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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy, the human noises. but also i want to want to know as a human, to have a connection with the stream on out just the or the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm about to send. this is the news on life from the heart. coming up in the next 16 minutes, forced to flee. yes. again, palestinians leave con units in southern gaza, as is really a tax get more in sense the you and the secretary general calls and donor countries to continue funding the un agency that one's 8 operations in gaza as more nation
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say, bill and there's supports they offerings of god, so we're going to take a closer look of what happens to the $25000.00 children of last parents in the war and the west african regional block. it was built a major blow after booking a fossil molly and new jack a non spare leaving the to it's 16 gmc, that's 6 pm in gaza with thousands upon the standings of freeing con eunice and the sons. as it is rarely troops advance policy and spring, the fighting account units and making their way farther south, most of the us population is crammed into a small patch of land at the southernmost tip of the gaza strip trumpets of between the sea and the egyptian border. they've got nowhere else to go. michael awful has more told again to flee. these displays, palestinians say they were forced to abandon the 1st attempt to leave hon eunice.
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when he's ready for his open fire in the area. military flyers had ordered them to go to rough or so they're heading south but know full well. there's no guarantee they will be safe about of the but we have to move thing in the rain and cold was 13 other people. most of them a children, look at this child, is this what? nothing. you all who want. we all civilians with no involvement and the will we want to eat, drink and have some way to shelter the on to even 10 say that recently established these really check points on the road. south palestinians face possible detention as well as abuse and humiliation. they say the hub of how new not is unsure of his son's face. down i'm going to upload, i go back and forth every 2 hours to check on it. and i guess my son did nothing. now. why did they arrest? and they tell us to leave, so they can arrest us sons who will take responsibility for the once. in rough us,
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a desperate situation awaits at least one point. 7000000 palestinians have been displaced during the war by the by is rightly evacuation order is, or it's related to this bombing campaign. now, most of them all here in rough uh the u. n. is described. israel mass evacuation order is chaotic and then effective. thousands of palestinians are sleeping in tens if they can find one, the one. if i spend 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrive, i couldn't find shelter, no tense, i couldn't find anything. and i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter. i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother. she is fighting, is forced them to the southern most tip of the gaza strip. beyond those walls lies egypt. and to the east, the mediterranean sea,
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there is no way left to go. but despite that many remain defiant and hon. i missed all country, even if to and we want to return to our homes. and if they are destroyed, we will live in attend, terrified, employment sized palestinians are being pushed into ever smaller pockets of land facing and dignity and humiliation. every step of the way mike level, which is era and tonic. abo resumes in rough, i, in the southern gaza, so more people heading from con eunice and the center of the, of the strip, farther south to where you are, what is likely to greet them when they get there of the situation. so those people are in fact too hot or afflicting today uh, from con you and as to how far is completely key. all right, so can you about that is very forces encircling and time neighborhoods. and finally, city where they are forcing people to sleep from the houses,
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they gather them as such scenarios. and they are forced to go through checkpoints that have been met, metalli's, top least on the land of han, you in a sense, it's how it becomes how plant human rights of palestinians are they throughout the military procedures have been taken against this residence there. first the they are making different groups so. busy people been alone and women alone tooting their own children. they are forced to raise the id cards as they are passing through these military cheap points and in different cases, a little palestinian men i've been up to talk to them. the rested by the is very military and others have been taking to investigation as people hard monday's to luckily escape from the city or news um on going up the bottom. and they have been reporting and saying that the situation that is completely believable and unbearable as we have no options remain spot to go through these miniature chick point spot for those who also manage to get roughly the found new place to remain
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in signed. and they have chosen to set their made shift tents on the open as they have no any. all the shows that to remain inside. um it does it can i um it is uh with the hoss conditions that they have been living within the past few days. but to now the bottom into opinion is continues and also the evacuation orders for residents. they who are big trucks in the city, the fighting, the continued as well, where people, the new evacuation waves are reaching to roof, which is right now the last remaining place for palestinians. then we have the diction. buddha of the mediterranean sea means that you're going to be truck the at the most triggered consent and right now for the policy and the operate should, would be extended to reach roughly within the coming days. it means that the hills on the ground will be perfectly for palestinians simply because they will no longer have any place to go. if you're given the option to retain to the north, they will find nothing but destruction and trouble to live above me. taught. we've
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been also reporting on the fact that sammy several countries if you started that you're going to suspend their funding for the united nations agency for palestinian refugee was. now obviously, there are many, many members of on by working in guys at the moment. can you give us an idea of whether that announcement is having any sort of impact on this stuff and the facilities of on the war there? definitely this a resolution and decision that had been made by different states around the globe to suspend the fundraisers for the united nation will complete the costs, each of the over the possibility of the owner. what existence inside costs or its ability to continue providing services for hundreds of thousands of palestinians as right now, the united nation is considered to be the main for the that continues to provides uh, services. and also we distribute to humanitarian supplies, to the factories in different areas. of course,
