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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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price hikes and forced evictions. and i'm like these candidates and spain emerges from this quad for tom and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community space housing stack, a witness documentary on how to 0, the the . so this isn't news out on out to 0 for the back to go live in to have coming up in the next 60 minutes, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. un stop portfolios is route to prevent genocide in gaza and allow humanitarian age but
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stopped short of demanding to see the number of somebody in the building. and i presented it as i said, center. i'm in here. the the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is our region defined. israel rejects the routing prime minister, netanyahu vows to carry on his war on gosh, the news really, military has opened fire on displace palestinians and late fees on the southern gaza as big as hospital. i'm rob rentals outside the federal court house, oakland, california where hello city and americans are seeking. 6 the by did ministrations, policy, ford, israel on trial, the of the
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22 g m t. and we begin. we've done historically at the international court of justice. the wells top court did not order an immediate cease fire in gaza, but judges have voted overwhelmingly in favor of 60 emergency measures to prevent genocide. these include that is rallies to the 5th from all acts that fall under the definition of genocide, including the killing of palestinians. a model must also improve the humanitarian situation and report back on his progress in a month. israel's foreign minister benjamin, it's now said the fox before did not dismiss allegations of genocide and proceed with the cases a disgrace for generations. while washington called the allegations and founded i'll just as diplomatic as to james space begins coverage from hague. 17 judges at the u. n's talk legal body took part in the deliberations on south africa's case against israel. bro. tons of the genocide convention. is that ruling without,
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by the quotes president concluded that south africa's planes were plausible. but the situation and cause that was very graven urgent. and the israel, by the dehumanizing language of its leaders, had shown intent. she directly quoted, israel's president and its defense minister, minister, golan stated, speaking to his rarely troops on the guards and border. i quote, i have released all restraints. you saw what we are fighting against. we are fighting human animals. this is the isis of gaza. is the quotes president then read out? good judges decisions, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention applaud routing, which included the note of the israel properly deal with the da humanitarian
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situation. but there was no specific cold for to meet. you see spot outside the court, south africa's foreign minister, gave her reaction to reports in exercising uh, the order they would have to be a ceasefire without the order doesn't actually what the fuck are you disappointed? no, they didn't specify i'm. i have no way that i'm going to say, i'm disappointed i hoped for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is come back to. for me requires a c spy. this is just an interim ruling. this case is expected to go on for a number of years, but there is another important landmark in just one months time. israel has been
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ordered to produce a report for the judges explaining how it's complying with this ruling. james buys outages, era, the hague. mean lot in guys are, there's been no respite from the blood shit and despair in the south. not the hospital in con eunice is under siege, i mean, heavy fighting me by the at least 300 people are trapped inside the hospital and their new ambulances hospital is not out of service after most of a software for c evacuate. and this was the scene seen on the right area of con eunice where these really military open fire on display, spanish, simians, local sources say a number of people were injured and they are fee is that he's really forces may be preparing to arrest large numbers of palestinians in the head of people of guys are facing relentless is really bombardment,
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have express disappointment that the you enforce routing warning that the i c j had allowed is really to continue getting of the year. the international court was supposed to, at least to demand an immediate cease by a bus. and fortunately it didn't, we really disappointed because it's like saying this aggression can continue. it's a pissy rebuilding. yeah, we heard about the, i see a decision in the hate and it's not what we expect to most of the displaced people of civilians including children living that we hope that the decision would reflect that which human beings, human beings are being exposed, ethnic cleansing, should be treated as such, result, the court would at least amount of cease fire and tower capitalism reports. now from casa palestinians. today we're hearing the ruling by the international court of justice regarding his oldest for these what else? he patient forces to prevent genocide that attacks in gaza strip and also to allow
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for more humanitarian supplies. how this thing is a fax for a completely desperate in terms of the, the ongoing is really meant a to a tax. despite the, the resolution made by the national court of justice as is well, is expanding expenditure of tax on different areas of course because especially in the southern part that's supposed to be a safe zone for guns, which also excessive pain. human to tell you a situation and conditions at the very limited number of a human terrier supplies being delivered into gaza strip as more evacuation or does being issued for residents. con you in a city to sleep, seeking safety to roughly on the ongoing for bottom, and also for roughly district within the past few hours. tar cubism, which is 0, roughly in southern gospel. on friday's proceedings at the hague was the court's 1st ruling and a case fined by south africa against his ro, south african presents children opposed to applaud at the icy jays fully. he was in
