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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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on the phone off from there, he gets up and the storms off. a lot of the stories that we cover a heidi complex, so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as all just arrow correspondence. that's where we strive to do the, the loankey, the group releases video, claim responsibility for an attack that's killed 3 us soldiers on the jordan. sylvia board to the donovan. this is the on line from the hospital. so coming up on the move, once again, tens of thousands of displaced by samantha, 3 and con eunice to run the font as israel's offensive and southern gaza.
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intensifies is ready ministers from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who attend the conference pointing to reset office trip. and it will take time to look at what happens to the $25000.00 palestinian children have lost. the 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drawing attack on an american base on the jordan. sylvia bowed it close to a rock. there. the 1st american military fatalities in the middle east since israel swan golf again, president joe biden has blamed around back the groups and has evolved to respond. he said the attack happened to ne and jordan the of the syrian border. the faced 34 soldiers were injured in the sunday strike. jordan's government expressed its condolence as divided and said they were no jordanian casualties. the american base
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houses a small number of troops involved in anti ice, la probations, and who advise and assist jordanian soldiers. the and the rocky malicious group, backed by yvonne, has claimed responsibility for the attack. the as long as it was distance and iraq released this video, which it says it shows the drawn launch which killed the us. so, which is let's go down to our correspondent, rosalind jordan. she's joining us live from washington dc. and the questions was about when about how the us would respond off to president biden's comments. well, essentially what we heard from the us president joe biden on sunday as well as from the defense secretary lloyd austin, is about all that the international community is going to get that the us will respond at a time and place of its choosing anything beyond that basically would spoil the
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surprise to use the cliche b us is going to have to figure out what would be an effective way of responding to this attack on tower $22.00, where us forces have been housed in northeastern jordan in order to do so with out possibly, in igniting a much broader conflict in the middle east. it is sort of thing, however, that they're going to have to contend with from a political standpoint. because on sunday, we also saw over the folding of republican calls for attacks, not just on the groups or that launched this attack, but on a run itself in order to send a message that the lives of us forces cannot be trifled with. so it's really a question now of waiting to see exactly how the us government is going to respond to sundays attack,
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or right roles. thank you very much for that roseland jordan with an anxious live in washington dc. let's take a look at the statement by the islamic resistance in nevada, which is claimed sponsibility for the attack. it says we are continuing our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in iraq and the region and a response to the mass because by the zionist entity against people in gaza. these amik resistance fighters in iraq attacked do one on sunday by drawings for enemy bases 3 of which are in sylvia. and the force inside are occupied palestinian territory. well, let's head to rock and speak to mike with that. then why have his life was in baghdad? so tell us what more we know about the attack and the group behind muffled the, the well this is this lemma resistance to an umbrella term that includes a it on aligned on with the groups in the rock and city. and they have been cutting
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out similar attacks on the need a daily basis in iraq and city at $178.00 attacks according to sources with the stomach resistance started us and coalition forces in iraq and city as since october the 17th. since it the, as they say it's, it says the us give green light to is ready to start the land incursion into a lies that the blame the united states for standing as a major support. the visor is admitted, so you can paint on the plaza and they threatened to escalate to continue attacking us and coalition forces. as long as the way the state skipped supporting is limited . so you can paint on a mazda the lease. the reason the latest attack on a that, that a tower to base near the border with the jordan, the city and border, the city and jordanian border, and that killed the us. soldiers was claimed by the stomach resistance. it claimed
