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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 10:00am-10:58am AST

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see the the alarm serial the news good to have you with us. this is the news. our line from doha coming up in the program this hour is really forces setup check points in hon . eunice, for what palestinians say is a campaign of arrests and humiliation. displaced by war, cold and hungry. heavy rain makes life even more difficult for palestinians in over crowded camp since 7 got a number of these really military rates across the occupied westbank. several palestinians have been injured or arrested and the un secretary general calls on the donor countries to continue their funding sending
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you an agency that runs 8 operations in does. the israel is pushing ahead with its indiscriminate bombardment of southern gaza, at least for palestinians have been killed in some of the latest attacks on fun. eunice. this comes out to the international court of justice, ordered israel to take measures to prevent genocidal actions in the strip. more than a $170.00 palace, things have been killed in the 24 hours after the ruling was handed down on friday . overall, israel has killed more than $26200.00 palestinians since october. the 7th is really soldiers have no set of check points in sun unit screening and detaining palestinians. we're trying to flee the fighting. those who have been released tell of days if you really h as it's my level omar reports and more of i mean many of the haven't had people are moving across these checkpoints that was sets up. yeah. i'll actually
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university towards the weston area is, is really forces set up this check point 2 days ago. and they've been arresting numerous people as they passed through this check point. oh no not. they took my boys earlier and they just released the moments ago. they took them last night, they've just released them. my boys didn't do anything wrong. i'm freezing today. they stopped and detained destiny of a tank. they 5 rounds in the ralph feats. they detained and searched us. the, the, the loaner. well, who's your many a to us and fired? i saw there was no volta and they detained us even like then they told us to return to the school. today in the morning. they fired us again, the moon on, but when they left yesterday we thought we would not see them again. but sign god, we found them here loving i'm of the brains and then said it was very tough. we had
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to throw away all our belongings. couldn't even eat whenever we tried to the bags, they would open fire in the occupation forces has been opening fire in the direction of the displaced people. people reported large numbers of injured at con eunice county and at our neighborhood. and there are a number of people killed and the dead bodies on the ground. meanwhile, many displays people have taken refuge in the schools near nasa hospital. also, people continue to move towards the far west and positive con eunice. and they have no clue where they could be heading next, under the ongoing escalation of israel. it's offensive for honeywell, who is in russia in southern gaza. honey, what were you hearing from palestinians who made it through with those checked points? so yes, sir. well, this is why they are expecting by the vast majority of people inside tonya,
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and it says the israeli military cut off hon units of from the remaining parts of the gods for completely separating it from the northern part. then the southern part mailed the rough city and it has effectively block fall. i had the in road these trend road that connects rough. i would find eunice sent and leaving people with no options. but to go through these checkpoint that have been set up at to conduct its a mass. the tents and campaign and in the human relations against palestinians is very military, continues to fail to provide a safe career door for palestinians who are leading the wars on in hon. you and is the, the check points have been set up within the past 2 days. and people work at force to go through they've, as they have no other, it shows they've been requested to leave the valuations on and densely populated area and come in large a grooves and go 3 d is the q is channels like the check points of the eclipse with
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the highest technology of face recognition surveillance camera. and these really military stated that they are conducting these, they're setting up do the check points in order to that, that, that do that split or differentiate between those who have, who are suspect of, of terror acts or those are associated with how most of, from civilians but on the ground and according to what we heard from people who managed to get through these a check points to have them long dollars to be in line there where it starts. i aggressively to where accumulated, there were, some of them were beaten, some of them where they had taken a part of, from the remaining, the family members, including their wives and children. they were asked the questions about what's going on in 5, hon units. if they were aware of what have been open on september 7th, all this line of the question that took very long for people to get through the,
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the check points. then there are reports about a large number of people who are being detained at these. it check points and their faith is, is on search and nobody knows about where they're about right now where they were taken. but the search and the, the, the, the check points continue and people are for those who are unable to leave because of their health complications. or their, their limited mobility is becoming very difficult for them to go through these a check points. and they the risk of staying in high newness under ongoing bombing honey. busy or those palestinians who make it through the check points. they're going south, but we set it and we'll say it again. the south is already vastly overcrowded. so where do they go? what happens to them of the those of are those who manage to get, leave hon units that come all the way to the roof. i city. they arrived to an over
