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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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on the, on a rocky releases video claiming responsibility for an attack that's kill 3 us soldiers on the door and it's very important. the hello on my name's side. this is how much is there a life and also coming up to death and more destruction. israel's is sold and also kills dozens of people from new to this house is where any government ministers attend the conference quoting for the re establishment of the legal assessments in gaza and encouraged palestinians to
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meet the course in hong kong, owed us the liquidation of the wells most in debt of privacy and development, china is evan grant. the 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drone, an attack on an american based on the jordan, syria, buddha, close to rock. they have the 1st american ministry fatalities in the middle east and israel's war and dallas and began president joe biden has blamed iran backed on groups and has vowed to respond. he said the attack happened in north east and jordan necessary, and buddha, nice 34 soldiers were injured in sundays strike. jordan's government has expressed it's condolences to vitamin and said that they wouldn't know jordanian casualties. the american based the house has a small number of troops involved in n t. i saw operations on who advise and assist jordanians soldiers as
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well. it wasn't a rocky administrative, backed by iran who is claimed responsibility for the attack. the slavic resistance in iraq released this video, which it says show is a try launch, which kills the us soldiers a sample now from rosalind jordan from washington dc. the us is not going to say exactly when, where or how it's going to respond to the attacks, but it is worth noting that the u. s. president joe biden was very quick to say that this would be the case on sunday, after the news of the depths of the 3 of us service members was made public. this was all followed very quickly by statement by the us defense secretary repeating joe biden. so a comment that there will be a response from the us in response to the depths of those 3 us service members.
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this is all of course to maintain the element of surprise. now of course, the big question is going to be, how does the u. s. calibrate it's response because the bind administration has been very worried about taking any actions that could possibly lead to more conflict across the middle east. we've already seen the strikes against uh who the targets because of their attacks on commercial shippers in the gulf. and there's all in the red sting i should say, and there's also concern about possibly getting other conflicts allowed to grow larger depending on how the us military respond to these attacks. not just on its own forces, but on commercial vessels as well. let's take a look at the statement released by the islamic resistance in iraq. it says that we are continuing our approach to resisting the american occupation forces in iraq and
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the region in response to the mass. because by design is entity against stone people in gaza. this logic resistance vices in iraq attacked at dawn on sunday by drones full and then be basis 3 of which are in syria. and the 4th inside occupied palestinian territory. my food at the heat has the latest on the groups behind the attacks from baghdad. well this is this lemma resistance. an umbrella told him that includes a it on aligned autumn with the groups in the rock and city. and they have been cutting out similar attacks on the new daily basis in iraq and city at $178.00 attacks. according to sources with this type of resistance started us and coalition forces in iraq and city as since october the 17th since it the, as they say that since the us give green light to is ready to start the land
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incursion into advise that the blame the united states for standing as a major support the visually submitted, so you can paint on the plaza and they threatened to escalate to continue attacking us and coalition forces as doing guys the way the states keep supporting is limited so you can paint on us. so how have the radians responded to these allegations? let's hear from rest. we'll set those into from despite the existence from the united states, i guess you run so far that hasn't been a new official reaction for them to iraq. but when it comes to you was official position regarding such a text, you don't say it doesn't have that process that goes to reason, but rather allies. and it's caused them as the excess of the resistance. and you want to say is excess of the resistance is not taking commands or the corrections or orders from tyrone, but rather it is acting autonomously. that is your honest position regarding such attacks. but sees the beginning of the warning guys that have seen that there has
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been more than 100, a 70 excellent american business that goes to reason. but you run has not claimed responsibility for any of them, but rather you don't has been engaged in a t. it's for todd policy against israel is that has attack, you run the officials in syria and the technician. we have seen that yvonne attacking the, the del officials that are related to israel in the region. but so far we do not know whether there's a recent attack is related to the position or if you're wrong or not as it, as there is no official statements. but one thing is quite clear that the combinations of new ones is more and more increasing the possibility of a way to work in the region. best receptive hope to 0 to the right. meanwhile, in garza, israel has continued to pound this trip. more than a 160 palestinians have been killed since south today in the north, at least 10 people were killed in a strike on a residential building. in dogs,
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especially, the bodies were taken to all chief a hospital, which used to be gone as long just medical facilities, and now only a few departments currently or functioning. 7 out of $24.00 hospitals remain open in northern casa, is there any forces also bombed homes? in the wider and is there a refugee comes in central garza and the 17 palestinians were killed instead of 40 bags the shrouds, the dead were wrap stuff in blankets. this is also stripped runs, krista k, no on medical supplies to these attacks and central guns. i have forced tens of thousands of palestinians to shelter intents close to the sea. but winter rain is bringing most suffering to families who have lost everything and cause our reports from darrow, by the in central godsa. i think he's standing on the sea of there is but this beautiful sea is known as the only place for palestinian in the gaza strip.
