alabama has carried out the 1st execution of the prison in the united states by use of nitrogen gas, 58 year old kenneth smith was put to death for his role in the 1980 age murder.
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kristen salumi has more. so as far as the state of alabama is concerned, the execution was a success. smith was pronounced deceased by positions at 82558 year old kenneth smith convicted for his role and a 1988 murder for hire was forced to breed and nitrogen gas. a form of suffocation was strapped to a gurney. journalist were allowed to watch, he appeared conscious for several minutes and to the execution. for about 2 minutes following that kind of smith shuck and rides for about 2 minutes on a gurney. that was followed by several minutes of deep breath smith's lawyer say the use of nitrogen gas violated the u. s. constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. a view back by demonstrators who oppose the death penalty united nations experts warranted could be painful and would likely violate prohibitions on
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torture. but the u. s. supreme court denied smith's appeal. jeff hood, his spiritual advisor, was with him at the end. over and over again. we were said that this was going to be the most humane execution that humanity has ever ever experienced. there is no doubt that even the most hopeful of parsons could not look at what we saw tonight and see any sort of he mains. this was the 2nd attempt to execute smith in 2022 prison officials spent hours trying to give him a legal injection, but never hit a vein going forward. alabama as well as 2 other states that still allow capital punishment plan to use nitrogen to inflict the ultimate punishment. kristen salumi al jazeera of the you in security council has discussed the downing of
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a russian military pioneer the board of with you trying to add an emergency. mazing boscoe accuses keith of shooting down the across and says was transporting ukrainian prisoners of war that ukraine has requested more evidence. gabrielle ellis, under reports from the un headquarters in new york, a pre meditated crime at an emergency meeting of the un security council. that is how russia describe the downing of a plane, reportedly carrying dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war. but not unless it us peacekeepers this time, the key regime for some inexplicable reason, decided to sabotage this procedure and do it in the most barbaric way possible. as was shown, brother preliminary investigation, this act of terror by the ukrainian armed forces was done by using an anti aircraft complex from the car key, or blast. a lot is indicating this could be either an american patriot or an iris t system, which is german,
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manufactured in carefully worded statements. the ukranian representative put the blame on russia, russia, there is full responsibility for the lie. so if you crane in prisoners of war, we have a system conducting an international investigation. discovery is all the circumstances of this incident, but it will be difficult if not impossible for the un to conduct a pro when to the downing of the plane. and that's because it was a military aircraft. and that's something the us international civil aviation organization. doesn't have the jurisdiction to look into gabriel's onto. i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. the full has asked russia to send back hundreds of its nationals who were recruited to fight against your crime. it's just to make it more than $200.00 and the police joins the war. at least 14 have been killed according to nipples. foreign minister is called on must go to return their bodies. of the russian quote, has sentenced
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a woman to 27 years in prison for the assassination of a permanent pro criminal in blog and 26 year old. diatra, popa, was convicted of terrorism charges in connection with the death of loveland petoskey. he was killed last april and informed the tac. imagine taina. thousands of protesters have rallied against new economic reforms, proposed changes, and include new taxes, privatization plans and spending cuts. it's part of it was there was emissions made by president harvey and like i containers facing a deep economic process with more than 200 students inflation lot to nearly 3 years soaring through the rid skies of miles. and this is ingenuity. how he called has been permanently grounded in april 2021. ingenuity achieves the historic fate of becoming the 1st aircraft to fly on. another plan has the recent nessa, imagery and dice it revealed. it's the same damage to its ro supplied steering its
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final landing on goose, on tens of thousands of people in australia, a protesting and solidarity with indigenous people cooling for astride you, day to be abolished will be celebrated at a different time. the national holiday holiday marks the day a partition slate styled into so the hop of more than 200 years ago. indigenous distractions rejects the holiday insight. it represents injustices suffered since you are p and colonization. jessica washington has more in sydney, thousands of people mock destroying the day by taking pause in a protest, march drawing comparisons between the experiences of indigenous australians and palestinian. and i can clearly see this country for what it is i pro, to call on him that seeks to maintain supremacy racism and injustice. also, mr. aliens still celebrate the national day. all those particularly young people
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are increasingly rejecting its earlier this week, statues of 2 colonial figures in milton was vandalized. i think the say is about recognizing that it's, gosh, i was going to dock history and we're here to stay with our best agents. paypal. the debates around changing the data vestry in the day has gone in public attention for years. several communities have moved the citizenship ceremonies to another date. and some retailers have stopped selling australia de merchandise. jessica washington to 0. like i, let's take you back to our top story. now the ruling on israel is we're on gas events expected from the international court of justice in the hague. in the next 10 minutes or so. we'll sit, boston is outside the home with palestinian supporters has been gathering ahead of the court ruling. and so can you just give us an idea of how large that gathering is in the mood among the the more and more
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protests are gathering here behind me at the international court of justice will access the patient here. i have to say there's a lot of anxiety about what is going to happen in the next hour or so. so because in just 10 minutes the, the courts will start the judges. this happens in charge. us will go inside. it is going to be a large screen here behind me where the hall rolling will be air until everyone can see it. and i'm joined by one of the organizers of the protests. yeah, no contracts. and it's a real anticipation here, right? the big day for you as well. actually it's a birthday, it's like, uh start home and it's a day that we hold that to our hope and then center. so to me, to be born again because we lost the whole but in the community. and that's the national those that's right, has been broken vellows and vice versa allows uh, breaking the water. lo, says that $9.00 to $14.00 a month on this uh,
