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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the light on the bulk of this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. when to storms, to displacement. fun describe placement comes in gaza having to the mounting problems faced by palestinians, homeless by his bells and sacks. israel's assaults on health care facilities goes on, not as a hospital and called eunice is overwhelmed with wounded and sheltering protest.
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names of atrocities committed himself for a prosecutor from the instructional criminal court, lead survivors and neighbor in charge of the protests against the alternative for germany. policy, charles slow off shots, forms above the rise of far rising stream is in this country amongst holocaust memorial day. and is full. ramage rid of packing 1st place in the spanish league. a late went up from early into a many gibbons relative to one wind event less palms. the thanks for joining us. heavy rain and cold weather in gauze. a worse thing already . desperate living conditions for palestinians whose homes have being destroyed by israel's war. 85 percent of the population on now displaced and having fine safety and all the pulse of the strip where buildings remain standing. people are also running short of food, clean water,
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and medicine. target jose and reports from rough. a winter rain branches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes by these very war machine. people in the camp have slipped palms and flips now or at the mass of the elements. man who has been reinforcing his tent as fee as his like many others could be blown away by stones, la fitness, but a let go, no more, 5 or do the weather is very disturbing. the situation is very difficult when there a strong it rains heavily. this is our life now. the tense pulling us every night, and you've seen yourself the condition of the tense and which i live. we ask a lot of them. i to stop this disaster as calamity put an end to this war and to help us return safe to our home is old and is here. i'm need cat that's difficult to cont, open, impossible to find a children among those made homeless. the old face, the cold and train of gauze is winter, don't have what they need to ensure the survival,
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displace palestinians here like old basic necessities. and now the tents that are living in offloading with winter clothes. in short supply, you have no choice but to into the hot weather conditions. as long as last water has been pouring into tents during storms. people, if it feels life he is impossible, but must do what they can to get. boy, we'll learn well that 5 digit than and then jimmy. the situation is very difficult . the heavy rains meet the tense mattresses and blankets very with them and have managed with difficulty to use stones to create the kind of gate the defense mode water from getting in the situation. he does disaster us or desperate people are wrong, even that comes every day for themselves as is very forces at fonts, tents and supplies already hot to come by soon you would have to stretch even
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further topic of a zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern guns it's, i hope all this thing is facing a di like a food in gauze. i see. so you have been scrambling for sacks of flour from food organizations, many areas in the north and central district, but being cut off from regular deliveries do, and officials will know hundreds of thousands across cause a facing starvation. this is the amount i got to die of to 3 months of will. this amount is for 7 people see how little this costs. $13.50 today i came to get flour and i couldn't get any. some people got 3 bags of flowers . some got 4 and i didn't get any. i have 3 children and i don't know how to feed them. god help us. finally, the young men could take 6 or flour, but the elderly conned the children all funds in the mothers will fall phones current. they don't have shared that old let's bring entire talk of reserve is in reference, southern gaza,
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i'm tired. of course not just the miserable weather conditions, but an ongoing struggle for people to simply get that hands on something to eat. of the yes, that's wrong to people us struggling the course different areas in garza to afford the assemblies with sufficient amount of food that could help them to survive. and the very deep shortage of humanitarian supplies being delivered to the most fund ripple areas that were highly affected by the ongoing conflicts on the ground floor . to think about the another at cost of gauze, a straightforward people were being killed as they were waiting for the humanitarian trucks to be delivered. the as the ongoing, each vegas shooting a abutment of such areas, restrict ability of the international humanitarian organizations to deliver this age to the newest for people that are starting to use and to depend on some alternative methods to survive. the specially to the cues for people that are
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completely suffering from an acute food insecurity. that is, that being a survivor each day to sit it to be the real challenge for them, you just get help in the early hours of today's morning searching of the sprinting, the in, tell you they for finding something to eat and it could be barely sufficient for at least one meal per day. well, the situation is also considered to be very drastic, even in the south, which is the only area right now being receiving such humanitarian supplies. but due to the large number of people who have been evacuating and not residing in rough or there is much more m as pressure on humanitarian. a distribution centers where people are struggling also to get enough meals for the families. especially if that adults are trying to, for getting meals on daily basis just to guarantee that children will have sufficient amount of food to feed on just early to survive for the next day. i totally stay with us. we're back with you and just a 2nd time because i want to reflect on the continuing violence in gaza because of the story. the strike on
