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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm AST

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the the the alarm sammy say that this has been use live from the coming off in the next 60 minutes of israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention historic rooting the international cult of justice as israel must stop killing palestinians and gaza and insurance forces. don't commit genocide
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outside the hague protests to celebrate the routing coal from all to be done to save lives in district the as the i c j give states routing in the hey, is ready. so i'll just fire on the civilians west of hon. eunice and palestinian say extreme hunger has ton to assignments desperate people reduced to eating animal feeds and crowding a trunks the it's 1600 g m t and we begin with the historic rooting. the international court of justice, the world's top court has ordered as well to take measures to prevent genocide and gaza. you see it's the 1st routing and the case filed by south africa against israel. the i c. j handed down 6 provisional measures. they call on as well to take
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immediate and effective measures to stop killing palestinians. and the show it's minute treat prevents acts of genocide from being committed. as the court considers that with regard to the present situation is real most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza takes all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention, in particular, a killing groups of members of the group be causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. see deliberately inflicted under group conditions of vice calculated to bring about its physical destruction in holland, in part. and the imposing measures intend to prevent 1st within the group. now find the routing and whether its route is committing genocide and golf at well,
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that's expected to take use of the integration of the court. south africa's following this, this is a sci fi, is the only way to keep the i c j's instructions. i believe that in exercising. uh, the uh old uh, they would have to be a ceasefire without the order doesn't actually work. so i would, i would have one to signify specifically, no, they didn't tell you, disapprove, but how they didn't specify that. and i'm, i have no way that i'm going to say, i'm disappointed i hoped for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is competing for me requires a sci fi well, that's as the situation and goals are becoming increasingly desperate areas around
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the metal and also the hospitals in golf to the south. so under heavy fire, the facilities close to be coming in all the trouble and palestinian se extreme hunger is beginning to tip into famine. a tonic app also is in or off in southern garza and products. any sign these wells met tree tactics all now changing because of this i see jail since this i c j rooting that yes. in fact send me. we did not touch any kinds of any development change of the tactics adopted by the ministry since october, the 7th of especially after the orders being released by the international court of justice in terms of prevent any dentist solely identified the acts inside goes about. in fact, within the past 24 hours, 180 palestinians at least being killed. the ongoing days by the attacks, of course,
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the territory with more than 370 others being wanted in hard units, also 18 palestinians. we have been killed since the early hours of 2 things. morning was new as stripes that keep targeting different residential neighborhoods in the cities of hon. units along side with a break on the sarah of visor, refuge account in the middle over nights of gauze. this trip now, today you will have been seeing more evacuation orders with they've given to people to seek safety, to ruffle, as they have been informed by a difference as well. the services that they must take the course the road to have to run by because the manager of operations can call you this will continue as well as the call between residential houses. bar effects on me, day by day would be seeing the same rates of attacks and also the casualties amongst the billions keep to food, which means that there was no, any kind of significant change in tactics. but what we have been seeing is a clique shift or military operation from the north to the south. these areas all supposed to be designated
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a safe zones. but right now we've been seeing move expands and an intensifying of air strikes and also a close contact pointing between almost volunteers. and these really so just in any of the most densely populated areas where it's back solution, since that is also in finding this has been attached within the past 24 hours a long slide, dropping the last 2 remaining costs. because so what has been said by is ready to completely contradicting to the realities on the ground. as we have been see that it strikes did not stop while loud explosions continue to be overhead from different parts of the territories. all right, what about a product? we know people are hungry, they're the one who's of starvation and e sign is rel is listening to the i. c j. when it comes to allowing more aiden to garza a close. i mean it's, it's really hard to comprehend what is happening in the knows exactly in terms of the aids, especially due to the fact that the aides are only right now delivered to the
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southern parts. because the on getting from bottom into the goal is a strict restricts the ability to restrict the ability of international organizations to operate in the north because they are afraid to get bombarded or at least to be shipped while it is ready for us as we are deployed a deployed in different areas in the most why people the dying of hang up today. what we can see is fairly proof test is a striking i'm making a brute test. in a firm i was selling both a just a to prevent the aids entry to goals about what had been delivered into the territory within the past few days is considered to be on sufficient by that we are talking about a mass, a must needs and just brittany also for humanitarian supplies, for people in the north, we have been hearing from people that, that the situation is move catastrophe exam default as they are no longer sources of food for drink apple water. as long as osha's bread, all diseases are spread among the food that with the absolute,
