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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha ha . the flow on the bulk of this is the news, live some tow, coming up in the next 60 minutes. to the rocky militia group release is this video, claiming an attack that has co 3 us soldiers on the silvia jordan border palestinians forced to flee con units of southern gauze and one of his rounds of tax and the strip continue wanting. the more people in cars that will die of
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funding for the u. n's main agency for products in your refugees is frozen. and the west african regional blog echo asked as delta major sent by cost of a key to fossil molly on these. yeah, announced that to puncture and in sport, liverpool when they're 1st game, since you're going cloth announced this would be his final season with the club hops, team or into the 5th round, the english as a cop and remain in contention to win for trophy. the thanks for joining us. the u. s. military says 3 of its soldiers have been killed and the full injured and a drone attack and an american based village will. danny and syrian border us present, joe biden said the attack happened in north east jordan close to the syrian border . now suggested that happened to the top $22.00 tower military base, which is being used as a shelter for many displaced syrians. jordan has supervised incorporation with us
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forces on the rocky militia group, backed by a ron his claim to launch the attack. only jordan syrian border, the stomach resistance and the release of this video, which just shows the driving launch the code at least 3 us soldiers. so we have our correspondence covering the story across the middle east and the us mood of the head is in fact died russel citizen, tyrone but let's begin in washington dc with rosalind jordan and rose. um, so what extent uh, is the president's giving this to the degree of, of significance. clearly this is the 1st 3 us service personnel to be killed. simself told with the 7th attack, what are the savings say? in the last 20 minutes, the president was out of campaign of parents in columbia, south carolina. he asked for
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a moment of silence for the 3 military personnel who were killed in northeastern syria at tower 20 to overnight on sunday. and he did say that the united states would respond to this fatal attack on us forces. those forces people should recall, have been stationed at tower 22 in the northeastern jordan, in order to support those troops who are at alt off of military base in south eastern syria. as part of the ongoing effort to go after is law mc state. the president had also put out a written statement earlier on sunday, indicating that the united states would respond at a time and place of its choosing a message which was a code and a written statement by the defense secretary lloyd austin and rosalie. there has been an awful lot of pressure politically in the past to come down hard to own
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a rod. whatever incidents like this happen has been a wider political reaction to this attack as well. the response that we have seen has been mainly from republicans. both members of the house of representatives and senators are saying that the united states needs to respond very forcefully. some even calling for a direct attack on targets inside around that message coming from the south carolina senator lindsey graham. there's also been a response from the man who is widely presumed to be the soon to be republican nominee for president former president, donald trump. he basically said that thanks to joe biden, the united states and the entire world basically are on the verge of world war 3 on power phrasing. but he did say world war 3 in his written statement. notably, there hasn't been much in the way of commentary from the congressional democrats,
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but certainly given the import of what has happened, there's going to be very vigorous debate here in washington in the coming days about exactly how the u. s. should respond to what is an escalation in the wider attentions in the middle east, roseland jordan, and washington dc. many folks, well let's go to baghdad now i moved up to one head who joins us from the rocky capital. so i mean, what more do we know about the group is keeping timing responsibility for this attack? will leave the tech has been confirmed by all sides. now we fluid inc, that is let me cruise distance. that is the umbrella term that includes the rocky. i'm with groups, iraq, you online or 8 on a lined autumn with the groups and they have claimed responsibility for the attack can be said. it was carried out by a drone and the, the attack happened. new the cd and both are now these automatic groups or are you
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don't aligned with groups? have been cut in, get a more than $170.00 a tax name of the 178, a tax according to their sources. and so total visit, it's $17.00 oh targeted us admitted c. a us and coalition forces admitted c facilities in syria and iraq. since october, the 17th. why this has been happening because they hold the united states responsible for the standing as a major back out of it. as many 3 campaign again is to guys that recently says that the united states has thought degree tele 18 cutting goats counter attacks. thought i think the locations with a, the strikes, any luck getting on the one thing, get several of the fighters. they have risen their demands to demand that was through will of us and coalition forces from iraq. recently they had been
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targeting also in a submitted fee base which hosted us on coalition forces in was through in the lock using the ballistic missile. they said they would continue attacking us interest as any of our can, syria, until and unless the u. s. a stops back in us is where it submitted. so you can pain on his eyes and he touched upon of that. but this type of cost happens just a day off to iraq. i'm the us how the 1st round of tools on the future of american foreign troops in the country. there was an awful lot of pressure on the us to reduce this presence. the if they don't trust both sides to beat that actually if you speak to them, they will tell you that they do not trust. need the iraq, you know, to you a submitted street. the officials, what involved in these folks that by the higher ministry commission to a put