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the territory and palestinians completely depend right now on this institute in this organization to keep that receiving a humanitarian supplies. that means that if there's going to be much more dwindling and shrinking in terms of the of the more not tree funds to the majority. busy of the buddies that as well that are working inside the gaza strip. it will definitely affect negatively on the 2 of these organizations to operate on palestinians assaulted to completely few concerns regarding this a set. they are afraid that the owner, what might suspended operations inside goals, that means that more than $1000000.00 power city and will be on the verge of time. and practically, if that step had been made. and this is completely what has been going through within the past few days. as we have been seeing that more than 5 states have been announced, that people completely stopped their fundraising to the united nations. and despite the fact that the united nation stuff, we're talking about more than 150 you on the stuff had been killed since the will began and to the majority of its facilities have been,
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had to shortly were forced to shut down to do to the ongoing compartment and right now with each suspense, the, with the suspension of the fundraising might be very risky and the very dangerous a step that might be taken by uh the united nation. it, it will suspend its fundraiser for the majority of draws and see it means that palestinians wouldn't have nobody to keep providing them with a humanitarian supplies. and it will completely fixing to get a fix. and it gets, at least on the possibility. busy of their existence, insight garza, me to talk about was human reference on guys are. thank you very much indeed. well, you and started to general antonio sat. it says appealed to countries which are suspended that funding for the un agency for palestinian refugees to at least guarantee the continuity of itself or asians. the state department has said the 12 on the employees were reportedly involved in the tober 7th attack by homeless prompting 11 countries to suspend funding. without it says any you,
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an employee involved in active charter will be held accountable. they also said 9 of the 12 accused unrest office of being fired and one is confirmed that the statement says without the funding, more people in gaza will die. now this isn't the 1st time that you and agencies face threats of funding cuts as those i'm of which takes a look at his work and the many challenges that faces for millions of palestinians and gaza. the primary do an agency on the right is simply a lifeline to depend on his for health care, social services in jobs especially now 2 months of israel's war on the territory. but threats of funding cuts could worse and then over the dyer humanitarian situation. established in 9049 under was the mission was to provide relief to palestinians who lost their homes by the creation of the state of israel . nearly 6000000 palestinians in gaza. the occupied west bank,
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syria and jordan rely on the provided by the un agency. with approximately 30000 staff on was reduced funding, could impact food aid, health care, and other critical services across the middle east. israel has called for the suspension of unrest, operations accusing it of supporting what he calls terrorism. i scouts you, donald. the me from our main goal in the goal is to eliminate the threat not just neutralize it. we know how to eliminate terrace, but it's hard up with an idea of unreal represents that idea and reading more terrorist 3 various means if we cannot win this will without dismantling. unless you me the, the agency has previously faced similar threats in 2018. he was president, donald trump, with through more than $300000000.00 in funding, raising concerns about political motives. the us decision was not about on risk performance. it was about the pressure on the palestinian leadership. and that's
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a form of politicizing, of humanitarian funding. that should be absolutely avoided in our view on why has also been under pressure because of its role in the debate on the palestinian right of return. the. the agency recognizes old palestinians displaced from 94 to 7 and 9048 and their descendants as refugees who have demanded to return to their homes. a stance. israel has a post is rarely officials argued that dismantled honora would remove the refuge to issue from discussions. one chair and one seal fit on right is an organization that perpetuates the palestinian refugee problem. it also perpetuates the right of return for palestinian refugees narrative in order to eliminate the state of israel . therefore, unreal must become a thing of the past due when he's investigating 12 unrest staff who have been accused of involvement to deal tobar 7 attacks by him. us in southern israel,
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9 of them had been fired and one is confirmed that. but the 12th step only account for a fraction of unrest, entire $30000.00 workforce. do you in agency says it remains committed to transparency, noting no prior concerns about its steps, conduct axles, i'm which will just sera likes talking about guessing you the advisor on the question of palestine at the, out of renaissance for democracy and development. it was also a former senior officially on when he's joining us from vienna. thank you very much indeed for being with us. corresponding tonic elbows them was describing to us. they impact that this conflict is already had on, on while with these facilities being damaged with stuff being killed and injured. what does this removal of funding or the suspension of funding due to on was ability to provide services in gaza to thank you very much for having me and yes indeed. uh,
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this is uh the sort of the latest attack um and uh, uh that may jeopardize its uh its financial situation and its ability to operate on the, on the, on the ground. can you guys have it also in jordan, siri uh, left on the end. the end of westbank. uh, let me start by making clear that unreal operates and continues to operate in gaza and the west bank at the explicit request of news really government. after the 9060 ward was even, even before the war was over. it was the huge raving socrates at the highest level, explicitly requested you know, unwrapped, please continue your operation. so that's a, that's a starting point. that has be, we crunch a tx on, i'm the neutrality of unrest,
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person now on the on possible engagement of employees in, in terrorism, unwrapped, has, as over the years. first, it has the most robust neutrality framework in place of any un agency, you know, as part of the, of the wider your when system. uh oh, allegations are investigated. uh and uh and uh, there's full transparency uh with respect to what's going on. so it's quite shocking that uh, donors do not allow the service process that has happened many times in the past are digits for some sort of have jumped to conclusions and indeed, traditional jeopardize the ability of the agency to continue its operations and is most critical time when we're talking about the operations, the unreal carries, what are we specifically talking about? what areas does it cover? you
