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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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miss suffering also on the more top listing and inspiring stories. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a t a n y. and as an african, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the rocky militia releases this video claiming, and attacks that has killed 3 us soldiers of syria. children pulled the, the bulk of this so just their life. and the also coming up forced to flee. yes. again, palestinians leave con eunice in southern gauze along israel. the tax on the strip continue. united nation says the freezing funding 1st agency out of senior refugees
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means many more people in gulf that moved on the west african regional blog. echo as soon as delta may just sent back out to vicki in a faucet. and these, yeah, announced that to punch in the welcome to the program, the us ministry says 3 of its soldiers of being killed and 25 injured in a drone attack on the american base. and that will damian syrian border. so the 4 others that being monitored for possible traumatic brain injuries. us present joy bite inside the attack happens in north east jordan close to the syrian border. now suggested happens at the tower 22 military base just being used as a shelter for many display syrians. jordan has supervisors in cooperation with us forces. a rocky relisted body expire on his claim to launch the attack on the
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jordan syrian border. the subbing resistance in iraq released this video is used to it shows the drone noise, the killed at least 3 us soldiers who have a correspondence covering the story across the middle east and the united states. but with model one head is in by god, russell centers and tyrone. but let's begin in washington. what kind of official standing by an out. and this could be in many ways something of a watershed moment given is the 1st fatalities when it comes to us. service personnel tells us more about the scan in severity. and what president bite has been saying, well, joe biden is on the campaign trail. he's in south carolina and on sunday morning he was brief by his national security team about what happened exactly in jordan. now that initially was some confusion to joe denny and as far as he said, nothing happened on the territory. it is no being classified. this did indeed
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happen in jordan, just across the border from city a. there was a joint strike, 3 american army personnel were killed a number where injured be some of them have been maybe back out of the area which suggests that the need of some more and more advanced treatment. what is clear as well from one a named us official is that via can says that the number of injured will go up and the see that this is indeed a dangerous escalation that we know that would be more than $152.00. and in missile attacks on american personnel serving in the middle east since october the 17th. but this is the 1st time that we have seen fatalities. and joe biden said that these people were what is that their desks will be more and i'm, but they will choose to respond to that time and the mind which suits the united states, which would suggest that there is some sort of attack coming from the us that we've seen responses from the previous attacks,
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but clearly this is considered much more serious, much more can sounding and we know that this afternoon joe biden has again being brief, biased phil national security team, clearly on the latest update from what happened at the base in jordan, but also about the options that he has available to him for any kind of response. and how are these uh, fights with tax being seen whole widely there in the us? well, clearly there's condemnation for what happened to bite and in his statement quickly attached claim to what he described as militant a reading and but militant groups. and certainly there's a suggestion that the drawing that was used in the attack is of a reading origin. i'd say there has been quite a response, donald trump, in the last 20 minutes. a said this sort of thing would never have happened if he was president. and of course us people to vote for him come november. he is the leading republican candidate at this point. lindsey graham, who's also
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a big supporter, big ally of donald trump said very clearly on social media, hit around, no hit them hard. john cornyn at senator from texas to said it's time no talk gets turned on. mitch mcconnell, who's the leader of the republicans in the senate, said that, well, joe biden talks about not responding uh with the they'll be a retaliation at the time and choosing the can't respond with half measures or with hesitation. and there shouldn't be much more force shown by now. you'll remember that since the start of the watering does the white house drill, biden's white house has been clear that he didn't want to see an escalation of the war. and he didn't want to see it spread to become a much wider conflict. and they were seeing that they didn't want not know. general wesley clark, a former democratic presidential hopeful, and former leader of nature, the military commander for mitchell. he said that by saying that there should be no