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all tide's incandescence and facility is due to the offensive. that is really his thoughts it on the north. and this is right now had been a gradually applied and repeated imbecile just starting of the genocide, the military campaign, destroying residential houses and creating a for a progressive environment which later with caustic shadow over the consequences of 5 minutes for the majority of goals are seen displaced the videos and the cell. thanks so much thought a come by zoom van line for us from drop off. it was just a few hours ago, the international court of justice voting overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional meshes. let's take a closer look what was actually decided then. well, the quote you see ordered as well to desist from all acts of genocide against the palestinian people. those acts include the killing of palestinians and the closing of serious bodily or mental home. as well as a tax on golf killed more than 26000 people since the will began and injured more
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than 64000 the i c. j also rule this route must take steps to ensure a smooth treat does not commit acts of genocide measures. must also be taken to prevent and punish the incitement of genocide, as well as be in order to take immediate measures to allow basic services and humanitarian assistance in gaza. at least 1700000 palestinians have been displaced by his ready attacks. the when says around half of the population is at risk of starvation. well, the code also ruled israel must prevent the destruction of any evidence of genocide being committed in garza and finally, swell must submit a report to the i. c. j that outlines the measures being taken to address these provisional measures. this must be submitted within the span of one month, from the ruling out diplomatic edits, a james spaces at the hague with more. i'm the judge's ruling and they basically
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accepted old arguments that were made by south africa. they accepted the urgency, the severity of the situation. they found that it was possible that was israel was doing well acts that were covered by the genocide convention. and they laid out some of the things that is valid said including statements through the president of israel, from the defense minister of israel to the court. agreed was the humanizing language a specifically at one of one group being the palestinians, despite all that, they didn't come up with what south africa dos for which was very, very specific measures in terms of the orders in these so called provisional measures. and instead, the court has come up with something a little broad, a saying that israel must take every measure possible to avoid acts that could lead to genocide. now the south africans and the south african minister said she
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would have liked them. so i have the specific sanction all but let me just see saw to be put in place. but she felt that the broader thing that the courses has ordered actually must mean that to cease fall must be put in place. but i have to say no one here is, is thinking that it's very likely that israel will now say, well, the court said this, so we're going to have an immediate cease thought. we know that this state that has been shown by is right the ministers towards the south african case. and we've already heard these ready prime minister, probably making it pretty clear that they are not going to cease that bombardment of garza. but i think it adds to the pressure in the international community, not just on israel and the moral pressure on israel, but also on those countries that don't currently supporting agency scott. and of course the notable ones of those off in europe, the u. k. and germany,
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but of course the one that is used is vito power in the un security council. the block, a c spa opponent member, the security council, the most notable one, israel's main back of the united states of the stuff about the whole t is secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and the form of palestinian information. minnesota, you joins us from rome. i love good to have you with us so. so 1st of all, there are very few cases in the history that one can find way the i c j has issued a provisional ruling on the genocide allegation, while a conflict is actually taking place. this is a significant moment for you and for the palestinian people. is it not? absolutely very significant. and it means that for the 1st time and 7 to 5 years is it is stepped out of its infinity in front of international. it means for the
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1st time, is it a and is held in front of the court for its good are image that it is committing against the but his duty and people. most of what you say the, are you concerned about whether this rooting will actually be implemented? of course, without a consent because the fed as to the actions from the is there any government was very clear that they don't listen to the link and they deny what they would accused of. and of course, we have not been disappointed because the court did not make on order to have that complete, then they need to have done 10 minutes. he's fire, but it is very clear. as the fund administered of south africa said it is impossible for the employment to 6. there's a new sense of the court including prevention of the killing civilians and including prevention of harming civilians, physically and mentally. and including the, allowing the aid to add to each the people and allowing people who are evicted to come back home to it must be possible to implement all of that without the fed
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minute. and they media sees fire. it's very clear. but the models on that i think this case has opened up. busy wide to, to have to native x, i guess those are, i think many, many people will find now that they have much better and stronger argument to demand. and boy cut the investment on sanctions against is it and for all the kinds of citizens committing till its ends, its occupation, and the system will 5 by the time that it has created. in addition, of course, to these acts of genocide, do you think it will have an impact as well on some of the bank because of as well, particularly in the west. people like members of the us administration, the european union, just to remind of you is on october the 19th 2020 to us of on the land was condemning russia saying it's
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a tax against civilian infrastructure. especially like tricity, a war crimes cutting off men women children of will to electricity and heating all acts of po tara, she tweeted today, it is taking a cold to talk about these kinds of issues. whereas we're not hearing that kind of strong language from the same western leaders, the diesel, we dont because they use the implemented up in the standards. the land should be receiving good to be in the dentist sort of chord back to a new for the and the ultimate deals of the standard when she describes the situation in new cram. but to close those. how had eyes on what's happening in the palestinian territories? we're not the one they look for. the city is got office telecommunication is got of many cars, got offs. grant food, water, clean water, everything, epidemics out of but it can go and yet she doesn't say i would about the is there