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know, unfortunately we appear to have lost, likes talking about from vienna. we will maybe try and get it back later on. but i'm pleased to say we've good, i'll just see it as a senior political on those modeling the shot with us. let's talk about, 1st of all the timing of this announcement. the funding is going to be for the, for just less than a couple of a couple of days or so from that ruling by the international court of justice and the hague, saying that israel needs to prevent genocide happening. engagement. now, we're seeing this talk as to what your assessment is of that. well, clearly it's suspicious best to say the least. right? and without assign, doing any. uh, you know, a conspiratorial think, thinking here i'm just saying good, suspicious. because i think these writings would be clever to do so. right. if they had any notion of anything that they would the wanted to do the, what i wanted to manufacture or that they've actually found out investigation and found out the timing should have been after the i c j because they were expecting
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that rolling is not going to be friendly to them. hands the idea of putting this little hand grenade out in the international and a media and the official them share would help israel deflect. right and read direct the interest from what is happening. i dropped off. what is happening in can you and is what is happening and guys in general to what's happening in on or why and in terms of what's happened with the i c j and it's shown inc. and basically put thing is right on trial for genocide. right? and 3 directing, i read the flap things add to something else that's quite mine that are in my view, which is i found out later i thought it was reportedly doesn't staff accused of joining something happened. and i mean, joining the event on october 7, i that's 12 out of, uh, you know, 30000 staff, right? i can think of a single distribution, including, for example,
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is very limited 30. and that's how long days, really military, all, tens of thousands, there are a dozen people who have more than one occasion gutted war crimes and guys out of westbank. and they took excessive things into their hands. sure. there are more than a dozen. i'm sure there's more than 1200, i'm sure there's more than 12000 that lead the united states, and it's worse than uh, uh, clients to do fun as far as military. of course time. this is happening every day. and we've heard a lot, for example, at the various united nations agencies, as the peacekeeping forces, we've heard of many transgressions, say, and you know, in africa and on the other bases. and that did not lead to the funding. they un peacekeeping missions. why? because the idea is to so it also wanted to be certainly wants to be sort of meaning misinformation and certain parts of africa or maintaining the human rights,
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the basic human rights of people in gust me, mom and stay with me for a moment because i think we can drive to go back to lex, talking about with a senior advisor on the question of palestine that'd be out of renaissance for democracy and development as i mentioned before. but it's also joining us as a promising you'd official at on one he's been talking to us from vienna. it's good to have you back. we lost the line there. we appreciate you. then your website, which is no, no, no, it's fine. all right, we appreciate your patients. um, i want to ask you about the nature all they, they authoration to on what carrier is, because we tend to think of on, right as, as are kind of catch all phrase if you like. for us, you mounted tv and 8 organization, but we don't delve more deeply into what it actually doesn't. the drug can you just told us to briefly what the operational involves. indeed, well sunrise is a huge operational humanitarian agency that is best known for in regular times. it's a, it's a, it's, it's,
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it's education. operation operates more than 700 schools in the region, educating more than half a 1000000 children. and those schools in the gaza strip are currently used as emergency shelters, but there's no money, you know, keeps going there normally and to see if it's in the morning ships that are in afternoon shift. then there is health centers. more than a 125 health centers in the region providing comprehensive and primary health care services, there is relief and social services for families in distress. there is micro finance, otherwise the largest provider of micro fine and services, non bang microphone services in the, in the middle east. and finally, it carries out a lot of infrastructure works both in relation to its own programs, but also housing re housing and so forth. and then whenever we have a renew conflict in the regions of the agency immediately adds an emergency
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component as we see today in the gaza strip. so it's obvious that the scan of the operations that on right offers is very significant in the absence of the funding that it would have been receiving, assuming that this suspension does come into effect, is there anywhere else that only can turn to in order to try to get that to fill that gap, if you like. well, well i believe that at this stage and the impact will be, will be noticed immediately in the sense that it's the beginning of the year. unwrap will have received initial large uh at bombs as from some of its major donors and media 3 sort of in the, in the beginning of january to i believe that gonna continue to offer aid for a couple of months. and by that time, we hope that the, the investigation that is mentioned has a, has demonstrated to it's a, it's demonstrate the results. uh, uh, so indeed, uh the,
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the, i know little dollar share have indicated, yes. we have to spend, you know, the people in the different ministries they're, they're, they're all sort of pressured by dep holloman's. and their problem is want to know that this is seriously no changes. but it's not that a donor sort of really turning this, turning away from on, right. you know, the, the donor come here to the international community has seized, walked a significant and important instrument for, for humanitarian support. the agency represents the really simply no alternative in gaza and rise the only organization with a large box at the warehouse or struct certainty powers install. busy versus health centers, etc, that is able to operate. so as much as the sort of understanding. busy that donors are sort of shocked by these news. at the same time, they will sort of consider what is an appropriate response. as soon as more evidence materializing, i want to, i want to make clear, you know,