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responsibility for the attack, and it says that it was continued targeting us facilities, military facilities in iraq and syria until the us and coalition troops withdrawal from iraq. now, according to sources, would this not make resistance the are on high alert in all locations? not expecting any teddy yet to the attack counter attack by the us as it was the case in similar attacks were the us did a tough thing to their locations. an iraq and couldn't get them out of the fighters . all right, well thank you very much for that. that's my was at the head live in baghdad. let's cross over to ted on and speak to a so said that in the us, blaming of ron, searching the, the republicans and the us bathing around for the attack. but have we heard anything from pet on a voucher dressel as well? despite the statements of the statements from the american officials and
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politicians you're in to run, there is a complete silence. so there hasn't been an official statement from the, the, from the read new toilet, easier in it to around regarding your bronze position about such a tags. you reading officials have repeatedly stated that you don't, doesn't have the proxies that goes to region, but allies, and it's cause these actors we're contacting the techs on the american basis that are the excess of the resistance. and you run says that they do not take the orders or the directions from iran, but rather they are the, they're separate of fantasies and they act autonomously. and they make their decision based on the phone assessments and visit a d is it won't say that these access of the resistance is reacting against us, is complicity in is rallies, crimes against the palestinians. however, we have seen that since the beginning of the war guys are, they had the knew that there would be more than $170.00 effects on the american
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basis across the region. a new one has not claimed the responsibility for any of them, but they don't, has been actively engaged in acute, for type policy against israel. so on december 25th is we have has q one a talk. you run your resolution to go to general theme, damascus, and dental gen richard. there will be 2 suicide attacks conducted in the city of kill them on mute, on which killed more than 90 runyan citizens. here is suppose one has attacked a basie in the air bill, which it says it was a spice center run by these very secret service most ok. and then you also have loss and recycles in the a seat in the position of forces in syria. and also some groups in pakistan, men here believe that this was a show was or 444. and this muscle was the one showing his muscles and the children's capabilities. how does that do this stuff is well, on january 20, it's another top you when it will official who just to read,
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which is believe to be the head of intentions, unit of quotes, forces. iran was killed in damascus by israel. so when we look at the combination of all of these events, because see that there's a dentist escalation, that you don't set that process off of the kimball requested that this is red, x is not going to go on answer. so we do not know whether this recent attack in jordan wasn't retaliation form you want for, it was conducted separately by any running proxy in the region or right, right. so thank you very much for that. that's visual. satisfied with a view from that on. let's stay with this and bringing juice with auto body though he's of a time took is johnny colonel and of defense and security analyst. and he's joining us live from on could a thank you very much for your time. they have been over a $150.00 attacks on us assets and the region since october 7th, as we've been hearing. but just how much of an escalation is this attack, given the 1st american deaths to yeah,
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one of the most important issues here that you should take into consideration that attack is directed to an american base, which target of the american service men on the field just near the. busy of georgia, tech g of 3 americans service one on the board. and for that reason, that also created a new level at the latter off escalation level. best collection is very important because united states was that in order to prevent a regional conflict, often because the war has started for this reason, united states states was trying to provide the regional price was in the region. but this time that us soldiers has been killed inside silvia jordan border, which means that united states should targets directly not the proxies these time bought the proxies beach balls being used by a test problem. what pet on the set pet on says, but you know,
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it doesn't use the word proxies. it says that it has allies in the region, especially all of these groups which have been carrying out attacks against us interests and the regions say that they are doing so of the own accord and support for the people in gaza. how do you expect the us to respond to this again, given those american desks a let me take a look at to the story and map be know that all these areas are full of 50 ronnie and proxies. and there are also groups at the northern parts beach proxies off the y p g forces because acting together with united states and then you go to the rest of the forces. yes, that's true that you go to the best you can see the soft forces, other than that you can not find any other groups which is slowly get wrong in this area. we thought and a connection beach and then other groups is impossible for this reason. the proxy
