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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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for brain screening is leading to a limited success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm, stay relaxed and be able to share your shot as you normally would. amongst episode . sweet. oh no, just the brain. pause on gov, the compounding miseries of the hundreds of thousands of palestinians left homeless on these really bump up the low on the bulk of this is the out of the 0 off our from the doe who also coming up just to die off to be a special court of justice, orders israel to stop coming, palestinians a nissan from $74.00 were killed in 24 hours of his radiate times the
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strikes on medical science and southern gaza. not so hospital and calling you is over whelmed. with wounded and sheltering pallets 2 claims. all the trustees committed in a prosecution from the instructional criminal court meet survivors and neighboring shot. the thanks for joining us. heavy rain and cold weather in gauze, making worsening conditions even worse, already. desperate conditions for palestinians whose homes have been destroyed by his house for 85 percent of the population now homeless. having to find some sort of safety in other parts of this trip with buildings for main standing. people are also running short of food, clean water and medicine target, but was able to pull some rough to winter rain branches,
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the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes by these very war machine. people in the camp have slipped farms and pallets, now we are at the mess of the elements man who has been reinforcing his tent as fee as his like many others could be blown away by stones. le been this way to let go. little more 5 and do the weather is very disturbing. the situation is very difficult when they're strong. it rains heavily. this is our life now. the tense pulling us every night and you've seen yourself the condition of the test in which i live. we ask, allow a mighty to stop this disasters. calamity put an end to this war and to help us return safe to our home is old and is here. i'm need cat that's difficult and open . impossible to find a children among those made homeless. a full face, the cold and train of gauze is winter. don't have what they need to ensure the
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survival, displace palestinians here like old basic necessities. and now the tents that are living in offloading with winter clothes in short supply, we have no choice but to into the hot weather conditions. as long as last water has been pouring into tents during storms. people if it feels life he is impossible, but must do what they can to get by 11. well, that 5 digit than and then jimmy, the situation is very difficult. the heavy rains meet the tense mattresses and blankets very with them and have managed with difficult to use tones to create the kind of gate the defense mode walters from getting in the situation. he does disaster us for desperate people are wrong, even that comes every day for themselves as is very forces at fonts 10, some supplies already hot to come by soon you would have to stretch even further
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topic of a zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern guns like i will tag joins as live now from rafa in southern gauze. a. uh, yes, uh, need. uh, the drop off the tim for it to along with the a rainy cold weather that lashing uh, the majority of displaced families were living in mid shift filters are making the situation, especially with the humidity. are you in one much more was on daily basis as we have been seeing today? uh, mass number of found to be and families being completely flooded with rain water that had filled the majority of the make shift tends. that's not cold basic. this is, if you, some of these that completely are soft spring does they have no, you know, amount of 9 kit smoke also were wins that close just to make themselves and to keep their children one as children when are, are the most affected of hon eh, people who had been completely suffering from the div doreen down of rain within
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the past few days. we have been also seeing that those people are suffering from also a spread of disease, especially there was by roach, every one due to the lack of hygiene conditions and also due to the excess of patient and the deterioration of the medical conditions, especially that of the makeshift tents that they are living inside, that cold kind of humanitarian. this is now. these people have been saying that these are all of our children do not die from the will, will. they will die of the 12, the cold of winter, and the long side with hunger that had been striking over every single makeshift tents inside the calms filters. or at times the site with us will be back with you in just a moment because i want to reflect on the ongoing violence in gaza. and it's really as strike on a house. in rafa is code, at least 3 people in injured many more than one woman says she lost her sister a nieces in that strike. it tells me they were
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sleeping suddenly, the rock good film on them. that's all i know. i live far from them. i heard this news and came to see what happened and now learned it was the body of my sister and her 2 children. i found them dead. so tired, cleaning the violence, continuing wherever, all we exactly in terms of the fighting just there appeared to be any change of food despite about ruling in the hague phase, around the end, the aggression a no change at all. leave in fact, on the ground, despite the international resolution, be taken made by the international court of justice. that is, that uh does a israel to prevent the acts of genocide against allow us to use civility as well. what we see on the ground is that there is a lead, a ramp up of fighting between the palestinian fighters and these with the soldiers with on top of the bottom and over the residential neighborhoods. i've been seeing different attacks the date being carried out on the vicinity of an officer. hospice
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alongside was different areas in con, eunice and also in the middle governance where the desk told today had price and to more than $170.00 palestinians along with a $310.00 others at least being wounded. throughout the past 24 hours, it means that there is no any kind of cracking down or is barely met just on the ground, especially the military. one in terms of avoiding the genocide that attacks that the majority of people use today were young. children of women, and this is a part of the ongoing genocide to military campaign electricity's been committed by he's well inside cause i'm most of the ongoing concerns among policies that have been crickets from the facts that these quite things also little side with the military campaign expansion might extend to reach roughly within the coming days as, as well right now is encircling the majority of con, you in a city as being battled by the ease of the policy and fight as will her have been.
