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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:58pm AST

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on the joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha. the hello, i'm about this and this is that he was on life so hard coming up in the next 60 minutes. southern garza's largest remaining hospital begins to buckle under the strain, a sick injured and a homeless palestinians, russian hoping for any kind of health. the rain pours on, garza compounding misery for the hundreds of thousands upon the standings left outside without shelter. just a day off to the international court of justice,
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orders israel to stop kenning potter stains, at least a $174.00 killed in just 24 hours of is really minutes. reaction. the timing to yeah, women take to the streets, calling for an end to feminist side off of a jump in kenneth and soda, rena sutherland k as one the 1st grandson's son. his funds would be it and better as you know, lifting the australia and i've been trying to see for a 2nd straight time after victory over china's kin wednesday the so we're going to beginning guys over the biggest hospital and the size is reported to be on the brink of collapse, delta of naso hospital, a warning a won't be able to function from much longer, more than 350 patients. and many other people who are being forced from their homes
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are sheltering. their a $170.00 for palestinians are being killed across the gaza strip. in the past $24.00 on a mock mode begins or copies from was off or in southern gaza. the scenes of pay us and nonsense hosted the wounded and dined lie on the floor. there lies ation and basic medical hygiene are luxuries. doctors simply do not have short of supplies. they say they are forced to use the same bandages on multiple patients. and same and so same for the power of most teams in our department of left, even the cleaners have gone some doctors and this has tried to clean the hospitalized self. once we're done treating patients, it's the disaster. the hospital has about 350 patients and at least 5000 displays, palestinians are filtering at the complex. they are unable to leave,
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outside is really times and fears, fighting internationally and organization war and ga, the no longer has a health care system. doctors without borders accuse israel of targeting gall just hospital one after the other. the you on say is only for the and our abels offer medical services and all the base to get the treatment. what was the yet, there was enough light during the day. so imagine what it's like at night. many times medical teams rely on mobile phone torches. nurses are also trying to perform miracles. i'm a, let's see, the other 2. we work with the minimum tools and it's a very typical situation. the lack of electricity in fuel is a big obstacle. we haven't had electricity since the hospital was targeted by is really forces. the world health organization is calling for an immediate cease fire . so we can restock the fuel functioning hospital level that we are suffering here
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. there's nothing available, no milk formula, food or medication for children. the hospital as packed and there were no doctors to treat the patient, but the desperation in grows daily, as does the lethal combination of hunger and disease, which ultimately the u. n warns will cause more palestinians then is ray the bun hunting mode. is it uh, no fi, southern gaza will heavy rain and cold weather and goes making things much worse with palestinians made homeless by israel's war. 85 percent of the population of lost their homes and they've had to try to find some sort of safety in other parts of this trip. they're running short of food, clean water and medicine, and many don't have a roof over the hence the range flooded refugee comes soaking. people the blankets on their belongings and all that. we are displaced people in rafa. last night we were submerged in water that entered the tents. whole area was flooded and the
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tents didn't protect us from anything. so look at how everything is flooded. yeah, well that's what i have. we don't want anything. we don't want food, water, or shelter. we just want to go home here in rafa. we're lost and nobody cares about us. i want to kind of know how much do you think this blanket protects against the rain 11 displays. people came to me from con eunice and they saw us drowning. so they left me meanwhile and is very as to i got a house and the roof has killed at least 3 people. an injured many more. one woman says she's lost her sister and her niece, it's in the strike is telling me they were sleeping suddenly the rocket fell on them. that's all i know. i live far from them. i heard this news and came to see what happened and now learned it was the body of my sister and her 2 children. i found them dead. the violets who goes it continues just a day after the jo ann's top court ordered israel to take measures to prevent and punish genocide this trip. it's the 1st ruling by the international court of
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justice and a case filed by south africa. judges voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures, asking israel to prevent further death and destruction because also called on how much to release is really captives. diplomatic editor, james based reports from the hague. 17 judges that the u. n's talk legal body took part in the deliberations on south africa's case against israel. brought under the genocide convention that ruling right out by the courts. president concluded that south africa's planes were plausible. but the situation and cause that was very grave and urgent. and the israel, by the dehumanizing language of its leaders, had shown intent. she directly quoted, israel's president and its defense minister, minister go on, stated, speaking to his rarely troops on the guards and border. i quote, i have released all restraints. you saw what we are fighting against. we are
