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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the israel must, in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. takes all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. the ones top cold asks israel to prevent genocide in gaza and the long humanitarian age and but stopped shoals of altering
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a ceasefire. the hello, so robert, he wants, he owns his every life. what headquarters here in the also coming up the charge of genocide level against israel is not only phones is a rage of a defined as well rejects the ruling. it's probably minister benjamin netanyahu bonds to carry on with his will, and also causes largest remaining health facility now. so hospital can no longer provide cycle services, hundreds of patients and thousands of displaced palestinians of trump by without food, electricity, and medicine. in new york jewelry oldest former us president donald trump, to pay more than $83000000.00 to a right to the accused him of right then at the destination trying the welcome to the program, the you and the top colt as ordered as well to take measures to prevent genocide in
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garza is the 1st ruling by the international court of justice and the case filed by south africa against israel. judges voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures, asking as well to prevent death and destruction. but they stopped short of order to cease find the cool. it's also called on her mouse. to release is ready the captives. diplomat. together to james baser pulls from the hague. the 17 judges of the un stop legal body took part in the deliberations on south africa's case against israel. bro. tons of the genocide convention that ruling right out by the courts. president concluded that south africa's planes were plausible. but the situation and cause that was very grave and urgent, and the israel by the dehumanizing language of its leaders, had shown intent. she directly quoted, israel's president and its defense minister administered, golan stated, speaking to his rarely troops on the guards and border. i quote,
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i have released all restraints. you saw what we are fighting against. we are fighting human animals. this is the isis of gaza. the quotes president then read outlook judges decisions, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. takes all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. applaud routing, which included the note of that israel, properly deal with a da humanitarian situation. but there was no specific coal for to meet at sea spot meetings. outside the court, south africa's foreign minister gave her reaction to reporters in it so sizing. uh the uh old uh, that would have to be a ceasefire without the order doesn't actually what the hell are you disappointed? no,
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they didn't specify i'm i have no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed i hoped for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is come back to for me requires a ceasefire. this is just an interim ruling. this case is expected to go on for a number of years, but there is another important landmark in just one months time. israel has been ordered to produce a report for the judges explaining how it's complying with this ruling. james buys outages, era, the hague, to be wild as being the risk bites of people in goals. lots of holes between calling you this is under siege by the israeli army. i mean, it's heavy finding the by at least 300 patients and 5000 displaced people
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a trumped inside the world health organization is quoting for an immediate cease fire so that it can be placed the hospital with urgently needed live saving supplies. also hospital is also really out of fuel and food and is no longer functioning. after most of its stuff, slide, doctors without borders say that many wounded palestinians will have no options for treatment, as, as well as defensive, intensifies in southern goals. recently military is open fire on displays, published studies and calling you this legal sources. say a number of people are interested in the fee is that is really false. is may be preparing to arrest large numbers of palestinians in the area that people are going to have expressed disappointment at the you in court ruling which didn't told was ceasefire to stop the blood shed. some of the, the international court was supposed to, at least to demand an immediate cease by a bus. and fortunately it didn't,
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we really disappointed because it's like saying this aggression can continue. it's a pretty good rebuilding. yeah, we heard about the i see a decision in the hate and it's not what we expect to most of the display people of civilians including children living that we hope that the decision would reflect that which human beings, human beings being exposed to ethnic cleansing. we should be treat to the search result. the court would at least amount to cease via so that the capitalism has moved from rough. the palestinians today were hearing the ruling by the international court of justice regarding his oldest for these with occupation forces to prevent the size of the attacks in gaza strip and also to allow for more humanitarian supplies. how this thing is a fax for a completely desperate in terms of the the ongoing is really miniature tax, despite the, the resolution made by the international court of justice as is well is, expands and submitted to have taxed on different areas of course,
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because especially in the southern part that's supposed to be a safe zone for guns, which also excessive bates. you me to tell you the situation and conditions at the very limited number of a human terrier supplies being delivered into gaza strip as more evacuation or just being issued for residents. con you in a city to sleep seeking safety to reflect on the ongoing for bottom. it's also for roughly district within the past few hours. tar cubism, which is a rough, rough line in southern gospel. the south african presence around the place that has a fluid its the only c j. 's rolling. he was in pretoria with the supporters when the decision was announced. south african government said the calls provisional meshes, or decisive victory for the international rule of law. we expect israel as a self proclaimed democracy and the state that respects the floor to abide by the mess,