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is of the you are on, is very likely common in these areas stuff older you wrong denies that these are not the ronnie and propes. he's at the front of the, the, but speed at to this bomb being at the supreme leader off the wrong a couple of days ago clearly stated that they would attack to american forces in the area. for this reason, such kind of rhetoric sometimes will be a huge problem for the a u haul is using them. uh, i do not think that the united states being only tarred with the proxies who made use of fans, probably according to the escalation, the other and by you take a look. let's look at the senate doors in the united states and 8, they directly called by good news ration targets attack from ford. that's the reason all the united states does not want in the regional risk. now, at this time,
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uh, the united states has no choice. other than a at taking to some very important g, p goes all direct that to the top from. all right, so can, can you with that and target pet on directly and not risk a why the escalation in the, in the region. i need to really yes, united states can direct the targets test wrong, but i do not think that that time uh united states will directly target tough round about the probably target directly. one of the most important key figures inside syria, inside the rock or inside iraq, like to trump has done to cause some sleigh money for your sake. uh uh, because uh, the united states also does not pump an escalation, a regional crisis in this area. and this is the reason that the united states is that, but what is very strange that united states was discussing, to move,
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to pull all their soldiers from rock and sylvia. and after that discussion that at text is very meaningful, which means that someone is trying to keep united states soldiers inside rock on inside. sylvia, for this reason that attacks is directly may be linked to the gods of war, which means that it will make it color for the gods on war. and the side of forces, booty is attacking especially to do that for crossing borders in know a day for riots that is the defense and security analyst use of out about of the very good to get your perspective. thank you for your time. the gaza as well as relentless bombardment and ground defensive of the south, as for thousands of palestinians to escape con eunice, then making their way for the south. most of gauze was population as well,
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crammed into the alpha. that's the southern most tip of the gaza strip. trapped between the sea and the egypt, sin volta, they have nowhere else to go. like laughter reports told again to flee. these displays palestinian say they were forced to abandon the 1st attempt to of hon. eunice, when he's ready for us, is open fire in the area. military flyers had ordered them to go to a rough. ha. so they're heading south, but no full. well, there's no guarantee they will be safe. the but we have to move thing in the rain and cold with 13 other people. most of them are children. look at this child is this was nothing. you all who want. we all civilians with no involvement in the will. we want to eat, drink and have some way to shelter the on to even 10 say that recently established is really check points on the road. south palestinians face possible detention as
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well as abuse and humiliation. they say you have a new not is unsure of his son's face. again, i'm on the floor that's low. i go back and forth every 2 hours to check on. my son did nothing now. why did they arrest? and they tell us to leave. so they can arrest the sons who will take responsibility for this. once in rough, a desperate situation awaits at least one point. 7000000 palestinians have been displaced during the war by the by is really evacuation orders or it's related to this bombing campaign. now, most of them all here in rough. the u. n. is described as rails mass evacuation order is chaotic and then effective. thousands of palestinians are sleeping in tens if they can find one of the young one. if i spend 3 days walking on the streets and when i arrive, i couldn't find shelter, no tense. i couldn't find anything that i spent the night on the street in the ring
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ring without shelter. i have orphans with me. children who don't have a father or mother, she is fighting, is forced them to the southern most tip of the gaza strip. beyond those walls lies egypt. and to the east, the mediterranean sea. there is no way left to go. but despite that many remain defiant, don't harmless, is it hot? i missed our country even if the will and we won't return to our homes. and if they are destroyed, we will live in attend, terrified, and form a ties. palestinians are being pushed into ever smaller pockets of land facing indignity and humiliation. every step of the way mike level, how does era and, and the ruins of palestinian homes in gaza. israel's foreign ministers and politicians are talking about resettling the strip. they've attended a conference in west jerusalem, call him for palestinians to leave gaza and for his ratings to settle there.
