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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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countries and small beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this, and this is with use on life from joe hawk coming up in the next 60 minutes, 3 american soldiers have been killed and a drone attack on the jordanian sylvian board. president joe biden blames what he calls a run back militant troops. forced to flee yet again. palestinians leave con units in southern gaza, while israel's attacks getting more intense. the secretary general calls on the
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donor countries to continue funding the u. n. agency. the funds paid operations in garza of to several said bill and the support and the west african reasonable echo was is delta a major set back up to the king of fossil molly? i knew jack announced their departure and in support level when their 1st game, since you're going cloth announce this would be his final season with the club pumps team or into the 5th round the english as a cough and remain in contention. when for trophy, the to bring you some breaking news. now the u. s. military says that 3 of us soldiers have been killed and $25.00 for being injured. and a drone attack on an american, basically the jordanian syrian border, 34 another being monitored for possible from isaac brain injuries us president joe bivens. that'd be attack happened in ne jordan close to the syrian border. that
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suggests that happened at the power 22 military base, which has been used as a shelter for many display syrians. jordan supervisors, that in cooperation with the american forces, has been a time of responsibility for the time by lupe hall, the hispanic resistance in iraq. everybody's this video timing, it shows drones, launched correspondents copying this on both sides of the atlantic. going to be speaking with the russell set on took on in a moment. we're going to begin in washington dc, but i'm joined by alan fisher allen. just bring this up to date with what we know about this. okay, let's try and put it all into perspective. what's happened over the last couple of hours, joe biden is on the campaign trail in south carolina this morning before he went to his 1st event, which was a chart service. he was briefed by defense secretary, lloyd austin, and also jake sullivan. the national security adviser about what happened in jordan on the board does the he spoke at the church and then released the paper statement where he said that 3 soldiers had been killed and
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a number had been injured. that number was initially thought to be 25 whenever hearing the number 32 and a us official has told is in the last 20 minutes or so that they expect that number to rise. the white have a statement also i did. the service members embodied the very best of the nation on we're putting in the paper, unflinching in their duty, unbending, in the commitment to a country risking their own safety for the safety of their fellow americans. and our allies and partners with whom we stand in the fight against terrorism. it is a fight. we will not see see added, that they will continue on with the fight and that they will respond in a time and the manner of their choosing. clearly this is a significant escalation described by moving one us official as a dangerous escalation since october the 17th 10 days after the warning guys have begun. that has been around a $150.00 drawing and missile attacks on us spaces in the middle east. and none of
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them have inflicted casualties to this degree 3 days, at least $32.00 injured. and clearly the white house, which has been trying to keep a lid on what is happening in the region saying they don't want to see a white conflict. they will be not under pressure to react with that from like pens on social media, the former vice president just on the last hour or so saying that a rand randy and button middleton's were behind this. i said by joe biden, i know a run must pay the price. what is also interesting is that the joint chiefs of stuff, the top military mine in the united states defect sparks tell of in a television interview as a taking up the post just in the last few hours. and he was asked the question, do you think around once a war? he said no, and clearly the united states don't want this, but we can expect some sort of response in the coming hours from the united states . joe biden is still in south carolina. he's been kept informed by history,
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national security team of updates and the situation and clearly will be informed by his national security team about the options available, available to him for any response. and as you were talking about joe biden, on the campaign trail, we're heading towards the presidential election in november and escalation of any sort at any time prior to that. one would imagine is exactly what any com painting president does not want as well. and we are paula take. they are torn because the real politic, they want to show that the strong and they want to show that americans can be killed without some sort of response. on the other hand, he's aware that fits shouldn't grow into a much wider conflict, but his model and the shot it was saying, just in the last hour, that becomes much harder when you have an incident like face. now the us has responded to the previous attacks as a say, a $150.00 or running to $0.15 october the 17th. and they've responded normally
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within 24 to 48 hours. but there have been missile strikes and joint attacks from this side to this is much more serious. this is the day of 3 members of the us army, while they are on duty in the middle east. and that will lead to a significant amount of pressure of joe biden to respond in some degree, which is a and the always the us one to respond not with a proportional response, but with something much greater as a reminder to everyone of the military force and also to act to a degree is that the 10 against future attacks, although that has never proved to be in any way affect it and, and for another. thank you very much. indeed that's out on the session in washington dc. we're going to cost to, to her on an hour on russell sort of following developments from there. so what's the latest that you're shooting? if anything for him to run and give us a more about evidence position on this specific attack, as while it has been hours after the after the us, it has really is
