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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 4:00am-4:30am AST

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pulling the we make them as understandable as we can as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do the as well as on tron. so genocide, but there was no less often. it's a song on southern gaza. it's mandatory has killed a $170.00 for palestinians of 24 hours. the kilometers were put on them. and this is ellen, just the on line from don't halls are coming up. the housework is being processed as agent was a medical shut down, something cause as long as besieged by this friday. so this is an on the parentheses come that cold winter rain slots camps for displace
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palestinians added to the missouri and claims of atrocities, commissions, and thought for the international criminal course prosecution make survivors and labor and check the gaza, staring at a health calamity. and there aren't enough hospitals left to cause the 10s of thousands of injuries and a rising number of diseases, the southern goss as much as possible. so as on the as rarely siege and continuous attacks. the spokesman for the gaza health ministries has at least a 150 bodies, have to be buried inside the compound of loss or hospital. it has run out of blood transfusions, life saving medicine, and food goals, and 350 patients. and $5000.00 displaced people, the sheltering,
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the any man who would report from the alpha on the doctor stays with a hoss specially the scenes of pay us and nonsense hosted the wounded and dined lying on the floor. there lies ation and basic medical hygiene are luxuries. doctors simply do not have short of supplies. they say they are forced to use the same bandages on multiple patients on time. and so it's been for the power of most teams in our department of left, even the cleaners have gone some doctors and this has tried to clean the hospital. i felt once we're done treating patients, it's the disaster. the hospital has about 350 patients and at least 5000 displays, palestinians are filtering at the company. they are unable to leave outside is really times and fears fighting internation 1000000 organization. war and guys are
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no longer has a health care system. doctors without borders accused israel of targeting gall just hospital one after the other. the you on say is only for the and are able to offer medical services and only base to get the treatment. because the yet, there isn't enough light during the day. so imagine what it's like at night. many times medical teams rely on mobile phone torches. nurses are also trying to perform miracles. i'm a, let's see, the other 2. we work with the minimum tools and it's a very typical situation. the lack of electricity and fuel is a big obstacle. we haven't had electricity since the hospital was targeted by is really forces. the world health organization is calling for immediate ceasefire. so it can re stock, the fuel functioning, hospital level that we are suffering here. there's nothing available, no milk formula, food or medication for children. the hospital as packed and there are no doctors to
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treat the patient, but the desperation in gro, as daily, as does the lethal combination of hunger and disease, which ultimately d, u, n warns, will cause more. palestinians then is really bun hunting. my mode is just the, you know, 5. so during gaza we all kinds of doctors without borders. head of mission for palestine. it says is rarely as drugs have destroyed gauze as health care system. a days ago when bishop died, because there was no one to pick l team, it is very difficult for his go walk up to 2 witnesses. and they also very, very far the secuity. as they made the choice to stay in the hospital, which includes a life and then joe, some of them would like to exist, but they cannot do it because it presents up to them in several fish and all around it must be done since the beginning of the world what we have seen that's or
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because because have been causing one us to the older. so has to be an adult direct imitation all the like. she's supposed to be done. and then at some point, you closed a meeting, how deficient, extremely difficult situation and some of them in the, in the risk of, uh, like saving risk and diagnose it. we see it a bit of sense. and that is, it's happening again with the hold between the 2 of the most because it is directly targeted. so there must be 30 minutes, an e mail of the people can come to do that anymore and it has get welcome sooner, right? tim arise because uh remember very of what happened is, you know, we dealt with both of those 2 doctors in the nose during a bumping into the hospital. so people died. we think hospitals and health care will go up there. right. because of the scourging mess, if the majority of his go go have left. because ask, do you have like a bishop can have access must be hosted on any mail unless it was be done. it was a big is supposed to be that he was the suffering village. so we come to you about
