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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered, the the on the clock. this is a news on life from the hall coming up for the next 60 minutes. the rush to save lives in gaza more is really strikes target. a 165, how to send in to being killed in the last 24 hours hung cold now heavy rain make life even more difficult. displace palestinians in the crowded comes in southern guns. a few and 60 general codes on day and a countries to continue funding the u. an agency that runs a operations in casa and often defy will we look at how palace the new children, a cookie. also the last to that and this for with witness one of the great complex
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add the australian open as it is. yeah. the extent of fights from 2 set sounds to be met the death and came the fast grass them on the . so it is a 1300 u n t. that is 3 pm in dallas, or where the is really all me. his card up more tax again, civilians across the strip us to spite of you in court ruling ascii as well to prevent genocidal actions. at least for palestinians have been killed. and some of the latest strikes and con, newness desperate people have been taken me into the hospital on don't key costs and on pickup trucks, at least a 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours is ready for us as a besiege golf is launch is remaining health facility for 6 day. 14 bodies were buried in a mass grave inside the hospitals compound on sunday,
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which is not run out of critical medical supplies and food is ready. soldiers have setup checkpoints in the cities, screening and detaining palestinians who were trying to flee. then those who being really say they were abused and humiliated leah, i'm freezing today. they stopped and detained destiny of a tank. they 5 rounds in the ralph feats. they detained and searched us the loan of the humiliated us and fired. there was no water and they detained to save the night . then they told us to return to the school. today in the morning, they fired us again a trait straight to a referendum southern, gaza, honey by moody standing by for us. honey, what more have you been hearing about the treatment of palestinians at checkpoints? the this was so far more than 48 hours since the passing the ruling or destruction,
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more displays been for a lot of people that ruling despite its significance well. so i predict vin number license for this really military to continue bonding policy. but this time a great deal of the human eye is ation. and by the treatment, right, as palestinian, they were forced to go through a check point set up by these really military. they are facing mass arrests. they are particularly young men as they go through. these is really check points in hon . you and it's within the past 2 days, people were trying to flee the wars on and dig stream confrontation and class and friends have a feeling of finding girlfriends is really military and send drug hon units as well as the western part of it. they really military just cut off from the rest. the remaining part of the goes through the blocking these ring roads. all i had been with the connects the northern part with the was with the southern part of the gulf stream, leaving just one cora door leading to the quotes the road. and that has to be taken its route. the, the check points, people who were you talks to describe the,
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the horror of passing through the check points as they were asked to put their hands above their heads and leave any of their belongings. they were not allowed to take any of this stuff that they had in hon. eunice. they were separated. families were separated from each other. women on one line and men on the other line, a way of bombard, bombarded with line of the questions related to october 7th and events. then whether they had any prior knowledge to any hama involved members or any, you know, sort of that question. and when people responded to this line of the question, if they were caring for the family and they want to just to protect the children do where i verbally abused and were beaten by the officers of right at the check point . just more or the stories are merging as more people making their way out of that area. still hundreds of 1000 people is trapped inside the hot new and is that the bombings continues. and how do you spend
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a lot of drone activity you've been talking about over the south and above rough uh, where you are. what do you think is behind it? and how does it feel for residents like yourself? what going on it doesn't really feel comfortable at all. there is a growing sense of fear and concern right now. and i just to give you a little bit of context here. people did not sleep well last night as then really dense number of calls, the drawings and, and, and the surveillance that drones the aircraft in the sky, or rather just give them one impression and confirm what they have been talking about. that is really military is going in the gaza strip one city after the other . and now after pushing a 1900000 people here in this a small part, the gaza strip. they're coming to this area that is very consistent with the statement made by and is really radio affiliated with. the military you describe
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according to one is really military officer that they the, they are going to expand the monitor operations here and drop a hand without expanding it. the victory of the military is going to be incomplete and without defeating come off as the the statement claims is going to be incomplete victory. but on the ground, there is a sense of, of lack of safety, lack of both security. and for this matter, as people is they have no other options right now they have, they gyptian dogs, a border on the southern part of literary from where i'm standing. we've found half kilometer from here. and then do the northern part. we have the extreme, a fighting going on in hon. unice, people literally a travel right now here. and there have any other, they are a choice to go to whether to stay here. are they going to be allowed to go back to the northern parts? is the operation going to be expanded while everyone is still in rough? i these are the sort of questions people are asking, but with, with
