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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the, the wrong box group claims the responsibility for an attack. this kills free us soldiers on the jordan, syria border. the problem says it have no involvement. the money in sight, this is all is, is there a life? and also coming up the even though is riley attacks across the gaza strip,
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killed dozens of palestinians beaten on humiliation. palestinians detained by is riley soldiers and the options on west pine chest stories of the on the cost in hong kong orders. the liquidation of the wells most invested properties developed that sean is the 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drone attack on an american face on the jordan, syria, buddha, close to iraq. they all the 1st american ministry fatalities in the middle east and as well as go on golf and began president joe biden has blamed iran link on groups on has vowed to respond rainy and state media sites have ron has not got any involvement or at least as a full so does what ended in sunday's strike. jordan's government expressed it's
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condolences to biden and said that they would know to damian casualties. the american face house has a small number of troops involved in m t. i saw operations. the and the rocky green thought to be backed by iran has claimed responsibility for the attack islamic resistance in iraq released this video, which it says shows the drawing launch which killed the us soldiers. also in jordan has moved from washington, dc in the us is not going to say exactly when where or how it's going to respond to the attacks. but it is worth noting that the us president joe biden was very quick to say that this would be the case on sunday, after the news of the depths of the 3 of us service members was made public,
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this was all followed very quickly by statement by the us defense secretary repeating jo biden's, our comment that there will be a response from the us in response to the depths of those 3 us service members. this is all of course to maintain the element of surprise. now of course, the big question is going to be, how does the u. s. calibrate it's response? because the buying it ministration has been very worried about taking any actions that could possibly lead to more conflict across the middle east. we've already seen the strikes against uh who t targets because of their attacks on commercial shippers in the gulf. and there's all in the red sea i should say. and there's also concern about possibly getting other conflicts allowed to grow larger depending on how the u. s. military respond to these attacks, not just on its own forces,
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but on commercial vessels as well. let's take a look at the statement by vs law make resistance in iraq. it says we are continuing approach to resisting the american occupation forces in a rock and the region and in response to the mass because by the scientists entity against on people in gaza, islamic resistance sciences in a rock attacked outdoor on sunday, by drawings for enemy basis 3 of which are in syria and the 4th inside occupied palestinian territory. would of the why hate has the latest on the groups behind the attacks from baghdad or will this is this. lemme resistance. uh uh, an umbrella told him that includes a it on a lined autumn with the groups in iraq and city. and they have been cutting out similar attacks on the need a daily basis. any rock and city at $178.00 attacks, according to sources with this type of resistance started us and coalition forces
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in iraq and city as since october the 17th since it the, as they say that since the us give green light to is going to start the land incursion into the guys that the blame the united states for standing as a major support the visually submitted. so you can paint on the plaza and they threatened to escalate to continue attacking us and coalition forces as doing guys the way the state skips supporting is limited so you can paint on as well as we mentioned earlier, the u. s. has accused iran backing beyond, grew the carried out the attack. but to rhonda said that it was not directly involved in the assault or so we'll set it has when it comes to loans, official position regardless. so tax you don't say it doesn't have that process across the region, but rather allies, and it's called them as the excess of the resistance and your balance is excess of the resistance is not taking commands or the corrections or orders from tyrone,
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but rather it is acting autonomously, that is your honest position regarding such attacks. but seized the beginning of the warning doesn't have seen that there has been more than 170 attacks on american business across the region. but you run has not claimed responsibility for any of them, but rather your own has been engaged in a t. it's for talk policy, a guest. israel is that has attacked, you run the officials in syria and even the technician. we have seen that yvonne attacking the, the del officials that are related to israel in the region. but so far we do not know whether this recent attack is related to the position of iran or not as a, as there is no official statements. but one thing is quite clear that the combinations of you went is more and more increasing the possibility of why the war in the region best will set that up to 0. there are to a sense, as well as whole ongoing and began almost 4 months ago. across the board, a violence has erupted across the middle east and they have some explains how
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much is october 7th attack and is rose subsequent war and gaza spill due to the white to reach on october 8 has will launch attacks on targets and the dispute, the chip on farms and what it said was solid, dotted with people off casa, that have a nice border continues to see is put on exchange or fire. on $200.00 people are being killed, including top has been like combined with some of the police on october 17th, drawing a tax target to die. and i said, and teddy and made it to basses into rock that tax work claimed by the islamic resistance in a rock. that's an umbrella term for uranium back to rocky groups such as captains law, his beloved news about inside of the osha and get the i've said to try that. on october 19th, the tax on us spaces in syria at 10 false hit by 3 drones following the us base.
