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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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the speech and 1st amendment, by how many words would i have to exchange and this legislation thing use it to flush free speech. of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 word pod, 3. the template on our 20. why is benjamin netanyahu flashing out that egypt, jordan, and pass off? he's been criticizing these countries. it sends israel the gun as for on garza facing growing pressure is at home. what does nothing else who wants to present a business? does he risk a nation reeseville today is. this is inside the hello there and welcome to the program. an install is here today. since the start of israel is war on garza and alley all the time. but it's 10 us relations with
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countries in the region has come on the increasing strain. it's a curious egypt to booking a delivery is to gaza and criticized content was rolling mediation, the release of israeli captives may bring jordan, hasn't been spivey then as well. says it might not renew a long standing water agreement because a lot has been announced it's military offensive in garza. so is benjamin netanyahu criticizing cairo de honda mon, for political gain, is he faced as close to step down? and how will his condemnation on these countries affect ongoing negotiations towards the se is fine? it's a country to discuss but fast this report on israel french, all regional ties, a israel's relations with egypt kata, and jordan were considered precarious loan before october the 7th. but since it declared war on her mass and launch the military offensive and gaza regional attention to escalate to daily israel accused egypt to blocking 8 deliveries into the strip something the president to nice the set up for
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a minimum of the hedge. if i were the reason for not letting a loaf of bread into gaza, how could i say scott? no, i swear egypt rough a crossing is open. 247 every day of the month. the procedures taking place on the is really side are the reason is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly said the philadelphia cargile. a narrow strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between egypt and gaza must be on the is really controlled to philadelphia. where's the philadelphia card or, or to put it more correctly, the southern point of garza must be in our hands. it must be shut. it is clear that any other arrangement would not insure the de militarization that we seek cairo has wants any attempt to occupy the border with threatened ties between the 2 countries . but it's not just egypt, the israel slashing out at reports in his writing media suggests that in a link to recording that ton yo who criticized cast his role in mediating the
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release of his ready to kept his held and gaza cooling it. problematic responding in a statement on the social media cast, his foreign ministry notes that if validated the comments responsible and destructive to the efforts to save innocent lives. and then on saturday, a seemingly unapologetic that's on yahoo. publicly pressure though ha, to put pressure on a mass by sheila and then cut the cutter hosts the leaders off from us. it also funds from us. it has leverage over from us and cut are said that it can help bring back or hostages. they position themselves as mediators. so please go right ahead and prove it. let them be so good as to bring back our hostages pensions between israel and george. never also growing a 1994 agreement that sees a man purchasing 25 to 50000000 cubic meters. of water from tel aviv each year is unlikely to be extended and applied to water and energy exchange, which was meant to have been ratified in october is probably off the table to
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speaking to l. just sarah in november, the foreign minister explained jordan would not sign any deal while israel continued to kill children and gaza. israel's ongoing disagreements with kata and egypt, the 2 main mediators in the war, and it's worsening relations with its neighbors. children will only further isolate the country humphrey, any efforts to bring last in peace to the region. veronica pedroza out to 0, the inside story. while long inside story today on joined by dr. ha ha and london. he's a senior associate fellow at the royal united services institute for defense and security studies in the home we have sold on bar code. he's a professor of public policy. it has not been felicia university, and also the co author of back to gaza. a new approach to reconstruction and, and telling me we have a cuba l that he's a political analyst, and the journalist,
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he also cools the book loads of the land, the war of israel's supplements, any occupied territories. welcome to the show. thank you for joining us on inside story today gentlemen. we all having this conversation at a moment in time where there is seemingly some pretend some of these went around a 2 months pause in the fighting. this is all just a really sensitive moment. so i keep it, let me start with a why do you think given the sensitivity of this moment in time, always seeing such rhetoric and, and totally different from israel and nothing yahoo in particular. well, is there any oh is also one of those people who are taking hostages in october, seventies. uh, just looking at uh, the reports about the statements made by his uh, partner to the college and even my bank via and uh miss uh, side of this latrete to the, uh, we just are all fine is, uh,
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they made it very clear that the wall was out being able to declare victory, and god knows what they mean by victory. um is uh the end of the government of the same time. also, we have to keep in mind, that's his father's phone, the says to benny guns and the guy the eyes in court. but also i pod is that there's, i'm not going to be there forever. they also made it clear when they decided to join this emergency kind of unity government that they are there all the for the war. so from the time, you know, it's very clear. and actually you said the he said when he was asked about the day off to do well, what is the exit strategy? he's in the day at the end of the day off the wall. he's the senior estate. so
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he is now presenting himself not as he can't do it anymore after october 7, s b for the tech. so oh, the joys state as uh, the destroyer, if you live off the also agreement off and you literally use or freeze between is words and the palestinian. and i am very sorry, but she is now the problem is, this is where is the problem of the swim? i know investment obviously a huge amount of criticism, price of gold on the time of, of ness and yahoo, but it wouldn't be in his interest to get these really captives back cries. and obviously capital has been very involved in those negotiations we've, we've, we've seen results in that regard. dr. kelly, these comments that we've seen from us in yahoo, on cats, are they relate to his really media that's of the most an accident. so what do you make of that? what's the thinking here potentially?