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a house in rafa has killed at least 3 people been injured and many more than one woman. so she lost sista ends nieces, and that strikes me they were sleeping suddenly, the rock and film on them. that's all i know. i live far from them. i heard this news and came to see what happened and now learned it was the body of my sister and her 2 children. i found them dead, parts of talk about resume and rough and took a course in the past day or so. we found this little important ruling in the hague and never less more ports of a continuation of violence in the past 20 for us. yes, that's completely a contradictory to what the international court of justice had issued or israel to prevent it to the ongoing it's genocide and attacks. now we've been hearing the sounds of the buzzing of these. what address whole ring of this kind of roof i
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district which was who bought it today for 3 power cities have been killed. and one of the latest strikes on this saved soon as these very forces that called earlier for the majority of gauze and spotted compartments on the fighting on the ground, continues. continue as well on the city of new and a square doses of palestinians being killed today, alongside with 100 also be in good as the fighting that is getting much more furious and difficult on an hourly basis. and we'll be seeing that these very forces are blowing up uh, complete residential neighborhoods. one off to the other, as it is when seats to completely take full control over the city, added more mission report stating about seeing that isabel also might expand the military attempts to reach most of the areas in gauze as the are key to completely militarily destroyed. the policy and military infrastructure across the territory. but right now has been seeing that the death toll then def casualties among civil yes continues to climb. it seems that there is no,
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any kind of intervention all of the genocide the attacks inside the territory. despite the resolution made by the international court of just as far as we've been hearing from is really mandatory and political officials that they are continuing their own going for on garza until the are chief. the ultimate goal is to present it in destroying how much movement can be charge. we along side with the restoring that capt has been captured in october the 7th time. and this is completely gives a key signs that the military attacks on garza will continue. and the casualties amongst ability as well as we would continue to rise, that had to now sort test more than 64000 policy has been just talking about as in robert with the very latest on cousin. thank you. now the biggest hospital in the south of gaza is reported now to be on the brink of collapse. so it is a nasa hospital, a warning, it wouldn't be able to function for much longer,
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more than 350 patients. many other people looking for some out homes of sheltering . the 174 policy needs have been killed across the gaza strip. in the past 24 hours would also have been mcgraw being is the head of plastic surgery on the bones diploma to nestle hospital. he describes exactly how died the situation. is that because you we are on the ad said zones demand a possible submit. the $95.00 or maybe color spoke already to those to be that because of the continuous bowman around. and there was to be that because of the gunshot sounds and the gunshot that on the firing at the top of that was to be done . and some glasses already broken because of the said, got troops fighting or uh, most of those that we did the problem that was to be done. actually, people used to, you used to be those to be the use it as a, she's not, as i said, please don't,
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don't have to be down there. what they are. i think like 7 to and who's the nearby . they've been on the, on the organization and the school is used to be funded also, or creative people manual. these people do this, but the action needed this talk to evacuating and also rooms and also so we tend to be for like 90 percent evacuated still can. can you imagine 95 percent of that kind of stuff or did you get those to be done because the skids are not free. they actually physically to, to defy. they made me um some says owns some nurses and getting a guest they they, they did a lot of depression. 1 and the restaurants outside of those speed, the, the, you know, hundreds of these patients who need scale of warranty, it will need some who need the sales heavy. so i still doing
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a leak decision of my department. i spoke to because i don't have your, you know, stop by those have said jones, i don't have this is lost as me. i know i'm doing all the cases. this is the pollution, you know, model a lot of you. if you look at that, maybe because of lies as he all the same swipe is, let us of the siege of the lady tools. nothing. get this out of those to be done and get them all ready to go supplies phone. well, it's all you know, and my name's actually actually all the same strange on the ocean and something else, but that every day and i'm speaking no money, but now we ought to fight this with those for, for the soft music on supplies. i don't know for how long we would have for how many i don't know i shouldn't be. i don't know. one we've 2 weeks. we don't know for how long people just spent with such as gum services and situation.
