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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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for the region and the world, a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the district rushed, the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life from don't also coming up in the program, tongue or cold and no heavy rain make life even more difficult to displace palestinians in overcrowded camps. and southern guns multiple is really military rates across the occupied west bank. several palestinians have been injured or arrested and the un secretary general calls on donor countries to continue their funding for the you an agency that runs 8 operations and gosh, the,
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there has been more desk destruction and displacement in gaza. less than 48 hours after the u. n's, top court ordered israel to prevent genocidal actions. at least for palestinians have been killed in some of the latest is really strikes on the southern city of san eunice. desperate palestinians have been taking the injured hospital on don't keep cards and pickup trucks. at least 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. and overall, israel has killed more than 26400 people in gaza since early october is really soldiers have setup checkpoints in and around hon. eunice, screening and detaining palestinians were trying to flee the fighting. those who have been released tell of days of humiliation as is my level omar reports and more of, i mean means i haven't had some of the people are moving across these check points that was sets up. yeah. i'll actually university towards the weston area is,
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is really forces setup this check point 2 days ago. and they've been arresting numerous people as they passed through this check point. oh no, not. they took my boys earlier and they just released a moment ago. they took them last night, they've just released them. my boys didn't do anything wrong. i'm freezing today. they stopped and detained destiny of a tank. they 5 rounds in the ralph feats. they detained and search task. of the loaner. well, who's your many a to the office and fired? i saw there was no volta and they detained a safe and likes. then they told us to return to the school. today in the morning, they fired a tough again. the moon on, but when they left yesterday we thought we would not see them a game. but thank god we find them here. love and i'm about the brains and then said it was very tough. we had to throw away all our belongings. couldn't even eat
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whenever we tried to open up the bags. they were open. fire of the occupation forces has been opening fire in the direction of the displaced people. people reported large numbers of injured at con eunice county. and that's our neighborhood. and there are a number of people killed and the dead bodies on the ground. meanwhile, many displaced people have taken refuge in the schools near nasa hospital hospital . people continue to move towards the far west and pontiff con eunice. and they have no clue where they could be heading next, under the ongoing escalation of israel's offensive. let's see what we, what more we can find out about all of this. what else is there as honey? my mood, honey, you're in rough and southern guy. so we just for, it is my level of them. are there a report that some of the displaced palestinians were actually fired at as they were trying to flee on eunice. you've been also talking to some of the people who were able to get through those checkpoints. what more have you heard of the
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this? well, the, for the most part, this because i've been large, the traumatized by the experience and just a little bit of context of what happened. han units has been completed, cut over from the remaining parts of the gaza strip. the from the southern part of from rough i city and the northern part is a central area. the only a road that the eastern part has been blocked completely out by the presence of he's really military equipment tanks and armored vehicle as well as the rumbles of from the destroy the residential buildings on the site. so the only way for people left to get to rough, i fling the horror of the more going on in hon. you and is it through the cost of word that has been also effectively blocked by this ready military. and we're given these evacuation orders in the past 2 days under he's been tens bombing campaign. people could not leave. and now these really matter is set up these check points
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and letting people pass it through. but that's not at a free a cost that all people have to go through these a check points they have without any of their belongings. all the id cards with their hands above their heads going through a very aggressive search it through non going to human eyes ation and verbal abuse . and they're quite about either using a have it advance technology or face recognition to take people who might have been the suspects of being associated with any of the fighting groups off on the ground . best so far, most of the people have been detained. i've been civilians, the young people, a under age, as well as elderly being taken to come to an identified locations. honey, i understand that there is increased drone activity over southern gaza, over rossa where you are. and i also understand that that has been raising concern and fear the possible is really bombardments. what can you tell us about that as
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well, the concern and fear of a possible expansion of the military operations into rough. i've been piling up for quite a while now and the, the presence, the human presence, and then so the presence of rated con rick. hi, really? constance. they are cross aetna, drones, in the skies of a rough city. just think freeze the concerns for not only the local rather than 0, run them, but also for the 1900000 display policy and already had been displaced more than one time of from the northern part of the gas for all the way to southern part than drop by city in a small area here, the, the, the, the, the suffering is, is increasing right now. and the fear is mounting as we're talking about an overcrowded area. and the presence of these a drones and an aircraft just that mix, that these are the expansion of the operation eminent. and this is very consistent
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with the, with the statement by a, the, a radio rather associated with the military talks about the possible operation in real time. because that's how these really military getting ensure victory over how much by coming throughout behind continue the, the remaining parts of the operation. just making everyone hear panic. right now, we're talking about an over crowded area. a one miss, so can kill dozens of people at this point. how do you know who would thank you very much for that latest reporting there. we'll check back in with you. and that's honeywell, wood reporting from russell, or as israel's army town, southern gaza. hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians are being forced to flee yet again. but un estimates 1700000 people. that's 85 percent of gods as population have been forced from their homes either by is really evacuation orders or by the bombardments themselves. most residents have northern guys that have fled south towards fine units where the is really army
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initially said that they would be safe. but then soldiers expanded their offensive into central and southern gaza, forcing palestinians even further south to russell on the egyptian border and towards the coast of the population. there has quadrupled about one point. 3000000 people are crammed into the city, living in desperate conditions, and trapped in that area, palestinians and ross, i have nowhere else to go. coming into the lake reports once again to to flee. these displaced palestinian say they were forced to abandon best 1st attempt to leave han eunice when is ready for these open fire in the area. military flies had ordered them to go to rafa. so the heading south. but know full well, there's no guarantee they'll be saved my life. i do not know if there's a name where they here or there. is there danger here. you have, i mean this is works, awaits them. do you?