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well, thank you for having me. i think it's very clear and your previous guest alluded to this uh, benjamin that's in. yeah. whose primary concern is remaining in the office, and he knows very well what plays with the the far right within his country, the buttresses, his cabinets. me. he is indeed a bound to have to deal and, and respect that kind of sentiment and within that electorate. and within the opinion base of the. ready ministers that were mentioned cult daughter is a public enemy number one irrespective of you know where. ready it is or isn't in reality, and i think that we have to expect that nothing yahoo is going to continue saying certain mist. ready minutes like these, sometimes they'll be public. sometimes they'll be leaked, but it all comes out to the same thing, which is all about showing himself as this figure that is going to stand up for
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jewish interests above and beyond the uh, the national consider. ready actions of the country in a conflict like this, of course, there will be many who will say these are identical. um, but if you look at the long term interests of even from within the as ray of the security establishment. he's not making terribly many friends. what would you say that these comments off of domestic consumption, primarily assault on let me bring you into this discussion because if these are comments and, and for domestic audience, i'm wondering how they're going. i have a, a broad and especially as ease negotiations, all taking place all day hindering things or affecting things at all. yes, of course, i think in addition to them being designed by people for domestic consumption and particularly i think and justifying it himself to the families of the hostages.
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they also to present a degree of frustration that mister nathan, y'all must now feel, having done so far into the war. he's killed almost with to 6000 people. and he has to try cheap as a is declared the objective. but also it could be a way to they said to play tactics within negotiations by placing pressure on the messengers and trying to place those internal controls, these 3 key interruptions, jordan, egypt, and pets, are under increase. the pressure accusing them of being more biased towards from us in the hope that they wouldn't help accelerate and achieving his objectives. and i think if it is the latter, then here's really miss advise, because it does reflect that she doesn't quite understand the nature of the relationship between that and how much it doesn't appreciate. the effort that covered and egypt have done in particular to over the last few weeks, but for many,
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many years before that, you know, in his long time as a prime minister, he's close to many crises in conflict and it was always a thought of who's come to his, the rest you in a science by providing the link between him and how much independence in use and, and by doing so he will be undermining, is always on position. and i wouldn't be surprised if the americans are now privately. so contrary, been saying, please hold back, you'll need to know who are you or your friends in this operation, or the people who are trying to help you out here. and not just to take out your frustration on everyone. blaming everybody, but let them know i'm blaming every other country but israel for its actions and the gaza strip. so it's a very yeah. ok. well established, that's a nice thing to be starting into. that's what we had told her about ratcheting up the pressure. obviously, egypt has also been a key mediator and a lot of this and we do expect them to be involved in the next round of,
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of talks. but we've also seen just recently at the i, c, j, the international court of justice. egypt was accusing, sorry, israel was accusing egypt of restricting aid and their vote receiving issues around the philadelphia card or as well i see that as well as now saying they planned to deploy troops to rafa. and the philadelphia cardo. mean, egypt has, has pushed back already quite strongly on that. and dr. kelly, how far do you think this could go? and i see you're also knows agreeing with what. so a ton was saying they're not far from it. so not, don't, please don't interpret my expressions to disagree with so upon. um, i think that my, my impressions here are, let's say 3 fold. one benjamin. that's who is engaging in an incredibly cynical approach. okay. so he knows exactly what he's doing. i have no doubts about that, and i think that this is a huge amount of evidence to suggest as such. so it's not really down to him being
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advised badly or, or any such thing. and i think so donald agreed um it's a, it's a very cynical approach. she will make these statements. he will say these things, even when he knows that they're not true. and this has been shown time. and again, not simply over the last few weeks or last few months, but frankly throughout his career. so that's one to when it comes to the americans . the americans are undoubtedly saying, all sorts of things, not all needs, and that's in yahoo. but to other members of this administration saying, you know, this isn't a good idea, this isn't a good idea. this isn't a good idea. and they turn around and ignore it, and they turn around and ignore it. because washington, that refuses to penalize these reviews for any of these action. so, you know, a good sort of, you know, thing like in this regard the means very little in comparison to what? uh, the, the far right. members of nothing. yeah. who is government are threatening to do more than that? do you see
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a box the is ready for it completely. um, this huge leverage that washington dc. it has over this varies and is refused completely, completely use any of it in the past few months. and frankly, from much longer beyond that, how is that going? then in terms of is rose relationship to egypt. they've been pressing cairo on, on a number of factors. and i'm wondering how that's going over with washington as well. doctor, how do you so washington i'm sure is extremely. busy of what's going on in this regard. washington views the peace agreement between the as rarely as and the egyptians to be incredibly important for the security architecture of the region. and knows very well, but the, the links on security and so forth are, you know, that are dispensable. so when, when these ratings go to the i,