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well, after many months, if it's rarely a tax, many people of gauze of cities wants viber neighborhoods have been completely destroyed. some palestinians who evacuated in the early days of the war, being returning home to streets, filled with the rubble of the remains of those killed. i'm just the of, of his tissue j a in gun also, stacy warehouses and businesses have been left in ruins. policeman and i used to die yourself. medina plaza. i am on my way to show in neighborhood east of gauze and said to me to monitor how much the is ready forces, boulders, lodge areas on the beach, the other month. as you can see, this is what is left following the occupation forces withdrawal on an hon. these are the, these are some sharps that were destroyed by these ready bold eyes. and when you get the quote to the pictures, are you on another tours you'd see? we'll see i've arrived at the vicinity of a popular market here, and there are a few citizens who are trying to see what happened to that houses. to see whether
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that homes were leveled by the occupation forces on this and shut off all the moment for the month. because i'm now in tell a bean street where a series of strikes have caused all this destruction that the ship, the more than 100 people have been killed here. and some others are still under the rubble of the bodies of the dead are left on the ground in some have not been identified. the see how it is mostly known that there were 3 people who were killed here. 2 brothers and the sister more put in a be a mother the they are in this and they all civilians we knows and cause they all my neighbors and their houses over the. but this person covered by nyland icon recognize or identify him on how the model you can and these really tanks and full days is used together here they have destroyed the entire neighborhood, thousands of israeli use of gather,
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then teller. you for 2 separate demonstrations. the 1st is in have be in the square where people are writing against the government. i was handling was gaza. they quoted who prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down. meanwhile, in a 2nd location in tel aviv known as hostage square, others are protesting from what can be done to bring back the captives held in gauze, being gathering that for weekly demonstrations. hold on, let me do that until every foot more on those rallies. here you have the families. oh, i've been keeping the pressure ever since the beginning of this war, right in front of the ministry of defense. they have a whole encampment. there might be, it is no politics. there's no talk about that. there's no joke about, you know, early elections like what we've heard just an hour ago. and the, and the government does do here is just the message. keeping the pressure for the government to do whatever and began to bring back the captives as soon as they can
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. this is the main message coming out of here. we live here some reaction add the anti government, produce earlier. make many blame a really busy government for what happened. they said is because of the rest of the hughes by some of the members of the government that actually gave the opportunity to south africa to put this submission at the international court of justice. and that's one of the really also the tooling for the government and has to have early elections in a big, huge change. it is government, they say that this country has been hijacked by and the, the far right. and the far right, really this is the girls of, or what's happening at the moment, including what they see as a diminishing or amusing or damage to the image of israel on an international level . now in the substance of the i c, j, many people would tell you that it's the victim is well,
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that is being put on the dock and it should be the other way. solidarity rallies for goals that have taken place in several stages across europe, over the weekends and a sweet class. she's broke out between police forces and protest as hundreds of demonstrations took to the streets of milan and classes are up to the police. try to disperse the crowds there. well, so it, he's fun probably policy of riley's on such a day off a request from the jewish community because it cones did we call a closer member and say, that explains people say most insightful madrid and sold a diety with postings and gauze and protests as wave palestinian and south african flags or criticizing the you for not doing enough to stop the war. and then you want to stop giving a to palestine. they're only 4 states that said no. and now we're over
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a 100 days into the genocide. and we still have states that are afraid to call it, that as it is, everyone's afraid to make an enemy out of israel and above all, out of the us. this was the picture in greece. with thousands of demonstrators marched against the wall garza protest has rallied near the us embassy in the capsule confidence before heading towards the is riley embassy. and a similar protest has taken place in the swedish capital, still co housings riley to the cool of and using the country to them onto the immediate cease fund, announced israel functions in thousands and thousands demonstration outside a bunch of barclays bank in london, calling for boy cost over the bank alleged financial links, these really minute change san diego as well from the british capital. this is a rather different sort of action that is taking place this weekend. instead of the large rallies that i've been taking place in central london, this one has become more focused on the organization. it has been found to have
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been giving support to companies that have been invested in the is really me and given them ministry technology as well. as arms and components, and this company that is focused on this, we kind of thought piece by a bar which has been found to provide more than a $1000000000.00 worth of loans to companies, as well as underwriting. some 9 of us companies which have given components and ministry technologies to the is really all me. now what they're advertising to do here is hoping to hopefully the actions that took place in south africa when boxes start wisconsin to apartheid south africa. and eventually off the much of pressure to 60 is, was a pretty serious action is by such events, it divested itself from apartheid south africa and people who are hoping that this
