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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the gauze is largest functioning, healthcare facility grinds to a halt, no medical supplies and limits of electricity, and also the hospital where hundreds of patients desperately need help. the fun stomach is a them, this is al, just here a live from dell hall. so coming up, a neighborhood in ruins, is riley bums, flattened and ties. suburbs of garza, city,
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$170.00 full palestinians are killed in the last 24 hours. view and top judicial body, the international court of justice orders as well to prevent and punish acts of genocide in guns and the jury in new york voters. for me, you as president donald trump, to pay more than $83000000.00 to a ride to, to accuse them of defamation. the, we'd be a 150 patients and thousands of displaced people. a sheltering inside. even though the international court of justice handed down the ruling on friday that israel must do all it can to prevent genocidal acts. the bombardment of the strip continues. a 170 full palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. taking the total death toll since october,
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the 7th to $26257.00. michael a pallet begins our coverage seems of k all said no sir, hosted the wounded and dying. lie on me. sterilization in basic medical hygiene or luxuries. doctors simply don't show it to the supplies. they say they're forced to use the same bandages on multiple patients on same and so same from the follow up. most teams in our department of left, even the cleaners have gone. some doctors, nurses tried to clean the hospital, i felt once withdrawn treating patients. it's the disaster. the hospital has about 350 patients. and at least $5000.00 displace palestinians are sheltering at the complex. they are unable to leave. outside is ready tanks and fist fighting.
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international aid organizations won't garza no longer has the health care system. doctors without borders accuse israel of systematic key targeting causes hospitals . one off to the other. you and says only 40, you know, able to offer medical services and only basic treatment. stop north and come all odd one hospital doctors make do with the little they have northern gaza. it came under intense, has radiated tax early in the war. and what was the yet, there was enough light during the day. so imagine what it's like at night. many times medical teams rely on mobile phone torches. nurse is also trying to perform miracles. i'm a, let's see, the other 2, we work with the minimum tools in this a very typical situation. the lack of electricity and fuel is a big obstacle. we haven't had electricity since the hospital was targeted by is
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really forces. the world health organization is calling for an immediate cease fire . so it can restart the fuse functioning hospitals level that we are suffering here . there's nothing available, no milk formula, food or medication for children. the hospital is packed and there are no doctors to treat the patient, but the desperation grows daily. as does the leave full combination of hunger and disease, which ultimately, the u. n. ones will kill mole palestinians and is really bulk mike level, which is 0. now, who's going to have a mac mode? he joins us live from rough off in southern gaza and had a it's now been 24 hours since the almost 24 hours since the i c j routing came out in the last 24 hours. $170.00 full palestinians killed. i guess no sign to any major change in this riley tactics then.
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so not at all, sammy, we're only seeing more devastation and more suffering across the gaza strip. nearly concentrated in the central area and the city of han noon is where most of the intense fighting is taking place reports about extreme confrontation on the street . the street battle is which is really invading forces a station at the central part of the city. but more of the devastation is taking place around the vicinity of nozzler house. but the land, a little bit to the western side of the city, around the district, and around and not condemning institution and lock stock university, the largest public university wouldn't which be where people i've been filtering for the past few weeks. literally, thousands of people are inside the campus of the university and its buildings are, have no way to leave the the campus as really time set on the vehicle surrounding
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the areas. but the fact that it is happening right now around the vicinity of knots or hospital, just give it one indication to people that there is a systematic at tox, aggressive attacks on health care facilities across the guster. one after the other so far, reports of more injured people and more people have been killed in overnight attacks that are the hour this morning arrived at the hospital. but arrived with difficulty as times are blocking golda roads leading to the main gates of the hospital. the destruction that was caused by the gives artillery selling and the mass of various reg, just destroyed. the vast majority of the 1st infrastructure impeding the work of paramedics 1st responder, civil defense, the crew members on the ground find it difficult to get to targeted sites. do save, who might have survived those relentless attacks, more than
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a 100 people have been killed just within the past 24 hours. and since the ruling of the international court of justice, they're only seeing a sir is india tax and no lit up in these a. the only known that i've on the genocide that's been taking place since day one of this for all right. i must move that from or off. well that violence is taking place and gaza owl is off to the winds. top court ordered israel to take measures to prevent and punish genocide and gaza. it's the 1st routing by the international court of justice and the case filed by south africa. judges voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures, asking israel to prevent further death and destruction. cold, also called on him, asked to release the captives though that was not in the provisional measures. i'll definitely get it to james bay's reports from the hague. 17 judges of the us talk legal body took part in the deliberations on south africa's case against israel.