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in the chronicle all filled in houston, syria west struck by midsize on january 4th. the us target to do rocky fighting groups, including a drone strike on the headquarters of how they got the news about and about that getting his senior command off the group along with all the full. on october 19th, there rainy and back tooth using the m and launch midsize and drones towards is wrote that were shut down by the u. s. navy. on november 19th, the who is he's hi jacked the galaxy leader saying it was owned by and is really business mat. now's the blockade in the red sea and continued targeting ships. on january 12, the united states, the united kingdom, with the support of australia in canada, the netherlands, long success of a series of crews midsize and their strikes against the hu, a. how should i just the the
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mean while these really ministry is carried out, more attacks in the north central in southern regions have gone to dozens of palestinians have been killed in some of the native strikes. at least 10 died in a strongly corner, residential building and dogs, the city, the north. the bodies were taken to house chief a hospital which is on the brink of total collapse, is ready for his old se boned homes in the wind. and is there a refuge account in central garza, the 17 palestinians were killed that employees were wrapped in blankets because of a lack of body bags and trials. critical medical supplies, also running out across the strip a schedule of correspond honey. my move to joyce from rossa in southern gaza. honey, i know the deadline night for gauze that took us through the lives of strikes. so this is good morning 1000000,
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the true. it's uh, another bloody and the, the night for palestinians that at this time really concentrated in gov and the northern part where if you are a teller, you're selling targeting more residential homes in central the gauze beyond the restaurant part of the city, including the vicinity of a ship hospital as well as the densely populated neighborhood to the not to the southern part of gods to be a separate neighborhood where an entire family being killed has been sheltering inside at one of the their homes in the neighbor and the neighborhoods also enjoy bounty of town came under heavy artillery, shoving them in almost constant artillery showing over night. then in the hours of this morning, the more people reported killed than multiple injuries to achieve a hospital with talking about more than 10 people. so far as still people under the rubble in both the valley. a town as well as in the densely populated neighborhood in the southern part of garza city. that's a separate uh uh,
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neighborhood in the central area. and the site on refugee camp came under heat artillery, selling on the non stop as the delivery setting, as well as they buy. it shows fired by gunboats as early hours of this morning and han unit, the situation remains very difficult and we're talking about now not only nonsense, hospitalized under military decision comes very difficult to move around that vicinity or dispatch ambulance of from the hospital into targeted site. but also in the hospital is under complete military season. a statement by the policy and rick preston talks about the grave situation of the hospital as it turn, the gradual is turning into a graveyard. as more people being shot at it, critically injured, unable to be treated well. you did explain shortage of medical supplies and you're not the address for them to better uh, well equipped hospitals, us in the area, the vast majority of people are now not only displays and, and from that size,
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but also they are ex, they are living very difficult living condition, experiencing a very cold and wet weather just further increase the suffering of, of, of the, of them and their families as the bombing continues and the rain continues. okay, thank you for that honey mahoney that 1st and rafa is ready for us. as of jocelyn killed 9 during raid in the town of young moon to the west of janine and the occupied westbank was also an incursion in the city of janine. was there any bulldozers was seen destroying properties on public infrastructure. raids on attacks on power steering pump days have become a nightly occurrence since one goes up again on october. the 7th is israel intensifies it's res. across the occupied westbank. most stories are imagining of the physical abuse of palestinians,
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some who were detained ministry checkpoints, and all the areas say that would be to buy is really soldiers is abraham has the story on armed and on the ground. i'm gonna attach 2 more hits than he could count. some were from the rifle, but open is really soldier like you to know and i use. i said to them, my eyes are hurting their bleeding on my face. keep pepper straight them without care that i'm in pain. blindfolded in hand, coughed. he was been left to go without any explanation and with many wounds, some of which he had not a lot of. they beat me before. i could know who it was. it was also shocking the human lead me and put the rifle on my shoulder to shoot at other palestinian men. i heard the boy going near my ear. unlike ahmed, the beating of my se level without wasn't caught on camera. this video shows medical teams trying to help him after he was assaulted during and his really read