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action will do the same. so near guy jago al jazeera london, now these are the military uses. the forces attacked has below targets in southern lebanon. a statement says war plains bom, locations in the bins should fail and there is regions. israel says it has been operational infrastructure and ministry building. and run con has more from the lebanese ton of both fucking of defense as low as boat. i haven't got away, they are still a pace, they all being contained alone. this board is well, boat has now introduced this like new tactic targeted as oscillations between 3 of those in the last few weeks. those have taken place deep within a lebanese territory, some 40 kilometers in a one point with the killing of a senior local come on. that was something else. well, that took place 2 weeks ago. we both i so at that talk to the size of the nation of a mass leda, so they all roll re, uh,
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in the something. so goods of they root. so clearly there's a lot of politics still to go low negotiations. don't the guy before the tensions will misput to cease, and that's something that has bullets like that know interested in until there is a complete ends of the war and goes a lot of those in a very difficult position. it has a can take a government right now. it doesn't have a president. there's a lot of paula taking going going. so it's not like the lebanese are completely unified right now in terms of showing strength to israel is always taking advantage of this. it's sending messages through us and french envoys who have been to the region in the last couple of on saying that has bullet needs to come to the negotiating type type. so was states being contained, there is some really bought on both sides. as buddha, thousands, tens of thousands of people have been displaced on this side of the board and level
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on 76000 people are still unable to return to the homes, or whose anything it is in yemen, say american and british as strikes have struck a port in her day of the province it follow who's he missed all the tax and the red sea and the ships linked to israel because of the war on gauze whose he may. so strike, close the fire on a tongue cut off the ebony coast on friday. u, as in indian warships went to the aid of the british, all pro rated model in the one to find
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the ok. let's take a look at some of the other world. news today and pockets done is demanding an immediate investigation of to 9 of its nations. were killed by gunman and neighboring iran. families in pug, a son of harold funerals for the victims boxed on a farm in state describe the shooting as a terrorist incident, it happened as both countries worked to normalize ties of the recent tit for tat attacks. thailand. as host, it took some pretty relations between united states and china. chinese foreign minister met the us national security advisor jake sullivan in bangkok. wine, can you describe the talks as candid and fruitful and said they would lead to best of biological relations? or about 10000000 people have been forcing their homes and su, done by financing between the sudanese forces and permits. he rapid simple forces that number of displaced people is now the highest in the world was according to the international organization for migration is those people who don are at risk of
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malnutrition, infectious diseases, and violence. the conflict has destroyed most of the country's infrastructure, including hospital schools and roads. we have special criminal codes, chief prosecute upcoming. com is visiting chance. east border would see don to document allegations of abuse con. well then presents his findings to the un security council of monday. will the 6 hundreds of thousands through these refugees have crossed into chad, formed off for since violence broke out about 7 months ago, victims and survivors, a rape torture and enforced disappearance is now being carried out. have a dangerous report some. andre in easton chad. this video shows governor dean at bobby brought him on 4 young men detained by lucas melisha is in debt for shortly after they were cut down a little bit. i can honestly
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gum are doing so by the november 2023 attack and managed to make it to this refugee camp in eastern tried. i don't even know that a lot of these people have killed intentionally just before me in the queue. they'll get killed. and it comes in around a great stories abound of murder, rape, torture, any slave meant to suit any use by the corpses, so that nearly everyone here is demanding justice. the international criminal court says it's investigating what victims and their lawyers waste and then the but we have evidence from both sides of the accused, even took images and posted and brag about such crimes. some of this evidence collaborates with what we hear. some survivors, doctors working with the survivors, say something maybe permanently damaged 10 percent of them. they use it to suffer from may government that had some problems on some of them. xavion stuff off from
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behavioral change that vendor, that ability to, to function properly, properly. and then some of them they use it to express cluster i'm, i think it's the start the years after the 1st cases of genocide in depth for only a few people are being tried. victims say they still see their praises walking the streets activities and probably say thousands of victims died waiting for justice but never came. they say the lack of accountability for crimes committed in the for is what's in boulder, an improper treasures of other crimes. and so that many, he had out there will look to see justice done the same as little fifties and the very the but has a both sides. right. and how about in the, let's see how many also here in that for we need just is for them isis seat that i 2 sided. but they'll powerful forces that behind those accused of such crimes, survive as like gumbo,
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d assessed justice must be done. how many degrees would you see it? i agree. eastern chide. hundreds of protests as of march through the streets and major cities in kenya, demanding movie, done to stop rising violence against women. the outcry follows a series of mode as of women this month, demonstrators, according on the government to bring in new measures to protect women and girls, sent them on and reports these thousands of women in kenya have a message for their leaders. stop the killing, the march is taking place in towns and cities nationwide is the biggest protest of its kind. the country is ever seen. the violence against women is on the rise and they say nothing is being done to stop at
