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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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the just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad. and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the is really force is setup check points in hon. you this for what palestinians say is a campaign of arrests and humiliation, the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is alex as your life from the also coming up, hunger cold. and now heavy rain make life even more difficult to displace palestinians in overcrowded camps and southern got a number of these really military rates across the occupied west bank. several
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palestinians have been injured or arrested and the un secretary general calls on the donor countries to continue their funding for the un agency that runs 8 operations and got the israel is pushing ahead with its indiscriminate, bombardments, of southern gaza, at least for palestinians have been killed in some of the latest attacks on han, eunice. this comes out to the international court of justice, ordered israel to take measures to prevent genocidal actions in the strip. more than a $170.00 palestinians have been killed in the 24 hours after the ruling was handed down on friday. overall, israel has killed more than 26200 pound list engines. that's is since october. the 7th is really soldiers and also set up checkpoints in hon. you this screening and detaining palestinians were trying to flee the fighting. those who have been released tell of days if you me relations as my lab, omar reports,
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and more by any means i haven't had so many people are moving across this check points that was sets up. yeah, i'll actually university towards the weston area is, is really forces setup this check point 2 days ago. and they've been arresting numerous people as they passed through this check point. oh no not. they took my boys earlier and they just released the moments ago. they took them last night, they've just released them. my boys didn't do anything wrong. i'm freezing today. they stopped and detained destiny of a tank. they fired rounds near ralph feats. they detained and searched us. of the, the loan. well, the humiliated us and fired i saw there was no volta and they detained the safe and lights. then they told us to return to the schools. today in the morning, they fire us again, the moon on, but when they left yesterday we thought we would not see them again. but sign god,
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we signed them here. love and i'm of the brains and then said it was very tough. we had to throw away all our belongings, couldn't even eat whenever we tried to open up the bags, they would open fire. the occupation forces has been opening fire in the direction of the displaced people. people reported large numbers of injured at con eunice county, and that's our neighborhood. and there are a number of people killed and the dead bodies on the ground. meanwhile, many displaced people have taken refuge in the schools near nasa hospital. so people continue to move towards the far west and positive con eunice. and they have no clue where they could be heading next. under the ongoing escalation of israel as offensive. the house is 0 is honey. my hood is in russia in southern gaza. honey, what more are you hearing from palestinians who have been able to make it through
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those check points? this was so far, those who have managed to get through the check points have to the queue in line for longer hours than to go through a very aggressive. but the 3rd to process that line of the questions that i ask. and then by that, every single detail since the beginning of the war and people have been displaced at traumatized. and the only thing didn't worried about it was they're saved into protection of their intelligence. so these answer were not enough for the officers who are on the ground as asking them these the questions, the, the more d told him about that they will do all what they cared about was their children and their safety. they were yelled out and they were accused of being part of the entire organization that supported that. and, and they help with the, with the, the bins of x over the 7. the more horror story,
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as they were telling us about the people who were detained at the check point is that there's really military employed, a advanced, acknowledge it through these tunnels shape corey doors where and which of we have a large gathering of people and they were allowed one by one to go through these tunnel shaped security check points, and those are being identified by the face recognition cameras. they were asked to step aside and they were asked do they take their clothes off? they put their hands above their heads that were taken to a night, then defied a little gun this close at 9 defy locations. their fate is on, on some of their family members who talk about their fathers. they are of, i just got older siblings and some women were actually a duck did at these a check points. there's more into this coming within the, the, the, the next few days. as still more people are still in con units. as old roads have
