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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm stymied say that this is the news i live from. so coming up in the next 60 minutes israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the conventions. historic ruling,
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the international code of justice says is almost stop killing college students in gaza. make sure it's false is do not commit genocide. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is a rage of israel remains defiance. the prime minister says he has no intention of quitting the campaigning guns up. plus the as the i, c j gives its routing is rarely sol, just fire on civilians, west of con, units and palestinians, a stream hung guys tons of famine desperate people, reduced wheezing animal feats. crowding age it's 1800 gmc and we began with a historic ruling in the international court of justice to say the world's top
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court has now hold it as well to take measures to prevent genocide in gaza. it's the 1st ruling and the case filed by south africa against israel b i. c. j handed down 6 provisional measures, a colon as well to take immediate and effective measures to stop killing palestinians and insurance ministry provide insights of genocide from being committed. as the court considers that with regard to the present situation, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention in particular, a killing groups of members of the group be causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. see deliberately inflicting under group conditions of vice calculated to bring about its physical destruction and holler in part in the
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imposing measures intend to prevent 1st within the groups. final ruling on whether as riley is committing genocide in gaza, is expected to take years of deliberation. at the quote, south africa's foreign minister says a cease fire is the only way to keep the i c j's instructions. i believe that in exercising. uh, the uh old uh, that would have to be a ceasefire without the or the uh doesn't actually work. so i would, i would have want to this thing is fine. specifically. no, they didn't tell you, disapprove, but how they didn't specify that. and i'm, i have no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed i hope for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is competing for me, requires
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a sci fi over that's as the situation and gaza becomes increasingly desperate areas around the m a and also hospitals in gauze of south on the heavy fire facilities close to becoming an operable and palestinian psych stream hunger is beginning to tip into simon. i'm taught a come by so isn't, is, are off in solving garza joins us live from this. so 1st of all, we have this i c, j rooting and a sign of any change of total in his rails military tactics of the till now sammy, we did not. so we do not see any kind of changes in military tactics or even in terms of any kind of reduction of is ready strikes or auditory shooting across the southern part, which had been widely attacked within the past few hours. even the zone that's supposed to be safe had been bombarded in a rough spot where one palestinian had been killed in an es strike that had
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targeted one of the make shift tends in the western side of the district and kind of city. and i'm at the resolution that had been on the road is made by the international court of justice ordering as well to prevent doing assigned to acts. insight goes about this is completely do not change on the ground as at least in calling you this 28 policy and have been killed since the early hours of today is morning we're is phil is rounding up. the military strikes across the subject parts, including also the middle areas of girls. a city where i'm sorry, watch listing to camp had been widely attacked. we have a number of residential building being targeted. and this is completely contradictory to what the international court of justice had owed at israel to follow him to uh, to guarantee. but there was no power for the international court of justice in terms of enforcement, enforcing their resolutions on as well as the,
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as valley from minnesota. benjamin to tell y'all was saying that they are finding a justice back to the site gauze this trip. but this is completely related to civilians who are completely killed on daily basis as to, as every 2 women killed on an hourly basis in garza and the expansion of is very admitted to offensive on the territory. all right, now, politics stay with us for a moment because certainly little change. it seems in tactics to the people of a dollar, a neighborhood that's in the area in garza, in hon. eunice. that's us. and in to what happened in this incident is really minute, 3 opening fire on displaced people in the area of hon. eunice and gaza. now local sources say a number where in june the 5th is ready for his navy prior to arrest, launch numbers in the area to. all right,
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so what more can you tell us about this disturbing incident that was captured on video that so yes, i'm a, i've been personally meeting. some people have been saying go from han, you and especially from a barbara area today where it's been sitting us. that's the situation that's completely contest. terrific, as they have been surprised by the existence of these very troops in the area surrounding the main central 3 matrices incognito as they are intimidating people forcing them to sleep. i'm the intense bombardment. one of the people was informing us that the have been gathering men and women just forcing them to take a certain roads to run as they have been going and moving forward to the city. they have been attacked and the other was already troops had opened fire against them throughout the process of a sling to rough. how did they just been saying that they cannot even make sure