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a looks of concern on their faces and rolling fears as the work continues. yeah, very 10, very on certain, certainly very, very frightening. i need my boot that in reference to the goal is to thank you a policy and slain the fight in con unit, making their way further south of space is running out. most of the ghosts population is now crime because we've been hiring into the rough area track between the sea and the junction board of palestinian say they have just nowhere else to go as coming natalie now once again told to flee these displaced palestinian say they were forced to abandon best 1st attempt to leave han eunice when his ready forces opened. fine. the area military flies had ordered them to go to rafa. sorry. the heading south. but know full well, there's no guarantee they'll be safe. lima no, i do not know it's dead. yeah,
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i mean whether here or there. is there danger here? you have, i mean this is works, awaits them. do you? when says rough is population has quadrupled since the world began and it's running out of everything. food, water, medicine, even make shift tents. thousands of palestinians are sleeping rough. instead of the young one event, i spent 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrived i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything. when i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter, i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother. fist fighting has pushed them to the southern most tip of the guns, a strip beyond those walls and lies egypt. and to the east, the sea, there was a new way left to go. as soon as you get to my titles and know how to look, this is the final point we have reached the egyptian bowden. after this. i don't know where we can go. no matter where we go, these riley army chases us and like,
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and they tanks killed everyone in the area to go home in the midst of the deprivation destruction and the remnants of happiness as families trying to make the best of this situation. because the children psych, a letter like how does 0 well heavy rain and cold weather and going through the worst thing, the already desperate living conditions, displace, palestinians are running short on food on clean both the medicine. target boom has the latest from rough. when to rain branches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes. by that is where you will machine. be pulling discount. have flood bombs and bullets. now are at the mess of the elements. man who has been reinforcing his tent as fee as his like many others could be blown away by stones. like you've been just a little
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a don't know more 5 and you the weather is very disturbing. the situation is very difficult. windsor strong. it rains heavily. this is our life now. the tense pulling us every night, and you've seen yourself the condition of the tents and which i live. we ask, allow, mighty to stop this. disaster is calamity. put an end to this war and help us return safe to our home is old and is here. i'm need cat that's difficult and open. impossible to find a children among those made homeless. the whole face, the cold and train of gauze as winter. don't have what they need to ensure the survival does plush palestinians here like old basic necessities. now the tents that are living in offloading with winter clothes in short supply, you have no choice but to into the hot weather conditions. as long as last water has been poor ringing to tens during storms. people, if it feels life he is impossible, but must do what they can to get by 11. well,
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the 5 digit than i done, jimmy, a situation is very difficult. the heavy rains meet the tense mattresses and blankets very with the men have managed with difficult to use tones to create the kind of gate the defense mode water from getting in or but the situation heat is disastrous or desperate people are wrong. even that comes every day driven south as is where the forces at fonts 10, some supplies already hot to come by soon you would have to stretch even further topic of a zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern garza. now, the head of the c, i a scheduled to meet officials from israel, from casa and from egypt in paris to discuss the war on gaza. we got to correspondence tracking these developments having challenges in tennessee. i profess, let's go to washington dc out, and fisher standing by for us, the other. what more do we know about this macy and what the us expectations of
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these tools? i will talk somebody this have been going on for some considerable time inside to go back to november when that was the last c spy, which of course so the release of around a 100 kept to some guys a more than $240.00 power study and prisoners and was told that they might be able to arrange something in fairly short order, but clearly it's taking much longer to get to this point that have been discussions ongoing for a number of weeks. there was a discussion with joe biden and the objections and the categories on friday that seemed to suggest there was enough to be that there were close to some sort of framework agreement that would allow william ball who is the head of the c i a to be dispatched to potters to try and put the final touches on any agreement. the idea would be that there would be up to a 2 month see spot. in that time, all the captives, the company being held in guys would be released in exchange for
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a significant number of palestinian prisoners being held in jails in israel. many of them being held for several months in some cases, some years without actual any charges being laid against them. and so all of that would develop no. the hope from the united states side is that if there was a resumption of the war because they're not talking about and then to the war, that it wouldn't be the same scale that we've seen over the last 3 months. and again, we're kidding. the bite white house is putting pressure on the families, but that's something that we've had from the very end, the days of the war to try and scale things back. and of course, we'll see nothing concrete happened on the cry. but one of the key figures to what's in this is brent magog cruise. jo bite is mid least coordinator if he heads towards the reach it. that would seem to be a suggestion that we are incredibly close to a deal. and there might be something that can be signed off between the egyptians that studies the united states. and of course, significantly how much and also is real interesting and thanks for that time and