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a crowded part of the gaza strip books of i already over crowded over one with a large number of displays. palestinians were talking about it, close to 1900000 this with policy and across from has to be. there is literally, you know, no space and, and, and roof i hear from we're very part of the where we are reporting a truck and around the vicinity. typically the hospital next to the side of where we are working. there tends many of these tens, and in fact, the area has turned into a kind of dense airport, this place palestinians on the sidewalks in the middle of the road and those little islands and right and loss evacuation is on is if flooded with this place. policy and right now, but on top of this, there is a shortage of everything that was basic supplies, food and water, and medical supplies, survival items. and just this particular time of the year it gets really cold, rainy, and possible. flood just increase and aggravate the difficult living condition for
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people inside defense, people don't have sort of the closing for winter. they don't have a blanket, they don't have that any anything to warm them at the or during these cold days of winter time. there's also the risk of the spread of diseases and related winter, it had them expired epidemics like flu, and cold. honeywell who reporting from ross, are there in the southern part of the gaza strip. honey, thank you very much. we'll talk to you again as israel's army pounds, southern gaza, hundreds of thousands of displays. palestinians of being forced to flee yet again. but un estimates 1700000 people, 85 percent of goss this population have been forced from their homes either by is really evacuation orders or by the bombardment most residents of northern gods or fled south to where its fine eunice, where he is really army said they would be safe that was in the earlier days of this war, but then soldiers expanded their offensive into central and southern gaza, forcing palestinians even further south to rough us on the egyptian border and
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towards the coast there. the population has quadrupled their about 1300000 people are crammed into the city of rossa. living in desperate conditions as honey was just describing a traps between the sea and the junction border palestinians. there have nowhere else to go. to me a little like reports once again told to flee these displaced palestinian say they were forced to abandon best 1st attempt to leave. han eunice when is ready, forces open fine me area military flies had ordered them to go to rafa. so the heading south. but know full well, there's no guarantee they'll be safe. the malay mental, i do not know. it's definitely, i mean whether here or there. is there danger here? you have, i mean this is works. awaits them to you when says rough is population has quadrupled since the world began. and it's running out of everything. food, water, medicine,
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even make shift tents. thousands of palestinians are sleeping rough instead of the young ones, but i spend 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrived, i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything. so that when i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter, i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother. fist fighting has pushed them to the southern most tip of the gaza strip. beyond those walls and lies egypt and to the east, the sea. there was a new way left to go. as soon as you get to my titles and the, uh, this is the final point we have reached the egyptian board. then after this, i don't know where we can go. no matter where we go. these riley army chases us like a they tanks killed everyone in the area to go home in the midst of the deprivation . destruction and fear ran moment of happiness as families trying to make the best
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of the situation. because the children, psych metrics oh to 0. heavy rain and cold weather in garza are making already desperate living conditions worse. 85 percent of the population is now displaced. people are running short on food, clean water and medicine. sorry. a couple assume has the latest on that from rasa. its winter rain branches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes by that is very will machine be pulling discount, have flood bombs and bullets. now are at the mess of the elements. man who has been reinforcing his tent as fee as his lot many others could be blown away by stones. well, i have been a now the 10 style living and off loading with winter clothes and short supply. you have no choice but to into the harsh weather conditions, as long as it last has been poor ringing to attends during storms. people for
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a few months. he is impossible, but must do what they can to get boeing. well and with us live you then, and then jimmy. your situation is very difficult. the heavy rains meet the tents, mattresses and blankets very with. the men have managed with difficulty do stones to create the kind of gate the defense motor water from getting in or but the situation heat is disastrous or desperate people are wrong. and that comes every day. driven south, as is very forces at fonts. tens of supplies already hot to come by soon you would have to stritch even further topic of a zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern garza, as it goes as largest remaining health care facility has been under, is really siege for 6 days. now. the,
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the doctors that the necessary hospital info on units are warning its on the brink of collapse. it has run out of blood for transfusions like stating medicine and food. more than 350 patients and 5000 displaced palestinians or sheltering their spokesman for the guns. the health industry says at least a $150.00 bodies has to be buried inside the company. but literally are we spoke to dr. med mcgraw. be the head of the plastic surgery and burns department at nasa or hospital. he describes how the few remaining doctors are coping with the lack of supplies. or because you, we are on the ad said zones at him and a possible spit, the $95.00 or maybe kill us both or the to the host to be that because of the continuous bowman around. and there was to be done because of the gunshot sounds and the gun showed that the firing at the top of the list to be done and some glasses already broken because of the same. gotcha, it's funny. and most of evacuated from those to be done. i shouldn't people