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instead. national security minister isn't my bank of the finance minister as a little smoke judge and all the ministers and members of benjamin netanyahu looked at possible at the conference. they presented a plan for the re establishment of 15 and legal is very assessments. and 6 additional ones on destroyed palestinian land as well. withdrew with some of the tree on settlers from gaza in 2005 after a 38 year occupation. positive correcting the mistake. the pros, a point us to stevens of october and pros of point us the deportation is to return back home to goose cookie and north america. today, everyone really understand that lean brings more and that's if you don't want another stevens of october. you have to return home to control the territory
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we are settling or aligned from which to like control against me fighting several ways and bringing with god's help security to full of as well know what the answer is. without settlement, there is no security that's bringing home the son who's she's joining his life and long she parties, jerusalem. and recently gaza isn't the it's of the official as really government position. so what's the reason for a conference like this home? the a lot of pressure on these really prime minister from the right wing camp of his government as this settler conference in west jerusalem. you saw at least 27 members of the government in attendance. 12 of them ministers in netanyahu's cabin at 15 other lawmakers there. some of them from benjamin netanyahu. his own was food party. now this is something that has been preached by the right wing, specifically ultra nationalists within the government for months, calling for the re occupation of gaza for building
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a legal settlements. and even the voluntary migration of palestinians is people. the 2 people spear heading these types of comments have been the country's national security minister. it's a more ben viewer and the finance minister, bedside and smelt rich, who just on saturdays spoke to was really media. and so that there will be and is rarely military rule in gaza after the war that will control palestinian civil matters. but this is in direct contrast to what these really government says, their official position is these really prime minister has reiterated it multiple times that that is simply not in the cards. there are no plans to reoccupied gaza for the voluntary migration of house engines or to build the legal settlements. this is something that was also laid out in the defense ministers plans for after the war in a framework that he had released several weeks ago. but comments like this from these right wing government members have international implications. there's already so much pressure from the united states on this and young who's government
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to try and calm down this type of rhetoric that actually was used in the case against israel at the international court of justice. the americans have said repeatedly, they are against any sort of legal settlements. they are against the migration of health, simians from guns or any type of displacement. and they're also against any other type of rhetoric that has come through from these ministers, even though these really prime minister says this is not the government position. these government members are advocating for this. and it is important to note that this view is a minority within these really society. all right, home to thank you for that home. the son who is joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. but let's get more on this. we're joined by most of a lot of goofy, he's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and a full, a palestinian information minister. and he's joining us live from that. i'm all always a pleasure to have you on our 0. i'm just about it will be 1st of all to respond to seeing it is really ministers holding a conference,
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calling for the establishment of several months in gaza, which has been experiencing go on the siege for more than 3 months. and the establishment of assessments which remain in legal on the international law with this confidence shows you the nature of this is the government itself, fascist the government. this confidence, which was led by the 2 freshest smoke that each on being the who are known to be extreme, who are known to be violent and who are known to be calling for the ethnic cleansing angles, ballast indians, and, and this garden, this confidence well is there any ministers that me, as i've mentioned, participate to be included in ministers from the liquid party, the bottom to who's the now edition, at least 15 members of the kinetic participated. so it's not a joke. these are, these are the people who are making the policy in israel and the they would go and
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include ethnic cleansing group that is a complete ethnic cleansing of the people of guys and do it according for you. so it's a mental visitor, eddie and jewish people in the side. guys, the cooling does that part of the jewish and the jewish land. still what we are dealing with here is actually the policy of the is there any government? yeah. and the it on the social is that the, nothing at all is completely hostage to these precious to him. since i've located the ethnic cleansing before. and certainly you're not the only person who says that that's what as well is doing. and as a, it's ethnic cleansing, many human rights organizations are saying that, but it's interesting isn't it, that the words that they use is voluntary migration. a no, that's on the, this is some kind of dispute blip kind of run through the migration when the boom, bottom to people around the clock and forces them from the north to the south for
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them to send to the south. one bottom with getting people. what kinds of other people not to these guys, so they don't want to these guys, people want to stay and goes. yeah. but the problem is the data boom, but i didn't give anybody on difficulty. i started a huge number of people. now most of the population of it goes in a very small area and you can imagine what could happen of this start from bumped into that place. but what we've seen in this confidence or what this confidence has shown is something that was the time that the disability of the united states of america and standing up to these claims of ethnic cleansing. did they continue to say that they set them aside? a legal? yes, but the instead of punishing is what and they are punishing. the 1st thing is um, what does the conference say about, you know what seeing is where the need is. think of international no come in just 2 days after the national court of justice ordered israel to prevent not just genocide, but any faith displacement of people in gaza. so these guys don't good about