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that they're gonna survive if they started to leave con units, but they do not have any other options remained as these very forces were bombarding every single area in con units and the october was shooting did not stop, were residents to be completely unsafe and they wanted to secure the family members last, they have to follow and to take the hardest option remain for them throughout, leaving their houses, hitting to the high seeking safety. but clearly they are seeing that as we are even arriving to rough, i've been seeing more attacks the where is there's no any place safe inside guns. and coming back once again to the i c j ruling called a whole full new a to be allowed into gone. so again, and the sign that more a might be about to get in the quotes. i mean, we have been seeing and what was happening within the past 3 days that these very pro testers are making a kind of a strong link in
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a. com. i will send them across the board where you're going to, terry and aids have been a gather the for security check on the laser to be inserted into the guns a box. what, what we have been seeing that there is, are, there is a very limited number for you material, a tips being delivered to into guns, that, that's not completely match the needs of a civilians. here we have been watching and hearing the united nation resolutions regarding the increasing of capacity of age into cause a right now with the oldest of the international court of justice. it's supposed that the gaza strip might receive within the coming days, new age, but to now there is no any practical development talks in terms of the increase of, of age into the territory specially for the areas that considered to be in the very desperate desperately need that for the state, especially the north where people have been killed as what they were waiting for aids to reach them and the suppressed
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a famine among the residents that we also have been observing within the past few days, the palestinians are struggling with their food items to secure the, the exact situation waves that are reaching to roughly where people are struggling as well to line up for new hours to have a partial access to food. that could be only enough for one meal per day. and this is completely what do you like to patients that had been warning against and as the situation on the ground to you in the territory. i'm and the ongoing is really a tax is excessive, facing day by day. and especially for the north, people are in a very desperate need for the tax district and crippled that bill that you all the h delivery, the as east bill do not, no longer a in april, the ability of human human to turn organizations to 3 to another and parts of garza . all right, we'll leave it the thanks so much thought a couple as though. well, let's take a closer look what was decided in the hague today. the international court of
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justice voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures, the cold or that israel to desist from all acts of genocide against the palestinian people. those acts include the killing of palestinians and the closing of serious ball. the legal mental home is wireless attacks on guns that have killed more than 26000 people since the war began. b i c j also ruled as well must take steps to ensure the minute treat does not commit acts of genocide. measures must also be taken to prevent and punish the incitement of genocide. this trial has been ordered to take immediate measures to allow basic services and humanitarian assistance into gaza. at least $1700000.00 power students have been displaced by is rarely a tax you and says around how so population is at risk of starvation. the quote also ruled israel must prevent the destruction of any evidence of genocide been committed in garza. and finally, as well, and i submitted a report to the i c,
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j that outlines the measures being taken to address these provisional meshes. best must be submitted within the span of one month from the ruling. diplomatic added to james bay's is that the hague was more on the judge's ruling. they basically accepted old arguments that were made by south africa. they accepted the urgency, the severity of the situation. they found that it was possible that was um, israel was doing well acts that were covered by the genocide convention. and they laid out some of the things that is valid said including statements through the president of israel, from the defense minister of israel to the court. agreed was the humanizing language a specifically at one of one group being the palestinians, despite all that, they didn't come up with what south africa dos for which was very, very specific measures in terms of the orders in these so called provisional
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measures. and instead of the court has come up with something, a little broad, a saying that israel must take every measure possible to avoid acts that could lead to genocide. now the south africans and the south african minister said she would have liked them to have the specific sanction, all, but let me just see, saw to be put in place. but she felt that the broader thing that the cortez has ordered actually must mean the seas fall must be put in place. but i have to say no one here is, is thinking that it's very likely that israel will now say, well, the court said this, so we're going to have an immediate cease thought. we know that this state that has been shown by is right, the ministers towards the south african case. and we've already heard these ready prime minister probably making it pretty clear that they are not going to cease
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that bombardment of gauze. but i think it adds to the pressure in the international community, not just on israel and the moral pressure on israel, but also on those countries that don't currently supporting the regency scott. and of course the notable ones of those all in europe, the u. k. and germany, but of course the one that is used is vito power in the un security council, the block, a c spot, a permanent member, the security council, the most notable one, israel's main back of the united states. it's all know it all day is a political and less than commentary, so joins us now. live from romano. a good to have you with us. so is this a milestone in the palestinian struggle for an end talk you patient in the freedom thank you for having this on me. i think it is. i think it's an important, it's a watershed moment. it's for the palestinian people and also for the international system as a whole. this was
