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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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to take the days that another link is taking place, augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. and nothing leaves profit without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the the hello, i'm real matheson and this has been use our lives from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. forced to flee? yes, again. palestinians recon eunice and southern gals them as is really a tax get more intense united nations as the freezing the funding for his agency for palestinian refugees means many more people in gaza will die of the offerings of guy. so we're going to take a closer look at what happens to the 25000 children of last parents and the war.
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on booking of fossil molly, new sharon has been leaving the west african regional. the echo was uninformed at lindsey onyx center has won his 1st grand slam tennis title center, produced a memorable come back against the annual method of in the final of the australian open. the 15 g m t. that's 5 pm in gaza with sizes, the palestinians are free and con eunice and the size as is ready, troops advance most heading towards the rough or near the border with egypt, counting whatever belongings they can. israel has ordered residents to leave the aerial con units that includes nasa hospital you and says 1500000 people. that's 2 thirds of guys as population are sheltering in under run rough, a gentleman,
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a sort of love. we received a leaflet from the is riley on me to evacuate. my son an i who is innocent, were allowed out, but then i took my son. he's been arrested. i'm going back every 2 hours to check on him. my son did nothing. why did they arrest him? they tell us to leave, so they can arrest us on the line who will take responsibility? but the give me a day and there are many, is riley tags and soldiers, us gas. it every with raising zine is flags on the court. house and in the sense there is complete destruction of all agriculture areas gone. the st. james and the the still on his the 100 and 7 in the morning. 13 of us have been in the rain and cold. i'm walking with them. most of them are children example. do you see this child look? is this what then yahoo was calling for? what does he want? where civilians, remember we have no involvement. time we want to eat, drink and have shelter over, but there are no tents here for you. is there any soldiers of setup checkpoints in conyers is screening and detaining palestinians who are trying to escape the fighting? those are being released to tell of days of humiliation as well. i've oma reports,
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i'm freezing today. they stopped and detained destiny of a tank. they fired rounds and the ralph feats. they detained and searched us. the loan of the humiliated us and fired. there was no water and they detained to save the night. then they told us to return to the school. today in the morning, they fired us again. and honey, i'm off load has more from roof on in the southern gaza. as within the past 2 days, people were trying to flee the wars on and dig stream confrontation and classes with alex city of fine and girlfriends is really military and central con units, as well as the western part of it is really military. just cut off tanya and from the this, the remaining part of the goes through the blocking these re enrolled. so i had been with that connects the northern part with the was with the southern part of the gulf stream, leaving just one core
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a door leading to the closer road. and that has to be taken it through these a check points. people who were you talks to describe the, the horror of housings with the check points as they were asked to put their hands above their heads and leave any of their belongings. they were not allowed to take any of this stuff to the hub in hon units. they were separated. families were separated from each other. women on one line and men on the other line. a, do a bombard, bombarded with line of the questions related to october 7th and events and whether they had any prior knowledge. do any homage involve members or any, any sort of that question? and when people responded to this line of the question, as they were caring for the family and they want to just to protect their children, do where at verbally abuse, then were beaten by the officers of right at the check point. just more hor, uh, the stories are merging as more people making their way out of that area. still
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hundreds of 1000 people is trapped inside tanya and is that the bombings continue? do you an estimate? is 1900000 people or 85 percent of guys us population have removed from the homes either by is very evacuation orders or by the bombardment. most people in northern guys are a flight size towards con eunice. with these really ami had said they'd be safe. but soldiers have expanded the defensive into central and southern garza forcing palestinians even further size to a rafa in egypt and border until what's the costs. the population there is co drupal, about 1900000 people are crammed into the region, living in desperate conditions, and track between the c in the egyptian border palestinians and drop. i have nowhere else to go as community like reports. once again told to flee these displaced palestinian say they were forced to abandon best 1st attempt to leave han eunice when he's ready for his open fire in the area military flies had ordered
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them to go to rafa. so the heading south. but know full well, there's no guarantee they'll be safe. a man, no, i do not know. it says he, i mean whether here or there. is there a danger here? so you have, i mean, this is works, awaits them. do you when says rough is population has quadrupled since the world began and it's running out of everything. food was a medicine, even make shift tents. thousands of palestinians are sleeping rough. instead of the young one of them, i spent 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrived, i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything. when i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter, i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother. fist fighting has pushed them to the southern most tip of because of strip. beyond those was nice. egypt and to the east, the see. there was
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a new way left to go. it is, you get to my titles and the, this is the final point we have reached the egyptian bowden after this. i don't know where we can go, no matter where we go. these riley army chases us and they tanks killed everyone in the area to go home in the midst of the deprivation, destruction and fear ran moment of happiness as families trying to make the best of the situation to the children. psych community like, oh to 0. well, the biggest hospital in the size of gaza is reported to be on the brink of collapse . palestinians have been digging mass graves inside naso hospital grounds more than 350 patients. and many other people who've been forced from their homes or sheltering their doctors, if not the hospital are wanting, it won't be able to function for much longer. a spokesman for the ministry of health and gaza says all hospitals and con, units are unable to provide full medical services. a walker facing