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for sure there in washington dc. so what about these riley's, what do they want? let's go to tel aviv them a jump, gee met, one of these readings promising that so make it interesting. when you look at the is really media landscape over the course of the past 48 hours. there seems to be an attempt from government officials here to throw cold water on the optimism that's be expressed with other officials who were involved in trying to put together this deal you're seeing and hearing from a lot of anonymous government officials in is really publications. so essentially are saying, look, we are not there yet, they are talking about the fact that one of the main sticky point remains, of course, the deals regarding a cessation of hostilities. and the reason that they are urging caution is because you have continued to hear over the course of the past few weeks and even the past few days that the is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has stressed that he is in this for the long haul. and that the world will continue until these relays
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are able to fully abolish from us. there's also some questions about how long association of hostilities might actually last. would it be one month? would it be 2 months? and would that be perceived by the is really public as an into the war because the prime minister, as i mentioned before, it continues to stress that the world will not be over until they achieve total victory over how much. so it's a mixed bag when it comes to israel and the reactions here. you have to remember that mister netanyahu. well, he's under a lot of pressure. he's under pressure from members of his own award cabinet who have questioned whether or not he is putting enough importance on the possibility of a potential prisoner exchange to release the remaining captives being held in gaza . but he's also under a lot of pressure from right wing members of his cabinet, who do not want to see and into the war via some type of deal that they consider to be a bad deal. so there's a lot of concern amongst is reality officials about how exactly this will go down
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the prime minister? well, in his public comments, he continues to cast out on what this is achievable, anonymous officials throwing cold water on whether this is achievable but, but there is also still a lot of pressure from the public in israel, who, although with a predominantly back the war effort and gaza at the same time, they do want to see more being done to try to release is really cap is being held in god next. all right, that's a story from television. i haven't jumped you. thank you. and stay in israel. protests have confronted police outside the is really defense ministry. intelligence yeah, demonstrate is done the bedroom saturday night to demand the resignation of 5 minutes have been minute yahoo and his government for that. they also cool for sweet spot, and that's the problem is that needs to go to hell. he needs to go as he failed, he is very dangerous. he needs to go. and then we can deal with the rest of the if
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you want, including the parents of the captives knows that mason, yahoo is dragging out negotiations with bounce justification solely because of his own personal property a whole set until a beef hundreds of protests has done to them on the return of the campuses held in joseph or protest as have been gathering at a central square since the captain. it's what he can and some family members of the counselors protested outside the private residence of benjamin netanyahu. and then until the fees, they quoted on the government to secure their release and, and it's for phone calls us here in such a general entity gutierrez's appeal to countries which have suspended the funding for the you and agency they've promised and you and refugees. tony is darren t, the continue it over to operations at the us state department has said 1200 employees web report to be involved in the october the 7th type by him. us gutierrez says, any un employee involved in acts of tear,
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it will be held accountable. they also said that 9 of the 12 accused interest office have been fired. one is confirmed dead. 9 country suspended the funding to and right, which is the largest 8 organization in gaza, the site and it says without the funding people in garza will die the head of the agency for that. and those are the needs says the move is more collective punishment inflicted on the people of garza in his statements. and roy mentioned the ruling by the international court of justice, which ordered israel to take immediate action to make sure that palestinians have the basic needs met. it will own bits that is only possible as well as the largest agency and gaza is allowed to do its work is run the site it wants to get rid of and rot from the gaza strip. the agency said it would be immensely irresponsible to sanction it for the alleged actions of a small number of itself, especially the time when so many people are displaced and in desperate need of help . well, young evelyn is actually genuine. the norwegian refugee council that he says,
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the suspension of funding punishes the civilians of god. the sensible move would be to maintain an increased support for the children of costa and their weight, the investigation which could go any way. and i cannot see any outcome of the investigation which would lead to a further suspension. in any case, these people, if they have violated a coach, a secret codes on neutrality and participate in the horrors of the 7th of october. they need to be punished, terminated fire from your minute, turn work. they have no place there, but don't punish the children. oh gosh. so this is completely reckless from visa 9 . don't 9 nations. and it comes just on the he's of the international court of justice saying that this red may be committed the greatest of all the
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crimes in, in gaza. and i haven't heard any word of a suspension of, of the service of censure and even the arms trade to us right. well, in addition to the thousands of killed and wounded children, the war on garza has left a large number of offers. according to report by the mediterranean human rights observatory, more than 25000 children have now lost one or both parents in casa, for some of the voices. the monks on her face remind 60 or percent of the day her father was killed. a one minute she was at home with a family and the next she woke up in hospital alone, mobile, but it hadn't been highly of my parents very, very kind to me kind of thing because they were both kids. i did not have the chance to say good bye to my father, but they did to my mother. it's a big shock to me, and i am now negative with neither of them while others have lost this passes left