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fighting human animals. this is the isis of gaza. the quotes president then read outlook judges decisions, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention applaud routing, which included the note of the israel properly deal with the da humanitarian situation. but there was no specific cold for the meet. you see spar outside the court, south africa's part of minnesota doesn't actually what the fuck are you disappointed because they didn't specify i'm i have no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed i hoped for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have
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no role in what israel is come back to. for me requires a c spy. this is just an interim ruling. this case is expected to go on for a number of years, but there is another important landmark in just one months time. israel has been ordered to produce a report for the judges explaining how it's complying with this ruling. james buys outages, era, the hague judge in the us is hard testimony in a civil case accusing president joe biden, and other senior officials are being complicit in israel's bombardment. of gaza rights groups want the court to order the by the ministration to end its military assistance to israel. rob reynolds is outside the courthouse in oakland, california, a ministration with the genocide of our people. outside the courthouse, demonstrators called for a cease, fire and denounce president. joe biden support for israel is more on cause
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a shame on our government. i feel terrible about it. i don't feel proud to call myself in american at all. it's just because they were there and supportive palestinians and tell us then in americans we were trying to in us military aid. israel. they accused biden and top administration officials of complicity and genocide. under the 1948 international treaty against genocide, they are asking a federal judge to order the administration to stop supplying weapons and diplomatic support. israel today was an incredible day. it was indeed a historic day for the 1st time and perhaps 75 years. we the policy and community are presenting our people and you guys got to tell our story and got to share it over to the case was streamed online as witnesses described the english of losing family members. a doctor and gaza recounted desperate efforts to save children and wounded by as rarely bombs and bullets. judge jeffrey white allowed testimony from
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experts on genocide in international law despite strenuous objections by government defense lawyers, lawyers for the government did not address the question of whether to jennifer, i see is or is not very complex. democrat, rather, they argue that matters are born from all of the military affairs of the experience of the domain of the executive branch and the domestic sports. having no word for it, aging intervene lawyers for the palestinians, say they are optimistic and we're really hopeful that the judge does the right thing and does everything within the court's power to stop to this genocide, the arguments were heard and taken extremely seriously by judge wyatt he said, this is the most difficult, factually, and legally case that he's ever had to contend with plaintiff's and their lawyers hope that however, the judge eventually rules at the very least, the case will increase the already intense pressure on biden, to change course. rob reynolds, l g 0, oakland,
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california. you can send this saying they're going to suspend the funding to the u . n. agency for palestinian refugees and asthma follows the sacking of several staff members of what's known as omar on friday is what was alleging they were involved in october. the 7th attacks and the southern israel, us state department says 12 people have been identified, canada, the us and other nations had already suspended funding agencies got more than 10 sizes and stuff in johnson. the us and the u. k. have launched to air strikes, hitting a portable for data province in yemen, according to who these reports comes out to who the fight has stepped off, attacks and vessels and the red sea on friday, one of the missiles had to produce tank or off the coast of yemen, they mullin, lawanda reported damage but no injuries to its crew. repeated attacks and shipping in the red sea are forced from national shipping to avoid the suez canal. is really military size. it's air force is attacked, has
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a bottle of targets in southern lebanon statements as war plains bom, locations in the bins, as well, and adapter on this regions as well as that. it has both the operational infrastructure and a military building. going on con, as more from the level of use ton of apple socket. detentions along this boat, i haven't gone away, they are still a pace. they all being contained alone. this board of israel boat has now introduced this like new tactic. targeted assassinations between 3 of those in the last few weeks. those have taken place deep within a lebanese territory, some 40 kilometers in, at one point with the killing of a senior local come under. we something else. well that took place 2 weeks ago. we both i so at that talk to the size of nation of a mass leda, so they all roll re, uh, in uh, the something. so goods all they root. so clearly there's a lot of politics. phil to go look negotiations, don't the guy before the tensions,
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little misput to cease, and that's something that his bullets like that know interested in until there is a complete ends of the war and goes a lot of those in a very difficult position. it has a can take a government right now. it doesn't have a president. there's a lot of public taking going on. so it's not like the lebanese are completely unified right now in terms of showing strength to israel is always taking advantage of this. it's sending messages through us and french envoys who have been to the region in the last couple of on saying that has bullet needs to come to the negotiating type type. so was things being contained. there is some really bought on both sides. this boat, thousands, tens of thousands of people have been displaced on this side of the boat and left it on 76000. people are still unable to return to the homes. the