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pretoria with his supporters when the decision was announced. the south african government welcome the course provisional measures as a decisive victory for the international national. we expect israel as a self proclaimed democracy and the state that respects the floor to abide by that mesh just handed down by the international court of justice. after more than half a century of occupation, this possession oppression and a part to the palestinian p. postcards for justice had been heated by an eminent organ of the united nations. kaiser, i was prime minister. meanwhile, benny municipal was reacted angry to the course decision. he called the mere fact that the court is considering obligations of genocide against israel, a disgrace for the country who does not need to wait for some kind of defensive damage to. so the court did not cool and these are up to stop is military campaign
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in gaza. but it also did not throw out the case submitted by south africa on genocide, the intent as israel requests with alarm. instead, the international court of justice. would it israel to take steps to prevent acts of genocide in gaza at ruling the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was quick to dismiss open. israel's commitment to international law is unwavering. equally unwavering is our sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and defend our people. a like, every country is really has an inherent right to defend itself. the vile attempt to deny is real. this fundamental right is blazing discrimination against the jewess states taking no going into the proceedings. israel was hoping it could rely on the vote of the 6 western judges, a decor, but vote after vote, it became clear that the judges were united in their decisions twice even getting
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the vote of these really judge. on 2 of the 6 provisional measures by 16 votes to one, the state of israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. but while the quote session was underway, the war continued in gaza is really tags targeting the surroundings of the mental hospital. and it strikes targeting homes where civilians were sheltering. similar tactics made the basis of south africa submission to the international court of justice. israel is under pressure internationally, but the total public support for the war remains high. i think there's a lot of double standards placed on israel if you look at the un resolutions throughout the world. so many are placed are in indictments of israel and countries
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that are notorious for human rights violations seem to get by without the same scrutiny. so i think this is par, for course, for the international community to place this level of scrutiny on israel is re lease over whelming. we think that the army is using the necessity amount of power in gaza. and the high number of civilian casualties is justified for israel to reach its schools. even if the court did not hold for a ceasefire over israel to pull out of garza. this is the 1st time israel is shipped of what palestinian c. as in peter g a, the expense is not clear if it will abide by any of the rulings or how. but for decades israel has been saying that it has the most moral on the, in the world, the international court of justice, deans otherwise. and now is, will, is required to submit the report within
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a months showing how it complies with these provisional measures for the how many others you tell of, it's a spring inside and us on hotels, the unoccupied is true. then for us to tell us more about the political and public reaction to the icj is really of the condemnation across the board from is really society and from these really prime minister himself and many more politicians, these really prime minister is calling it outrages saying that it is untrue and that it is wrong to bring these types of charges against israel. he says that they are fighting, quote, a just war and will continue until all of those objectives that israel laid out in the beginning of the war are achieved. we also heard from israel's defense minister who condemned the ruling and said that, quote, israel does not need lectures on morality. but it's interesting. these really prime minister gave 2 different statements, one in english, and one and hebrew,
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the english one to pay, appearing to an international audience, trying to tell the world. but these really is differentiate between who they're fighting, saying, but they're not fighting civilians and gaza, but they're fighting him us. but there's also been a disconnect between what is really leaders are saying, and what's actually happening on the ground given just how many palestinian civilians have been killed since the beginning of this war. and that number growing up our by our it is also worth mentioning that the country's national security minister, a member of the far right camp. it's a more, been very, a known alter nationalist, has said that the ruling is hypocritical, calling the court hypocrisy. but it is also worth mentioning, that rhetoric from this same minister was used in the case against israel and what they called genocidal language. or he was calling for the voluntary migration of palestinians calling for legal settlements to be rebuild calling for the occupation
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of gaza. so these really rhetoric has been along the same lines. the opposition has also spoken out against this ruling. but it's interesting because one of the opposition leaders may rodney officially, the head of the labor party. she slammed the ruling but also slammed nothing. yahoo and his government saying that decisions like this are a direct result of ness and yahoo and his extreme policies and saying that this is going to be the status quo. oh, unless he is removed from office. so there seems to be consensus and condemnation from these really side us and the reports hummed up all of our new video of captives released by him. us. what more do you know about this? this video features 3 is really captives who are female, who are appealing to these really governments to bring them home. this is just the latest in a series of videos released by both hands and palestinian islamic jihad of captives