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when says rough is population has quadrupled since the world began, and it's running out of everything. food, water, medicine, even make shift tents. thousands of palestinians are sleeping rough. instead of the young one of us, i spent 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrived, i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything. when i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter, i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother. fist fighting has pushed them to the southern most tip of because of strip. beyond those was like egypt and to the east, the sea. there was no way left to go. as soon as you get to my titles and know how to know this is the final point we have reached the egyptian bowden after this. i don't know where we can go. no matter where we go. these riley army chases us and they tanks killed everyone in the area to go home in the midst of the deprivation,
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destruction and fear ran moment of happiness as families trying to make the best of the situation for the children. psych community like, oh does 0 heavy rain and cold weather in guys that are making already desperate living conditions. even worse, people are running short on fuel, clean water and other essential startup was zoom, has the latest from rough winter rain branches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes by the is where you will machine be pulling discount. have a flood bombs and bullets. now are at the mass of the elements met, her has been reinforcing his tent as fee as his, like many others could be blown away by stones. a light had been dispelled a little it go no more 5 or do the weather is very disturbing. the situation is
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very difficult when there a strong it rains heavily. this is our life now. the tense pulling us every night and you've seen yourself the condition of the tense and which i live. we ask a lot of them. i to stop this disaster as calamity. put an end to this war and help us return safe to our home is old and is here. i'm need cat that's difficult to cont, open, impossible to find a children among those made homeless. a full face. the cold and train of gauze is winter. don't have what a driven south, as is, where the forces at bones tend. some supplies already hot to come by soon you will have to stretch even further topic of a zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern garza and the occupied west bank now is really forces have carried out a series of raves, storming and ransacking palestinian homes and towns now romano, bethlehem novelist. and janine and the city of 2 of us palestinian fighters confronted the soldiers. wiley in the jeanine refugee camp 2 people were injured
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after they were caught in the crossfire. these really military is deployed reinforcements to several areas. at least 18 palestinians have been arrested. protesters have confronted police outside these really defense ministry until these demonstrators gambles there on saturday evening to demand the resignation of 5 minutes of benjamin netanyahu and his government for their handling of the war on gaza. they also closed for a ceasefire and early elections. the prime minister needs to go to hell. he needs to go as he failed, he is very dangerous. he needs to go. and then we can deal with the rest of the color if you want, including the parents of the captives knows they've. nathan, yahoo is dragging out negotiations with bounce justification solely because of his own personal property. also, in television, hundreds of protests is gathered to demand the return of the captives held in gaza
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. furthest as have been gathering at a central square since the captives were taken. and some family members of the captives protested outside the private residents of benjamin netanyahu near tel aviv. they're calling on the government to secure their release and, and it's war on gaza on the bill. i mean, it has this report from a rally in tel aviv a clear you have the family's b o r. been keeping the pressure ever since the beginning of this war right in front of the ministry of defense, they have a whole encampment. there might be, it is no politics. there's no talk about that. there's no talk about, you know, early elections like what we heard just an hour ago. and the anti government protest do here is just the message, keeping the pressure for the government to do whatever i can to bring back the captives as soon as they can. this is the main message coming out of here. we lived here some reaction as the anti government produce earlier made many
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blame a really this is arbor man. for what happened. they said is because of the rest of the hughes by some of the members of the government that actually gave the opportunity to south africa to put this submission at the international court of justice. and that's one of the realtor. the cooling for, for the government has to have early elections in a big, huge change. it is government, they say that this country has been hijacked by the the far right. and the far right. really that is the girls i'm or what's happening at the moment, including what they see has a diminishing or a meeting or a damage to the image of yourself is well on an international level. now in the such them that i've seen to many people would tell you that it's the victim israel that is being put on the dock and it should be the other way. it's still a head on alpha 0. israel's illegal settlements expansion threatens the unesco
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world heritage sites in the occupied westbank electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. and we'll be looking at how a i is using the lives of people during most goes it or with or the had low that we seen a quarter of a 1000000 lightning strikes and a months worth of rain effect northeastern areas of australia. thanks to the latest tropical cycle. before we get that, let's have a look at south east asia, and you can see the dense shovel called dominating across indonesia and malaysia. this is where we're seeing west all the wet weather over the next few days, but still some heavy rain pulling across the moving parts of thailand. there was a shout was do peter out by tuesday. there's looking much dwyer instead we'll see