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for the take a look at some other world news done hundreds of protests as of march through the streets and major cities in kenya and demanding more to be done to stop rising acts of violence against women or yeah, it's probably follows. as susan motors of them in this month's demonstration as a calling on the government to bring in new measures to protect, to women and girls, the rights organizations and can use of the latest motors. the women are part of a wider trends in the country. the government doesn't collect specific data on
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a kennings by the national women's rights group, monitoring them. as long as a 152 cases in 2023. that's the highest number in 5 years. another group estimates 500 canyon women. i'm murdered between 20172024 cases of abuse are also life. a national survey in 2020 to find the 9000000 canyon when women that's roughly a 3rd of the population have experienced some form of physical violence. jedi midway, executive y o one and targeted like this. um, we may not end up leaving of been killed. we had been killed. everyone's gender based violence, unction, gender based violence. i should say. because what you're seeing us from the side is a combination of runaway gender based violence that has gone and checked. we do not have permissions of um, police convalescent c as well as very sewage issue. processes that needs to be the
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prosecution have led us to these positions that. ready in today i was reading through some of the the, the cases that appear particularly in the last months. and some of the attacks appear to be extremely brutal. why is that? as well, one of the, one of the essential and the gender money to as open from the site is actually the maternity of the mother. and i'm really like some of the smartest, are able to pay attention to me cuz to bring into focus that you know, when things go and check them, people become much more brutal. although some people do suspect the one of the my desk wouldn't be sure to return this, but i do not think so. i was just reading that, but can you like a lot of other african countries of adopted tracing is that a jet address? gender based violence. what's the reaction of the government being like to this? well, the government has been as well me should statement and done absolutely nothing up to that. uh 16 remained being dead in less than 2027 days. and the government
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issued my statement to the ministry of gender and not to do much after that. we've seen that, that is a very is a bondage to afraid. the big one that actually need is to be exercised. but here we are. we're the government that is not talking about this. it's a government's not doing as you say enough to deal with this. what action needs to be taken in order to start protecting women. and can you uh, one of the things that we are asking on is, or the partition these we are asking the government number one is to return the ministry of gender black to a choose to be chosen the minister of optics. obviously i wasn't demanding that we need a commission that is offering for people to actually credit what the problem is, the number 3 petition we're asking for the government to declare that from the start is a national disaster. we were mentioning before the numbers appear to be wise, and particularly in the last month or so in comparison to previous occasions. now
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obviously, all the crimes are tragedies, but if there is no further action taken, if there is no greater protection given to women and can you, how bad do you think this could get? i think it just because the numbers go up because one of the things that we've noticed is how dehumanizing and how many tons of some of the inside of groups are about to humanize the. so the women have died and, and as such, we have seen on a very big group. and she's also, he's supposed to see into the general population where you're finding the same thing, the same commentary when you find that human being to humanize. and the best thing to humanize as them onto money, super into the general population. so this needs to be caught up very quickly before we send the numbers. really, let's be increasing. as i mentioned during the executive director of what's the community is one of the pressure groups that's monitoring the situation. when you
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approach approach the security services for help. when you approach the government for help, one kind of response, do you get one of the people we need to work closely with is the police. and you find that some of these things, i'm not given the emphasis that they need to be as they can find that the survivors are not even gender sensitive trauma informed and survivors center care. and some of the trauma sometimes comes from just be solved. you know, my mother isn't needs to somebody that can be traumatized and there's a lack of a for signatures. the not have for signatures. i took care of these and especially the areas and i just have the address of amenities and you find that the government has lots of watching us in the way that they should support us. and then of course us load your district versus does not help this much already though is having a great we appreciate your being with us and i'll just get them out and thank you very much indeed for your time. all right, thank you so much. about 10000000 people that being forced from their homes and sit
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down by fighting between the cities on forces and part of military rapids support forces that number of displaced people is the highest in the world according to the engine, structuring, treating hospitals, schools and roads. the officials of the international criminal court are visiting a town on chas eastern border. so done to document to allegations of abuse more than $600.00 sizes. and certain these refugees have crossed into chad from dell for since violence broke out there 7 months ago. victims and survivors, a genocide, rape torture and enforce disappearances. i've been counted dot comedy just reports for logic in eastern shot. this video shows governor dean at bobbie brought him and 4 young men detained by lucas melisha is in debt for shortly after they were cut down a little more accurately gum redeemed. so by the november 2023 attack and managed to make it to this refugee
