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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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are inside a side by is right, which eventually is not done. so these are anything but more people's in front of site either. so that about one thing for us to talk about. they meet the fits. but what, what i think the, by that, and especially need to worry about just as much is the public dissatisfaction and the out of world. because i think more more. we see uh, the, the add up street. uh, unhappy, even warning and non good, i should say at american weston complicity with his red and his genocide in garza. and i think eventually he's looking groups will start fighting requote. i'm on goes it all, you know more angry, more vengeful arabs who don't want to see the united states continue with more of the say, yeah, mom and stay with us because we're going to need more of your analysis. but just for those of you joining us, i just want to bring you some breaking news that we've been coming over the last. how far the u. s. military saying 3 of its soldiers are being killed. i'm searching
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for we understand i've been injured and a drone attack on an american base. we believe it's in syria. we can go to island fisher, who's in washington, dc for us out. and what more do you have for us as well? this news revealed by joe biden, his team and coming from the white house and the last couple of hours. that would be more than a $150.00 a tax with drones and missile strikes on american soldiers in the middle east since october, the 17th 10 days after a date that the war and guys have begun. we are getting a statement from joe biden and they say that they are sorry to hear the death of 3 american service men. we believe they are all army. he added the service members and boarded the very best of the nation and we're putting in their bravery unflinching and their duty and bending in the commitment to a country risking their own safety for the safety of their fellow americans under allies and partners with whom we stand in the fight against terrorism, it is a fight. we will not cease. he added that we will carry on their commitment to
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fight terrorism and then said, we have new dates. we will hold those responsible to a kind of a time. and then a man out of the choosing. what is also interesting isn't the statement. he immediately said that happened on jordanian tetra 3 very close to the border with city a. but also it said that the people responsible what, what he described as militant groups backed by a ron. now in the last hour we've had from mike pens, the former vice president who said that it's time around paid the price. and that is what's likely to happen there will now be calls, given that there have been all these skirmishes, all these exchanges since october the 17th. but these are the 1st casualties that have been sustained by the americans in the area since the war. and guys have begun, there will be calls to take action directly against around and know interestingly the group that the groups that believe to be behind the attack can put out
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a statement. we obviously can't corroborate whether it actually comes from them. but they see that the attack american troops in city are not in jordan. there around 3000 the american troops based in jordan, the workplace. they are doing what was the got it is the fight against i. so there are still a significant i'm the american troop presence in city a. they were not invited in by the city and government. they are, they are a big claim to protect the, the, the oil rigs, the oil platforms, the oil fields around there. there would always be some concern that the area there essentially illegally under international law, but by to invite and now he's saying that he is going to essentially retaliate at the time and manner of choosing would certainly be of consent for a number of people. not least those to support joe biden, who are worried that this may lead to a wider war in the area, something bite. and then the white house of being keen to avoid it since the start
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of the war. and guys, and thanks very much and do that. so unofficially talking to us in washington dc. we just got a line coming in from reuters quoting to us officials, a named saying some wounded us military personnel are being medically evacuated from the jordan base. after the drone attack, we'll try and find out more information about that we can go to calling khaki is director of research. but the so fun group, it's a global intelligence and security consultancy is joining us from pittsburgh. thanks very much indeed for being with us. what's your assessment of what's going on at the moment as well? i think, you know, we're still waiting for for evidence, but this is very likely an attack by iran back militias operating in iraq and syria . we know the handful of groups that are likely responsible or on the short list of the candidates. this is the latest in a tit for tat between the united states. excuse me. i'm between these are running back groups and for any anybody that still doubtful. this is really proof positive
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that we're now in a regional work there. there is no denying that us troops have been killed in the united states will respond and will respond forcefully. whether that's in around proper or against the proxies and in the various countries where they operate at our correspondent and around was making the points that are gone has invariably taking the stands that it is not in charge of these groups already certainly doesn't direct them. they may choose to be linked with it, but it does not direct them. is there a risk to the us if a chooses to take action inside iran? and there's a huge risk of escalation, but let's be clear, wrong can attempt to distance itself as much as it wants, but we know that it funds trains and eclipse these groups. the urgency goods for us is the, the elite unit responsible for training many of these groups and increasing their skill level. so you know, to wrong, can put out whatever statements it wants, but there will be a response forthcoming. the question is,