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just do you used to be of those to be the use it as a she's the assistant, please don't. don't has to be down there. what they are. i think like $7.00 to $8.00 scores, they'll to me on by the minimum to on the organization. and these scores used to be fun also, or if it created people manual these people on this, but the action needed this talk to evacuating and also problems. and also speaking to people like 90 percent evacuated. so okay, can you imagine 95 percent of that kind of stuff already? that was to be done because the skids are not free. they actually visually to get to defy. they made me um, subset jones and some notices. again, you know, guess they, they, they the, the know, the shop and the restaurants outside of the speed, the, the, you know,
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hundreds of the specials, who need scalable need. you will need some going need. this is heavy, so i sort of doing it uh, incision of my deposit as i spoke to because i don't have your stuff. i don't have cellphones. i don't have this is. well, it's just me. i know i'm doing all the pieces. this is the ration you model a lot of your if you look at them, if you go something like as he all the same swipe is of us and most of the lady told nothing. get this out of those because i didn't get them. so we got some lies on well, it's on your, on many things, actually, actually all these and sewage done or something, something else, but they really the in, i'm speaking norman, but now we're out of high this with those who did stop me become some was you don't know for how long we said, well, how many,
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i don't know i should be i don't know, it's one week, 2 weeks. we don't hold for how long equal to step with such a system services and situation in the occupied westbank now is really forces have carried out the series of raids, ran 2nd palestinian homes. several people were injured in confrontations between these really troops in and residents, and the janine refugee camp res also took place in towns near hebron and ramallah. charles stratford is in ramallah in the occupied west bank. so charles, what happened specifically in geneva? or for yes, so this is really all me raise that. we've seen now for the last 4 months now since october. the 7th. no sign of them are basing in any way, according to our voters in the field day, all telling us that they were at least 11 rage and various towns and villages, right. the way across the occupied westbank last night,
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including villages around hebron, in the south bay bay, la humble, especially head in the central the occupied west bank. and as you mentioned, also around jeanine and novelist janitta calls. and that was a blown b senses for the resistance, and that's where we've seen some of the, the longest and most violent rage, huge destruction close to the infrastructure in these areas. the use of is really awesome. and bulldozers to big rows of course, disjoined with your infrastructure electricity infrastructure. i'm considered a form of collective punishment. we also understand certainly according to reports that they will um, clashes in uh, to boss and, and to janine and the use according to some reports of what's being described as improvised explosive devices. a number of people were injured. we understand that we're also at least 18 or rest so low. we are expecting some sort of official fig,
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as is usually the case every day from the policy. you know, so let's say in the coming hours, i think it was interesting also to mention is that seemingly with seeing a change in tactics 5 is really only now in these rights. increasingly, the rest of the female family members of families in which these ladies believe that all suspected members to be of assistance as they are hunting. well, usually these, these mothers don't to sisters all the change. they, all, they interrogated. but they is, level of intimidation is, is something that we're seeing an increasing amount solve. so as i say, no sign that these rates in any way, all, all listening according to our calculations. so for since so, so, but the same as last night's rights means that more than 6300 palestinians have
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been arrested. and the $370.00 killed since those how much the tax. one of the type of the 7th, a child strengthened reporting from ramallah and the occupied westbank. thank you very much. charles. un secretary general until you gutierrez has appealed to countries which have suspended their funding for antoine. that's the un agencies of palestinian refugees to at least guarantee the continuity of its operations. the us state department has said the 12 underwashed employees were reportedly involved in the october 7th attack by how much the chair it says any you and employee involved in acts of terror will be held accountable. he also said, 9 of the 12 accused staffers have been fired. one is confirmed dead. 9 countries have suspended their funding to on the law, which is the largest 8 organization in gaza. the statement says that without the funding people in gaza will die. the head of the agency, philip louse, it really says that the move is more collective punishment inflicted on the people
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have concepts in a statement on the wall. i mentioned the ruling by the international court of justice, ordering israel to take immediate action to make sure the palestinians have their basic needs met. it warned that it's only possible if on a while as the largest agency industry is allowed to do its work. israel has said that it wants to get rid of onto off from the gaza strip. the agency said it would be immensely irresponsible to sanction it for the alleged actions of a small number of its stuff. especially at a time when so many people are displaced and in desperate need of help as protest as have confronted police outside these really defense ministry. intel of these demonstrators gathered there on saturday evening to demand the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government for their handling of the one god. they also called for a ceasefire and early elections. the prime minister needs to go to hell.