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being held inside of garza. and now these really is usually dismissed, these types of videos, calling them quote, psychological warfare. and they don't really like to comment on them a lot. but these videos have been clear in they that the people in them are calling on the government for their release calling on the government for assist assistance . it's something that the families have been asking the government for months now for health to bring their loved ones back from gall. so thank you so much for that time to son who lives in occupied east jerusalem in the occupied westbank. the reaction has been mutated, child stratford was with policy and there as they watched the proceedings unfold from the city tomorrow and the occupied westbank shows life pictures from inside you installed, quoting the hague, it's ruling states. the israel must take little measures to prevent genocidal ex any to garza, but there was no order of
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a c spot to stop the killing. so there's little surprise amongst those present. when the decision came, the kindest hope and international law, international humanitarian law and international, and mckenna isms. and they were very helpful today. i'm after this decision. they are more disappointed. israel's won't goal is that continues to be felt in the occupied westbank is already military rates, have detained a modem, $6200.00 chemist indians since the how much the tax on some of these well, on october the 7th of these radios because killed mobile 370 polished indians in the occupied westbank since the war began. and these really secular violence has dramatically increased again, but all the court would have ruled for an immediate end to the is there a, the army atrocities and stop the war? because gods and civilians are an armed alone and desperate? the decision disappointed me. i was hoping just to port with at least protect the people in garza. but now there are no protection for the philistine and people who
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are there in gaza or the west bank. and some believe the rules are going to have means is ready on me and secular violence in the occupied was bank could get even was i can't decide busy the israel will now increase it so probation. see, this is expected by the ruling is not a surprise. it again shows and justice from wild leaders in justice from the west and well in relation to palestine, part of sydney and foreign minister. we all automatically welcome the action of the international court of justice in ordering israel take all measures to ensure that acts of genocide are not committed in garza but we never do loan for an immediate c saw that means that the silica in garza will continue and so trust amongst palestinians in the united nations and international law is that his lowest ever since the will began charles stuff, it was a 00 molar in the occupied westbank. well, these are in this ally,
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the us is the ruling is consistent with its view that israel has the right to take action in accordance with international law. and to ensure the october, the set of the top cannot be repeated in the state department. in the statements, the state department said we continue to believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded. and note the court did not make a finding about genocide or call for a cease fire, and it's ruling and that it call for the unconditional immediate release of all hostages being held by a loss particle. hain reports from the white house. so here's the white house officials definitely trying to put a positive spin on the decision from the international court of justice. the 1st thing admiral john kirby, of the national security spokesman said when he brought brief reporters on this question was, look, they didn't rule the israel's committed genocide. that question is actually a much broader questionnaire, extra years for the court to rule on that. they did say the court that israel should try to avoid genocidal acts,
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but he also said we also agree with some of what the court said. the court said that civilians should be protected. we've been telling israel that as well. then curry said, they've also said more, it should be guarding in the us has been telling israel to do that as well. and you ask the question, if they think that what they're asking israel to do is actually happening on the ground. we can all see for our own eyes that civilians are being killed in huge numbers and that the people are starving in gaza. but he did wanna highlight how he thinks they have been able to influence israel. actually, i mean, i think the court's ruling is consistent with many of our, our as many of our positions made and, and much of the approach that we've taken with israel, for instance in, you know, the view that israel has the right to take a guess. the terrace of that on the october 7th attack that, that they have an obligation to be mindful of minimizing civilian casualties. that they have an obligation to assist the international community to get humidity or,
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and assistance. and all these are things that we, that we have been pushing an urging for as well. we've also just been told that you as president joe biden is getting involved when it comes to the possibility of a ceasefire with capt is being released. we know that his ca director who really takes points on this. he's been speaking with his counterparts in israel, egypt, and cutter and talking to them in europe yesterday. now the president's making these phone calls, he spoke to the mayor of cutter and the president of egypt. that usually is an indication that they're getting close to something that they think the president needs to step in and use his cloud, his relationships. so something could be on the horizon for john kirby did say that nothing is imminent. probably going l g 0 at the white house. more countries around the world has been reacting to the i. c j's ruling took. he is, president, has phrase the course decision as valuable and that took a hoax that is arouse a tax against women children and the elderly will come to an end and that expects