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him that may have to hold has ceased. and because of the minutes of addition, i've been having run the village. and it's just funny and upset to the southern gauze, largest city when officer hospital is located, as being on the intends is rarely aaron ground attacks and launch 5 ro college and residential buildings. and con eunice pace of upholstered heavy ariel and tank fine in the central and southern parts of the city. a well calling you and this has become the focal point of israel's offensive. and recent twigs is rarely solid. just have setup, check point screening and detaining palestinians who were trying to move away from areas of destruction and fighting families with separation. and those who were released talked about days of detention and humiliation. this is my little mind reports. and more of, i mean, means i haven't had people moving across these check points that was sets up. yeah . i'll actually university towards the weston area is, is really forces setup this check point 2 days ago. and they've been arresting
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numerous people as they passed through this check point. no, not. they took my boys earlier, and they just released the moments ago. they took them last night. they've just released them. my boys didn't do anything wrong. i'm freezing today. they stopped and detained destiny of a tank. they fired rounds in the ralph feats. they detained and searched us. of the loaner. well, who's your many h at us on fire. that's all. there was no water and they detained us even lights. then they told us to return to the school. today in the morning, they fired off again the moon on, but when they left yesterday we thought we would not see them again. but sign god, we find them here loving i'm of the brains and then said it was very tough. we had to throw away all our belongings. couldn't even eat whenever we tried to the bags,
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they would open fire. so what's the occupation forces has been opening fire in the direction of the displaced people. people reported large numbers of injured at con eunice county and at our neighborhood. and there are a number of people killed and the dead bodies on the ground. meanwhile, many displaced people have taken refuge in the schools near nasa. hospital also will continue to move towards the far west and positive con eunice. and they have no clue where they could be heading next, under the ongoing escalation of israel as offensive tens of thousands of pieces. i'm calling eunice are on the move towards gauze of southern most sitting at alpha, but know where a safe and is rarely astro. i've got a house and that also has killed at least 3 people, an engine, many more. one woman. so she lost her sister and nieces and the attack gave me they were sleeping suddenly,
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the rock and film on them. that's all i know. i live far from them. i heard this news and came to see what happened at the mountain, learned it was the body of my sister and her 2 children. i found them dead. heavy rain and cold weather and gauze wasn't already desperate living conditions for palestinians was. homes are being destroyed by his rouse wool, 85 percent of the population is now displaced. they have them define safety and all the possible strip buildings remain standing. people are also running short on food, clean voice, and medicine, thought a couple of the reports from alpha. one to rein ranches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes by the east very will machine. be pulling discount. have a flood bombs and bullets. now are at the mess of the elements man who has been reinforcing his 10th. he sees his lot, many others could be blown away by stones,
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la fitness, but a let go, no more, 5 and do the weather is very disturbing. the situation is very difficult. winds are strong, it rains heavily. this is our life now. the tense pulling us every night and you've seen yourself the condition of the test in which i live, we ask, allow, a mighty to stop this disastrous calamity. put an end to this war and to help us return safe to our home is old and is here. i'm need cat that's difficult and open . impossible to find a children among those made homeless old face, the cold and drain of gauze as winter. don't have what they need to ensure the survival, displace palestinians here like old basic necessities. now the 10 style living in offloading with winter clothes in short supply, you have no choice but to into the hot weather conditions. as long as it last, water has been poor ringing to tens during storms. people, if it feels life he is impossible,
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but must do what they can to get boeing will learn well that 5 digit than and then jimmy. the situation is very difficult. the heavy rains meet the tents, mattresses and blankets very with. the men have managed with difficult to use tones to create the kind of gate the defense mode, water from getting in all but the situation heat is disastrous or desperate people are wrong. even that comes every day for themselves as is very forces. at moments, tens of supplies already hot to come by soon you will have to stretch even further topic of a zoom out. just a rough rough off in southern garza. so the you and agencies, the palestinian refugee says it's shot the 9 countries including the u. s. and the u. k. have suspended funding, urging them to reverse the decisions the largest 8 organization in gaza on while was that the decision threatens to monetary and work across the region. it says