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of his refuge account in the occupied list. way. he says these really soldiers went from door to door at s thing and assaulting dozens of palestinian southern, not even last year. my 2nd and officers shouted, we found in front of me. they started beating me up on my head and they hit my shoulders with a crowbar and hit my elbow with a hammer. fortunately can be, but much seed was not wanted by these really forces. and there was no reason to detain him. and who had driven by the hatred towards us. they just want to hurt us, especially young men of the shipment. if i did after a word or say i'm in pain, they'd beat me harder and humiliated me. they kept experiencing me. some of the go back, it says this type of physical and mental abuse has become the norm. he says he's been a soul for not one this and i'm no twine. but 4 times is the most recent was while he was working in a coffee shop. you'll find that the soldier to like to hit my head against on the phone here, but i use my hand to achieve my head. and he took my gloss as
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a way off and then continued hitting my head against the wall. yeah, but it wasn't just him looking at smith says these really forces a tech of not everyone else in the coffee shop that night. cool. so, so before they did, he says they pulled the plug on the surveillance camera much time and he told us, do we not only because he's often beaten, but also because he could face a further punishment for speaking on camera with peers, stress, sudden pain. good afternoon, parents try to protect their children the best they can, but living under deck as long meet it through a few patients. they know there is little they can do to keep them safe. that but he does eat off the occupied lesson. so it has on al jazeera is really government ministers cool for the re establishment of the legal supplements and gaza and encourage palestinians to me on the west african regional block eco us is now
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a major setback. comped implicate of file. so money and is yeah. now spent to puncture the as hello that we've seen some very unsettled weather, close parts of the middle east, levant. at the moment you can see the thick of cloud laving across the southern part of saudi arabia and cloud dominating across that event. and this is where we are seeing the heavy rain. if we take a closer look, we see not freezing, rain full in gaza, that hasn't helped the misery of people that are being forced out of their homes. and it's not going anywhere soon. you can see that we're all going to see the wins pick up as well, monday into tuesday. so if we have a look at the 3 day full gaza city, a very when, when the situation on choose day that rain continuing to for cooling things down
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till such a rain continues to dominate, as well as moving parts of iraq. and iran is the wintery edge, the so much more settled story for the sol. so this was some briscoe winds blowing across the gulf. we could see some lifted sand and dust with that. and the lifted standing dust continues to dominate, to cause north africa. thanks to the very strong winds, those winds also blowing some showers into egypt and libya and bringing temperatures down over the next few days. but it continues to be a very hot story for the north west, with some record heat coming through for algeria and to new. the. for the south of this, the band of showers continue across central parts of africa with some heavy rain to come from. what's one of the of the and then what to do was to file the sea and everything is horrible. even explain the torture,
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all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers feeding poor revenge, occupied and imprisoned the, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out is there a mind at the top stories that our 3 us soldiers have been killed and a drone attack on an american face. on the jordan syrian folder, washington has blamed iran named groups and has filed on,
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on has denied any involvement is really all me has killed thousands of palestinians in irving not to tax. the cost causes destroyed said homes and guns, especially as well as a vine to add new era, short few g cap, lease $165.00 on the same. these have been killed since today and his really falls . this carry out more rates in the occupied was fine shooting and killing a line in the town of the i'm just reading boulders is destroyed properties on public infrastructure in the 16th of geneva. the un secretary general is judging countries to revise the suspension of funding for the palestinian refugee agency. at least 11 countries have pause contributions to unreal off to the us. and israel accuse some of its employees of being involved in how mazda is october tax tag. i will assume reports from ruffin southern garza. people who have lost everything need all the help they can get for palestinians and