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go for a picnic to enjoy their happy times and it has been always a place for them to take a deep breath. today. hundreds of palestinians displays internally displaced in because as you chose this area to set up their time. as you see, most of the tents are very for dried, it's very windy and cold right now. and it's actually raining. these people have been choosing to this area because it is the only area in the cause of chip naps and unpacked where we are talking about more than half of because of the population. this place where they are, the space between the middle area and drop off. they chose this area because it's not passes away from people. and it's also close to the city where they can have
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access to the water to wash their clothes, to wash themselves. but we'd have to have a father of a. he told us that it has been very hard for him. during the past day where there has been, the weather was very rainy was very stormy. and he said he woke up all night. he stood up all night, fearing that $0.03 with the water. i've known as the most aiming of shipments where displaced from the law. from the area of columbus. we came from fairfield one until we funded arrived in debt on palmer. we came here to the beach because we couldn't find a place to stay. we pits up this time to learn a miserable situation. i'd. it's a real struggle. have a kid. we will sleep here. there's no way to get assistance from the life on the beach is an unnecessary struggle that we ahead during the hush when today's we nearly drowned. it's a big struggle. concentrate any more of this emotionally. we are drained, we have had 4 months of this. i've had enough space is very small. each person
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takes the cooling system, this little platform and watch them. we're not in them. i priority and going on a draw. the back of my comfort is the most important one. they got sick as well, by struggling to get them the right treatment. i also have some money from several people in order to get them the medication they needed. this is the situation right now in the cause of serve, and it's very sad and it's very cold and policy and children kind of comedies do not have anywhere to go to. and there is no station in the cause of this is in the settings, but the ones actually general, i'm telling you a good terrorist has appealed to countries which have suspended the funding for the un agency for palestinian refugees. us state department has said the 12 and right employees were reportedly involved in the october 7th attack by how most prompting 12 countries to suspend funding on the ground in gauze when people are worried
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about what will happen when the money runs out. target boys do has moved from rough people who have lost everything, need all the help they can get for palestinians and garza, most of the hill pest come through the u. s. release and work. so you don't see what wonderful now threats to its funding of putting the risk, the high on on what is our lifeline, who will give us food and drink after the war? may god help the people? what can i say of the people here beginning on don't hesitate to reconsider quantavia companies. sonya and the comments of britain in germany and some other european countries on aid to the palestinian people is a disaster for us today. they punish us as if we were as guilty as the occupiers. the occupation keeps on doing crimes, and yet there is supporting them to do more crimes against us. you and it dumps
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district kits, food and supplies to keep people going. and it's open the stores to perform it, show to those whose homes now low in boons, the owner, what facilities have been showed by use very force as many times since the will began. they continue the work knowing the do so great risk to themselves. more than 160 you you on stuff have been killed since the war began. secure to hit be guaranteed. as many of the facilities have have shut down. despite this, people keep coming here seeking help. topic up as soon. l g 0. roof in southern gauze. meanwhile, israel's foreign ministers and politicians have attended a conference calling for palestinians to leave garza and for his release to settle that again, the national security. i'm going to say it's not been give a i'm the finance minister bus out smotts ridge were among the politicians out the
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conference. they presented a plan for the re establishment of 15. illegal is rarely supplements and 6 additional ones on destroyed palestinian lines as well with through it's ministry and satellites from gaza back in 2005 off to $838.00. yeah. okay. patient positive correcting the mistake that pro support us to sealants of october and prose upon us. the deep taishan is to return back home to goods, cookies and north america. today everyone really understand that leon brings more and that's if you don't want another stevens of october, you have to return home to control the territory. we all settling or alarm from which to like control against me fighting several ways and bringing with god's help security to full of as well know what the on service