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without that support people in the gaza will die. the us state department said 12 on why employees will actually involved in the october 7th attack by him off on, well, 5 and unspecified number of people following those claims. as cold for an independent investigation. at least a 152 on board members have been killed and is where the attack since the will began with some palestinians who evacuated in the early days of the water. the south of this trip have travelled back home to the north residence of gauze. a city have returned to streets filled with rubble and corpses. i was a 0 visited to shooter. yeah. a once vibrant neighborhood, reduced to ruins by his riley forces. policeman and i used to drive yourself from the i'm on my way to show a neighborhood east of god's assistant, to monitor how much the is ready forces, boulders, large areas on the beach for the month. as you can see, this is what is left to following the occupation forces withdrawal on an hon. these
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are the, these are some sharps that were destroyed by these ready, bold eyes with what did you get the quote to the pictures are you on, on the wizard. see, we'll see i've arrived at the vicinity of a popular market here, and there are a few citizens who were trying to see what happened to that houses to see whether that homes were leveled by the occupation forces along this and shut off all the moment for the 1st time now and tell of being street where a series of strikes have caused all this destruction. the more than 100 people have been killed here. and some others are still under the rubble of the bodies of the dead are left on the ground in some have not been identified. the see how it is mostly known that there were 3 people who were killed here, 2 brothers and their sister. more put in a be a mother the they are in this and they all civilians. we knows and because they all my neighbors and their houses over the but this person covered by nyland icon
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recognize or identify him on how to model you can these really tanks and full days is used together here they have destroyed the entire neighborhood and we protest as and as well have confronted police and tennessee of outside those ready defense ministry demonstrations of the data. this the amount of resignation and prominence to benjamin netanyahu and his government until the handling of the sale so called for a sci fi and early elections there. so instead of a hundreds of protest as gather to demand, the release of his rarely captives held him garza protest as have been leasing at what's become known as host of square every week. and some relatives of the captains have gathered outside the private residents. have benjamin netanyahu near
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the head of eve, the corner of the government to secure the release at the end of the war on gaza? or the i've been how need was after valley, instead of even sent this report. i hear you have the families know i've been keeping the pressure ever since the beginning of this war right in front of the ministry of defense, they have a whole encampment. there might be, it is no politics. there's no talk about that. there's no joke about, you know, early elections like what we've heard just an hour ago. and the, and the government does do here is just the message, keeping the furniture for the government to do whatever i can to bring back the captives as soon as they can. this is the main message coming out of here. we live here some reaction as the anti government produce earlier. make many blame a really, this is our main for our what happened they said is because of the rest of the hughes by some of the members of the government that actually gave the opportunity
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to south africa to put this submission at the international court of justice and that's one of the really also they cooling for, for the government and has to have early elections in a big, huge change. it is government, they say that this country has been hijacked by and the, the far right. and the far right. really that is the girls i'm or what's happening at the moment, including what they see as a diminishing or amusing or damage to the image of israel on an international level . now, in the such them that i've seen to many people would tell you that it's the victim is well, that is being put under doc, and it should be the other way. still a head on al jazeera, the anomaly of ours, and the number one in killed in 10 for one. for this process, this kind of the,
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brought to you by visit castle, had that it was stopped by looking at the satellite image for north america. and you can see the area of concern as it'd be a batch of storms that quickly worked the way across the south east states. well, they are bringing some chaos to the east coast of the us dropping temperatures down in cities like washington dc, bringing very heavy rain and powerful winds and a bit of a wintry edge. so we could see some of that snow, some frost, and ice issues for places like new england. it will work is wait for the north because eastern parts of canada over the next few days. now behind that we have got some rooms coming back in some for these thoughts of the morning. so places like chicago, but attempt to set to rise here over the next few days, except as we'll also pick up in dallas in denver, we think double digits here. sometimes is all sitting very high across central