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a make it or break it test. and the i c j voted in favor of maintaining the system and making sure that it's relevant for all. and it comes less than a month before the the same court will hear a pleadings about the very nature of israel's occupation and whether it is legal or lacking that legality. so in a way, this is a moment where all of those elements come together and where israel's circle of, uh, you know, free hand of it, you know, indefinite occupation indefinite. impunity free hum to do whatever it wants with these really it is closing in. and it's becoming increasingly difficult for countries to protect it, to shield authentic, excuse its actions that the world stage. are you disappointed though that it didn't call for us these 5? no, no, i'm not. i. i think that realistically speaking, if you really look at the text, the court basically ordered
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a ceasefire. it and none of that was ordered can be implemented without a cease fire. that were a lot of legal, nuance that you know, we already heard from experts about this and, and the limitations that the court has seeing how that in god is that right now the fighting is between is real estate, a party tickets to the convention that will send you an arm groups who are non state actors. so i think the court surprised everyone by 2 things. one is calling for a lot of uh, you know, comprehensive measures in a way. and another is the fact that this was nearly a unanimous decision. but by 15 out of 17 courts, the 17 judges, the 17th being the ad hoc is rarely judge. so 15 or 14 out of 16 judges voted. yes, yes, to ending the killing. yes, to ending all genocidal acts yes, to unimpeded access of humanitarian assistance. i think that exceeded the
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expectations of many observers and fund that's before this a, you know, we're debating this before before today. i know what does this, it's a provisional ruling that hasn't been the final finding which should point out. but what does it say about other countries who did not initiate the case, who have not cold for his route to take measures to prevent genocides. and the reason i asked that is looking back at statements by international bodies and figures, for example, the international commission of juris in november the 17th they was talking about well documented patents of reported crimes that triggered the duty of each state to take reasonable action to prevent acts of genocide in garza, and many people were wondering if curious could say there was proof enough
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provisional evidence to hold as if julius could see 2 months ago. that there was reason for intervention. why couldn't see us the u. k. german in kind of those countries sending weapons and supporting as well. see it to that that's a good question. certainly. and i don't think that the problem with the us and the u. k in germany is that they can't see it. i think it's big that they are deliberately ignoring it, in favor of their g. a political agenda. they have that maintained defended, bolstered is really impunity for decades. and they thought that this time would be no different. i think the over whelming reaction of the international public opinion, the american public opinion, the fact that you know old a, there's almost a consensus in the international community, among experts and scholars about what's happening the un reports one after the other. documenting what are clear, clear violations of international law,
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it was just as capable. it would have been a devastating blow to the whole system at the i. c. j ignored all of that and said, come to political pressure. and so not, not all of these countries will face another test at the world stage because there are, there's a lot at stake. it's not just about palestine of these countries who have signed onto the conventions, especially in europe, especially in the west. they have other interest, they don't want this international system to fall apart. they don't want to have to carry all that dead weight of nothing. y'all's policies and actions at the expense of their own interest. they want to seem, at least, and you know, to, to be in sync with their own domestic laws because there are national legal obligations here that will be triggered by this border. so a lot is still awaiting us in terms of reactions and repre cushions. despite the
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brave face of the spin but nothing the i will try to put on this by the us, the u. k. and germany, i have a lot to answer for new. finally, are you concerned that this order will not be implemented? it wouldn't be the 1st time, would it a look, i'm almost certain that israel will defy this order as it has all other international resolutions. but what i'm counting on is again, the measures that are triggered by this order across the globe in the european union, in the global north and the global self. and that will have serious political and economic implications for israel. that's when these consequences will start coming in. and that's when this genocide will or will start, start to really impact the lives in pockets of ordinary is rarely use and perhaps move things in a better direction in the direction of ending the war and ending impunity as well. all right,
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thanks so much for your analysis node all day. here's what i was prime minister has rejected the international court of justice ruling calling it outrages need be nothing. yeah. who says is government will continue. it's war on gossen. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is the rages and decent people everywhere should reject it. on the eve of the international holocaust remembered state ident pledges israel's prime minister. never again. israel will continue to defend itself against come us a genocidal terror organization on october 7th, a must perpetrated the most horrific atrocities against the jewish people since the holocaust and advice to repeat these atrocities again and again and again. our wars against combust terrace, not against palestinian civilians. we will consider to facilitate your manager and
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assistance and to do our utmost to keep civilians out of harm's way, even as come us use as civilians as human shields. we will continue to do what is necessary to defend our country and defend our people as rouse, fall, right, security, administrate, them all been give you. it also reacted to the world. quotes ruling have paid to monks the decision by messaging haig she made on the social media site x. well then perry is the full my head of the associated press in europe. the middle east and africa joins us live from tel aviv good to have you with us. so what israel was seeking at this stage was this have the whole case thrown out of court. it failed to get that today. right? yeah. is the 1st room they had hoped indeed for the court to declare that this was not genocide, which by the way of someone who knows that you in genocide convention by heart. i