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to provide for the children on their own or my husband had nothing to do with the resistance. that's the reason politics on how he was killed on his way to try and get some flower to feed our children. they were starving for days. he was everything to us at all. he was the cornerstone of our life. he was the one who brought a smile to our home and sunshine. i can't imagine how we will go back home without him. i'm sure i'm. 9 year old was home was huge by me side. the my mother was killed and fell on my little brother's lap. you kept screaming unaware of what to do, that we both witnessed on love it getting killed. she was the joy of all life. joys hurt the wood and i missed her too much. i am side and feel lost without the key to connect that time and time again. this pretty, as i've said, there is no way safe. and garza and i was with my family taking shedra. you know, you was the, is radius, destroyed the classroom next to us with a mutual my father,
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mother and all my proud this with you. and it's these children who will grow up with this cause of this will witnessing what no charge to have to witness or experience. they would have to live with the trauma and the pain is right, has inflicted upon them. said big i just there as well. protests as a debt again, on these right side of the term, i was the name of crossing a trying to block trucks. they dealt with much needed humanitarian, a balance of gaza. dozens of people including members of captives, families made their way around. roadblock certainly set off it as well to prevent from getting to the area. demonstrate is i'd say that new age should be allowed into goals that until it's very captives offrey when it's ready for us is of carried out a series of raids in the occupied westbank storming and run sacking palestinian homes and towns. yeah. from i love bethlehem not listen to name in the city of to us a policy and fights has confronted the soldiers awhile and that you need refugee camp . 2 people were injured off to they were colton. the cross far. it's really
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military is deployed reinforcements to several areas. at least 22 palestinians have been arrested. charles truck for the did remodel in the occupied west bank. they were at least 11 rays in various towns and villages. what the way across the occupied westbank last night, including villages around hebron in the south. they bit la humble, especially head in the center of the occupied west bank, round janine and nablus. jeanine of course and novelist of long b senses for the on resistance. and that's where we've seen some of the, the longest and most violent rage, huge destruction, cost to infrastructure in these areas, the use of is ready. all the bulldozers to big are rows of cost destroying, which are infrastructure, electricity infrastructure. i'm considered a form of collective punishment. we also understand certainly according to reports
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that they were on clashes in uh to boss and, and janine and the use according to some reports of what's being described as improvised explosive devices. a number of people were injured. we understand that were also at least 18 arrests, i think was interesting also to mention is the seemingly was saying a change in tactics 5 is riley. all mean now in these rights, increasingly the rest of the female family members of families in which these way these believe that also states have members of the island resistance that they are hunting. well usually these, these mothers don't to sisters all detains. they all and interrogated. but this level of intimidation is, is something that we are seeing an increasing amounts of. all right, let's get onto whether or not his car as hello that we've seen some very unsettled weather or close parts of the middle east, levant. at the moment you can see the thick of cloud laving across the southern
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parts of saudi arabia and cloud dominating across that event. and this is where we are seeing the heavy rain. if we take a closer look, we see not freezing, rain full in gaza, that hasn't helped the misery of people that are being forced out of their homes. and it's not going anywhere soon. you can see that we're all going to see the wins pick up as well, monday into tuesday. so if we have a look at the 3 day full gaza city, a very when, when the situation on choose day that rain continuing to for cooling things down till such a rain continues to dominate, as well as moving parts of iraq. and iran is the wintery edge, the so much more settled story for the sol. so this was some briscoe winds blowing across the gulf. we could see some lifted sand and dust with that. and the lifted standing dust continues to dominate, to cause north africa. thanks to the very strong wind. those winds also blowing some showers into egypt and libya and bringing temperatures down over the next few days. but it continues to be a very hot story for the north west,
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with some record heat coming through for algeria and to new. the. for the south of this, the band of showers continue across central parts of africa with some heavy rain to come from. what's one is a still a head here and out 0. israel's legal sacrament expansion strengthens a units. goodwill curve side multiplied was find find out how ukrainians are honoring poets and novelist to be killed. regan's phone coming up in 20 minutes or so action from the extra couple of nations as i reach the core to find the the they look it out to us to see how the se, in everything is good, even explain the torture,
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all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor. we've been occupied and imprisoned. oil rich here rock is facing a crisis and a final fight to results. water. as dimes built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to the
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the other guy you're watching officer or mind about top stories, the sauce and is ready for us as of killed at least a 165 palestinians in the last 24 hours. at least 4 of them are in the some of the latest strikes on the on units. the army has killed more than 26400 people in gun since early and is ready for susan neil occupied west bank of car doubts. the number of military rates run sucking palestinian homes. 2 people were injured in confrontations between the 282 and send you inspect the general attorney conceras has appealed to countries which have suspended the funding for the un agency if it comes to new, refuse to at least guarantee the continuity of it's operation. let's say thousands of palestinians already facing from in scuffles broke out of the food