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a statement that the soldiers, it'd be an attack. then there are 3 dat, however, that hasn't been an official reaction yet from the from. so you want us position regarding such attacks is quite clear of the said that it has the allies that goes to region. however, these allies or the excess of the resistance they are, they are independent and autonomous entities that the make the make the of decisions based on their own. assessments that you run is not involved in planning or conducting these attacks on the us basis across the region. and also it says that you're on israel is committed genocide in guys that i'm do ask is implicitly and this genocide and that is naturally causing the access of the reach of resistance across the region to react to stop this genocide that has been the around uh official position since the beginning of the war on gaza. but to give a little bit background on the timeline. so we have seen that there is of to the,
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to them pub, for policy between one israel. so when december 25th, israel has attacked an aquatic, you run your venetian to guard official general rise the new savvy, and he killed him in damascus. and then we have seen that i mean to suicide, the tags in the city of catamount, in the wrong, which killed more than 90. you run your citizens here, you run a choose, is a choose ice of, of conduct and does that tax of the coming believe here either one is that somehow is read was invalid. so in response, you run has attacked a b as in add a bill on the on generally 15 and say that that base was a spice center run by d is that a secret service will side any run say that it has killed 7 is rarely that age upstairs and also the same day you run most of these files and do you live in northwest syria on serial for additional forces. i'm done one of the later it last and all the new style to jason has, which is a separate it is on blue fight in a guest. iran,
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but i talked to place in pakistan so many believe that this me so this, this launch of me science and a tags where i sign a few around trying to show its muscles and to show it's the children's capacity. how does it that did not stop iranians rivals here in the region? israel in general, the twenty's had conducted and rather a strike which killed 5. you run the revolution to god's members. and one of that particular that was important would you have to lock will meet what? who is believe to be the head of the intended unit unit of your brand new quotes for suspend. many believe that it was a huge blow to iran. and right after that we have seen that the run say that this is randy action is not going to go on as are so coming back to the, to the attack, the, to police enjoy the weather. these attack was that response and you running retaliation or whether it was conducted by div separate entities. russell, give us an indication of how we run this feeling about a wider war,
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not just obviously from the point of view of the government, but also about a ronnie ends themselves as well. it is quite easy or do you read and will see shows do not want a wider for they believe that a direct committed to the confrontation with israel means a direct me to the confrontation with us. and that will bring grade whole seconds. so that is why so far we have seen that one has not claimed any with this any responsibility regarding the tax on that on the american basis. and it says is that specialize have conducted that. but at home, there is a globe in these contact them on the randomness. they believe that you're on the responses, not that great. i would love detroit is random or america from that from attack. and so you run years or more and more, you venue officials, i'm feeling more and more pressure on them. so one thing that is quite clear you have seen that through the years, the one that has created a tremendous network of the proxies across the region,
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particularly that is related to yvonne's dfcs document. quite often you run it off or you write new officials made a decision that's never what again at home. so to avoid the waterfall, they have created this tremendous nexus of the process. and when it comes to the, to the resources you run, usually conduct, give responses across these products. it is, and that is why now we see that you run is particularly for people and the particular areas believe that israel is not going to stop in gaza, probably is fairly, is going to try to, to, to, to extend award in southern lebanon in syria. any rock and eventually to run. and this, what you run is trying to show is detroit as capacity. and by building more, a more proxies allies or what is cause extra of the resistance across the region. so thank you very much indeed the rest of us out of talking to us from to, from going to bring in, i'll just say to senior political analyst, small one of the shutter. so it is a beloved happening over the last hour or so. but one of the most important things, if i understand it correctly,
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it's how the us chooses to respond to this because it's not working. a fine line is allan was describing to us from washington dc. they don't want to be seen as weak, but they don't want anything to escalate. i guess that's very true, actually. uh, but uh, any which way this is still going to mean getting more, more involved in the quick sand of the region of them at least any which way it is now involved in a number of confrontation or a number of countries in them at least i knew which way it's clear that thank region of cost is not really working out for the united states. and them, at least when all these small symmetrical groups and some of the constructs emerge from various parts of them, at least for the united states, is a no interest or has no interest in confronting court in getting engaged in those, you know,
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micro confrontations that simply will continue to bleed american forces in various parts of the bridge. now having said that, the thing is, and why was booking technically and strategically? there is a solution. i mean, this is the thing that, you know, gets us. this is not one of those sort of complicated, illogical geo political things that's not going to end fight between china and the united states or the united states and russia. there is an issue attend and it has, it involves the issue of palestine based biden administration is serious about the resolving the issue of palestine ending the war and garza. and in fact, creating the 2 state solution, your one and it's proxies would not be able to exploit the question of guys of the questions of palestine. the question is, as aggression and documentation to further its interest in the region,