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expansion of the one that has invited the sort of attack, so they'll be a lot of eyes on joe biden in the next 48 hours to see how he responds to that. so yeah, a lot of eyes on by the name data, adam fisher in washington dc. many science, a lot of groups, coal, the stomach resistance, and iraq is claimed responsibility for the attack on the us base on the to day needs to be in border in a statement. they said, continuing our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in iraq and the region and in response to the mass, it goes by the scientists entity against all people in gaza. the assignment resistance fights is in the rock a time, don't on sunday, using drones talking for and to be basis 3 of which are in syria and the 4th inside occupied palestinian territory. let's go the latest now from baghdad, but i made of the head. she's in the rocky capital bank. that doesn't mean what more do we know about this group. kindly responsibility
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will leave. this is the stomach resistance on umbrella total and that includes the iran aligned with groups. and they have been cutting dozens of attacks against us and coalition troops in both a rock and city. yet since october the 17th, they say they have cut it out, $178.00 attacks against us and coalition forces submitted to the facilities in iraq and city. some of them resulted in death is an injury. some involves the use of ballistic missiles. they say that they will stop only if the united states, the stops supporting the mid 3 campaign bye is right on us. and when the united states, the forces, leave iraq, the latest attack which killed the 3 us submitted, cheapest. so new, according to sources with the, is let make resistance a group. they say that it was carried out by a june, and it was coded out against us, mid sea,
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based near the border with the cdm. now with these problem with groups, auto anticipatory. some of them sources with the stomach resistance say that they are on high alert now. and so the locations because they expect you to the asian from us forces like what, what happened before we used to see counter attacks, but you were satisfied for long such attacks. kidding. and one thing that many of these made attempt to groups i'm, i'm ready to close. this happens just a day off to iraq out of the us. we're holding those on important talks about the future of american troops station to in the country on an awful lot of attention. that's been that around to exactly getting american forces out of iraq as well the. so if you talk, if you talk to them, they will tell you that they cannot guarantee that this committee, these talks will result in withdrawal from iraq. they say that they believe
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actually that the united states is trying to buy time because the united states cannot leave the region over night. they say that despite the fact that the number of us troops have, has been dell in size to only 2500 since, since december 2021. and the rule of us troops has been switching from combat to only advisory in old ministry bases in a rock. but yet, these militant groups, dyslexic resistance, say that they can't guarantee was that all of us and coalition troops from iraq, especially with the fact that these minutes a basis set of us logistic centers, logistics support to us admitted to the basis. then. a centers in the region, helping us. i'm protecting us interest is in the region. so they say that they kind of guarantee that these folks with a rocky minutes the approaches will result in was the problem
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a lot. and they say that they will threaten, they are threatening to escape, they did attacks against us and coalition forces and iraq until and unless the us was that it was from the iraq and stops support. thing is what i did submit it to the campaign on that. so i made of the head in baghdad. thank you. those costs now to, to around the russell said that he's standing by a a rustle. of course the us president joe barton was very quick to blame and rainy and bites on groups for this attack. what are you hearing that happened to ron regarding around this position on this specific attack? a while it has been an hours by so far is complete silence in the wrong. we haven't heard any of the official statements from the reading officials, but based on your reading officials, previous statements regarding this kind of attacks and the groups that goes to region. one official said that you don't, doesn't have proxies that goes to region, but it has allies from his groups already running allies that in communication and
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coordination, and sometimes from time to time, they do the costs of patients. however, when it comes to the action, each of these groups ex, separately, they are the, they are independent entities and they have the autonomy. so they make, they have decisions based on their own assessments. so on the other hand, you on seeing that these various companies in the genocide in gaza and us is complicit in this crime. and the excess of the resistance, these actors are or reacting to the, to the genocide that is, that is ongoing in, in, in god that is b runs, a repeated official position when it comes to such attacks. but so far we have seen that this moves you running, the allies have gone back to more that's 70 attacks on the american basis across the region, but you run the didn't claim responsibility for any of them. on the other hand, there is a 2nd track as well, which is between one m is read a teeth for type policies going on between the 2 companies. on december 25th.
