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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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the, the end of rocky video claiming responsibility for an attack that's killed 3 us on which is on the joint is sylvia border. the bottom of this is alex is a live from don't ha. so coming off a warning that more people in gaza will dive funding for the u. n's. main aid agency for palestinian refugees is frozen as by the government administered to
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attend the conference calling for the re establishment of settlements in casa. and we'll take a closer look at what happens to the $25000.00 to the in children whose parents have been killed and got the 3 us soldiers have been code and a drawing attack on an american and based on the jordan, sylvia border close to a rock, the 1st american ministry fatalities in the middle east since, as well as 1000 began. president joe biden has blamed iran back on groups and has vowed to respond. he said the attack happened no faced in jordan near the soviet and folder. at least $34.00 soldiers were injured and someday strike children's government expressed its condolences divided and said they would know damian casualties. the american base house was a small number of troops involved in anti i still operations and who advise and assists jordanian soldiers.
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the rocky munition backed by iran has claimed responsibility for the attack the as long as was distance and iraq police this video, which it says shows the drones launch, which kills the us. so which is rosalyn. jordan reports from washington dc. the us is not going to say exactly when, where or how it's going to respond to the attacks, but it is worth noting that the u. s. president joe biden was very quick to say that this would be the case on sunday, after the news of the depths of the 3 of us service members was made public. this was all followed very quickly by statement by the us defense secretary repeating jo biden's, our comment that there will be a response from the us in response to the depths of those 3 us service members.
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this is all of course to maintain the element of surprise. now of course, the big question is going to be, how does the us calibrate it's response? because the bind administration has been very worried about taking any actions that could possibly lead to more conflict across the middle east. we've already seen the strikes against uh who the targets because of their attacks on commercial shippers in the gulf. and there's all in the red sting i should say, and there's also concern about possibly getting other conflicts allowed to grow larger depending on how the us military respond to these attacks, not just on its own forces, but on commercial vessels as well. so let's take a look at the statements by these law mich resistance in iraq, which has claimed responsibility for the attack. it says we are continuing our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in iraq and the region. and in
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response to the mass, because by design is entity against people in gaza. these law mac resistance fighters in a rock attacked at dawn on sunday by drugs full and then the basis 3 of which are and sylvia and the 4th inside are occupied, palestinian to treat law without the law have has the latest on the groups behind the attacks from baghdad. well, this is this lemma resistance. an umbrella told him that includes a it on aligned on with the groups in the rock and city. and they have been cutting out similar attacks on a new daily basis. any rock and city at $178.00 attacks, according to sources with this type of resistance started us and coalition forces in iraq and city as since october the 17th since it the, as they say that since the us give green light to is ready to start the land incursion into advise that the blame the united states for the standing as
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a major support the visually submitted. so you can paint on the plaza and they threatened to escalate to continue attacking us and coalition forces, as long as the way the states keep supporting is limited. so you can paint on a has a job with a non is jordan's form a deputy prime minister, and he says the country is increasingly concerned about the escalation of hostilities in the middle east. a visa that's on the console. it doesn't tell me that she can pin issue and then i just think so, i know. and so probably the people who could probably benefit from such an accident, especially that nobody actually had expected such a tech on the american troops easily to come from people who are interested this. you don't want to expand on the funds kind of don't think that the, you know, the problem is there would be some boys you would say ok, you don't want to be for him on the, for them present. so if i go back to this on
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a few months or then ends on mine, that's and i believe that we are more worried about the fact that the war would escalate with the president of american troops. singleton or without the. and that's exactly what people on a hush and looks back at the cross border violence and the malay since as well as one, gaza, began almost 4 months ago to the how much is october 7th, a dock and is rose, subsequent will and gaza. i still don't like to do. why can reach you on october 8 has will launch a tax on targets and the dispute the trouble farms and what it said was solid. dotted with people off casa that have a nice border continues to see us put on exchange or fire. 200 people are being killed, including stop, has block, combined with summit police. on october 17th drone
