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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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pharmacy, an investigator spot, we're doing it from space design to inform. most events on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax. see the well from a different perspective on elders here the of the of them or kyle, this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes and a strike hits us some of the syrian capital to months. gus, at least 2 people killed the morning and that goes out to thousands of palestinians of kills and is really cool
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. housing displaced people is amongst the target 5 font of citizens, a deb off the latest res, via is where any forces across the occupied westbank and just really government ministers attend the conference calling for the return of sec. plus in garza, i'm forcing palestinians to leave in for the kansas chief, reach the full super bowl and 5. yes. and a short cut, the asian cos i said, because physic, hassan, you a to reset the beginning, syria where at least 2 people have been killed in an ass strike on a building in the capital damascus. several others were also injured. the house is reportedly used by a bronze revolution regard. attack happens near the scene of another strike in
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december. ron blamed israel, the vast attack in which a senior member of its revolution regard was killed as a life now to wrestle side in. that's have ron russell level. can you tell us about this? what's a ron saying about this? strike a little concerned. the casualty is as of now please, did the semi or fish alive, news agency test me and then one confirming that at least there are 2 people killed and several other injured. however, the on clarity is about the nationalities of those are be killed and the site that was shipped. so initially for suggested that, so what you're writing nationals being targeted by is rarely a strike that has been reported the by the said by the by did. somebody will officially agency here, but later they release a correction and seeing that they are not writing and nationals and right of the that the i've seen that you've seen that committee. uranium invested there in damascus, says that those have been killed,
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are not united nationals. and the building that was attacked was not used by the iranian assets there. so as of now, there are conflicting reports by the coming to ours. uh, we are expecting for a, a clarification. hold on. one thing is, is, is quite important here. so the attack took place in the, in the district will see that they know which this right in the office a, not the grandchild or for of, of my mother is buried there. and particularly during this serious civil war, we have seen that they'll be several running after late of groups coming there of being located in damascus. and the justification for the presence to be located in damascus was that they are protecting that trying a guest by so. so the location is quite important. we know that there are the you're writing affiliated groups there. however, as of now, we do not, we're not clear about the nationalities of those were killed. and also whether that
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building was used by the run and assess or not. because a strike back in december, russell did kill a senior member of the around in the revolution. we got the, we all say a number and strikes on siri and soil. what's going on here? so indeed, that is actually the big because we have a back door of that because we have a context of that that is creating an excitement window and that packet where there is any attack in damascus. so it is, the latest is rarely attack as of now what we know in on december 25th is ralph has contact with them apes, right, and killed resemble savvy who was one of the top. you run your revolutionary guards, general. and then we have seen on turned off a generally that has been to suicide, boomers just blasting the bones and kidding, more than 90 iranians in the center of care month in iran. so then as a response, you're on, on january 15, has launched the new science on
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a b as in added being. what you learned claims that it was a spice that they use by did is very secret service most sought. and then at the same day, around most of the sides on the said, the city where you live in north west. same yeah. same as target instead of groups . and also you're on has target of some groups in, in, in pakistan as well. people believe that this is, this is what the problem is trying to show his muscles and to show the turns to be able to keep ability. but then on generally 20 israel contact at another, a strike killed. so i did meet was, who's the head of the president of the unit or the rodney includes forces and it was the go to the cause it's huge below to iraq. so now this recent attack is created the excitement because of this context. ok. russell's that a bring installations that from tyrone, thanks very much, russell as well. 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drain attack on the american face in georgia near the syrian boulder. the 1st american book she fatalities in the region since,
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as well as will ongoing. so it began in its present turbine and blamed giovanni impact on groups and has promised to respond. ron is denying any involvement at least $34.00 american soldiers also injured in sunday's strike. jordan's government expressed it comes down and it says to bind them american base houses a small number of troops involved in n t. i. so operations the, the rocky own groups backed by around the claims responsibility is going to be attacked is that meant resistance. and of up release this video, which it says shows the launch of the dry in the hills, the us soldiers, the one who is in baghdad for us and who tell us about these groups that have claimed responsibility the laura, this is the stomach resistance, a group uh,
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an umbrella term that includes that you have on the lines automotive groups and they have been operating go across the board, or they have been cutting out the attacks against us and coalition military facilities and a rock and city since october, the 17th, to blaming view as far as the se, standing as a major support the advisors and minutes, the campaign against the guys that sort of says what the slot, make resistance say that they have carried out. ringback 178 attacks as of yet since october the 17th, namely, because as they say on october, the seventy's, that's when the u. s. has given a is a green light to stop dates, land, and cogent into a rise. and these, um and uh, factions here in a rock, as you know that some of them belong to the official admitted suites, state and institution, that some of them belong to part of minutes. a group that popular mobilization forces, which is also part and operating within the official mid threes state institutions