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parts of canada and out in the west. that's to spite another where the system brings. what and wintery weather here to places like british columbia. but for the likes of calgary, what we've seen basically cold conditions in recent weeks, weeks, but temperatures are picking up. if we have a look at the 3 day, will be touching 10 degrees celsius on choose day with slices of sunshine and lots of sunshine to be found across the caribbean and central america. but some very heavy rain running its way down mexico. we'll see that in the you can jump in into the on sunday. the weather brought to you by visit castle. oil rich, your rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results will to us, dimes built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could
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be the last generation to farm the land rocks. walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to the the what challenges they are with me. and it's what's an ottoman doha romando about 12 stories. the biggest hospital in the south is on the, is rarely siege and on the brink of collapse dogs, at naso hospital in the morning, it won't be able to function from much longer due to a lack of supplies. despise of runing bother us top course on ordering as well to prevent genocide and gaza. estrada continued to pound this trend. at least a 174 people have been killed in the office since friday. a heavy winter rains are
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flooding causes, refugee camps and sun contents. 85 percent of its population has been displaced since as well. so the home jaffe is action aids, communications and advocacy coordinator for the occupied palestinian territories. she says, palestinians who fled that holland was didn't have the time of opportunity to prepare for one to more than 20 best ones. they live in 110th and which is the night on that. the good in to protect them from this is to be restored and the entry in you where there is a people are flooded with water inside their tents in delta and any other parts of gas off of the, of the huge displacement that for many it has been said where displaced the from north and from the areas of gas and the hit the to the for see think self that and
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for see think, safety and why there is no sick of glasses or dawn if that goes and gets off. they live without war or the winter items. and when davis date of homes, when they were displaced, they looked at the list. we'd sell somebody call us as the, we know the, the why that in doing go go, but no problem, but in but his time is that it is the guy is hot and is not the cold. so they, they only with the, with somebody a gloss. i, the deluxe have the time and the light hub. is that a priority to take to put in the big did with did with only priority? did the british to go at the, to a blip. i'm the, to escape of from being. i'm do is go to other places. palace demands are facing extreme hunger and gaza. people scrambling for sacks of flour from 8 organizations. many areas in the north and cent of the strip have been cut off from
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regular a deliveries. you and officials want that hundreds of thousands across gaza facing famine. this is the amount to a go to die of to 3 months of will. this amount is for 7 people. see how little this costs, $13.50. today i came to get flour and i couldn't get any. some people got 3 bags of flour, some got 4 and i didn't get any. i have 3 children and i don't know how to feed them. god help us. only the young men could take 6 or flour, but the la khan, the children all funds and the mothers of all phones current. they don't have shared that old. despite those hardships, palestinians and gaza remain steadfast, a display shift is refusing to give up. okay. i'm all the gone and looked at one of the strips largest restaurants for 18 years before it was destroyed by his rarity forces. just bought initial food or equipment, a set up
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a store within rafa. how about the patio most of the state on this? my name is hummadi gore. this is the 3rd time i've moved from kansas city to the south. i used to work the biggest restaurants in gaza. the thailand, a more than a 170 people used to work there, but it was completely destroyed much on perhaps over there or been as little as prob, since i love what i do to help my parents and siblings, i decided to start a street. so business, many people encouraged me and advise me to stop the small business. despite the lack of results is the unavailability of cooking, guess, flour and meet mean by the middle. how? so we came to the management area and rough uh, and with meeker and simple equipment, we created something out of nothing. we made something simple that people liked nice and i started attracting more people who work on most of the most part of my former restaurant was the source of income, agrees in childhood. with that for more than 18 years. when we heard that it
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sustained pastoral destruction, we thought we could go back and work with whatever remained in place the way. but after a few days it was completely destroyed. memories, oh, our dreams and the clock. today the basic essentials of life, selecting people are not living. we're not living. we implore the whole world. we just want to live on these. but no matter how hard the conditions, uh, we try to make our customers happy. we have many friends who about fall off the project and sit on his clothes and the world's largest internal displacement crisis . the international organization for migration says around 10000000 students have been full time they homes, many face malnutrition, infectious diseases, and violence. hospital schools and roads have been destroyed and 9 months of fighting between the sudanese army and the power military rapids support forces.