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a tax targeted the anal i said, and how do you made it to base is a new rock that tax were claimed by the islamic resistance in the rock. that's an umbrella term for uranium back to rocky groups such as captions will la his beloved news about an sided over here and get the i've said to show had that on october 19th, the tax on us spaces in syria at 10 false hit by 3 drones following the us base and the chronicle all filled in houston, syria was struck by midsize on january 4th. the us target to do rocky fighting groups, including a drone strike on the headquarters of how they got the news about him about that. getting his senior combined all the group along with all the full on october 19th, there rainy and back tooth using the m and launch midsize and drones towards his wrote that was shut down by the u. s. navy. on november 19th, the who is, he's hijacked, the galaxy leader saying it was owned by and he's really business analysis located
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in the red sea and continued targeting ships on january 12, the united states, the united kingdom with the support of forest radio in canada, the netherlands long success of a series of crews besides and there strikes against the who, the more on the how should i just, you know, the of the one second to general non tony and gutierrez has appealed to countries which have suspended the funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees to these guarantee the continuity of itself relations. the us state department has said 12 and the employees were reportedly involved in the october 7th, attacked by him off from control countries to suspend funding and leaving a huge gap in the agencies. finances guitar says any you, an employee involved in acts of terror will be held accountable. he also said 9 of
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the 12 accused on west office of being 5. 1 is confirmed dead. the statement says without the funding, more people in gaza will die on the ground. and also the palestinians know on was the agency that provides everything from food and bullshit. medical care. now people are worried about what will happen when the money runs out. thought a couple of the reports from dasa or the people who have lost everything need all the help they can get for palestinians in garza, most of the hill pest come through the u. s. relief and works. don't see what wonderful now, threats to its funding opportunities that risk the high on on what is our lifeline, who give us food and drink after the war. may god help the people? what can i say? people here feeling on don't hesitate to reconsider. once the sonya and the
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comments of britain in germany and some other european countries on aid to the palestinian people is a disaster for us. today they punishes as if we were as guilty as the occupiers. the occupation keeps on doing crimes, and yet there is supporting them to do more crimes against us. you and it dumps, district kits, food and supplies to keep people going and open the stores to prevent, show, to deduce who's, who's now lowing boons. the owner, what facilities have been showed by use very forces many times since the will began . they continue the work knowing the do so great risk to themselves. more than 160 you, you on stuff have been killed since school began secure to hit be guaranteed. as many of the facilities have had shut down. despite this, people keep coming here seeking help topic up as soon algebra, roughly in southern garza to as well as far right ministers and politicians have
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attended a conference, calling for palestinians to leave casa and for his riley's to settle there again, national security, minnesota. it's a mob been gavera and finance minister bestsellers smart trip to among the politicians at the conference. they presented a plan for the re establishment of 15, illegal as riley's tests with men, some 6 additional ones on destroyed palestinian land as well. withdrew with some of the trans atlas from gauze in 2005, after the 38 year occupation. positive correcting the mistake that brought upon us the stevens of october and prose upon us. the deportation is to return back home to goose good teeth and no severely today, everyone really understands that leon brings more and that's if you don't want another stevens of october, you have to return home to control the territory. we are
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settling no alarm from which to like control against me fighting several ways and bringing with god's help security to all of his route know what the answer is without settlement. there is no security on the son who has moved from occupied east jerusalem. it's not the official is really position. it is a position that right wing lawmakers are hoping the government will take on at this conference held in west jerusalem. you have the country's national security minister each more ben v or a known altar nationalist calling for the voluntary migration of palestinians calling for legal settlements, not only and guns, but also in the northern part of the occupied westbank. among other things, you also had the country's finance minister, bethany, and smelt rich, who has been echoing those same sentiments and just on saturday speaking to is rarely media. he said that there will be and is really military rule in gaza after