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when the investigation has been launch business investigation, the best 1st and foremost on corporations by israel. israel has provide a list of names and some very strong information, but absolutely insufficient basis. to conduct whatever, you know, misconduct investigation. so it's incumbent on the job to provide unwrapped when it's the end to you when, because this investigation will be carried out by o i o. s a new york to, to, to provide the relevant information in box cases. sometimes this information hasn't come, you know, the, i'm right as me saying, you know, these letters have to fax that others have the evidence. so we're going to look into it. and then, you know, after many, many reminders and sometimes many months, you know, the 0 evidence becoming available and under has no choice. but to close the investigation. the agent information won't be forthcoming. it is also critical that investigators have, you know,
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meaningful access to the guy. so script and then require funeral and of course do these or at least a facilitation of the movement of those investigators so that they can move around and, and, and to interview people, assess sides where, where wrongdoing may have a good answer portion. likes talking about we appreciate your being with us and i'll just do this. so thank you very much indeed for your time with pleasure. all people trying to get out of gas, divide that off of border crossing with egypt or being forced to pay thousands of dollars to a network of so called brokers for exit permits. that's according to reports published by limone in funds. some palestinians describe the practice as state sponsored corruption under points to israel and egypt switch control the crossing examples properties before the roof of border the only crossing between garza and egypt, a lifeline for palestinians even before the war. a connection to the outside world
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. an entry points from vital resources since is really impose the total siege last year. it's become the only way out of gaza. but even at the border between 2 era of states, safe passage comes at a price. findings from an independent investigation published by the french news outlet lamond show egyptians pay between $650.00 and $1200.00 for an exit permit. other nationalities pay around $3000.00. but palestinians have been charged anything from $4500.00 to $10000.00. similar findings published in the guardian newspaper earlier this month suggest this has been a common practice at the rough crossing for years. but it used to be $500.00 per person. prices have searched since october, the so called travel agencies act as brokers at the board posting and see everyone involved gets
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a cut including egyptian and is really government officials. the payments don't guarantee anything. some have lost everything and scans, the egypt says the allegations are baseless, the roof of crossing is operated by egypt, but israel maintains overall control of all people and goods going in and out. even before the war. the un criticize both sides for a lack of transparency while is real henders efforts to get humanitarian data into gosh, egypt as long resisted opening the border fearing an influx of palestinians. and although egypt is a vocal critic of israel and is calling for a cease fire observer, say it could do more to relax controls at the gods a border where seeking sanctuary seemingly become a lucrative business for war profiteers. same bus robbie. oh just here. i just need a senior political analyst smile and a shot back with us again. unfortunately,
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this isn't all too common story when we see times of conflict. very often this is a story that goes along side to i decided to actually are the so called the shadow economy, right? but in this very particular case, the case of guys, the case of saw finding, guys of people who wanted to flee, basically wanted to see either because they are paying for their life period or their sor sync an elderly. and also for the needs to get out or sometimes because they are addictions, much nationals, right, or, or, or foreign nationals and so on, so forth. so the idea that i'm a business or to shut the business was made out of the suffering of people to get out is, is really it's, it's just very disappointing. invite your side. we've heard about this for many weeks now. i mean, i've known of people who crowd funded by the i'll do know that to pay $7.00 to $7500.00 to get all right. imagine for the people and guys that were just basically
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nothing there to do anything, let alone get their hands over 7500. when everything else has been either destroyed, stalling, or what have now the, the, the gyptian presidency and the, and the, these really a promotion. it has been us the longer heads you accusing one another directly. nothing, you know, saying it's egyptian fault why the border is such and such and an age of the age as president on the a couple of days ago said from our side the more the result. but it's on his, the doesn't allow and doesn't even allow the goods and we would be more than happy to get the $5600.00 and if it would let them in. so they've been acquisition contract positions on the overall management of the, of the crossing and whether it's open or not, or why it's not open. but in this case, i mean, thankfully there are those who are trying to do the job journalist stickler speaking,
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doing that right. the investigations at that time and showing why people on how to run some and so many ways, right? being at the gaza strip, a lot of people don't want to leave, right. but those who are really in bad needs of lead shouldn't be exploited by these kind of gang guess 3 of, of shadow economy on the board. there's just for them to, you know, get out with their life and you could understand it to some degree if the board or the people were crossing was significantly large and difficult to police. but we're talking about one crossing. going from garza into the sign our desert into, into egypt, and that is obviously going to show through a very unwelcome spotlight onto security, particularly by these various, forgive me, but particularly by both course, these really security forces, but also the job security forces as well. who are supposed to be maintaining that border to freak is that a part of the delays and everything has been these court could bizarre security
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arrangements, but sometimes you have to go from one caustic. so another crossing all of that to get there with a check back to the set of crossings. but when people are running with their lives, with some kind of, uh, you know, garbage bag or a volume store and having some um, some clothes in it. but there is no security threat of any nature. and couple of old people just need to, you know, get back because addictions, for example, what's the security reason for anything? i think country is forced by the basic decency, i'm the guy that the to pick in there such as the internet, we don't have passports, right? that i don't know anything else. so the idea that people needs to be charged right, to get in and out of something that's a no for is the the security justification is for things getting in. but they're having a full school oversight over what gets paid or not. i'm still pages not getting and i think we've been or the for the city is a place been, you know,