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was your mom also, the could be one more question. i'm in the real situation on the ground and both national medical complex and all i'm all hospital is nothing short catastrophic because it is indescribable on these really occupation forcibly tight see if these medical facilities for the 6th day in a row. as a result, the entire health system and both hospitals has collapsed. they've run out of, as fedex and the medications necessary for the i see you, you may even pain killers are no longer available for the patients or the wounded. and that the bubble will, those inside these 2 hospitals, including the medical staff, are left without a drop of water or a low foot brad year, 1000 to displace the billions of taking shelter in these medical facility as often as fuels running out of power generators will come to a stop and in a few days, at that point, the 2 hospitals and the medical crews there will stand helpless, watching the patients and wounded breathing their life. meanwhile, the head of the c, i a is meeting on sunday officials from israel cut out on egypt in paris to discuss
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the war on garza and leave it to correspondence. tracking developments, mohammed jump gyms and tennessee. first we're going to go to olive fisher in washington. dc, so what more do we know about this meeting and what is the us expecting from these talks as well? it talks about some sort of 65 been ongoing since back in november. and you remember then we had a 7 day cease file which allows the release of about a 100 kept to some guys. on more than 240 palestinian prisoners had been held in new fairly deals. some of them for years without charge. but the idea of talk certainly accelerated within the last 10 days, things have become a lot more serious, although there was some talk at the beginning of the year. yeah, that could be a deal. but how much said that there has to be an entire ending to all of the fighting before the cap that was would be freed. it appears that there has been some movement in the negotiations, and we know that joe biden to you as president spoke to the could tardies and the
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egyptians on friday. and then dispatched william burns the head of the c i to potters for further talks. now we're led to believe that there is some sort of framework deal that is most close to completion. and what that would suggest is that there is going to be a 2 month c spar. and during those 2 months, there would be a release of captives all of the captive. some guys are on the lease of a significant number of palestinian prisoners. what is interesting to note at this point is that the americans are hoping that if there is a spot for around 2 months, that when fighting resumes, because this isn't the 9 to the water and fighting will resume. that when fighting resumes, it will be a much lower level than we've seen over the last 3 months. and again, we're hearing the line from the united states that they are doing israel to scale, but the severity of the attack on guys that of course, is something that they've been saying from the very, at lead days. and it will seem nothing to change on the ground,
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but it appears that william buttons is not involved in discussions with the tardies and the objections. and of course obviously significantly the fairly, some time us will be involved in that as well. and they are hoping that there could be some sort of breakthrough that will be import towards is this bret mcguckie? who is jo bivens, middle east coordinator, suddenly hates to the region. that would certainly be a clear signal that is a deal very much in the office all in for nice. thank you very much indeed that sound and talking to us from washington dc. we're going to bring in, well, how much i'm jim and tell a visa, let's go the other side of this. what do these readings hope to get out of this? what do you think? if as do we have any indication from what the media are saying there of what the proposal is might be so rom, when you look across the is really media landscape. what you see, our reports that are sourcing anonymous is really government officials that are essentially by and large throwing cold water on the possibility of
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a deal coming together quickly. a lot of these officials saying that there is still substantial differences between israel and between how mazda, especially when it comes to the parameters of the association of hostilities, how much time would be impacted, how long it would last. you must remember that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under a lot of pressure right now, both from members of his work cabinet. some of whom have suggested that the prime minister is not doing enough to try and secure the release of captives that are still being held in gaza. and then he's also being put under pressure from the far right wing, members of his own government, who essentially are saying that they don't want to see a deal happening, that they would consider not to be a good one. so there's a lot of suggestion in these reports in is really media outlets that essentially the prime ministers, people are being very cautious right now. and if they don't think a deal is going to happen any time soon. that all being said, there's also
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a lot of pressure being put on the prime minister and other members of the government, 5 families of those captives that are still being held in gaza, who want to see the prime minister and members of the war cabinet and other members of the cabinet to do more to secure the release of the captive. so it's a mixed picture. as far as is real, we've not gotten any official statements today from top leaders in the government as to what they expect from these talks from any further negotiations. clearly there is momentum, otherwise these, these talks wouldn't even be happening. but fact the matter is here. it's looking so much so far. like i'm expect, rama. thank you very much. indeed mohammed jim, jim and tel aviv. we're going to bring and i'll just say the senior political analyst model of the shot of who's lived with us here in, in doha. what's interesting about this, we talked about the, the fact the william burns, the c i a had, has been to israel before. and you've told us about the fact that he has significant experience working in the middle east. maybe not a surprise that he's coming to this kind of meeting to somebody like me who doesn't
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really understand how these things, what i would have thought it would be different. nice meeting 1st and then the security guys come in to make it all what, but it seems to be going the other way around. just talk us through what you think is going on, what they need to do it through these sorts of channels. because uh, the most important part in it is how much and how much does not represent that politically and all of this. and so we have our number, maybe if there's in closing gauges in the countries site and on the sides of is rather secondly, the united states. i think there's a tendency now that the officials been, is around the united states has made that clear once i get into the publics that they are doing everything possible in order to free the captives, they're gonna have to show something for it. so i think these meetings, in as far as i see them, the past few weeks, have been more about keeping up appearances than is actually an end