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and yeah, it throws it to here. but it's interesting go to a gentleman who said you had many said they. busy respect to the ruling of the little of the, of the court. so when they now change their position on support, the immediate cease fire, we have to see what they say to is it or in the to cannot continue to can civilians we would have to see. but the biggest, the land will, of course, will, is going to towards the united states of america, which has to be in month one of the supporting but actually participate in these work games by supplying is it. and with the, with the web funds, with bombs, with the even military personnel, with the advisors, and by product texting because of the security concept. and but event thing i noticed that you shouldn't, to advance as he's fired immediately. and to stop the acts of genocide that i've taken place. so in my opinion, those who are in go to their being the judge is not the only israel, but also all those who are supporting visitor unconditionally and preventing the
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establishment of an immediate cease fire. in a sense what the international institutions of a rules based old are also in court today. and does this finding speak to the concerns of the global south? of course it does a edmund's reality. the case of guys on the case of the student and people have become a very important the revealing the case to the whole world. it does the revealing the option. so for the spec to the international law, and it is the revealing how, why the devon started, that is when it comes to list and countries. and if there's revealing that what we need now is the really strong solid that into between all the confidence of the south. i guess this a discrimination that is back just against us. the worst thing that there and i did states is allow and, and many it'll be on countries as well as to send the message to the hardwood that
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we do not abide by international do anymore. and that's what we live in is that was, would the jungle. and that is, of course, very allowed a mentor because many other countries would make conclusions about that. and i knew about the was the fall, it was started using it without any consideration to international maybe the i c, j. i'm not sufficiently, but to some extent has it provided an opportunity to remind everybody but do with the, with something called the international. and the i'm acceptability of this kinds of connections that practiced by is very, i guess the 1st thing you and people want to thank you so much. most of about a whole to the tank south african president. so run the phone has been celebrated the success south africa's case the child and the photo was in
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pretoria with the supporters when the i. c. j. judgment came through the south african government welcome to provisional measures as a decisive victory for the international rule of law. as go live to for me, the minute in johannesburg, so as the, the why the south african reaction being that this has been a case of a victory. so good, so far us and that has certainly been the response from many south africans, including the government, saying that this really is a victory for south africa's efforts at the international court of justice because . a of the presidents, the room up was that it said that he feels that the case so south africa was vindicating and bringing that case to the i c j. and that's it. a funds that case be full that call to give them that they outlined. what exactly should not be going on and put forward these orders that ultimately holds as well accountable. some
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would say a because bad wanted the, the number of issues that the minister of international relations and the lady bundle had said one to dealt with. and that's the protection of people's lives. the protection of civilians in gaza and the provision of humanitarian aid. and for that reason they say that is a victory to south africa and the case that they put forward. now one of the things that south african president sort i'm opposed to addressed was some of the criticism that south africa has been facing. much of a criticism coming from israel's allies around why they're taking this case to the i c. j. and he had said that so that africans know the pain of oppression, they know the pain of disposition. and so the africans and this of african govern government would not stand by and watch this being done to another group of people . so as you mentioned, the talking about the importance in terms of international who love lou and
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ultimately setting a precedent. however, some of the less enthusiastic reaction has been around how exactly this might be implemented. because according to procedure, it now goes to the united nation security cause and in terms of it, that's a body being formally notified of what the i, c, a, j has ordered. and again, that issue of implementation, whether or not israel will abide by this order and how exactly it will be forced to do so. all right, thanks so much for the matter. as well as prime minister has rejected the international court of justice, ruling cooling it, outrages and it'd be nothing. yeah. who says he's government will continue. it's warren garza, the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false. is that rages and this and people everywhere should reject it. on the eve of the international,
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a holocaust remembered state ident pledge as israel's prime minister. never again, israel will continue to defend itself against come us a genocidal turner organization on october 7th, a must perpetrated the most horrific atrocities against the jewish people since the holocaust and advice to repeat these atrocities again and again and again. our wars against combust terrace. not against palestinian civilians. we will consider to facilitate your manager and assistance and to do our utmost to keep civilians out of harm's way, even as come us use as civilians as human shields. we will continue to do what is necessary to defend our country and defend our people. a. mr. als file, right, security administer, it's a model been give you. it also reacted to the world quotes ruling. he appeared to monk the decision by messaging haig shoemake on the social media site x. who do i have the, how many joins us now from tennessee?