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the way to whether start to creep into southern parts of the philippines. if we have a look at the 3 day for developed, a study is 30 degrees celsius, but more intense fondest, one with sundry showers through to wednesday. and heavy rain is still the story for the north east of australia, the slow moving remnants of that system continuing to bring some very heavy rain with the threat of flooding as well. the weather pushes out further east. you can see some heavy rain to come to the south of prison, but it is still a story of heat. here we've got a heat wave conditions with record room nights now. temperatures offset to come down over the next few days. it will still feel very humid and muggy, but it's going to roast and pub was seeing a big attempt to increase over the next few days. if we have a look at the 3 day here, we'll see an increase of 10 degrees celsius through to wednesday. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis,
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what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. we are the ones traveling the extra mile. there are media. don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the, they're watching l 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces with killed at least $165.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours. at least 4 victims of
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the latest strikes in hon. eunice and southern gaza. israel has killed more than 26400 palestinians since early october. these really military set of check points in fine, eunice and a screening people trying to flee the fighting listing and say that they're being detained in the coals for hours without food or water and is really forces have carried out the series of raise and the occupied westbank ransacking palestinian homes. 2 people were injured in confrontations between these really troops and residents of the g need refuge account. as international attention is focused on israel's war on gaza is really right. group piece now says the occupied westbank is experiencing some of the biggest land grabs by israel since 1967 to historically significant science are under threats, is really troops of blocking access to the area as well as ating settlement expansion, and what local say, a state back settler violence. laura han reports from sebastian and but here in the occupied west bank. the ancient ruins of sebastian had long been up to the front
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line of a bottle of narrative. the occupied westbank is where it is, claim them as an important part of the history wall palestinians living nearby say that's an excuse to justify land grabs. voice consultants sight, as i said, since october, the 7th acts of buying and spies ready. settlers and soldiers have increased, or it's not safe, sometimes to ask the little credibility to come on to visit that. could you go to the site? we don't know what that is that are easiest to blending at the any outside of the water. because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for the set, the largest the at for this with a lot of the in the west bank. and we are really afraid throughs that could you can cite those, some of the boxes mess as well. there were few tourists during the war on garza as well as also shutting off local access. how difficult you'll have to see if could be a difference of, of the, a lot of things changed after october 7th here is ready. soldiers and the settlers
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increase the tax. although this has been growing so spent on yahoo is far right. government took power. and now there's an increase in check points around the town as preventing people from entering the village with splits as punch the also a code signed by posting in this way. the leaders in the united states in 1993 sebastian has been divided into 2 sections. owns, we also quotes area b, and the joint is rating and posting and control. and over here is area c just along this line that from the full is right, e mail it to controlled since october 7th, housing se is right, stepped up a tax against the middle of 2 blocks from, from the site. they say for many decades before the rights this line just continuously being a wrote it h e. columbus itself is a village a by to you unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and the last budget haitian this area. west of bethlehem is known for its steep terraces. an aqueducts west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since
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december settlers have begun expanding in the legal settlement, a building a new road blocking farm is access to 17 acres of land old with the support of these way. the minute tree is out of the month of august. the 20th the land is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 1986. this is a huge loss for us. somebody i spoke to the soldier is and they blocked me from accessing my laptop. i told them i take care of it daily, and they order me to go to the settlement of the back, out to request that they access permit during the interview is ready. so just shown to the down to 0 as team to stop filming, and demanded to check the footage of the pharmacy as well as taking the land. illegal settlements and expanding infrastructure could also drain its water was of an ancient system. they rely on agriculture. the very reason, but here was listed as a protected world heritage sites. neural con, eldest, there are supposed to be a but here in the occupied westbank un secretary general. antonia gutierrez has
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appealed to countries which have suspended their funding for the un agency for the palestinian refugees to at least guarantee the continuity of the agencies operations. the us state department has said the 12 hon employees were reportedly involved in the october the 7th attack by him us. whichever says that any you, an employee involved in acts of power will be held accountable. he also said 9 of the 12 accused in the last offers have been fired, and one has been confirmed dead. 9 countries suspended their funding to unwind, which is the largest aid operation and gaza. the statement says that without the funding people in guns that will die and the head of the agency, philip plaza really addressed this, saying that the move is more collective punishment inflicted on the people of gaza . and a statement on the wall mentioned the ruling by the international court of justice, ordering israel to take immediate action to make sure the palestinians have their basic needs met it. one that that is only possible if on the wrong,
