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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the the the, and the rocky on the food police responsibility for an attack that's killed 3 us soldiers on the jordan. sylvia boys at the bottom and this is elisha 0. live from john halls are coming up modesta and more destruction as well as solomon guys are killed. thousands of people from north to south is where the government ministers attend the conference calling for the re establishment of an legal session from casa and,
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and college policy. and this cause of for the children of gaza, enjoy the unimaginable pay, inclusive one amongst parents. the 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drawing attack on an american base on the jordan. sylvia border close to a rock, they have the 1st american military fatalities in the middle east since, as well as one goes up again. president joe biden has blamed iran back tom groups and has vowed to respond. he said the attack happened in northeast and jordan knew the civilian for to at least $34.00 soldiers was injured in sundays strike. jordan's government expressed its condolences to biden and said there were no jordanian casualties. the american base houses a small number of troops involved in n t. i so authoration and to advise and assist jordanian soldiers.
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the and the rocky militia, backed by iran, has claimed responsibility for the attack, the islamic resistance and yvonne felice. this video, which it says shows the drones launch, which kills the us soldiers. well, let's get more on the correspondence. rosalyn. jordan is running his life in washington dc, and the questions was about when about how the us would respond. dr. president, biden's comments. well, all you're going to hear from the volume ministration is that there will be some sort of response, but the us is also going to want to maintain the element of surprise. there may not be an immediate response. they may wait until they see an opportune moment to catch people off guard. of course, the big question will be, are they going to go after the group, which is claiming responsibility for sunday's deadly attack on tower $22.00, which is the small facility where us military forces have been stationed as part of
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a counter terrorism operation against isis. there's also the question of whether, as many republican members of the us house of representatives and the us senate are arguing whether those should be attacked on or ron itself. since it is believed that the group that did carry out these attacks, or at least the group that claims that did, is considered a proxy group supported by to hong. so this is something that is going to be debated quite hotly here in the united states. in the coming days, but certainly the by the administration, starting with the president himself, jo button is out of it. there will be some sort of military response. all right, ross, thank you very much for that. brooklyn jordan live in washington dc. so let's take a look at the statement by the islamic resistance in iraq. it says we are continuing our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in iraq and the
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region and in response to the mass because by the zionist entity against people in the gaza. these logic resistance fighters and a rock attacked at doing on sunday, by drawings for enemy bases 3 of which were in syria, and the force inside occupied palestinian techy without the why have has latest on the groups behind the attacks from baghdad. well this is this, lemme resistance an umbrella. told them that includes a it on aligned autumn with the groups in the rock and city. and they have been cutting out similar attacks on a new daily basis. any rock and city at $178.00 attacks, according to sources with this type of resistance started us and coalition forces in iraq and city as since october the 17th since it the, as they say that since the us give green light to is ready to start the land incursion into advise that the blame the united states for standing as
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a major support the visually submitted. so you can paint on the plaza and they threatened to escalate to continue attacking us and coalition forces, as long as the way the states keep supporting is limited so you can paint on as well. as i mentioned earlier, washington is accused ronald backing the fruit that carried out the attack there on in government hasn't responded to the allegations. this will set the reports from that on. despite the existence from the united states, i guess you run so far that hasn't been a new official reaction for them to iraq. but when it comes to you was official position regarding such a task, you don't say is it doesn't have the process that goes to region, but rather allies. and it's caused them as the excess of the resistance. and you want to say is excess of the resistance is not taking commands or the directions or orders from around, but rather it is acting autonomously. that is the wrong position regarding such attacks. but sees the beginning of the warning guys that have seen that there has been more than 100,
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a 70 attacks on american business across the region. but you run has not claimed responsibility for any of them, but rather you don't has been engaged in a t, it's for tab, pull the seat against israel is that has attack, you run the officials in syria and then the technician, we have seen that you're on attacking the, the, the, the del officials that are related to israel in the region. but so far we do not know whether this recent attack is related to the retaliation or you run or not as it, as there is no official statements. but one thing is quite clear that the combinations of iran's is more and more increasing the possibility of a way to work in the region business. have that hope to 0, the era and dottie house and look for the cross border was in the middle a since, as roswell and gaza began almost 4 months ago and as the how much is october 7th, a dock and is rose subsequent war and gaza. i still don't like to do. why can reach
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you on october 8 has will launch a tax on targets and the dispute the chip on farms and what it said was solid. dotted with people off gaza that it be nice. border continues to see us put on exchange or fire. 200 people of being killed, including top has black command. we summit police on october 17th, drawing a tax target to dine and i said, and how do you made it to bases in the rock that tax were claimed by the islamic resistance in the rock. that's an umbrella term for uranium back to rocky groups such as cat principal law, his beloved news about on site and osha and get the i've said to try that. on october 19th, the tax on us spaces in syria at 10 false hit by 3 drones following the us base. and the chronicle all filled in houston, syria was struck by miss size. on january 4th, the us tall got to do rocky fighting groups, including a drone strike on the headquarters of had i got the news about him about that.