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a time table for it was through will from a rock. they say that as long as this it, these totes depend on a estimation is on the ground, is some issues of whether or not i solicited poses a threat. whatever, not the, the iraqi local forces are alone able to combat any possibility citizens of ice. so whether or not the situation on the ground, it guarantees that no threats for us interest is in the region. then as they say, the us, the troops and coalition forces will remain in the region because these bases, as they say, provide support logistical support for us. the bases in the region, especially in context of the conflict between iran and us in the region. so they cannot guarantee and it was that was the, the, the, the, the monte emitted was that one of us and coalition forces from iraq. but they
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cannot see, this is happening any time soon. that is why the threatened to escalate their attacks against us and coalition forces in iraq and city a as doing guys. these troops remain in the region. i've heard of the one headed by many signing slips. take you to turn around now, and i'll correspond a russell said whose following developments davin i'm russell. what's the latest you're hearing from me? you're mainly in capital. what is your own position on this specific attack? as well, despite the statements of the statements from the american politicians and officials field intent wrong, there is a complete silence. there hasn't been an official reaction from around so far, but based on the previous statements from the rental officials regard regarding the positions about these kinds of attacks, they say that you want doesn't have proxies in the region by this has allies. all of these groups are running allies which go wrong, caused the excess of the resistance. and you want to say that these,
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these groups are independent entities and they act on this. so you run has consultations from time to time with them. however, these groups are separate entities. so far we have seen that has been more than $170.00 attacks on the american basis across the region, but the around didn't claim any of these attacks as to as of now. but there is another track between particularly between the run and israel. we have seen that israel has killed the several, you running purple officials, particularly in syria and capital damascus. and even with that issue, iran has attacked that'd bill, which it says that it was most of the spice center, and iran says that it has killed 7 most of the agents. then on january 28th, we have seen that israel has to another popular and more official who just to let them in what in syria and you don't say that it's not going to go on answer. so it's not, we do not know whether this person that that's in jordan is related to the destination
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or which at the law or mcguire or not as there is no statement from to ron yet. a russell, as we heard from rosamond, georgia in washington, dc, that being some extremely strong statements coming, particularly from the republican party about how to handle the wrong going forward with how concerned is around now about a real escalation in this conflict. or unfortunately, we have lost the rest. so sort of a in terror. we'll move on for now. them depends of guns for my direct cell off the radium peninsula. david, there are says these us faces a challenge with this response. present. biden's government has to ballast domestic interests while trying not to unsettled the middle east. the when the past, most of the us responses to the $170.00 plus attacks have been designed to
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say we will respond. but the target list has been chosen very carefully. for the most part they've been against fixed infrastructure and they've been conducted at night and seemingly designed to inflict damage, but limited loss of life and honestly uh, within the united states. so there's a lot of criticism that this isn't effective when there have been specific instances like we were able to identify people leaving this a large site right after that, you know, then people were directly targeted. uh, one point i would have to make is that nobody in the us government believes that there's a group that claimed responsibility for this is anything other than upfront for basically rainy and directed operations. but the situation in iraq is very tenuous . and if we were to attack against iranian interest in iraq, that that would be a very politically difficult thing to do and would probably put a lot of pressure on the iraqi government,
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which publicly is kind of coerced into taking a pro, a run line, but was privately desperately wants to continue this relation with united states. so it's, it's difficult stuff. okay, let's look into this much more data. i would say, don, how can i know who's the non resident fellow at the center? washington dc with the focus on the middle east and iraq. he joins us from here in the right one. welcome to you. so i wonder if i can ask you the question that i put to our correspondent to enter on before we lost communications with them. and it's through with a response to what is coming out of the united states, some extremely strong saber rattling rhetoric, particularly coming from the republican party regarding how they believe the us should be handling iran going forward. how do you think around might respond to an escalation to this conflict as well? the 1st of all, we need to look at the wider picture of this concept to there is
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a lot of affiliation to what this comes at. this attack means to domestic of rocky politics. so once the affiliation with the guy is a complex one. in reality, these attacks are one of many attacks which are conducted by a wider range in strategy to pressure. the us military presence, any rock and beyond the rock, across the region, and escalate the very have of the following the assassination of boston. so they might need the former commander of the sly make revolutionary guards, chords and january 2020. we notice the very heavy, insignificant uranian political on the military campaign to expel the us forces from iraq, the beyond region, via affiliation with many other conflicts. and trying to analyze this through the angle, whether this is a conflict that had just started or this feedback just begun between the united
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states and the wrong undermines of the previous attacks and the peoples events that have been happening for the past. almost 4 years. there was a major you waning campaign and then a random sign to expel the u. s. military forces, but not doing so directly as it usually claims that it does not fully control. many of these on groups which are aligned or affiliated with the wrong idea of logically wrong or politically, but show in a way where it has one for the in the war and one foot out of it. so one for another one foot out note proxies, but allies claims iran. nevertheless, the united states, the joe biden, has confirmed that the country will respond to the attack at a time and means that is yet to be determined how by the us calibrate or response the 1000 worse than the crisis in the middle east. any further, as well in the us involvement or it since october the us political and in one way or another ministry involvement has had been justified by it's believe