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c j. and they've got an extremely cynically put across the idea that it's the objections that are holding back a. for example, of course, this was done extremely badly in egypt on multiple levels. not least really not least of which because the is rate is control almost every single border with regards to god's are all eric. ready orders of. ready us all see borders of course, and then 5 out of a sort of 6 out of 7 of the land borders are completely control. ready by these re, these, the last border crossing which is it off off is, is controlled by the egyptians, but still with the, let's say, is really veto. which is why it is being such a trickle of a going through it real fast and not because it junctions are stopping it because these radius are stopping. and this was made very clear by, you know, scores of international organizations. and there's no question about this. so of course, egypt responded very harshly and their reports that they threatened to pull the
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investigator on so on. but none of this is supposed to go down. whether do you see the question is will d, c, apply any leverage and use any leverage on this really is. and so far nothing has been pointed out or the wrong the, the situation and gods is incredibly dire. in response to the i c j ruling earlier this week, following that there was an accusation against certain members of under uh for having participate in the terrace attack. it's october 7th. and what, what happened as a result of funding for, i know it was suspended by sue of countries including the u. k. and the united states where as much more of an accusation was made against israel at the i, c j, the charge of genocide. and no such action was even remotely considered pulling funding from. i know at the time of such a dire humanitarian christ. ready is really unconscionable, and frankly,
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a more well akiva, let me try this too, because i'm wondering how this is all going or the interview. obviously there been a lot of things that have taken place in the last few days, but the narrative, the international narrative has somewhat shifted hasn't changed the political calculus one as in yahoo. yeah, absolutely. uh, if you look to the post, it was published this weekend. you can see that these are well elections taking place today, and then finding out what the b, x prime minister, the quote would be ousted and we, i see a different government. so i wonder why it's, you know, as much cynical that on, you know, is a loose cannon is, uh, somebody like samsung that is threatening to take the whole country with him down to the obese. so if i go, the country goes um he's acting like a royal they they,
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the whole family is like the family. and i want to remind you of a police a this didn't stopped in october seven's. when the clover 7 there was supposed to be another huge riley, it gets the 30 out and look something that we forgot already. the job is stronger, full. so i would like to make a distinction between is i'm an attorney out and his gang even in his own cabinet like the minister of defense, mr. galler, who was hosted by him and because of the demonstrations of the liberal is mary's. danielle was forced to cancel. gary, uh, his resignation is uh i'll see. so um right now is what i is paying the price of this on the house, the legal problems,
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usually the prior to is due on. he will have to test if i maybe a few weeks, i'll probably the call to give him some more time. and he will have to spend 3 days a week in a courtroom. want to say it's a 100 and the cave of that, but i want to ask a little more about his relationship with some of these need is for instance, with egyptian presidency i, i'm just wondering whether some of these conversations that, that are going on behind closed doors or perhaps of a different toner and then what we're hearing publicly older. it seems that cc is now deciding to not taking us and yahoo is kohl's the tool. what? what's that relationship like now? its um, it's not only uh cc, i know that uh, the king of judah was waiting to meet with him for a very long time. not all the uh, during this time. yeah. um,
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i know that uh the saudis were very eager to establish diplomatic relations. but it was even made it clear that uh we have to forget about putting in a studio 2 bedroom. uh, talking about it, but a scene in state. um, he made it even difficult for the solid is to uh, you know, to remind us that they were waiting to talk soon to send you out. a modem that you owe is not letting them anymore in the white house. it took some time for president biden to take his calls. now he lost the support of not only the administration, the jewish community, the democrats, and we have to remind us that somebody's very happy about his. and this is why nobody's talking about the iranian support of terrorism
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. do you run you nuclear program? and is there any probably, well aware of it, there are huge amounts of reading all dynamics that play here. and, but one of them is also the domestic political feeling. a lot of our states as, as more on gauze and rage is on. so time we've spoken in the past a little bit about the feeling on the arab street to the level of anger that's, that's consistently risen over the course of this complex. is that changing the way that our lead is when regional lead isn't now approaching netanyahu? i mean, as we understood again before, there is a huge difference between believe you just position and the people's position, no one can really say that is right and managed to keep the relocate against it as well. as i've seen, go hand to egypt played to an important role and maintaining that brocade around the guys that for years and years and years except for the days when more she came