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camp in eastern tried. i don't even know that i do live. these people have killed intentionally just before me in the queue, or get people covered at the caps in around a great stories abound of murder, rape, torture. any slave meant to suit any use by the groups is so that nearly everyone here is demanding justice. the international criminal court says it's investigating what victims and their lawyers waste and then the but we have the evidence from both sides. some of the accused even took images and posted and bragged about such crimes. some of this evidence collaborates with what we hear from survive is dr. so working with the survivors say something maybe permanently damaged 10 percent of them. they use it to suffer from may government. the heads of problems on some of them xavion stuff off from behavioral change that vendor that ability to,
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to function properly properly. and then some of them they use it to experience was thrown once it gets better than the story. years after the 1st cases of genocide in death for only a few people are being tried. victims say they still see the operators walking the street activities and probably say thousands of victims died waiting for justice but never came. they say the lack of accountability for crimes committed in death for is what's in boulder name population. so far, the crimes into that many adults they would look to see just just done the same as those of this and the very it but has the both side clients happened in the us. deep happened, it also here in the for we needs just is for them isis seat that i to start it. but they'll pol forces that behind those accused of such crimes. it's a virus like gumbo. d assessed justice must be done. how many degrees i would use
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either agree, eastern tried people, tamales, or they're worried about an escalation and violence officer. the military leaders ended up piece agreements with on groups. it also raises concerns about further instability and the so how the general west africa and it goes hoc reports the end of a peace agreement that failed to bring peace to molly. the tv announcement by military leaders came as no surprise to many millions in the capital by myself to be so the piece of payment as an obstacle in uniting the money and people and promoting piece of social occasion the. i feel the agreements was favoring divisions along molly and somebody called support. so i commend the gentle decision he did call via cold was a threat like the republican we couldn't have exhibited it. we were forced to sign . and because out of me, the time was we now the army, his broad modeling, to be an additional saying, we are ready to fight to utilize our country. of the 2015 algiers peace
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agreement negotiated in algeria. but signed in by my co 5, mostly to work on groups and the body and state was seen as a victory for algeria and the united nation, which broke are the deal. but absent at the signing were, i'm groups linked to isolate, know, tell you that they have since increased their tax for the threatening body sovereignty. in the statement, molly's military june tech uses algeria of harper and all kinds of fighters and other arm groups, hostile to molly, and accuses algeria of meddling, embodies affairs, pushed through the announcement followed a series of battle field. victor. molly's army with the help of russian mercenaries have taken over territory in the north, last 2 armed groups. the mining governments certainly feels that he's in a better position today to negotiate. and they are in a position of strength on the ground could always the recapture in november last
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year. and so one thing is very clear, i think in their mind that this time they want to leads the piece effort by themselves somebody and territory. algeria expressed regret at the decision saying it risk threatening stability in an already unstable region. the leader of the turn time molly a see me go, dies calling for dialogue. you says a form is needed to build a new the multi and piece of equipment you made by molly is formality, is and without for an interference. nicholas hawk, l g 0. so i had on, on to 0. why anger is rising against the far right alternative for germany. politics as this migration policy is coming, a closer screws in the philippines. president flies into protest software. i'm sending the concept with a fund cold flight. that's the cost of living crisis. it shows no signs of getting any better findings forced ahead of the palestine football association, talk to,
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to 0 about his country's history making. see the had a lot of a let's have a look at the full costs for south america. and there's more very heavy reading to come for southern pots of peru where we have already seen flooding mud slides and land slides washing away houses and even closing the collapse of a highway. and you can see the heavy rain is still there on saturday. it pushes out towards more northern and central areas of brazil, some lively thunderstorms expected here over the next few days. we also see that weather pushed its way to eastern parts of brazil as rain in rio, but also some sunshine. and we'll see that weather start to pick up across southern possible result as we go into sunday. much dryer for places like power y as well as
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northern parts of argentine. of the heat has been the story here. what's the weather starting to slip into chilly? but santiago will stay dry. will see sunshine, the 3 to choose. a steady increase in the temperature to the temperatures have been sitting very high across part of central america in particular for mexico. but we all going to see something of a cool down as that weather starts to slip its way intensifying across eastern areas. eventually folding rather heavily on the yucatan peninsula, some heavy rain as well to come full bailey's west in pots of cuba, but further east. lots of sunshine for examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians. exploring a world cloths programming. we're basically a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform,