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without settlement. there is no security any of my colleague and is but per annum spoke to must have been going to the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and a former palestinian information minister. he said the conference shows the real policy if the israeli government, this confidence shows you the new titles, this is the government itself, such as the government, this confidence which was met by the 2 freshest smoke that each on being the who are known to be extreme who are known to be violent and who are known to be calling for the ethnic cleansing, golf, ballast, indians, and underscored in this confidence 12 is very administered. that'd be, as you have mentioned above dissipated, including ministers from the liquid party, the 5 to who's the now addition, at least 50 numbers of those that are actually connected participated. so it's not a joke. these are, these are the people who are making the policy in israel and the they were going to
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include ethnic cleansing growth guys and complete ethnic lens ingle the people of guys. and they were quoting for a supplemental visitor, eddie and jewish people in the side, guys, the cooling does not part of the jewish and the jewish land. so what we are dealing with here is, is actually the policy of those that are in the government. and uh it, it also shows that the, nothing at all is completely hostage to these fashions. he himself advocated the ethnic cleansing before. it is interesting isn't that the words that they use is voluntary migration? no, that's on the ad. there's some kind of dispute left kind of go onto the migration when they're going back to people around the clock and forces them from the north to the south for them to send to, to the south with them bottom with can people what kind of, um, people would love to these guys, so they don't want to, these guys, people want to stay in doesn't, but the problem is the data boom bottom didn't give anybody on this class that
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a huge number of people. now most of the population of it goes over this one area, and that's why you can imagine what could happen of this start from bunting that place. but what we've seen in this conference or what this confidence has shown is something else. the thought on the disability of the united states of america in standing up to these clams of ethnic cleansing, did they continue to say that the set them inside a new gun? but the, instead of punishing is it or they are punishing the punish thing is to audience. this is a professor of international lloyd queens university canada, and he says this conference demonstrates what he called as well as the stain international, legal order. the i c, j made it very clear a binding obligation. it pronounced that israel has to, has to ensure that it does not commit genocide, including causing serious bodily or mental harm to pass the means in gasoline. which this plan would do as well as deliberately inflicted on them conditions of
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life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in the whole or in part which these actions would do. but that's not the only i c, j, case that this, these events are relevant to. there's another case that is currently pending before the court. it was brought by the general assembly in december 2022. it's the advisory opinion, on the lawfulness of israel's continued presence in the occupied palestinian territory hearings in that case, begin on 19 february in the hague. and this is just the latest bit of evidence demonstrating that israel has every intention to remain in the territory occupied by its bias since 1967 to ensure that there is no past in the instate established in it. and therefore, the occupation is unlawful. since 1948, these really policies would be the palestinians has been freely simply put a policy of displacement and replacement. and for the past 3 and a half months we've been seeing on our television screens, the displacement aspect of the policy being rolled out. 1.7000000 pulse demands
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being forcibly transferred to the south of together strip bombarded indiscriminately, starvation used as a tool of warfare, et cetera, with open calls by members of government to ethnic. we kind of them into egypt. and now this conference takes place, which evinces the replacement elements, right? they want to replace these people and take their land. this employee consistent with israeli policy, basically the balcony. and since by $1048.00 are still ahead on al jazeera, the scars of move, the children of gauze, and you will be on national pain of losing one or both parents on the west african regional bluff. it was to sell to may just set back up to 14 of 5, so not a new yet announced badge puncture the
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hello there. let's have a good weather across north america. i'm wasting improved conditions because the east coast of the u. s. you can see from the satellite image, we had a stormy situation over the weekend, but that has that have cleared rather quickly putting out towards the north, east and into eastern parts of canada, taking the rain and snow with it. but temperatures are still sitting pretty low. are they gonna get even lower as we go monday into tuesday for new york city. only 2 degrees celsius that on a drop in temperatures across the great lakes, as that move wintery, weather starts the edges way east of that through to the mid week, much dry and bright. so behind that temperature is improving for the likes of dallas and denver sitting pretty high as well for central parts of canada after weeks of bitter cold on an improvement full seattle, normal width and wintery weather the on choose a lots of sunshine flooding for the south of this, now we've seen some improvements, northern parts of mexico, that's as the west. so whether it pulls its way for the cell,
