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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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is rainy, rain with feelings of loss, the sanction and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detail coverage of the war on garza on i'll just say the the as well as on terms of genocide because the system, it's military has killed a 174 ballast and ends in one day. the bottom of this is ellen. does anyone live from? also coming up? the house was, is 1000 as an agent was a medical shutdown, southern josh,
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as not as far as the siege by designing spaces and on the brink of combat is ready on e set. soft check points and conduit is conducting what alice to me and say is a campaign of a rest. familiar nation and tara the cold winter rain shots, camps with displays, palestinians adding to the missouri and claims of atrocities committed in the full, international criminal court. prosecution reach, survive of some nature on chat. the is around is pounding southern galls as largest city con eunice with air and ground attacks residents of opposing heavy ariel and tank fine. and the central and southern part of the city. more than 170 people have been killed in the strip since
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friday. or, or con, unice has become the focal point of as well as offensive and recent weeks is very sole. just have setup checkpoints, screening and detaining palestinians who are trying to move away from areas of destruction and fostering families have been separated. those who were released talked about days of detention and humiliation as my eval module ports. and more of, i mean, many of the haven't hudson people are moving across these check points that was sets up. yeah. i'll actually university towards the weston area is, is really forces setup this check point 2 days ago. and they've been arresting numerous people as they passed through this check point. no, not. they took my boys earlier, and they just released a moment ago. they took them last night, they've just released them. my boys didn't do anything wrong with this,
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i'm freezing today. they stopped and detained destiny of a tank. they 5 rounds in the ralph feats. they detained a search task. of the loaner. well, the humiliated officer and fired i saw there was no volta and they detained us even likes. then they told us to return to the schools. today in the morning, they fired a tough again. the when they left yesterday we thought we would not see them a game, but sign god, we signed them here. well, love the brains and then said it was very tough. we had to throw away all my belongings. i couldn't even eat whenever we tried to look through the bags. they were open fire. so what the occupation forces has been opening fire in the direction of the displaced people. people reported large numbers of injured at con eunice county, and that's our neighborhood. and there are a number of people killed and the dead bodies on the ground. meanwhile,
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many displaced people have taken refuge in the schools near nasa hospital. most of the people continued to move towards the far west in pontiff con units. and they have no clue where they could be heading next. under the ongoing escalation of israel's offensive. olga is facing a health calamity and there aren't enough hospitals left to cope with tens of thousands of injuries and devise a number of diseases. the southern causes largest hospitals and con eunice as, as may the siege. a spokesman for the gauze of health ministries has at least a 150 bodies, had to be buried inside the compound of loss or hospital. it has 1000 floods of transfusions, live save in medicine and food. more than 350 patients and 5000 displaced people at sheltering their honey mcclure reports from the alpha on the dining stage of the hospital scenes of pay us and not
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the wounded in dine lying on the floor. there lies ation and basic medical hygiene are luxuries. doctors simply do not have short of supplies. they say they are forced to use the same bandages on multiple patients and same, i'm sure. same for the power of most teams in our department of left, even the cleaners have gone some doctors and this has tried to clean the hospitalized self. once we're done treating patients, it's the disaster. the hospital has about 350 patients and at least 5000 displays, palestinians are filtering at the company. they are unable to leave, outside is really times and fears, fighting internationally and organization war and ga, the no longer has a health care system. doctors without borders accuse israel of targeting gall just
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hospital one after the other. the you on say is only for the and are able to offer medical of services and only base to get the treatment. what was the yet, there was enough light during the day. so imagine what it's like at night. many times medical teams rely on mobile phone torches. nurses are also trying to perform miracles. i'm a, let's see, the other 2. we work with the minimum tools and it's a very typical situation. the lack of electricity and fuel is a big obstacle. we haven't had electricity since the hospital was targeted by as really forces. the world health organization is calling for immediate ceasefire. so we can re stock, the fuel functioning, hospital level that we are suffering here. there's nothing available, no milk formula, food or medication for children. the hospital as packed and there were no doctors to treat the patient, but the desperation in grows daily as does the lethal combination of hunger and
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disease, which ultimately the u. n warns will cause more palestinians then is very the bun hunting mode. i was just, you know, 5. so during garza audio we spoke to dr. mcgraw, the, he's the head of plastic surgery and the bands department of mouth or hospital. he describes how the few remaining doctors, the coping with the lack of supplies it, can you, we are on the eh, said zones at imand, mazda of elizabeth, a 95 or maybe color stuff, or the to the has to be that because of the continuous bowman around and there was to be done because of the gunshot sounds and the gun showed that the firing at the top of the list to be done. and some gloss is already broken because of the said, got troops fighting or uh, most of those that we did to prove that was to be done. actually people use the used to be those to be the use it as a, she's not, as i said,