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motivates on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective on elders here oil rich iraq is facing a crisis and a final bike to results. water. as dimes built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now, when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to the the,
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the what you know, i just said a reminder about jobs. so is this uh, the biggest hospital and the size of gaza is reports to be on the brink of collapse, doctors of naso hospital, a warning a won't be able to function for much longer. heavy rain and cold weather in gaza. i'm making things more difficult for palestinians. the rain has flooded refugee camps, soaking, blankets and belongings inside the chance. 85 percent of the population has lost the homes. and at least a 100 and somebody for palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours just a day after the international court of justice ordered a 0 to avoid a genocide. but they deserve strikes that on the house and the size in draw functioning at least 3 people. i got a couple of resume is in the ross. i in southern does a topic i want to ask you about these latest strikes in a moment. first, we've been seeing these extraordinary pictures of the terrible weather and the impact that it's having on the people on the ground. how are people coping with all
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of that? 1 1 1 yeah, certain sides of cold and rain had come down just because as misery, especially as the palestinian displaced in gauze, a soft spring had reach on present at the critical levels of terrible. as of today, yellow made shift tens, have been completely collapsed because of the rain which at which the majority of tents had been flow. that way it's, as people are trying to do the best to move to keep this family is moving. we have been reaching a lot of people and making different interviews with them about the situation that they've been saying that if their children will not die because of the will, they will die because of the cold of winter. and upon god as well as to which people had been cutting completely through rustic conditions. as the majority of the children had slipped tonight over uh over much that's had completely sunk. the majority of the make shift tends,
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as the majority of civilians have no will blankets foreclose, at least to keep themselves or the families will um its the drastic weather conditions. but they have new options for choices were made, bought to coop, i'm to, into the fluctuations of weather. as long as the last for them goes the river to mentioning, i mean, i just needed to uh, dedicated a lot of air time to covering the international court of justice building um yesterday, which said that israel should avoid at genocide, particularly within guys that we are still getting reports that there are a $174.00 policy renews, have been killed in the last 24 hours. are there any indications that things are changing on the ground as well, and just falling to the international court of justice resolution and orders for these very occupation to prevent the acts of genocide against palestinians, but nothing practically on the ground had changed. there is no they taught in
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fighting the one that strikes on different areas of course, because especially in the summer it costs where the is, where the forces are, tends to find the military attacks on the city of con eunice, within the past 24 hours at least on that city, only more than 60 palestinians have been killed alongside with more than $100.00. others being wounded that at the art expanding the ministry attacks for thousands of people are still trapped in the city. the alongside today's ongoing compartment had contributed to increase the death told to more than 170 policy has been killed with more than 310 others being moved it till now. and this is completely contradictory to the international court of justice had forwarded isabel to avoid, while the vast majority of the casualties were, can be very much indeed tonic o. as in reporting to us from the rough. i am 70000 doctor months of his very attacks. many of guys are sitting is 16 of those killed. i'll just say that
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has visited the share area of the guys in capital, or homes and businesses have been left in ruins, a policeman and i used to die yourself. i'm at the end of the i am on my way to show a neighborhood east of god's assistant, to monitor how much the is ready forces, boulders, large areas on the beach for the month. as you can see, this is what is left following the occupation forces withdrawal on an hon. these are the, these are some sharps that were destroyed by these ready bold eyes. and when you get the quote to the pictures, are you on and what is it? see, we'll see i've arrived at the vicinity of a popular market here, and there are a few citizens who were trying to see what happened to that houses to see whether that homes were leveled by the occupation forces on this. i'm shut out all the moment for the month because i'm now in tell a bean street where a series of strikes have caused all this destruction that there's a ton of the more than 100 people have been killed here. and some others are still
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under the rubble of the bodies of the dead are left on the ground in some have not been identified. the see how it is mostly known that there were 3 people who were killed here. 2 brothers and the sister more put in a be a mother the they are in this and they all civilians. we know them because they all my neighbors and their houses over the. but this person covered by nyland icon recognize or identify him on how to model the cannon. these really tanks and full days is used together here they have destroyed the entire neighborhood. the better take a look at some more of the days of the news. the of any local media is reporting