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garza. most of the hill pest come through the u. s. relief and works. don't see what wonderful. now, threats to its funding opportunities that risk the high on on what is our lifeline, who give us food and drink after the war. may god help the people? what can i say of the people here appealing from the states to reconsider the sonya, the comments of bruce in germany and some other european countries on aid to the palestinian people is a disaster for us today. they punish us as if we were as guilty as the occupiers. the occupation keeps on doing crimes, and yet there are supporting them to do more crimes against us. you and it don't say district kits, food and supplies to keep people going. and it's open the stores to perform. it showed to deduce whose homes now lowing boons, the owner. what facilities have been showed by use very force as many times since
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the will began. they continue the work knowing the do so great risk to themselves. more than 150 you, you on stuff have been killed since the will began secure to hit comp be guaranteed, as many of the facilities have had to shut down. despite this, people keep coming here seeking help. targeted by zoom out just a rough, rough i in southern garza, a conference has been held in west jerusalem cooling for the orientation of gauze a once the war is over. at least 27 members of the israeli government were in attendance to us on hearing report. smoky party sources of the thousands gather to call for a legal is really settlements to be rebuilt in gaza and for palestinians to be expelled from their homes. among them, cabinet ministers and coalition lawmakers,
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including the countries national security minister and ultra nationalist eton mar ben deer, who called for settlements not just to be rebuilt in garza, but also in the northern occupied west bank in the summer. and so uh, mister prime minister benjamin netanyahu, i'm addressing you from the stage. it's a shame to wait another 19 years to understand that bush got teeth and northern somalia must be returned. the responsibility of brave leadership is to make courageous decisions. so tell me nothing. y'all who says he does not intend to maintain a permanent presence in gaza again, but that is real. would maintain security control for some time. with some of those in his cabinet. once more, we are settling or aligned from width to length, controlling its been fighting several ways and bringing with god's help security to full of as well know what the answer is. without settlement,
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there is no security once seen as freely voices. they are now at the heart of israel's government. opposition leader. yet you're lupita posting this scathing statement on social media. the settlement conference on guys i by the what's my yeah. did party with many minutes just from the liquid party is a disgrace to the thing. yeah. into part to that was once at the center of the national camp and is not feeling helpless, the behind extremist. how simeon say there is real danger in meetings like this one. this confidence well is administered by the dissipated, including ministers from the liquid party. the 5 to who's the now additionally, as a student, numbers of those early kinetic participated. so it's not a joke. these are, these are the people who are making the policy and the 0 and the they live going forward, ethnic cleansing goes guys and complete ethnic, cleansing of the people of guys is there a withdrew from gauze after a 38 year occupation in 2005,
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this included the evacuation of $21.00 legal settlements. if new settlements were built, it would be against international law. and the public position of israel's biggest ally, the united states, have the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. the spring you, some of the days of the news now accords in hong kong has ordered the liquidation of the chinese property john, the ground group. it's the wells most invested real estate company with over $300000000000.00 in liabilities of a ground. first of all, to on it, steps back in 2021. katrina, you joins us from beijing. katrina, what is the practical implications of this on the chinese main line when most of of grounds assets actually all the while we're still
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waiting on the details of how exactly this will be implemented, but it's likely to be extremely complicated and to without ever gone. have bolted and continuing projects all over the country. but so far we have heard today from everyone's d o says they will walk right with what ever assigned liquidate to. and they also said in a statement that everyone made every effort to defend against this petition, and they did the best to restructure. but your correction face great difficulties and its results is extremely limited. and this is definitely going to sound the death knell for the property developers, which was once a king of really real estate companies here in china. these have so much money that they invested in football clubs, electric vehicles. but it became very clear that in 2021 they had cash flow issues . they could not pay back more than $300000000000.00 worth of debt. and at the time people thought the government was certainly bailout ever gone. it's too big to fail,