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that as really has the rights to solve, defend against the guys or how most one in reality there has been a very clear military aggression being conducted in hamilton and in the gaza, years or decades before october 7th. but however, this attack against the us forces, which ended up in the assassination of u. s. military personnel indicates that this is a direct attack against the united states of america, which makes it more comfortable for the binding administration to justify direct involvement against the wrong or the the, the military goods that are affiliated with the iran and syria or an iraq. it will also add a lot of pressure into that by the administration as we are getting closer to the us elections and many uh, from the republican part. you would be able to push this as a way to compare it to as
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a former president trump some reaction which ended up as we previously mentioned with the assassination of e. ron's most significant regional play or in fact you wrong as the regional engineer. okay. side on how to non a non resident fellow with the arab sense of washington dc with us here in harmony . sykes. the goals are now with thousands of palestinians, a fleeting con eunice and making my way for the south is ready troops advance most of gods. this population is crammed into the heavier the southernmost tips of the gauze and strip trot between the sea and the egyptian border, but they have no. what else to go? michael apple has more told again to flee. these displays palestinian said they were forced to abandon the 1st attempt to leave hon eunice when his riley forces opened fire in the area military flyers had
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ordered them to go to rafa. so they're heading south. but know full well. there's no guarantee they will be safe, but at the end of it, but we have to move thing in the rain and cold with 13 other people. most of them a children. look at this child, is this what? nothing. you all who want. we all civilians with no involvement in the will. we want to eat, drink and have some way to shelter the on to even 10 say that recently established these really check points on the road. south palestinians face possible detention as well as abuse and humiliation. they say you have a whole new not is unsure of his son's face to upload. i go back and forth every 2 hours to check on him. my son did not know why did they arrest and they tell us to leave, so they can arrest the sons who will take responsibility for this. once in rough, off a desperate situation,
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the way it's at least 1700000 palestinians have been displaced during the war by the by is really evacuation orders or it's related to this bombing campaign. now, most of them all here in rough uh the u. n. is described israel, mass evacuation or is this chaotic and then effective? thousands of palestinians are sleeping in tens. if they can find one of the by spend 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrived, i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything that i spent the night on the street in the ring ring without shelter. i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother. she is fighting, is forced them to the southern most tip of the gaza strip. beyond those walls lies egypt and to the east, the mediterranean sea. there is no way left to go. but despite that many remain defiant and hot,
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i missed our country even if to and we want to return to our homes. and if they're destroyed, we will live in attend, terrified, employment sized palestinians are being pushed into ever smaller pockets of land facing in dignity and humiliation. every step of the way mike level, which is era. the biggest hospital in the south of gauze are supposed to be on the brink of collapse. palestinians have been digging mass graves inside nasa, hospitals, grounds bulls and 350 patients. and many other people who've been for some the homes, the sheltering the doses of nasa hospital warning it wouldn't be able to function for much longer. it was a spokesman for the ministry of health and gaza assessed that all hospitals and con units are now unable to provide full medical services, a walker facing which i'm i'm also the could be one more specialist. i'm in the real situation on the ground in both national medical complex and all i'm out of
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hospital is nothing short catastrophic because it is indescribable on these really occupation forcibly type see if these medical facilities for the 6th day in a row. and as a result, the entire health system and both hospitals as collapse, they've run out of as fedex, and the medications necessary for the i see you may even pain killers are no longer available for the patients or the wounded. and that the bubble will, those inside these 2 hospitals, including the medical staff, are left without a drop of water or a low foot brad year, 1000 to displace the billions of taking sheltering. these medical facility as well as fuels running out of power generators will come to a stop in a few days. at that point, the 2 hospitals and the medical crews, there was that helpless watching the patients and wounded breathing their life very heavy. and with the inside of the general into america terraces appealed to countries which have suspended the funding funding for the you. an agency for posting your refugees to at least guarantee the continuity of his opperation. the us state department has said 12 on the employees were supposedly involved them type of 7th attack by him us from thing 11 countries to dispense funding. good services,
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any you and employee involved in ex, tara will be held accountable hills. i said 9 of the 12 accused on raw stuff is that being fine. and one is confirmed that the statement says for the funding more people in gaza will die or so on the ground and cause a palestinian snow on right as the agency that provides everything from food and water to medical cap. now people are worried about what will happen when the money runs out. power capitalization, reports, people who have lost everything, need all the help they can get for palestinians and garza, most of the hill pest come through the u. s. relief and works you don't see on the what now, threats to its funding opportunities that risk the high on on why is our lifeline who give us food and drink after the war? may god help the people?