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filled up over the past few weeks of offer justification as a pretext by the addictions, by these ratings on these accusations, the context visions of why age is not getting it and we just been speaking about one 0, all right. but the instructions, these riley's and the fuel pins and the americans who are the funds of on or what all of our don't get in violations of the i. c, j instead of borders of the provisional measures, the just come out. now this the fresh as it where from the hague, the funding or why? and blocking people and blocking goods from going in. all of that is violation of the highest of the orders of the highest for the moment. thank you very much indeed . as always for that analysis, my one shot or i'll just see it as a senior political analyst. so let's go ahead and i'll just see the mass graves are
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being dock inside naso hospital drums as doctors one the guys us health system is collapsing and israel's a legal sacrament expansions practice or unesco world heritage site in the occupied was find the route to you by visit capital handler, that was stopped by looking at the satellite image with south asia. and you can see this big cloud pushing from west to east across the region in the north. and that is a west city disturbance. moving out of, of gone is done, bringing some of that heavy snow and rain to northern pots of pockets on as well as india over the next few days. the rain and the snow extends its way for the east as well internet port and boot town. but for the south of this lots of sunshine and settled weather places like bungler dash, the fog, however, continues to dominate,
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starting from the north east of india all the way to the north west west of that. affecting tougher dash was still seeing visibility issues here. but for the south, a much more settled story with lots of sunshine, just some of that rain coming back into shore line of the next few days. and rain is the story for china as we move to east asia. we've got some very heavy rain developing in the south, but still the heat is that with temperatures rising in hong kong and ty pay over the next few days, shanghai will see those showers for the east of this. so i'm much dry. a story for you. probably got high pressure in charge across the korean peninsula. so temperature is coming up here over the next few days with sunshine. that's not the case across the north of china. we're going to see things turn much cooler and cloudy, invasion by thursday. the weather brought to you by visit, cut some unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from
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pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy human noises. that is all i want to go and, you know, i do have a connection with the stream on out to 0. it's one of the was largest radio telescopes designed by soviet era, pioneer only to be left lying, idle refusing to be silenced, his niece, resuscitate the sleeping colossus. the witness, not 50 full armenians for built in space,
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drive on the jersey to the the the watching or is it a reminder of our top story is this uh, thousands of palestinians are feeding con, units in southern gaza, as is ready to advance most are heading towards rafa near the border with egypt, the un says 1500000 people, that's 2 thirds of guys as population are sheltering in and around drop. you and the secretary general antonio status is appealed to countries which is suspended there. funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees to at least guarantee the continuity of its operations. not even countries suspended their funding to their own while after 12 employees are accused by israel or being involved in the top of the 7 times egyptian. and is really officials that accuse of state sponsored corruption for accepting payments for permits from palestinians. we're going to
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freak out some reports and the french newspaper, and amongst, since people are paying thousands of dollars to leave the strip through the rough across the want to bring you some breaking news. now us president joe biden is saying that us service members have been killed in an aerial drone attack. we understand style and forces stationed in north east georgia near the syria border. we're going to go to island fisher in washington, dc all. and what more do we know about this? until vitamin is in south carolina on the campaign trail, he's been speaking at a church and south carolina is a match from the service. he revealed the news that the 3 american servicemen and had been killed. several others have been seriously wounded in what's been described as an unmanned joint attack on this base. in ne jordan, very close to this city and border to bite and also described to isn't responsible as radical a run, but groups who are based in city a and the rock. this is
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a consent for the bite administration since the start of the war. and guys, they have been worried about the possibility of the war in that area escalating and spreading out. we've seen the action that they've taken against the who sees this. obviously there's been a tit for tat between numerous groups and various us forces in the region given that 3 soldiers have no been killed in a number, i have been seriously wounded. this obviously increases the possibility of an escalation in the area. and stay with me because this is happening as the head of a c. i. a, the usaa is meeting sunday officials from israel costs out in egypt and thomas discussing the war on jobs. what is the us likely to be expecting from that meeting? it will suddenly increase the need the spot as the white house is concerned for some sort of temporary c spy. we are told the discussions have been going on in some depths over the last 10 days,
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although they've been talking about this since the last 65, which lasted for 7 days, we back in november. and of course you remember, then we got the right 100 captives feed. i'd have guys more than 200 palestinian prisoners. free from is really deals that the idea would be that this would be a much longer ceased by we're talking in the rounds of around 2 months. and at that point, all the remaining captives and guys would be freed. and also a number of palestinian prisoners would be released from is really jailed. know the heard from the united states as if there was an extended c spot of the roads 2 months. that when the war resumed, don't remember, it would be a $65.00 rather 9 to the war. that when the fighting resumed, it would be a much lower level. we're hearing from the us that they're trying to put pressure on israel to try and scale by the extent of the war, but we've had that from the early days of the water. nothing really has changed on