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. some of them are tasked with protecting and securing government offices here in about that. in fact, in some cases, the united states has retaliated, getting going to tell us that our tax data strikes to continue their locations, heating about that and in central iraq kidding and wanting a number of the fight. that was an, in those cases, the governments came up and condemned to the counter at tex, considering get violation of iraq sovereignty. they say the all the groups, the stomach resistance tell you that they are threatening to escalate the attacks. they will not stop until as they say, the stops back is it is made, it's a campaign. in fact, they have reason that their demands a calling for old foreign troops, including coalition, a on us troops to withdrawal from a rock. and that, of course,
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is something that the us and rock is currently talking about at the moment. some 2500 us troops still based in a rock facing ice. so if we heard anything from the bank that governments on this particular strike the government in baghdad, as it did before, and similar cases has condemned to the attack and it, it has also a huge concern over what it considers at the security, the security, the concern is in the regent, the government has issued this statement condemning the what is called the ongoing escalation, particularly the decent attack and on the city and joe denny and board and the board, those and dates. it says it's monitoring with a great concert. them concerning the alarming security developments and the region . the government has been engaged in folks negotiations with the within the higher
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minutes the commission with us ministry officials to put mckinney's him to going into was through with the, from a rock. but they is lubbock resistance say that they cannot guarantee that given the fact that the u. s. has, has put prerequisites for it's was there will pertaining to whether or not isolated poses a threat with or not. the iraqi forces alone can come back. i use of so they say that the best can come up up to the month. so say the situation on the ground does not allow us to withdraw it. then we will remain in iraq. that's the biggest concern. and the biggest fear for that is stomach resistance. group okay, it's not a bill ahead in baghdad. thanks very much for that update. let's bring in now a white house correspondent. kimberly how good. kimberly, what's the basis that we've been hearing from us officials about this any times for our response. yeah,
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just moments ago the national security council spoke source and john kirby saying that there will be a response given that this is in his words a consequential attack on us service members. but he was clear to echo the words of the us president in his statement on sunday, saying that the response by the united states military will be at a time and manner of it's choosing. now, what we understand is that the us presence of the commander chief is consulting with an weighing, a number of factors, a national security spokesperson, kirby saying that there is not a desire of the united states for a conflict with iran. there is also not a desire for a wider conflict in the region, but again, the concern here big but since october 7th, there have been increasingly lethal attacks and us troops. now again,
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what we're talking about here is the fact that there are 3 us service members that have been killed. 34 wounded and what we know is that some of them have now been evacuated for higher level care. and the number of wounded is expected to fluctuate . so again, the latest from the united states is that there will be a response given in the eyes of the united states. this is a consequential attack. okay, kimberly how catch joining is that from washington dc. thanks very much. kimberly. so what do i think a spouse head onset is marshall. he's a professor of security and ministry studies at the institute for graduate studies, assessable. take a look at best attack on the us base in jordan, on the border with syria. us is convinced that iran is behind the attack of wrong is denying involvement. what do you think? it's possible for us to have to see uh the islamic resistance. so in iraq that more or less took the responsibility for the attack is composed of 5 organizations. um,
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most of them we should show we say, you know, the strategic or even a technical alliance with the, with iran, so many to go to them as the proxies of it on. but they have agency as well. they can operate on their own. and we saw that multiple times, so that's on one end, but also on the other end in terms of the security threat to the us. this is the 1st time since april 1953, that the us some sickly and more to the us gets the casualties from the the us had complete air. so, so for the oddity since 1953, the only organization that challenge that not the state and organization was isis actually in the battle of most of the 1st time when they used over 70 drones under 30000 feet. so they had sort of the challenge, the us air superiority in the battle of most of between 20162017. but for a fleeting moments and they had no casualties. most of the casualties were either
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from the, like the army or from the that push mag forces, but non, from the us coalition, not from the us, the army or the, the marine corps, this time, the casualties. there are a tennessee then there are a injuries as well. so it's a bit serious for the us. and it tells you that the, the, the, the threat is evolving. it's adapting it's innovating and it's more or less having more or more impact on the battlefield by means that the us knows how to counter them, you know way. but there's always of these different mistakes and loopholes that you can the enemy can get away with. so it is a significant branch on the us as security you. it has vile to respond to the time in a matter of it's choosing. we have been seeing these latavia x rays strikes from the us when it has been targeted in the past. but the rock is getting pretty fed up with this because it's so state and quite a number of civilian casualties in these us strikes. how far is the us able to push