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game in mind and trying to reach that. meaning, there is no agreement today. there is no gap that was bridged. now discussing the details, the gap between how much is rad seems to be quite huge. and as far as expectations are concerned. so and as far as the categories and the americans trying to manage expectations, what can you get out of this deal? i think it's become a bit big suspension for how much. it's really some of those captives in the early stages because if believe it was important to release them because they were civilians, some of them all. that was just too much of a burden on how much fight that was themselves to keep them and to keep maintaining them. but now that you have reached the more, the sort of a quarter of the captives, i think i must expect a price that this government is. that is not ready to pay me. i'm just seeing
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a line on one of the news agencies there is reporting a story that's being run by an american news network. the suggesting that the us is discussing using weapons sales to israel as leverage to convince these really government to scale back. it's made of trees old in guys and now the white house of said there's no change to its policy in israel. you and i have spoken at some length about this. and then the leverage that the us is willing to bring to bear on israel's. this is obviously speculation. we don't have any other report than that. but do you think that, given the timing of, of that report, if it was something in it, it is interesting that we're having that at the same time as we're possibly having these talks and powers will look. i mean, you know, i can't help but smile because as a student of, for us is our versions. i know, you know, we've been better, we've done that right under various administrations. so it's red commits a crime or aggression or anything of that nature. and then the united
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states offers suite enough reward in order for yourself to stop or to change course . so now the things that are being discuss are a number of things. one, we would give you for sure. the $14000000000.00 were committed. we probably even give you more, we're going to give you more arms and they keep giving them sweeteners right. these raise keep taking them and doing more of the same. so none of these words have help . change is arouse aptitude thus far. so now there is the bigger prize, the whole is we've got to bring this out with these on board and have them normalize relations with you. issue, you know, cool, cool it down, then the war and start thinking about the day after we would have a major regional impacts. i might have gotten on, we make sure that we are all happy on board. so america keeps giving as, or as these incentives. right? gives him a 0 incentives. i mean, that's important and that's why how much is not excepting the deal. what is the
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incentive of agreeing to any deal when the next day they're going to be bombed or the next 5 months, right? or that people are going to be bumped. so there's not a sense of how much everyone in the united states and israel say, how much is not accepted. there should be no future for how much neither in guys, on or anywhere. right. while on that is there a side, there's always talk or incentives under words in terms of money, arms and order. one of those issues of religious stuff. have this not working, then it then you know, government has a plan and the plan is not giving you more money or give me more arms. i'm going to get the money on the arms anyway. i'll probably get it done normalization anyway as i've got them before from morocco and u e, and by right and in egypt and so forth. so there continue and was a war. and i think if we keep our eye on the ball, that would be what's happening can find you in the sun roof, not what's happening, impact us, me not one. i want you to stay with me because i want to talk to you about what's happening with united nations agency for palestinian refugees because the new and
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the secretary general antonio gutierrez has appealed to countries which have suspended the funding for the you and agency for palestinian refugees known as on. so this guarantee the continuity of its operations. the us state department said that 12 on well, employees were reportedly involved in the october 7th attacked by how much funding not in countries to suspend funding. gutierrez says, any you and employee involved in active shutter will be held accountable. he also said 9 of the 12 on tuesday, unless staffers have been fired and one is confirmed dead. the statement says that the funding more people in gaza are going to die. chris counted as a farmer and the spokesman, and he described the suspension of funding by governments as a co ordinated political attack to see humanitarian work, which is the width is being done in gaza as the commission of general because it has made perfectly clear is now under strict under it saying that it has a funding to deliver these live saving services for just a matter of weeks,
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perhaps a month after which the food distributions, the medical, the fuel, the wall to a of the housing the under has been given to a 1000000 displaced people in the shops across the guster or that is under rent, but more important in terms of the funding. what we're actually seeing is a cool. it makes a political attack on the is ready to make clear waiting for the fish was actually said that we kind of, we being this way. it is kind of when the war in gaza, unless hunger is disbanded. so it will clear a signal do want. so the votes contributions they have to be increased massively. mon message to the arable is particular. the gulf is where only because they're making billions all the time each day on the oil revenues, a tiny fraction of those old revenues would see under his financial problems disappear the nights. and it's uncomfortable. the gap in funding which has been
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inflicted by these western governments that we feel very, very quickly. so yes, the funding is desperate. yes. you might of turn services on the press, some of the most desperate people in the middle east, all now facing salvation. the facing funding and the out of states, we just have a blessed a. okay, let's bring back in mom on the shawn, i'll just see the senior political on who's the chris gun us. they are formerly on we're spokesman saying that this is a co ordinated political attack. the timing is interesting. what only a couple of days out know from not ruling by the international course of justice and hang. that was saying that israel has to prevent genocide in gaza. what's your analysis of all of this? you caught it interesting. got caught it. not coincidental. there is actually no way in the world that this coincidence now we know from months now years that these are areas have been discussing, how can we implicate there or not? well, how can we implicate the why and corruption?