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but they said they didn't decided to make an example of every brand and as a company which has been relying on consumers, speculation and amounts of growth. and now the entire property 2nd here in china is steep in price is partly self inflicted by the chinese government, which has been packing down on the sector in order to prevent a property bubble. but suddenly this uh, this space of aragon is going to cave the way for many other real estate, develop it as well in the same hope more to as that, as you say, this is affecting the whiting housing sector, which accounts the roughly about a course of china's economic activity, so how is the country expect it to whether this so it's definitely going to be uploaded to the chinese government right now. china is economy. uh, its economic growth is stagnating and the property sector is considered a pillar of economic growth. and that has been so effective that this year we've seen a 30 percent drop in new home sales,
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and it used to be very common place that people will save up then live savings via home buying apartment and be setup for life. but because we've seen property sales, hopefully prices across the board major cities and small the cities drop these past few years, people are refusing to buy apartments. and so this is going to deal in you blow to consumer confidence. not only that, the business confidence at a time with the stock market is that is a time or a for investment is also at a lower. and it's also going to have recent government assets to restore the, to revise the property sector and oppose to people was affected by all of this other millions of people who have already paid, deposit supposed to be developed as such as ever for us. and this 2 ways a full that their apartments are the forms to be to be constructed or to be finished. thank you for that. katrina you the 1st in beijing is yet molly. i'm booking a file,
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so have all withdrawn from the west african block eco us. they accuse the group within the opposing in humane sanctions. in response to the crews in that countries equal, i says it has not been notified if the decision. nicholas tack reports now from deco the ending of a 49 year loan union. the announcement was made live and simultaneously on the national televisions of new share. picking up also involving the 3 countries are withdrawing from the west african regional blog known as eco los which includes all 16 west african nations. the organization imposed sanctions against the 3 nations after their militaries to power in a cool in recent years. echo was calling for return to civilian rule. the joint decision to leave the union is inactive. defiance by the military, june test, the face of sanctions that limit border movements and the ability to trade, hurting the country's already vulnerable economies and other posts. do you got that
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costs allegedly up to the irrational unacceptable storms by imposing sanctions that were legal, the legitimate, in humane and irresponsible in violation of its own statute? something created in 1975. the economic community of west african states was intended to bring closer economic ties, prevented military coups, and protect democracy. critics now see it as a club for corrupt and aging african leaders. going to power out of touch with the aspiration of their young population and influenced by the west. so you know, we wanted to prevent it, but if all people say we want to be governed by a military man, why are we going to refuse that money? is it eco asked, the comes to give us food? does echo us pay us soldiers? and why should it have a say in how we govern ourselves? as last september, the gentle leaders of the 3 nations signed a mutual defense packed, they called the sa health state alliance. it commits each country to come to the
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other as defense, if they are territorial. integrity is threatened, both from internal and external forces. many in this region say, this is an important issue. the west african block has failed to address for the agenda leaders. the needs of molly new sharon burkina, faso feels ignored by echo weiss, it is a relationship they no longer want to be a part of eclipse hawk alger 0 and bob was color of vaccination campaign is guessing on the way. i'll just there a spoke to one residence living in an area hall, this hits by the outbreak. my name is mandel friday, june way. i come from zimbabwe. i stayed in floods on, well quoted out, but it is. this is what we call suites. it's passes through my house where that is coming from this side or the coming want on the side. it's
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a process to my yeah, i'm sorry, i say that the quarter is coming from this. do you know that there are solid some


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