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the national monitoring group load. 152 reports defend besides in 2023. that's the highest number in years. another group estimates 500 women were murdered between 20172024. abuse is also rife. a 2020 do survey found $1.00 and $3.00 women had experienced physical violence activists say the government and the legal system aren't taking the situation seriously. what you're seeing us from your site is a combination of run region. the respondents that has gone and checked, we do not have missions of the police complacency, as well as very slow tradition processes that leads to very late prosecution. have led us to this position that we're in today. wow. more than
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a dozen women have already been killed this year. the protesters wants an inquiry into why so many are dying and why so little is being done to stop it. and they also want what they call an epidemic of them aside to be declared a national disaster. the government has condemned the killings and promised to take action. vince and mullin, alex's era, the still ahead on i would just say around, we meet the chef and gaza, who's still managing the hungry with some of his faces dishes. and as for the game in belgium's top football league is to be replaced because of a mistake by the video assistant referee and is here with us store the had a lot of that. we've got some one to be warm, winter weather to be enjoyed across europe. at the moment that's going to take us
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into the new weeks ice to an area of high pressure that's keeping temperatures very high, above the average for the likes of the southwest, and also western northwest in areas. and we'll see that trends continue across most central areas as we go into monday, but still some bits a cold to be found across west in pots of russia, as well as some of the bulk. as you can see, we've got a bit of a wintery mix coming in. this went to weather as well, pushing across intake here and down into grease. we are expecting temperatures to come down of the next few days. we have got warnings that but largely settled across the mediterranean, some foggy and misty issues in pots of italy, though, but sunshine to the latter part of the day, certainly. and despite things looking losely bright invoice with southern parts of england, we all seen some heavy rain. you can see that bands started to move into scotland and across the island of island. by monday, it has worked its way steadily south, but still lots a mild weather to be found here, temperatures in double digits for london and paris. i show you the attempt to taught. you can see that increase over the next few days. that when the weather
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will push its way for the east, if we have a look at zurich, well above the average with sunshine on tuesday, the ballistic c. comedian, shelter, feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise anxiety. are you doing scrolling radio tape, or i'd be that deluxe. like exploring how makes this central switch to life impacts the human psyche apocalypse made coming soon on outsourcing. the latest news as it breaks on and the say that challenge the president is going to face is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage to native far as some of the other half
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of this drive down to properties. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicles south korea's answer to the air, the, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking box without just there is a reminder of our top stores this out and heavy rain and cold weather in gaza. a compounding miseries kind of thing is that the rain has flooded refugee camp. so contents 85 percent of causes populations being displaced since the war began. the biggest hospital in the south of guns are supposed to be on the brink of collapse,
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talk to the national hospital, a warning it wouldn't be able to function for much longer. at least a 174 policies have been killed in the past. the day, the latest as strikes along the house in the south, right phone coming, at least 3 people will even though the international court of justice ruled on friday, the israel must do all it can to prevent acts of genocide, the bombardment continues and my mood has moved from rafa and southern goza, the scenes of pay us and nonsense hosted the wounded and dying lie on the floor. there lies ation and basic medical hygiene are luxuries. doctors simply do not have short of supplies. they say they are forced to use the same bandages on multiple patients and same and so same for the power of most teams in our department of left, even the cleaners have gone some doctors and this has tried to clean the hospital.
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i felt once with on treating patients, it's the disaster. the hospital has about 350 patients and at least 5000 displays, palestinians are filtering at the company. they are unable to leave outside is really times and fears, fighting internationally and organization war and guys are no longer has a health care system. doctors without borders accuse israel of targeting gall just hospital one after the other. the you on say is only for, do you in are able to offer medical services and only base to get the treatment. because the yet, there isn't enough light during the day. so imagine what it's like at night. many times medical teams rely on mobile phone torches. nurses are also trying to perform miracles. i'm a, let's see, the do we work with the minimum tools in this
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a very typical situation. the lack of electricity and fuel is a big obstacle. we haven't had electricity since the hospital was targeted by is really forces the world health organization is calling for an immediate cease fire . so we can re stock the fuel functioning, hospital level that we are suffering here. there's nothing available, no milk formula, food or medication to children. the hospital as packed and there are no doctors to treat the patient. but the desperation in grows daily, as does the lethal combination of hunger and disease, which ultimately the u. n warns will cause more palestinians then his ray, the bun hunting mode, which is eda, no 5 southern gaza for this by the limits of food supplies and goes i want a chef is managing to provide the hungry with some of his favorite dishes. amount of getting used to work and one of the causes largest restaurants before it was destroyed by his ready forces. whenever you set up