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with the badges for control of saddam has forced one and 600000 uncertainties to plain to name for and chad. many of the fulls of ancient bandage genocide, rapes torture ended full disappearance of thousands. the chief prosecution of the international criminal court has been gathering evidence there. but many doubts whether victims will ever get justice as lock with address report from east and chat. this video shows gum or dean at bobby brought him on for young man, detained by lucas melisha is in debt for shortly after they were cut down a little bit accurately gum or dean. so by the november 2023 attack and managed to make it to this refugee camp in eastern tried. i don't even know that a lot of these people have killed intentionally just before me in the queue. they'll get killed. if it comes in around a great stories abound of murder, rape,
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torture, any slave meant to suit any use by the groups is so that nearly everyone here is demanding justice. the international criminal court says it's investigating what victims and their lawyers waste and then the but we have the evidence from both sides by accused even took images and posted and bragged about such crimes. some of this evidence collaborates with what we hear from survive is doctors working with the survivors, say something maybe permanently damaged 10 percent of them. they use it to suffer from may get mental health problems on some of them. xavion stuff off from behavioral change that vendor that ability to, to function properly properly. and then some of them they use it to express cluster i'm, i think it's best to start the years after the 1st cases of genocide in death for
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only a few people are being tried victim say they still see their prices walking the streets activities and probably say thousands of victims died waiting for justice, but never came. they say the lack of accountability for crimes committed in death for is what's in boulder named property treasures of other crimes. and so that many he had out there would look to see justice done is the same as little cities and the very the but has the both clients haven't in the us. deep happen is also here in that for we need just is for them isis seat that i 2 sided. but they'll pol forces that behind those accused of such crimes. survive us like gumbo. d assessed . justice must be done. how many degrees i would use it. i agree, eastern tried alex deval is the executive director of the world peace foundation and a full, a member of the african union mediation team. full dot 4. he says, will climes have been committed in sit on grave abuses of human rights have been
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perpetrated. war crimes, crimes against humanity, even genocide. if anyone wishes to doubt the veracity of times of genocide they need only watch the videos made and circulated by the perpetrators of crimes themselves. and these are far too graphic to, to screen on, on, on television for that and then not only particularly gruesome, but what is particularly especially disturbing is the wave of the perpetrators of celebrating the, the atrocities are infecting. and denigrating d. d, humanizing the victims to talk hassan is demanding an immediate investigation. often 9 citizens were killed by an identified government. enabling yvonne families in pakistan have held funerals for the victims identified by iranian media only as
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far nationals the pockets. donnie foreign ministry described this using as a terrorist incident that happened as both countries worked to normalize ties after recent attacks and bosnia and herzegovina, jews and muslims have gathered in stripping it said to observe international holocaust. remember wednesday? well, an 8000 bosnian muslims were killed and the mexico in the town in 1995 east river. and it's a wisdom jewish piece and remember, and this initiative was launched off the commemoration today is not a time in this come, memorization is not the place for politics or to express our respective use or opinion on present day global developments today the time and just come member ration is a played for remembrance for not allowing the ghosts of our past to pay paid away from us. and yet, today is also a time and this collaboration is also the place for us to jointly commit ourselves
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to doing everything in our power to prevent the horror as we remember here today from being repeated, you've done us cut those. well, i'm to submit this mike at the present moment when the eve of anti semitism of the haze of islam is lemme phobia are gaining ground around europe and the world of it all pretty much renew our value to be good neighbors and care for one another. the killing of more than a dozen women in kenya this month is causing an outcry, protest as a march and major cities, calling for more protection for women and girls. since in monahan, reports these thousands of women in kenya have a message for their leaders. stop the killing, the march is taking place in towns and cities nationwide.


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