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brought home the genocide convention said rolling right out by the coats, president concluded that south africa's planes were plausible, but the situation in gauze that was very grave and urgent. and the israel, by the dehumanizing language of its leaders, had shown intent. she directly quoted israel's president and its defense minister, minister, golan stated, speaking to his rarely troops on the guards and border. i quote, i have released all restraints. you saw what we are fighting against. we are fighting human animals. this is the isis of gaza. the quotes president then read outlook judges decisions, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. applaud routing,
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which included the note of the israel properly deal with the da humanitarian situation. but there was no specific cold for them. agency spar outside the court, south africa's foreign minister gave her reaction to reporters in it so sizing. uh the uh old uh, that would have to be a ceasefire without its the old uh doesn't actually what the hell are you disappointed? no, they didn't specify i'm, i have no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed i hope for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is come back to for me requires a sci fi. this is just an interim ruling. this case is expected to go on for a number of years,
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but there is another important landmark in just one months time. israel has been ordered to produce a report for the judges explaining how it's complying with this ruling. james buys alger 0, the haig. i'll just say are a senior political analyst model long to charlotte is live with us here. model on, let's break down what's happened then putting it into context on november, the 16th $22334.00. you and experts referred to what they called crimes committed today, partly due to continued impunity. does the provisional i, c j rule bring an end to this error over to unity that the experts of talking about as well sir, that typically speaking yes, uh, in principle. yes, where there is there, i will uh, abide by. it remains to be seen. it doesn't seem to me that these really need those in particular. but also these are in the elite in general, the political,
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the neat and the minute 30 brass, would it be taking a lot of this on board for the simple reason they called it, hey, just make, didn't they the bent vs bangs here that i tell you something i think a lot of this is really there's when they were cutting these things and we were like, we were, you know, rolling all ours, what's the hell are they doing? they're giving us in a munition that they had actually completed and in general side. but very used to this kind of rhetoric. that's what, that's how they speak and is right. there is a 2nd degree of racism. dehumanize ation unpopular is among the political lead, but also in the society after 56 years of occupation. right. they didn't even notice that they're being so racist about it. all right, since we're talking about rhetoric, let's listen into what the quote said in announcing the adoption of these provisional measures. on 9 october 2023. mister, you'll have kalonde defense minister of israel, announced that he had ordered
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a complete siege of guys, a city, and there then that there would be no electricity, no food, no fuel. and that everything was closed. on 12 october 2023. mister isaac hurts, president of israel stated, referring to gaza quote. we are working operating militarily according to rules of international law, unequivocally. it is an entire nation out there that is responsible. it is not true, this rhetoric about civilians not and we're not involved. this is absolutely not true. the court notes that the military operation being conducted by israel following the attack of 7 october 2023, has resulted in a large number of deaths and injuries, as well as massive destruction of homes, the forcible displacement of the vast majority of the population. and extensive damage to civilian infrastructure. in the courts view,
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the aforementioned facts and circumstances are sufficient to conclude that at least some of the rights signed by south africa and for which it is seeking protection are plausible. this is the case with respect to the right of palestinians in gaza to be protected from acts of genocide. now my one listening to what was said that of course this is not the final finding on whether or not genocide the could, but the president of the call went through what's happening to civilians. what is really officials have been saying, basically said that south africa's case genocide case is closed. simple right? oh, yeah, i mean, this is a line my cooling simply because of the, the arguments that was stated for 56 minutes, which is almost identical to the south african arguments, which is also almost identical to what the fitness phineas had been saying for over
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4 months basically that is a is not on the general side that an intent, it's genocide the in practice. and the palestinian people are in danger of continued genocide. what the, what, what the, what the, what the president of the court said that they had been going through. and that they will be going through in the future of more of the same unless is there a fix, a number of steps that must take? that's why this is a very important not rolling is today is on trial for should for genesis. i know what you just said, though, when you listen to a lot very significant west and will be, does have been saying you do feel that is a very obvious gap between where the i c j is and what some of the will power is. all that is listening to what john cubby had to say on january the 4th,