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have to personally agree that indeed the term does not apply in genocide. maybe the one thing that israel's not guilty of in the end of so yes, is real disappointed that that was not stated out right. on the other hand, there had been a fear, the court would order a hold to the fighting would issue a temporary injunction, demanding an enter the fighting. now remember, the court doesn't have power as enforcement that would then goes back to the un security council. presumably the was what a visa and a 3rd, but it would've been very awkward for that, didn't happen. so there was some relief and those rental that, that worst case scenario didn't happen. the rest of it essentially belongs in a role. all right, and you've pointed out your personal opinion, but of course, coming back to the facts of the story today that this quote found pulls the ability of the intent to commit genocide on 16 prophy a 6 provisional measures. this is a good as well,
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but the forward is not signed in. basically i can write and it ordered 6 as well to take 6 measures to prevent genocide. that puts this route in a very difficult position. doesn't that especially visit be? will the opinion, if you've been told on 6 counts to change your behavior? that's not a good day for you. is it? again, i'm referring to what i said. there had been a fear in israel that the court would order and then to define that didn't happen. sure. is there a that wrapped on our goals? and i thought, i can't argue with that particular really by the court, but i underscore the i c. j does not have powers of uh, of enforcement. only that you want security council can, can, can do that. the country's, the, just the way the full view is easy. it's really easy to find a that's really gone was
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a john was ordered by the i c j to solve his block here on the door and the car box . i said, it didn't even bother to states that it. why don't they just ignore that altogether? nothing happened. the reason nothing happens is because he wants to go to council like the political will to make it. that is the reality about the i c. j. we shall see what happens at the security council. i'm not saying israel should continue as a nothing it has occurred. there are very plausible, very reasonable criticisms, one can level against israel's conduct of the war. and i, you know, i say you mentioned my opinion before, i'll give you another opinion. i think israel should absolutely engage with a bargain, those races effort to engineer and make a deal to end the war is, are probably agree. it's a good that must deal with that. i'm us leadership to leave garza and perhaps go to cut her, but it's a complex situation. and there is disappointments in israel, but it wasn't for sure that the courts did not state clearly, but an understanding of what actually happened here in the larger scheme of things
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. which is which is the, the government of gaza in the form of hamas staged. what is without question, a genocidal invasion of israel on october 7th, and israel's, reacting to it and has decided on something that i believe's the entire western world at least degrees, which is that how much longer x one thing is that actually in the summary judgment, it does reference the october 7th attacks, but anyway, coming away conference, azerbaijan and another. well, because the, the case put forward by south africa was to focus on prevention of genocide by israel. i believe the way it's like, you know, whether the, if we come to the state or the question at hand now, is this going to increase the split between the 5 net ministration and the next in yahoo? government, as i do not succeed, is really is going to increases fluid. i think the split is there, it's real bite and needs the word and quickly bite and needs israel to engage with
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his what i believe or his good faith efforts to create a landscape that enables a lot of good things for the region which might include a sunni, israel western access augusta ran, which might include, indeed the removal of hostile power and dogs, which i think the entire western world might want, which would include a return of the hostages. the israel, those are alive. i think natalia, whose rejection of, of any that any notion of engaging with, with that proposal with such immersion proposals with even the idea of ridiculous thing. an endgame for garza is most unfortunate and in reality, what will great pressure on israel is increasing opposition both from the west, specifically from america and also within his really public opinion. tenants in the a who's the policy of avoiding any talk of a day after hamas in java. but i'd have to say the idea that the hostages and the
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return, and then i'm also being removed from power and gaza, is very popular and israel and in the west. and i should think it is actually popular in the air world as well. if it is, if, if the palestinians have an enemy, i actually think the enemies more homeless. that isn't, realistically mazda has been try for 3rd, prevent the partition of the only land into a 2 state solution. and anyone in those history should be aware of the okay, they have completed the less complex as well as how nationally that's typically i see j ruling. do you think there's any chance that the nothing yeah, government will take any steps to try and show he's a biting a tool by this ruling. a uh, single take proforma steps. uh, my guess is they're going to be celebrating the fact that they didn't to order until the fighting, as i've said. and yeah, they'll issue a report in the month. and they will claim that they have, they are doing as they will claim they have done all along,