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international the i tax the national court of justice claiming to that that was on peace of mind on to submit a this is the kind of language they are using. they have noticed that to the national and they are doing all of that because the international community has been silent, silent about live doing it. and you can see the clear to the stand until $11000.00 eh, sanctions on russia and less than 2 months. and the case of you could i am, i'm sending the military equipment on the whip. on sunday i took the states and we will be on come to this to the of, to buy it as a lot. and i'll just throw in garza and contact him to an act of ethnic cleansing. most of them that i've started, i see it is amazing. what did those then? governments do, many list and governments, 10 of them including good knighted states, clinton and others. they paid to the most important agency now that is providing humanitarian it to the police simians,
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which is another way that they are conducting collective punishment of the student population and part of disability. and goodness is that i would not have the that to go that far. and these specialists would not have them to declare what they have declared, if there was a tedious sense on the side of less than governments who are supporting visitor and with everything. mr. barton with the thank you as always for your time that is most of about to go with a live in ramallah 10 to 12, some power saying that brokering a captives day in between as well. and i'm also being described as constructive the head of the c. i a met officials from israel, kasha, and egypt. the statement from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is also says that the meeting was meaningful, but that gaps remained. of the discussions will continue this week from phillip eve . well, how much i'm ju, them has the details. as it indicates that there is momentum now to try to iron out the sticking points and try to reach a deal. that's
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a contrast to what we were hearing earlier, which sounded more negative. now, one of the reasons this is also complicated is because, even though there is this initiative to try to effect some kind of secession of possibilities, there's still a lot of questions about how long the potentials the station of hostilities would last. we see some media outlets here. what is really official saying it would be 30 days other think it could be up to 2 months. beyond that you have the fact that nothing yahoo is under a lot of pressure from a lot of different factions throughout israel. you have families of captives being held in gaza that are saying that government needs to be doing a lot more to try to secure the release of those captives. there have been more and more rallies over the course of the last few months, demanding that of the government. you also have members of these really war cabinets that are openly questioning. if nothing, yahoo is doing enough to secure the release of those captains beyond that. you also have far right wing, members of his government who have been saying that they are concerned that if
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a deal is reached it would not be a good deal. and to that end, just this evening in jerusalem, you had a meeting, a conference of sorts that was held in order to call for the resettlement of gaza. this meeting was attended by 12 members of parliament, including the finance minister, if as a law, smart, rich and national security minister, if more and give year 2 of the most far right. we mean members of that's in the who's government. so there's a lot going on in israel right now. there's a lot of questions as to whether or not, if there is another cease fire, whether that would constitute perhaps an into the war. and that's and you all who continues to insist that there will not be an into the war until how much is completely eliminated. so there are a lot of factors, some of them at odds with each other. i'm sure we'll be hearing more in the days ahead. but right now, out of this meeting in paris this evening, a sign of cautious optimism from these really officials in marked contrast to statements. we've been hearing these past few days. of alice demands of digging
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mass graves inside the grounds of loss or hospital. the biggest health facility in southern gaza will be 350 patients. and many of those has been full from the homes of sheltering their doctors, it mouth or hospital wanting. it won't be able to function for much longer. the spokesman for the ministry of health and gaza says that is hospitals and con, units are unable to provide full medical services for the water facing which i'm, i'm also the could be warm, especially in the real situation on the ground in both national medical complex and all i'm all hospital is nothing short catastrophic because it is indescribable on it. so he's really occupation forcibly type see if these medical facilities for the 6th day in a row. as a result, the entire health system and both hospitals has collapsed. they've run out of as fedex and the medications necessary for the i see you may even pain killers are no longer available for the patients or the wounded. and that the bubble will,
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those inside these 2 hospitals, including the medical staff, are left without a drop of water or a low foot brad year, 1000 to display civilians and taken shelter in these medical facility as often as fuels running out of power generators will come to a stop in a few days. at that point, the 2 hospitals and the medical crews there will stand helpless, watching the patients and wounded breathing their life very heavy and associates perfect. now in addition to the thousands of dead and wounded children, the one gaza has left a vast number of friends. according to a report by d 0, a mediterranean human rights instead of a tree. more than $25000.00 children have now lost one of both of the parents, as i beg reports on the tragic cost of israel school. that's left and, and time generation of children traumatized of the monks on his face. remind 16, you know, the son of the day her father was killed. one minute she was at home with a family and the next she woke up in the hospital while mobile but the it had remained highly of some. i didn't swear to very kind to me during the day because
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they were both kidd. i did not have the chance to say good bye to my father, but they did to my mother. it's a big shock to me. i.


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