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been a block, the eastern part of the city law had been road completely blocked. the city has been cut over from the remaining part of the guster, and people had no other choice. but to go through these a check points as the intense bombing continues, and these really military continuously failing to provide a safe core a door for people civilians to come to a safer area. here in dropbox city, honey, i know you're also reporting on the situation that the, the main hospital in han, eunice, which is nicer hospital and we're learning that people have had to dig mass graves within the hospital compound. what can you tell us about that? this will, you know, despite the significance of the ruling goal, acts of genocide are still taking place in across the gossip but 1000000 hon. you and it's not all the words,
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the mass or rest of people at these tech points. but now people are unable to bury their loved ones and relatives are being killed within the past few days in the city of hon. units and around of the city of the hospital permit its on able to dispatch ambulance of the hospital. people are unable to take these dead bodies to the cemetery, to offer them a proper burial and to grieve it properly. they are forced to bear them at the back yard or the courtyard of the hospital. we're talking about a $150.00 bodies so far. there are those who have not been identifying the hospital administration, winning for a family member or somebody who could be able to identify the 10s of bodies or the more of the hospital. but they are running out of time as they are the hospital experiences right now. with complete power outage and it will be very bad to keep these bodies of the more without proper refrigerators inside the hospital under that of course, because of the, the shortage in the fuel. the for the hospital force to shut down major departments
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including i see you put in surgeries, rules are enabled to operate the properly right now. and then on top of that the, the medical supplies that have been extremely, a depleting of from a, from the hospital. the hospital it is under military sees as well as not only this large health facility, but also the restaurant part with a lot of the hospitals where hundreds of people have been sheltering inside. they're also under the military is the, does the snipers surrounding the area? unfortunately discontinue, is that we're seeing a fate of the, of another large hospitality, similar to what happened to a ship. absolutely so, abrasions at nasa hospital, the largest in ga, the 2nd largest city, find eunice as all but collapsed honey. my mood reporting from ross, i thank you very much, honey. so as israel's army power in southern gaza, hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians are being forced to flee. yet again,
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un estimates 1700000 people and that's 85 percent of guys of the population had been forced from their homes either by his real evacuation orders or by the bombardment itself. most residents of northern gauze are flood south towards han eunice where he is really army said that they would be safe then, however, soldiers expanded their offensive into the central part in the southern parts of gaza, forcing palestinians even further south to rough on the egyptian border. and towards the coast, the population has quadrupled there. about 1300000 people are now crammed into the city, living in desperate conditions, and trapped between the sea and the egyptian border. the palestinians were in rough at have nowhere else to go. coming into like reports, once again told to flee these displaced palestinian say they were forced to abandon best 1st attempt to leave han eunice when he's ready for his open fine me area. military flies had ordered them to go to rough. uh. so the heading south. but no
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full, well there's no guarantee that will be safe. my life. i do not know if the weather here or there is there danger here. you have, i mean this is works, awaits them. do you? when says rough is population has quadrupled since the world began, and it's running out of everything. food, water, medicine, even make shift tents. thousands of palestinians are sleeping rough instead of the young ones, but i spent 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrived, i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything, said i, when i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter. i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother. fist fighting has pushed them to the southern most tip of the gaza strip. beyond those walls and lies egypt and to the east, the sea. there was no way left to go ahead. as you ask you to much, i know it's
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a little hard to know. this is the final point we have reached the egyptian bowden off to this. i don't know where we can go, no matter where we go. these riley army chases as they tanks killed. everyone in the area to go home. in the midst of the deprivation, destruction and fear ran moment of happiness as families trying to make the best of the situation to the children. psych meds like oh to 0 and heavy rain and cold weather and guys are making already desperate living conditions even worse. people are running short on food, clean water, and medicine. tar. a couple of the reports. went to rain branches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes by the east. very will machine be pulling this, come, have a flood bombs and bullets now or at the mess of the elements met her has been