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distribution pointing because the city is people scramble to get the hands on. sacks of flour, regular a deliveries were cut off because of the war. most of the population has been dependent on some dates, even before the rule began. this is the amount to a go to die of to 3 months of will. this amount is for 7 people. see how little this costs, $13.50. today i came to get flour and i couldn't get to me. some people got 3 bags of flour, some got 4 and i didn't get any. i have 3 children and i don't know how to feed them. god help us. only the young men could take 6 or flour, but the la khan, the children all funds and the mothers of all phones current. they don't have shared that old or what his international attention is focused on. israel's foreign concept is ready, right. group piece now says the occupied westbank is experiencing some of the biggest line grabs by israel since 1967 and 2 historically significant sites are on
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the threat is already sold as a blocking access to the area as well as a legal sacrament expansion. and what local say is, think back settler violence. the con reports now from sebastian impacts here in the occupied west by the ancient ruins of sebastian had long been up to the front line of a bottle of narrative. the occupied westbank is ready to claim them as an important part of that history. wal palestinians living nearby say that's an excuse to justify land grabs whose consultants they desire. i said since october, the 7th acts of fine and spice way, the settlers and so just have increased or it's not safe. sometimes to ask the little credibility and to come to visit that. could you go to the site? we don't know what that is that are easiest to blending at the any outside of the water. because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for this, not the largest. the at for this with
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a lot of interest to bank country are really afraid. throughs that could you can cite those, some of the boxes mess as well. there were few tours during the war on garza as well as also shutting off local access. how difficult you'll have to see if could be a difference of of the. a lot of things changed after october 7th here is ready. soldiers and the settlers increase the tax, although this has been growing so spent on yahoo is far right. government took power. and now there's an increase in check points around the town as preventing people from entering the village with splits as punch. the also code signs by posting in this way, the leaders in the united states in 1993 sebastian has been divided into 2 sections onto the also quotes area b. and the joint is writing and posting and control. over here is area c just along this line that from the full is right, e mail it to controlled since october 7th, housing se is right, stepped up a tax against the middle of 2 blocks from, from the site. they say for many decades before the rights,
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this land is continuously being a wrote it h e. columbus itself is a village a by to you unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and the last budget haitian this area. west of bethlehem is known for its steep terraces. an aqueducts west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since december settlers have begun expanding in the legal settlement, a building a new road blocking farm is access to 17 acres of land old with the support of these way. the minute tree is out of the month of august. the 20th the line is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 1986. this is a huge loss for us. somebody i spoke to the soldier is and they blocked me from accessing my laptop. i told them i take care of it daily, and they order me to go to the settlement of the back, out to request that they access permit during the interview is ready. so just shown to the down to 0 as team to stop filming, and demanded to check the footage of the pharmacy as well as taking the land.
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illegal settlements and expanding infrastructure could also drain its water was of an ancient system. they rely on agriculture. the very reason, but here was listed as a protected world heritage sites. neural con, eldest, there are supposed to be a but here in the occupied westbank, a $100.00 policy and lawyer. and he says it is real, has a history of expanding its illegal assessments during times of war. it's a battery and it does, it does become a tradition. they know that when there is a, an outbreak outbreak of violence and i've been sion of everyone, the media, the what additions read through math and community, even the speed the numbers really activists are on the burning issue of the human lives. then they can grab more lands, they can try to push out. it says that the cnn communities from specific areas, especially a bit when communities, the communities and this is,
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this is the way they do it. they want, i mean they say clearly they want to grab the entire area, at least the entire c area, which is around 60 percent of those bank. and each time they use a different take now and the guy. so the award that is happening since october, the 7th, it's a, it's a golden airport attribute the from the way they see it. because the 1st of all, nobody is being really attention to that. and 2nd of all, they think they have enough and literacy to do that. they think this is part of what they call design is the answer to i'm the kind of the uprising and barley for the students. but again, this is an online, so imagine i will be delivered on the look and live in is the continues to do whatever it wants. i'm the only a avenue that is open for palestinians is actually to go to the courts and try to use the in the military orders to try and prevent any potential grab,
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grab the, grab. this is not easy at all. the number can't. if i said modeling, these you have announced they will be leaving the economic community of west african state. so echo was a joint statement was read out on these as national tv by these as ministry spokesman, saying that the to us drifted from the ideals of its founding fathers and the experience of time after condition. the blog could impose tough sanctions in particular on these yet since the q last line of the conflict into dogs is causing the world's largest internal displacement crisis. that's according to the international organization. for migration, the u. n. agencies has around 10000000 sued needs have been forced from the home since april 2023 hospital schools. roads have been destroyed, and 9 months of fighting between the army and the power military reference support