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all they can to avoid civilian casualties. one can believe or disbelieve. uh, i, you know, i mean i, i hate to not cooperate with the premise of the question, but i don't think the i c j really move the needle. i think if we want the needle moved, that comes from political pressure applied by by and then the western world upon the 10 year katie, the gym by the way, $150.00 our world to blackboard on those well, of the judges disagree with that they've, they've all wooded measures to be taken immediately by israel for as well, not to cover up acts of genocide and israel to report back. do you think it's relevant even report back within a month on how much compliance it's it's giving. that's a good question. that's a good question. i love this is, this is an assessment my assessment is i guess they will, they're gonna try to make it, um, they're gonna try to make it appear as if they're in the compliance. but with the contents of that report within a month,
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will it satisfy israel's critics or by on scepter? all right thanks so much then party for joining us. thank you. gloria we heard from francesca albanese the un special raffle, told her on the occupied palestinian territories. she says the quotes decision acknowledges that as well as crimes amount to genocide. a quite positive on these on this you were inc, and what the court ordered, because each set for so it does this nice uh, israel's the request to know to consider in the case he does recognize the pros ability that to the diesel is doing, might reach the genocide convention, constituents in crossing his car, genocide and the and the cord as precisely referred to genocide as the denial of existence, although people on the palestinian people. so the recognition that what he's really
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is doing amounts to these is, is incredibly important because eventually, genocide, the way i see genocide is the rather dorman gene, all set the is, which is the overall context. you can reach the car and i sold to these guys off the scribes itself. and the court has recommended a number of measures that seeing the fine fleet you turn compared to what is wrong with these duly in means to cease to mingle people destruction of being an infrastructure party here in the hospital, seizing starving disobedience in gaza. so ultimately, what the court is ordering is that what piece role has been doing until now he's brought to an end. and he, by recognizing the rules of the g of genocide, the court would say clear obligation also reminds of unclear of the nation. the
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member states have to prevent the general signed. so in my view, um, from a state response of the staff member states are called to as pressure for as the spot here. because there is no other way to handle these rather than as just the other dentist shall see this course of what the palestinians in gaza are experiencing these. and i'm president, it is coalition of violence that ultimately is known in the sense it has been there too, as to the case of your patients that other students have experienced a neal device policy through the territory. and. ringback then the violence that the policy and as of people have the policy and as the people have been yours for 75 years, i mean the fact that's how the house was off. go broke the knack,
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stop at the very beginning of the or the oral submission to the core to be so significant. any nice is what is happening today in a broader historical and still enduring call text. indeed, what's happening to the, to the amount of students seem to westbank is, is, um the certainly lower in terms of intensity. um, but again that they are experiencing force displacement summary executions. secular volume image. so is the overall context of you patient we has being a content. oh, secular coding of practices. that is, is 14 question today. oh, so i had an al jazeera, we live from california, or a civil case accusing us, see it as a being completed in genocide in casa on the way,
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the hello that we'll have a look at african in a moment. this last of the middle east and live on to missing some very unsettled weather conditions. pulling off from the mediterranean, bringing heavy rain to pops of the event. if we take a closer look, we're going to see the rain sleep into israel and the occupied palestinian territories with thunder and showers for gaza over the next few days. as it goes saturday into sunday. the rain does ease. it pushes as wait for the east. so bringing a wintery edge, so to pots of, to a kia wintery weather is what affecting iran and further field. but for the south of this, despite some cloud, there was more in the way of sunshine across the gulf. we could see some breezy conditions blowing down, taking up some dusk for southern pots of saudi arabia, and wind and dust is a story from the north of africa. we've got the hon. nation winds blowing out
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towards the west and pots of africa. and as long as each y across the north, but still some showers being blown down from a nobody flow is northern areas of libya. because we head south, this is what we're seeing west also wet weather across that central band of africa . heavy rain to come for the likes of tanza near to some of the story. the eastern areas of south africa. you can see a pulls in that on sunday morning, but the heavy rain were tons late in the afternoon, but it is looking clearer if window in cape town. the the and then what to do was solve e c. and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of
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their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding poor revenge, occupied and imprisoned in unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now into the school. thanks. questions about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves golf though with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the you're watching now just to remind the knob on the top stories this house was top cold has issued a routing that old is israel to take steps to prevent genocide in gaza. it's the 1st ruling in the case file by south africa against his rep. judges from the international court of justice voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures, including of them on israel puts an end to the killing and humming of palestinians outside the hague. protest. this celebrated the routing code for mold to be done to save lives in garza, south africa's foreign minister. besides, the routing sends a clear message to disrupt the united states says the routing is consistent with its view that israel has the right to take action in accordance with international law to ensure the october 7th attack cannot be repeated. in the statements,