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it to keep fighting back? i think it's uh, without the coordination with the like the government it will be very difficult. the us will not invade the lock again and try to destroy these a, you know, not, not non, non state between positions actors. and h will likely continue with the surgical spikes, but make them more targeted, focused more on a degrading if we will. not necessarily destroying but degrading the capabilities of these organizations, including the drawing strikes, including the artillery strikes and the, the architect tillery, specifically because they used it multiple times, so that it would be more focused and more surgical then. this will require a lot of intelligence work, and if you're not there on the ground, then the intelligence would become more or more difficult. so i think they would need a lot of cooperation from either the elected government or from some of the security forces within the like you official establishment. and that will be a challenge. um, but an escalation, i don't think that us once
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a full blown adhesion with water a given the it is the gravity of the situation at the moment. so they will be they will try to maintain and manage that conflict and keep it low intensity. but more effective combat the effective low intensity, and that's a challenge on its own. okay, i'm sure we'll leave it that many thanks for coming in. the the, that'd be the number of overnight strikes in the north central and something pops up. the goal is a strip coming thousands of people. the bottom says stretching partially functioning hospitals to breaking point. you can monitor in situation for more than 1700000, displace palestinians in the south lessons. by the day michael, apple begins are coverage. these are the consequences of these really a strikes on an apartment building and the way to a new site are in central gauze. the morgan lc for hospitalized pack,
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a piece of paper, stuck to a blanket. we'll identify her as she's been outside these mo, data piled up in an admin. 7 not far away at all, that e mail school, a boy sits solving on the school building was showered with missiles. my family was killed, they were all killed. all those in natasha and with bern. today in the north, at least 10 people were killed in a strike on a residential building and gaza city. the bodies were taken so while she for hospital, it's used to be causes largest medical facility. but bailey functions now you and says about 14 of hospitals throughout the strip remain operational, but on the big hate is trickling into gaza,
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but it's not enough to sustain life, of, especially in the north, where people are digging up water pipes. we get water here once every 15 days we use it for bathing and cooking for cooking. we must a boiler, firewood as we don't have gas. the water pressure is very weak and the water is dead. children now sick. the teeth are a road from the to the water and the harris pulling out by wheel barrow and bucket . they have to take what they can get the problem. so then after that we are full of diseases from this water. it's definitely not drink apple. why should we drink it? and everyone have seen this? why are they ignoring us? are we human beings? kind of spinning and medical student, a sea level head off is one of those forced to head south and the exit is from hon . eunice, towards rough on kind of 4 siblings, scratched out a living among the thousands of displaced people in the cab. i hope i can
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find anything under the rubble when we go back. i also hoped to go back to my university to the simple days. for now, my future is destroyed on lives destroyed, even if the will and how many years will it take us to recover? is the sadness behind the smiles, with the uncertainty of the future, weighing heavily on her and so many others might level l g 0 with joins us out from rafa in something gone. so in here we've had more evacuation notice being issued, the moving totally pots have gone to city, also the neighborhoods around our hospital in hon. eunice. what can you tell us as well since the early hours of this morning we're seeing got intensity in the air strikes and as far as india are still understanding, just
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a reminder of the 1st few weeks of this genocide of war across the gaza. strippers seem to same level of intensity. the same is the level of destruction caused by relentless. there's products then to make matter worse for the business brand new in garza and the northern partner. now, while an order sharply by it is really military, do evacuated in the centers where they have been show during, in for the past few weeks. and since the beginning of, of the war in right either in the evacuation centers, these are the, the honor was schools manage and operated by on a or the are inside residential buildings in the center part of the gods support. the western part of is around the vicinity of the, of a hospital. more of these orders are also given to people in the city of hon. you and is where they were for to evacuate the city. but people in hon. you and, and they don't have a safe car door to leave the horror of the ongoing, intense bonding campaigns in place in hon unit they have to go through or they have
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to go through security check points and positives with risk and being arrested by it is very military on top of. 5 the constant, the immunization and verbal abuse that they are exposed to every time they are, they are forced to go through these a check points. people in y'all's, in the northern part are ordered sharply to evacuate the central area at once again . this is the narrative we have heard in the pots of, from this really monetary it just makes, makes people very hesitant on leaving the where they are, where they are shouldering right now though they're talks about it intends bombing campaign going to happen in the coming hours but people are asking the question, where are they supposed to go when there are no safe zones across the gods distributed has been approved in multiple of times. those so called save zones designated by those rated military gives vaughn, right within hours or days would display as how affinity ends are arriving to them