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it needs to go as he failed, he is very dangerous. he needs to go. and then we can deal with the rest of the if you want, including the parents for the government to do whatever i can to bring back the captives as soon as they can. this is the main message coming out of here. we live here some reaction i be anti government produce earlier, may need many blame, and really this is our man for our what happened they said is because of the rest of the hughes by some of the members of the government that actually gave the opportunity to south africa to put this submission at the international court of justice. and that's one of the really also they cooling for, for the government and has to have early elections in a big, huge change. it is government, they say that this country has been hijacked by and the, the far right and the far right. really that is the girls i'm or what's happening
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at the moment, including what they see as a diminishing or amusing or damage to the image of israel on an international level . now in the such them that i've seen to many people would tell you that it's the victim is well, that is being put under doc and it should be the other way. or as international attention is focused on israel's war on gaza. the is really right school peace now says the occupied westbank is experiencing some of the biggest land grabs by israel . since 1967 to historically significant sites are under threat is really soldiers a blocking access to the area as well as ating settlement expansion. and what local say is states backed settler violence. laura han reports from sebastian and, but here in the occupied west bank or the incident ruins of sebastian had long been up to the front line. the battle of narratives and the occupied westbank is ready to claim them as an important part of the history wall palestinians living nearby
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say that's an excuse to justify land grabs horse consultants. they desire. i said since october, the 7th acts of fine and spice way, the settlers and so just have increased. it's not safe sometimes to ask the little credibility and to come on to visit that particular site. we don't know what those are. it is to blending at me on the outside of the water because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for the south. a lot of the 4 of us with a lot of the west bank and we are really afraid throughs that could you can cite of some of the boxes mess as well. there were few tourists during the war on garza as well as also shutting off local access. how difficult you'll have to see if can be a difference of, of the. a lot of things changed after october. 7th here is reducing people from entering the village with splits as punch. the also i could find by posting in this way, the leaders in the united states in 1993. sebastian has been divided into 2 sections
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onto the also i quotes area b, and the joint is writing and posting and control. over here is area c just along this line that's on the full is ready military control. since october, 7th, housing se is rise of stepped up. attacks against the middle of 2 block them from the site. they say for many decades before the rights this line just continuously be in the road. it h. e. columbus itself is a village a by to you unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and the last budget haitian this area. west of bethlehem is known for its steep terraces. an aqueducts west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since december settlers have begun expanding an illegal assessment of building a new road blocking foam is access to 17 acres of land with the support of these way the minute tree is out of the month of august. the total of the land is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 1986. this is
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a huge loss for us. somebody i spoke to the soldiers and they blocked me from accessing my land. i told him, i take care of it daily, and they order me to go to the settlement of that out to request that they access permit. during the interview is ready. so just shouted down to 0, his team to stop filming, and demanded to check before search the pharmacy as well as taking the land and legal settlements. and expanding infrastructure could also drain. that's watch with an agent system. they rely on agriculture. the very reason, but it was listed as a protected world heritage sites. neural con, eldest, there are supposed to be a but here in the occupied westbank. still ahead on this else. is there a news our we need a mexican artist was using embroidery to honor the victims of israel's one god. electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. we look at how ai is using the lives of people during most cold winter
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the the had a lot of that. we've got some wonderfully warm winter weather to be enjoyed across europe at the moment. that's going to take us into the new week sites to an area of high pressure that's keeping temperatures very high, above the average for the likes of the southwest, but also west and north western areas. and we'll see that trends continue across most central areas as we go into monday, but still some bits a call to be found across west impacts of russia, as well as some of the bulk. as you can see, we've got a bit of a wintery mix coming in. this went to weather as well, pushing across intake here and down into grease. we are expecting temperatures to come down of the next few days. we have got warnings there, but largely settled across submitted training,
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some foggy and misty issues in pots of italy, though, but sunshine through the latter part of the day, suddenly. and despite things looking to launch the brightening voice of southern parts of england, we all seen some heavy right. and you can see that bad starting to move into scotland out across the island of ireland. by monday, it has worked its way steadily south, but still lots of mild weather to be found here. temperatures in double digits for london and paris show you attempt to talk. you can see that increase over the next few days. that when the weather will push its way for the east, if we have a look at zurich, well above the average with sunshine on tuesday, the unsettled or upfront takes on the big issue. studies are posted to what's happening now. it says a whole thanks. questions about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission,