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as the largest agency in gaza is allowed to do its work. israel has said it wants to get rid of on the wall from the gaza strip. the agency said that it would be immensely irresponsible to sanction it for the alleged actions of a small number of its stuff, especially at a time when so many people are displaced and in desperate need of help. the right, let's take a look at some other world use the south korean military says north korea has fired several crews messiahs off its eastern coast. so says it's working with washington to analyze the latest launch. it is the 3rd weapons demonstration killing young has conducted this year. a pakistan is demanding an urgent investigation into the killing of 9 nationals by gunmen in neighboring iran. families in pakistan have held funerals for the victims. the foreign ministry describe the shooting as a terrorist incident, no individuals or groups have claimed responsibility. the conflict in sedan is
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causing the world's largest internal displacement crisis that is, according to the international organization for migration, the u. n. agency says around 10000000 student needs have been forced from their homes since april 2023, many face hunger and the threats of violence and infectious diseases. hospitals, schools and roads have been destroyed and 9 months of fighting between the cities army and the parent military rapids support forces and more than 600000 cities have fled to neighboring chad. many of them are from west or for. they have reported indiscriminate killings, rate, torture, and the 4th disappearance of thousands of people. alex to val is the executive director of the world peace foundation and a former member of the african union mediation team. 4 door 4. he says that war crimes have been committed incident. the grave abuses of human rights have been
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perpetrated. war crimes, crimes against humanity, even genocide. if anyone wishes to doubt the veracity of times of genocide they need only watch the videos made and circulated by the perpetrators of crimes themselves. and these are far too graphic to, to screen on, on, on television for that and then not only particularly gruesome, but what is particularly specially disturbing is the wave of the perpetrators of celebrating the, the atrocities are infecting. and denigrating d. d, humanizing the victims, the killing of more than a dozen women in kenya this month is causing an outcry, protest as of march, then major cities calling for more protection for women and girls. fit them on a hand reports these thousands
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of women in kenya have a message for their leaders. stop the killing. the march is taking place in towns and cities nationwide is the biggest protest of its kind. the countries ever seen. the violence against women is on the rise and they say nothing is being done to stop it. the national monitoring group load 152 reports defend, besides in 2023. that's the highest number in years. another group estimates 500 women were murdered between 20172024. abuse is also rife. a 2022
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survey found one and 3 women had experienced physical violence. activists say the government and the legal system aren't taking the situation seriously. what you're seeing us from your site is a combination of run region. the respondents that has gone and checked, we do not have missions of, of police comp less than c, as well as very slow tradition processes that leads to very late prosecution. have led us to this position that we are in today. wow. more than a dozen women have already been killed this year. the protesters wants an inquiry into why so many are dying, and why so little is being done to solve it. and they also want what they call an epidemic of them aside to be declared a national disaster. the government has condemned the killings and promised to take action. benjamin in elgin 0 artificial intelligence is a government priority in russia. but since the invasion of ukraine,
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russia has been forced to develop domestic a projects without the technological support from abroad. you'll hear some of our reports. a snapshot of an ordinary day most scurried. people go about the business, hardly paying any attention to the rifles. navigating the streets, come right or shine the 6 wheels, devices delete with documents, parcels, and food from companies. so the markets and restaurants. if the 3 people continue, this is the 3rd generation of our robots as they move easily in the snow and navigate in the rain if they are not bothered by temperatures from minus 30 degrees to 30 plus degrees celsius. so we do have to mean the old during process takes just a couple of minutes using an app after which they read volt hayes. this treats a 3 d map installed in the brain, prevent them from getting lost and electronic eyes help overcome obstacles.
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something that sometimes might prove to be quite challenging in the adverse lesson, whether these use of people try to help delivery robots out of a snow drift have gone viral online. the manufacturer is a confidence the cost of delivery by humans, and the results will be equal in the near future. the for it opens move business prospects for the project environmental concerns where a driving force behind these electric ferries, louis to mid 2023. they've become part of most whose public transport alongside regular buses, drums and the metro, which this model was the most of which you must quite a because you know and went to the most cover of the phrases. so these you around electric series are capable of breaking the 20 seem to made a sick layer of ice. all the technologies we use here optimistic one of the fairies can carry 50 passengers the journey and the us be.


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