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the war saying that these really army will be in charge of palestinian civilian affairs there this, this is incomplete contrast to the official government position that has been stated by these really prime minister himself, by the defense minister, jo, i've go launch when he released a framework for what the government is hoping to do post war and by b is rarely president. it's also worth noting that $27.00 members of the coalition were there. 12 of them are in nets and yahoos cabinet and among others, some of nathan, y'all, whose own liquid party members. but rhetoric like this, calling for illegal settlements, calling for the occupation of gauze for the migration of the palestinians who lived there. this is rhetoric that is dangerous on multiple levels because there's been a lot of pressure from the international community, specifically the americans who say that rhetoric like this is not helpful to the situation. and remember, the americans are against the occupation of gaza. they are against establishing
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illegals settlements and gaza and the occupied westbank and additionally dialogue like this has been used against israel most recently, in the case against them at the international court of justice that was brought forth by south africa. so while they are hoping these will be these really policies, these really government has that's but this is simply not the policy and it's really wide screwed piece. now since the occupied westbank is experiencing some of the biggest land grabs my as well. since 1967 to historically significant fight, so on, the threat is really sold as a blocking access to the area, as well as aiden illegal settlement expansion. in what local say, states back settler violence. leucon visited the sites and sebastian and bought 2 in the occupied westbank. the ancient ruins of sebastian had long been up to the front line of a bottle of narrative the occupied westbank is ready to claim them as an important
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part of that history. while palestinians living nearby, se that's an excuse to justify land grabs, boys consultants they desire. he said since october, the 7th acts of buying and spies way. the settlers and soldiers have increased. it's not safe. there's sometimes to ask the little credibility and to come to visit that. could you go to the site? we don't know what those that are easiest to blending at me any outside of the water. because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for this hotel out of the 4 of us at the west bank. and we are really afraid to lose that. did you come sight those simple steel boxes mess as while there were few tourists during the war on gaza? israel is also shutting off local access. how does it go? you'll have to see if can be a difference of, of the, a lot of things changed after october 7th here is ready. soldiers and the settlers increase the tax. although this has been growing substance on yahoo as far right government to power. and now there's an increase in check points around the town is
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preventing people from entering the village with splits as punch the also a code signed by posting in this way. the leaders in the united states in 1993 sebastian has been divided into 2 sections. onto the also quotes area b, and the joint is writing and posting and control. over here is area c just along this line that's on the full is ray, the minute you control that since october, the 7th housing se is right. this is stepped up a tax again, some of to block them from the site. they say for many decades before the rights this land of continuously be in the road, it h. e. columbus itself is a village, a bye to you, unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and the last budget haitian this area. west of bethlehem is known for its steep terraces. an aqueducts west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since december settlers have begun expanding an illegal assessment of building a new road blocking foam is access to 17 acres of land old with the support of
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these way. the minute tree is out of the month of august. the total of the land is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 1986. this is a huge loss for us. i mean, i spoke to the soldier us and they blocked me from accessing my laptop. i told him, i take care of it daily, and they order me to go to the settlement of that out to request that they access permit. during the interview is ready. so just shouted down to 0, his team to stop filming, and demanded to check before search the pharmacy as well as taking the land and legal settlements and expanding infrastructure could also drain its water was of an ancient system. they rely on agriculture. the very reason, but it was listed as a protected world heritage sites. neural con, eldest, there are supposed to be a but here in the occupied westbank is still the head on algebra. egyptian is where the officials, which used of state sponsored corruption for accepting payments from palestinians
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trying to flee godsa the brought to you by visit castle high low that let's have a good weather across north america. i'm wasting improved conditions because the east coast of the u. s. you can see from the satellite image, we had a stormy situation over the weekend, but it has that has cleared rather quickly putting out towards the northeast and into eastern parts of canada, taking the rain and snow with it. but temperatures are still sitting pretty low. they're going to get even lower as we go monday into tuesday for new york city, only 2 degrees celsius. the and a drop in temperature is across the great lakes as that move wintery, weather starts. the edges way east of at 3 to the mid week must ryan and bryce are behind. that temperature is improving for the likes of dallas and denver. so think