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so hold on. i was ready officials giving any indication they might be thinking about changing anything and the way they prosecute this will went from what we have heard so far. uh, it doesn't seem so we just heard what the 5 minutes of benjamin and then you know, said, but we also heard from the defense of industry. you, i've done. and, and benny gans, who's a former defense minister who is at the moment on the war, 3rd cabinet and basically all saying the same thing that israel has the right to defend itself. and it will continue this war until it the chief has its goals, which is something they know that they are strong of popular support for. busy or uh so it doesn't seem that israel will change the course. and even though are you know, present in benjamin they to now say that the will continue this for an, according, according to international law. this is something that we've heard over and over
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again each time the is a war and gaza, not only this time, but the reality underground is quite different as we speak. now you have a guys and civilians who have been told to move yet again from one safe area to another safe area. and when you know, moving is not just the only problem, it's the problem that each time you arrive in a new area, there's a lack of food is a lack of basic services. does that lack of absolutely everything. so at the moment, the tactics underground seem to be exactly the same and there is no sign at least publicly that that would change the course any time soon. and also the court has worked as us israel to a sub made a report in a month's time of showing how it's applied or has changed its methods and took into consideration or these provisional measures. well, all the statements we've heard from is really officials have completely ignored
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that no response to that whatsoever. so at the moment, there is more at the tone of defiance than anything else. one thing that i would say that that has been a debate about is that the them, the wrote the incitement statements that have been mentioned. 5 by south africa 1st and then we heard them again today. uh, well there are lots of commentators on these really media were saying though if they had been not none of the statements, maybe this wouldn't have happened to is. busy but i think privately, there is also a bit of a shock. israel was hoping that the western judges do court would vote in favor of israel. and it is thought in his analysis that they would be 3 swing boats coming from you game that india in jamaica. and that did not happen as i thinking that is, well, we'll try to understand how did it all go wrong in that sense. but there is
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a certain level of satisfaction that the court did not as directly for assist ation of hostilities. right? we'll leave it that. thanks so much. who do i have the need? or lack of food and water and goals are as tutoring, widespread hunger across the strip. about half of the population is now risk of starvation, including hundreds of thousands of children. palestinians are desperately searching for food every day. some coming on the fire, these riley ministry catalogue has already on a small. and the desperation is growing by the day with hunger be coming from there for many a cost because of the thousands of palestinians surround a trunk delivery date and goes to the city. but there's not enough for everyone, sam, and is now a reality for many health workers warm. it's one that will likely get worse. and
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that's when i listen to, you know, i had a situation these tragic would from and doesn't do justice. the would misery isn't enough. people are eating folder that they're reaching animals, water, electricity, and internet has been comp, food and flour is limited and surviving is just so challenging. many displays families who have lost everything over the last 3 months. have to wait for days for a single sick, a flower or we haven't had alcohol in the uh the we don't have jobs and we don't have money. the price of a sucker flyer used to be $10.00. now it sold for $200.00. we came here to face death just for the sake of having one bag of flour. while some people have been killed while waiting for aid to gauze, the health ministry says it's really forces recently killed at least 20 post citizens who were lined up and waiting for food deliveries, a sense of despair spreading. what was a lot of pain that we are starving? we have to eat animal food. we don't care about death anymore. they can kill me.