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the decision to be immediately and fully implemented by israel. in a statement, egypt sion foreign ministry stress the need to respect and implement the decisions of the justices and that it looks for to a ruling of an immediate cease fire in guns and by the court as it rolled in similar cases. contacts, ministry of foreign affairs said it considers the ruling of victory for humanity and the rule of law and international injustice. and that the overwhelming court majority reflects the magnitude of the threat of genocide facing a policy and brothers. germany's foreign minister said that while the court did not decide on the main issue, but it did order a temporary measures in the interim legal protection proceedings and that these are also binding under international law. israel must adhere to this and the jordanian foreign ministry in state, in his statements dress via gmc, of taking immediate action to put an end, the killing of innocent people in gaza and destroyed all the necessities of life
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and powers signs and baset or to the un has welcome the i c j's verdict. we had months suicide. he'll be discussing it with a counselor by them. bassett, as on monday, in order to do all the things that they're asking for, you need a ceasefire for it to, to, to happen. so all these things we will analyze it and we will discuss it collectively in the concept of embed it. so those to take the steps that we need to take very soon. so fasten your seat belts. you are into a very, uh, yeah, uh, power for the, you know, the trip that today is friday. we had all these meetings on friday and we will begin, you know, more active the processes with members of the security council and monday, and also a meeting or briefing of the security council. well,
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let's take a closer look now at what the i, c, j decided to date and the hague, the code order these route to the system o acts of genocide against the palestinian people. of those ox include the killing of palestinians in the causing of serious bodily or mental harm is arouse attack from guys and scales more than 26000 people since the war began. and injured more than 64000 b i. c. j also rules that israel must take steps to ensure its military does not commit acts of genocide. measures must also be taken to prevent and punish the incitement of genocide. israel has to be in order to take immediate measures to allow basic services and humanitarian assistance into gaza. the court also rule that israel must prevent the destruction of any evidence of genocide being committed in garza. and finally, his route must submit a report to the i c. j,
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within the span of one month from the voting squire. let's discuss this further with toby cabman who's an international human rights lawyer specialize in war crimes, who's joining us from london. thank you so much for being with us on out you 0. so, your source about this ruling 1st the i c j says some of south africa is accusations of plausible. it's recognized the possibility that israel is doing something that may constitute genocide in casa. is it 1st of all in line with what you were expecting from the story? thank you. yes. so they get is very much in the find ways. so we will have a thing, of course of the criticism has been made, but it itself sold off. one of the most important requests has been made, which was that of a 65. i think some disappointment has been express also by preventing fact finding mission into a right into cause. a lot of why do you think,
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tell me they didn't, they didn't order the sci fi. i went in previous cases that the i c j they, they did, you know, and they did, and sadly, i think we've come into, it's understandable for that. it would have been in line with what they ordered in relation to the pain requests can set up against russia as a separate. it was justified. and as i say, i think it's a, it's, it's a very, it's a very good is a very strong role in, but that are awesome that say that it full show to that, that central requirement. but they're all, they're all sufficient. other messages that have been put, put in place, that will certainly cause israel and certainly some of its wesley supporters to, to, to act with great caution. and let's not forget, but they've got to report back to the entire court of justice within 30 days on the
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steps is taken full for each of those measures. so i wouldn't say it's uh, it's insignificant. adding many, many of us comments, and we're not expecting them to, to go so far as to order a ceasefire. and right. but at the same time, i mean, when you look at a, a bit more close, the other provisional measures that were ordered. how exactly is israel meant to comply with its obligation not to commit genocide if it's not ordered to stop the campaign on guys? well, of course, well, this is a continue to, to talk to the civilian powers if they continue to use the same means. and 2nd language, and then that's going to, but that's going to be about. so which is going to be argued on the merits. and you know, we've got to remember, 1st of all, the court has made a very important ruling that this is a dispute. the former then has jurisdiction and in a sense of the basic requirement,
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the south african said that his request was met. and so, so a lot of these points are going to be argued on the merits. and this was, this was just the, the, the provisional preliminary stage of the argument. and of course, it will now go to a full session on, on the merits. we've been put forward by 5 both sides but, but also what you've also got to, to understand is that the, the audience magenta side, the south africa satire is not solely were related to, to bombardment. right. um, it is actually about a tyrant. assistance is full force displacement, i mean all of these points. and if you look at the, the 1st measure that's the um, but the court has ordered where set sides those, those full points that it, it has to respect any military action that it takes. no has, has to fall within the, within those that the meaning of what's that are within that particular measure.