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pretty high as well for central parts of canada. after weeks of bitter cold on an improvement full, seattle, normal width and wintry weather, the on choose day, lots of sunshine flooding for the south of this. now we've seen some improvements, northern parts of mexico, that's as the west. so whether it pulls its way for the cell, bringing the drenching down, pulls to watch them all, as well as the corolla and hundreds, some of that rain rushing out into eastern parts of cuba, pulling across the bahamas, but leaving behind sunshine and some wounds in havana we'll see the temperature comes down in mexico city by tuesday. that's who weather update. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the
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the you're watching, i'll just say are with me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to about top stories. the ssl, a 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drawing attack on an american based on the jordan. sylvia border close to fox president joe biden has blamed around back on groups and has voucher respond that un secretary general has appealed to countries which is suspended the funding for the un agency for palestinian refugees. the us state department said 12 on the employees were fortunately involved in the october the 7th attack by him off compton 12 countries to suspend funding. and then leaving a huge gap in the agencies finances. and is there any government ministers have given speeches, and danced at a conference, calling for palestinians to leave casa for his writings, to federal dare. again, they presented a plan for the re, establishment of 15 in legal is rarely assessments. and 6 additional ones on
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destroyed palestinian land. well, earlier i spoke to most of about the the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and a full of palestinian information minister. he says the conference shows the real policy of the is randy government. in this confidence shows you the nature of this is the government itself, such as the government. this confidence which was met by the 2 fascists. smoother each on being the well known to be extreme, who are known to be violent and who are known to be calling for the ethnic, cleansing, gulf, ballast indians. and, and this garden, this confidence twins is very diminished as that'd be, as you have mentioned. but it does appear to be included in ministers from the liquid party, the 5 to who's the now edition, at least 15 members of those that are in the kinetic participated. so it's not a joke. these are, these are the people who are making the policy and the 0 and the they were going to include ethnic cleansing growth guys and complete ethnic cleansing of the people of
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guys. and they were calling for a supplemental visitor, eddie and jewish people in the side, guys, the cooling does not part of the jewish and the jewish land. so what we are dealing with here is, is actually the policy of those that are in the government. and uh it, it also shows that the nothing y'all is completely hostage to the specialist. he himself advocated the ethnic cleansing before. that is interesting isn't that the words that they use is voluntary migration. no, that's on the ad. this is, i'm kind of deceived. what kind of went on to the migration when the boom box, people around the clock and forces them from the north to the south for them to send to the south with them bottom, with canada, people and what kinds of other people would love to these guys so they don't want to, these guys, people want to stay and goes. but the problem is the data boom box didn't give anybody on this class to use the number of people. now most of the population of it
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goes over this one area, and that's why you can imagine what could happen of this start from bumped into that place. but what we've seen in this confidence or what this confidence has shown is something else. the thoughts on the disability of the united states of america in standing up to these claims of ethnic cleansing. did they continue to say that the set them inside a legal but the instead of punishing is what are they are punishing the punish thing is a tops empowers, named brokering a captives data between israel. and i'm also being described as constructive the head of the c, i a met officials from israel, kasha, and egypt, the statement from his very prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office says that the meeting was meaningful, but the gaps remained. discussions will continue this week. well, how much i'm june has the details from tel aviv. it indicates that there is momentum now to try to iron out the sticking points and try to reach
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a deal. that's a contrast to what we were hearing earlier, which sounded more negative. now, one of the reasons this is also complicated is because, even though there is this initiative to try to effect some kind of secession of possibilities, there's still a lot of questions about how long the potentials the station of hostilities would last. we see some media outlets here. what is really official saying it would be 30 days other think it could be up to 2 months. beyond that you have the fact that nothing yahoo is under a lot of pressure from a lot of different factions throughout israel. you have families of captives being held in gaza that are saying that government needs to be doing a lot more to try to secure the release of those captives. there had been more and more rallies over the course of the last few months, demanding that of the government. you also have members of these really war cabinets that are openly questioning. if nothing, yahoo is doing enough to secure the release of those captains beyond that. you also have far right wing, members of his government who have been saying that they are concerned that if