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getting his senior combined all the group along with all the full on october 19th. they range him back to his. he's in yemen, launched midsize, and drones towards his road that was shut down by the u. s. navy. on november 19th, the who is, he's hijacked, the galaxy lead saying it was owned by any is really business. that was the blockade in the red sea and continued targeting ships on january 12, the united states, the united kingdom with the support of forest radio in canada, the netherlands, long success of a series of crews, me size, and their strikes against the who, the movement and the hash and just the law in gaza. israel has continued to pound the strip. well, that a 160 pounds simians have been killed since saturday. and then also at least 10 people were killed to destroy it on the residential building and got the city. the bodies were taken to all ship
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a hospital which used to be causes largest medical facility. but only a few departments currently functioning. it is rarely false, is also boned horns in the way that and the side of the refugee camps and central gaza, at least 17 palestinians were killed instead of body bags the shrouds, the dead were wrapped in blankets. this is the gauze of strips funds, particularly low and medical supplies, those attacks and central goals. i have full tens of thousands of palestinians to shelter in tens close to the sea and went to rain is running most suffering for families have lost everything. and holiday reports from the belie, i'm central gaza, key standing on the sea of that is by this beautiful sea is known as the only place for palestinian in the gaza strip. go for a picnic to enjoy their happy times. and it has been always
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a place for them to take a deep breath. today. hundreds of palestinians displays internally displaced in because as you chose this area to set up their 10, as you see, most of the tents are very for drive. it's very windy and cold right now, and it's actually raining. these people have been choosing to this area because it is the only area in the cause of chip naps and unpacked where we are talking about more than half of because of the population a in this place where they are, the space between the mid area and drop off, they chose this area because it's not passes away from the bus. and it's also close to the city where they can have access to the water to wash their clothes, to wash themselves. but we must in to have a father of a. he told us that it has been very hard for him during the day where there has
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been the weather was very rainy was very stormy. and he said he woke up all night. he stood up all night, fearing. that's who sent with the, with the watcher. this is the situation right now is the cause of soup and it's very sad and it's very close and policy and children kind of comedies do not have anywhere to go to and there is no station in the cause of this isn't the positive. i just see it out of her as well as far right ministers and politicians have attended a conference, quoting for palestinians to leave casa, and so is very successful. there. again, national security in minnesota, it's a mob been gavera. i'm finance minister. bessolo smote, which were among the politicians at the conference. they presented a plan for the re establishment of 50 and illegals as riley settlements. and 6 additional ones on destroyed palestinian land as well. withdrew its military on
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settlers from garza in 2005 after associate atl occupation. positive correcting the mistake that brought upon us the stevens of october and bruise upon us. the deportation is returned back time to good teeth and no severe today, everyone really understand that leon brings more and that's if you don't want another stevens of october, you have to return home to control the territory. we all set the alarm from which to like control against me fighting several ways and bringing with god's help security to full of as well know what the answer is without settlement. there is no security to audi and say is as an international law professor at queen's university canada, he's also a former un official who worked in gaza is joining his life also. thank you very
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much for your time settlements are illegal on the international. no, but what about what these is ready? ministers, according for they say voluntary migration of people in gaza, but wouldn't be anything less than full displacement. thanks for having me, elizabeth. no, it wouldn't be. it would. it would be forced transfer and trash, the wrongful act and in criminal act as well for which individual criminal responsibility flows for violation of the 4th geneva convention of 1949, a violation of the wrong statute of their national criminal court. look, let's make one thing clear. since 1948, these really policy these to be the palestinians has been freely simply put a policy of displacement and replacement. and for the past 3 and a half months we've been seeing on our television screens, the displacement aspect of the policy being rolled out. 1.7000000 pals, demands being forcibly transferred to the south of together strip bombarded