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forces. i'm more than 600000 sued needs, are fled to neighboring chad. many from west off full. they describe indiscriminate killings, rate, torture and the force disappearance of thousands of people. the chief prosecutor, events, special criminal court, has been gathering evidence that had to be un security council briefly on monday. but many doubt the victors will advocate justice and solve it address reports now from eastern chad. this video shows gum redeemed at bobby brought him on 4 young men detained by lucas melisha is in debt for shortly after they were cut down a little bit. i q. leslie, gum or dean. so by the november 2023 attack and managed to make it to this refugee camp in eastern tried rather than know that a lot of these people have killed intentionally just before me in the queue or get
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killed as it comes in around a great stories abound of murder, rape, torture. i mean sleep meant to suit any use by the groups is so that nearly everyone here is demanding justice. the international criminal court says it's investigating what victims and their lawyers waste and then the but we have the evidence from both sides by accused even took images and posted and bragged about such crimes. some of this evidence collaborates with what we hear from survive is doctors working with the survivors, say something maybe permanently damaged 10 percent of them. they use it so far from management, the heads of problems on some of them. xavion stuff off from behavioral change that vendor that ability to, to function properly properly. and then some of them they use it to express cluster i'm,
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i think it's better than the story. years after the 1st cases of genocide in death for only a few people are being tried. victims say they steals the their praises, walking the street activities and probably say thousands of victims died waiting for justice. but never came. they say the lack of accountability for crimes committed in death for is what's in boulder named property treasures of other crimes. and so that many, he had out there would look to see justice done is the same as little cities and the very the but has a both side grinds happened in the us. deep happen is also here in that, that for, we need just is from isis. he thought i 2 sided, but they'll powerful forces that, behind those accused of such crimes, survive us like gumbo. d assessed, justice must be done. how many degrees i would use it. i agree, eastern tried the self carry admitted tree says north korea has 5, several cruise missiles office east,
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in case soul says it's working with washington to finalize the latest thoughts. it is the fed weapons demonstration killing young has conducted this year. the syrian refugees in the middle east of facing uncertainty because of deteriorating conditions in highest countries as trucking economies, and declining international aid, pushing some references to try and reach your illegally send ahold of this report. when i have massaging me is a refugee from syria living in jordan. the 25 year old is a widow. and the mother who now doesn't have any source of income. the last time she saw her husband was in may before he set off on a journey in search of a better life for his family the mad and when the smugglers took him from being gauzy to brute, he called me to tell me that everything was fine that was the last time we spoke as well,
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how much is among those missing and fear dead and the ship wrecked off the coast of greece in june. it was one of the worst migraine both disasters in the mediterranean contralto bicycle. at 1st he did not want to go, but then he realized that was the only way to secure a future for our children. syrian refugees and jordan have few choices. their economic and social vulnerabilities have been aggravated by declining international support. the u. n. agency, responsible for refugees says this has come out of human cost units here is observing the noise, motorist and cheese take dangerous routes towards europe, including through libya and then take on the dangers during the on, on boats to to europe. and we've seen this number on the rise and what is really hot breaking is that those cases that we analyzed have left here for more than 10 years. so there must have lost the belief in a life in jordan. jordan has repeatedly said it does not have the capacity to cater
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for the roughly 1300000 syrian refugees already in the country. officials had hoped we engagement with president bashar said would leave to refugees returning home. so far, damascus has not facilitated the process. instead, syrian say they face uncertainty and not just in jordan deportations are increasing in other countries. but neighbors, syria, what was yellow? and what choices do syrians have make the dangerous journey to europe or a to into syria where they are? no service is no job. duty, all of them, it's why mohammed took the risk and it will let the tech get him with it. so i always wonder what happened to mohammed, was he hungry, thirsty, afraid? what did he feel as he was drowning? mohammed was not the 1st period refugee to disappear, etc, is unlikely to be the last center for the else was either on the right cause united states have held the 1st round of talks on the future of american and foreign
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troops. the country of the rocky governments is expecting discussions with it for months to lead to a timeline for troop reductions run 2 and a half 1000. the americans are deployed as part of the coalition again. sorry. so are they being targeted in at least a 150 attacks in the past 3 months by groups linked to neighboring iran for fox, donna's demonte, and edge, and investigation into the kennedy of 9 nationals by government. and they bring their own families impacts dawn of health, funerals for the victims for a ministry described the shooting. as a terrorist incident, a memorial event is being held ukraine's capital to pay tribute to a well named poet killed. earlier this month, 32 year old maxim crystal joins a great list of authors who volunteered to fight and subsequently lost their lives . wasn't there as robert prizes more now from keith is gathered to remember the life and look of poets and soldier. maxine clips of killed in action just