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please allow those to be down there. what they are. i think like 7 to 8 scores, the nearby they've been on the, on the organization and the scores used to be for also or favorite created people on manual these people to this. but they action and this started evacuating and also rooms and also so we tend to be for like 90 percent evacuated still. okay . can you imagine mind if i get a sense of that kind of stuff or did you get those to be done because they have to skip that so they, they actually physically to, to, to defy. they made me, um, some says those uh, some notices. again, you know, guess they, they, they, they, they know the shop and the restaurants outside of the speed, the, the, you know, hundreds of the specials for need scan warning. you will need some need the sales heavy. so i still doing it. uh,
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it says your use of mind you bought me. i spoke to because i don't have your, you know, office stuff. i don't have cellphones. i don't have this is. well, it's just me. i know i'm doing all the cases. this is the way sion, you know, what i'm about to do. if you look at the me because supplies as he all the same swipe is, let us of the siege of the lady tools. nothing. get this out of those to be done and get them all ready to go supplies for one. well, it's all, you know, i, many things actually, actually all the same strange or something, something else for the day. and i'm speaking no money, but now we ought to fight this without so just off the discount supplies, i don't know for how long we would stand for how many i don't know. actually, i don't know. one we've 2 weeks. we don't know for how long people just stay with
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such as gum services and situation with allison and some guys i have lost all semblance of life since as well as school began. tens of thousands of people are living in cramped, make shift attendance, and there's a cold and heavy winter rain as special food, warm clothes or blankets. thought a couple was in sent this report from alpha. when to rain branches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes by the east, very will machine be pulling discount, have a flood bombs and bullets now are at the mess of the elements. man who has been reinforcing his tent as fee as his. like many others could be blown away by stones . well, i have been to spend a little, i don't know both sides of you. the weather is very disturbing. the situation is very difficult when they're strong. it rains heavily. this is our life now. the tense pulling us every night,
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and you've seen yourself the condition of the tents and which i live. we ask, allow, mighty to stop this. disaster is calamity. put an end to this war and help us return safe to our home is old and is here. i'm need cat that's difficult and open, impossible to find a children among those made homeless a full face. the cold and train of gauze is winter. don't have what they need to ensure the survival, dustless palestinians, here luck, old basic necessities. now the 10 style living in offloading with winter clothes and short supply, you have no choice but to, into the harsh weather conditions. as long as last water has been pouring into tents during storms. people, if it feels more, if he is impossible, but must do what they can to get by 11. well, the 5 digit than i done, jimmy. a situation is very difficult. the heavy rains meet the tense mattresses and blankets very with them and have managed with difficulty to use stones to create
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the kind of gate that defense motor water from getting in the situation. he does disaster us for desperate people are wrong and that comes every day for himself as is very forces at fonts, $0.10 supplies already hot to come by soon you would have to stretch even further topic of a zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern garza, the u. n. agency if a palestinian refugee says it's shot the 9 countries including the us and the u. k . have suspended funding urging them to reverse the decisions the largest 8 organization in gaza. and rob owns that, the decision solutions, humanitarian work across the region. it says without support, people in gaza will die. the us state department said 12 on what employees will allegedly involved, and they have to have a 7th attack by him. us on, well, 5 and unspecified number of people following those claims. as cold for an
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independent investigation, at least a 152 on one members have been killed and is ready to attack since the will began. as well, the head of the agency for the plaza. the nice as the move has moved collective punishment inflicted on the people of gaza. and a statement on one mentioned the ruling why the international court of justice ordering that israel should take immediate action to make sure palestinians have the basic needs met at one that's the only possible on why has the largest agency in gaza is allowed to do with work is role has said it wants to get rid of on well, from the gaza strip, the agency you said it would be immensely irresponsible to sanction it over the alleged actions of a small number of its stuff, especially at a time when so many people have displaced and in desperate need of help in israel and angry protest as have confronted police and pedagogy of outside the
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as riley defense ministry for demonstrations had gathered this demand, the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government over the handling of the will. they also quote for a seesaw and early elections. the problem is that needs to go to hell needs to go as he failed. he is very dangerous. he needs to go and then we can deal with the rest of the if you want, including the parents of the captives knows they've nathan, yahoo is dragging out negotiations with bounce justification solely because of his own personal property. also instead of a 100 to protest as gather, to demand the for tentative as really captives held and gaza protest as of a meeting at lots become known as hostages square every week with some relatives of the captives have gathered outside the private residence of benjamin netanyahu. and