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most of time within the convention hearing from these really is toby cameron, i mean, hearing from them not, it doesn't look like they're going to be implementing any of these orders. i mean, do you expect that they will change the way they conduct this war? now, after this decision today, are they under any sort of pressure at all? you know, i don't think they will, but i think he, even instead of 8 minutes ago had ordered associates 5, but i wasn't expecting his route to, to comply with that. they obviously they don't have a track record of, of complying with any rulings of all of the u. n. or any other except for bodies. so even if they had or the disease file, what would we be expecting that to be a dramatic change? but i think the goal, so today is the again, to have to report back if they are the filed report back, all they haven't implemented any of the meshes been that's about to convey and come back for the course and potentially before the security council. so i don't think
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this is certainly the end of it, but i think there is a, there was a sufficient basis in that to, to hold them to account though, um for their actions. and certainly it is the case that will go forward. and i do think that they will, they are finding that they are in the bridge of the dresser dimensions on the merits. thank you, toby, for talking to us. thank you very much for clarifying these points for us. so be cabman, instructional human rice story joining a staff from london. thank it's. it's not just these really bombs and but is that a threatening lies of palestinians in gaza? the lack of food and water is healing. widespread hunger across the gaza strip. the u. n. stays about half the population faces starvation, including hundreds of thousands of children. some palestinians have come under fire from these really military while searching for food. katya low pass holiday on has more desperation is drilling by the day with hunger be coming from their booth for many. okay. because of the thousands of palestinians around
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a truck delivery date in carson city. but there's not enough for everyone. sam and is now a reality for many health workers worn. it's one that will likely get worse. and that's when the whistle had a situation. be tragic. the word from in doesn't do justice. would misery isn't enough. people are eating folder that they're reaching animals, water, electricity, and internet has been con, food and flowers. limitations of all i think is just so challenging. many displaced families who have lost everything over the last 3 months, have to wait for days for a single 2nd. a flower, but we have the, the, we don't have jobs and we don't have money. the price of a soccer flyer used to be $10.00. now. so for 200, we came here to face death just for the sake of having one bag of flour. while some people have been killed while waiting for 8,
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because the health ministry says is really forces recently killed at least 20 postings who were lined up and waiting for food deliveries. a sense of despair spreading. the pain that we are starving. we have to eat animal food. we don't care about death anymore. they can kill me. just want to have a bag of flour to give my family, with little to no chance of getting flower. some people are using animal fodder to make their bread. that's until it also runs out how cindy and workers say their options are vanishing. the so heads of how about the good do, if you go to get flower, you will die. and if you stay at home, you will also die from hunger and we started eating rice and lentils either. and now the rice has run out. you wouldn't officials say a quarter of goss whose population of 2300000 men, women, and children spacing starvation. and as the war continues,
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more palestinians are likely to see a similar effect. patsy, a little physical again, which is here. coming up on alger 04 here from supporters of march b i c j to hear the quotes the i had a lot of that the 2nd trouble cycle of the summer has smashed into the north east of australia. and though it has been downgraded to a tropical load, still bringing very heavy rain and powerful wins to the interior of queensland. not much of the energy from the regions pulling the rain to the very north, but also for the out east. we're seeing some stormy conditions affect the area
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between brisbin and sidney. we'll see some of that with a weather start to walk its way towards the west of the likes of puff. it is still assigned dry and sunny when we can see the story, a full, the se, will see temperatures continue to climb for places like adelaide. but instead that will be coming down for the likes of brisbin over the next few days. and the temperature will be coming down in christ church. it continues to be a washout, or we can full the south island and the north island with another batch of heavy rain starting to low its way in. on sunday, we will see some of that rain coming into weddington that holds on to 21 degrees celsius. and we had the south east asia. it is business as usual in terms of sunshine and showers. but still, with the heaviest rain will be affecting indonesia, malaysia of the next few days, with some heavy rain affecting the north of thailand. on sunday, the
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fall and counting the cost of tax by whose face of the red sea disrupting global trade could then push out the price isn't pump fuel inflation. africa's mounting debt is crippling the confidence development. plus we looked at how sleep has turned into a multi $1000000000.00 business, counting the cost on, i'll just say around every human mind issue and managing thoughts that emotions can be a challenge. if you're not helping meant to me, then it's sort of like you're, you're not living. we traveled to south africa to explore traditional healing techniques to being used to improve will be the one is as the agency for the 1st 12 landing and to south korea. we're bring training is leading to a limited success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm. stay relaxed and be able to share your shot as you normally would month's episode sweet. all just the news
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. the brought them back. a reminder of our top stories on this sounds easier and use our the wells top point is issued a ruling that older is israel to take steps to prevent genocide in guys based on sort of asking for a ceasefire. it suffice truly in a case 5 by south africa against these really prime minister benjamin that y'all has condemned the court's decisions. he called the fact that the forty's considered navigations of genocide against each route, a disgrace. you know, in 7 guys at nasa hospital in conrad is continues to be under siege. i'm huge, heavy is really up involvement and find a nearby at least 300 people that dropped inside the hospital and there are no