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bringing the drenching down, pulls to watch them all as well as nicaragua and hundreds, some of that rain rushing out into eastern parts of cuba, pulling across the bahamas, but leaving behind sunshine and some rooms in havana, we'll see, the temperature comes down in mexico city by tuesday. that's who weather update. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue that as opposed to what is happening now, it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today, is that the another if i couldn't think it's taking place? augusta. nothing goes into garza without us. we'll permit. and nothing leaves casa without permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without the
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the welcome back and watching out. is there a mind to thought top stories this? our 3 us soldiers have been killed and a drug attack on the american face on the jordan syria border close to rock. president joe biden has blamed a wrong fact on groups and is bound to respond as well continues to pound the balance of strength more than a $160.00 palestinians. today in the north and these 10 people were killed in the strikes on the residential buildings and also city bodies were taken. i'll shoot for the hospital which needs to be thousands of dollars. just medical facility. now, only a few departments, a car and a functioning on his writing. government ministers have given speeches and don't
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set a conference, quoting for palestinians to leave casa, and for his release to settle that again. they presented a plan for the re establishment of 15 as writing and legal assessments and 6 additional ones on his toyed palestinian land. now quote, in hong kong has ordered the liquidation of the chinese property john as a grand group. it is the wells most indebted real estate company with more than $300000000.00 in liabilities. i will speak to katrina here in beijing in just a moment, but fast. let's go to patrick folks who's at the high court in hong kong for us. patrick, there were many hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it looks like liquidations of china's biggest real estate fund is now happening . yeah, that's right. that's what it does seem to be the end of the road, at least from a legal standpoint. for every grant, it was repeatedly given additional time to come up with a restructuring plan,
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but that has failed to materialize despite the asking for another adjustment today in how ruling just to spend a chance that says that this has to be a concrete plans that they put forward and therefore the court must decides that enough is enough. so, you know, the other thing is that the chances of liquidation increased dramatically since the last area you're in december. because since then, another group of ad hoc credits is joined the petition holding notes for the valuation of $6000000000.00. this little now moves into a very complicated and unpredictable phase, because as we've said before, liquidators have low powers to enforce any liquidation order on the main land. so it will essentially require by and from mainland ports. beijing has 2 years ago agreed through recognize the source, been solvency orders,
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but it has been difficult to put this in practice. and today there is only one such case that has been recognized by mainland court. so there is still a lot of uncertainty ahead for predators. here okay, thank you for that. patrick folks that outside the high course in hong kong. let's get the reaction from beijing. katrina new is that for us to construe, katrina, what the practical and syndicate implications of best on chinese mainline where most of the grounds assets actually all you'll ever gotten was weiss, the king of prophecy develop it here in china. invested in everything from football clubs to electric vehicles. so this really is as patrick said, the death knell for this company in terms of practical steps. well wasting courses here, these liquidation orders will be followed on the mainland. previously, hong kong liquidation orders will only be folded in through city sent in shellman and shanghai. so right now the response is quite use it because nobody really knows
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what the practicalities will be. some the blessing ever gone to simply to massive. it has so many projects unfinished and continuing in cities. oh, or the china. so the how this would be implemented on the ground would be very messy. and some of the people are saying, well, that's one reason why it may not be followed through. but still, this is a huge, a signal from that, you know, i said it used to be the king of property develop is going to help was a 2021. it stopped being able to pay off debt defaulted on loans, and many people back then for ever gone is too big to fail. the government is going to pay in this house. but those people were wrong. instead page and decided to make an example of every brand in other parts of the companies who have relied them. essentially, consumers speculation and massive levels of get in order to grow. and it really does show the stream links that the chinese government is willing to go to, to pull what it thought was on coming property. but, but we have to remember that this is partly self inflicted by the chinese