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how can we implicate the another one, extremism hyphen we in think it done little in how much activities? how can we couldn't showed up some kinds of accusations? i guess from us because i'm asked needs to because i don't know what needs to go on the top. if you remember there was at the funding of the on the right. and it was again, you know, it has to revitalize and it has a 3 form and so on, so forth. so this has been going on for years and certainly is one of going on for months on this very particular issue of how do we get to the 101, right. so is there any press have, as in fact been discussing it. they've been discussing a plan of pretty stages. how do you get on that? all right, how do you make sure it falls apart us? and i say whatever the allegations are, i'm sure they want to discover 2 days ago, wherever that additions are either cook top or discovered whatever i'm supposed to
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been done few days ago. and these are this smart as they are. and as a smart those they are cover now savvy. the said, let's wait and see how the i c j comes up with it shortly, and that's the bomb. then dicey j wasn't very friendly and it's sort of those right . not exactly. and the thoughts. i think there is, there is also know what to anticipate from western powers. it's not just disappointing. it's criminal to see the group think this a good thing, which means a logical and extreme on the part the western powers were supposed to be democratic, liberal individual, and so on, so forth. decided in the order of them, cordless, behind a position that says we're gonna define the are you on institution because of some allegations against a dozen people out of some sort of 1000 stuff. i mean, you know, you would the funds that you keep parliament on that on that, on that basis. 14 of the u. k. $650.00 members have been either indicted on accused
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all or fired for sexual be defeated or whatever that position is. right. you and staff in uh, in uh, in uh, you know, peacekeeping missions in africa for example, you know, how many issues and allegations where i guess i'm a lot of improvement. you didn't the fun, the peacekeeping missions and i forgot because that i know i know, but when it comes to find a sign, yes, let's start of the palestinians. let's make sure they die. now that the i c j came up with that being said, let's not give the other thing as not, does not stop by the city has the western powers are joining is right. and the fun things on that a while i'm doing that was basically provide services that are absolutely indispensable for life and living in guys up today. so i think in so many ways, regardless of the pretty text, regardless of justification,
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what is happening today after the i see joe really is no less than criminal. it was a quote that i saw earlier on from the study for them. and assessing that you might have to be in law should be made up to a couple to everyone. chris carlos has just said this is the time of which our nations should step up and increase their funding to on. whether wouldn't this be an opportunity for the out of nations in the middle east to be able to, to use their own leverage? the money that they have from oil and gas inc, i but income and so on. and generation to be able to fund on well in a way that they see is more, a, perhaps more applicable perhaps more balanced. whatever way they, they would regard it. is this an opportunity for them to step in and actually make those donations suspect 2 distinctions? one activity? yes. the short answer, of course that i've gone through is that a good number of our car doesn't look like things like cuts out and others do a lot for it. by this time, you'll see after each each one and does a lot of things were built up by funds from lots and lots of cuts out and others
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refugees and up and on and syria and jordan. you know, there are issues that have been taken care of by a good number of countries as well. but they should do much more in sort of diety and help to their brethren and palestine. there's no doubt about that. but let me tell you why it's very specific. when we talk about european an american funding over know why this is different than what you would normally expect from apps to do it for the people to satisfy. to see because the united states and other western powers are complicit and is their as occupation. and by the sign, the autumn and their finance. i know normal lives and they get privilege to is right. as i talk you guys garza and the rest of the occupied territories for the past, 56 years to white wash that white wash that's complicit. the thing is there as crimes of occupation, a party. they donate some money to make that kind of thing and sort of live the
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aggression of razor as that it wouldn't be possible without western help. so what the western powers likes, the united states that you okay. if any and others are doing are simply saying we're going to continue to support his in finances, right? if it is a privilege, commercial trade on other such as in europe and in the west, in general, we're going to give them free trade agreements and all of that privilege and every possible that we're going to arm, then we're going to the engine technology. we're going to invest in them as they occupy palestine and as they erect us just a little part of paid. and what would we do to whitewash our congress would give few millions of dollars to mix up at a 2nd instead of 5. and that will proficient on that off market. that's part that was our do it. and now they don't even want to do that for some kind of a prediction about some sort of an allegation against what people have been living on the stage for 17 years on occupation on that 56 years modeling push out. as
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always, we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed. well, is there any demonstrators on families or some of the captives taken october? the 7th of stays or protests of the economy? obviously, i'm crossing the protests. there's one to blockade john's going into the gaza strip until most of the captives released local media is reported. that is really police prevented the demonstrations from blocking some of the trucks. but some of the 8 shipments didn't make it through multiple drugs have been seen heading away from the crossing and back to egypt with full loads of humanity in 8 intended for people in gossip. the still ahead on all does it up in sports and a strategy of a comes the 1st country to reach the for the finally, it isn't a truck products here for that store the the