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the state department said we continue to believe that allegations of genocide on found this. and note the call did not make a finding about genocide or coal for a cease fire and its rooting that it cold, full, the unconditional. the immediate release of all hostages being held by how mice or john henry and joins us from the state department in washington d. c. so john, what more we hearing from us officials? well, that's the u. s. position in a natural. they don't need to wait months or years for the international court of justice to come up with a, a conclusion to its investigation into whether is real committed, genocide that us busy in is genocide is not happening and they don't need to wait for that. but they do say that the us has simply been vindicated by that decision today, by that court state department spokesperson says the court ruling is true. we have, we have consistently made clear that israel must take all possible steps to
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minimize civilian harm, increase the flow of humanitarian assistance and address dehumanizing rhetoric and that spokesperson goes on to say the court's ruling is also consistent with our view that israel has the right to take action to ensure the terrorist acts of october 7th cannot be repeated in accordance with international law. so do you, as it says so far, it's on the same page with his court, but going forward it doesn't see the need for that investigation because it doesn't see genocide going on. and meanwhile, the us is pressing for a long term pause in hostilities. a pause long enough that all of the captives being held in god's it can be released and us officials are looking beyond that antennae blinking. the secretary of state bill burns, the c i, a director and others are talking with the leaders in the region about an ultimate solution here that would resolve all the conflict, perhaps involving a 2 state solution. normalization of relations between israel and its neighbors and
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reconstruction of gaza. but that is where the us and israel a don't play off the same playbook any longer because the us wants a 2 state solution. benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, says that is not a possibility. and he also holds the position that israel is position is that palestinian control of gaza. and he is real security or not consistent. so the u. s . is going to have to continue to do some work with his real on that, but they're on the same page when it comes to saying that this is not genocide. all right, we'll leave it then. thanks so much on 100. are turning to another coal case now the 1st hearing in a civil case accusing us president joe biden. and now the senior us leaders of being complicit in genocide is on the way rights groups. and the number of
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individuals have brought the case forward in oakland, california, the oscar, and the cool to all the president biden to and us assistance to israel. so let's talk now to rob rails. he's joining us from oakland in california. so rob will this, i see j provisional routing balls to the position of those seeking to put the, by the administration and cool. well, certainly the i c j ruling did come up. it was mentioned several times in the initial discussions between the, the lawyers for both sides before the federal judge in this case. but i think the case here involves a group of palestinians, tell us, denny and americans and others who are represented by the center for constitutional rights attorneys. who argue that under the 1948 genocide convention, which was ratified by the united states and is therefore the law of the land, the united states. officials including president biden, the,
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the secretary of state anthony blinking, and defense secretary lloyd austin all have a positive and of responsibility to avoid a betting genocide. now they are maintaining that israel is committing those the types of acts and that the united states by providing weapons and other types of support for israel is in violation of the treaty by a bedding. these acts of the government. on the other hand, the attorneys for, for the administration are focusing on a very narrow legal argument. they are saying that the court does not have the ability to rule out of the authority to rule on this. they're citing what is called the political doctrine and has to do with the separation of powers in the united
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states. saying that the conduct of foreign policy and the conduct of diplomacy, military activities and relations between allies and sort of all of that fall into the political purview of the executive branch. in other words, the president and the cabinet and are not therefore just fishable or the amenable to the judicial action by that other branch, the judicial branch of the, of the, of the, the, the government, the 3 branches of government being the judiciary, the executive, and the legislative now that was echoed by the judge in this case and said this is really the fundamental question, whether he's got the authority to rule on this. but the judge did open the proceedings by a litany of just describing the that's the plight of palestinians in gaza. talking about the deplorable conditions, the, the 10s of thousands of deaths and injuries,
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the blockade of gaza by is rarely forces. but again, it will balls around this more narrow legal point of law. as far as the i, c, j, the, the plaintiffs, the people prosecute who want to call a bite into account. in other words, are saying that the, the treaty and the i, c j is interpretation of the treaty. uh, disclose a positive obligation on us officials to enforce that treaty and to make sure that they are not a bedding, any genocidal acts. so now they're in a break. we're going to hear from a palestinians and residents of guys a later. so we'll see how the rest of this hearing this afternoon turns out and we'll be back to you when that wraps up. all right, thanks so much rob rentals. now, the european union has said it expects is right on how much to comply with the ruling. the commission released the statement saying, orders of the international court of justice are binding on the policies and they