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israel has killed the top. you run the resolution to guard general a raz, the most heavy and then you run has responded that by attacking a base. it'd been with you around, says that it was a most odd supply center and it says that it killed 7 most of the agents. so done on 20 of generate it's read has killed another popular randall official in damascus . you don't say that that action is not going to go on as if you did not know us. now. what does that take that took place in georgia down in jordan? is every technician or for your aunts to the kidding or for mcguire or not because there is no official statements from different. as of now, the russell, this is well to us. president said in response to this attack, he said we will respond to the time and amount of all of our choosing. the suggestion being that they will indeed be a retaliation. i want to, to what extent a wrong may be concerned about an escalation about possibly a wider more well, why do you know visuals are quite concerned then it is clear that they do not want
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a region on a scale escalation and why the war in the region because they believe that if that happens, that is inevitably going to cause you run, having a government built into the confrontation with your on, with, with israel. which means that they recommended that a confrontation with usa with the united states of america. and iranians know that that will have great caustic uses. that's why we have seen that to the, to this recent, to mom's the was a response to these ready attacks. so the american attacks have not been a direct one, but rather to it's approx is that on the one hand you see that there's a good thing, this content and one of your readings that there companies response is not a bit create. then we'd love to, to, to america and just read from at tech and, but on the other hand, you run through the years have created a tremendous network of the proxies across the region. and no more than more than what you run is investing in that teen piece. it's this, that is, detroit has a capability. russell, set an answer on many things, treat the policy,
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is these x, the vice president of the quincy is to choose a think tank based in washington. he says, it's likely that us interests will continue to be present without any sci fi and gaza. a reality if it is actually out of your law, that there hasn't been more fatalities. i mean, it was a major attack on october 26 and and bill evolved that out of your lock made sure that that the drawing actually didn't explode. but we could have had numerous desks already back then. i think it's also very important to know that there were 0 workshop su in the sixty's november 24th, the 30th when there was a ceasefire in costa. and it raises the question why by to is willing to risk the lives on the american servicemen and women for the sake of allowing angelo to continue its cottage and gaza. that's not a us interest inside the cottage in gaza is increasingly clear. now. it is posing a stretch to us interest because we're seeing how it's threatening the west of the
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resi we're seeing because i can't help ease. now, on the syrian border, there may be a war between s one and nothing on as well. and of course, down the line, a new new trick prices with you on room, direct confrontation between the us as to why it is not for showing us interest by allowing this to continue. if you really wants to end it and protect us troops that needs to be the escalation and the escalation begins with a ceasefire. and gosh, i certainly believe that the administration doesn't want to have that conflict. yes, everything it does so far has brought us closer to that culture. it's been reacting tactically to these type of attacks, not recognizing the projects to read all of those tactical steps puts the us on, is towards and large. and for in this specific case, if it would tell me it's against the munitions and it is somewhat proportion. uh, i don't think that that necessarily will lead to further escalation. however,
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if that are a timing issue comes and there still isn't a ceasefire in college, i've been, i've seen these attacks against us to, to see if by didn't choose this to go by. the recommendation of some of these republican lawmakers who incidentally predict, indicates a sense linda grant has been put see what evolved for the last 20 years. well, and, and as a result of bite and choose us to attack directly against the law, then we're going to see a major, major escalation. and again, the issue here is that fighting has not been acting on what a strategic be necessary, but instead has been taking a bunch of tactical steps that they didn't know themselves, may appear as being justified. but they were splitting the us on a trajectory. so we're still in the case of the bond, the broader longer term objective that they have is to make sure that the united states see just to have a significant another 2 transits in the region, particularly surrounding broad with troops and syria and evolved early of on of course in afghanistan as well. uh for these various munitions as more one correctly
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pointed out, they have other interests. they're largely aligned with the volume, but they're not entirely proxies and they can act on their own. and then contradictions yvonne's interest as well with it. this one is a contradiction to what the volume is one or not remains to be soon. still ahead on al jazeera egyptian and is there any officials are accused of state sponsored corruption, expecting payments for permits from palestinians. look into fleet, goes up the brought to you by visit capital has that remains a very wet story for the northern half of australia you can see from the satellite image. there's so many conditions taking us through into the new week that thanks to the remnants of a tropical cycler, continues to throw