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how does the united states calibrate it without escalating the conflict further? but there has to be a response. at this point, us blood has been shed, i think, for the body ministration is going to be immense pressure to respond in a way that shows the united states isn't going to sit back and allow its troops to be attacked and killed. yeah, it's going to be a fine line though, isn't it? because again, this is the escalation of, of a war. a conflict within the region is something that from the get go the us or set it up so that the does not want. it has to be, as you were saying, seem to respond to some degree, but calibrating that response is going to be very difficult. not only because of this incident, but also of course, because of all the other smaller conflicts that the us is finding itself involved and in the region. absolutely. and look, the body ministration is now being accused both at home and abroad, of being weak, of being feckless of not doing enough and of not responding and force against the who these against other groups in the region that have allowed it to escalate to
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this point and so i think there's going to be a lot of pressure, we're likely to see action proves that. com or central command. and the question becomes, you know, what, what shape does this response take? and how does the united states thread the needle to show the iranians that it's not going to sit back and allow its troops to be killed. so we're, we're really on the precipice here of some potentially dangerous escalation. we should be very clear about that. calling talk is good to get your thoughts on this and we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed. joining us on the line, not as the farmer jordanian deputy by ministers out loud anatomy. he's joining us a from a mom. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. so there is some confusion i think about where this attack actually took place. there was a suggestion, it just happened in the syria. i'm not in jordan. are you able to clarify for us where your understanding of this attack is? well, according to the reports, that's what it says by western media and so on. i see 2 tvs inside the,
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on the, on the board. there's with the close book. if they're not what's coming or not. yeah. what's the northeast and the sides of joe? then i will wear this part of what syria it is a very small force. so it is very close to the city and bought this is, i think under the frontier digital action of the amount of controls much sim number is something to unfold. what kind of response would you expect? jordan, to make, given the fact that this has happened within its borders. if what you say as well, i assume that you're done with not to approve this because it's me that jordan does not allow any body who was on this board as i'm done within this domain to be at the if i drove, then this would be come on to war against children, it's not on the against americans in this case. so in a way, i think of that. so when would be expressed or to displeasure and,
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and that's such as a subject. and there's a certain amount of speculation, as you might imagine at this stage about where this drawing originated from. but can you give us an indication of what the situation is inside jordan with regards to on groups that are backed by a wrong, for example. well, you know, what i tell everybody in georgia is completely focused on what does that mean that they don't see any of the happening accepts that's on this because this has happened. if i told them there wouldn't be a kind of a question mark on everybody's mind, angel then i knew clearly and probably some people would really think about the talk you so about walking around and get on the news. so you'll have to be careful . but what is, what do you know that is that this was this, uh,
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this is that, that's on that not a concerns as you really do, just guess that just indicated, it doesn't tell me that me that she can issue and then i can. so i know, and so probably the people could probably benefit from such as an accident, especially that nobody actually had expected such a tech on the american troops, easily going to come from people who are interested. the city don't want to expand on the funds. so we have to do on the, on the, on the, in the next try to find out exactly where the site has come from and who is the code behind it. and the call is paid is paid. so what, what is the mood among start? any is at the moment with regards to the risk of a potential escalation. how concerned are people? well, no, because they don't want this war to isolate other areas. and they see that
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to on the that know the people who are making statements about expanding this one on designs. so i know in, we've unplugged it, we've unplugged the position and as of yet, and we also don't like to see if i want to spend, as i suggest, explaining to view as we're looking at the amount that we're showing at the moment that the mach tower 22, which is just on the border between jordan and syria, is where we believe the us base is where this drawing attack has taken place. and as you can see, it's very, very close bite on the border between the 2 countries. i'm so i'm going to ask you, in terms of the response that you would expect, jordan to have diplomatically to this. how concerned with jordan be in terms of retaining us troops on it? so i'll, if it were to become the case that's us troops were to be increasing targets that
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well, i don't think that the, you know, probably there would be some boys you would say ok, you don't want any for any on the, for them present. so if i go back to this on a few months to then there's the mind that's in that, i don't think that. and i think this says come after long the long the negotiations. and it says newton very wisely and very carefully selected, so that it is an eye on the date of the case. and so therefore, i believe that we are more worried about the fact that the war would be as kelly with the presence of a conflict from girlfriend or without the and that's exactly what people think that is the thing which is really overhanging and the teaching wants to bring