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reinforcing his tent a. c is like many others could be blown away by stones. la, fitness for the let go. little more. 5 and do the weather is very disturbing. the situation is very difficult when the strong it rains heavily. this is our life now . the tense pulling us every night and you've seen yourself the condition of the tents and which i live. we ask, allow a mighty to stop this disaster as calamity put an end to this war and to help us return safe to our home is old and is here. i'm need cat that's difficult and open . impossible to find a children among those made homeless old face. the cold and train of gauze is winter. don't have what they need to ensure the survival, displace palestinians here like old basic necessities. and now the tents that are living in offloading with winter clothes, in short supply, you have no choice but to into the hot weather conditions,
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as long as it last has been pouring into tents during storms. people, if it feels more, if he is impossible, but must do what they can to get. boy, we'll learn well that 5 digit than and then jimmy. this situation is very difficult . the heavy rains meet the tense mattresses and blankets very with the men have managed with difficult to use tones to create the kind of gate the defense mode water from getting in the situation. heat is disastrous or desperate. people are wrong. even that comes every day for themselves as is very forces at moments, tens of supplies already hot to come by soon you will have to stretch even further topic of a zoom out just a rough, rough off in southern guns, a in the occupied westbank is really forces have carried out a series of raids, ran 2nd palestinian homes, 2 people were injured in confrontations between is really troops and people in the
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janine refugee camp. res also took place in towns near hebron and ramallah at least 18 palestinians have been arrested. charles stratford is in ramallah in the occupied west. they were at least 11 rays in various towns and villages, right. the way across the occupied west bank last night, including villages around hebron, in the south bay bay, la humble bethlehem. in the center of the occupied west bank, round janine and nablus janitta calls and novelist of loan being sent as for the on resistance. and that's where we've seen some of the, the longest and most violent rage, huge destruction coals to infrastructure in these areas. the use of it is rarely all the bulldozers to dig up rows of coast destroying what your infrastructure electricity infrastructure. i'm considered a form of collective punishment. we also understand certainly according to reports
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that they were all clashes in uh to boss and, and janine and the use according to some reports of what's being described as improvised explosive devices. a number of people were injured. we understand that we're also at least 18 arrests, i think was interesting also to mention is that seemingly was saying a change in tactics 5 is riley. all mean now in these rights, increasingly the rest of the female family members of families in which these ladies believe that also speak to members of the aisle and resistance that they are hunting. well usually these, these mothers don't assist is all the change. they all the in interrogated. but this level of intimidation is, is something that we are seeing. an increasing amounts of the protesters have confronted police outside the is really defense ministry. intel of these
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demonstrators gathered there on a saturday evening to demand the resignation of 5 minutes of benjamin netanyahu and his government for their handling of the one guns. they also called for a ceasefire and early elections. the problem is that needs to go to how it needs to go. as he failed, he is very dangerous. he needs to go. and then we can deal with the rest of the if you want, including the parents of the captives knows that mason, yahoo is dragging out negotiations with bounce justification solely because of his own personal property also and television. hundreds of protests as gathered to demand the return of the captives held in guns, testers, gathering in a central square every week since the captives were taken. and some family members of the captives protested outside the private residence. have benjamin netanyahu. that's near tell of eve. they are calling on the government to secure their release and, and it's, we're on gas still ahead on analysis era. israel's,
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a legal settlement expansion threatens a unesco world heritage sites in the occupied west bank. electronic ies help overcome obstacles. we look at how artificial intelligence is easing the lives of people during most goes bits or with the had a lot of them, much of europe has enjoyed some very mild when to weather over the weekend. but that doesn't mean we haven't had some bits of unsettled and wintery weather. that was the case. of course, the noise of issue had poor visibility. thanks to dense fog. that didn't stop carnival of is coming out for the annual event in venice that over the we can now we still got those amber and looks out from northern areas of easily on sunday we
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could see some of that fog as well across the western pots of spain, but it is still a largely settled story, the lots of sunshine for the south, west leasing record rooms across spain, portugal and fonts. and we'll see that one continued to drift. it's way north over the next few days and further east across more central areas. but there's about wintery weather, still clinging on across the black sea, some of the balkans as well and took here like you to see some of that snow as well as rain. and we'll see that to send down into grease over the next few days. so when is the weather as well dominating across the north? we've got gales expect his full scotland with warnings out for that on sunday, by monday that went to weather does start to drift its way for the cell. but we're still seeing a lot of rooms is double digits, the temperature continuing to climb for london and paris, but much cooler in athens by monday,