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a few weeks earlier known simply to his friends and friends by his nickname. dolly he was, she was such a bright person who is not with us anymore, but you can feel his soul and spirit is still a task to get inspiration to others. this exhibition documenting life on the front line was already being planned when he was killed. some of the photos left without captions, but he never got to write effectively. his last post him is an incomplete word. through his photographs, he showed us his journey. his poetry is that of a person who has spent years at war while still preserving his humanity. donnelly joins a growing list of prominent artists and writers killed in this war. right to victoria . i am a lena who died from injury sustained in a rocket attack on this restaurant to come a tourist. last summer. po, it's a novelist equal mister, yet was serving as a paramedic when he was killed last year. and childrens also followed him if i
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could learn ko, who was abducted from his occupied village at the start of the war, and whose remains would like to discover a domestic burial site. in ukraine, centuries long struggle to establish a distinctive national identity. literature has always played a significant role and never more so, since russia's full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago that strengthened the countries that really exists. that threats is help drive the research and cultural interest. that's a positive trend with people now more interested, more thoughtful, more conscious about ukrainian culture. around stage dollies father reading the woods, his son left behind sheet problem. fried out is there a key? artificial intelligence is a government priority in russia. but since the invasion of ukraine must guys be forced to develop domestic ai projects without technological support from a broad yearly uh, shipping run of uh,
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reports now from oscar a snapshot of an ordinary day. most great people go about the business. hardly paying any attention to the road, both navigating the streets. come rain or shine, the 6 wheels, devices delete with documents, parcels, and food from companies. so the markets and restaurants. if the 3 people continue, this is the 3rd generation of our robots as they move easily in the snow and navigate in the rain. they are not bothered by temperatures from minus 30 degrees to 50 plus degrees celsius. so we do have to mean the old during process takes just a couple of minutes using an app after which they re vote hayes. this treats a 3 d mop installed in the brain prevents them from getting lost and electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. something that sometimes might prove to be quite challenging in the adverse lesson, whether these use of people try to help delivery rowboat out of
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a snow drift have gone viral online. the manufacturer is a confidence the cost of delivery by humans and the rifles will be equal in the near future. the for it opens move business pro space for the project. environmental concerns were a driving force behind these electric fairies launched in mid 2023. they've become pauses most whose public transport alongside regular buses, drums and the metro, which this model was the most of which you must quite a because you know, and when to the most over the freezes. so these year around electric series are capable of breaking the 20 seem to me to sick lie or vice full. the technologies we use here are domestic one of the fairies, kentucky, 50 passengers, but germany and also use the chargers and the wi fi access authorities say they produce no harmful emissions. and those are the relatively sedate pace makes them
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rather, and suitable for the daily can used to work that has proved popular with tourists. another machine designed for an oven landscape is pick, so the multiple minds clean their foreclosed venue, such as pumps and museums, which were 2 stone. that was nuclear. we are joking. we've managed to move something that seemed impossible to combine. a pixel ro bought has a collaboration between heights, the specialists and utility work, and it's all the new car. and so what it costs are the red balls can what 24 hours a day with brakes for recharging and refilling with voltage in the summer or for the frosting liquids in winter, it can be controlled remotely. overrated toner. mostly these a only solutions can make people's lives much easier. but there's also a flip side to the increased use since russia launched its so called special miniature operation in ukraine. nearly 2 years ago, thousands of migrants flavors have less the country, the local currency, the approval has gradually depreciated and working conditions have deteriorated.
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hunting innovators to fast track a only 6 poetry to partially supplement the human work force. national pop out of the ultra 0 most domestic tech leading the way. now at least one person has been killed in an attack on a catholic church and assemble authority said happened at the santa maria judge during sunday, service and investigation is now underway. symbols man has offered his condolences and his support. still the head here now is, is there a cricket action is the west indies? the same is nice too much, especially some celebration that's coming up. it's on the the ball kits aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the public spending equal thorazine o. p a. the palestinian authority remains the key economic drive of the
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palestinians, employing a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax. this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel. these rarely saved will release the money, but with deductions and no money for the employees and goals that he was present. joy gordon is putting in tremendous amounts of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds to the palestinian authority. the us though, is claiming it once a revitalized p, a to take a vengeful, controlling cause off the wall. anything other than a week? the is not something is wrong. ones currently view far as he is this week, as it, as if at the end it's getting weaker the
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the, let's get the sports and spend some goings on in australia as on his thank you very much, nick. well, it's an easy onyx and that has won the australian open to claim his 1st grand slam tennis title set up, reduced the memorable come back, i guess, done in mid for deb to beat the russian and 5 cents. and there was no thoughts, a 1st grandson, victory, and his 1st major final at the age of 22 younique's seem to confirm his status as a release. and forcing will tennis by winning the australian open. i wish that everyone could have my parents because they always let me, let me choose whatever i wanted to even when i was younger i, i made so also some of the sports and then then they never put pressure on myself.