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a main shift stool and rough fire and is proving popular is a story out of how about the patio look of the how much i stated on this. my name is hummadi. this is the 3rd time i've moved from kansas city to the south. i used to work the biggest restaurant and gaza the thailand, the more than a 170 people used to work there. but it was completely destroyed much on perhaps over there or been as little as prob, since i love what i do to help my parents and siblings, i decided to start a street suite business. many people encouraged me and advised me to stop the small business, despite the lack of result is the unavailability of cooking, guess, flour and meet mean by the middle. how? so we came to the knowledge me area and rough uh, and with meeker and simple equipment, we created something out of nothing. we made something simple that people liked and i started attracting more people who work on most of the most important muscle. my restaurant was the source of income to a dream in childhood with it for more than 18 years. when we heard that it sustained pastoral destruction,
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we thought we could go back and work with whatever remained in place the way. but after a few days, it was completely destroyed. memories of dreams from out of the clock. today, the basic essentials of life, selecting people are not living. we are not living. we implore the whole world. we just want to live. no matter how hard the conditions, uh, we try to make our customers happy. we have many friends who about product. let's take you to pause now. now wed jews and muslims have gathered instructor needs to, to observe international holocaust, remember and stay with 8000 bosnian muslims were killed in a massacre in the town. in 1995, this revenue to muslim jewish peace and remembrance initiative was launched off to the commemoration. it was signed by 2 men who vowed to remember the victims of puff genocide. today is not a time and just come,
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memorization is not the place for politics or to express our respective use or opinion on present day global developments or to day the time this come member ration is a place for remembrance for not allowing the ghosts of our past to pay paid away from us and yet today is also a time and this collaboration is also the place for us to jointly commit ourselves to doing everything in our power to prevent the heart. as we remember here today from being repeated, you've done us cut those. well, i'm to submit this mike at the present moment when the eve of, of anti semitism, of the haze of islam is lemme phobia are gaining ground around europe and the world . if at all we must renew our vi would be good neighbors and care for one another to them and sounds low. laugh shaw says voice, concerned over the rise of extreme right tendencies in his country as the nation monkeys 79th anniversary of the liberation of irish wits. on january the 27th, 1945. so if you treat troops fried the survivors off the concentration comp component, well,
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the $1100000.00 people would murder that most of them choose. this we can go into that is why our democracy is based on a central commitment. never again, never again, exclusion and disenfranchisement. never again, racial ideology and dehumanizing never again dictates a shot. ensuring this is the central task of all states. that is why we are fighting every form of anti semitism, terrors, propaganda, and most sense for the many german cities are seeing large scale demonstrations against the countries far right party alternative for germany or a f. d. dominic cane was more compelling. this was germany in the last few days, hundreds of thousands of people in the streets venting the anger at the if day a fall right party that stands accused of wanting to implement neo nazi policies, accusations the party strenuously denies which stem from a meeting held in november at this building in pottstown,
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where prominent if de politicians met some christine democrats and of a leading german right wing us to discuss what they call re migration a policy which would remove the citizenship of migrants who become naturalized as germans and deport them from this country, it's a concept which one leading lawyer says is entirely illegal. the idea of re migration basically calls for a complete abolition of human rights of migrants of every refugee convention off and basic rights and shrines in the german constitution. it would require regime change. that brings the far right into a position of power where they can do whatever they want. and the last time the far ice in this country has chumps to do what ever wanted to do in power. it came up with this. the nuremberg mall not seen that just lation,
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which took away the citizenship of jews and others of the human rights and encourage them to leave this country. eventually, the journey that started with this law would end with the holocaust. a. zach as v, as de leadership says, it deplores anti semitism as distance itself from the potsdam discussion in an angry intervention in parliament. one of its members who was at the meeting denied planning unconstitutional policies and denounced the coalition. government might not but ties. my party is exclusively concerned with the constitutional measures which you are not enforcing that's a failure of the state. that's why you're trying to distract attention from your failure by smearing us. but one thing is on audio and all the policies of the i of the day on now in focus as never before, while hundreds of thousands of people protesting against the party in the street.
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many millions more supporting it in the polls in a country where as much as 18 percent of the population can be classed as migrants throwing a cane address era building. okay, let's say more lights on this for the floor in hot lab who is a german political expert and electra, i thought you'd invest, he joins us from vienna of. i will welcome to you. what if you can explain to us how the ab d went from? are you really skeptic policy only a few years ago? it appears to now flirting with far right policy. yeah, that's an interesting development printed. yes, i was searching why. if i lived cannot be successful in tra money and the ice, the made the despite of this change of the trend uh, being uh, well your skeptical party and being quite eco. and this has several reasons.