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just headed down by the international court of justice. after more than half a century of occupation, this possession oppression and a part to the palestinian people. his cries for justice had been heated by an eminent organ of the united nations. now the reaction to the i c. j. a ruling in the occupied westbank was muted. charles, trying such as well as with palestinians, the, as they watched the proceedings and fold from hague, the city tomorrow and the occupied westbank shows life pictures from inside. you installed the quote in the hague. its ruling states that is royal must take little measures to prevent genocidal accidentally to garza. but there was no order of a c spot to stop. the killing was little surprised amongst those present when the decision came. the kindest hope and international law, international humanitarian law and international and making isms. and they were
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very helpful today. i'm after this decision. they are more disappointed. israel's won't goal is that continues to be felt in the occupied. westbank is where the ministry rates have to change the modem. $6200.00 promised indians since the how much the tax on some of these well, on october, the 7th of these radios because killed moving $370.00 promised indians in the occupied westbank since the war began. and these really secular violence has dramatically increased again, but all the court would have ruled for an immediate end to the is there a, the army atrocities and stop the war? because guys and civilians are an armed alone and desperate? the decision disappointed me. i was hoping just to port with at least protect the people in garza. but now there are no protection for the philistine and people who are there in gaza or the west bank. i'm some believe the rules are going to have means is ready. army and secular violence in the occupied was bank could get even
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was i can't decide busy the israel will now increase it so probation. see this is expected by the ruling is not a surprise. it again shows and justice from wild leaders in justice from the west and well in relation to palestine, part of sydney and foreign minister, we all automatically welcome the action of the international court of justice in ordering israel take all measures to ensure that acts of genocide are not committed in garza but we never demand for an immediate c saw that means that the silica in garza will continue. and so trust amongst palestinians in the united nations and international law is that his lowest ever since the will began to all stuff. it was a 00 molar in the occupied westbank, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his branch then relate to the colts decision. he called the rolling a disgrace. israel will have to report to the i c, g within
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a month regarding its compliance with the measures. all the domains or pulls from tel aviv, the senses damage just as the court did not call them. these are up to stop is military campaign in gaza. but it also did not throw out the case submitted by south africa on genocide. the intent as israel requests with alarm, instead, the international court of justice forwarded israel to take steps to prevent acts of genocide in gaza and ruling that prime minister benjamin netanyahu was quick to dismiss. all israel's commitment to international law is unwavering. equally unwavering is our sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and defend our people a like every country. israel has an inherent right to defend itself. the vile attempt to deny is real. this fundamental right is blazing discrimination against the jew estates taking no going into the proceedings. israel was hoping it could
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rely on the vote of the 6 western judges, a decor, but vote after vote, it became clear that the judges were united in their decisions twice even getting the vote of these really judge. on 2 of the 6 provisional measures by 16 votes to one, the state of israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. but while the quote session was under way, the war continued in gaza is really tags targeting the surroundings of the mental hospital. and it strikes, targeting homes where civilians were sheltering. similar tactics made the basis of south africa submission to the international court of justice. israel is under pressure internationally, but the total public support for the war remains high. i think there's
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a lot of double standards placed on israel if you look at the un resolutions throughout the world. so many are placed are in indictments of israel and countries that are notorious for human rights violations seem to get by without the same scrutiny. so i think this is par, for course, for the international community to place this level of scrutiny on israel is re lease over whelming these think that the army is using the serial amount of power in gaza. and the high number of civilian casualties is justified for israel to reach it. schools, even if the court did not hold for a ceasefire over israel to pull out of garza. this is the 1st time israel is shipped of what palestinian c as in puny g at the expense is not clear if it will abide by any of the rulings or how. but for decades, israel has been saying that it has the most moral army in the world,
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the international court of justice, deans, otherwise. and now israel is required to submit the report within a months showing how it complies with these provisional measures for the how many others you tell us that the united nations are about bassett as met to discuss the i c j ruling, while the united nations secretary general, reassign him to school for sci fi. gabriel is on the hudson wolf new york. late friday after all day taking stock of the i. c. j. decision at the hague. ambassadors from arab countries gather at the united nations to discuss a key question. what next? after allowing the media to film the opening portion of the meeting, the rest was behind closed doors, so talks could continue in private. before the meeting, the palestinian representative said now was the time to seize the moment. if one to
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look at the provision and imagine separately and collectively, it gives the clear message that in order to do all the things that they're asking for, you need a ceasefire for it to to have you and secretary general, antonio gutierrez, issued a statement through spokesperson acknowledging the i c j ruling, but offering few insights on how he views the judgement is the secretary general disappointed that the i c. j did not call for a a ceasefire. there's the secretary, john was not here to do color commentating on, on decisions of the independent court of the what his position has been. what it is, it's been very clear. it's what the secretary general thinks that what he would like to see is an immediate humanitarian cease fire all eyes. now turn to the security council. it seems likely that by the middle of next week, the counselor will call for an open meeting to discuss the rulings by the i c j. then the question becomes, will algeria,