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what can i say? people here appealing from don't us take to reconsider company sonya and the comments of birds in germany and some other european countries on aid to the palestinian people is a disaster for us today. they punishes as if we were as guilty as the occupiers. the occupation keeps on doing crimes, and yet there is supporting them to do more crimes against us. you and it dumps the district kits, food and supplies to keep people going and open the stores to prevent, show, to deduce who's, who's now lowing boons, the owner. what facilities have been showed by use very forces many times since the will began. they continue the work knowing the do so great risk to themselves. more than 160 you, you on stuff have been killed since school began. secure to hit be guaranteed. as many of the facilities have had shut down, despite this,
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people keep coming here seeking help, topic up as soon algebra. roughly in southern garza, this talks and powers between intelligence officials from the us. israel cats are in egypt, a broker, a captives deal between israel and the mouth of being defined as constructive a statement from these very prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office says the intelligence summit was meaningful, but gaps remained. it also says that policies would continue discussions. this week i'm gonna jump jayden has the latest from tel aviv. it indicates that there is momentum now to try to iron out the sticking points and try to reach a deal. that's a contrast to what we were hearing earlier, which sounded more negative. now, one of the reasons this is also complicated is because, even though there is this initiative to try to effect some kind of secession of possibilities, there's still a lot of questions about how long the potentials the states and the possibilities would last. we've seen some media outlets here. what is really official saying it
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would be 30 days other think it could be up to 2 months. beyond that you have the fact that nothing yahoo is under a lot of pressure from a lot of different factions throughout israel. you have families of captives being held in gaza that are saying the government needs to be doing a lot more to try to secure the release of those captives. there have been more and more rallies over the course of the last few months, demanding that of the government. you also have members of these really war cabinets that are openly questioning. if nothing, yahoo is doing enough to secure the release of those captains beyond that. you also have far right wing, members of his government who have been saying that they are concerned that if a deal is reached it would not be a good deal for the conferences being held in west jerusalem cooling for years or how to rebuild settlements in gaza. at the northern parts of the occupied westbank who was attended by public security minister as my bank and to be in finance. mister best last most rich and 12 ministers for me. nothing y'all. his liquid party
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was not organized by the government. the conferences, titles settlement bring security as well as ro withdrew its military and settled gauze when 2005, after the 38 year of the patient, positive correcting the mistake that brought upon us the stevens of october and prose upon us. the deportation is to return back home to goose good teeth and knowles, to me today, everyone, really, you understand that leon brings more and that's if you don't want another stevens of october, you have to return home to control the territory. we all settling or alarm from which to like control the get me fighting several ways and bringing with god's help security to full of as well know what the on service without settlement. there is no security. let's going to have decided to joins us
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from occupied. east jerusalem, so when it comes to possible peace talks a degree of progress perhaps in paris, but when it comes to sacrament, building a very, very different message on the grounds that what, what can you tell us as well in this conference you had 12 members from nathaniel who is own coalition, another 15 members from the government, but 12 of them were actually in the 10, you know, who's cameron at their ministers within the government. some of them from nathaniel who is own party, who have been calling for the resettlement of gaza calling for an occupation after the war is over calling for rebuilding these legal settlements so that settlers can go to them not only and gaza, but also in the northern part of the occupied west bank, it's a more bend. we're the country's national security minister and a known altar nationalist has been saying this for months now that settlements need to be brought into gaza. but do you also have israel's finance minister bets and it
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smelt rich who spoke at this conference, also note ultra nationalist who has been pushing this idea of the voluntary migration of palestinians trying to push the population out so that a legal settlements can be brought in he spoke to his really media on saturday night and said that in his really military administration, we in charge and gaza and it will control civilian matters there. but this is in complete contrast to what the official is really government position is that we've heard from missing yahoo himself that would be heard from his roles. defense minister jo, i've go on to and even the president isaac hurts on prove said that the plan is not for the re occupation of gaza. and in fact, the administration who will take over will be some sort of new governance system that will we palestinian, even the defense minister when he laid out a framework for planned for after the war. several weeks ago, he said that garza was palestinian, so the civil affairs who needed to be in charge there should also be palestinian.