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it wouldn't have. and they would need know, iraqis, syrians, lebanese, but espanol others wants to be backed, one to die in whatever the cause, a is right in the eastern mediterranean. so there is an issue at hand that's been boarding for a while. either you, we need to a further explanation, is there a satisfied? and that's exactly what this nothing you all government is looking for home once in the united states to pay the region of cop original policemen. but nothing they all government wants this why? this was the why didn't that's any, all government who wants to be, i suppose, to be implicated in a why the war ended, at least including the uranium war with the united states or american war with the or on the not any all government. but it's backed into, into the schools by then and the united states. absolutely not. so either divide and continues to be boxed and behind. nothing. you know,
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i just wonder about you and it gets involved in that quick sense of them at least. or he puts it puts an end to the ongoing conflict to the ongoing massacre in palestine and then take away pull back the product and the, the, the rug from under the ranges in the region. i'm going to ask you about the positioning of other on, in the middle east in the, in the region a russell, me to point out there on that. there was an assessment that's a wrong was using the timing of the is really conflict in, in gaza to through it's, it's proxies to through it. so it's on, on goods to essentially exact its own influence, its own military influence, and start to create a kind of defensive shield, i'm paraphrasing, but russell was thanks bye. by creating a drawing in more on groups on its behalf. it was able to actually exert greater pressure within the region itself. what's your assessment of wherever run stands,
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not in geopolitical times in the region compared to say where it was 5 years ago, 4 or 5 years ago? well, clearly one has benefits from russian involvement and them at least chinese involvement them at least an american failed involvement them at least one became a totally of region of power. after the invasion and occupation of iraq, we can have over your walk, the stinks and they are on nothing compared the thing too, is that rise over your mind as additional power as much as the failed american invasion of iraq and of cost. that's what i allowed, the ones rise, your arms was always checked in even unfortunately, and it's an 80 award and the 1980s between your walk on your, on your, on the spot where it was all was checked in by iraq. but it was always check then it's always happen until you're welcome to and basically i feel the states for the
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. busy time and that led to the rise of your don't know, something needs to be said about discontinued, you know, idea the over here on being the webmaster right. moving these little pieces along the region to sort of its interest and so on, so forth. there is some truth to that, but what we know locally in iraq, syria, lebanon, and palestine. yeah. man, that's a lot of those groups are more enthusiastic down here on the fight that gives this right has more law is the product of reserves, occupation of lebanon. what 18 years there was no has more law. there was no hezbollah before it is there is documentation of the 1982. it's a product of act. so there was no m. s. before the occupation,
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before the occupation of the west bank and gaza, after $9067.00, it's a product of that. those groups and others in the region. whether they are as good as or the 2nd load or what are what have you. they have great the, uh, patriots, which is right and what it has done as an occupying power. then here on does no one ever a new regime, i should say, not a one. the original regime has drupal interest, has originally addressed, and has big a new mazda 3 to which is an what the israel did with the, the assessor of this regime with a shaw of your on, for many decades. because there's, are i, and 3 new shot were strategic, all ice and they both were the original, influential is of the united states. right. it's amazing how we always right for the circle. yeah. so now today, one does have to hold a grudge, the original regime hold a grudge against is right. but the over gene thinks as the reason of our ethics as
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a state does not think as a vengeful, enthusiastic vision that he or his time is girl. and that's why you on it's happy for all these movements to be carrying. so that's or getting attacks or what have you, what it stands behind, can just act for you because you're right in your state interest. and those seemed state's interest than you are on is not in favor of a major confrontation with the united states modeling the shot of our political line with senior political analyst. my hon. as always, thank you very much indeed. thank you. want to go call the slot of resistance in iraq. has claimed responsibility for the attack on the us base on the jordanian story and bought a in the safe. and they've said, continuing our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in iraq and the region. and in response to the mass, it goes by the zion. this fantasy against our people in gaza is linux resistance fighters. any rock attack at dawn on sundays by drones, for any bases,
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3 of which are in syria, and the 4th inside are occupied palestinian territory. the resistance in it, i can release this video, which it says it shows the drone long. so here at least 3 us soldiers, we're going to get the license from back diagnosed. last month i was joining us from z or i can capital lockwood. iraq has been the scene of several attacks over the years, against military bases, some of which have contains us forces. there is this claim of responsibility. what more do we know about this group? you will lose google, but it is called it is let me cause instance that is an umbrella to it includes the iran aligned automatic groups and you're welcome. do you have been all the was claiming good responsibility for over 170 attacks on us and coalition forces
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minutes the facilities, any rock and city yet since october? the 17. so why since x 2. but this of intends to because the whole, the 2 major p texts to major reasons for these attacks. they say that the hold the united states responsible for this tend think as a major back uh, uh, support thing is where the submitted. so you can pain a dentist of how does that impact why it's the defensive in teens, since it is way to stop it it's, it's a land encoded into that. and they say that they blame the states for giving the green lights to is where to start it's land and cogent into the into of us. the 2nd reason is that they call all these groups in a walk. us submitted c, a facilities. and the coalition forces as well, they call them occupation forces and they do mind that they leave the country as soon as possible,