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ambulance quite more reaction now on to the i c. j case and supporters of palestinians in the netherlands, march to the international court of justice. and they hate to hear the ruling on the war on guys some way relieved that israel has been ordered to take all measures to prevent genocide. but many were disappointed of the judges did not order is or have to stop the conflict of correspondence that box and half a story on their way to the international court of justice. it was clear what they wanted to hear, to these protest as the world's highest court was the last hope to stop this world . minutes we can paint and guy among the palestinians, living in europe, came to release some good news to their relative spec, home to its uh, verbage, the, it's like uh, storage moment. it's a day that we hold that our hope and then so there's no commit. you will be born again. we leave when the court's president joan done
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a you acknowledge the suffering of the people in gaza, an order israel to take the old mattress to prevent genocide at the mood changed when it became clear. the court did not order is around to stop the war because it's not good enough. i mean, it was made some good ones. but at the same time, you can't really order is ready to do everything within his power to stop the genocide one. the only thing is to support this is a turning points. i mean, i look at this and i see that now is right in the midst of this case of genocide, i'm years to come now trying to defend itself for us. someone i like as gods on. now i have my son, we lose us doing the on daily basis with our suffering. what is that is the you know, side against us, the side, the news i have to say to them. they have time. the is all over, you're hoping for one thing, and that's an immediate cease fire. now the world for has disappointed them to
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go to the streets as well. the to them the world's highest court is not the end of the road. it's only a step, a station on our way, on our way to our destination, which is the liberation on almost as full by the sun, and good things that are right. so for the policy, the other quality impala sense, our way is, may be home, but we will keep it up until we reach destination. and the spirit which went from hope to disappointment, remains unbroken. steadfast and l just 0. take to a south africa which brought the case to the un quote has long been a vocal supporter of the palestinian cause. early i spoke with morgan romani who's a south african human rights activist and grand daughter of the late archbishop desmond tutu. she says her grandfather would have been the biggest julie drove south africa's legal team. us by syncs of africa was drawing upon its history,
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are drawing upon of our history with a part to end and today nothing. yahoo mentions never again. and so i'll ask, are we saying okay, never again applies to all. this includes the palestinians, this is not just a one size fits all you know, just is that we can meet out to the west and then the global south has something else. and so i think that so africa wanted to hold up and live by the democratic ideals, the ideals that came out of our struggle and is asking the world to do the same. if we're going to adhere to these international laws and regulations and norms as the global south, why can the global north not do the same? why is it, you know, not one size fits all? what would your grandfather, the mates? archbishop desmond to live made of this. and do you think south africa has done now enough to to sway the court of public opinion? um, if somebody has not done it enough to sway the corporate public opinion,
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i don't know what well, i mean, how many more dead children and an injured children can we, can we see on a screen to convince the public like that this is a genocide? my grandfather, i, you know, he was not in apologise for any political party and he would not shy away from calling out those that he thought were acting against justice and human rights. and so i think that he would probably be south africa and the team abroad, the cases biggest cheerleader in this moment because you know, he went to the occupied palestinian territories and witness to be segregated housing and roads that reminded him of what he experienced under the a part it per diem. now disorder, mcgee, i mean historic is it is, will likely not be implemented by israel, and it won't be the 1st time. so how, how do we move the lead on now i think we continue with what we're doing. you know,
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we, we do not allow people to say, just because alaska has its own elves, that they cannot bring a case like this to the i c j. and so i think we continue to have conversations like this and, and highlight the true plight of the palestinians. this did not begin on october 7th. this began over 75 years ago. and it is, you know, the context was brought to the court by south africa, but then today it seemed like the judges didn't want to discuss the full historical context. and so we started with october 7th, which was a horrible day. but why can we not speak about the full measure of history? more attacks are being reported on shipping off the coast of human, healthy military spokesman said a mist side attacks at a time call on fire. the crew of the molly lawanda is reported to be safe, and a u. s. navy destroy patrolling the gulf of 8 and shot down an incoming mis 5 as if there's all the way up to charlotte in front of santa,
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in support of the oppressed palestinian people. and in response to the american british aggression against our country. the naval forces, with the help of god, carried out to target to the operation against the british oil tank. marlin lawanda in the gulf of age and using a number of suitable naval resolves. the hits was by wrecked them, leading to expanding your many armed forces, the funds, the continuation of their operations and the red sea. i shall add to the already being against his regular ship of those heading the ports of oakland, california until the aggression stopped. and food and medicine will deliver to the east kind of city and people in the gaza strip are still ahead on colleges. here. i will be taking a look at and demanding the appellation of australia day. we'll hear from those of think the celebrations should be a thing of the past, the
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the i certain to another court case now. and the 1st hearing in a civil case accusing us present, joe biden and odyssey, knew us leaders of being completed in genocide has a change for the day. rice groups and a number of individuals have brought the case forward in oakland, california. they are asking the court to order president biden, to end us assistance to israel. let's spring and rob reynolds in oakland. to tell us more about this case from as well. the case is the hearing is over. now the judge has taken all the evidence under
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advisements, and the defense team says that it's a hopeful that he will rule within a couple of days. although we don't know if that is the case. just to recap briefly, this is a case brought by palestinians and palestinians, american fellow sitting americans against president biden, and senior officials in the by the administration saying that they were complicit in genocide in israel's war on gaza. under the 1948. the convention international convention against genocide and i've joined up with one of the plaintiffs in the case while bu hey seats. well, you're a palestinian american then we live here in the bay area. what do you think was accomplished. ready that federal court ruling today, sir, today was an incredible day. it was indeed a historic day for the 1st time in perhaps 75 years. we, the policy and community are presenting our people. that guy's got to tell our story and got to share it over to we talked about our siblings, our cousins,