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nothing leaves us out with offers world permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, your watching else, a 0. a reminder of our headlines with our b is really military has setup checkpoints in hon, eunice and southern gaza and is screening people trying to sleep. palestinians say that they are being detained in the cold for hours without food or one of the biggest health care facility in southern gaza is under is really siege. and on the brink of collapse, doctors at nasa hospital, a warning, it will not be able to function for much longer because of the lack of supplies. heavy winter rains are flooding in formal settlements and camps for displaced people in southern gods. or the un says 1700000 palestinians, 85 percent of the population have been forced from their homes since israel's war began. rehabs a far as action aids, communications, and advocacy coordinator for the occupied palestinian territories. she says people
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who fled their homes had no time to prepare for winter in more than 20 best suns. they live in one tent and which is the night on that. the good thing to protect them from this is to be restored and the and venue where there is a people are flooded with water inside their tents in delta and any other parts of gas off of the, of the huge displacement. the for many of it's been said where displaced the if from north and from the areas of gether and the i hit the top left for see think cells that and for see think, safety and why there is no stick. a place is or done is to go in get the stated that without war or the winter items. and when david their homes, when they, when displaced, they looked at the list. we'd sell somebody close as the we know adults, the ones that are in during group though, but i know, but in but his time is that
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a good is the guy is hot and is not the cold. so they, they only with the, with somebody in gloss, i, they do must have the time and the light tub. is that a priority to take there for the big did with it? it was only priority been completed. so at the time, 2, if blood and the 2 escape from bumping, i'll do is go to other places. as the un has warned, hundreds of thousands of palestinians are facing salmon. scuffles broke out at a food distribution points in guys, a city as people scramble to get their hands on. sacks of flour, many parts of northern and central guys that had been cut off from regular a deliveries. most of the population was dependent on food aid even before the war began. how about the and most of the state on this?
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my name is hummadi. this is the 3rd time i've moved from kansas city to the south. i used to work at the biggest restaurants in gaza. the thailand a more than a 170 people used to work there, but it was completely destroyed much on the hub survey of the problem. since i love what i do to help my parents and siblings, i decided to start a street. so the business. many people encouraged me and advise me to start the small business. despite the lack of results is the unavailability of cooking, gas flower, and meet mean by that. the only thing that will help. so we came to the management area and rough uh, and with maker and simple equipment, we created something out of nothing. we made something simple that people liked nice and i started attracting more people who work on most of the most part on my phone. my restaurant was the source of income and a drains, in childhood. with that for more than 18 years. when we heard that it sustained pastoral destruction, we thought we could go back and work with whatever remained in place way. but after a few days it was completely destroyed around memories or dreams. i'm out of the
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book today. the basic essentials of life, selecting people are not living. we're not living god, we implode the whole world. we just want to live on these. but no matter how hard the conditions. uh, we try to make our customers happy. we have meaning sense support of palestine. have rallied outside the home, but the us secretary of state to condemn his support for israel's one gaza. of the demonstrators set up camp in front of anthony blinking home in arlington, virginia, senior us officials, including president joe biden, are being sued for being complicit in israel's atrocities and gaza rights. groups have filed a civil case that a federal court calling on the government to stop it's military aid. israel and dozens of protesters demonstrated outside of branch of barclays bank and london. calling for a boycott over the banks reported financial links to these really military sonya
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jago as more well, this is a rather different sort of action that is taking place this weekend. instead of the lodge, raleigh is that up and taking place in central london. this one has become move focused on the open ice stations that have been found to have been giving support to companies that have invested in the is ready and given them a ministry technology as well as um, and components on this company that is focused on this weekend is bought, please buy a bar which has been found to provide more than a $1000000000.00 worth of loans to companies as well as underwriting. so 9 of the companies which have given components and ministry technology to the is really all me. now what they're intending to do here is hoping to hopefully the actions that took place in south africa, south africa boxes, in 1982 twin boxes,