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the 9 for the national and so being killed by on identified gunman in a southeast, an error on the pockets on board a semi official. now news agency says no one's claimed responsibility for the shootings. the pakistani embassy into hon has condemned the attack and has underscore the need to immediately investigate the incident and hold to account. those involved becomes a few weeks after both countries were involved in cross border attacks. rocky and us officials of how the 1st round of talks in the future of american and other fun troops based and iraq back guides. expecting the discussions to lead to a timeline for reducing their presence in the country. the u. s. has had a continuous presence in iraq since there's 2003 invasion that will be more than a $150.00 attacks targeting coalition troops. as soon as mid october, china is foreign minister has matched the us national security advisor jake sullivan in bangkok and a bid to improve ties between both countries. one, he described, the top says candid,
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unfruitful men said they'd be lead to better bilateral relations. agenda included the tensions of the future of taiwan, which beijing, with gods as a renegade products took care, is one step closer to acquiring dozens of f. 16 fighter jets from the united states of ida ministration has approve the $23000000000.00 sale of the war plains auto. and could i agree to sweep is long delayed entry into nato. its now to congress to approve the do a jury in new york state has order. former us president donald trump, to pay a journalist more than $83000000.00 for defending her in years of malicious attacks muslin, jordan, and thoughts as a victory pose in new york city. the journalist e. jean carol and her legal team on friday, celebrating a jury's decision to award her $83300000.00 in her defamation case against former us president donald trump. in a statement, carol said, this is
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a great victory for every woman who stands up when she's been knocked down. and a huge defeat for every bully who has tried to keep a woman down. back in 2019 carol accused trump of raping her in the mid 1990 a charge. she denied a jury decided in 2023. trump was responsible and ordered him to pay congested her to death threats from his supporters. all that led to this latest law suit and fridays verdict. trump's reaction, the case was met to derail his presidential campaign. i fully disagree with both verdicts and will be appealing this whole bite and directed which hunt focused on me and the republican party trumps lawyer elaborated i will continue with president trump to fight for everybody's 1st amendment right to speak. everybody's
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a right to defend themselves when they are wrongfully accused. carl didn't speak to reporters after leaving court. it seems the jury's decision was doing all the talking for her was one jordan elves. is there any job in the cities as a large scale demonstrations against the guns? as far right is part of the alternative for germany or off day. the process for sparks by reports, the leading members of the policy have discussed massive deportation of my friends . dominic kane has moved from portland that this was germany in the last few days, hundreds of thousands of people in the streets venting the anger at the if day. the far right party that stands accused of wanting to implement neo nazi policies, accusations the party strenuously denies which stem from a meeting held in november at this building in pottstown. where prominent if de
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politicians met some christine democrats and of a leading german right wing us to discuss what they call re migration a policy which would remove the citizenship of migrants who become naturalized as germans and deport them from this country. it's a concept which one leading lawyer says is entirely illegal. the idea of re migration basically calls for a complete abolition of human rights of migrants of every refugee convention off and basic rights and shrines in the german constitution. it would require regime change that brings the far right into a position of power where they can do whatever they want. and the last time the far ice in this country has chumps to do what ever wanted to do in power. it came up with this. the nuremberg will not seen that installation which took away the citizenship of jews and others of the human rights and encourage them to leave this
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country. eventually the journey that started with this law would end with the holocaust a zach after the s de leadership says it deplores anti semitism. it has distance itself from the pope's time discussion in an angry intervention in parliament. one of its members who was at the meeting, denied planning unconstitutional policies and denounced the coalition. government might not but ties. my party is exclusively concerned with constitutional measures, which you are not enforcing that's a failure of the state. that's why you're trying to distract attention from your failure by smearing us. but one thing is arguable, the policies of the i, if day on now in focus as never before, while hundreds of thousands of people protesting against the party in the street. many millions more supporting it in the polls in a country where as much as 18 percent of the population can be classed as migrants
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. dominant cane challenges, era bullying. jelly show as well off short sizes voice concern over the rise of extreme rights in this country. as judgment has been mocking the 17 values done diversity of the liberation of states on saturday. on january 27th, 1945 soviet troops fried the survivors of the concentration camp in poland. more than 1000000 people were murdered, the most of them were jews. this we concluded that is why our democracy is based on a central commitment. never again, never again, exclusion and disenfranchisement. never again, racial ideology. and these humanize ation never again. dictatorship is ensuring this is the central task of all state. that is why we are fighting every form of anti semitism, terrors, propaganda, and most entropy in poland and 94 year old holocaust survivors. as he continues to tell his story. because of the way the humans are treating each other around the