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hello there. it's all about the heat across south america at the moment with heat wave. oh, he have like conditions dominating in columbia, peru, bolivia, power. why all the way down to the southern parts of origin, tina. so bases in patrick, go near that are usually seen cold is what is when the a weather at this time. if you're asking in the sun time to temperatures touching up to 40 degrees celsius in places and the heat isn't going anywhere soon. it's going to push its way further north over the next few days. so places like one or saras, we'll see the temperature steadily increased as we go into the mid week, 35 degrees celsius that with those clear skies. now despite the heat, we also seen some very wet weather was in 10 storms, griffing, central pots, all brazil rushing out towards coastal areas. some of that rain in rio on sunday. but we will see the return of some sunshine come monday and sunshine is a dominating feature across the golden pots of mexico as we move to central america
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. have it as have come down. however, with the movement of this band of very heavy, right, and that's going to bring those showers to the you can tap into that and southern parts of mexico through guatemala. and as we go into monday, we'll see some of that very heavy rain effect on 2 rough and nick, or i go much one way of sunshine for the east. the president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences of the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. as the situation in gaza escalates, we bring you expert analysis. he's going to have killed 20000 people, 70 percent of whom are women and children. cesar has destroyed garza is
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a little worried when we see certainly civilians being moved. one from one area to another area themselves. the reason for this is here he is, is having life and has become so hellish that the thousands are one thing enforced fits in the i expect to be liquid where we sit openly health plan and so expelled palestinians stay with us for the latest developments on tuesday, around the the what you know, what is it a reminder about top stories? there's thousands about a series of things on unison solving. garza as is where the troops advance most
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heading towards of off on the bottom of egypt. you and says 1500000 people, that's 2 thirds of guys as population sheltering in and around you and secretary general until you've looked at as, as a future countries which are suspended their findings to you and agency for the palestinian refugees to at least guarantee the continuity that's opperation, not even countries suspended their funding to the ongoing up to 12 employees, but accused by israel, of being involved in the a tober 7 the time is very process with a kind of model. so that in crossing appear to be prevented at least some socks and some of the gaza processors. want to locate some, some more of the toby, some doctors have released multiple trucks. we're seeing heading away from the crossing and back to the well in addition to the sizes of killed and wounded children of water in garza has left a large number off and many thousands of lost of mother or father or both to
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account for the number of injured and main children who have no known surviving family member doctors and guy. so he even call it a new acronym, w c, and s f. what a child, no surviving family. you know some of their voices. the mocks on her face remind 16 percent of the day her father was killed. one minute she was at home with a family and the next she woke up in the hospital while mobile, but it hadn't been highly of somebody didn't swear to very kind to me kind of thing because they were both kidd. i did not have the chance to say good bye to my father, but they did to my mother. it's a big shock to me and i am now negative with him. either love and others have lost, despises left to provide for the children on their own. are you there? yes. my husband had nothing to do with the resistance. that's the reason politic. he was killed on his way to try and get some flower to feed our children. they were starving for days. he was everything to us at home. who was the cornerstone of our
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lives? he was the one who brought a smile to our home and sunshine. i can imagine how we will go back home without him. 9 year old was home was here to buy me sign rental for this. my mother was killed and fell on my little brother's lot. she kept screaming, unaware of what to do, that we both witnessed on love it getting killed. she was the joy of all life. she always hurt the wood and i missed her too much. i am sad and feel lost without you to coordinate that it's time and time again. as pretty, as i've said, there is no way safe in garza and i was with my family taking sure that you know you was the x rays destroyed the classroom next to us with our mutual my father, mother and all my fraud this weekend. and it's these children who will grow up with this cause of this will witnessing what no charge to have to witness or experience . they would have to live with the trauma and the pain is right has inflicted upon them a suck, vague, just their over half of the displace palestinians and gaza,
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our children, according to the un. their homes are being destroyed and many of them don't have regular access to water food on medicine. more than 25000 children have not lost one or both parents in guns are, according to the euro, mediterranean human rights of savagery. at least 8663 children have been injured in his many attacks since october the 7th. nearly 5000 children are still missing, with many feared buddies under the rubble of collapse. buildings gonna bring in. alexandra says she's head of humanitarian policy. and advocacy, i've saved the children and she's joining us live from washington dc. thank you very much indeed for being with us for the immediate problems and risks that children and goals are facing. thank you for having me. of children and gods that have paid the highest price in this crisis. not only have we seen is really bombardment killed children at rates unparalleled in in recent crises. but children have been critically injured. many now facing lifelong disability. but they're also
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being starved and they've been robbed of any sense of safety and security. over the past few months, families have been forcibly displaced again and again and moved to areas that had been, were deemed what they were told would be safe. and then have found them that has been a fallacy. they have been moved to places where they've been attacked again. and they have not been able to parents have not been able to provide for their children in these areas. and this has lifelong impact on children. sense of safety and security. i want to ask you about the long term mental impact that these got this conflict as having on children because that is something that is happening on a daily basis. one would imagine that under normal circumstances around the world would be an attempt to try to have some sort of intervention to do with it. but it must be very difficult to deal with something like that. a mental condition like