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our until was a sign, remembers that work, murder and israel genocide. and we've got the court to hear us and reports president by then and hit the ministration and notice they are now charged with genocide by us. this is indeed i started today to feel it just puts, in addition to what happened in the hague with the international court of justice. do you feel that this puts additional intense pressure on the, by the administration? i would, i would hope so. i think uh today is um, uh, just uh, courtney justice side ruling was favorable. we would have loved the event to say cease fire. they didn't but sell it was favorable decisions for the people of gods and it puts it the responsibility of protecting the policy that people, services, genocide on israel. and indeed that would, that should that pressure on the, by the administrative and getting
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a sense that it's just as important to the as the possible outcome of whatever the judge rules you're saying is just as important as new. and you're your fellow plaintiff's being able to get up and say the truth, as you said, you saw that is indeed important, but i just don't want to. i don't want it to be enough that we are actually hopeful . i mean, the judge heard us and he acknowledged the horrors that we've justified to. and he actually said that this is the most difficult case for him to judge. so he understands and acknowledge is the responsibility. but yes, for about 10 people in the united states of america to not to be on the defensive for once, to actually be the ones who is cutting the charge and asking and demanding justice . that's indeed a historic moment and i work continues. all, most of our work happens here. as you see on the paper,
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we're going to continue to organize. we're going to continue to add the change as hopefully you get a favorable i thought in listening to the government that it was very interesting that they didn't really challenge the whole notion of genocide they. they rely, that's a very narrow legal, legally. yes. was incredible that to me to witness, but governments did not know what to do. again, genocide did not cross examine any of us. they start to the basic argument that this is really a matter of foreign policy and the judge shouldn't do anything about it. that was, was incredible global a c, thank you very much for speaking with us today. thank you. uh well, that is the, the view from one of the plaintiffs. now, i should, i should know, finally that the, the, this, this case is on whether a federal judge has the authority under the constitution have to issue in order
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having to do with foreign policy. and now we have what is called the separation of powers, where those powers, such as for policy and military affairs, are always considered to be the domain of the executive another. okay, the white house and the administration. so the judges to decide whether he has that authority and then of course, depending on the outcome, there will be appeals possibly all the way up to the supreme court but, but that's just for today. thank you. thank you very much for that. rob reynolds, my brain, oakland, california, and staying in the us. a jury has ruled that former prize, and donald trump will pay $83300000.00 in damages to each in carroll. and it defamation case brought against him. the jury found that cow pool. she's suffered damages as a result of tom's denies, of her rape allegations in 2019. let's find out more with voss and jordan in
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washington dc. far as give us the details of this folding in this decision today, a lawyer for aging carol had asked the jury to award her $24000000.00 for damage both to her emotional state and to her professional reputation. they awarded $18300000.00. then the jury said, for punitive damages that the former president should pay miss carol $65000000.00. not surprisingly, the former us president. what on his personal love, social media website and said that he's going to appeal not just this jury's verdict, but another verdict that was issued in may 2023, in which that jury found him liable of sexual abuse. jean carol had accused the former president of sexually assaulting her at a manhattan department store in the mid 19 ninety's. there was never
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a criminal case, but now there are 2 jury verdicts indicating that not only do they believe aging carol, but that donald trump needs to pay right what he did to her. and so what impact raw's is likely to have on trump's presidential bait and the other cases he faces and course to so it would have any impact on his presidential campaign. the president's support among those who called themselves republicans and free thinking independent continues to grow. it is expected that he is going to win the republican nomination, whether he when's the presidential election in november is completely up to the voters. what this means for his other cases, there is no connection there, separate matters. they're being handled by similar legal change. but again, it comes down to the evidence of is presented in court and whether a judge and jury believe the evidence that the former president and his legal team for that it also comes down to whether they dispute what he has to say and what
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prosecutors in those other cases, including the electioneering fraud case in the state of georgia, are actually the ones who are believed. thank you. ron swanson, jordan in washington, dc. again, he has government says it will change a high court ruling blocking plans to send police officers to haiti. can you have volunteered loss via to lead a multinational force to help stop gang violence in the caribbean nation? the un security council or the mission last october, but the high 49 will be says the deployment is illegal. the government says it will continue to honor what it calls its international obligations. military leaders in molly, you have announced an end to a peace agreement with armed force. the breakdown is being seen as threatening further instability in the launch. the dawn is syiaa region of west africa. nicholas hawk reports the end of a peace agreement that failed to bring peace to molly. the tv announcement by
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military leaders came as no surprise to many millions in the capital by myself to be so the piece of payment as an obstacle in uniting the money and people in promoting social occasion the. i feel the agreement was favoring divisions along malia and i called support. i commend the gentle decision he did not call via code was a threatened to the republican. we couldn't have accepted it. we were forced to sign in because how many of the time was we? now the army has brought modeling to be an additional scene. we are ready to fight to you nice in our country. of the 2015 algiers peace agreement negotiated in algeria, but signed in by my code by mostly to work on groups and the body and state was seen as a victory for algeria and the united nation, which broke or the deal. but absent at the signing were, i'm groups linked to isolate know, tied up. they have since increased their tax for the threatening body sovereignty.