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despite the fact that since the december 2021 would. that's when the u. s. a mission to switch, switch it from a combat it to the only advisory who would but yet they still and said that the prism is the very presence of these troops on iraq. you. so it is a kind of a fuel patient. so these attacks have been old, was coded out by this lemma, resistance it on a line of mcgrooves. but in fact, in some cases, using ballistic method is like what happened a on the i to in the attack. when i knew i submitted to the base in wisdom the lot in november and the united states have been 80 tell you didn't get and goes down to that tax, but your dislikes thought of, think the limitations inside iraq killing and one thing a civil up fight those of these is let me get assistance, a groups. so this, this, a recent attack comes as the high minutes the commission by iraqi and us to the
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ministry officials are meeting to decide on a meeting is in the, to the site that was through with us and coalition troops from iraq. yeah, i wanted to ask you about that. not really because it's only just a day since that meeting was held and the, the indications we were getting from that meeting was that there was going to be a drop down of us forces. we had no plan and we didn't know by how many one would imagine that this is going to create an awful lot of tension around those discussions. well those meetings have just started yesterday here in iraq, different ssl and the folks between us and the rocky minutes. the all pushes. these are members of the humidity committee to decide on that meeting is into those thoughts. graduate was the, from iraq. but if you talk to these people the fight or is this time of consistent, it's members basically would say that the americans are trying to buy time and they
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don't buy that. they say that the americans are flying to the by time to try to extend their to stay in the middle east and namely, and iraq. so the fact that this committee, by the, because the high admitted to the committee has not decided yet a time table to withdrawal from iraq. so these ministry, a groups say that it means that the united states can come up for the month. some say the situation on the ground does not allow, and it was the, especially with the fact that if the united states decide that there is still a threat by isolating a walk or there is still a threat to us, interests is in the region. then this is enough, sweet tickets to for the us. and course of course is to remain in iraq. and that's the biggest feed for these ottoman groups. that's why they photos that into escalate. giving the fact that the whole, the 2 major p techs that vehicle leaves for his own here in iraq. ok, place it and the hold. and they want,
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they want it just states to stop supporting is very limited to the campaign on the rise. not more than one head and back that more. thank you very much indeed. want to bring in david the whole. she's a professor of national defense university. i'm the former pentagon director of arabian peninsula affairs, is joining us. we have a new saturday, right? very good to have you with us again on, i'll just hear the significance about this drone attack in the 1st instance is that at least through us, 3 us soldiers have been killed at the same time. there is going to, of course, be a response of some sort from the u. s, because joe biden has said that there will be, but it's not quite as simple as that. is it? because from what mode was describing, this is a much smaller on group. it is a very small target, but it is a significant target, as i say, involving the desk of us forces. it is a very difficult decision i would imagine for the by the administration to make and how to respond to this without escalating things. yeah, that's right. so there's 2 types of escalation,
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one is escalating it laterally to another country, and one is escalating it horizontally in terms of intensely so in the past. so most of the us responses to the $170.00 plus attacks have been designed to say we will respond, but the target list has been chosen very carefully. for the most part they've been against the fixed infrastructure and they've been conducted at night. so seemingly designed to inflict damage but limited loss of life and honestly uh, within the united states. so there's a lot of criticism that this is an effective when there have been specific instances like we were able to identify people leaving this whole large site right after that, you know, then people were directly targeted. uh, one point i would have to make is that nobody in the us government believes that there's a group that claimed responsibility for this is anything other than upfront for
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basically a rainy and directed operations. but as you're correspond noted, the situation in iraq is very tenuous. and if we were to attack against a rainy an interest in iraq, that that would be a very politically difficult thing to do and would probably put a lot of pressure on the iraqi government, which publicly is kind of coerced into taking a probably run line. but was privately desperately wants to continue this relation with united states. so it is, it's difficult tough. i want to ask you about the wider picture that the us is facing, that we know, of course, that is taking part and in the attacks on who the rebels in yemen. we also know it's supporting israel in the war on gaza. it's also, of course, having to defend its own troops elsewhere. we, we seen it coming out, some of the texans and syria responding to attacks that have been happening in iraq . do you think that we're getting to the point where the us is having to re think it strategy as far as the middle east is concerned and perhaps not really pulling
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on a more permanent basis. the troops and, and material possibly some sort of a. so tell us a copy of groups to have a more prominent presence. to me, that's just, that's a good question. i don't think that's in the cards. i think that, um uh, for example, you mentioned use a tax on, on who's the infrastructure. that's generally been very, very narrow, lead targeted missile launchers, radar facilities. we haven't seen attacks against command control. i think the, the argument is not that we should return in a big way. but rather that we instead of adopting the sort of extremely proportionate attack. so my guess specifically identified military capabilities, we should either go directly after command control or go directly after, as he is released to go after the uranium and advisors and facilitators of these various networks, if not the directors of the insurance networks. so that's the argument in the united states, and it's a, it's a front one. me,