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him so a preventive and we think as the farmers are danny and deputy prime massage a lot on on a talking to us. and i'll just say that. so thank you very much indeed for your time and go back to our senior political on the small one, the shot to shut down on the raise. an interesting point there because he was suggesting that this given the fact that we're moving towards us elections in november to actually become a lynette and election issue. it is a way of external forces, external groups getting a certain amount of leverage on manipulating, to some degree, the feelings of people that are in the united states as the election henceforward using. but that is a legitimate scenario that it will have some sort of impact, you know, go somewhere though, right? i mean, there are little things to be talked about, such as the military industry. those that are law be in particular and so on, so forth. but in terms of america getting drawn into more intimate least this is not in any
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presidential candidates the season by then would be a complete i don't know what's a good way to use a complete and wise man if he allows himself to get dragged into water and them at least today, interaction here, american people do not want to get involved in the middle east. certainly don't want to get involved in another. i'm at least forced me. sometimes i am baffled by people and their commentary. assess the lock happened 2 centuries ago. the united states got involved in a warranty lock and another water, and i've got to stand and little wars. so out demetrius, east asia and africa for 20 years. countless people died in the process. hundreds of thousands of people died in the process. fountains of americans died in the
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process truly ins. trillions of american dollars were lost in america's wars, and then at least, what are we talking about to start the issues and confident that it's, what are we talking about? few is right. if you're american soldiers died. ok, find ways to get out. not the good for the in. what's gonna happen next in syria. you know, how many no countries are interested. the city all have been in syria and getting into 0. i've been days read has been bombing, i'm sure. the on the russians and syria. honestly, i've heard of the confliction again or otherwise in syria. does really the united states johnson wants to get involved in a war in syria, like it is on a war in yemen. and put actual more in you walk, doesn't really election, you know, not election yet. it's like as this, people don't have memories of the account of americans who died on the counter so strongly and some dollars were lost because of the wars of the past 3 years. once
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again, by then until that credit also even trump, trump, you know, from, and obama understood that they couldn't go with the, with the same language. couldn't america cannot continue with the same logic of george w bush. you cannot solve this problem. at least you're not going to change them with some of these on the back of a tank and you have no interest to continue with the for ever wars and them at least. and what we're seeing today is america slowly, but surely getting stuck in the insight as we speak day by the america is getting more and more stuck in one of them, at least that is not to buy them server. and that's not in america's interest. marlin finance, thank you very much. indeed. i want to go to russell so that he's following developments from tech around. so we've seen dozens of attacks on us and ministry facilities and iraq and syria to it since october, the 7th. talk to us about how iran is viewing these attacks and in particular this
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what this incident that we're hearing about as in jordan, i also thought that hasn't been an official statement or reaction for them to run. yeah, top of are you runs position regarding such a tax has been quite clear. they said that they have nothing to do with this. i would visit tax debt. i'm not involved. they're not the building. planning of that however, the its allies do access of the resistance for conducting storage attacks. and iran says that yes, it has connection and communication with these groups. however, these groups are not the rounds proxies, but for other allies, and they have their own economy. so they, they may, they make their decisions based on their own assessments. so they are independent entities and having activities that goes to the region. and also iran says that as well is contact in a trustees in guys that do ask is, is complicit in this genocide ongoing genocide in the, in gaza. and it says that this is naturally causing reaction from the excess of the
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resistance across the day, across the region in the rock, celia level. and yeah, and so that is you're running into official official positions regarding such attacks. just to give a little bit of background and timeline. so see if the war began in guides. if you have seen the more than $150.00 attacks on the american basis across the region, how do you want to have these claimed any of that? it didn't claim the responsibility for that, but on the other hand, varies, varies of teeth for it has policy, particularly going on between iran and his ram. on december 25th has the most of you who was one of the top running relation to guards. a general was being killed by israel in an attack in damascus. and then you have seen 2 suicide attacks in the city of care, money run, which kills more than $90.00 people. you, i'm officially accused i some of conducting does that cover the become a belief can be run is that somehow is read was involved in does that tax as well?