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just wanted to have a bag of flour to give my family, with little to no chance of getting flower. some people are using animal fodder to make their bread. that's until it also runs out how cindy and workers see their options are vanishing. the so out of the public that gives you, if you go to get flower, you will die. and if you stay at home, you will also die from hunger and we started eating rice and lentils either. and now the rice is run out. you wouldn't officials say a quarter of gospel, a population of 2300000 men, women and children spacing starvation. and as the war continues, more palestinians are likely to see a similar effect. patsy, a little physical again. now it is here for the 3rd day in a row, dozens of his varieties have been demonstrating near the count them up asylum crossing with a border with garza but trying to block the passage of trunks. lady the
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humanitarian aid into gauze among the protest is there a number of families of his ready captives with demanding a hold to the aids going into the strip until the captives are released to speak to mohammed jump to me, joins us now from occupied. east jerusalem, how many looks like those protest? is there no ready? listening much to the i. c. j. call for more a to be allowed into garza. that's right, sammy, let me tell you more about what we have heard happened at the get him of a sudden crossing which is on israel's border with gaza. this is the 3rd day that these demonstrations have taken place. we're told that at one point today, there were actually hundreds of administrators that in fact, each day, the number of those demonstrators that are coming out there, protesting trucks, caring 8 going into gaza. they have been increasing and their calls for more for it has to be happening in the days they had were told that the make up of those processors include right wing activists. they also include,
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we're told family members of captives being held in gods as well as family members of all of these rarely army soldiers and reserves who have been killed in the war on gaza. now, today what we're told happened is that at one point these demonstrators broke through police barricades. they put themselves there at the crossing. they prevented trucks from going in were told that there were dozens of trucks that have to wait up to 7 hours to be able to cross. and this is alarming to many people right now because of the situation. in fact, just yesterday there was a call between lloyd austin, who is the us secretary of defense. and who is this really counterpart the defense of interest. you are a lot that call lloyd austin stress. so you walk a lot that these trucks must be able to answer unimpeded to gather so clearly there is concern from the us that this is going to delay those trucks full of a, getting in to gaza in the coming days. and they are pressing the israeli government
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to do more to ensure that is that, that doesn't, that doesn't happen anymore. now, these demonstrators are saying that it's not right for a trucks going into gaza until the war is over or, and till all the hostages. all the captives are released from cause and are able to re enter israel. they say that they do not want to see the enemy getting aid in gaza before their loved ones are able to come out of gas. one more thing i should add even the u. n. a has put out a statement about the saying that on the 1st day of these demonstrations on wednesday, that only 9 trucks were able to cross at the academy was out in crossing that there were a 114 trucks that were diverted to that of us crossing and they went on to say that only 153 trucks interguards are on wednesday, and that's well below what has been able to answer in recent weeks. sammy, all right, thanks so much for your thoughts on that side. the analysis i'm how much i'm doing
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now, no doubt the routing has been watched closely by the us as well staunch ally. so as yet we know for sure reaction from the white house last spring and patty calhane from washington, d. c. for the latest and patsy, so us officials, i think it's still morning, they have a lot to wake up and react to. right. it's actually 1130. we're about an hour and a half away from what supposed to be a white house press briefing, but no. so far they have not spoken out about it. i can guarantee you they're talking about it in the building behind me. this is really the worst case scenario for the united states. if the court a come out and demanded a ceasefire, do us could say we set all along, we don't support a ceasefire. this is the court saying the israel needs to do exactly what the us has been saying. israel needs to do. they've been saying the president himself present, joe biden said that israel just indiscriminately bonnie, they're saying we need to have targeted operations. that's what the court say. the
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court is saying that you can't just indiscriminately bomb these, the palestinians in gaza. the us has been saying israel needs to get more aid and we just heard how little aid is getting in. this is the court said, officially, israel, you need to get more aid in. so the big question is going to be, what are they going to do if this comes when it comes to the un security council? you know, they've vetoed every ceasefire resolution that's come up. this is going to be a much harder thing for them to veto because they basically be saying everything we said that we weren't israel to do. and now courts as they have to. but we're going to say the court can't say that. so they could possibly attack the process which they've been doing. they've called the merit list counterproductive and completely without any basis. they can attract the court though, because in previous rulings a lot against russia in favor of ukraine, it said that it commended the court, said the court, which plays a vital role in peaceful the peaceful settlement of disputes under the u. n.