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could you say that a yeah, so 1st of all, um there was a migration causes 201516 which has taken me also in the life of the so codes they come in politics and they come college from so much and so the onto the america, and that was a medical exclusion towards the if the, from the political establishment. and these are the reasons why it is now the most successful party, the 5 parties since 1945 in germany. and in this slide, all of the demonstrations already been started. now in the last uh days, i wonder if you can explain this because we've heard in all colleagues that don't mccain's report from berlin a f d politicians who were speaking of the parliament say that they're subject to a smear campaign given that's about meeting impulse time. it's all so much that
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that with to send to right, c d u policy members there as well. just remind of us as the policy the form, a german chancellor, anglo miracle, is this a come pay to tarnish the after you had of elections? i seem to be it's because in this light, so you're in front of your opinion, actions, fee and funds. all the important didn't make sense in eastern time and insects. so need. so being yes, x any, i'm 100, if days needing. and in this slide to find off list, we invited to the investigation magazine so called quite teeth made. now this optic goods, which are going to be grace and which is connected to people from the i stay uh oh, basically, uh, but participating in this evening,
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but it was not the 5 state party meeting. it was not potty congress. so it's a bit. it's tricky. to see this, this uh, this, this bank called off this uh, uh, i'll take it about the brand, i think makes and yeah, well, i mean, we can clearly see we can clearly see uh floor everything for. and we can read clearly see the impact of this article because we've seen cheers demonstrations across the country against the rise of a f d a. but also support for the policy is growing as well. is there a genuine concern? the power is truly the within reach for the f d a. yeah, this is an a, a, the tricky situation now. um, does it say uh kind of turning over um, in the sense that the, the, the, the strongest uh, a support the waves for the, for any kind of light in germany since 1945 on the other hand, is such
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a huge demonstration which we never have seen in germany since 9045. so if you had, for example, that piece moved when beginning of the eighty's, 80 volume, for example, when a few 100000 people demonstrated and we have snow, really a 1000000 and more than a 1000000 people around so many. and this is kind of a sign for the bullet. we say it's not the society. and now the speed of our most important magazine was type ending in the business of time for the wave account, a demonstration for the account. and i would tease the, so the quote um we have to do to get the, the democrats, uh, uh, giving a sign in to the situation is very interesting to have set up in the next weeks in the next month. century money echo. yeah, they the next week's a month, so i'll going to be incredibly crucial. lots of counts a narrative. it's
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a narrative, say, have floor in hot left. many thanks for joining us. now use a rule and neglect in iraq. i've taken a toll in ocoee logical sites to go full in 1991 forced to shut down of a museum in bathroom from the city in southern iraq. i made up the wall head report . so what happens to the museums exhibits these palo seen iraq, sis, although the new city of basra was built for formal lead us set down for saying no, it's a museum of antiquities, hosting heretics from ancient to a separate tamia oh, defects on displays, pen, civil errors and civilizations, so marian, that'd be loading in a c, n, n, a slum. yeah, i tell them what time. this is the 2nd largest museum in iraq off to the national museum in baghdad. and it has a phone, a off 1000 authentic and rad pieces. the ministry of culture and tourism has chosen
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this palace because of its unique design. the collection encourages statues, jewelry, and pottery, as well as tablets engraved with ancient lettering. but several monuments were damaged by icicle in 20142015. many of these are 2 facts were looted in smug into abroad for only the 2003 us let him be gen before being retrieved abroad. here. this is again palace, which was one's home to the leader of a to tell the tennessee and redeem is now a platform for all of your why keys and foreign visitors to get to know your rocks rich cultural heritage. archaeology professor lewis. although you're traveling to hear from poor to go to see ancient items he has studied,
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admired for most of his life. he regrets that thousands of precious pieces are on the accounted for less than my but the money. but the worst part is the smuggling cases that happened off to 2003, we're only to business. so the stolen piece is a not catalogue. unlike faces that was smuggled in the 19th century, which would treated and documented and that include priceless honest x that belong not only to a rock, but to all human. let's say, unfortunately, they have disappeared. the condo, the last one i'll allow you provide are you want equal to use? and heritage recency opened in the museum because he's a collection of books and manuscripts on the countries. ancient monuments and archaeological sites must about the whole week or so what's on the library, has a variety of facilities on iraqi history and ation civilizations. forming an academic, it's no longer have to travel to buy that to access or could logical publications smoke. they also tackles pieces on display here, especially those relates to cuneiform studies,
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as it provides translation. acute from tex, engraved on pieces. i mean stuff, he whole visitors to wouldn't come to the museum and not just to view it's displays, but also to take part in the body. as all the cultural activities have moved up to the height edges, utah, most of the southern iraq, the still ahead on i was just there a news about the future of the manager of boston, the football club and a grand slam record for this to the well how much of a work of flips through the pages of his books. it was hoping to be a doctor, but the fighting in savannah put a stop to studies. refugee population u. s. across the 600000 and walk. most of them under the age of 13, they receive this chief when conventionally gets you into a classroom,