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indiscriminately, starvation use as a tool of warfare, etc. with open calls by members of government, the ethnic, we claims that men to egypt. and now this conference takes place. yeah. which evinces the replacement elements, right? they want to replace these people and take their land. they simply consistent with the story of the policy, basically the balcony and since 1948. so what do you make of this conference taking place? just 2 days off with the international court of justice order as well to prevent genocide and gaza when the court has said to as well. and, and the was, you know, to the more than 150 countries, which is a segment trays to the genocide convention that they have been put on watch. yeah. well, what it demonstrates is the complete disdain that these are a, the government has. and these are and the political establishment has for the rules based international legal order. the i c, j made it very clear
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a binding obligation pronounced that israel has. this has to ensure that it does not commit genocide including causing serious bodily or mental harm to palestinians . in gaza, which this plan would do as well as deliberately inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in the whole or in part which these actions would do. but that's not the only icy j case that this, these events are relevant to. there's another case that is currently pending before the court. it was brought by the general assembly in december 2022. it's the advisory opinion on the law firm as of israel's continued presence in the occupied palestinian territory hearings in that case, begin on 19 february in the hague. and this is just the latest bit of evidence demonstrating that israel has every intention to remain in the territory occupied by its bias since 1967. yeah. to ensure that there is no palestinian state established in it and therefore the occupation is unlawful. and mr. m. size, when you talk about how this role has been carrying out a policy of displacement and replacement in the policy of displacements. since 1948,
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you know, sacraments have long been seen as a huge obstacle to a 2 state solution. which prime minister nathan young said, israel is not interested in recently, have the prospect for a palestinian state ever looked this blink. and certainly the material prospect's of a palestinian state look like they've never looked bleak or frankly. but did that, does not mean the state of palestine does not exist dramatically. that is in law, right? in a 140 states recognize the state of palestine within the territorial, within the territorial confines of the occupied past and territory. and it's doing its best to push these read these back. these readings are occupying power. they are, they can never be sovereign in that territory and so on. but the longer the international community allows israel, impunity for its policy displacement and replacement. the harder will be to ensure
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the 2 state solution more and more people are talking about one state. clearly there's an apartheid regime in that state. and now there's an attempt to ethnically cleanse a great deal of palestinians from the data strip. which signals, if you like the right wing and israel trying to finish the job on the palestinians and the, the 2 state solution, or indeed the one state solution behind. so these are weak and grim times. yeah. so what will you know, what role do countries like the us which say time and time again, there again, settlements that they have for a 2 state solution, but that's done nothing to stop israel from expanding specimens. what role does the us have to play now? and while the us has very clear obligations, as does every other statement on earth, they have obligations to ensure that israel abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law and not settled the territory. but not only that in
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view of what the icy j pronounced as the other day with his permission on measures of order on the genocide matter, they have an obligation all states and all 3rd states or signatories to the geneva commit to the genocide convention, have an obligation to prevent the commission of genocide or these actions if given a fact will clearly further the possible genocide that the international court of justice is found is taking place in gather. so it triggers the legal responsibility of all states to just simply stopped is the juggernaut in its tracks, the occupying power once more palestinian land with less palestinians in it. and every day that goes by demonstrates that they are rolling that plan out must to emphasize it has been great to get your expertise on the subject will really appreciate it. that is adam site is joining us live from all chalet. the still ahead on knowledge of the the west african regional block echo was delta made