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there is that is we were discussing going to be a lot depending on how the us responds to this. because one would imagine that if their response is not just judged to be strong enough, the result was of the risk, of course, that other groups elsewhere in the region are going to be in bolton. they're going to talk and to start taking similar action and that, of course, cuz again, lead to the escalation that people are so concerned about how is it that the, the us might be able to contain this? do you think i and that's you put your finger rate on it. this is the challenge. you have to be strong after you. uh, you know, show a strength. you also have to show that this is something that there is an offer for it, that this is not any negligible escalation. i think that the way we'll do is whatever the us reaction will be. it will be a significant one, and i don't think it will be directed solely against proxies. i think that there will be something higher up, the higher key of reading and interest destroyed. but i think it will be
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accompanied by messages past saying this can and here if you want it to, if you want to continue doing this, we're going to hit something that's very, very significant to you. so it's, it's, uh, it's a calculus that is very hard to get right. and it's fraught with danger and the grace strangers that both sides me create a sort of unwanted momentum towards the confrontation that neither side truly watch david or watch. as always, we really appreciate the benefit of your expertise in this. thank you very much indeed for being with us and i was here and it's an honor the . let's go to guys and with thousands upon the standings are free and con eunice on making their way further safe. as, as many troops advance, most of goes with populations crammed into an area at the southern most tip of the
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gaza strip chops between the sea and the egyptian border. the good nowhere else to go. michael, apple has more told again to flee. these displays, palestinians say they were forced to abandon the 1st attempt to leave hon eunice when he's ready for his open fire in the area military flyers had ordered them to go to rough or so they're heading south, but no full. well, there's no guarantee they will be safe. the but it, we have to move thing in the rain and cold was 13 other people. most of them a children. look at this child, is this what neil, who wants we all civilians with no involvement and the will we want to eat, drink and have some way to shelter the on to even 10 say that recently established these really check points on the road. south palestinians face possible detention as well as abuse and humiliation. they say you have
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a new not is unsure of his son's face down on the floor that's low. i go back and forth every 2 hours to check on him. my son did nothing. now. why did they arrest and they tell us to leave, so they can arrest us sons who will take responsibility for this once in rough, off a desperate situation, the whites at least 1700000 palestinians have been displaced during the war by the by is really evacuation orders, or it's related to this bombing campaign. now, most of them all here in rough. the u. n. is described as rails mass evacuation order is chaotic and then effective. thousands of palestinians are sleeping in tens if they can find one of the young one. if i spend 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrived, i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything that i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter. i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother. she is fighting,
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is forced them to the southern most tip of the gaza strip. beyond those walls lies egypt and to the east, the mediterranean sea. there is no way left to go. but despite that many remain defiant, don't tell us as an hon. i missed all country, even if the war ends, we want to return to our homes. and if they are destroyed, we will live in attempt terrified and form a ties. palestinians are being pushed into ever smaller pockets of land facing in dignity and humiliation. every step of the way mike level hodges era to you or the secretary general until you have looked at as has appealed to countries which are suspended there, funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees. so it is guaranteed to the continued continuity of itself, or asians, us state department has said 12 on what employees were reportedly involved in the
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tobar seventies attack. by how much from say 10 countries to suspend funding is that it says any you and employee involved in active tennis will be held accountable. you also said not even of the 12 accused unrest offers have been fired, and one is confirmed that the statement says without the funding, more people in gaza. this guy likes talking bug is a senior advisor on the question of palestine. it'd be out of renaissance for democracy and development, and he's a former senior official at on what he says, despite donors withdrawal. there's simply no alternative to having on what operating on the grant. and i believe that at this stage uh the, the, the impact will be, will be not immediate. in the sense that it's the beginning of year unwrap will have received initial lots of bombs as from some of its major donors immediately sort of in the, in the beginning of january. so i believe they can continue to operate for
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a couple of months. and by that time, we hope that the, the investigation that is mentioned has a, has demonstrated to demonstrate the results. uh uh, so indeed, uh the, uh, the, and a little donors have have indicated, yes, we have to suspend, you know, the people in the different ministries there they're, they're all sort of pressured by dep holloman's and, and their problem is want to know that this is seriously look, angel, but it's not that the donor sort of really turning this, turning away from on, you know, the donor come here to the international community here. sees watch a significant and important instrument for, for humanitarian support. the agency represents. there is simply no alternative in gaza and rise. the only organization was the largest bescedy warehouse or struct surgery powers and stuff, offices, health centers,