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sort of stoba. uh so it has been met the uh, genocide has been committed. oh, try and says then, um, it's the 1st time that as low as a bro to the cards, it's the 1st time that we as boss, you know, bill the, the national committee may gave something on may devil's our rights may grant or some of our rights we don't expect them to get them devils, everything, but we won't. that's at least that the b one does a good this is. 1 to the people in does that they may live so many months. you have already been protesting, right? these people also coming from all over europe. well, how much you think is it's going to be the pressure on israel after this routing to actually do something and stop it's minutes. we operate. uh, actually i think it's right because that respects the so low. but at the same time, this going to be very helpful because everyone who is going this is what this right? you will be paying attention that because if it's oil, well,
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escape what best they will months because like, it's right, it may have their low visual set them from i need for the structural for the axes, but every 2 implicit parts in this genocide. well, now that you will be the next bill, be the next one over standing here. are the eyes did you has to also as role about what you did for the set aside always. uh, we already showed that the, the political, political view of the boxes of the on your, of has been changing from know before saying, love the go to say, we saw also that some companies are starting to get the thread of their connections with s y, a because now as far as, as an entity which is charge of being a charge of genocide which no one wants. so his name. but if the co, the courts move against the south africa, which is basically what, what will be the response of the people here. uh does something come up the drones,
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but at the same time, like, well, god say, well the people will fail, but at the same time that people will be under the people news the whole by game. and we will also be a bit that we did that have a lot of hoping that those are committed because that has to be fun to start. i'm afraid so. so we to thank you very much on it. we see now on the screen. the card is a inside that's not at the moment those charges are gathering. so we will hear from you soon, but they have to say ok thanks so much. steps. invest in the outside. the hague, with the palestinian support is who gathering the enlarged numbers. well, we're going to go now to our diplomatic. it is a james base who is also at the court. and uh, as we can say, we're only minutes away from hearing from those judges. can you just outline for us exactly what is going to happen? the yeah, i mean the ground use of the cold in fact that we just in the courthouse
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a moment to go. if you look that way back to, into the peace palace, that is the international court of justice just won't pause some of the judges as they were preparing to get ready to enter the room. now, we told exactly what's going to happen in terms of the choreography in terms of the order of what's going to happen with not being given. and the idea of what the code is actually going to decide. but what i'm told is that in the next few minutes, at the top of the hour, we're told that the presiding judge likes to be punctual. so it's probably going to happen in full minutes. we'll see the judges come onto the stage of the colts, and that will be the thoughts of the proceedings. 17 judges took part in this decision that's going to be announced in the next few minutes. actually only 16 of those judges a here today. one of them was unable to attend the hearing, but that judge, i've told this a male judge did take part in the decision. even though he's not that on the say to
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the presiding judge is the one who's going to read the judgement. this is the president of the court, joan donahue. she's an ex state department, official of the united states. she's a us judge of the international court of justice, although she doesn't represent her country. she works full. this international court of this state. she's been on the court since 2010, and she was elected by her fellow judges in 2021 to be the president of the cold. what told she'll go through the context of what has happened, the background of the case. she'll speak for about we think the teacher may be 14 minutes and it's at the end that will hear what school the opposite paragraph. the decision of the cold weather is taking the side of south africa, which won't seize provisional badges, puts in place, including south africa's main de mom that his route is forced to seize its bombardment of gauze. whether the call just decided to take the view of israel, which presented each case here in the court. earlier on this month,
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israel says that that doing nothing wrong, the only acting in self defense of the cold could take either of the positions or the cold could take a 3rd position, which is a don't think some of the things that south africa wants, but not all of them all. busy all the court in that stood option could adopt its own measures. it could decide on all the things, but it was to announce to the world. and remember what you hear here from this course, which is a tough quarter in the un system, is legally binding on old 193 members of the united nations. having said that, this is a cold, it doesn't have an army, it doesn't have any sort of forces it can deployed. so although it's legally binding a, there, there are countries, and israel is one in the past 2004. when the court ruled on israel's war, it built, built bullet built across, protest, send you tired, shake the israel to fight the cold. then israel could defy it again. now,
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the enforcement should come in the us, the system, the why the un charter is written from the un security council. of course, you know that the un security council has been very divided on this issue of 3 times just one country, one problem, and then men. but the united states, as use this veto, to block a c spot. if still a very, very big if the court takes the south african side and introduces the major south africa ones that would put us in a very, very difficult position present button in a very difficult position with regard to what he's going to do now because he would if he went ahead in the security council and almost suddenly if the court rules in south africa's favor someone will bring this back to the security council, you would not only be costing a beat so he'd be defying this court, which is the top code in the u. n. system. now a few months ago i heard the clock bell chime.


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