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and final submission merritt list, counterproductive and completely without any basis. in fact, whatsoever or did we just basically here, the president of the world colt refute that statement that it's count merritt less and completely without any basis. in fact, that's not the impression you get from the i. c, j should remember to back back then we said, what could be himself was saying was medical is lacking in diplomacy. and lacking in base, it was based on what he was saying, what could be a say? and as you said, the, the cost of the land, the world's court have proved everything car be have been saying, not just these 3 words. everything currently has been saying in just defying. israel is general side, the past 3 months went wrong. and that's why i think this type of delusion because americans,
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why did administration has put things to be de delusional when it comes to what is there it has been doing? and it's attempt at shifting, is there a diplomatically, has also proving to be counter productive? now that the world's core test came out with it's showing the united states and other western backers of israel, genocide must cease and desist and they must. this is what some international human rights groups have been calling for. like human rights watching a statement of november the 6th of the morning that and they went actually mentioned the us, the u. k. kind of the gym and they might be end up being complicit and abuse is right now with, with seeing this movement towards that and the i c j it's it's comp trust also does it not milan with the rhetoric we heard from west and leaders during the ukraine will, that's $10.00 a year ago and listening to what some of those they just was saying. russian forces
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also open fire on 10 civilians who are waiting in line for bread. these incidents joint a long list of attacks on civilians, not military locations across ukraine, including apartment buildings, public squares, and last week, a maternity hospital in mariel. i doubt that any of us who saw those images will ever forget. yesterday, president biden said that in his opinion, war crimes have been committed a new train. personally, i agree. yes, the day we saw again rush us targeted attacks against civilian infrastructure. and this is marching a new chapter in an already very cool war. the international order is very clear. these all walk frank target is a tex. on civilian infrastructure. was a clear aim to cut off men, women,
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children of lot to electricity on teaching with the winter coming. these are x of pure carol. it's amazing that the, some of the same language was used in those statements talking about targeting civilian infrastructure, voltage electricity being caught from men, women, and children with some of the same references that the presence of the i c, j explained. and why they've come to that position. i mean, yet, it took south africa more one. how significant is that? not a major west in palate, talks about human rights. it took a non weston. how to bring this case. i notice these references to the i c j. but back to, to your question, i think today in the world we live in south africa. that's the champion of international human rights and who might appear in law, not the source of declared western powers that are uh, the, the champions of,
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of the humanitarian in our work. but, but, you know, back then we laughed and i'm still laughing now. i mean, you can't make this stuff up, you cannot make this stuff up. the hypocrisy, the hypocrisy, advi bucher, see of what's to need, especially to bundle. and i mean, i'm the by the name assertion. there's 2 things here and we need to differentiate between the there's the hypocrisy and there's a double standard. the hypocrisy is because the europeans and especially the you in general and the u. s. has been saying that they and their values are universal values. and we think about that position on the question of gaza for us to be actively hit with the pep of critical. and the 2nd is a double stand that they say something about the queen because it shows an enemy, they say something else about guys. because is right, there's another light, that's the definition of
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a double standard. so it is laughable. laughable. how the your leaders and the u. s . leaders have taken the position, both hypocritical and double standard. when it comes the question of guys, and now it's closed up with him because the world court has proven them to be hypocritical. right. thanks so much model on the shot of him coming in. still ahead on al jazeera that was behind the rising angle across germany. against the fall arrived a if the pounds the the latest news as it breaks the way from gaza has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo. the destruction will lead to our last generation among the young people here with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has been witnessing us
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a we're shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. now from the heart of the story. many people here say that in order for as well as will remain united to nothing. yeah, we'll have to go the oil rich, get rock is facing a crisis and a farm on barn 2 results. water as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now, when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was parked one of 2 on the jersey, the investigation, the gift from attending science interview on the toes to from asia and the pacific one
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o one here on out to 0. the, the back you're watching now just to remind to now about the top stories the south causes largest functioning health facilities. on the brink of a shop down at least 300 patients and 5000 displaced kind of types inside a 170 full power students. have been killed in his writing and text in the last 24 hours. that takes the desktop since october, the 7th, $26257.00. the international court of justice is ordered. let's take a look at some other world news. now. the jury in new york state is old informing us president donald trump, to pay