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. okay, honey monkwood will leave it for now. thanks very much for the update that from rough or at least 5 palestinians have been killed by is ready forces in the occupied westbank. a young man was shot dead in the town of y'all. moon, all of us were killed and so wasn't dora. i'm too true. there's also an incursion in the city of jeanine where a palestinian paramedic was beaten by in his way the soldier, the full being arrested. all david's bull days is demolished, properties and public facilities was as well intensifies as rides across the occupied westbank. most always all emerging of the physical abuse of palestinians, some who were detained at mochi checkpoint say they were beaten via as really sold as need to. abraham has the story on armed and on the ground, i'm an old hatch, took more hits than he could count. some were from the rifle but opened his really soldier like you to know and know you. i said to them,
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my eyes are hurting their bleeding on my face. keep pepper spray them without care that i'm in pain. blindfolded in hand, coughed. he was then left to go without any explanation and with many wounds, some of which might have not a lot of. they beat me before i could know who it was. it was also shocking the human lead me and put the rifle on my shoulder to shoot a other fellow sending him, and i heard the boy going near my ear. unlike ahmed, the beating of much say level, what all wasn't caught on camera. this video shows medical teams trying to help him after he was assaulted during and his really read of his refuge account in the occupied lift bag. he says these really soldiers went from door to door at s thing and assaulting dozens of the palestinian southern, not even last year. and officers shouted, we found in front of me. they started beating me up on my head and they hit my shoulders with a crowbar and hid my elbow with a hammer. fortunately can be,
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but much seeing was not wanted by these really forces. and there was no reason to detain him. and who had driven by the hatred towards us. they just want to hurt us, especially young men of the shipment. if i did after a word or say i'm in pain, they'd beat me harder and humiliated me. i, the more they kept experiencing, the some of the will back, it says this type of physical and mental abuse has become the norm. he says he's been a soul, so not one this and i'm know twice. but 4 times is that the most recent was while he was working in a coffee shop. are you off on this, the soldier to like to hit my head against on the phone here, but i use my hand to seat my head. he took my glasses away, but off and then continued hitting my head against the wall. yeah. but it wasn't just him. when looking at him, it says these really forces attacked them. not everyone else in the coffee shop that night. cool. so, so before they did, he says they pull the plug on the surveillance camera. much comedy told us,
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they're the only because he's often beaten, but also because he could face further punishment for speaking on camera with peers, stress, sudden pain. well, the thing in fair is try to protect their children the best they can, but living under decades long minutes through a few patients, they know there is nothing we can do to keep them safe. is that what he does of either the occupied restaurant or that speak now to me that she's like for us in ramallah, i need these brutal attacks but not isolated events. all they tell us more about even more recent videos, the thoughts that you've been seeing you know, just in the past 24 hours we've seen to video is a merge of palestinians being physically assaulted by is really soldiers. that's not to mention the attacks that we've been seeing growing against palestinians by is really suckers. now let's talk about those 2 incidents. one in jeanine as
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a paramedic, jamal undine was trying to work after is really forces rated that you need refugee come over night. and stayed there for 8 hours. he's taking what he was taken by these really forces who have started beating him and slamming his head against the military vehicles before he got arrested on the incidents and have run into south of the occupied west bank. so a 15 year old being beaten and slaps by these really forces by one is where the soldier in particular and his cousin was telling us that he was just standing in front of his home. and he says, what has not been found? the camera is even worse than what we've seen. and these 2 videos in the just a span of 24 hours show us how much is these? is really a tax and physical assaults or intensifying, you know, these are film, but so much more is hidden. and us, we're just reported more palestinians killed in raids. what's the situation in the
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cost fields pod westbank over night? you know, it's been relatively quiet in the past few days, but it has 6 of today with 5 palestinians killed in different areas from the south to the north as well as here in the center of the occupies westbank by b as really forces. even though those ways we cannot say that they've been long ones, they have not been. it's specifically a violence when it comes to palestinians using fire against is really a soldier. so you're talking about policy is we're just, you know, being in their homes in their towns when they have been shots. now one person a 16 year old, his name is it on in the village of who needed bethlehem the solve for the occupies last spring. now these are the forces, say they've killed him on the shots and because he attempted to do a staffing this has been denied by the local sources the how the local. 8 and so the import village, he says that these really forces since october the 7th have been intensifying their presence of the village,
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sending and stationing themselves outside the gates of the village. so we're talking about that in some situation with how the thing is, i don't feel safe at all, and they could be hits until any time we have 2 funerals that was taking place in buddha. if for 2 palestinians who have been killed during one days, we have one that is currently going in said it was and another one that took place in the village of the morning. but when we talked about the ronnie, the 16 year old, his body has not been handed over to his parents for burial. so talk about the re for almost a, you know, denying kind of thing is from the rights to bidding their loved ones farewell and putting them to rest. okay. need to and for him for installations that from ramallah. thanks, nita. okay. its time now for the weather and his car of hello that was not in south asia and dense fog continues to blanket northern parts of india and the deluxe haven't been issued for new delhi. we still have poor visibility and very unhealthy quality. instead on choose day,