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but in this conference, you had around 5000 people who are now feeling emboldened by weight, or is like even more ben beer and based on his smoke rich calling for the migration of palestinians from gaza, calling for the rebuilding of a legal settlements. but again, this is simply not will what we've heard from the prime minister himself. and there's been a lot of pressure on him from these right wing cancer and ultra national is to try and get this to be the position of these really government. but there are a lot of international implications for this as well. remember, the united states does not want to see this at all and are against the legal settlements in every way. they don't want to see 3 occupation of the gaza strip. so what was being said at this conference and what is the official is really position or a huge disconnect? yeah, it is like the, the far right once again, reassessing that position on the side of the building country to international. i'm to satellites and occupies through so many thanks to them. it still has here on out
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to 0. they all phones of cause or what's happening to the 25000 children who have lots of parents in the will injection and it's ready. officials are accused of state sponsored corruption for executive payments for permits, palestinians look into play golf and sport a shop result of the agent helping customers to g could start with a place to the quarter finals. the had the, the extraordinary once we've seen across europe over the weekend is going to follow us into the new week. we've got above average temperatures across many areas. certainly in italy we've seen adults a visa in rome, a sunny skies and clear weather over the weekend. that is set to continue monday into tuesday. we could see some folks missed,
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particularly up across the move in areas with the sun burns that off and temperatures will remain rather high. so this time, if you notice here, but across the west as well, they'll come down slightly in the north west as that area of high pressure pushes its way further east. so we on the up for the baltic states. but for the balkans it's a contrast here. we've got cooler conditions coming in. we'd like you to see some rain, sleet and snow for parts of grease and took here. if we have a look at the 3 day for anchor a chance of snow there on tuesday, the sunshine returns on wednesday, but the temperature remains below average. now we are seeing some heavier rain pull across the northwest. the person on the island of olive gusty winds as well. they'll push that, went to weather across into no wait times to snow. here moving on was to sweden, but temperature is still remaining high here behind that high temperature in london at 10 degrees with lots of dry weather with settled conditions of the
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the 1st genocide this we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are. they are in raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of power? no. understanding the reality. reporting from the action of the hospital with fearless journalism just behind me. hundreds of people have been in fact 2 h as an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story.
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news the welcome back and with that, which is here. here's our minds of our top stories. this our, the us minute see says 3 of its soldiers have been killed. i'm searching for in shoot on an american base. they have the jo dining and suing them for us present. joe biden suggested the attack happened in ne jordan at the tower. 22 military base is being used as a shuttle to have for many display syrians and a rocky militia group, backed by a run, is claimed to launch the attack on the children syrian border stomach resistance and the rock released this video, which it says shows the driver wants to kill the 3 us soldiers. thousands upon us
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to use a fleeing con eunice or southern guns. that was where the troops advance most heading towards rough on the border with egypt view and says one and a half 1000000 people, 2 thirds of gauze as population or sheltering in the round. rough people tried to get out of gauze of via the rough uh, border crossing with egypt to being forced to pay thousands of dollars to a net. busy of so called brokers for exit permits. that's according to reports published by limone dom funds. some palestinians describe the practice of state sponsored corruption at a point seem to is rather an egypt which controlled the crossing cypress. robbie has more the roof of border the only crossing between garza and egypt, a lifeline for palestinians even before the war. a connection to the outside world, an entry points from vital resources. since israel imposed a total siege last year,
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it's become the only way out of gaza. a split even at the border between 2 era states safe passage comes at a price. findings from an independent investigation published by the french news outlet limone show egyptians pay between $650.00 and $1200.00 for an exit permit. other nationalities pay around $3000.00. but palestinians have been charged anything from $4500.00 to $10000.00. similar findings published in the guardian newspaper earlier this month suggest this has been a common practice at the rough of crossing for years. but it used to be $500.00 per person. prices have searched since october, the so called travel agencies act as brokers at the board, palestinian say everyone involved gets a cut, including egyptian and is really government officials. the payments don't guarantee anything. some have lost everything and scans. egypt says the allegations are
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baseless egypt believes it's a collect influx of the palestinians and as is referred to use or those hopefully complex that by that it would have the sort of thing the color scheme pose. the roof of crossing is operated by egypt, but israel maintains overall control of all people and goods going in and out. even before the war. the un criticized both sides for lack of transparency while is real henders efforts to get humanity, hearing aid into gods, egypt as long resisted opening the border fearing an influx of palestinians. and although egypt is a vocal critic of israel and is calling for a cease fire observer, say it could do more to relax controls at the gods a border where seeking sanctuary seemingly become a lucrative business for war profiteers. same bus robbie o, just 0. in addition to the thousands of killed and wounded children,