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a sec back comfortable, king of fossil molly. and these yet announced that the culture and of course in hong kong decides the phase of chinese property. john, ever glad we live in home, come the had a low that was stop by looking at the satellite image with south asia. and you can see this big cloud pushing from west to east, across the region in the north. and that is a west 70 disturbance moving out of contest on bringing some of that heavy snow and rain to northern pots of focused on as well as india over the next few days. the rain and the snow extends its weight for the east as well. internet port and boot town, but for the south of this lots of sunshine and settled weather places like bungler dash. the fog, however, continues to dominate,
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starting from the north east of india all the way to the north west west of that. affecting tougher dash was to sing visibility issues here, but for the south, a much more settled story with lots of sunshine, just some of that rain coming back into shore line of the next few days. and rain is the story for china as we move to east asia. we've got some very heavy rain developing in the south, but still the heat is that with temperatures rising in hong kong and tie, pay over the next few days. shanghai will see those showers for the east of this, so i'm much dry a story for to probably got high pressure in charge across the korean peninsula. so temperature is coming up here over the next few days with sunshine. that's not the case across the north of china. we're going to see things turn much cooler and cloud yet invasion by thursday. the i have the right, the boycott. what i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that
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3 pod series explodes, the implications of us and people who close the freedom of speech and 1st amendment by how many words, what i have to change in this legislation, thing use it to flush receipts of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 words. pod, 3, the template on our tuesday or the, [000:00:00;00] the challenges they are me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to about top stories. the solid 3 us soldiers have being towed in a drawing attack on an american based on the joining syria border close to voc
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president joe biden has blamed over on that person is found to respond is really government ministers have given speeches and danced at a conference quoting for palestinians to leave gaza and so as it relates to session there again, they presented a plan for the re establishment of 15 is right and legal assessments. and 6 additional ones on destroyed palestinian land on his way. these tribes across the gaza strip continue to have a nice at least $27.00 for the tax on the residential buildings and move in and central in 1000. more than 25000 children have lost one of both parents and god. so that's according to a report by the you, a mediterranean human rights observatory, some vague as long as the project cost of israel's was. that's left. a generation of children traumatized. the marks on his face remind 60 or percent of the day her father was killed. one minute she was at home with
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a family the next she woke up in the hospital while mobile but the it had remained highly of some. i didn't swear to very kind to me during the day because they were both kidd. i did not have the chance to say good bye to my father, but they did to my mother. it's a big shock to me, and i am now left with neither of them while others have lost this passes left to provide for the children on their own or my husband had nothing to do with the resistance. that's the reason politic. he was killed on his way to try and get some flower to feed our children. they were starving for days. he was everything to us at all. he was the cornerstone of our life. he was the one who brought a smile to our home and sunshine. can imagine how we will go back home without him . i'm so i'm just a 9 year old was home was huge by me side. the my mother was killed and fell on my little brother's lap. she kept screaming, unaware of what to do, that we both witnessed on love it getting killed. she was the joy of all life. she
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always hurt the wood and i missed her too much. i am sad and feel lost without her date of good. it's good time and time again as pretty, as i've said, there is no way safe in garza and i was there's my family taking shedra. you know, you was, this really is destroyed the classroom next to us with our mutual, my father, mother and all my brothers. we can't wait. it's these children who will grow up with this cause of this will witnessing what no charge to have to witness or experience. they would have to live with the trauma and the pain is red has inflicted upon them. a sudden vague are just there because in hong kong has ordered the liquidation of chinese property john ever grand good. it is, it was most and that had the real estate company with more than $300000000.00 and live in the cities as a grand 1st default on his debts in 2021 is go to patrick falk, his life for us from the hi course in hong kong and patrick, this case is being watched very closely because of the potentially major