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government. because 3 years ago it's slight, you're going to track down on that sector fear, and that there would be a huge bubble that would really collapse the entire chinese economy. so the government has decided to let ever go on sale. and so there are many of the property develop is in a similar situation, waiting to see if this is going to be that phase over. right. i mean, the housing sector is very important to china. i mean, accounts for roughly a course i believe which one is economic activity in wealth. so in terms of the logic front of me, how is the country going to whether this, all right and used to be a huge pillar of the chinese economy. and now that property sector is steeped in a crisis, just recently, we had the spigot that the top 100 real estate companies in china. the sales of new homes have commented by 30 percent, which is huge. and previously it was really the old dies that people would save all that money by an apartment they would be set to life. but now nobody is buying an
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apartment because these prices of properties, especially in major cities, are really going down. and it's not seen as a good investment. so this is really going to impact the government's efforts to restore confidence in the property sect. it's been working really hard to do that is going to impact the business confidence as well. and it also seen a dropping forward investment into china recently. this is not going to help that. and of course the people, the suspects, the most of this is huge. prices are the millions of people who have given sometimes the live savings to make deposit, to these new home build. and i still waiting for apartments to be built. in some cases, these apartments a half finished and have been that way. the years the government has promised that they will eventually be finished, but this really is no concept because there's no timeline to that. so millions of people are wasting for their homes to be seduce. and this really could impact millions mill waiting for homes by other property companies. thank you for that. katrina you that for us in beijing news. yeah, molly, i'm booking
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a fast so have withdrawn from the west african regional blog. it was the case, a group of imposing inhumane sanctions in response to the crew in that countries it was says it hasn't been notified if the decision to quit the union nicholas' hoc has moved from deco. it's ending a 49 year alone union. the announcement was made live and simultaneously on the national televisions of new share. picking up also involved in the 3 countries are withdrawing from the west african regional blog known as echo loss, which includes all 16 west african nations. the organization imposed sanctions against the 3 nations after their militaries to power in a cool in recent years. echo was calling for return to civilian rule, the joint decision to leave the union is an act of defiance by the military, june test, the face of sanctions that limit border movements and the ability to trade hurting the country is already vulnerable. economies and other posts. do you guys have
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costs allegedly above the, to the irrational and unacceptable thoughts by imposing sanctions? not what legal, legitimate, in, humane and irresponsible in violation of its own statute. something created in 1975. the economic community of west african states was intended to bring closer economic ties, prevents and military coups and protect democracy. critics now see it as a club for corrupt and aging african leaders. going to power out of touch with the aspiration of their young population and influenced by the west. so we wanted to prevent it. but if all people say we want to be governed by a military man, why are we going to refuse that money? is it echo asked that comes to give us food? does echo us pay us soldiers? and why should it have a say in how we govern ourselves? last september, the gentle leaders of the 3 nations signed a mutual defense packed, they called the sa health state alliance. it commits each country to come to the
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other is defense if they are territorial. integrity is threatened both from internal and external forces. many in this region say, this is an important issue. the west african block has failed to address for the agenda leaders. the needs of molly new sharon burkina, faso, feels ignored by echo weiss, it is their relationship. they no longer want to be a part of the cliff hawk alger 0. for more than 25000 children have lost one old by his parents in gauze bounce according to report by the you are a mediterranean human roth and zabel tree. as the bank has moved the tragic cost of his rouse more that's left generation of children traumatized. the monks on his face remind 16 or.


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