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the ground. but we know that joe biden spoke to the egyptian president and also the tardies on friday. that would seem to have set the scene for his decision then to send william buttons, who's the head of the c i it potters for, for the adults at the reports in the us media suggests that there's some sort of framework deal that is there that can be agreed with all these boxes, including the israelis on time us. and so we're watching to see a prep magog who's jo biden's, middle east coordinator, also get involved with and these totes, which would suggest that there would be very close to a deal all. and thanks a lot that's on and fisher in washington dc. we're going to go to mama's arms room and a ton of each solemn was giving us an outline of what the us approach to this could be well to pursue what the israelis want and what their proposals might be. the so rob, when you look across these really media landscape over the course of the past couple of days, really you're seeing
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a consistent message being put across by anonymous is really government officials to various outlets. essentially saying that they do not believe that a deal is as close as other leaders that are involved in these negotiations. believe they might be, you have is really officials telling newspapers, telling television stations here that there is still a lot to be worked out. and especially when it comes to secession of hostilities, how long the timeline might be, and whether or not assessed ation of hostilities would indicate to the israeli public that the war and gaza is over. the reason that is a concern for is really government officials is because there is still wide amount of support for the war in gaza at amongst the as really public the is really prime minister benjamin. that's the, he's under a tremendous amount of pressure right now. he's under pressure by members of his own war cabinet, some of whom have spoken publicly about the fact that they don't believe enough is
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being done to release captives being held in gaza. that is an attitude that's also been reflected by more and more family members of those. capt isn't guys that we've been holding more and more rallies throughout israel calling for the government to do more to secure the release of those captors and gauze. it but let them. yeah. who is also under pressure from very right wing, members of his own government, who say they do not want a deal to happen, that they would consider to be a bad deal. so there's a lot going on. and israel right now, we heard a few hours ago from the as really defensive industry. you are a lot. he was speaking to troops and he was telling them that the war must go on until how mass is defeated. he was also saying that it was an imperative for israel to do whatever it could to find and release children and women and soldiers who were being held in gaza. this is a line we've heard also repeated buying that some yahoo over the course of the past couple of weeks as well. he has consistently said that the war will go on until how much is eliminated. of course,
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that puts that message at odds with the message of trying to effect some kind of a cease fire. and that's where the tension lives right now when it comes to is really government officials and trying to work out some kind of a deal. we're just going to have to wait and see what we hear from israeli officials in the hours and days to come from a gems room instead of a vomit. as always. thank you very much indeed. was the biggest hospital and the size of guys as reported to be on the brink of collapse. palestinians have been digging mass graves inside naso hospitals, grounds more than 350 patients. and many other people have been forced from their homes or sheltering their doctors and also hospital a warning. it won't be able to function for much longer. the spokesman for the ministry of housing, gaza says old hospitals and con units are unable to provide full medical surfaces. or a walker facing with your mom. also, the could be one more specialist. i'm in the real situation on the ground in both national medical complex and all i'm all hospital is nothing short catastrophic
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because it is indescribable on these really occupation forcibly tight. see if these medical facilities for the 6th day in a row, as a result, the entire health system and both hospitals has collapsed. they've run out of as fedex and the medications necessary for the i see you, you may even pain killers are no longer available for the patients or the wounded. and that the bubble will, those inside these 2 hospitals, including the medical staff, are left without a drop of water or a low foot brad year, 1000 to displace the billions of taking shelter in these medical facility as often as fuels running out of power generators will come to a stop and in a few days, at that point, the 2 hospitals and the medical crews there will stand helpless, watching the patients and wounded breathing their life very heavy. in addition to sizes of killed and wounded children, the water and gaza has left a vast number of orphans, according to reports by the usual mediterranean human rights observatory. more than 25000 children have not lost one or both parents and guards. i said big boys. the monks on his face remind 16 or the son of the day. her father was killed
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a one of minutes. she was at home with a family and the next she woke up in hospital while mobile, but it hadn't been highly of somebody didn't swear to very kind to me during the day because they were both kid. i did not have the chance to say good bye to my father, but they did to my mother. it's a big shock to me and i am now negative with many of them, while others have lost vis passes left to provide for the children on their own. or my husband had nothing to do with the resistance. that's the reason politic. he was killed on his way to try and get some flower to feed our children. they were starving for days. he was everything to us at all. he was the cornerstone of our life. he was the one who brought a smile to our home and sunshine. i can't imagine how we will go back home without him. 9 year old was homeless, which by me side. the my mother was killed and fell on my little brother's lap. you kept screaming unaware of what to do, that we both witnessed on love it getting killed. she was the joy of all life. she
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always hurt the wood and i missed her too much. i am sad and feel lost without you to connects good time and time again as pretty, as i've said, there is no way safe. and garza and i was with my family taking shedra. you know, you was the is radius, destroyed the classroom next to us with ms. holt, my father, mother and all my proud this with you. and why it's these children who will grow up with this cause of this will witnessing what no charge to have to witness or experience. they would have to live with the trauma and the pain is right, has inflicted upon them as that vague i just do as international attention is focused on israel's warning garza and is really right script called peace no, says the occupied westbank is experiencing some of the biggest land runs by israel since 1967 to historically significant science are set to be on the sweat is rarely soldiers blocking access to the area as well as ating illegals, settlement expansion on what local say is state bank settler,