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and then that wish that this for you to um is this is possible for as many young kids as possible. so thank you so much for from as soon as when looked on the likely one he's russian opponent. daniel met the dev, raced into it. see set lead method to instantly to the 1st move in 72 and is the final the time in was destined to repeat this beat roughly on the dial had achieved . and this title decided 2 years ago just as an adult had done in that final against mid center was able to come back from a set deficit. when the matching find method f is not lost only for the 6 major final. so probably that's not through a lot of stress, i'm not, i hope i can, i can try to get to the next one if it's late in the final because to be in 13 finals and they're also i'll try my best to, to do better next time i'd really be congrats and you deserve the 1st to tell you
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and to lift this trophy send, it looks best in korea that would include many more records on the richardson l. g, 's era. the and i'll surely have become the 1st and to reach the asian cub court. the final says they'd be in denise it for now. so who's have always made it to a police vehicle to final stage of the competition? they went one know off, off to 12 minutes, thanks to an own goal from the o'con, but martin boil struck in a he's a 2nd goal of the torments that before goals from great goodwin, and how his to, to feel comfortable when they'll face either saudi arabia or south korea in the next round to now to the ask a couple of nations where nigeria have made it into the quote to find those they beat old rivals, cameron that to now i'd be more that look, man,
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that's for both goes to send them to to the last 8 moon failed to register shot on targets, and the coach equals the song is now on the pressure. having also assisted the woke up at the group's page do face on goal and the quotas on goal a beef in the media, even though the goalkeeper was sent off early for handle outside the box. but none of the a also had a man sent off and on board i $13.00 know to goes from gilson dollar office, helping the group there not reported assess, ever, no thought when as we f sundays as a club game between wolves and westborough has been suspended because of fund vitus police are responding and the smoke lives. the match will continue or not. you know, all that was a huge saw as a non the team mates and beat it switch was currently pushing for promotion that to the permanent it's which had $38.00. so compared to make sense to but it was mason
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one to one and head into the 5th round. took it and the west indies cricket team have it pulled up for one of the biggest folks in recent memory. somebody took 7 wickets to secure the 1st when in australia since 1997 is the more impressive considering the choices went off in tears 24 hours. and y'all should be injured by soon too much serious n n a. and to another surprises england that beats india in the 1st 700 bucks or the pope is called 196 to leave india needing 230 want to win from hartley. that's 7 wickets on w to secure the 281 victory that looks very unlikely when they trailed by
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a 190 after the 1st endings. in less than 24 hours, a time will know which 2 teams have made it to the super bowl. it's on the sides and looks ahead now to the individual finals which take place later on sunday, on sundays, etc. championship final season baffled between 2 of the biggest quarterbacks around kansas city chiefs. patrick my homes, to time super bowl went up against the mall. jackson of the baltimore ravens took to be named in v p for a 2nd time, but yet to get his hands on the super bowl trophy is m a n d p. for a reason i may need, he goes out there a lead. his team is a scores and he runs, he throws, he does whatever it takes to win. and that's what the great grades do. i don't like competing against them at all, but yeah, me is a great, quite a bit. definitely how the frame uh is not even though it's a no brain. he definitely a hollow frame. this is the 6 year running the homes that the teach to
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a championship final. and this time around, they'll have some high profile supports in the stance, travis kelsey's girlfriend taylor swift, and have a taylor swift at a game that is going to come on the public's attention because she brings into the game, not just sports fans, but fans of hers music fans, everybody's interested. you know, i brought this upon myself and i, i do enjoy uh, having fun with it all. and um, the biggest thing is making sure my focus is uh right here in this building who ever reaches the super bowl will have to face the best of the best in the n f c championship. that'll be eve of the san francisco, $49.00 as well. the detroit lions. so one of 12 teams, never 2 of one of the games, biggest prize for teams less than you know, this is, this is the times you dream of. as a kidney grew up, you know, hoping to be in the spinal games. the 9 is around to make it full time. lucky. off the back to back championship states. the question is, can they do it with quarterback prop putty? he was 2020 two's mister. irrelevant the nickname given to the play, a pig loss and the nfl dropped but the forms of amendable partnership with the
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seasons leading touchstone score. christy and mccaffrey. we want their game bad, you know, and they've obviously been hoping, you know, you know, they'll have another championship coming in this organization. the last couple of times they've been in the civil fall in short so, and now we get a shot at it. again, this is suppose, see some football, anything can happen on any given day. we've already seen that in the nfl plan of the season for the san francisco $49.00 is without question. they, the record says as much now the best team in the n, f c, this year. the 9 is heavily fancy to go all the way, but then counts out the cheeks who are looking to become the 1st franchise to defend the super bowl typing. since the patriots in 2005, some assignments out to 0. and this is performing, nick, i saw to thanks very much. i've been quite the support of that. now that's a visa. i will be back in a couple of minutes, have used folks will see that the
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hard hitting in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than that at any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block is different on it. access is he of the story on told to how does era it is january 13th, 2014. i am with nicole wilson. just tell me everything that you can remember about what happened today. i went to the movies with my husband chad olson and we went to see the marine movie with mark wahlberg
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loan survivor. it was supposed to be a great day. it was just meant for us to kind of reconnect and have some time together. we go into the move in at that day, no one's there. at some point, a man comes in and sits directly behind the side of a whole empty movie theater. were just sitting there watching us and we hear a voice telling child to turn his phone off, but not in a nice, polite way. it was like a demand. chad responded that he was just checking on his daughter, seeing if there was maybe a missed call or something from the daycare. then you'll hear it again from the guy behind us. turn the phone off. from there, he gets up in the storms off. the us is always of inside 50 for the world.
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people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just do this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the . the rush to save lives in dollars or more is radius trying to target con eunice, a $165.00 persons have been killed in the last 24 hours. the on the cloud itself is their life and the holes are coming up, hunger cold and now heavy rain make life even more difficult for displace palestinians in ava cravat. comes in, southern dogs to you and secretary general goes on during the countries to continue funding. the you an agency that runs that.


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