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oh ha, having classes with the is really so which is in different areas of the city or the city of congress are literally right now on the ground. there is no any kind of change in terms of these really military policy. but what we can see also is that as well as 22 genocide lea, a force palestinians, to flee from the houses, hitting to seek safety to rough a, which had been also provided within the past few days. right? many thanks to the update time topic, it was a midwife of the it was the biggest hospitals in the south cause i supported now to be on the brink of collapse the don't to the hospital, a warning. it wouldn't be able to function for much longer, for 350 patients and many other people who've been false in the homes of sheltering that a 174 policy needs have been killed across the gaza strip. and just the past 24 hours . and then my mood has more from rough up in southern gaza,
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the scenes of pay us and nonsense hosted the wounded and dying lie on the floor. there lies ation and basic medical hygiene are luxuries. doctors simply do not have short of supplies, they say they are forced to use the same bandages on multiple patients on time. and so it's been for the power of most teams in our department of left, even the cleaners have gone some doctors and this has tried to clean the hospitalized selves. once we're done treating patients, it's the disaster. the hospital has about 350 patients and at least 5000 displays, palestinians are filtering at the company. they are unable to leave outside is really times and fears fighting internation 1000000 organization. war and guys are no longer has a health care system. doctors without borders accuse israel of targeting gall just
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hospital one after the other. the you on say is only for the and are able to offer medical services and only base to get the treatment. because the yet there isn't enough light during the day. so imagine what it's like at night. many times medical teams rely on mobile phone torches. nurses are also trying to perform miracles. i'm a, let's see, the other 2. we work with the minimum tools and it's a very typical situation. the lack of electricity and fuel is a big obstacle. we haven't had electricity since the hospital was targeted by is really forces. the world health organization is calling for immediate ceasefire. so we can re stock the fuel functioning, hospital level that we are suffering here. there's nothing available, no milk formula, food or medication for children. the hospital as packed and there are no doctors to treat the patient, but the desperation in gro, as daily,
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as does the lethal combination of hunger and disease, which ultimately d, u, n warns, will cause more. palestinians then is really bun hunting. my mode is just the you know, fast. so during garza or dr. i'm at mcgraw, i mean is the head of the plastic surgery and booms department at nasa hospital. he describes how died. the situation is that it can you, we are on the edge said zones at him and most of those made the $95.00 or maybe color stuff or that if that was to be that because of the continuous bowman around. and there was to be that because of the gunshot sounds and the gun show that the firing at the top of dollars to be done, i'm from a gloss is already broken because of the said, got troops hiring uh most of the evacuation from those to be done,
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actually people just the used to be those to be the use it as a, she's not, as i said, please allow dogs to be down there or they are. i think like 7 to and school is the nearby. they've been on the, on the organization and the scores used to be for also or favorite created people manual these people to this but they action and they started evacuating and also rooms and also to be done before like 90 percent evacuated. still. okay. can you imagine 95 percent of that kind of stuff or did you get those to be done because the way of escape that they so they actually they created a to offer. they made me um some says owns uh, some notices. again, you know, guess they, they, they, they, they know the shop and the restaurants outside the speed, the, the, you know, hundreds of the specials who needs to get a warning. he will need some,
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i'm gonna need the sales ready. so i still doing it. uh it says your use of mind you bought me. i spoke to because i don't have you all, you know kind of stuff. i don't have said jones, i don't have this is. last is me. i know i'm doing all the pieces this as a position. you know what i'm about to do. if you look at the me because supplies as he all the same swipe is, let us of the seed of the lady tools. nothing. get this out of those to be done and get them all ready to go. supplies phone was uh, you know, and many things actually actually oh, the same strange or something, something else, but they really do. and i'm speaking no money, but now we ought to fight this without further stop medical supplies. i don't know how long we would stand for how many i don't know. actually, i don't know one we've 2 weeks. we don't know for how long people just stay with
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such as gum services and situation. positive is there any service gathered into the v for 2 separate demonstrations? my 1st is in how be most square, why people are running against the government's efforts handling of the war on guns and they calling for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down. meanwhile, in a 2nd location in tel aviv notice hostage square, all those are protesting from want to be done to bring back the concepts held in gaza. people have been gathering that for weekly demonstrations hold of abdel communities and tell of if we pull on those rallies. i hear you have the families know i've been keeping the pressure ever since the beginning of this war right in front of the ministry of defense. they have a whole encampment there might be, it is no politics. there's no talk about that. there's no joke about, you know, early captives as soon as they can. this is the main message coming out of here. we