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must comply with them. europe and union expect staff for immediate and effective implementation. harry fawcett joins us live from london so high, although they cooling full implementation of this routing one must remind one cell . so this was a case not ruled by any of the european union countries. we bought by south africa . and for a long time, the message from several youth incomes has been is what has the right to defend itself? is this gonna put any pressure on your pin countries when it comes to the line they take on this conflict as what was suddenly that's an argument being put forward by some uh, for instance, the palestine solidarity campaign, which is one of the organizes of the many rallies that we've been seeing in london and elsewhere in the u. k. in recent weeks and months. so as this is a seismic event for the u. k. government and it mustn't be complicit in potential genocide through supporting israel. a form of
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u. u. k. director of human rights watch a solution talking about the site of the u. k. supported a genocide case being put against me in my in november in the i c j. and so it frozen to release the position on israel and on gaza. i mean, however, though, so far, it doesn't seem that there's any real shifting all positions from european nations . we did see an interview given by david cameron, new k foreign minister and his dental earlier in the day before the shooting came out and which he maintained that the south african move. putting this case forward in the i, c, j was not a helpful one. it wouldn't help in securing the pause in fighting. he said that we will need and a seat. there's been a very the l squared across europe as well as a similar message from spain to what we heard from the e u. and that it was a fairly straightforward endorsements. all of the i, c, j, reading the spanish government. se causing all parties to respect and comply with
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these measures in their entirety. and that spain continued to go for an immediate cease fire and on conditional release of the hostages. i'm a nuanced response from paris. the french government uh no to the judgments of the i. c, j and reassigning its support and confidence in the international court of justice . but saying that it would make its own contributions to the process when invited to do so when they would pay particular in importance to the exceptional gravity of the crime of genocide, which requires the establishment of intention in that crime as well. and he goes on to talk about friends working towards a cease fire and the immediate unconditional release of all hostages. a similar line from germany as well, saying that the court did not rule on the merits of the case. it made that point. the interim measures none the less saying that israel must abide by those entering measures on the international law,
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but also again very much highlighting the role of having us talking about the barbaric tire of the 7th of october. and that how much is also bound by international humanitarian law and must release all of its hostages. so again, germany staking out once again it's very close alliance with israel. so far, this really this reading doesn't seem to have shifted those positions greatly as a tool. all right, thanks so much. hi, force it. well, that's take you to the situation on the ground and gone. so right now, a lack of food and voltage, fueling widespread hunger across the street view and says about half the population is at risk of starvation, including hundreds of thousands of children, palestinians desperately searching for food every day. and some coming on to 5. this finding the tree cuts that off is already on has more. its desperation is thrilling by the day with hunger be coming from there for many of
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the cost because of the thousands of palestinians around a truck delivering date in carson city. but there's not enough for everyone, sam, and is now a reality for many health workers worn. it's one that will likely get worse. and that's where the head of the situation be tragic. the word from in doesn't do justice with misery, isn't enough. people are eating folder, they're reaching animals, water, electricity, and internet has been comp, food, and flowers. limited surviving is just so challenging. many displays families who have lost everything over the last 3 months. have to wait for days for a single 2nd, a flower. we have the, the, the, we don't have jobs and we don't have money. the price of a sucker flyer used to be $10.00. now. so for 200, we came here to face death just for the sake of having one bag of flour. while some people have been killed while waiting for 8 to gaza,
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health ministry says it's really forces recently killed at least 20 postings who were lined up in waiting for food deliveries, a sense of despair spreading. what was a lot of pain that we are starving? we have to eat animal food, we don't care about death anymore. they can kill me. just wanted to have a bag of flour to give my family, with little to no chance of getting flower. some people are using animal fodder to make their bread. that's until it also runs out how cindy and workers either options or vanishing. so out of the public, the good do you go to get flower, you will die. what i mean if you stay at home, you will also die from hunger and we started eating rice and lentils either. and now the rice has run out. you wouldn't officials say a quarter of gospel, a population of 2300000 men, women and children spacing starvation. and as the war continues,
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more palestinians are likely to see a similar effect. patsy, a little physical again. now is there a still head on al jazeera in school to hear from live a pool manager? you again tom, taking the decision to leave english club of the end of the business. latest is brought to you by the peg. this is
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a life supply on one of your this makes modern pleads. the business latest is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates. the the all right, sports fans, let's catch up on all the sports news for them. they thanks so much, sammy, while you're going cloth is announced to be leading little full at the end of this season. the german, he's been in the club since 2015 says he's running out of energy is $16.00 major