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and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's context. questions, professional and unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 or the there watching else is 0. reminder of our headlines this our, the is really, are me, is killed at least for palestinians and attacks on the sign, eunice,
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and southern gaza. this comes out to the international court of justice, ordered israel to take measures to stop genocide or actions in the strip. more than a 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. these really military has set up checkpoints and con units and a screening people trying to flee the fighting listing and say that they are being detained in the cold for hours without food or water. is really forces have carried out the series of rates in the occupied westbank ransacking palestinian homes. 2 people were injured in confrontations between his really troops and people in the janine refugee as international attention is focused on israel's war on gaza is really right script piece. now says that the occupied westbank is experiencing some of the biggest land grabs by israel. since 1967 to historically significant sites are under threat, is really troops are blocking access to those areas as well as ating settlement expansion. and what local say is state backed settler violence. laura han reports
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from sebastian and back here in the occupied west. bank of the engine ruins of sebastian have long been up to the front line of a bottle of narrative the occupied westbank is res. claim them is an important part of that history. wal palestinians living nearby say that's an excuse to justify land grabs whose consultants they desire. i said since october, the 7th acts of fine in spite of 80 settlers and soldiers have increased. it's not safe. sometimes to ask the little credibility man to come on to visit that, could you go to the site? we don't know what that is that are easiest to blending at me on the outside of the water because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for the south. a lot of the 4 of us with a lot of interest to bank and we are really afraid throughs that could you can cite those sort of deal to boxes mess as well. there were few tours during the world garza israel is also shutting off local access. how difficult you'll have to see if
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could be a difference of of the. a lot of things changed after october 7th here is ready. soldiers and the settlers increase the tax. although this has been growing, since that's on yahoo, as far right, government took power. and now there's an increase in check points around the town as preventing people from entering the village with splits as punch the also a code signed by posting in this way. the leaders in the united states in 1993 sebastian has been divided into 2 sections and they also quotes area b. and the joint is writing and posting and control. and over here is area c just along this line that from the full is right, e mail it to controlled since october 7th, housing se x rays of stepped up attacks against the middle of 2 block them from the site. they say for many decades before the rights this lines of continuously be in the road. it h. e. columbus itself is a village by to you unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and last budget
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haitian this area. west of bethlehem is known for its steep terraces. an aqueducts west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since december settlers have begun expanding in the legal assessment of building a new road blocking pharmacy, access to 17 acres of land old with the support of these way, the minute tree is out of the columbus robins, the toys. the land is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 1986. this is a huge loss for us and i spoke with the soldier as and they blocked me from accessing my land, thought i told him, i take care of it daily. and they ordered me to go to the settlement of the bed out to request that they access permit during the interview is ready. so just shouted it down to 0 team to stop filming, and demanded to check the footage of the pharmacy as well as taking the land and legal settlements and expanding if the structure could also drain its water was of an ancient system. they rely on agriculture. the very reason,
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but here was listed as a protected world heritage sites. laurel hall and l just there are supposed to be a but here in the occupied westbank un secretary general, antonio gutierrez has appealed to countries which have suspended their funding for the you in agency for palestinian refugees to at least guarantee the continuity of the agencies operations the us state department has said, 12 hon employees were reportedly involved in the october 7th, attacked by him us. whichever says that any you, an employee involved in acts of terror will be held accountable. he also said 9 of the 12 accused and last staffers have been fired. one has been confirmed, and the head of the agency philip plaza really addressed this, saying that the move is more collective punishment inflicted on the people of gaza . and a statement of why i mentioned the ruling by the international court of justice, ordering israel to take immediate action to make sure palestinians have their basic needs met. it warned that that's only possible if one of law as the largest agency