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the error of the member of the council begin to circulate a draft resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. diplomatic sources are telling us all indications are pointing to exactly that. gabriel's on to l, just even at the united nations, new york. now the 1st having a civil case accusing us president j button and other senior members have been complicit in. genocide has a chance of the day write scripts and a number of individuals have brought the case in oakland, california, the asking the call to old press the button to and us military assistance to israel . jonathan catawba is an instructional human rights, so he says the case reflects a change in public opinion about as well as war on garza. in my opinion, the case is not going to be decided on the matter on the merits. but on the issue of procedural justice ability,
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the judge feels uncomfortable. he said this was the most difficult case if he's had in his life. because on the one hand, the facts are very clear. on the other hand, to accuse the executive branch to use the president of the united states, oh, complicity and genocide. it is a very high bar and the judge was not sure that he has the authority to do it. i am actually surprised that he has even allowed the testimonies to appear without the ruling of the procedure issue. first, i think part of it is, is a humanitarian issue. because despite the official line of the united states would support israel, the majority of americans believe that there should be a ceasefire. and this is far now. they see the destruction of the pictures, the set, the pictures, the drawing pictures of, of, of destruction. even though the state of his,
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i have tried to prevent foreign journalists from entering and, and the viewing people and, and the with the see for themselves. what is happening. the still ahead here. all the images are the world's largest human migration kicks off in china. ahead of the new year holiday, the police degree seeking mediation, it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they won't be met with fire and security rise. anxiety, are you doing scrolling radio tape or i'd like to select exploring how x is central threats to life impacts the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on
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outsourcing. what constitutes extent? so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the fact whether as to what happened as independent, we won't be, we want the education. my wants to be the we don't have lead them in different countries. in the policy i'm, it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefits. no intelligent services, the claimant reports that i should just trust the community. often as i find the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of
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the book about you. what you'll have to say with me is that he'll robin in the hall reminder of all top stories, the international court of justice as old as well to prevent, gently sliding calls us. but itself short of asking for see sign is the 1st ruling in a case file, find south africa against israel. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has condemned the colts decision. be said the sent to the coals is considering allegations of genocide against is wrong. it's a disgrace, a nicer hospital and does a south is under siege by these really all mean it's heavy fighting. they buy at least 300 patients. and 5000 displays people upfront inside is a full set of tires out yet another 90 the rates and the occupied westbank promised to be 9 was killed, the tooth was tiffany,
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the testers code is voting from the hospital. these really soldiers also re, to the town of yet city, near the city of nicholas c. u. s. military is consuming a, here theme is all the time, all they tank off the coast of yemen. the mullin lawanda reported damage, but no injuries to its crew will ships have provided assistance, including us navy destroyer was shot down to the incoming missile repeated a tax on shipping in the red sea have full container ships to avoid the serious canal. so let's take a look at some of the other weld news. donald trump has been ordered to pay $83000000.00 for years of malicious attacks on the woman who accused of rape before me was president was found live the last. yeah, i've sexually abusing e. jean carol the right to then suit him to defamation. trump has described the verdict as absolutely ridiculous, rather than george is in washington dc with a breakdown of what trump is being ordered to pay. well,
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we have to be very specific about how the jury in this case of defamation that was brought by aging carol, the long time journalist and aunt i got a columnist for elle magazine brought against the former president donald trump. she had wanted $24000000.00 for emotional damage and damage to her refutation. instead the jury awarded 183w7 about was for emotional law damage. the other 11300000 was for damage to her professional reputation. what the jury also awarded was $65000000.00 to punish donald trump at herb herb teams request in order to persuade him not to do this again to her or to anyone else. no, of course, not surprisingly, the former us president who wasn't in the court room when the jury came back with
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its verdict on friday afternoon, said that he will appeal not just this verdict, but another verdict in a separate trial a year ago may, in which that jury felt that he had sexually abused e j. carol in the mid 19 ninety's out of manhattan department store. a lodging team is government, a scrap plans for some major spending reforms following widespread protests. the dropping of the changes to the pension and system is aimed at ensuring congress passes another cost cutting legislation. the president, have you, emily? complained all they pledged over the whole, the struggling economy. but his wise but changes have provoked backslash, especially from work as an pension. is to key is one step closer to acquiring dozens of 16. find the address from the united states. the by the ministration is approve the $23000000000.00 sale of the war plains. this comes of to anchor approve sweetens bit to join nato is now to homeless troopers of jail. many of straightens