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lived here some reaction as the anti government produce earlier made many blame, and really this is over man. for what happened, they said is because of the rest of the hughes by some of the members of the government that actually gave the opportunity to south africa to put this submission at the international court of justice. and that's one of the really old . so they told me for the government and had to have early elections in a big, huge change. it is government, they say that this country has been hijacked by the the far right. and is the far right really? that is the girls i'm or what's happening at the moment, including what they see as a diminishing or amazing or damage to the image of the child is well on an international level. now in the substance of the as the j many people were tell you
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that it's the victim israel that is being put on the dock and it should be the other way. the us and u. k. have launched to and it strikes hitting a ports in the end of the province in yemen. that's going to who t reports. it comes off the who's he fights has stepped up a tax, some vessels in the red sea. on friday, one of the missiles had a british timeko the coast of him in the model in the wanda reported damaged the vessel, but no injuries to his crew repeated the tax on shipping of the red sea, a force container ships to avoid the suicide. come now still a head allows y n g a is rising against the far right so, so this, if a germany policy has its migration policies come on to a close to squeeze the the,
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the weather brought to you by visit castle. high, low. that was not down on the in australia and the remnants of the most recent tropical cycle are still causing some problems. the central parts of queens that you can see the system. they're bringing some very heavy rain as well as powerful winds to move interior areas. but we'll see that rain rush out further east of some very heavy down pulls to come for southern parts of brisbin. we could see some flooding there and heavier rain across the north and the north territory the all and see that where where the through the weekend into the new week, i'm just gonna knock the temperatures down for places like brisbin. you can see that happening there still some one flooding into adelaide. 31 degrees celsius the on monday and we will be back in the thirty's for post as we start the new week as well. now just hop across the tasman temperatures have come down for christ church, but lots of pleasant weather to be found here. not so pleasant. however, to the south west of that some here very heavy rain coming into play. the and heavy
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rain washing out sunday for oakland and wellington moving slightly east as we go into monday before a legacy of showers remaining of a southeast asia. the heavy rain continues to dominate for much of malaysia and indonesia. still some heavy shot was to come from northern thailand on sunday. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the the the
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the you're watching out. is there a is there a mind of a top stories this out? every rain and cold weather in gauze compounding misery for palestinians. the rain has flooded refugee comes so contents 85 percent of costs as population is being displaced. system will begin. at least a 174 policies have been killed in the past 24 hours. just a day off to be in special court of justice. what it is around to avoid genocide, the latest strikes. so on a house in the south and rough kind of at least 3 people and the biggest hospital in the south of costs are just reported to be on the brink of collapse taxes. and that's a hospital, a warning. it wouldn't be able to function for much longer. now,
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solidarity riley's for guys that have taken place in several cities across europe over the weekend. and it's the kind of, she's broke out between police forces and protests us that the have demonstrated as to the, to the streets of milan collections around the police. trying to disperse the crowds. authorities by the pro palestinian rallies on such a day off to request from the jewish community because it coincided with low cost remembered and stay. i didn't spines. people say marsden send for madrid in solidarity with palestinians and gaza protests as way of palestinian and son of 5 of compliance while criticizing the you for not doing enough to stop the war began. and then you wanted to stop giving a to palestine. they're only 4 states that said no. and now we're over a 100 days into the genocide. and we still have states that are afraid to call it
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that as it is, everyone's afraid to make an enemy out of israel and above all, out of the us. this was the pitcher in greece, with thousands of demonstrators most against is around some more on cause a protest is riley at the of the us embassy in the capital athens before heading towards the is there any embassy and a similar process has taken place in the swedish capital style con, thousands riley to the court of n g o is in the country to demand an immediate cease fire, and analyses, rails actions in gaza with thousands of protest, as we'll say, demonstrated outside a branch of bond to the bank in the british capital calling for a boy called over the banks alleged financial links. these are in the military. so to get like a has more from london. well, this is a rather different sort of action that is taking place this weekend. instead of the lodge, raleigh is that i've been taking place in central london. this one has become more
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focused on the organizations that have been found to have been giving support to companies that have invested in the is really a me and given them a ministry technology as well as arms and components on this company that is focused on this weekend as far as buying a bank, which has been found to provide more than a $1000000000.00 worth of loans to companies, as well as underwriting, some 9 of us companies which have given components administrative technology to the is really all me now. well, there and trying to do here is hoping to hopefully the actions that took place in south africa, wisconsin to south africa and eventually off the much pressure to 60 is, was a pretty serious actions by such events. it's divested itself from apartheid south