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in the statement, molly's military june tech uses algeria of harboring all kinds of fighters and other arm groups, hostile to molly, and accuses algeria of meddling in while these affairs of the announcement followed a series of battlefield. victor, molly's army with the help of russian mercenaries have taken over territory in the north, last 2 armed groups. the mining governments certainly feels that he's in a better position today to negotiate. and they are in a position of strength on the ground could always the recapture in november last year. and so one thing is very clear, i think in their mind that this time they want to leads the piece effort by themselves somebody in territory. algeria expressed regret at the decision, saying it risk threatening stability, and then already unstable, reaching the leader of the giant dining. molly, i see me go, dies calling for dialogue. you says a form is needed to build into a new,
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the multi and piece equipment you made by molly is formality and, and without for an interference. nicholas hawk elgin's 0 as the leader of indigenous people in the amazon rain forest in brazil says they are losing the battle to save their lands from illegal gold minus is a year since president new, the silver decatur humanitarian emergency and sent military forces to stop mining the leader of the no mommy community says minus continue to threaten to attack them and block deliveries of food and medicine. monkey that they force that the machines have power, the machines destroy. everything to illegal mind is using machines, destroy everything. they destroy the flow, right? they points and the volta and the fish, the fish are food, the food that the native people eat. we don't have shops like you have in the cities. we preserved food. find the many australians have been celebrating their
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national de but australia they also so protests and sali diety, with indigenous australians and demands for celebrations to be abolished. jessica washington reports in sydney, thousands of people mock destroying the day by taking paws in a protest. much close to change the change at the national day has been growing in recent years. demonstration said, celebrates colonization. and the disposition of aboriginal and torres strait islander, in my opinion, they should be. now let's try to die. very celebrate the genocide of any other people. it should be abolished. this is no started i. this is invasion no to us, observed annually on january. the 26th is really day marks the end of the 3 of the arrival of the british 1st fleet in sidney cove. more than 200 years ago. this is protest included a sizable palestinian representation with some participants drawing comparisons
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between the experiences of indigenous australians and palestinian inside. i can clearly see this country from what it is i proud to call on that the the main thing supremacy racism and injustice. also, mr. aliens still celebrate the national day. all the is particularly young people are increasingly rejecting its earlier this week, statues of 2 colonial figures in milton was vandalized. i thing to say is about recognizing that it's got sure i was going to dock history and we're here to start with our best ations paper. the debates around changing the dates of history and the day has gone at public attention for years. several communities have moved the citizenship ceremonies to another date, and some retailers have stopped selling australia de merchandise. jessica washington out to 0. and that's the news our on algae 0 from nice. slowly back to the now team here in doha. thank you for watching. elizabeth ronald is with you
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next with more of today's top. so i saw the on the morning of january 18th, 2023, several law enforcement agencies in georgia, conducted a rate in a forest, and se atlanta. protesters had camped in the woods for months to protect the trunk of the land from being bold, those to build a $90000000.00 police training center. so i was slipping in a hammock with my partner at the time. we woke up around like a maybe quarter till 8 in the morning. several were soleski had travelled from pittsburgh to atlanta and joined the protests for the weekend. so we were just laying in bed
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talking. and then all of a sudden we heard and saw just like 15 or so police and full military like combat gear, like with a are 15 is just like coming through the woods directly out us we're waiting to be put into a transport vehicle. and that's when i heard gunshots. oil rich get rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results. water as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow, under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now, when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to death investigation. the gift compelling in science,
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inter toes from asia pacific 101 east. on out to 0. the israel must in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. but you ens top calls orders as well to prevent genocide and gaza and allow your monitoring a but stops charge of demanding a ceasefire. the .


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