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that be celebrating that national holiday, but australia i also saw protest in solidarity with indigenous australians and demands for celebrations to be abolished. jessica washington has no it should be thousands of people mocked a streaming day by taking pause in a protest march close to change the change at the national day has been growing in recent years. demonstration said, celebrates colonization. and the disposition, if ever original and torres strait islander, in my opinion, they should be now extracted. i very celebrate the genocide of any other people. it should be abolished. this is not started i. this is invasion, no to us, observed annually on january. the 26th is really day marks the end of the 3 of the arrival of the british 1st fleet in sidney cove. more than 200 years ago. this is protest included a sizable palestinian representation with some participants drawing comparisons
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between the experiences of indigenous australians and palestinian. and i can clearly see this country from what it is i proud to call on a that speaks to maintain supremacy racism and injustice. also, mr. aliens still celebrate the national day. all the is particularly young people are increasingly rejecting its earlier this week, statues of 2 colonial figures in milton was vandalized. i think the say is about recognizing that it's good. sure i was gonna talk history. i'm way to stay with our best agents. paypal. the debates around changing the data vestry in the day has gone and public attention for years. several communities have moved the citizenship ceremonies to another date. and some retailers have stopped selling australia de merchandise. jessica washington out to 0 of things in china on the move in record numbers for the new year. holiday. nice hope the travel band will boost the
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economy. katrina, you comfortable fishing? china is the annual travel rush has begun with millions of people starting to do any head of the unit new year holiday. in february, the government expects a record 9000000000 trips will take place this year, putting pressure on public transport, how many time you use to migrate to big cities for work, spend most of the is separated from loved ones and are excited to return home for the holiday coaching, so later i had a very good year. i make good money and i'm looking forward to our family reunion. but it's not a happy home coming for old. i haven't are much money this past year. it's been hard. but i still need to return through saturday, the new. yeah. because my children and parents own a home economic growth is stagnating off to the current of ours. pandemic china is best when deflation and struggling to restore consumer confidence. it's hooked. the travel boom was 1st spending. traditionally,
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people travel to the home town to spend the new year with that family. this year, more people are traveling for flores and i'm felicia increasingly budget crunches. tours, opting to stay close at home, choosing destination such as hong kong, the tropical island of high none, or the northern city of hardening, famous sports ice festival. a to the new show fund this to the huge flow of people's accompanied by huge consumption, mainly in shopping, food, sightseeing, entertainment, culture, and sports. this will be a big stimulus for domestic consumption. in 2023, we worked to restore consumption this year. our goal is to expand it. we a travel agencies, a country such as thailand and singapore, which chinese possible colors can enter visa, free of popular chinese ellens. have scheduled an additional $2500.00 flights for the living in the period. but minneapolis save up to 3 years of close boat is due
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to the corbet 19 outbreak. china is international travel industry may not fully recover until 2025. katrina you out to 0 staging. that sits from mesa hold robin for now. the weather is next settled inside story. well, examine the integration of a controversial into temple in india in an election. yeah. to stay with us here on opposite the, the hello that it's a stormy story for parts of north america. this batch of severe storms rumbling their way through the deep south and intensifying a, bringing a risk of a flash flooding. some of those states in the southeast corner pushing their way towards the eastern seaboard as we go sack today in to sunday, we'll see something of a cool down for some of the cities like washington dc,
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and the likelihood of the return of some wintery conditions across the great lakes and into new england walk things cool. down here. we're still seeing lots of heat across from the central areas and it's a central parts of canada. we had bitter cold for weeks and weeks. but now we think terms of what about the average for this time if you're still some what the weather is starting to pull into west and parts of canada as well as the pacific northwest . you can see that is going to cool things down slightly, but still lots of sunshine and want to building up for california. there in that one can be felt in the north of mexico at least for a day on saturday. but have just come down from one to re into sunday. it will be a similar story from mexico city as that was a, whether the tail end from those storms rushes down across the you could time financial a into believe, as well as was marla some with the weather coming in for west in cuba. but sunshine, further east, that's your weather update. the
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long, sleek, 2 years should be a time to relish. but in europe's comment, he cannot make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living mixed price hikes and forced evictions. and i'm like, the candidate can spend images from is quite for time and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community, explains housing stack a witness documentary or now to 0. what's the risk of india turning into a hen? do nation 5 minutes sitting around for moody has just presided over the consecration of a highly controversial temple. he says it marks a turning point. what does that mean for secularism in india? this is inside store the
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hello and welcome to the program. i need bulk. i've been to you as a prime minister now rendered moody has inaugurated a controversial him to 10 pulled in the northern city of i owed you the shrine was


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