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the tennessee, the cooling on the government to secure their release an end of school. so that then how may have sent us this report from a rally and kind of a i hear you have the families know i've been keeping the pressure ever since the beginning of this war right in front of the ministry of defense. they have a whole encampment there might be, it is no politics. there's no talk about that. there's no joke about, you know, early elections like what we've heard just an hour ago. and the anti government protests do here is just the message, keeping the pressure for the government to do whatever i can to bring back the captives as soon as they can. this is the main message coming out of here. we live here some reaction as the anti government produce earlier made many blame a really busy government for what happened. they said is because of the rest of the hughes by some of the members of the government that actually gave the opportunity
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to south africa to put this submission at the international court of justice. and that's one of the really also the tooling for the government. and has to have early elections in a big, huge change. it is government, they say that this country has been hijacked by and the, the far right. and the far right. really, this is the girls of, or what's happening at the moment, including what they see as a diminishing or amusing or damage to the image of israel on an international level . now in the substance of the eyes, the j. many people would tell you that it's the victim is well, that is being put on the dock and it should be the other way. the still ahead on al jazeera, we made a mexican address who's using embroidery to the victims of israel, swan gosh, the and, and
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a lot in life. the number of human being towed in kenya for much. the biggest protest of it's going to the hell of a, let's look to south asia and relentless fault is still the issue across moving parts of india. we have red warnings out what, what's up for dash, those have been downgraded to am, but these are the conditions that people are waking up to some very poor visibility as well as some very cold mornings. now the fog is also pushing away into weston area, so roger hassan has got some lots for that. as well as for the east to places like a different animal central areas as we go sunday into monday for places like a monday or per dish. much will settled with kyra skies for the south of that. if you show is coming into the very south with a heavy rain returns to shore lank. on monday,
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we'll see that rain roll into columbus or much of next week, fly across southern parts of pakistan. but where is the weather continuing to look across the north pulling across into northern parts of india. we'll see some of that snowing rain effect and the pool and put time, but much twice with sunshine for bangladesh. and sunshine is the story across the north of china, a little bit cold invasion, but clear skies. those are continuing across the korean peninsula and on was into japan. it'll be an improving story here of the next few days. if you snow flurries and showers, but it clears up on monday with lots of sunshine domination story and took care of it and into buildings as a un. i'm back to the position given to you by or does a both you've described that is better than is that at any thoughts provided? hang on. my question to you. all the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities. usb 2 in the
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security council, this is a may just don't think look is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the the the, the watching outlanders the out of me. elizabeth donovan, reminder of our top story is solid. the biggest hospital in golf south is on the as my decision on the brink of collapse doctors at mazda of hospital and wanting to be able to function too much longer. due to a lack of supplies is really mandatory, has setup checkpoints, and con eunice and the screening doors trying to leave balance to me instead of
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being held in the college hours without food and heavy winter rains, of flooding causes refugee camps fucking tens, 85 percent of this population has been displaced since the war began. some palestinians who evacuated in the early days of the water, the south of this trip, have travelled back home to the north residence of gauze as so do you have a time to st. filled with rubble and corpses, elder 0 visited sugar, yet a once vibrant neighborhood to produce to ruin by his riley forces. policeman and i used to die estimate the of, of the i'm on my way to show a neighborhood east of gauze assistant to monitor how much the is ready for us. is boulders lodge areas on the beach the month before. as you can see, this is what is left following the occupation forces withdrawal on an hon. these are the, these are some sharps that were destroyed by these ready bold eyes. so the quote to
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the pictures are you on, on the wizard. see, i've arrived at the vicinity of a popular market here, and there are a few citizens who are trying to see what happened to that houses, to see whether that homes were leveled by the occupation forces on this and shut up all the moment for the month because i'm now in tell a bean street where a series of strikes have caused all this destruction that the ship, the more than 100 people have been killed here. and some others are still under the rubble of the bodies of the dead are left on the ground in some have not been identified. the, our model known that there were 3 people who were killed here, 2 brothers and the sister more put in a be a mother the they are in this and they all civilians we knows and cause they all my neighbors and their houses over the but this person covered by nyland icon
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recognize or identify him on how to model you can and these really tanks and full days is used together here they have destroyed the entire neighborhood apart, palestine support as a valid outside the home of the us secretary of state to condemn his support for as well as wall and gaza. the demonstration of setup can confront around to these lincoln's home in arlington, virginia, seeing and us officials including president joe biden and being sued for being complicit in israel's, of traffic and stuff. but cit found a civil case for the government to stop military aid to israel. so dodgy valleys, for guys that have taken place in several cities across us. and eventually they will confrontations between police and protest is