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it's going to be able to protest that has the amber lights out as well as b hall. we've also got a west city disturbance putting its way from afghanistan, cause northern parts of pakistan and india, bringing some heavy of snow to the mountains as well as rain and the likelihood of since thundering down pools and is expected to roll into a new denny by wednesday, a much more settled story to the south of this, some crowd here and there. some showers coming in to the east and north east of india as well as bangladesh. and they pulled on boot time, but logically dry as we had for the south. some shop was coming into the very south of india, heavier rain, the insurer land come on wednesday. and heavy rain is the story across southern and central pots of china. you see that patch over heavy rain pulling its way across the east china sea on its way to southern parts of japan. ahead of this, we have had some very fine conditions. thanks to high pressure across the korean peninsula. but we'll see things cool down across the north of china over the next
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few days, beijing, some cloud in cold weather to friday. and so it has hit on al jazeera. the store also works closely with authors around the world. their latest books are showcase and previous titles are recommended. we visit one book, store and occupied east jerusalem. that's raising awareness of how to send in history and cultural identity. unbox nations against color up again in zimbabwe, but it's a job, a solution to flight. the academic, academic and in school getting ready to pull the finals of the asked a couple of masons bump tournaments and very successful side. all the oil rich iraq is facing a crisis and a final fight to results. water, as dimes built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow,
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under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to, on a jersey to years from i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the sex allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the or the
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other again, you're watching, i'll just say, or i have to remind you about top stories this i'll at least 2 people have been killed them as try kind of building in the syrian capital, damascus. several of those 4 rooms at the palace. simmons have been killed in his way and strikes across the street. 10 people died in his way, the selling of a school, the sheltering displaced people in gauze, a city. the army has also attacked homes in north central gauze that causing multiple casualties. and these 5 palestinians have been killed during his randy rates and the occupied west. fine young man was shot dead and the town of yeah, moves of us were killed. and so as a juror and a 2 cuz a conference is being held in west jerusalem, calling for his riley such as to move back into a gall. so once the war is over,
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at least $27.00 members of the as riley government attended that meeting. i'm to solve that report from occupied east jerusalem. thousands gather to call for a legal is really settlements to be rebuilt in gaza and for palestinians to be expelled from their homes. among them, cabinet ministers and coalition lawmakers, including the countries national security minister and alter nationalist eton, mar ben deer, who called for settlements not just to be rebuilt in gonzo, but also in the northern occupied west bank in the summer. and so uh, this the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, i'm addressing you from the stage. it's a shame to wait another 19 years to understand that bush got teeth and northern somalia must be returned. the responsibility of brave leadership is to make courageous decisions. so nothing yahoo says he does not intend to maintain
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a permanent presence in gaza again, but that is real. what maintains security control for some time with some of those in his cabinet. once more, we all separately know a land from width to length controlling its been fighting several ways and bringing with gods help security to full of as well know what the answer is. without settlement, there is no security one seen as freely voices. they are now at the heart of israel's government. opposition leader. yet you're lupita posting this scathing statement on social media. the settlement conference on gaza by the what's my yeah . how did party with many ministers from the liquid party is a disgrace to thing. yeah. in to part to that was once at the center of the national camp and is not feeling helpless, the behind extremist. how simeon say there is real danger in meetings like this one. this confidence well is administered by the dissipated,
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including ministers from the liquid party. the 5 to who's the now edition, at least 15 members of those that are really connected participated. so it's not a joke. these are, these are the people who are making the policy in israel and the they were going to include ethnic, cleansing growth guys and complete ethnic lindsay angle. the people of guys is there a withdrew from gauze after a 38 year occupation in 2005. this included the evacuation of $21.00 legal settlements. if new settlements were built, it would be against international law. and the public position of israel's biggest ally, the united states, have the central jersey to occupying east jerusalem. a fall rights has really demonstrated was that have tried once again to stop trucks loaded with aid. from crossing into garza, at least 50 people got that near the time of who salom costing, trying to stop the vehicles. is there any forces have designated to the area
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a military zone and they've gone between the demonstrations and the aged trucks? a space when for the you an agency helping palestinians in gauze us as the organization will be forced to stop operations at the end of february. if funding isn't provided, it's up to a number of countries stopped payments when 12 staff members were accused of taking part in the october 7th attacks the u. s. as the agencies biggest data in 2023, it contributed $422000000.00 to enroll several other nations including germany, austria, the u. k. canada and japan. also suspending the support. i provided more than $1000000000.00 last. you do an agency support, stanley, 6000000 palestinian refugees across the middle east and run 706 schools and 140 primary healthcare facilities. those that provides food and cash assistance to more than 1800000 palestinians. most of them in gone so have a soft around $15000.00 and at least $150.00 to have been killed in his riley