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the war on gaza has left a vast number of orphans. according to report by that you are a mediterranean human rights observatory. more than 25000 children have now lost one or both parents in gauze, and i saw the bag reports the marks on his face remind 16 percent of the day the father was killed a one of minutes. she was at home with a family and the next she woke up in hospital while mobile, but it hadn't been highly of somebody didn't swear to very kind to me during the day because they were both kidd. i did not have the chance to say good bye to my father, but they did to my mother. it's a big shock to me, and i am now negative with neither of them while others have lost vis passes left to provide for the children on their own or my husband had nothing to do with the resistance. that's the reason politic. he was killed on his way to try and get some flower to feed our children. they were starving for days. he was everything to us at all. he was the cornerstone of our life. he was the one who brought
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a smile to our home and sunshine. can imagine how we will go back home south and on random swarms. 9 year old was home was huge by me side. the my mother was killed and fell on my little brother's lap. you kept screaming unaware of what to do, that we both witnessed on love it getting killed. she was the joy of all life. she always hurt the wood and i missed her too much. i am sad and feel lost without you to connects good time and time again as pretty, as i've said there was no way safe. and garza and i was with my family taking shedra. you know, you was this really is this for the classroom next to us, which i'm ms. holt, my father, mother and all my proud this with you. like it's these children who will grow up with this cause of this will witnessing what no charge to have to witness or experience. they would have to live with the trauma and the pain is right, has inflicted upon them as that vague, just their products under. so yeah, is the head of humanitarian policy and advocacy for safe the children. she says the
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will has long term consequences on posting in children's mental and physical health . the children have been looking at the mental health and impact on children for a number of years and what we found back tell us any children in gaza face height and levels of emotional distress every single year in the most in a study that we did in 2022. we found that actually 3 out of 5 children and gaza had feelings and thoughts of self harm. the majority experience, depression nightmares and had no hope for the future. and so the past 4 months we know is going to make that infinitely worse. we just look at the issue of starvation. no more than 330000 children right now, right now are facing the risk of starvation. and when children face acute mal nutrition, this has potentially lifelong consequences on their both physical and cognitive
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abilities. you know, when, when children face nutrition, their muscles waste away, they're more prone to dine from, you know, common diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea. and when children don't have access to the medical care that they need to recover from that, we don't talk about schools very much, but no child and gotcha is going to school right now. and hundreds of schools have been damaged and destroyed by the, by the department and by the crisis. and we'll, because we see no sign that this is going to end any time soon. it's very difficult for children to even think about their future. as international attention is focused on garza and just rarely, right scrape cold peace now says the occupied westbank is experiencing some of the biggest land grabs by his route. since 1967 to historically significant science is set to be under stress. anxiety sold as a blocking access to the area, as well as a heating illegal settlement expansion, or a con report from spot c i'm but to,
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you know, can find the west back of the incident ruins of sebastian had long been up to the front line of a bottle of narrative, the occupied westbank is where it is, claim them as an important part of the history wall palestinians living nearby. se that's an excuse to justify land grabs. voice consultants, sight, as i said, since october, the 7th acts of fine in spite of 80 settlers and soldiers have increased. it's not safe sometimes to ask the little credibility to come on to visit that. could you go to the site? we don't know what those are. it is to blending at me any outside of the water because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for the south. a lot of the 4 of us with a lot of the west bank and we are really afraid to lose that. could you come side of some of the boxes mess as well? there were few tourists during the war and gaza. israel is also shutting off, local access had to fit the can be of the for some of the,
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a lot of things changed after october. 7th here is ready. soldiers and the settlers increase the tax. although this has been growing substance on yahoo as far right government to power. and now there's an increase in check points around the town as preventing people from entering the village with splits as punch. the also code signs by posting in this way. the leaders in the united states in 1993 sebastian has been divided into 2 sections and they also quotes area b and a joint is writing and posting and control. over here is area c just along this line that from the full is ray. the minute you control that since october, the 7th housing se is right is of stepped up. attacks against the middle of 2 block them from the site. they say for many decades before the rights this lines of continuously being a wrote it a to columbus itself is a bit of a by to you unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and last budget haitian this area west bethlehem is known for its steep terraces and aqueducts,
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west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since december settlers had begun expanding in the legal assessment of building a new road blocking pharmacy, access to 17 acres of land old with the support of these right, the minute tree is out of the columbus of robins, the toys. the land is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 1986. this is a huge loss for us. i mean, i spoke to the soldier is in the block me from accessing my laptop. i told him, i take care of it daily, and they ordered me to go to the settlement of but out to request that they access permit. during the interview is ready. so just shouted it down to 0 team to stop filming, and demanded to check before search the pharmacy as well as taking the land and legal settlements and expanding infrastructure could also drain its water was of an ancient system. they rely on agriculture. the very reason, but it was listed as a protected world heritage sites. neural con, eldest,