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with sconces been given to apartheid south africa. and eventually off the march of prussia, 16 years was a pretty serious actions by such events. it's divested itself from apartheid south africa and people who are hoping that this action will do the same. so they've got jago elders era london, solidarity rally as the guys have taken place in several cities across europe. in italy, there were confrontations between police and protesters. hundreds of demonstrators rallied in milan, defying a band by authorities protests were banned from taking place because they coincide with all the costs. remember, and stay in spain's capital madrid. thousands of people also took part in rallies in support of palestinians. they say that you are in union is not doing enough to stop the war in gaza and in greece,
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thousands of demonstrators also marched against israel's war and gaza. they rallied near the u. s embassy in athens before heading towards these really embassy. some displayed banners praising south africa for bringing a genocide case against israel at the international court of justice. a similar process happened in the swedish capital of stockholm, thousands rally there at the demand a ceasefire, and denounced israel's actions. in mexico, the war has inspired an artist to show solidarity through embroidery. here's the story of rosa bonus was using needlework, the honor palestinians in gaza. is joe soto. so one of us. so you have to step last to get a board of the board, can associate the board a little conservative for some of the separately see this initiative called the gus wisdom in the present. so you notice because we're seeing different seamless, give me a fix, then you kick it ok, i give it to the other i. it's actually only been mowed yet for that. i mean,
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dixie himself was to see eas, abc release, of alice victims. that he does the semi major. yep. was bored. maybe was the so seattle is he maybe was to inform us young email. so cynthia malta, walter, this is for the seo and we'll try to give you more time was the e. c. and okay. i gave you that instead of reminded of explicit especially that he that is that that is a lot of other just that that is the going to that i'm in the with enough he would otherwise give me. but assume number 2. yes, evil is nothing will doesn't then e and don't says me for them of that they have proxy might have, may i see the that goodness does, what are those k gets to yes. in the middle of notice the, the list equals the and yet the yada concepts and the wireless, the point this point is a 60 was point this, this one is that he, that you could okay, as far as the settlement flexion is, but obviously the least had the look assessments have been going in augusta could
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ok, i information with betsy n. e as in way to see c, and i'll send it in for matthew and we'll hit the button. okay, thing for them to send you down this guide, you scope is important. this is a certain, most accidentally solely that is in las vegas the . let's take a look at some other world news. now. artificial intelligence is a government priority in russia. but since the invasion of ukraine, russia has been forced to develop domestic ai projects without technological support. from abroad, you'll get shuffled out about a snapshot of an ordinary day. most great people go about the business, hardly paying any attention to their robles navigating the streets, come rain or shine, the 6 wheels, devices deliver the documents, parcels, and food from companies. so the markets and restaurants, if there was a 3, a typically in, you know,
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this is the 3rd generation of our robots. they move easily in the snow and navigate in the rain. they are not bothered by temperatures from minus 30 degrees to 50 plus degrees celsius. so we do have to mean the old during process takes just a couple of minutes using an app after which they read both cases treats a 3 d maf installed in the brain, prevent them from getting lost, and electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. something that sometimes might prove to be quite challenging, and the of us rushing whether these use of people try to help a delivery robot out of a snow drift have gone viral online. the manufacturer is a confidence the cost of delivery by humans and the robots will be equal in the near future that for it opens move business best space for the project. environmental concerns were a driving force behind these electric fairies launched in mid 20 to 23. they've
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become part of most whose public transport alongside regular buses, drums and the metro, which he used model was the most of which you must squared because, you know, in winter the most cobra of a freezes. so these year around electric series are type little as breaking the 20 seem to made a 6 layer of ice. so all the technologies we use here are domestic. one of the fairies can carry 50 passengers the journey and also use the chargers and the wi fi access authorities say they produce no harmful emissions. and those are the relatively sedate pace makes them rather unsuitable for the daily commute to black . the have proved popular with taurus. another machine designed for an oven landscape is pick, so multiple minds clean their foreclosed venue, such as pox and museums, mostly to externalize nicholas, we are joking. we've managed to move something that seemed impossible to combine. a
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pixel robot is a collaboration between heights, the specialists and utility work, and so the new cuts. and so because the red balls can what 24 hours a day with brakes for recharging and refilling with voltage in the summer or for defrosting liquids in winter. it can be controlled remotely, overreach toner, mostly these a young solutions can make people's lives much easier. but there's also a flip side to the increased use since russia launched it so called special material preparation in ukraine. nearly 2 years ago, thousands of migrants, labor as have left the country. the local currency rubel has gradually depreciated and working conditions have deteriorated. hunting innovators to fast track a only takes poetry to partially supplement, the human workforce dealership of all of us alters the right most. the south korean military says north korea has fired several of cruise missiles off its eastern coast. so says it's working with washington to analyze the latest launch. it is the