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violence. lot of con reports from sebastian back to you and the occupied westbank at the entrance of sebastian had long been up to the front line of a bottle of narratives and the occupied westbank is ready to claim them as an important part of the history wall palestinians living nearby, se that's an excuse to justify land grabs worse consultants sight. as i said, since october, the 7th acts of fine in spite of 80 settlers and soldiers have increased, it's not safe sometimes to ask the little credibility to come on to visit that. could you go to the site, we don't know what those are. it is to blending at me on the outside of the water because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for the south. a lot of the 4 of us with a lot of the west bank and we are really afraid throughs that could you come side of sort of deal with boxes mess as well. there were few tourists during the world, garza israel is also shutting off. local access had to fit the can be of the for
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some of the a lot of things changed after october. 7th here is ready. soldiers and the settlers increase the tax. although this has been growing subsets on yahoo as far right government to power. and now there's an increase in check points around the town as preventing people from entering the village with splits as punch the also a code signed by posting in this way. the leaders in the united states in 1993 sebastian has been divided into 2 sections and they also quotes area b and a joint is reading and posting and control. and over here is area c just along this line that's on the full is right, the minute you control that since all types of 7th housing se is right, is of stepped up. attacks against the middle of 2, block them from the side. they say for many decades before the rights this lines of continuously being a wrote it h. e. columbus itself is a bit of a by to you unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and last budget haitian
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this area. west of bethlehem is known for its steep terraces. an aqueducts west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since december settlers have begun expanding and the legal assessment of building a new road blocking foam is access to 17 acres of land old with the support of these right, the minute tree is out of the columbus of robins, the toys. the land is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 9086. this is a huge loss for us. i mean, i spoke to the soldier as and a block me from accessing my laptop. i told him, i take care of it daily, and they ordered me to go to the settlement office back out to request that they access permit. during the interview is ready, so just shouted it down to 0 team to stop filming, and demanded to check before search the pharmacy, as well as taking the land and legal settlements and expanding infrastructure. could also, dwayne, its water, was an ancient system. they rely on agriculture,
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the very reason, but it was listed as a protected world heritage sites, neural con, eldest, they are supposed to but to your, in the occupied westbank the to bring you some news out of africa. now looking at fossil molly and these have an honest, they're going to leave the west. african regional blog. echo was a joint stipends, and the block had drifted from the ideals and its founding fathers and the spirit upon african ism. the countries have gone through a crew in the past 3 years. echo was as imposed tough sanctions on them. but i caught them live on the new stuff. after 49 years, the 1000000000 people have burkina faso molly and these year regretfully. and with great disappointment observed that the organization has drifted from the ideals of its founding fathers and the spirit of pen african ism. they are you the equal was under for an influence, be traded strongly, principles and became
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a threat to its members. stacy and their populations of the organization normally failed to help the states in their exits, then she'll fight against terrorism and security. gathered interested in joining us from others and nigeria. so what else did we hear from these 3 countries in these joint statements? what basically there to is the organization, the regional block of losing focus. and of course of funding needs corresponds ability of securing its voters as well as promoting economic and political developments into most countries. now, even before, now, there was a move by the 3 looked countries of multiple can. if i suddenly shift to form an alliance, which is called the sally and i as the allies of so healy and states just 2 months ago. now this organization was muted by the governments in monday and broken up. fossil means you're late to join in because according to officious that it was
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enough with no function. and in particular that you have feels that it's been treated badly. i'm a all the cool countries in the region. molly book and fossil and guinea, they feel that besides just the type of force as well as the economic and political, the blockade of that country was particularly harsh. and that has noticed the country towards the embrace of congress like molly. all countries are in fact not looked at, but mommy and broken up last night, but to get have more access to countries that are coastal in the region. however, news yeah. which is not a lot as the rest of them has little access to those countries. for example, nigeria, and of course, many of the public at least countries are considered call started by supporters of the cool in yeah, me. so what it, what goods they want to explore, the import has to past hundreds of go through on the ports in low, amazing through booking across on monday before that which major and that of course, cost. busy to do with the thank you very much indeed i'm gonna do just talking to
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is from boucher and i. jerry, to see us service members are being killed and many helping when the german unmanned aerial drone attack on us forces stationed in northeast and jordan of the syrian border has been drove by them. the said on sunday, blaming a run by groups for the attack, i'll just need a senior political on us. another small one, the shauna is back with us so that vitamin has already said, according to the reports that we're seeing on the, on the wires that there will be some sort of response to this. talk as to what you think has been going on here. why do you think this particular type in jordan and also the fight the button has specifically kind of mentioned the fact that this isn't the run by the group. actually if you look at all the other attacks that happened on american forces, american bases or american interest hasn't been according to the united states.