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charter and i f 0 has been speaking with analysts and they made the point that if the u. s. is to go ahead and retail with icy j a decision, and this is a quote, it would expose the duplicity of the us like no other vote before. so it's a really high stakes now for the by the administration. that's just on the world stage and how he's he in the us, his view on the world stage of this conflict is hurting him in the polls. he's losing young people, he's losing people of color. they are very actively engaged in this issue. if he be chose a court decision that says the mass killing needs to stop. well, that could really hurt him in the polls. right. i did call hind that from washington. dc is still a head on al jazeera. we'll have more on the line while cruising by the international court of justice calling
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and as well to take action to prevent genocide guns and only one john jill nicole voted against old matches again the injustice to this sub routine day or income paula for reaction the brought to you by visit capital, a hello that will start in south asia and salt and smoke issues continue to affect northern parts of pockets done. and india, affecting visibility in cities like new delhi, that's affecting a traffic we have good as well. some issues with air quality there and they don't going to go away any time soon. we have red warning. so for the fall, for northern parts spaces like or to protest, but they extend from the west to the east and not clear uh for the south of this
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lots of sunshine pouring to the west coast of india, temperatures. what about the average for places like moon by? we all seen the development of some showers coming back into shore line cosette today into sunday. i'm more in the way of wet and windy weather croup as well as wintry weather, creeping into afghanistan and into northern parts of pockets done and india. now it has been rather gloomy across the south of china. that's not going to change over the next few days. but for east asia, things have improved, certainly for the problems with very heavy snow for home, she will, that has cleared still from light to snow and some cold, affecting more northern areas that please back across russia's far east and the korean peninsula. but from the pots of china, some wounds coming back in to places like beijing, above average, temperatures there. and if it's in the story for shanghai, at least for the next 3 days, we'll see the one say on tuesday. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the 1st and they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves
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long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. expo 2023. the world, the fascination to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news
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the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just remind to now about top stories. well, the top called his issue to rooting that or does this route to take steps to prevent genocide in gaza? it's the 1st routing and the case filed by south africa against israel. judges from the international court of justice voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures, including at the mom that israel put an end to the killing and humming of palestinians . outside the hague protests, the celebrates of the routing and colon for moltby downloads to save lives. in garza, south africa's foreign minister says the routing sends a clear message to his route in line on the ground in gaza. palestinians continue to flee south as is right. the attacks continued to at least
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a $183.00 palestinians has been killed and strikes since thursday alone. let's take them to death toll be on $26000.00. let's just take a look back at exactly what was said in the hague. just a few hours ago now, the president of the international court of justice outlined the measures israel must take immediately. let's listen again to that rudy of the state of israel shell in accordance with its obligations under the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in relation to this house. the indians, guys that take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 is a convention. in particular, a killing members of the group be causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. see deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
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calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole, for in part, in the imposing measures intended to prevent birth within the group. the state of israel shall ensure with immediate effect, that it's military does not commit any acts described in point one above. the state of israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. the state of israel shall take immediate and effective measures to ensure the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip. the state of israel shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of article to an article 3 of the convention on the prevention and
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punishment of the crime of genocide against members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. the state of israel shell submit a report to the court on all measures taken to give effect to this order within one month as from the date of the order. it allows of the international court of justice is panel of 17 judges. that was one move over to the gave all 6 of the provisional measures, the quote, all to be implemented that was you, camden? judge juliet, simpleton day is ray the judge around by phone to the gainst 4 of the modeling. daniel blond valley is a lawyer and con defendants. that unless he joins us from come paula, uganda, good to have you with us. so 1st of all, looking at what happened in the, with the judges, folks 60 the camden judge, why do you think the gun, the judge was the only one who voted against every single provisional measure,
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something even these right, the judge didn't do. thank you so much for having me. um i think uh festival jeff is julia 15 to has been uh, centrally independent minded. uh, she has not been deposited who easily easy to predict. um, but you can see from the products from uganda as highest, efficiently my technicians that you've done does a funding for present that to my view in boston, i believe i do buy this thing. how do you get us position on anything or funding? palestine is what we need frequent or what do you think i fit you in, which has always been across the street. again, this is where it was done. so i've seen these things a lot of times of goods. so it seems that based, obvious me, 290 quickly, but has anything to do with your high decision. however, a meeting by the looks of us, of the situation seems to think about to run. that is very wary of