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etc. that is able to operate. so as much as the sort of understandable that donors are sort of shocked by these news, at the same time, they will sort of consider what is an appropriate response. as soon as more evidence materialized, in addition to the sizes of killed and wounded children, the war on garza has left a vast number of orphans, according to reports by the uter, mediterranean human rights observatory. more than 25000 children have not lost one or both parents in garza also big reports. the marks on her face remind 16 percent of the day her father was killed. one of minutes she was at home with a family and the next she woke up in hospital while mobile, but it had remained highly of some. i didn't swear to very kind to me during the day because they were both kid. i did not have the chance to say good bye to my father, but they did to my mother. it's a big shock to me and i am now negative with many of them,
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while others have lost vis passes left to provide for the children on their own. or my husband had nothing to do with the resistance. that's the reason politic. he was killed on his way to try and get some flower to feed our children. they were starving for days. he was everything to us at home. he was the cornerstone of our lives. he was the one who brought a smile to our home and sunshine. can imagine how we will go back home with the south and i'm sure i'm 9 year old was home was huge by me side. the my mother was killed and fell on my little brother's lap. she kept screaming, unaware of what to do, that we both witnessed on love it getting killed. she was the joy of all life. joys hurt the wood and i missed her too much. i am side and feel lost without the key to connect that time and time again, pedestrians. i've said there is no way safe and garza and i was with my family taking shedra. you know you was this really is this roy the classroom next to us. we from ms. holt, my father, mother and all my proud this with you. and it's these children who will grow up
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with this cause of this will witnessing what no charge to have to witness or experience. they would have to live with the trauma and the pain is right, has inflicted upon them as that vague i just there was international intentions focused on gaza and is really invited script called peace. no says the occupied why is bank is experiencing some of the biggest land drugs by israel since 1967 to historically significant sites are set to be under threats. is really sold as a blocking access to the area as well as 80 illegals, settlement, and expansion. lower con reports from sebastian boss here in the occupied westbank of the into druids of sebastian have long been up to the front lines of a bottle of narrative the occupied westbank is res. claim them is an important part of that history. while palestinians living nearby, say that's an excuse to justify land grabs whose consultants they desire. i said since october,
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the 7th acts of fine and spice way. the settlers and soldiers have increased. it's not safe, sometimes to ask the little companies team and to come to visit that. could you go to the site? we don't know what that is that are easiest to blending at me any outside of the water because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for this hotel out of the 4 of us at the lowest interest bank and we are really afraid to lose that. could you can cite those civil steel boxes mess as while there were few tourists during the war on gaza as well as also shutting off local access. how difficult you like to see if could be a difference of, of the lots of things changed after october 7th here is ready. soldiers and the settlers increase the tax. although this has been growing subsets on yahoo as far right government to power. and now there's an increase in check points around the town as preventing people from entering the village with splits as punch. the also quotes signed by posting in this way. the leaders in the united states in 1993
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sebastian has been divided into 2 sections owns we also quotes area b and the joint is reading and posting and control. over here is area c just along this line that's on the full is really minute to control since october, the 7th housing se is right, stepped up a tax again, some of to block them from the site. they say for many decades before the rights this line just continuously be in the road. it h. e. columbus itself is a village a by to you unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and the last budget haitian. the scenario west of bethlehem is known for its steep terraces. an aqueducts west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since december settlers have begun expanding an illegal settlement, a building a new road blocking foam is access to 17 acres of land old with the support of these way. the minute tree is out of the month of august. the total of the land is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 1986. this is a huge loss for us. i mean,
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i spoke to the soldiers and they blocked me from accessing my land. thought i told him, i take care of it daily, and they ordered me to go to the settlement of but out to request that they access permit. during the interview is ready. so just shouted down to 0, his team to stop filming, and demanded to check before search the pharmacy, as well as taking the land and legal settlements and expanding infrastructure. could also, dwayne its watch, was of an ancient system. they rely on agriculture. the very reason, but it was listed as a protected world heritage sites, neural con, eldest, they are supposed to but to year in the occupied westbank, the attorney can use out of africa. now, between a fossil molly and these have an honest, they're going to leave the west african regional block eco, was a joint stipend set the block had drifted from the ideals of its funding. fathers
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and the spirit upon african isn't 3 countries of each going through a cruise in the past 3 years. echo was as imposed tough sanctions on them. but i caught them live on the stuff. after 49 years, the 1000000000 people have burkina faso. molly and these year, regretfully, and with great disappointment, observe that the organization has drifted from the ideals of its founding fathers and the spirit of pen african as a means like they are you. the eco was under for an influence, be traded strongly, principles and became a threat to its members, stacy, and their populations of the organization. nobody failed to help the states in their exits, then she'll fight against terrorism and secure a task force is donald gay is a former director of communications, and i was joining a live now from lagos. so thank you very much indeed for being with us on all to 0 . 1 of the criticisms that the 3 countries had omeka was, was they of course the sanctions that i could was had placed upon them. do you think that that was a driving factor in encouraging them to leave?