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3rd weapons demonstration killing young has conducted this year. the conflict in sedan is causing the world's largest internal displacement crisis. that's according to the international organization for migration, the you in agency says around 10000000 suit of needs have been forced from their homes since april 2023, many face hunger and a threat of violence and infectious diseases. hospitals, schools and roads have been destroyed and 9 months of fighting between the sudanese army and the parent military rapids support forces more than 600000 instead of needs of fled to neighboring chad, many or from west or for. they describe indiscriminate killings, rate, torture, and the force disappearance of thousands of people. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court has been gathering evidence the head of a un security council briefing on monday. this video shows governor dean at bobbie brought him and 4 young men detained by
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lucas melisha is in debt for shortly after they were cut down a little bullet. miraculously gum redeem survived the november 2023 attack and manage to make it to this refugee camp. in eastern tried, i don't even know that i do live. these people have killed intentionally. just before me is a cute or get killed. at the cams in around at re stories abound of murder, rape, torture. any slave meant to suit any use by the groups is so that nearly everyone here is demanding justice. the international criminal court says it's investigating what victims and their lawyers waste and then the but we have the evidence from both sides. some of the accused even took images and posted and bragged about such crimes. some of this evidence collaborates with what we hear from survive is dr. so
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working with the survivors say something maybe permanently damaged 10 percent of them. they use it to suffer from major mental health problems on some of them xavion stuff off from behavioral change that vendor that ability to, to function properly properly. and then some of them they use it to express cluster i'm, i think it's better than the story. years after the 1st cases of genocide in death for only a few people are being tried victim say they still see their praises walking the streets activities and probably say thousands of victims died waiting for justice but never came. they say the lack of accountability for crimes committed in the for is what's emboldened in popular it is so far the crimes in so that maybe he a doubt, they would look just the justice done. the same as those of this and the very the
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but has the both side clients happened in the us. deep happen is also here in the for we needs just is for them isis seat that i to start it. but they'll pol forces that behind those accused of such crimes. it's a virus like gumbo. d assessed justice must be done. how many degrees i would use either agree, eastern chide. alex deval is the executive director of the world peace foundation and a former member of the african union mediation team for dar for he says, war crimes have been committed. incident grave abuses of human rights have been perpetrated. war crimes, crimes against humanity, even genocide. if anyone wishes to doubt the veracity of times or genocide, they need only watch the videos made and circulated by the perpetrators of crimes themselves. and these are far too graphic to, to screen on, on, on television for that and then not only to key gruesome,
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but what is particularly specially disturbing is the wave of the perpetrators of celebrating the, the atrocities are infecting. and denigrating di who does humanizing the victims, the syrian refugees in the middle east are facing uncertainty because of the interior rating conditions and hosts countries struggling in economies and declining international aid, or pushing some refugees to try to reach your legally st. ahold of reports. but i must tell me, is a refugee from syria living in jordan. the 25 year old is a widow. and the mother who now doesn't have any source of income. the last time she saw her husband was in may before he set off on a journey in search of a better life for his family than that. when the smugglers took him from being gauzy to brute, he called me to telling me that everything was fine. that was the last time we
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spoke as well, how much is among those missing and fear dead in the ship? wreck off the coast of greece in june. it was one of the worst migraine both disasters in the mediterranean and dropped the bicycle. at 1st he did not want to go, but then he realized that was the only way to secure a future for our children. syrian refugees and jordan have few choices. their economic and social vulnerabilities have been aggravated by declining international support. the u. n. agency, responsible for refugees says this has come out of human cost units. here is observing the noise, motorist and cheese take dangerous routes towards europe, including through libya and then take on the dangers during the on boats to to europe. and we've seen this number on the rise. and what is really heartbreaking is
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that those cases that we analyze have left here for more than 10 years. so there must have lost the belief in a life in jordan. jordan has repeatedly said it does not have the capacity. decatur for the roughly 1300000 syrian refugees already in the country. officials had hoped we engagement with president bush r a said would leave to refugees returning home. so far, damascus has not facilitated the process since then, syrian se, they face uncertainty and not just didn't jordan deportations are increasing in other countries. but neighbors, syria, what was yellow? and what choices do syrians have made the dangerous journey to europe or a to, into syria where they are? no service is no job. duty, all of them. it's why mohammed took the risk and it will let the tech get him with it. i'm sure i always wonder what happened to mohammed. was he hungry, thirsty, afraid? what did he feel as he was drowning? mohammed was not the 1st period refugee to disappear,