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they are supposed to but to your, in the occupied westbank. the other news, the news you money i'm picking a faster have announced that they will leave the regional body known as echo, as the governments of all 3 countries overthrown by military cruise and recent years. leading the economic community of west african states and post functions on them. echo as continues to cool for them to return to civilian rule. because talk as well from center go or ending a 49 year loan union. the announcement was made live and simultaneously on the national televisions of new share. picking up also involved in the 3 countries are withdrawing from the west african regional blog known as echo ross, which includes all 16 west african nations. the organization imposed sanctions against the 3 nations after their militaries to power in a cool,
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in recent years echo was calling for return to civilian rule. the joint decision to leave the union is inactive. defiance by the military, june tests and the face of sanctions that limit border movements and the ability to trade, hurting the country's already vulnerable economies and other posts. do you got that costs allegedly up to the irrational unacceptable storms by imposing sanctions, the legal, the legitimate, in humane and irresponsible in violation of its own statute? something created in 1975. the economic community of west african states was intended to bring closer economic ties, prevented military coups, and protect democracy. critics now see it as a club for corrupt and aging african leaders. going to power out of touch with the aspiration of their young population and influenced by the west. so you know, we wanted to learn about, if all people say we want to be governed by
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a military man. why are we going to refuse that money? is it eco asked that comes to give us food? does echo us pay us soldiers? and why should it have a say in how we govern ourselves? last september, the gentle leaders of the 3 nations signed a mutual defense packed, they called the sa health state alliance. it commits each country to come to the other is defense. if very territorial integrity is threatened, both from internal and external forces. many in this region say, this is an important issue. the west african block has failed to address for the agenda leaders. the needs of molly new sharon burkina, faso, feels ignored by echo weiss, it is a relationship they no longer want to be a part of eclipse hawk algebra. one person has been killed another time by mosse gunman on the catholic church and is stumble worshippers of attending mast went to gunman, reports, and the wearing scheme asked into the 19th century church. an open for several
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people are reported to have been injured. the turkish ministry of interior condemned the attacks and sent that a large scale investigation with the current out. what was of closing feelings presidential election, initial results from sunday's voting shows sent to right. alexander, stop off a national coalition policies leading with 99 percent of the votes counted liberal green party member pack a harvester a 2nd reading the to will now face off for the 2nd round. on february, the 11th, as the memorial event is being held, a new crane's capital to pay tribute to well known power at killed earlier this month, 30 to erode maxime clips off jordan's, a growing list of offices to volunteer to fights and subsequently lost their lives . oh, just it was rob mcbride has moved from keith gathered to remember the life and look
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of poets and soldier maxine clips of killed in action just a few weeks earlier than simply to his friends and friends by his nickname, dolly he lost it when she was such a bright person who is not with us anymore, but you can feel his soul and spirit is still the task to get inspiration to others . this exhibition documenting life on the front line was already being planned when he was killed. some of the photos left without captions, but he never got to write effectively. his last customers didn't complete work. through his photographs, he showed us his journey. his poetry is that of a person who spent years at war while still preserving his humanity. donnelly joins a growing list of prominent artists and writers killed in this war right to victoria. i am a lena who died from injury sustained in a rocket attack on this restaurant in commer tools. last summer poets
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a novelist equal mister jack was serving as a paramedic when he was killed last year. i and children's also followed the may have collect coach who was abducted from these occupied village at the start of the war, and whose remains would like to discover at the mass burial site. in ukraine, centuries long struggled to establish a distinctive national identity. literature has always played a significant role and never more so, since russia's full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago. the threat from the countries that resistance, that threats is help drive their research and cultural interest. that's a positive trend with people now more interested, more thoughtful, more conscious about ukrainian culture. on stage dollies father reading the woods, his son left behind she rob mcbride, i'll just say era keith to protest. and so from super late at all, to dive in. she's made a lease of painting of the live museum cars. so they have said the work who's
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behind protected cloths and wasn't damaged into this, a part of a civil resistance group protesting for sustainable food and social security. a sled here. what else is there a n sports, a memorable come back results in the 1st crime slammed tennis trophy for this. antonio file here. today's the in savannah, a construction boom is underway for hotels. h. a norm as new hotels were not rated in other 5 will be opened by december of this of cuba, so called economic engine continues to stall. as evidenced by these old convertibles standing idle in old havana for exact foreign tourists. millions of cubans depend on tourism. chain define work, i spend money and others make money. the probation of cruise ships imposed by
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donald trump has impacted us a lot. the streets are empty, there are no tours close to anywhere. so the big question is, why are the building so many new hotels? new hotels are being built, who has government money on property, not being claimed and us courts choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom, a feet that will take more than just new hotels. the the, [000:00:00;00] the type of support now his, for me,