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hundreds of demons. races rallied in milan, defined a bad body apologies. purchase were banned from taking place as they coincided with holocausts from england stay and pay for them. the spanish capital waved palestinian and south african flags. they said the e u isn't doing enough to stop the war. in mexico, the war has inspired an artist to all of the victims of the war on gaza through embroidery. yes. a story of little sideboard s on the surface one of us. so yeah, it is, the plastic got a board, the board can associate the that board a little pencils that for some of the separately see this initiative called the gus wisdom in the present this se. notice because we see the difference. you know, this give me a fix, then you get good. ok. i give it to the other i. it's actually only been mowed yet for that. i mean, dixie himself was to see eas, abc release of alice victims, especially to assume that us, i mean, major. yep. was bored movie was very,
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this will see our lives, the movie was to inform us you on email. so some people will chat, won't have this is for the ceiling latavia more time was the a, b, c. and okay, i get somebody that he said of me minded of explicit especially that he that is that, that didn't go to that or just that that is the going to them in that was enough. he would otherwise give me. but assume number 2. yes. evil a and that he would us and then e and don't as me for them of it. they have proxy might have massey, they'll go to that goodness, those go to those k gets to yes. in those numbers, the dallas equals the and yet the most i yelled at concepts and the wireless, the point this point is 60 will splinters based solely that he that you could. okay . as far as the settlement sexy on this, but obviously the least had the look assessments have been going in. augusta could ok, i informed lesson with betsy n. e as in with the c c. and i'll send it in for him as soon as i could. okay. is
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important to send it on this guide. you scope is important. this is a set of most x, and this will be, that is in this guy's the following incident. as closing the world's largest internal displacement crisis, the international organization for migration says around 10000000 students have been full from their homes. many face malnutrition, infectious diseases and violence. hospitals, schools and roles have been destroyed and 9 months of fighting between the sudanese army and the power military. rapid support, this is and the bashful control of saddam has forcible them 600000 uncertainties to flee into neighboring chad. many from the full region they allege, genocide, rate torture, and again full disappearance of thousands. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court has been gathering evidence that many down with the victims will
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navigate justice as uh, what address reports from easton? chad. this video shows gum or dean at bobbie brought him on. 4 young men detained by lucas melisha is in debt for shortly after they were cut down a little more accurately gum redeem. so by the november 2023 attack and managed to make it to this refugee camp in eastern tried. i don't even know that a lot of these people have killed intentionally just before me in the queue. they'll get killed. if it comes in around a great stories abound of murder, rape, torture, any sleep meant to suit any use by the groups is so that nearly everyone here is demanding justice. the international criminal court say is it's investigating what victims and their lawyers waste. and then the but we have the evidence from both
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sides. some of the accused even took images and posted and bragged about such crimes. some of this evidence collaborates with what we hear from survive is dr. so working with the survivors, say something maybe permanently damaged 10 percent of them. they use it to suffer from may government that had some problems on some of them. xavion stuff off from behavioral change that vendor, that ability to, to function properly properly. and then some of them they use it to experience most of them. i think it's best to store your years after the 1st cases of genocide in death for only a few people are being tried. victims say they still see their praises walking. the street activities and probably say thousands of victims died waiting for justice, but never came. they say the lack of accountability for crimes committed in death for is what's in boulder, name, perpetrators of other crimes, into that. many, he
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a doubt. they would look to see justice done, the same as little safety and the very the but has a both side clients. how about in the policy? how many the also here in that for, we need just is for them isis seat that i to start it. but they'll pol forces that behind those accused of such crimes. it's a virus like gumbo dealing assessed. justice must be done. how many degrees i would use it. i agree. eastern chide. alex deval is the executive director of the world peace foundation and a full member of the african union mediation team. 4 dot 4. he says, will crimes have been committed. and so don, the grave abuses of human rights have been perpetrated. war crimes, crimes against humanity, even genocide, if anyone wishes to die out the, the veracity of time is of genocide. they need only watch the videos made and
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circulated by the perpetrators of crimes themselves. and these are far too graphic to, to screen on, on television for that and then not only particularly gruesome, but what is particularly specially disturbing is the wave of the perpetrators of celebrating the, the atrocities are infecting. and denigrating d. d humanizing, the victims south korea's military says north korea has 5, several cruise missiles off its east coast. sol says is working with the united states to analyze the basis launch on thursday. north korea confirmed that it testified a new cruise missile last week, showing young said it tested and underwater nuclear weapons system the killing of all that, a dozen women and kenya this month is causing an outcry, protest as of march and major cities calling for more protection for women and
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girls, since amount of hand reports these thousands of women in kenya have a message for their leaders. stop the killing. the march is taking place in towns and cities nationwide is the biggest protest of its kind. the countries ever seen. the violence against women is on the rise and they say nothing is being done to stop at the national monitoring group load $152.00 reports defend, besides and 2023. that's the highest number.


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