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a very heavy rain to interior areas of queensland. the rain pushes down into northern parts of new south wales as well. and it has been a story of heat, particularly at night across queens and we'll, we'll see, temperatures come down as that was the weather intensifies around coastal areas. not just here, but also in the southeast melba and coming down from 20 to 23 degrees celsius to that on choose day. but in contrast to this, temperatures will be pushing up in past 37 degrees celsius. that on tuesday, that was he had across the tasman to new zealand. we've got to improve conditions on monday for the south island. still a legacy of showers remaining in the north island. and those will remain that monday into choose day. lots of sunshine coming back into the south island for tuesday as it moves to south east asia, this in heavy rain to come to southern parts of the philippines. moving into the vol over the next few days. sunshine in manila at 29 degrees celsius and we'll see the rain ease of a pots of indo china bringing sunshine back in to bangkok. the weather brought to
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you by visit cuts on the the part of actually without is there has their mind. if i told stories this a us be latrice has 3 of his soldiers who have been killed and an american base individual. danny and syrian border us present. joe biden suggested the attack happened to ne jordan at the tower at 22 military base has been used as a shelter for many display syrians and had a rocky militia great fire on his claim to launch the attack. jordan syrian bowed his stomach resistance in iraq, released this video,
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which excess shows the training launch the killed, the 3 us soldiers. the thousands of palestinians are fleeing, con eunice and gauze are making their way for the south of destroy any troops advance. most of the population is crammed into an area. the southernmost tipped off, the gaza strip track between the sea and the egyptian border. they have nowhere else to go. michael, apple has more told again to flee. these displays, palestinians say they were forced to abandon the 1st attempt to leave hon eunice when he's ready for his open fire in the area military, flyers had ordered them to go to a rough ha. so they're heading south, but no full. well, there's no guarantee they will be safe. the still them is the better we have to move thing in the rain and cold with 13 other people. most of them are children.
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look at this child is this was nothing you all who want. we all civilians with no involvement in the will. we want to eat, drink and have some way to shelter the on to even 10 say that recently established is really check points on the road. south palestinians face possible detention as well as abuse and humiliation. they say the hub of her new not is unsure of his son's face. again, i'm on the floor that's low. i go back and forth every 2 hours to check on it. and i guess my son did nothing now. why did they arrest? and they tell us to leave, so they can arrest the sons who will take responsibility for this. once in rough, off a desperate situation awaits at least one point. 7000000 palestinians have been displaced during the war by the by is really evacuation orders or it's related to this bombing campaign. now, most of them all here in rough uh the u. n. is described israel, mass evacuation or is this chaotic and then effective?
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thousands of palestinians are sleeping in tens if they can find one of the one. if i spend 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrived, i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything that i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter. i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother, she is fighting, is forced them to the southern most tip of the gaza strip. beyond those walls lies egypt. and to the east, the mediterranean sea. there is no way left to go. but despite that many remain defiant, settled in hon. i missed all countries, even if the will and we want to return to our homes. and if they are destroyed, we will live in attend, terrified, employment sized palestinians are being pushed into ever smaller pockets of land facing in dignity and humiliation. every step of the way mike level. how does era
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stokes, in paris, between intelligence officials from the us, israel customer, an egypt to break a captives deal between israel and a boss, a being defined as constructive, the statement from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office says the intelligence summit was meaningful, but gaps remained. it also says that policies would continue discussions this week . and i'm a jump dream. how's the latest from tel aviv as it indicates that there is momentum now to try to iron out the sticking points and try to reach a deal. that's a contrast to what we were hearing earlier, which sounded more negative. now, one of the reasons this is also complicated is because, even though there is this initiative to try to effect some kind of secession of possibilities, there's still a lot of questions about how long the potentials the station of hostilities would last. we see some media outlets here. what is really official saying it would be 30
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days other think it could be up to 2 months. beyond that you have the fact that nothing yahoo is under a lot of pressure from a lot of different factions throughout israel. you have families of captives being held in gaza that are saying the government needs to be doing a lot more to try to secure the release of those captives. there have been more and more rallies over the course of the last few months, demanding that of the government. you also have members of these really war cabinets that are openly questioning. if nothing, yahoo is doing enough to secure the release of those captains beyond that. you also have far right wing, members of his government who have been saying that they are concerned that if a deal is reached it would not be a good deal. and to that end, just this evening in jerusalem, you had a meeting, a conference of sorts that was held in order to call for the resettlement of gaza. this meeting was attended by 12 members of parliament, including the finance minister, if as a law, smart,