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echo was oh, that's one of the reasons why they've decided to me because because these military regions, i'm not really happy about the fact that the, the genes led by the products here, the router's kind of go to the vin. so even though the model of the hydro bows tension on these many different regions. so they believe that these are not, but it's not just a minute to the sound of the assumptions to, to either of these countries. and pretty bad. probably they did realize that they go us, he's producing enough time to use it. there's a lot of difficulties considering this, a reduction by the width of the population. and also the commission offers economy
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compton at the pre zone area the offers ever seen. but they go us over to these countries in terms of framing with us and goods and services and exhilaration, according to their products. so probably they don't have the dish, they're going to keep it going on because the cost and also by taking this move, they get the so away from the men and then me the see what she wants us for. they miscoded the echo us as the, the, the, the boss. they don't want to be sure to read because the, the cost is going to buy for us. so it's a very instructed you most. certainly one of those you echo was, is a very large organization at the same time going by what you're saying. it seems to have regarded the, the, the, the removal of these 3 of these 3 countries as fairly significant. are we seeing a point where echo was, is going to have to have them
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a major re think about what his position is in order to avoid other countries leaving a absolutely no more the equal us must revisit. distribution . submission is obviously the college was created in regulatory, i'm speaking from on may 28, not just a 100 to 5 minutes of the cold war when i the order just the reasons is to members these, this folding moment remembers this or only too much on the ground or progress you need to go watch the game in addition, on the beach keeping a democratic, a progression of it. it's a mistake and other issues. but it is not living up to the point. and so, and it's just a lot of fun and fuzzies. i've been friends and others to come and really don't have just gone through my from the definition across,
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just got to be what's the 40 for somebody. so the other duties that goes to the next year on may 28. the goal watson will be celebrated is a really, i mean, we'll see if there's anybody see what these time is that in most, this is a mission and create a new bron, maybe a new according because it was clear just like i said, as an organization, it was possible, time is not on the going to be issues. so in most think cody, of creating a new vision that i'm bring around each other people of the region of the members to the subject. otherwise, it released from any other countries, many organizations, and making it relevant. the trustees echo is no longer the place where people are born and what was your job the way it's unders just don't use their own countries because most of just on fish i don't. okay. as for me to have extra communication for echo was,
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we appreciate that sir. thank you very much. indeed. louise the memorial event is being held in ukraine's capital to pay tribute to a well known poet killed out of this month's 32 year old maxine slipped soft joins of joint list of authors who volunteer to fight on subsequently lost their lives. i'll just say this robert bryce has more from keith gavin to remember the life and look of poets and soldier maxine clips of killed in action just a few weeks earlier than simply to his friends and friends. by his nickname. dolly he lost, she was such a right person who is not with us anymore, but you can feel his soul and spirit is still a task to get inspiration to others. this exhibition documenting life on the front
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line was already being planned when he was killed. some of the photos left without captions, but he never got to right. effectively. his last positiveness and incomplete work. through his photographs, he showed us his journey. his poetry is that of a person who has spent years at war. well still preserving his humanity. donnelly joins a growing list of prominent artists and writers killed in this war. right to victoria . i'm a lena who died from injury sustained in a rocky to tack on this restaurant to come a tourist last summer. po, it's a novelist, equal missed yet was having is a paramedic when he was killed last year i the children's also followed them. if i could learn ko, who was abducted from these occupied village at the start of the war, and whose remains would like to discover at the mass burial site. in ukraine, centuries long struggle to establish a distinctive national identity. literature has always played a significant role. and never more so,
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since russia's full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago that threatened the country's very existence, that threats is help drive the research and cultural interest. that's a positive trend with people now more interested, more thoughtful, more conscious about ukrainian culture. on stage dollies father reading the woods, his son left behind. rob mcbride out. is there a key iran and claims to have successfully launched the 3 satellites into space for the 1st time footage, released by of any and state television shows. the moment a rocket was long shot nighttime, from what appears to be a military base. the u. s. has previously sat there on satellite program, defies. un security council resolution washington called on to hand to suspend any activity involving ballistic missile is capable of delivering nuclear weapons to to climate activists. of some soup on live knowledge of the venture is mona lisa
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painting at the mover museum and powers below over said the projected last. and it was, you know, that the active as a part of a civil resistance group for testing for sustainable food. and social security group wants to draw attention to environmental problems caused by the food system, but also to the rising cost of food globally. so it had an order 0 in sport and memorable come back was also 1st grandson, tennis toby, for this child at least 5 is going to be here with the days for the when i asked him, did you think park what can her to she said herbicides are supposed to kill plants, not people. yeah. and again, he's relying on the regulators. right. and the company's to be telling them the truth. and so when the companies are not truthful and the regulators are lacks, in doing their jobs, people are put
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a risk and this is the end result. the unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sticking up against door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy. and, and so i want to go and see, you know, us as a human, to have the connection with the stream on out to 0 of