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that to find the cause of it is happening every single day. i as well. exactly. and it's, you know, it's difficult enough for humanitarian agencies to provide the basics for children and families during the current conditions. but so service sort of have been looking at the mental health and impact on children for a number of years and what we found back tell us any children in gaza face high in levels of emotional distress every single year in the most been a study that we did in 2022. we found that actually 3 out of 5 children and gaza had feelings and thoughts of self harm. the majority experience, depression nightmares and had no hope for the future. and so the past 4 months, we know it's going to make that infinitely worse. you mentioned that many of them are described as having no hope for the future. but of course these children are going to be part of whatever future gaza has. well, how do you think they,
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they the impact of the conflict that they are going through at the moment is going to have on them as they move forward, as they, as we try to live the rest of their lives in whatever future guys are, has and it's really difficult because this current circumstances are going to have lifelong consequences. i mean, if we just look at the issue of starvation, you know, more than 330000 children right now. right now are facing the risk of starvation. and when children face acute malnutrition, this has potentially lifelong consequences on their both physical and cognitive abilities. you know, when, when children face nutrition, their muscles waste away, they are more prone to dine from, you know, common diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea. and when children don't have access to the medical care that they need to recover from that, we don't talk about schools very much, but no child and gotcha is going to school right now. and hundreds of schools have
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been damaged and destroyed by the, by the department and by the crisis and will because we see no sign that this is going to end any time soon. it's very difficult for children to even think about their future. there are looking farther ahead, hopes that at some point there may be a 2 state solution that would allow israel and the palestinians to live side by side in some form. one would imagine from the way you're describing it, that we're talking about kids who are growing up, essentially seeing israel and those rallies as almost prominent enemies that must raise concerns about the the practicality if you like, of having, if any sort of future relationship between is readings and palestinians. the most important thing right now is that children have their basic needs met and this is not even happening. so it's very difficult for them to even think about a future. what we need now is for countries to stop,
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fueling this crisis to stop fueling the violence and to a push israel and the parties to agree to an immediate cease fire so that children and families can, can start the recovery process. this is just not possible when they're being bombed, everywhere they go, where they are deprived of the basics to survive. what we need is and then we get the spire and for a to scale up and it just hasn't been happening. alexander, say a, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just see them on. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you for having me. is there any forces, have counted out a series of raising the occupied was buying, storming and run sacking palestinian homes and tons now from the bethlehem novelists. and janine and the city of 2 of us power steering advisors confronted the soldiers within the janine refugee camp. 2 people were injured after they were caught in the crossfire. these really military is deployed reinforcements to several areas. at least 22 palestinians have been arrested.
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the gonna take a day, a look at the days of the news. the booking of fossil molly, i'm new shot, of an honest they're going to leave the west. african regional block echo was a joint stipend. set the block. i drifted from the ideals of its funding fathers and the spirit upon african ism 3 countries have gone through approving the past 3 years. echo was as imposing top sanctions on them to kind of live on this task. after 49 years, the 1000000000 people have burkina faso molly and these year, regretfully, and with great disappointment, observe that the organization has drifted from the ideals of its founding fathers and the spirit of pen african as a means like they are you. the eco was under for an influence, be trade it's funding principles and became a threat to its members, stacy, and their populations of the organization. nobody failed to help the states in
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their exits, then she'll fight against terrorism and security forces. if you haven't addressed is joining us live, not from a boucher in nigeria. tell us more about this statement that we heard from the 3 countries today. i a rob. the announcement came smoke 10 years later on o government channels in looking at 5. so molly, news year, in particular news, you're a country that feels that it was down a bad hand by the academy. community of west africa's does that cost simply because they, according to officials say they didn't see the threats, the sanctions on the blockades imposed on them being imposed on other cool countries like multiple can across so and d. and so in fact, 3 days ago on the 25th of generates that were expecting a mediation team from becoming a community of west africa states from total, a set of leo, and then one of the country. unfortunately, only 140 minute step arrived yet to discuss the process. the process was meant to
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start, so as to be able to wait for the heads of state of the 3 mediating congress to come to. yeah, may i negotiate? i've deal with the ministry june to that. now, what is happening right now is that the people image at feel in particular that they want dealt with. there were built a bad hand by the going to be committed to a west of west african states because they feel that there was a particular country that was pushing the regional doug to sort of put additional pressure on his. yeah. so as to give it to what that course demands, in particular, not the mutual assault just to miss you. i think it's priced the for my colonial, much of what do i need to file. and so where does this leave echo was then of what it costs right now an organization that started way back in 1975 with for