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creating new enemies especially face the maximum presented on society kept which plastic him because he has a 90 for with particularly the night. it fits with my make establishment on secondly event in this into a party to put does it have the road for about a new tire on for each core dice because they can find the establishment and make seats by maribelle to provide him for wasting the roots of the judge or not quite uh, this is easily conclude and believe what are you in the computer will not be coming in for business people. you don't have to be you in the island. yeah. you're right . i just don't put the put the doctor mix meant to be practically sure that you've got an expense for but his time since last 3 could be imputed by 2 gun those channels. i should call them on the line. the moment for the fact that influence
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now my van dyke is also feeling hungry and we expect they come by declination of the present meeting. they seem to find it stopped short accordingly. is riley envisioned altogether a g mail saying mike was strongly what did documents these right? or given what you've just described, does that mean i'm looking at both the official reaction as well as the reaction of those who are critical of the judge's position. that the question is basically being raised as to whether or not politics was behind the position of this judge. and that's not my bill position to be and as a judge is it, as it is in platform? um that's really the question on the ground. if you look at the check and besides, we have a few friends here in i apple nor hosting blend of fun, or these issues going, finding the, i think g and how it, what's on the, the, me kind of things that, i mean,
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it seems politics. both who have the hon. my looking at these really judge who voted on game is on you formations as like give us all 6. it seems it is mark of doing the judge, the mind they all independent. so by and then they would be able to do the 4 digits of the country or what the big about that particular decision. it seems, i think those are being misleading or what the particular cars that this country would like to happen. and in this expense, looking at this trunk objection to house people did i believe that is publish, maintain is trying to dispense as a form of working but us all right, thank you so much. danielle for valley that you 2 as well as take you back to the situation on the ground in gaza, while the routing was being delivered in the hague is right. the attacks on the strip continued. i'm in my mood report, some rough in southern garza is really air strikes overnight and into friday
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targeted and they'll say right, refugee camp, link silverado, tell us one of the victims t as well. during other, he and his young son were killed when their family home was lost. those one did in countless other attacks of treatment all off to the hospital. our house was barred. they did the bombs, the house, and everything fell on our screens in the the world health organization reports solely for scenes of gauze of 36 hospitals are functioning and only partially, in some cases, doctors can do nothing but watch unable to help people. it's happening right in front to the eyes. this child has been killed and nobody
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can do anything. don't even the doctors could do anything for him in the carpet in front of you and it's in the south of this. 3000 a palestinians are preparing to leave for almo, off the west of the city. he's really occupation planes dropped the flips, saying that we must evacuate the area and go to the mass or medical complex via bar street. so everyone left, but there were violent confrontations. there the situation is extremely difficult. we're calling on the red cross to come and escort people to the safe passage. israel wants us to use these families who have already lost so much, are now forced to flee. yet again, this time toward the coast, with no guarantee that there will be any safe for their honeymoon mode. i was just the dropbox, southern gospel, it's all still i had and i'll just sarah the controversial execution. a convicted
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murderer and alabama becomes the 1st inmates of us to be put to death using nitrogen gas tens of thousands of people protest against the stray via days in solidarity with indigenous communities. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the, let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. now the state of alabama has counted out the 1st execution of
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a prisoner in the us by the use of nitrogen gas. 58 year old candice smith was put to death phase roll. and the 19, the 88 mother kristen salome has more. as far as the state of alabama is concerned, the execution was a success. smith was pronounced deceased by physicians at 82558 year old kenneth smith convicted for his role and a 1988 murder for hire was forced to breed nitrogen gas. a form of suffocation was strapped to a gurney. journalists were allowed to watch. he appeared conscious for several minutes and to the execution. for about 2 minutes following that kind of smith shuck and rides for about 2 minutes on a gurney. that was followed by several minutes of deep breath smith's lawyer say the use of nitrogen gas violated the u. s. constitution's ban on cruel and unusual
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punishment. a view back by demonstrators who oppose the death penalty united nations experts warranted could be painful and would likely violate prohibitions on torture. but the u. s. supreme court denied smith's appeal. jeff hood, his spiritual advisor, was with him at the end. over and over again. we were said that this was going to be the most humane execution that humanity has ever, ever experienced. there is no doubt that even the most hopeful of persons. i could not look at what we saw tonight and see any sort of he mains. this was the 2nd attempt to execute smith in 2022 prison officials spent hours trying to give him a legal injection, but never hit a vein going forward. alabama as well as 2 other states that still allow capital