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the type of support here as far, rob, thank you so much. your in copper mains on course to make his final season deliverable and memorable one his team, our theories at the 5th round of the english as a cap. elizabeth clumps. first game since he announced he would be leaving the club the at the end of this campaign. liberal pull beat, 2nd tier in orange, 5 to an ad field via the magenta and virtual van. dyke, i'm on the 4th level. full are also top of the family and this victory suspending some tension for women, for trust. 4th tier, new born to accounts, he gave mattress united to scaring news. i haven't been to nail down a girl from new fords. no up in may just for to, to send me 1st quote. i have the same thing for the united fashion to believe that the 12 time and half winters went on to win forward season or to on finally couldn't find trouble for us to cut match between west from and wolves. we paused the 2 clubs having a long standing rivalry,
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referee was forced to stop the game shortly after rose to the 2 mill lead late in the 2nd half following a delay of almost 40 minutes and that she did resume with what was going on to win this high drone i had moved back into the top spot in the spanish leave, after a one year old victory oversell to v go was taken of a point clear of round the drill team are aiming to win the title for the 1st time and their history the i surely have become the 1st team to reach of asian cub court, a finals, they beach and any shop for now. so how malick reports the beach in indonesia, on the heading, the final of the agents up before the much, those are really home. feel about this much boy, indonesia so much for the support also to sounds the just out number just straight
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as well on the pitch where really counts australia showed that, well, we certainly did a pretty lucky function with the deflect to go off of that. it was one way trusted boys put them to the head before half time. and then the 2nd one, we just control things until they blew in an easier way. right? again, going to go through goodwin and to talk less the way to, to say to those. but right now they're celebrating a full 0 when we're not in today, you're going to find the typically course, but i think we got the result that we wanted some of it. so i was like, oh god, maybe we're going to actually have a tough time. leave it. but then the boys really came into the try. so slightly one to 22015 on that fine. certainly feel it is going to be that. yeah. when they go on, oh, well,
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certainly confidence as high. let's see whether australia can do it. they're going to celebrate tonight. let's see what happens for the rest of the campaign. so, hell malik algebra johnson behind the stadium and lazy onyx center, has won the australian open to claim his 1st grand slam tennis title center produced an epic come back against. daniel met with the have to beat the russian in $0.05, and the richardson reports the 1st grandson victory, and his 1st major final at the age of $22.00 younique's seem to confirm his status as a raising forcing will tennis by winning the australian open. i wish that everyone could have my parents because they always let me, let me choose whatever i want it to. even when i was younger i, i made so also some of the sports and then then they never put pressure on myself. and then that wish that this freedom is possible for as many young kids as possible
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. so thank you so much for from as soon as when looked unlikely when his russian opponent daniel met that have raced into it. see set lead method of instantly to the 1st melvin cycle. and he stood fine with the tongue in was destined to repeat this speech roughly on the dial had achieved. and this title decided 2 years ago, just as an adult had done it, that final against meditative center was able to come back from a set deficit when the matching finally met, the death is now most fully for the 6 major final. so probably that's not too a lot scrathland that i hope i can can try to get to the next one if we're doing the final, which is to be in 13 finals and they're also, i'll try my best to, to do better next time. i'd really be congrats and you deserve the 1st to tell me and to lift this trustee center looks best in korea that would include many more records on the richardson, l. g, 's era, the west indies, cricket team,
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and pull down. one of the biggest shocks in recent memory, the, some are joseph to the 2nd when we could disappear there 1st, when in australia since 1997, the too much series ended images off. and when others, surprisingly the india in the 1st chest and the hydra body for all the pups scored a 196 leave indian needing 231 to win. tom hartley then took 7 wickets funded game to secure $21.00 victory. we've been in pods amazing games over the last 2 years. we've had some incredible victories, but then considering where we are here, we try to get the position we found ourselves going into affected by a 2nd. it is a buffering was to be able to sit here now and, and say with them when they look dropping. it's a big regular says why also this is our situation. so okay,
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that is all your sports now back to you. rock fires. thank you very much. indeed, names going to be here in a couple of minutes or more dollars. so it's no good websites, obviously the. com for use and support and robots and stay with us. and obviously the, this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves . there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to scream at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the man was 71 year old, courteous reeds, a retired swat commander, and police captain who brought
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a gun within that day. we just went back to watching the previews, thinking everything was over like okay, manager's gonna come up, so keep your phone away. that would be at. and that's not what happened. not at all . when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is their problems? movie hasn't even started. and he was just nasty surveillance footage, just chattering popcorn, it reads mediately fired a pistol, and a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down and from there and i didn't even realize that of my finger with shot as well. i was just so worried about him, the surface when it got shot, the computer. i'm a nurse or so i have a point. i'm just trying to make sure the size i said with
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a child died less than an hour later. just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the the, i'm the fall. ok, this is a news i live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the rocky village show release is this video claiming an attack that is to us. so which is, let's see, we have children folder forced to flee. yes. again, palestinians leave called you this in southern gaza while israel is


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