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africa and people who are hoping that this action will do the same. so nearby jagow elders era loved to the or let's bring you some of the days of the world news down around 10000000 people have been for some of their homes and sit down by fighting between the seed in these armed forces. i'm permanent, you rapid support forces the number of displace people is the highest in the world of school, just the international organization for migration, it says people in sudan are at risk of mound nutrition, infectious diseases, and violence. the conflict has destroyed most of the country's infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, and roads. well, the international criminal courts chief prosecute to carry him con is a visiting child's eastern border with sudan to document allegations of abuse. con will present his findings to the un security council on monday,
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when the 600000 student needs refugees across into chad from doc for since the fall is broke out and that's 7 months ago. victims and survivors say rate porch and enforce disappearances are being carried out. how many they address report some andre in easton? chad. this video shows governor dean at bobbie brought him and 4 young men detained by lucas melisha is in debt for shortly after they were cut down a little for me. i can honestly gum redeem, survived the november 2023 attack and managed to make it to this refugee camp in eastern chide. i don't even know that i do live. these people have killed intentionally. joseph for me is a cute little good deal. at the cams in and around a great stories abound of murder, rape, torture,
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any slave meant to suit any use by the corpses. so that, or nearly everyone here is demanding justice. the international criminal court says it's investigating what victims and their lawyers waste and then the but we have the evidence from both sides. some of the accused even took images and posted and bragged about such crimes. some of this evidence collaborates with what we hear from survive is dr. so working with the survivors say something maybe permanently damaged 10 percent of them. they use it to suffer from may government that had some problems on some of them. xavion stuff off from behavioral change that vendor that ability to, to function properly properly. and then some of them they use it to experience was thrown me. i think it's the story. years after the 1st cases of genocide in death for only a few people are being tried victim say they still see their praises walking the
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street activities and probably say thousands of victims died waiting for justice but never came. they say the lack of accountability for crimes committed in death for is what's in boulder name population. so far the crimes into that many adults they would look to see justice done, the same as little cities and the very the but has the both side clients. how about in the us deep happened. it also here in the for we needs just is for them isis seat that i to start it. but they'll pol forces that behind those accused of such crimes. it's a virus like gumbo. d assessed. justice must be done. how many degrees i would use it. i agree, eastern tried, of the 1st round of talks is being held in by that of the future of american troops in iraq. the rocky government is expecting discussions of the us, diplomats to lead to a timeline for troop reductions. us forces have been around since the invasion of
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the country 11 years ago. they've been talking to you in an at least a $150.00 a tax in the past 3 months by groups links to neighboring iran. thailand has hosting talks to improve relations between the united states and china. the chinese foreign minister met the us national security advisor jake sullivan. in bangkok, the agenda included territorial tensions in the south china sea. russia's relationship with north korea, underwriting and support for his he's in the m and why don't you describe the talks as candid and fruitful and said they would lead to better biological relations? most demonstrations have been seen in various german cities against the a f d fall, right. putting the process was followed by reports. the leading members of the party have discussed must deportation of migrants to mccain of the symbolic that this was germany in the last few days, hundreds of thousands of people in the streets venting the anger at the if day
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a fall right party that stands accused of wanting to implement neo nazi policies, accusations the potty strenuously denies which stem from a meeting held in november at this building in pottstown. where prominent if de politicians met some christine democrats and of a leading german right wing us to discuss what they call re migration a policy which would remove the citizenship of migrants who become naturalized as germans and to pull them from this country. it's a concept which one leading lawyer says is entirely illegal. the idea of re migration basically calls for a complete abolition of human rights of migrants of every refugee convention off and basic rights and shrines in the german constitution. it would require regime change that brings the far right into a position of power where they can do whatever they want. and the last time the far
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ice in this country has chumps to do what ever wanted to do in power. it came up with this. the nuremberg will not seen that just lation, which took away the citizenship of jews and others of that human rights and encourage them to leave this country. eventually, the journey that started with this law would end with the holocaust. a zach as v, as de leadership says that diploma was anti semitism as distance itself from the pop stem discussion in an angry intervention in parliament. one of its members who was at the meeting denied planning unconstitutional policies and denounced the coalition. government might not, by my party is exclusively concerned with the constitutional measures which you are not enforcing that's a failure of the state. that's why you're trying to distract attention from your failure by smearing us. but one thing is arguable, the policies of the i,
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if day on now in focus as never before, while hundreds of thousands of people are protesting against the party in the street. many millions more are supporting it in the polls in a country where as much as 18 percent of the population can be classed as migrants . throwing a cane, al jazeera building of the gym and child's level of shots. his voice concern over the rise of extreme right tendencies. the country, as, as a nation might be $79.00, found the rest of your deliberation voucher. it's on saturday. well the 1000000 people would know that that they sent them to.


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