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ramifications. what can you tell us? yeah, and this is news just breaking a moments ago saying that the quote has gone ahead with the liquidation. the high court had ones previously that of, of the ground didn't come up with a concrete restructuring plan, but this would happen and this hearing has taken less than an hour. it's now saying that the provisional liquidate to, for a company will be appointed this often noon. as you say, this has been very closely watched because of the potential legal ramifications. because foreign credit is prefer to go through hong kong this court system because it has a common law system and because of the lack of transparency in the mainland legal process. but the difficulty is that liquidators, those have any powers to in, for any such or the on the main line that essentially require buying from the
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mainland kinds of pods. so we're going to have to wait to see how this is going to play out. exactly. and this is part of the reason why this has been such a complicated case and why it is politically sensitive, not least because it's been estimated that as many as one and a half 1000000 people in china trip now be left with on finish times. now, beijing did 2 years ago agreed to recognize and solvents the orders. and y'all, mentions and in shanghai, but in practice, not to be difficult to pull off. and today that has only been one such shoulder recognized by may 9 force. right, patrick. so what sort of impact with a liquidation would have on the chinese market? well, it's very difficult for say, we've known for a long time that ever grad as a company in mall. it was more than $300000000000.00. it's jam then found the white guy. yeah. and is being investigated. so you might make the argument that
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materially, this doesn't make an awful lot of difference. but x, but seem to agree that the, this is going to the dent cents a month. the bigger question perhaps is how long exactly is it going to take for the chinese market to stabilize? and one of the problems is that just isn't any consumer demand, right? and as of no matter what sorts of measures the government puts in place to try and support somebody's struggling developers, that's just not enough people buying that hope. thank you very much for that. that is patrick phone for the very latest live in hong kong to cuz police have captured 2 gunmen who shot one person dead during the church service and assemble. the gunman wearing mosques opened, fire worship was attending a mass at a catholic church. i saw his claim responsibility for the attack media and molly and booking, if also have withdrawn from the west african regional blog. echo was they accused
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the group of imposing inhumane sanctions and response to the crews and the countries. it was, as it hasn't been notified of their decision to quit the union. nicholas hawk reports from the senegalese capital, the com ending a 49 year long union. the announcement was made live and simultaneously on the national televisions of new share. picking up also involving the 3 countries are withdrawing from the west african regional block known as echo loss, which includes all 16 west african nations. the organization imposed sanctions against the 3 nations after their militaries to power in a cool, in recent years. echo was calling for return to civilian rule. the joint decision to leave the union is inactive defiance by the military dentist and the face of sanctions that limit border movements and the ability to trade hurting the country's already vulnerable economies and other costs. do you got that costs allegedly up to the irrational unacceptable storms by imposing sanctions that were
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legal, legitimate, in humane and irresponsible in violation of its own statute? something created in 1975. the economic community of west african states was intended to bring closer economic ties, prevents and military coups and protect democracy. critics now see it as a club for corrupt and aging african leaders. going to power out of touch with the aspiration of their young population and influenced by the west. so you know, we wanted to prevent it, but if all people say we want to be governed by a military man, why are we going to refuse that money? is it eco asked that comes to give us food? does eco, us pay us soldiers? and why should it have a say in how we govern ourselves? as last september, the gentle leaders of the 3 nations signed a mutual defense packed, they called the sa health state alliance. it commits each country to come to the other is defense. if a very territorial integrity is threatened,
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both from internal and external forces. many in this region say, this is an important issue. the west african block has failed to address for the agenda leaders. the needs of molly new sharon burkina, faso, feels ignored by echo weiss, it is their relationship. they no longer want to be a part of the cliff hawk alger 0 does. and by the way, now with the color of that the nation campaign is expected to start on monday or 0, spoke to one residential living in an area hottest headed by the outbreak. he explains how a lack of clean water is fueling, the spite of cholera. my name is mandel friday, june. when i come from zimbabwe, i stayed in floods on well, ported out, but it is, this is what we call suites. it passes through my house where that is coming from


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