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so each of these forms one, unresisting one has lost new science on a base in our to be a when you're on say, is that it was a spice center run by uh, by the is very secret service most side. and you were gonna say that the test cube 7, most of the agents don't the same date. you don't wash, besides in the northwest, syria on the ceiling position, forces as well a day later, you won last me file on a separate it is. this allows group, which is fighting against your on more than a decade on pakistan, historians and many here closely that these attacks that you run wants to show its muscles in directly. it's detailed as capacity and capability. how does it that did not stop israel on january 20? we have seen that that has been and is rarely a strike in damascus kit and 5 top you run into this regards to officials. i'm one of them, particularly it was important. so the image was because he was the head of the
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intelligence unit of our quotes forces, which is a force to split the rent of evolution. because right off the bat you're running has said that this is not going to go on as soon as you run these going to response . so we do not know whether these attacks that took place in jordan is retaliation from iran or whether it's other actors have acted separately as of now there's no command for them you're wrong. but one thing is clear that there's a growing pressure in the wrong people believe that these companies response is not decorate and it's not determined israel from attacking. and that is ralph said that you run needs to do more. but so thank you very much. indeed, the rest of the integral, i'm going to go back to all the refresher in washington dc. i understand you for some more information for us on or yeah i, we initially reported that there were around 25 engines as well as the 3 dead. there's also some debate about whether or not this actually happened in jordanian, sorry other domains are saying absolutely not. and they believe happened to ne city
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a certainly a us official that we've been speaking to in the last 20 minutes or so. said that he views this as a very serious escalation and what has happened that happened on the jordanian side of the city in border so it must have been incredibly close. i let me just get back to to, to the other line that he gave us. and he said that to expecting the number of injured to claim so $25.00 was the initial number of those that were injured at the number of a number of them are being made of. but i to the area to better the medical facility. so that would suggest that they are pretty seriously injured. and the incident happened at lee in the morning in ne jordan near the border with city a and the us is still gathering information. remember that later on we, we told you that joe biden was brief on this 1st thing on sunday morning by lloyd or some of the defense extra. no. so dig sullivan, who is the national security advisor at the white house, has been trying to keep
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a lid on what is happening in the middle east, even though there be more than 150 a missile joint attacks on us servicemen in the area since october the 17th, it's always been a us consent that this was happening and does, it doesn't become a much wider conflict, but clearly that situation has, has hiking because of what has happened just in the last few hours. also, in his statement, joe biden said that they will respond at a time and a manner of their choosing, which would suggest that there is some sort of military operation even know, being considered even though to buys and isn't actually in the white house they sunday. he's in south carolina on the campaign trail. he's been speaking of the talk to them or of other events, but we're told he's been keeping it. he's being kept fully informed by his national security team of what is happening. and clearly we'll be fully informed about the options that are not available to them for not thank you very much. indeed. adam
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fisher and washington d. c. we're going to go to mohammed, jump jim, his life for us and tell of eve. of course, this is around the war and gaza that israel has been waging for several weeks now. there has been this constant can concern that this will spill over the borders and will spill into the wider regions. just talk to see what the reaction if indeed there is any at the moment is and israel to this. so rob, there's been no statement released as of yet, there's been no official reaction from any government leaders as of yet, but i can tell you that clearly we would expect that in the coming hours or possibly days we would start hearing from is really leaders particularly right wing is really leaders that would say something along. the lines of this proves that the ron is the bad actor in all of this. you heard since the beginning of the war on gaza is real repeatedly say that it was a ron that was funding and,