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trophies during his time at little and the same all currently top of the english premier league for a small reports. it's a decision that comes as a shock to most of the following worlds. after close to a decade in the manager seat, your can crop has decided that this will be his last season in charge of liverpool . i love everything about the city. i love everything about i was part of the i love the team, love to stuff on everything that i still take this decision probably will all shows you that i'm convinced it's the one i have to take it is that i'm talking as a to i'm running out of energy cost doing liber pool in 2015 at a time when the club was being starved of consistent success. no manager there had one lead titles since kennedy died,
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least in 1990. the german has taken liverpool back to the summit and english football winning every major owner in the game. this announcement comes with liver food top of the primary lead. i mean contention to win for trophies is to the passing bus rule. you know the funds altogether, the easiest. regenerate to the club, please don't go please stay. i says a few things that private home about, you know, losing the energy and stuff like that. so maybe it's hands get some refresher. i know that i cannot do the job again and again and again and again. and after all the years we had together enough to all the time we spent together and up to all the things we went through to get a the respect grew for you with the law of grooved for you. and the least thing i owe you is the truth. i was formerly performed midfielder
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shabby. alonza was taken by or laboratories in the 1st place and the german league, and is likely to be approached as a possible placement. to be honest, i am looking at the moment to think about the next system. i'm thinking about wherever i am right now, i have huge respect for, for jurgen, huge admiration. before coming to livable duty keys your, it's actually been been bigger and it has grown. whoever steps in will face a huge task in trying to replicate the success of one of the primary leaks. greatest managers. far as smile al jazeera eclipse, as he told the club about his decision back in november. we think so can see fluoride setting his arkansas are about one of the games. best kept secrets. a living feel very successfully pets. it under wraps, you know, usually the leak and football. this thing didn't leak. there was no legs. it's all about the, you know, years maybe even live in full season at the trustees and loved fluids. he's upset,
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you know, i'm tired and he's been doing this a news. it takes a lot of energy. and the wonderful, most of like he's done, you know, to be successful, nothing too much is less mosquito there's, you know, and. busy is in the lead, there's been the long does have i don't think was the one easily i think the disappoint and i think they would. yeah. yeah, absolutely. have him up for many, many more years. oh certainly. but respect to legend and it lets you need the brakes and you've got to let them do it really, and i seem to that's the story. then what's going on here? living? i still think to me the wrong states and his number one. i think i booked for and maybe just below and for him with the brain. yeah. so i put him with the body over an appointment with us and then going to be next to me just below the right service . and i'm not joking about she's hopes of winning a record breaking 25th grand slam singles title or i the for now the world in the
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one beats and bog down in center in the semi finals of yesterday. you know specifically the surfaces person. yes and melvin this 2018 is going to and you know, one day uh it was going to happen and, you know, at least i, i gave everything i possibly can under circumstances where i didn't play well. and i lost 2 of, you know, a player that has a very good chance to win. he's for slight a facing center and sundays funnel will be daniel men for the, for the russian recovered from being 2 sets down and his semi, against always on his bare of evidence onset when putting him in the final for a 3rd time an indian by serving the today to put on his trademark sold celebration as he finished the day to the 2nd. second thing wound on a t will no sound to see. they look on close to victory in 100 pound. they already
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have a $175.00. run the endings laser touring. all right, that is how useful it is looking for now. so many thanks so much from me for this new sound. good news is we're back in the moment with another full show that's coming up with folic stay with us. the . the uh, the cost of just filling up. i'm not sure what's going on in the june. activists with atlanta stop club city movements gather to honor one of their own. it had been 6 months since officers killed them. and when is defined by use that on known as just a huge the 26 year old environmental activist was part of the movement to stop the police training center from being built in a city forest. protesters call it comp city vigils for towards the details about
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the starts and a couple dozen police officers just showed up telling people have to leave the park by tonight are close at 11 and everybody got in the months before to to get those killing authorities in georgia launched across down the movement characterizing it as a violent extremist organization. and in september, 61 people were charged in a wide ranging racketeering case and accused of conspiring to stop the construction of the training center. the defendants are members of defend the atlanta forest. and an august and psycho lease, an anti business extremist organization. most of them are also facing state domestic terrorism charges. the 1st such cases in georgia's history. unique perspective. some people see these really moving from pieces of imagery
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to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in this row are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises that's been, you know, so i want to go and see, you know, us as a human to happen to next to the street on out to 0. the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is in use our on algae 0 for the back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes israel most in accordance with its obligations


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