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world. we need to wake up from how we treat human beings and it is all because the whole cause happened because of hatred of others. let's be clear about that, particularly jews. okay, so we're number one on the, on the head list. but you know, there are other people under hitler, shotzel, muslims, and, and indians, and others and others. so anti it is anti human to be anti semitic me. so by the way, what was the rest of the crowd in george hours of traffic jams to reach the concert? marcus flew in on the presidential helicopter itself is said, it wasn't necessary for security. but critics say it was just another example of marcus's tone, deaf governing style. but the thing is,
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he use the filipinos boxes and watching and causing the beans and analysts say, the incident gave marcus critics something to focus on on that. and if there's one thing the marxist have long been accused of, it's their use of state funds for personal benefit. critics say the use of a government's healthy copper is in line with the president of bringing people off drilling his father's 20 years in offering that presidency often described as one of the most corrupt in the world. and yet, as recently as december, 1 survey suggested, a majority of filipinos were happy with marcus's performance except on installation . the st. paul found almost 3 quarters of the population was dissatisfied with the high cost of living. and i don't, i don't answer that number right? yes, the problem. so let's keep the analysts say revive me. the economy is going to be tough, especially after coven 19. he has done some, some diligence. the, however,
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we know that the recovery from the pandemic and from the double digit recession of the economy, will not take overnight. but we also know that for an ordinary filipinos, economic hardship continues to be the main issue of the day. which is why some of the president's foreign trips have been condemned as ill time and the necessary as commodity prices sword last year. he was the only as the leader to attend the world economic forum in douglas. in this year he looks set to continue is just setting ways with an even bigger travel budget. pardon below l g 0. many a slight head and i'll just say to the lobby's palace of a rocks. former dictator is turned into a stunning museum despite the richness of ancient mesopotamia and his folder game and belgians thompson. because of a mistake for the video, assistant referee,
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and this would that store the site input into the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the years of war and neglect of taking a toll and archaeological sites in iraq. museum in the southern city of basra, with shots off of the gulf war and 1991 in 2016 it's collections were re housed in
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a palace that belonged to former leader settled. same my phone. go ahead. is this story from boston as these policy in iraq to solve the new city of basra was built for former leader saddam hussein. no, it's a museum of antiquities hosting heretics from ancient to a separate tamia oh, defects on displays, pen, civil errors and civilizations. so marian, that'd be loading in a c, n, n, a slum. yeah, i tell them what time. so this is the 2nd largest museum in iraq off to the national museum in baghdad. and it has a phone, a off 1000 authentic and rad pieces. the ministry of culture and tourism has chosen this policy because of its unique design. the collection includes the statues, jewelry, and pottery, as well as tablets engraved with ancient lettering. but several monuments were
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damaged by icicle in 20142015. many of these are 2 facts were looted in smug into abroad for the 2003 us led invasion before being retrieved abroad. here, this is again palace which was one's home to the leader of a to tell the tennessee and redeem is now a platform for all of your y keys and foreign visitors to get to know your ox rich cultural heritage. archaeology professor, news on old, your travels to hear from port to goes to see ancient items he has studied, admired for most of his life. he regrets that thousands of precious pieces are on the accounted for less than my but the money, but the worst part is the smuggling cases that happened off to 2003 we're only to business. so the stolen piece is not catalog unlike faces that was smuggled in the 19th century, which would treated and documented and that include prizes,
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osx that belong not only to a rock, but to all human. and it's a, unfortunately, they have disappeared. the kind of the last, what i'll allow you've already, you've won teakwood, use and heritage recency opened in the museum because he's a collection of books and manuscripts of the countries ancient monuments and archaeological sites looked about the whole week or so within the library has a variety of facilities on iraqi history and ation civilizations. forming an academic, it's no longer have to travel to bypass that to access all could logical publications smoke. they also tackles pcs on display here, especially those relates to cuneiform studies, as it provides translation. acute from tex, engraved on pieces, i mean stuff here, whole visitors to wouldn't come to the museum and not just to view it's displays, but also to take part in the body. as all the cultural activities have moved up to, i hate inches, you know,