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a 15 members, lead time over to india and left and then it gain. another member kit berg now has only 12 members, and there is this consistence here with tech courses, the pools in molly but can across so do you need the late time to share that these organization would be fronted sooner or later? simply because the organization was yet to get a grip on the political situation, they come back situation. and what make matters worse for the organization is a security problems across the sale, in particular, molly and broken up price. so as well as these. yeah, and it's failure to deal with these threats, secure to threats, sort of diminished it's mh, because the eyes of the citizens of those countries. so very specifically. yeah. within the organization itself. that in particular, these countries where they wouldn't be additional problems in religious to these countries over the coming months. now they've also that's yeah, that's what's happening. and ms. yetter book,
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the book and of us on molly will continue dropping. in other words, separate and states, especially now that good governors is absent in many democratic countries in the region. so this is costing fee at that moment if it costs may happen in the region . and that could also affect the organization itself. now, in particular, the formation of the coalition of society in states with multiple to get a fossil, i miss you sort of send shop ways through the body of the organization. they want trying as much as possible to stop the countries, especially in his yeah, from joining that lives. unfortunately, the announcement today put an end to that expectation. i'm interested in a boost at nigeria. i'm and thank you very much. indeed. one person has been killed in an attack by mazda gunman on a catholic church and is unable worshippers. but attending mass one to gunman reportedly wearing ski masks, entered the 19th century church and opened fire. several people are reported to be an injured. the turkish minister of interior has condemned the attack and says
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a large scale investigation will be carried out. a memorial event is being held in ukraine, this capital to pay tribute to a well known port killed earlier this month. the 2 year old maxine groups of joins a growing list of authors to volunteer to fight and subsequently lost their lives. just as robert bryant as more from k gathered to remember the life and look of poets and soldier maxine clips of killed in action. just a few weeks earlier than simply to his friends and friends by his nickname, dolly he lost his way. she was such a bright person who is not with us anymore. but you can feel his soul and spirit is to a task to get inspiration, brothers. this exhibition documenting life on the front line was already being planned when he was killed. some of the photos left without captions, but he never got to right effectively. his last post him is an incomplete word.
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through his folder, perhaps he showed us his journey. his poetry is that of a person who has spent years at war, well still preserving his humanity. donnelly joins a growing list of prominent artists and writers killed in this war. right to victoria. i'm a lena who died from injury sustained in a rocky to tack on this restaurant to come a tourist last summer. po, it's a novelist, equal missed yet was having is a paramedic when he was killed last year. i. the children's also followed them may have collect code who was abducted from these occupied village at the start of the war, and whose remains would like to discover at the mass burial site. in ukraine, centuries long struggled to establish a distinctive national identity. literature has always played a significant role and never more so, since russia's full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago that threatened the countries that resistance,
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that threats is help drive their research and cultural interest. that's a positive trend with people now more interested, more thoughtful, more conscious about ukrainian culture. on stage dollies father reading the woods, his son left behind. rob mcbride, i'll just say or keep the people of finland or voting for the new president's 9 candidates, a vine to take over from sali name. so his 2nd 6 year time expires in march and he is eligible for re election post address the former prime is alex santos stub. and the ex for them is to pick a hobby store on the top contenders around games as successfully launched the satellites into space for the 1st time for it is released by a running and state tv shows the moment a record was long satellite time from what appears to be a military base. the us has previously sat there on the satellite program. defies a un security council resolution. washington is called them to run to suspend any
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activity involving ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons. thailand and china have signed a visa waiver agreement. the deal signed by foreign ministers in bangkok, but allow people from both nations to travel visa free to one another's countries. from the 1st of march, it's hoped more chinese visitors will boost thailand's tourism sector before the corporate time then and can 2019 around 11000000 people visited last year. the numbers dropped to 3500000 to climate activists. that song soup on leno da da da da vinci is mona lisa painting at the louvre museum in thomas, who was the said, the breakfast behind protective glass that was damaged, active as a part of a civil resistance for testing for sustainable food and social security group. wants to draw attention to environmental problems posed by the food system, but also to the rising cost of food global stuff. ahead and i'll just get up for
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good actions before i send these. when the 1st test, i'm assuming since 1997 is coming up with the jo button and donald trump head start really opposed messages by officer. trump would turn the us into a dictatorship or sure, shaking car is trump's cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out. com is lockson's fashions and the radical left dogs that live like firm and within the confines of our country. many voters are fed up with high prices, and biting stands on these rails war on gaza as close to decline and support in his own party. trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal towns is elected.