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there is another curriculum. and so then it's different from what you're trying to get for tutoring and gauge that and send them to ready just schools like this. the priority for now is to provide shelter and full, and even that is close in the united way. there is no clear indication as when refugees students would be able to return home and to their process. on counting the cost of tax by who facing the red se disrupting global trade could then push out the price isn't pump fuel inflation. africa's mounting debt is crippling the confidence development. plus we look at how sleep has turned into a multi $1000000000.00 business, counting the cost on out as a, around the
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the right time to pull out his id. thank you so much. and even in the last few minutes, shelby and on his announced he'll be stepping down as barcelona manager at the end of the season. it follows a 5 on the fates in the spanish late tonight's result, but left ball. so 10 points behind ladies and great rivals, round madrid early, the sweet boss with knocked out of the carpet l right by us. i think bill bounce from boston a play took charge of the company, 2021 and they've got the same see last season's lead time. so linear on rail time from a coal down sweet. las palmas 2nd house goes from and this is julia and i already insure it many giving rail a to one when i joined. it couldn't move back in the 1st place, the when of a cell to v go on sunday, no phone. so davies and hurry time on, so i'll get them by munich as they move within 2 points to the latest by level keys and in the gym and bundles, league pain ending and run up 240 minutes for that of gold. see what it is 23rd and
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just uh, 9 seen games this season. latest lubbock use nature. no mail against prussian when she can glass back in english as a cup. brian's gentle pet drawers got a hat trick in his team's 5 say, when of sheffield united to the bazillion. now has 18 goals and all competitions this season. this team off through to the 5th rep capital site progressing efforts sooner when i have a fillings done boons going. as his former club castle legend allen cher happily watching this one in among the funds of the game. and the belgian probably used to be replayed, due to a mistake, may find video, assistant referee, the match was last month getting close. so you want to get on the legs and have this go wrong, lee. this allowed gain claim the rules that they misapplied, and their appeal has been up hell the date for the much to re applied yet to be
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agree. the little kat rooms of the asian cup stones on sunday, australia playing in denise during the 1st last 16 months in capsule, indonesia, all 3 to this stage of the event. if the very 1st time the rank is more than $100.00 places below australia. so 1st asian cup meeting for these 2 teams. the head of the palestine football association has told allergies or the success of the national team at the tournaments, a sense of message of hope to the countries people. palestine have made it through to the knockout rooms to the 1st time and they'll face hi scott. so in the last 60 we of this the wrong guess the in the war, a lot of detailed immunization, a lot of patience is the source
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of power required to issue an issue and believe it would message. so i would say that it is not true that the 5 develop rogue, that we should not give up. so i quoted you, kelly, visit kelly. we own in goods for the sports facilities. steroids that was bad on the 16th. everything suffocating everybody has therefore we suspended on this floor. the only one who is functioning is the mission level
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that he did that issue is organizing officially and they'll provide it to the states and other stuff, which is if you've got the violation of the stats, it's a fee for the job. i hope officer. what's going on in guess with o, z a to the general side that the intermission and with that it's for the civil society is understand that it's the type today is that it's tough to say enough that i have no right to enjoy of those. as soon as the night, as of the same like arena sutherland cares when the 1st grand slam sent. i saw some of the yes,
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you retain the australian open victory over at king when jang 21 year old james herman have 1st major final overpowered april. the bell or russian in melvin sutherland could winning in straight since the age of 43. india is ro, homes of a home that has become the only smile fight. so when a granite slammed the size of my part of an immense w along side of stairs must web. this was my opponents. first of the open crown of the 17 consecutive appearances of the 600 feet from all the pope has given him and some hope in the 1st test of the series in india. pipe finish day free and hodge about and beaten on a $140.00 ca. england have a 2nd ending speed of a 126 runs forward. and then we can do this. the west indies really early, which it's on day 4. if that's a level, the series in australia, which is spelled school's been, has been caught amongst a lot of shame out there on 65th to the recording of a $156.00 runs to winning the test and the series. okay,
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that is how useful is looking for nowadays. thanks and a well that's it for manufacturer for this news. more news in just a moment. the thoughts stay with us the in examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel, this is a war against palestinians. exploring a 112 cloths programming. we're basically a digital crime scene investigators, but we're doing it from space design to inform. most events on the spot you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on l. jesse or injustice, for me, k is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in
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some of the most dangerous parts of the world to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day . everyone, hey, is watching the news on their mobile phones and like, you're right. they don't watching full the news. they weren't seeing that he was being destroyed in real time. when you're on the ground, when you're showing people what's going on, whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand less simple language is absolutely crucial. facilities already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man best produces the best pictures and those other people to ira long. and in order to be able to get that message out to the well the, this is the 1st genocide, that's me. see the real time is the victims themselves. there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and the bulk of this has been use our lives. and so coming up in the next 60 minutes, winter storms, flood displacement comes in gaza, adding to the mounting problems, palestinians left homeless by his rounds of tax,
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the full strikes, some medical sites in southern guns, a mess the hospital and calling you this is over. well,


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