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rich and national security minister, if more up and give year 2 of the most far right. we mean members of that's in the who's government. so there's a lot going on in israel right now. there's a lot of questions as to whether or not, if there is another cease fire, whether that would constitute perhaps an into the war. and that's and you all who continues to insist that there will not be an into the war until how much is completely eliminated. so there are a lot of factors, some of them at odds with each other. i'm sure we'll be hearing more in the days ahead. but right now, out of this meeting in paris this evening, assign of cautious optimism from the is really officials in marked contrast to statements we've been hearing these past few days. us here in the sexy general entering there gets harris as appeal to countries which have suspended the funding for the u. n. agencies. paula senior refugees to at least guarantee the continuity of his operations. us state department has said 12 and right employees are reportedly involved in the all type of 7 was attacked by him. us from team 11 countries to suspend funding. gutierrez says any you and employee involved in acts
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of terror will be held accountable. he also said 9 of the 12 accused unrest office of being 5, and one is confirmed that the statement says without the funding more people in casa will die. or will people trying to get out of colors or via the rafa crossing with egypt to being forced to pay thousands of dollars to a network of cycle brokers for x? it permits us according to reports published by limone newspaper in front. some palestinians describe the practice of state sponsored corruption and a pointing to is around that egypt which controls the crossing st. this for all because more the roof of border, the only crossing between garza and egypt, a lifeline for palestinians even before the war. a connection to the outside world, an entry points from vital resources. since israel imposed a total siege last year, it's become the only way out of gaza. but even at the border between 2 era states,
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safe passage comes at a price. findings from an independent investigation published by the french news outlet lamond show egyptians pay between $650.00 and $1200.00 for an exit permit. other nationalities pay around $3000.00. but palestinians have been charged anything from $4500.00 to $10000.00. similar findings published in the guardian newspaper earlier this month suggest this has been a common practice at the rough a crossing for years. but it used to be $500.00 per person. prices have searched since october, the so called travel agencies act as brokers at the board, palestinian say everyone involved gets a cut, including egyptian and is really government officials. the payments don't guarantee anything. some have lost everything and scans in egypt says the allegations are
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baseless, the roof of crossing is operated by egypt, but israel maintains overall control of all people and goods going in and out even before the war. the un criticized both sides for lack of transparency while is real henders efforts to get humanity, hearing aid into gods, egypt as long resisted opening the border fearing an influx of palestinians. and although egypt is a vocal critic of israel and is calling for a cease fire observer, say it could do more to relax controls at the gods a border. we're seeking sanctuary, assuming we'd become a lucrative business for war profiteers. zane bus robbie ultra 0 the okay, let's take a look at some of the well and use them became a fascinating body and yeah of a now. so they will leave the west african regional book echo us. the joint
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statement said the block had drifted from a lie, deals of its founding fathers and the spirits of pun, african isn't the 3 countries of going through 2 in the past 3 years. echo s as in post tough functions on been 6 cruise in the region in the past 3 years with almost half of the 16 countries in west africa now. and the ministry control cut them live on this stuff. up to 49 years. the 1000000000 people have burkina faso molly and these year, regretfully, and with great disappointment, observe that the organization has drifted from the ideals of its founding fathers, in the spirit of pen african as a means like they are you, the eco was under for an influence, be traded strongly principles and became a threat to its members, stacy, and their populations of the organization. nobody failed to help the states in their exits, then she'll fight against terrorism and security forces. if i'm an interest has more from others, you the basically the q is the organization, the regional block of losing focus. and of course of funding needs corresponds
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quality of security. its voters, as well as promoting stomach and political developments, endorsed countries. now up, even before now there was a move by the 3 looked countries of multiple can across on the ship to form an alliance, which is called the sally and i as the allies wells. so healy and states just 2 months ago. now this organization was muted by the governments in monday and broken, if possible, the chevrolet to join didn't because according to officious that it was left with no function. and in particular, did you have feels that it's been treated badly? i'm of all the cool countries in the region multiplication of fossil and guinea. they feel that this functions to try to force as well as the economic and political blockade of that country was particularly harsh. and that has not the country towards the embrace of congress like molly one person has been killed in the tank
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by most gunmen on the catholic church and a stumble worshippers were attending mass. when 2 gunman reported the wearing schema sense of the 19th.


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