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in gaza is allowed to do with work. israel has said that it wants to get rid of on the wall from the gaza strip. the agency said it would be immensely responsible to sanction it for the alleged actions of a small number of its stuff, especially at a time when so many people are displaced and in desperate need of help. the . let's take a look at some of the world news. the south korean military says north korea aspired several cruise missiles off its eastern coast. so says it is working with washington to analyze the latest launch. it's the 3rd weapons demonstration, killing yang has conducted this year. pakistan is demanding an urgent investigation to the killing of 9 nationals by gunmen in neighboring iran. families in pakistan of health, funerals for the victims. the foreign ministry described the shooting as a terrorist. incidents, no individuals or groups have claimed responsibility. the conflict in sedan is
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causing the world's largest internal displacement crisis. that is, according to the international organization for migration. but you and agencies says around 10000000 student needs have been forced from their homes since april 2023 hospitals. schools and roads have been destroyed and 9 months of fighting between the army and the parent military rapids support forces. syrian refugees in the middle east are facing uncertainty because of deteriorating conditions in hosts . countries struggling economies and declining international aid or pushing some refugees to trying to reach europe illegally say no harder reports. when the last time she saw her husband was in may before he set off on a journey in search of a better life for his family than that. when the smugglers took him from being gauzy to brute, he called me to tell me that everything was fine. that was the last time we spoke. as well,
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how much is among those missing and fear dead in the ship? wreck off the coast of greece in june. it was one of the worst migraine, both disasters in the mediterranean guns off the bicycle. at 1st he did not want to go, but then he realized that was the only way to secure a future for our children. syrian refugees and jordan have few choices. their economic and social vulnerabilities have been aggravated by declining international support. the u. n. agency, responsible for refugees says this has come out of human cost units here is observing the noise motorist and cheese, and we've seen this number on the rise. and what is really heartbreaking is that those cases that we analyze have left here for more than 10 years. so there must have lost the belief in a life in jordan. jordan has repeatedly said it does not have the capacity to cater for the roughly 1300000 syrian refugees already in the country. officials had hoped
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we engagement with president bashar said would leave to refugees returning home. so far, damascus has not facilitated the process. instead, theory and say they face uncertainty and not just in jordan deportations are increasing in other countries. but neighbor, syria, what was yellow? and what choices do syrians have make the dangerous journey to europe or a to into syria where they are? no service is no job. duty, all. it's why mohammed took the risk and it will let the tech get him with it. so i always wonder what happened to mohammed. was he hungry, thirsty, afraid? what did he feel as he was drowning? but how much was not the 1st syrian refugee to disappear, etc, is unlikely to be the last center for their elders. either artificial intelligence is a government priority in russia. but since the invasion of ukraine, russia has been forced to develop domestic a projects without technological support from abroad. you're shovels. oliver
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reports, as a snapshot of an ordinary day. most great people go about the business. hardly paying any attention to the road, both navigating the streets. come rain or shine, the 6 wheels, devices delete with documents, parcels, and food from companies. so the markets and restaurants. if the 3 people continue, this is the 3rd generation of our robots as they move easily in the snow and navigate in the rain. they are not bothered by temperatures from minus 30 degrees to 50 plus degree celsius. so we do have to meet with the ordering process takes just a couple of minutes using an app after which they re, vote has this treats. a 3 d map installed in the brain, prevent them from getting lost and electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. something that sometimes might prove to be quite challenging in the adverse lesson, whether these use of people try to help delivery robots out of
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a snow drift have gone viral online. the manufacturer is a confidence the cost of delivery by humans, and the results will be equal in the near future. the for it opens move business pro space for the project. environmental concerns were a driving force behind these electric fairies launched in mid 2023. they've become part of most whose public transport alongside regular buses, trends and the metro which this model was the most of which you must quite a because you know, and when to the most over the freezes to these, the around electric series are capable of breaking.


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