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to park. so that is one position that the leaders are doing. all data leaders where the peace agreement and or an organization agreement with us. right. and how about to evolve that have not separate those relationships? some of them will do with their investors. but by and large, they are all desperate to maintain that relationship. not just because it is right because the understanding is that which is the shortest way to washington is to goes to an agreement with that. i mean, so this has, this has been ongoing for a long time. a country like georgia, for example, shows the longest border with a 0. and it's in a very difficult economic position ever since the iraq war and then the syria. then the cobra came really after that and today that having to do with the northern border and the drugs smuggling that is generating from syria. but we all the way to start with this with jordan, i'm strong arms smuggling, that a lot of economic pressure on the jordanians. and then i states,
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as the main supporter for their economy, it's and to provide them with the critical dollars that allowed the economy to float. and of course, internally there is like a, a pressure cope. it's building up. people cannot anymore to accept what is going on and then go so as you know, 40 percent of the electric, jeez, outside the, the occupied territories live in georgia. and in addition of course, unemployment is very high. it's almost reached out 22 percent. and the direct is almost a 110 percent of the g d p a. but what that thing scares me down to nothing you know about georgia is the motor position the jo daniels are taking. and the fact that the king has a prime minister as part of minister, the queen, even they're all of to collect eloquence. people who are seen as moderates, voice around the world. and for them to come in criticism of nothing. yahoo, that just unacceptable. it wouldn't make any notice of say that you have any
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shouting against time, or maybe some criticism coming from my g area. certainly nothing from yet on. but georgian, in the west is seen as a, a mindful the state age is a lower respecting, straight state. and they haven't really strong relations with the rest and people listen to them carefully, but she is determined not to give them an expense even. i mean, the whole issue of 7th october started with the consistent attacks on our lot. so most which is the only part that is under the custodianship will been georgians. and he will know so not the router which was doing that a lot of that relationship with jordan had deteriorated long before october 7th as well. dr. elliot, just picking up on something. so tom was saying that in terms of the relationship with washington, how much do you think that the, the white house is actually dictating the ongoing relationship between the states and israel? so the 1st the just some one last word on nets and yahoo,
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which is. ready i want us to be very careful about apportioning responsibility or blame to simply nothing yahoo for the uh, the states of how israel is perpetrating, perpetuating this more um, paul of the, the senior leadership within days. right. the political system at present is pretty much on board. okay. when we look at, you know, statements from people like alons from the is really the president himself. um, you know, the, the statements were taken to the i, c, j, 4 incitement. the genocide, it's not simply nothing yahoo, i think the, the rots in that regard is much wider and much deeper. and we have to recognize that because that will be a day often nothing. yeah. ready and people not to be naive about what that will look like um now with regards to dc and dictating this book,
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um this states all have their. busy own uh, security considerations as they see the okay, whether or not i agree or so on, agrees or if you've agreed or you agree, but they see them in particular ways in that particular calculations for doing it. and i think that they will continue to do so. the, i don't think that they're getting marching orders, for example, from washington. okay. so how they must put, there must not proceed on the country. in many cases, they're putting down conditions that the americans would prefer to do without including for wider normalization. and it's been very interesting to see or even the saudis, that, you know, the, i don't think there was closest people's thoughts prior to october 7th. but you know, that's not any move towards normalization. now, from what a yard is going to demand much more of a sing that i can substantial posting and components,
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then would it be the case prior to october 7th, i think that's on denial. and the question will, will simply be this, will these rabies move in order to satisfy any of these arrangements? keeping in mind, you know, there's, there's being all of this uh, uproar about, you know, chance on, on street demonstrations, about the trunk from the river to the sea. nothing. yeah. who made it very clear. do you see he sees from the river to the sea is really sovereignty and virtually nobody is now talking about even a 2 state solution. then these are the political establishment, the c r and he is also now and it's for all of the problems that i've talked about normalization for 20 years with the r p as in yahoo plant is, has, has a lot at stake here. and as the cable was saying, no k off around will continue following this very close to be here. and i'll just hear that. so now we'll have our discussion that thank you to all of our guests,
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doctor, ha, ha. and so tom bar, a cut and a cuba elden, thank you to for watching. you can see this program again any time by visiting our website. and is there a dot com for further discussion to go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on x. i'll handle is at a inside story. i mean, as soon as you pay and the whole team hit by the we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can all, i want to die by the 28th on purpose, half the time. and it's to go live on the go live, another story that may not be mainstream the,
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the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the
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rocky video claiming responsibility for an attack that's killed 3 us on which is on the georgia. sylvia border, the vaughnam, and this is ours is a live from doha. so coming up a warning that more people in gauze a will dive funding for the u. n. 's main agency for policy investor, jesus frozen is by any government administered to attend the conference calling for the re establishment of session and some casa and we'll take a closer look at what happens to the 20.


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