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punishment plan to use nitrogen to inflict the ultimate punishment. kristin salumi al jazeera french farmers have blocked some of the countries main motorized with tractors and the protest demanding goods in action on low prices side grow cultural produce. they're accusing the government of not helping them to cope with what they say are excessive regulations and low food prices. long stretches of some of the countries key roads have been blogs. the process comes ahead of an announcement from the government on new measures lights on friday. the world's biggest annual migration is begun in china, right? code 9000000000 joe. and these are expected to take place during the next 40 days. it's hope the lunar new year travel boom will boost the slowing economy. katrina, you results from badging in china's annual travel rush has begun with millions of people starting to do any head of the new new year holiday. in february, the government expects a record of 9000000000 trips will take place this year, putting pressure on public transport,
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how many chinese who migrate the big cities for what spend most of the is separated from loved ones and are excited to return home for the holiday focus solely that i had a very good year. i make good money and i'm looking forward to our family reunion. but it's not a happy home coming for old. i haven't heard much money of this positive yet. it's been hard, but i still need to return through saturday, the new. yeah. because my children and parents, i own a home economic growth is stagnating off to the current of ours. pandemic china is best thing deflation and struggling to restore consumer confidence. it's hooked the travel booth will spo spending punches tours, opting to stay closer to home choosing destination such as hong kong. the tropical island of high 9 or the northern city of harvey famous forts, ice festival, a to the new shown fund. this to the huge flow of peoples,
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accompanied by huge consumption mainland shopping boot, sightseeing, entertainment, culture and sports. this will be a big stimulus for domestic consumption. in 2023, we worked to restore consumption this year. our goal is to expand it. we travel agency se country such as thailand and singapore, which chinese possible holders can enter visa, free on popular chinese ellens. have scheduled an additional $2500.00 flights for the living in the period. but many analysts say up to 3 years of close boat is due to the corbet 19 outbreak. china is international travel industry may not fully recover until 2025. katrina you out to 0 aging as now the leader of brazil's. yeah, i know mind me. indigenous people says that losing about how to say that amazon rain forest line from eagle gold minus you ever go present, lou to the silver declared,
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the humanitarian emergency. he sent ministry forces to expel the miners from the reservation of the mind me, lee. this says his community still lives in dia conditions. and he says, minus, threatening them with violence and block deliveries of food and medicine. mom cannot be forced to the machines of power, the machines destroy. everything to legal mind is using machines, destroy everything. they destroy the fluoride, they poisoned the volta and the fish. the fish are food, the food that the native people eat. we don't have shops like you have in the cities. we preserved food, tens of thousands of people in australia, protesting and solid dallas. he was indigenous people that calling for australia day to be abolished was celebrated at a different time. the national holiday on friday monks a day, a british fleet sailed into sydney hob, a more than 200 years ago. the genesis training and se represents injustices
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they've suffered since your pin colonization. jessica washington has more. in sydney, thousands of people mocked a stream a day by taking paws in a protest march close to change. the change of the national day has been growing in recent years. demonstration said, celebrates colonization. and the disposition of aboriginal and torres strait islander in my opinion, that should be now let's try to die or celebrate the genocide of any other people. it should be abolished. this is no started i. this is invasion, no to us, observed annually on january. the 26th is really day marks the end of the 3 of the arrival of the british 1st fleet in sidney cove. more than 200 years ago. to assist use protests included a sizable palestinian representation with some participants drawing comparisons between the experiences of indigenous australians and palestinian inside. i can
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clearly see this country from what it is i proud to call on a that the, the main thing supremacy racism and injustice. also, mr. aliens still celebrate the national day. all those particularly young people realizing that it's gosh, i was going to dock history and way of getting stabbed that best. ation, staples. the debates around changing the dates of history in the day has gone in public attention for years. several communities have moved the citizenship ceremonies to another date, and some retailers have stopped selling australia de merchandise. jessica washington out a 0. well i say it's from may for this new south parts will be back in a moment with a full show. the jo button and donald trump had starkly opposed messages by officer trunk would turn the us into
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a dictatorship. shaking car is trumps. cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out the communist lockson's fashions and the radical left dogs that live like firm and within the confines of our country. many voters are fed up with high prices and bite and stance on israel's war on concept as close to decline and support in his own party. trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal towns is elected. trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more thoughts and feelings in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters. in a handful of swing states is likely to be a bitter babel. the good looking out to us
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saw the sea and everything is good. even explained the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would split the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor preventive, occupied and imprisoned. how does their likes lead to you should be a time to relish but in europe's comments. he cannot make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price sikes and forced evictions. and i'm like, the candidate can spend, emerges from is quite for time and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community, explains housing, a witness documentary or now to 0, the
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israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention. in relation to palestinians in gaza takes all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. historic ruling, the international court of justice says, israel must stop coming. palestinians in gaza and insurance forces do not commit genocide the time about this and this is obviously your life and don't have also coming off


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