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attacks. no way his joints you and calls, but don't have countries to keep supporting the vital work of unreal as been bought . i the is the new wage and minister of foreign affairs and he says, so spending on well, funding amounts to what he calls collective punishment. i know that the commissioner den role as a really has said that there should be 0 tolerance, 0 tolerance to anything like this. but you know, if you have 30000 employees who are embedded inside it, so sites in because the overwhelming majority of these employees are local stuff at tennessee means in public opinion. there is to try to, you know, be absolutely certain that you have 0 risk. it's very difficult even if it's your treatment have 0 tolerance, which is exactly why i want to continue our funding. i urge all the owners to do so . and then we will collectively work with en route to make sure that everything comes from the table to what actually happened. and what then rug will do to
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prevent something like this were happening again. but we can not collectively furnish all the people who are refugees or internally displaced. the fortunately the past, many of them remember because people do not choose a life as a refugee. i think everyone would prefer to live in that for you independent, continuing and normal life and having their own business or work. but circumstances over many, many years have the put these people in this place on the international community cannot abandon them now. or let's talk about this a little bit more with out. is there a senior plesco unless mel, i'm the shaw who's head in the studio with us to go more countries today. suspending the funding of henri uh, what do you make of this move when the number of people? so it'd be the queues of actually being involved in the october 7th attack is less than 0 point one percent of the total workforce of the organization. look, i mean,
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we just turned the voice of reason right there, right. and it's not complicated. it's actually quite simple. the idea is that whatever the additions are for as many people as they are, which one of it's, it will be subjective to an investigation that, that on there will be conclusions and that they're only going to be other forms within the meanwhile, the idea is that because of these allegations, against a number of people, you suspend the aid to, to 1000000 people. that is the part that doesn't make sense. and it's not complicated. it's really simple. there are too many and people who basically are you know, at the level of starvation and there is an international court of justice rolling. that said, we need to get that the humanitarian a. then you cannot flip an i just to start afresh, you know, because you asked about the number of countries. i think it's what's, what's,
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what's um, what's quite disturbing about this is the fact that we know that the united states use as a, as a total for them policy. so it's, you would expect us over the, by did administration on what i mean, a medical administration. it's involved you politically in the region. it's involved and is are, and by this time it has unconditionally health is right. arms, finance, protection, diplomatic and otherwise. so it's normal, as you know, for the united states to what the nice to sort of narrated, why is italy? why would the u. k, why would all these other, why was japan get involved? here you go into this new reality that really wasn't bad before the war and ukraine, wherever your, with germany and france at its core would act in dependency on issues like this. they would not follow automatically on the footsteps of the united states, especially when the question is the question is,
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so basically humanitarian. so basically in line with international law. so what's changed? why do you think they all fully in line? you know, how we say? or they say, i iran back the wrong back. well now i think we should be honest with ourselves. so say american back, it's an american, back to okay, american back germany, american back japan, cause the o clients of the united states. they're behaving not like independent states, like mother and democracies not like you know, western powers. they are acting like children. they're acting like clients of the united states incapable and capable of thinking of themselves. why would norway, why would spain think for themselves and say, no, we're not going to cut a, this is something that we need to look into. but we know, like i said, the others are following in the footsteps and they, they're setting
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a total example for they don't people for their own public, but also for what does it need to be at as possible academic and today's international nations. or they cannot follow blindly on the footsteps of a country, meaning the united states, that is infamous for what the nice thing for an aid for what the nice thing, the kind of humanitarian aid that we see go into. oh no, it says it's going to run out of funding in one month by the end of february. i do think it's actually going to get to that stage. what do you think these countries will come back on board once the investigation is being carried out? well, knowing from other examples of history, they might probably drag their feet and they want to probably then give something you know, on account. or there might, you know, you play hardball because the united states is involved in federal negotiations over the captives and so on. so forth, but what i hold for, i do have a lot of countries step in,
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let's say you don't forget about you. what is it $200.00 millions of dollars. i think between china. so do you have a, be a number of other countries this setting that are able to come up with the money, right? and to say, we are binding by an i c, j n, an international court of justice rolling. we're going to take the general assembly and so many agents and other countries we're going to bring that in on china is going to be a main player in the middle of the middle east in the east, me that today. it, along with another countries that the united states has denied them any influence that's even wasn't washington on the and the longer would do when b g and moscow in other countries get involved under the auspices of the i c g and say you guys have this in general, assembly certainly bring a big shift into politics mail on monday. thanks and a so one family owned books stole in occupied the east jerusalem was being highlighting the palestinian story and promoting vices for many years. and since october, the 7th of them,