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and prepping him us for the attack. you've heard them say repeatedly that it is the ron that is funding has bubble up. that it is a ron that is funding the who with these and israel has said repeatedly that they are fighting a multi front war that that is what they are engaged in right now. and they have constantly level these accusations that he ron, that he ron is the biggest threat in the region and the biggest threats as real. and that if the ron's proxies that are causing israel's all problems, that it is happening right now. and that's why they are engaged in this war. now, what this will do when it comes to the war on gaza? that is a very big question at this hour, especially at a time when there are talks that are being initiated in paris to try to effect some kind of sation of hostilities to try to repeat what happened in november when you had association of hostilities where you had a prisoner exchange,
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and the israelis have said repeatedly, over the course of the last 48 hours. that right now there are still a lot of sticking points and there's still a wide gaps between the position of how much and the position of israel when it comes to any type of truth going forward. despite the fact that you have the us that you have got thought that you will have egypt all trying to push for this. uh, this really is something that is highlighting how the were on gaza has escalated regional intentions. and the fact that this has happened now, how it's going to impact the war on gauze, or how it's going to impact what israel does going forward. we just don't know, but again we would expect that is really leaders in the coming days, which say the fact that america is saying that any ron back group has attacked american and killed american troops. that this means that america should be more engaged in trying to confront the run, then it should be in trying to stop israel from conducting this war. prop mohammed mark, thank you very much indeed for judges from that to try to be there and how much i'm
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jim, we're going to join a knock moved on to one head. he's on the phone from baghdad. that of course, a has been the location of no baghdad, but iraq has been the location of know, several attacks of, of the last few months against him, particularly carried out by iranian by the groups at one involving us troops. mama, just talk to us about the, the groups that we think may have been behind this a time as well. but in similar locations, the have been a claiming get responsibility for these at techs since october the 17th. so remember these reaching the attacks have just come as the u. s. and you're walking high ministry committee is being killed. the minutes you push it was different, both sides meeting to the the side and do a to determine they, they make an ism of a withdrawal of but not only us troops for me, a lot,
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but international coalition including us forces from iraq. but the thing is that given the fact that these attacks has been, it's kelly to and including involving death is a many injuries. as you have just said, uh it means that these, it on a line, your rocky all and the groups out, i'm not convinced it with what's going gone. they say that they come up by that. given the fact that the prime minister in a rock would that you submitted trio pushes, do not announce a certain time table for that would be what they say that their book is alonzo by time. and it could eventually lead to more extension of how many american and coalition forces ministry exist as it you come in, but that you have been using you've been talking about. i'm going to have to break in there because we're running out of time. but thank you, we're all going to be talking to you in the next couple of minutes or so and more in the story just to bring you up to date with what we are talking about. 3 us on
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these soldiers are being chilled into doesn't service members injured. and a drone attack on a small us i posted to understand it's enjoyable of more than a couple of minutes. the, the latest news, as it breaks on and the civic challenge the president is going to face is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage and made as far as some of the other half of this dr. jensen's properties, the ones that you see behind me turn off, we've touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air. it's hot the this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the this is took, took years, the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties than just looks like beaches,
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historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm about this, and this is with use on life from joe hawk coming up in the next 60 minutes. 3 american soldiers have been killed and a drone attack on the jordanian sylvian board. president joe biden blames what he calls a run back to militant troops. forced to flee yet again. palestinians leave con units in southern gaza while israel's attacks getting more intense. the secretary


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