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most of the southern and the rock. it was time for the sport. here's and a thank you so much for all. well, i reinstalled the lank as one, the 1st grand slam tennis title of the sub link of retaining the australian opened shepherd. she was victory over at king when jang 21 year old jane was appearing in her 1st major final and the chinese by someone i was how if i have the rest of your finds the melvin sutherland. when this one is straight set 636. you know, i'm, i'm speechless right now. i don't know how to describe my emotions, but definitely i am super, super had been proud of everything i was able to achieve so far. and yeah, just happy with the level of play today and she's, she's a great player and very tougher point. and i'm super happy that there was able to get this mean today. under the age of 43, in this run, the honda has become the old list male player to win a grand slam sizes upon a winning the men's w 's along side. australia's mex weapon is based upon his personal sternness in
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front of the 7 scene consecutive appearances. habits on the lookout rounds of the asian cup stalled on sunday, australia play indonesia. in the 1st last 16 matching castle indonesia, through to this stage of the event for the 1st time and the rent, old and $100.00 places below australia. first agent meeting. so these 2 teams the eyes and told them it's getting hotter and hotter. and in the nature, as you said, it's not a david the glory battle, it's 2 times that will go up there and, and give it their best. and they've, chinese, and his competition so far against japan and against iraq. ha, how strong that now the head of the palestine football association has told algae 0, the success of the national team of the asian campus sent
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a message of hope to the countries. people have a son of 3 to the knockout rooms. the 1st time in the history and we'll face house counsel in the last 60 a we of this the wrong guess the in the war, a lot of detailed immunization. a lot of patients is the source of power to issue an issue in cub message. so i would say that it is not true that the 5 of our real good that we should not give up psychology kelly,
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visit kelly. we only have 6 in goods. the old sports facilities stores in there was that the out of this, the listing, every suffocating everybody has been for we suspended on this floor activity. the only one who is functioning is been mission is that he had that issue is organizing officially and they'll provide it to the states and other stuff, which is if you've got the violation of the stats, it's a fee for the child. i who i've thought of what's going on in guess with o z a to 6 is the general side that into mission. and with that,
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it's for the civil society is understand that it's the time to raise it to say in the the ladies have no right to enjoy those as that to us. and in the other the same ly 6 english f. i kept size taking place. this saturday on friday, much as the city book to the spot in around 5 with a lake going against something. i'm nice in that case going in the atx minute succeed. a will know when city also in consensus when the premier league and champions rate or manage headquarters will have this to say about getting clips decisions so easily. the pull of the end of the season begins before playing and sliver plan was was a, was a nightmare. so of course with me. so it was chocolate guessing everyone to the news. so i felt one way and then he was a part of the month city. we, we, we look,
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we lose something. we cannot define ours. very acute together. we've got him. maybe as a opinion, a she will not admit it, but she will be back by north daemon. the belgian probably gets to bring rain or flame due to a state might have on the video assisted referee this much flight last month. king . let's see. want to get some of the like, and this goal was wrong. this someone else can claim the rules of a misapplied, and they refused to spin up, held the dates for the free fight, yet to be a big century from all the pope has given england some hope in the 1st test of the series in india, pope finishing day 3 and 100 bottom bates and on a 148 england have a 2nd. any slate of a $126.00 runs. it's full which hits in. okay, but his high school is looking for not trying to. thank you very much indeed. and i am going to be back in a couple of minutes more on all these stories. don't forget the website, of course for news on sport audra 0. don't com. i'm going to madison. stay with us
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on august. the a has as well as a whole on guys, a continues, we bring you the late we are on the rounding dollars a covering. the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering. the people told us that we lost displacements and lack of resources. and from multiply is to refund the data race and restrictions prevent freedom placements of rights to worship. from tyler we will continue our coverage of his route, will cabinet decisions. the caps is and all the political development, the west bank. we've seen you reporting on the line, and this is where you raise with feelings of loss, dissension,
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and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the war on garza. and i'll just say hey, damien to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything thought provoking on my question to you. all . the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe in the security council. this is a major stumbling block, is a problem. it access that you hear the story on talk to how does era i have the right, the boy costs anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that. and 3 pod series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st
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amendment by how many words would i have to exchange in this legislation? thing use it to flush receipts of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 word pod, 3, the template on our to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the all know about this, and this has been use our lives in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. southern guys as largest remaining hospital is collapsing under pressure. i sick injured on homeless policies, search for any kind of help brain pause zone,


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