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a deal is reached it would not be a good deal. and to that end, just this evening in jerusalem, you had a meeting, a conference of sorts that was held in order to call for the resettlement of gaza. this meeting was attended by 12 members of parliament, including the finance minister, if as a law, smart, rich and national security minister, if more up and give year 2 of the most far right. we mean members of and that's in the who's government. so there's a lot going on in israel right now. there's a lot of questions as to whether or not, if there is another cease fire, whether that would constitute perhaps an into the war. and that's and you all who continues to insist that there will not be an into the war until how much is completely eliminated. so there are a lot of factors, some of them at odds with each other. i'm sure we'll be hearing more in the days ahead. but right now, out of this meeting in paris this evening, assign of cautious optimism from the is really officials in marked contrast to statements we've been hearing these past few days. a david finds
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a good house of gaza through the off of border crossing with egypt being forced to pay thousands of dollars to a network of brokers for exit permits. that's according to reports published by french newspaper, the mound. some palestinians describe the practice of state sponsored corruption and the pointing to as well as egypt which controlled the crossing zane bus. driving reports the roof of border the only crossing between garza and egypt, a lifeline for palestinians even before the war. a connection to the outside world, an entry points from vital resources since is really imposed a total siege last year. it's become the only way out of gaza. but even at the border between 2 era of states, safe passage comes at a price. findings from an independent investigation published by the french news outlet lamond show egyptians pay between $650.00 and $1200.00 for an exit permit.
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other nationalities pay around $3000.00. but palestinians have been charged anything from $4500.00 to $10000.00. similar findings published in the guardian newspaper earlier this month suggest this has been a common practice at the rough crossing for years. but it used to be $500.00 per person. prices have searched since october, the so called travel agencies act as brokers at the board posting and see everyone involved gets a cut including egyptian and is really government officials. the payments don't guarantee anything. some have lost everything and scans, the egypt says the allegations are baseless egypt believes it's a, let's influx of the palestinians. and as is referred to use or those hopefully complex that by that it will have the sort of thing the palace can you close? the roof of crossing is operated by egypt,
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but israel maintains overall control of all people and goods going in and out. even before the war, the un criticize both sides for a lack of transparency. while is real henders efforts to get humanitarian data into gods. egypt as long resisted opening the border fearing an influx of palestinians. and although egypt is a vocal critic of israel and is calling for a cease fire observer, say it could do more to relax controls at the gods a border where seeking sanctuary seemingly become a lucrative business for war profiteers. same bus robbie ultra 0 displace palestinians and because i have resulted to setting up tens on the beach to escape is randy from bob and the causes one to has bullshit most suffering for people in the bassy strip and will that he has more from then all of a lot in central gaza keys funding on the c updated by
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this beautiful c is known as the only place for palestinians in the gaza strip. go for a picnic to enjoy their happy times and it has been always a place for them to take a deep breath. today. hundreds of palestinians displays internally displaced in because as you chose this area to set up their tubs. as you see, most of the tents are very for dried, it's very windy and cold right now. and it's actually raining. these people have been choosing to this area because it is the only area in the cause of naps and unpacked, where we are talking about more than half of the cause of the population. a is this place where they are the space between the mid area and drop off. they chose this area because it's not passes away from the bus. and it's also close to the
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city where they can have access to, to the water, to wash their clothes, to wash themselves. but we met them to have a father of a. he told us that it has been very hard for him. during the fall, there were, there has been the weather was very rainy was very stormy. and he said he woke up all night of all nice theory. that's who sent with the watcher. this is the situation right now in the cause of soup and it's very sad and it's very cold and policy and children kind of comedies do not have anywhere to go to. and there is no station age in the cause of this is in the i just see it out of our credit. but more than 25000 children have lost one or both parents and garza this according to a report by the you. a mediterranean human rights observatory, as a bank has more of the project cost.


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