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conger adopt or guided by the linebacker for certain groups and so on, so forth. it's been more of the same in iraq and syria. any amendments also. so clearly the united states, it recognizes that it is in some sort of a proxy, a conflict with the one and not just a proxy war. and this is the 1st time that the american troops are killed, right, since the war on guys started this important important because it's another another landmark day, whereby we're seeing an escalation, we're seeing the so called why didn't go the war. and clearly, america is slowly but surely getting stuck and then at least right, this is a president who famously said, we have to end before it ever was. and now who's making threats about punishing
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the perpetrators and those water responsible. as i already america, as involved in number, perhaps i'm not sure if we reach it doesn't strikes against human. right? it's has deployed its most sophisticated aircraft carriers to the east. me is draining and so on and or and we will see these curve which is where they are in your rock and syria now in the syrian jordan border and you have on and so on, so forth. that does not bode well for president. as for the presidency that wanted to and american military involvement, and then at least i can come back to ward one. that is an election year. obviously, this is news that says con, coming in, we're going to get more details on and coming. i was to try and find out what exactly has been going on. we're going to be talking to you about it that i'm sure, but for now, my one,
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thank you very much. indeed. the memorial event is being held in ukraine's capital to pay tribute to a well known forest killed earlier this month, 32 euros maxine cuts off joined a growing list of officers, volunteers a fight and subsequently lost their lives. now just as rob mcbride has moved from k, gathered to remember the life and look of poets and soldier maxine clips of killed in action just a few weeks earlier than simply to his friends and friends. by his nickname, dolly he went to the spectrum, right? person who is not with us anymore, but you can feel his soul and spirit is still a task to get inspiration to others. this exhibition documenting life on the front line was already being planned when he was killed. some of the photos left without captions, but he never got to right effectively. his last customers didn't complete work.
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through his folder, perhaps he showed us his journey. his poetry is that of a person who spent years at war while still preserving his humanity. donnelly joins a growing list of prominent artists and writers killed in this war right to victoria. i am a lena who died from injury sustained in a rocket attack on this restaurant in commer tools. last summer, poets and novelist equal mister jack was serving as a paramedic when he was killed last year. i, a children's also followed him, may have collect code who was abducted from these occupied village at the start of the war, and whose remains would like to discover at the mass burial site. in ukraine, centuries long struggled to establish a distinctive national identity. literature has always played a significant role and never more so, since rushes full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago that threatened the countries that resistance, that threats is help drive their research and cultural interest. that's
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a positive trend with people now more interested, more thoughtful, more conscious about ukrainian culture. on stage dollies father reading the woods, his son left behind. rob mcbride, i'll just say around keith. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes, but more than all our stores, including our breaking news story, the 3 us service members have been killed and many more have been wounded during an unmanned aerial drone attacked on us forces stationed in northeastern jordan near the syrian border present and joe biden has set on sunday while he was on the campaign trail, that he was blaming a run by groups for the attack. he said, quotes while we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by a radical air run by militant groups operating in syria. and right, i'm going to be back as i say, in a couple of minutes with modem this. don't forget, of course, our website, i'll just say to dot com. you can get a lot more detail,
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all these stories on this folder as well. and i'll just be in a don't com and robotics and stay with us on, on the, on the list to seek immediate shelter. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they won't be met with fire or in the rise of things i need. are you doing scrolling radio tape, or i'd be that just like exploring how x is central tricks to life impact the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on out to the and then what to do was
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savvy ac and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. this with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor. we've been occupied and imprisoned. these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to great because the women and my country, they're not sweet to us. we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts,
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that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you the, the 3 american soldiers have been killed in a drone attack. in george, president joe biden lanes where he calls a run back militant groups the about this, and then this is audra 0 life. and to have also coming up for us to feed us again. palestinians leave fun units in southern garza, israel's attacks get more intense. you and the secretary general colors on the
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toner countries to continue funding the un agency that one's 8 operations in gaza, up to 7 said bill and their support and the west african regional blog echo was,


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