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he says that mission has become more important than ever. um it jump juma pulse at the educational book shop. customers are welcome to read and encouraged to learn about a people's history unfolding before that one chapter at a time. the mission has been and is to continue to promote palestinian literature. but it's thing in the ice, those highlights and should the lights on the 1st thing in a issue on the stadium story that this family owned and run institution that's done to thousands of volumes, encompassing history, literature, food, and so much more the mines, the store chatting with regulars, just like his grandfather did, just like his father and uncle still do. in the cafe upstairs, some patron studies and others nearly skim. how it feels like looks how can i love
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this place? it's a beautiful place. the way the books are organized, the way that they showcase all of these beautiful resources. so you feel that it's not just a collection space. it's a place where the mission mission, that since october 7 has expand, is very important to highlight the books and guys out because actually you want to tell the true story and to, in a way come to are the misinformation. uh that is easily spread opened in 2009. the shop was the 1st of its kind in occupied east jerusalem to amplify palestinian voices through only english language books. the store also works closely with authors around the world. their latest books are showcase and previous titles are recommended. it's one more way the family reinforces palestinians. cultural identity behind the counter with us from a today wife node who's and 5 month old son, a month for who had hopes to impart his family's sense of purpose. we spare this
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thing as we as beautiful lights. we as on that of this business where i have to stay, we love what we do. we love selling books. we love telling of a story, a powerful tale long in the making one that will continue to resonate. so how much i'm doing my visitor occupied east jerusalem. the let's take a look at some other world news now in the back. hasanti and iranian foreign ministers have agreed to expand cooperation around stopped at piedmont, saying i'm up to law. hey, i'm is in is i'm about to ease tensions of, to research across the board a strikes, try some relations. i guess don launched rates on what it called militant targets in yvonne earlier this month. to days off the tap on noticed the tax on its top. tre. hong kong court has ordered the liquidation of the world's most invested property, develop a china f, a grant after it failed to strike
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a deal with its creditors to restructure it's a ruling with significant legal ramifications. i'm just like you to jolts. china is over the front job property market. patrick, fault reports from home comes of the, the whole court ruling opens up an unpredictable new phase and the collapse of epigrams, foreign credit has followed the position a year and a half ago to force the world's most invested property development into liquidation and trying to recoup some of the losses, a grand was repeat to be given additional time to come up with the restructuring proposal, but it failed to materialize on the high court says enough is enough. it's been a very long and drawn out restructuring. and so normally the amount of value has already been destroyed for the bondholders. the case now faces major jurisdictional challenges. in cases like these foreign creditors prefer to go through hong kong quotes for can become lost as demand because of the lack of transparency and legal process on mainland china. but liquidators have no power to enforce the order from
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home comfort from the mainland. so all they can do is try to attempt to grab assets and sell assets that are optional. but the majority of the value in this case is on shore in china. so there's very little they can do, let's say credit is unlikely to recover less than 5 percent of their investment. as an estimated one and a half 1000000 people in china are left with unfinished homes. supposing a serious risk of social instability. meanwhile, chinese regulators assuring up support for other struggling developers and making it easier to access loans as part of efforts to stem a major market. wrapped, it's unclear with dimensions. we'll have a sustain defects at the end of davis fiddle. i can send you the invitation off of your commercial backs of financial institutions in china. some of the trust developers have not time to really seem to find the support our awareness of a year. additional liquidity was rejected. so we're going to just stay on the developers. chinese developers still face the problem of sluggish consumer, the mon, the latest date that shows house prices in december,
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the most and maybe 9 years. but i'm list say evergreen's faith shows authorities all the time and to bring on the control prompting market bubble. patrick phone, which is 0 from vaccines are being rolled out in san bob way to come by the color outbreak. people in the west effective districts will be admitted to 2 doses of the vaccine home. acosta has moved from her. all right. this is gloves in a township, a low income neighborhood, the ends involve is capital at a, it's one of the areas as the most effective by this latest cause or outbreak. so what you're seeing is community health work is going door to door house to house, trying to get people to take this next scene. it's an r o that seen people. it means to get 2 doses. but right of the only getting one that's because is a global shortage effect scenes. world wide is one dose is meant with pick them for least 6 months. the government is hoping to get more vaccine sent into the country
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. right of that by 900000. that are being delivered, they are hoping to get 2200000 to k to for as many people as possible. sometimes it's challenging for the health workers tried to convince people to take these vaccines. some people are keen, others are concerned about the possible side effects, but these helpless because i've been trying to encourage as many people as possible to get to succeed, to protect them and protect others in the community. how do i talk to elders? so the head, head on out is era, the stage is set for the super bowl is the chief. i'm 9. is the tickets for las vegas? the