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a june list more than $83000000.00 for the savings and use of minutes. just the tax also enjoyed and reports of victory pose in new york city. the journalist e. jean carol and her legal team on friday, celebrating a jury's decision to award her $83300000.00 in her defamation case against the former us president donald trump. in a statement, carol said, this is a great victory for every woman who stands up when she's been knocked down. and a huge defeat for every bully who has tried to keep a woman down. back in 2019 carol accused trump of raping her in the mid 1990 a charge. she denied a jury decided in 2023. trump was responsible and ordered him to pay carol $5000000.00. but before and after that court case,
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trump accused carol of lying attacked her character and subjected her to death threats from his supporters. all that led to this latest law suit and friday's verdict. trump's reaction, the case was met to derail his presidential campaign. i fully disagree with both verdicts and will be appealing this whole bite and directed which hunt focused on me and the republican party trumps lawyer elaborated i will continue with president trump to fight for everybody's 1st amendment right to speak. everybody's a right to defend themselves when they are wrongfully accused. carol didn't speak to reporters after leaving court. it seems the jury's decision was doing all the talking for her. was one jordan, l g 0. many german cities are seeing large scale
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demonstrations against the conference filed right policy. the alternative for germany asked in recent days, dominant kane has more from bowling this was germany in the last few days. hundreds of thousands of people in the streets venting the anger at the if day a fall right ponti that stands accused of wanting to implement neo nazi policies, accusations the potty strenuously denies which stem from a meeting held in november at this building in pottstown. where prominent if de politicians met some christine democrats and of a leading german right wing us to discuss what they call re migration a policy which would remove the citizenship of migrants who become naturalized as germans and to pull them from this country. it's a concept which one leading lawyer says is entirely in equal the idea of re migration basically calls for
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a complete abolition of human rights of migrants of every refugee convention off and basic rights and shrines in the german constitution. it would require regime change. that brings the far right into a position of power where they can do whatever they want. and the last time the far ice in this country has chumps to do what ever wanted to do in power. you came up with this. the nuremberg will not seen that just lation, which took away the citizenship of jews and others of that human rights and encourage them to leave this country. eventually, the journey that started with this law would end with the holocaust. a zach as v, as de leadership says it deplores anti semitism as distance itself from the pop stem discussion in an angry intervention in parliament. one of its members who was at the meeting denied planning unconstitutional policies and denounced the coalition. government might not,
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by my party is exclusively concerned with the constitutional measures which you are not enforcing that's a failure of the state. that's why you're trying to distract attention from your failure by smearing us. but one thing is arguable, the policies of the if day on now in focus as never before, while hundreds of thousands of people protesting against the party in the street. many millions more supporting it in the polls. in a country where as much as 18 percent of the population can be classed as migrants, dominant cane challenges, era bullying, and all that brings us to the end of the show. you can of coal style today and using head of websites, l g 0, don't. com. weather is next then inside. story examines the annual ration of a controversial can do temple in india because it's
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a bell. stay with us. the hello. there is a rather settled story across the east asia at the moment, in particular for japan. we are still seeing some wintery weather, but it's not as bad as it has been in recent days. no more blizzards conditions, just some light, snow affecting northern and western areas. but some pieces of rain here in the as well, but sunshine in tokyo through the latter part of the weekend and into the new week . this is the story for the korean peninsula. lots of sunshine coming in for so we see the temperature pick up slightly over the next few days, but it does remain rather cold or we are seeing some bright, the skies for beijing on monday that went to weather. however, you can see it developing across the south of china that's going to move its way for the east. with the gloom got cloud conditions coming into shanghai. we will see
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some of that rain start to trickle in. come tuesday and it was a move to south asia. we all going see some rain start to push into northern parts of pakistan and india with some snow as well on the mountains from a system that's moving its way east out of afghanistan. but still the salt and smoke the conditions, all the story across northern areas we have good amber looks not for the likes of we to protest from of that fog drifting it's way for the south. but further south of this, a much more several picture. lots of sunshine, we will see some rain coming in to sholandra again on sunday the the, the, the was filed, the sea and everything is good. even explained the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable with this,
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with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor. we've been occupied and imprisoned. what's the risk of india turning into a hen? do nation 5 minutes sitting around for moody has just presided over the consecration of a highly controversial temple. he says it marks a turning point. what does that mean for secularism in india? this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program. i need bulk. i've been to you as a prime minister now rendered moody has inaugurated a controversial him to 10 pulled in the northern city of i owed you the shrine was


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