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etc. is unlikely to be the last center for the extra 0. it's still a head on alice's 0. the thousands of canyons protest against an alarming rise in violence against the i'll never forget, i finally gave the report and the man had been confused. i took the report. that was like all, he doesn't understand, but this isn't a recent thing. this is the past thing. i said i was 14, when this happened. he was 25 and the man's whole tongue changed. and he said, i understand. and i am so sorry that this has happened to you. and i remember pausing are going to cry. i'm sorry. i remember pausing. and i just turned to cry on the other end of the phone
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screen so that no one's ever told me that before he paused me. so what do you mean? they said no one's ever told me that it wasn't my fault. and he just released we're going to get you hope we're going to how someone live with us to keep this for you . but yeah, it was the 1st time anybody had ever told me that it was my, my thoughts as, as well as video on guys a continues bring you relate. we are on the grounding dollars a covering, the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering. the people's tones that we lost displacements and lack of resources and from multiply is how data race and restrictions prevent freedom of rights to worship from tennessee will continue our coverage of israel will cabinet decisions. the
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caps is and all the political development part westbank, senior reporting on the line. and this is where you raised with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and the detail coverage of the wrong cause of the the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the killing of more than a dozen women in kenya this month is causing an outcry, protest as of march,
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then major cities calling for more protection for women and girls, vincent monahan reports these thousands of women in kenya have a message for their leaders. stop the killing. the march is taking place in towns and cities nationwide is the biggest protest of its kind. the country is ever seen. the violence against women is on the rise and they say nothing is being done to stop it. the national monitoring group load 152 reports defend,
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besides in 2023. that's the highest number in years. another group estimates 500 women were murdered between 20172024. abuse is also rife. a 2022 survey found one and 3 women had experienced physical violence. activists say the government and the legal system aren't taking the situation seriously. what you're seeing us from your side is a combination of runaway gender bas residents that has gone and checked. we do not have missions of the police complacency, as well as very slow judicial processes that leads to very late prosecution. have led us to this position that we are in today. wow. more than a dozen women have already been killed this year. the protesters wants an inquiry into why so many are dying and why so little is being done to stop it. and they also want what they call an epidemic of them aside to be declared a national disaster. the government has condemned the killings and promised to take action. vince and mullin,
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alex's era german chancellor old f shows his voice concerned about what he says is the rise of right wing extremism as the nation marks the 79th anniversary of the liberation of ocean fits on saturday, january the 27th. 1945 soviet troops fried the survivors of the concentration camp in poland. more than 1000000 people were murdered there, most of them jews. the pakistan is demanding an urgent investigation into the killing of 9 nationals by gunmen in neighboring iran. families in pakistan of ho funerals for the victims. the foreign ministry described the shooting as a terrorist incident, no individuals or groups have claimed responsibility. rock in the us have held the 1st round of talks on the future of american and foreign troops and the country. they, rocky government is expecting discussions with diplomats to lead to a timeline for troop reductions around 2 and a half 1000 americans are deployed as part of the coalition against iso. they've
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been targeted in at least 150 attacks in the past 3 months by groups linked to neighboring iran. all right, we're going to take a short break. that's it for this news hour. i will be back in just a moment with more today's news on the houses here in our continuing coverage of israel's was c and the this is the 1st one they saw that we see 3 of the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the man was 71 year old curtis reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought a gun within that day. we just went back to washington previous thinking everything was over like okay, manager is going to come up, so keep your phone way. that would be a but that's not what happened. not at all. when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? a movie hasn't even started and he was just nasty surveillance footage. just chattering popcorn, it reads mediately fired a pistol, and a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down and from there a i didn't even realize that my finger was shot as well. i was just so worried
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about him. the surface when it got shot, the computer irritated. i'm a nurse, here's the point. i'm just trying to make sure the size i said with a child died less than an hour later. just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad. and that just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly . the is really force is setup checkpoints in hon. eunice for what palestinians say is a campaign of arrests and humiliation. the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is alice as your life from the
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also coming up,


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