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trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more . thoughts and feelings in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states, it's likely to be a bitter babel. the all the time i for this board i said it was going to be sign up 5 as long as far. thank you so much wrong. good. good add there. italy's youngest center has won the australian open to claim his 1st grand slam town. his titles that are produced, a memorable come back against daniel met with them. the beat, the russian in $0.05,
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sandy richardson reports a 1st grandson victory, and his 1st major final at the age of $22.00 younique's seem to confirm his status as a release in full listing will tennis by winning feel strange, you know, and i wish that everyone could have my parents because they always let me, let me choose whatever i want it to. even when i was younger i, i made so also some of the sports and then then they never put pressure on myself. and then that wish that this freedom is, this is possible for as many young kids as possible. so thank you so much for from as soon as when looked on the likely, when he's rushing opponent, the new method that raced into it see set lead method f instantly to the 1st melvin cycle. and it's the following, or the target was best and to repeat the speed roughly on the dial had achieved. and this time will be cited 2 years ago. just as an adult had done it.
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the final against mid to the center was able to come back from a c set deficit. when the matching find method f is not lost only 46 major finals, really. that's not through a lot stress. i'm not, i hope i can. i can try to get to the next one if it's late in the final which has to be in 13 finals in there. also. i'll try my best to to do better next time. i'd really be congrats and you deserve the 1st to tell me and to lift this trophy center looks best in korea that would include many more records on the richardson l . g sierra. the author really had become the 1st team to reach the asian cop quarter finals as they beat indonesia for now. so how malick was following the action for us
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astray, a beach in indonesia, on a heading that a pool of the finding of the agent come before the much. those are really home. feel about this much boy, indonesia so much for the support. also in the sounds, the just out number just straight and well on the pitch where really counts australia show the 12 the, to the leave with a pretty lucky function with a dyslexic go off of that, it was one way trusted boy put them to the head before have time and then the 2nd law, we just control things until they blew and an easier way to rock. again, going to go through goodwin and to talk less the way to sustain it. but right now that celebrating the full 0 when we're not in today doing, we're going to find on the typically course, but i think we got the results and we wanted some of it. so i was like, oh god, maybe we're going to actually have a ton timeliness. but then the boys really came into the try. so slightly 12220151 the phone. certainly feel this is going to be that. yeah. when they go on
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the other one of them. well, certainly confidence is high. let's see whether australia can do it. they're going to celebrate tonight. let's see what happens for the rest of the campaign. so hell malik algebra johnson been homeless stadium now that the african reputations were nigeria had made it to the quarter finals. they beat old levels cameron to now, and while i look, mentor and both goals to send them through to the last 8 camera and failed to register, i shot on target and their coach wriggled. their song is now under pressure. i think also accident the woke up at the great stage. nigeria will face angola in the corridors and gold beaten, and maybe even though they're a goalkeeper, was sent off early for a handle outside the box button. and maybe also how to manage sent off and go a $13.00 now with 2 goals for the lease in dallas. i'm just dropping their grooves
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saved. now recorded their 1st ever knockouts. when asked, ask all to find trouble force the english as a cop match between west from and what was to be paused. 2 clubs have a long standing rivalry. referee was forced to stop the game. shortly after wolves took a tool lead late in the 2nd half, following a delay of almost 40 minutes, the match did resume with what was going on to win the time. the west indies, cricket team had pulled off one of the biggest shocks in recent memory. to mar joseph took 7 wickets to secure their 1st when in australia since 1997 it was all the more impressive considering that joseph went off in tears 24 hours earlier after being injured. that is, that too much series ended and i draw on to another surprisingly beat india. and the 1st test in hydra bought it totally. pope squared, 996,
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to leave indian needing 231 to win. tom hartley then took 7 wickets on debut to secure the 281 victory. we've been in pops amazing games over the last 2 years. we've had some incredible victories, but then considering where we are here, we try to get the position we found ourselves going into our 2nd by 2nd. it is a buffering was to be able to sit here now and, and say with them when they look at something that's a big regular says why also this is our situation. so unless capable, has become the 1st frenchman to win on golf. pga tour in more than a century. he finished with a round of 300 par at the farmers insurance open in san diego. and that was enough for one shot victory. 31 year old football is in contention to represent friends that the parents olympics later this year to okay, that is all you support for now back to the wrong far. thank you very much. indeed . i'm going to be back in
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a couple of minutes with me on all these stories. don't forget the website, of course, with support as well as we use all the data dot com and go back to some stay with the police degree seeking mediation. it feels like something is wrong, the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise of anxiety. are you doing scrolling? radio sleep already that you like, just like exploring how x is central threats to life impact the human psyche apocalypse may be coming soon on out to the 1st and they saw that we see the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. it's another day of struggle for palestinians living in the north shelves. refugee can just hours earlier. israel's army once again stormed to camp. its former bulldozers digging up roads, its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk of a narrow alley, we find that out whose family home was severely damaged during another intrusion. 2 weeks ago. did that, and her family haven't been able to stay here since palestinians believed by utilizing these tactics over and over again. israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance, but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy of the on her voice is very few people. and it's rather are sitting up against the
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door right now. i want to be one of them connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy, the human noises. but also i want to want to know as a human, to have a connection with the stream on out to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm about to send, this is the news on life from the heart, coming up in the next 16 minutes, forced to flee. yes, again, policy is leave con units in southern gaza, as is really a tax get more in sense the you and the secretary general calls and donor countries


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