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thank you so much. but you're gonna call her names on course to make his final season at liver pull a memorable one, his team or 3 to the 5th round of the english as a cap. this was clumps his 1st game since he announced he would be leaving the club at the end of this campaign, liverpool beach, 2nd tier, and orange, 5 to it, and field diego, georgia, and virtual van dyke along the scores. liverpool are also top of the premier league and this victory keeps them in contention to win for trophies. forced tear new new port, tao te gave mattress or united the scare in their time. having been to nailed down a goal from new fords. will evidence made the score to to anthony's for school and disease and put united back into the lead on the 12th time tough winters went on to win for to on finally to the band trouble forced to cut match between west from and wolves to be paused the 2 clubs have a long standing rivalry. the referee was forced to stop the game shortly after
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wells took it to no lead late in the 2nd half. following a delay of almost 40 minutes, a match did resume what was going on to bring the tie of the by g sign had pulled off the big upset at the asian cap. the team ranked a 106 in the world. the united arab emirates and a penalty shoot them to reach the quarter finals. cheeky sun are making their 1st appearance after tournament and will now play either a rash or jordan in the last states i was trailer, also into the quarter finals after 4 know when over indonesia. so help malik was at that game for us. the beach in indonesia, heading to the cool of the final of the agent, come before the much. those are really home. feel about this much boy,
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indonesia so much for the support. also to sounds the just out number just straight as well on the pitch where really counts australia showed that, well, we certainly did a pretty lucky function with a dyslexic go off of that. it was one way trusted boys put them to the head before last time. and then the 2nd one, we just control things until they blew in an easier way, right? again, it's going to go through goodwin and to talk less the way to, to say to those. but right now they're celebrating a full 0 when we're not in today. you're going to find the typically course, but i think we got the result. we wanted some of it. so i was like, oh god, maybe we're going to actually have a tough time. leave it. but then the boys really came into the try so slightly one to 22015 on that fine. certainly this is going to be that yes, when they go on there. oh wow. 2 certainly confidence as high. let's see whether australia can do it. they're
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gonna celebrate tonight. let's see what happens for the rest of the campaign. so, hell malik, i'll just 0 johnston behind the stadium. that will know it soon, which 2 teams have made it to this year's super bowl. the f c championship game is heading into the 3rd quarter. patrick the homeless and the counselor said the chief, so take you on baltimore. ravens. the chief lead the ravens. 177 leader on the san francisco 49 years face the detroit lions for the m f. c. championship. it leaves the amik center has won the australian open to claim his 1st grand slam town . his title center produced an epic come back against. daniel met the dev to beat the russian and $0.05, and you richardson reports. a 1st grandson, victory, and his 1st major final. at the age of 22 younique's seem to confirm his status as a release in full listing will tennis by winning feel strange, you know,
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i wish that everyone could have my parents because they always let me, let me choose whatever i want it to. even when i was younger i i made, saw also some other sports and then then they never put pressure on myself. and then that wish that this freedom is possible for as many young kids as possible. so thank you so much for from as soon as when looked on the likely one, he's rushing opponent, the new method that raced into it see set lead method of instantly to the 1st melvin 72. and he stood falling on the tongue in was destined to repeat this speech roughly on the dial had achieved. and this time to be cited 2 years ago, just as an adult had done it. the final against meditative center was able to come back from a set deficit when the matching find method that has not lost fully 46 major final . so really that's not through
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a lot of stress on that. i hope i can can try to get to the next one if it's late in the final, which has to be in 13 finals in there. also. i'll try my best to to do that the next time i'd really be congrats and you deserve the 1st to tell me and to lift this trophy send, it looks best in korea that would include many more records on the richardson, l. g 's era the west indies cricket team and pulled off one of the big biggest shocks in recent memory. the smart joseph took 7, which is to secure their 1st went in australia since 1997. the to match series ended in a draw and to another surprises england beat india and the 1st test in hyderabad. only pope scored a 196 leave india needing 231. so when tom hartley then took 7 wicked finding, you to secure a $28.00 front victory. okay,
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that is all you support for now back to you, my point slow for what i've said, for many folk of this do use uh but i'll be back in just a few moments time with much more of the days. use your watching. i'll just the is one of the was largest radio telescopes, designed by soviet era, pioneer only to be left lying. idle refusing to be silenced is nice recessive dates the sleeping colossus. the witness makes 50 full armenians for both in space drive on the jersey to on the morning of january, 18th, 2023. several law enforcement agencies in georgia conducted a rate in
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a forest and se atlanta. protestors had camped in the woods for months to protect the trunk of the land from being bold, those to build a $90000000.00 police training center. so i was slipping in a hammock with my partner at the time we woke up around like a maybe quarter till 8 in the morning. several were soleski had travelled from pittsburgh to atlanta and joined the protests for the weekend. so we were just laying in bed talking and then all of a sudden we heard and saw just like 15 or so police in full military like combat gear. like with a are 15. it's just like coming through the woods directly out us. we're waiting to be put into a transport vehicle, and that's when i heard gunshots. this is a region that is lovely, develop thing,
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but it's one also that is afflicted by conflict. police collapse. we try to balance the stories, the good, the bad i've been and he's the people allow us into their lives, dignity into minus. he asked me to tell the stories, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the flow on the bulk of this is the news out loud from dough coming up. in the next 60 minutes that are all key militia group releases this video claiming, and attack this code, 3 us soldiers on the syria tools and border displaced again desperate policy gets


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