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the let's get all this bought now and his son a thank you very much laura. well, we now know the lineup for the super bowl and the kansas city chiefs that have made it for the 2nd year running. also they'd be the baltimore ravens to in the se, championship title chief quote about patrick holmes. that didn't take long to get going to be found a ties and travis cases for the touchstone. chelsea breaking j rice has records for most policies in the perceptions in history. the ravens was funded above 10 on as says points in the 2nd quarter, allowed the safe to run away with it reaching the 4th super bowl in 5 years. one and of course they wouldn't be achieves when without an appearance from kelsey's girlfriend taylor swift who is on the page to see the side lift the trophy. you don't take it for granted either. so you never know how many you're going to get to
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. um, if you are, if you're gonna get to any, just the deal with these guys after while we've been through all season long guys coming together. um it really is special, but i told them i'm in jobs not done. i mean, our job now is to prepare ourselves to play a good football team is a role in tell you that ring. and the chief little face of san francisco, 49, as of the staging impressive. come back against the detroit lions. $49.00 is worth $24.00 to $7.00, down going into the 2nd half foot, 3 foot stones. so them, so the way back to when the n f c championship be 3, gives them a chance of the surface super bowl crowned for 30. this will be a piece of the 2020 shows on which the chief one, the, the, the analysis on credit will seem to be highly science and national stadium here in
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cutoffs. jordan, have school twice and add a time to beat rock 3 to and reach the asian cub court the finals built in school the 1st, but it looks like a rock were on their way to winning to one despite goal scorer a man who is saying that being sent off for all the celebrated, told and working that one man advances to dramatic effect goals and the 95th and 97 minutes. seeing them through to the quote, the finals for the set time and their history. and they'll play it as it gets done, who also pulled up a big upset at the charlotte, the sugars leading the celebration, say his team around a 106 in the world. the $21975.00 is too much it's of interest in the policy since how do we suppose the finals and this, this ever appears dated today post on will today,
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in the 1st of age and cup, no count match when they face casa post time, book the pace and the round, the 16 with the screen. now when again, as hong kong, which was the assess of a wind and determined talent, awaits them as they faced the host and defending champions will have yet to drop a point. or can see the goal at the tournament. palestine have never defeated them and 10 meetings between the sides. we'll be going to live to that much at all date stadium later on. now to a shock at the ask a couple of nations with 7 time champions, egypt to be knocked out by the congo, often lose in the homicide lot, to injury egypt as a sacrifice account to bring them more luck before the last succeed bought. they went behind to these, this course from recess leah. most of them a homage equalized before the break. and with this for the last 111 to extra time. you'd have been had mine sent off before the r c 187 on penalties ages ago. keep
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them a habitable govern hitting the bar with his penalty before the office keeper scored his to send them into the course of final agent. no single face any next. the baby's equitorial guinea, who had for the record before sent off in the 2nd half of the 4 kicking mohammed vials in the ridge. even with 10 men they could have gone ahead if they hadn't missed the penalty. and it was a buyer who wanted to for guinea with a go and then 98 minutes. one of the final saw and the success on can you have reached the last 8 to 2015? you know, through open when i and extend a says the school needs a new generation of tompkins off to his breakthrough in melvin tennis has been dominated by the big 3 for 2 decades since his victory and the final sunday, overt dining on the desk, made him the suss went to melbourne for 10 years, other than no box vehicle which was a feather of rough elements. all this is
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a 22 year old titans 1st major title. as for non assigned one, the 6 and final event of the 2020 sweet red bull cliff diving, we'll see you as an oakland plants, the overall title bill swelling put on a dominant display to claim his 35th career win and 7th title. except for assigned that is the well, the classics championships in doha with she'll compete in the 20 meta high dive i think. and we'll finish with some nice thoughts from the ski cross world cup in central always in switzerland, as well as he's full skis, raised down the mountain side by side at high speed. and it was, it is well champions. the morning more these who ended up taking the victory in this way. and that's what he's built for me for us now. we'll have moved for you later on, including the latest from the asian cup. but for now it's about color. not so much
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that's gonna be very exciting sound advice very much as it from me for this news um, but i will be back in just a moment with more of the days news for you. if you stay with the the, the tools and everything is good even explains the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would zip us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding pure revenge, occupied and imprisoned their to a unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices. very true. people in israel are sticking up
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against door right now. if i want to be one of them connect with our community and tap into conversations, you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy, deep human noise. this is all i want to go into, you know, as a human to happen to next to the stream on out to 0. i know, but as i said, not at this time import into the
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organization the morning and gone. so i'm more than $200.00 pounds citizens are killed and is really attacks in the last 24 hours. the other them are kyle, this is out of their life. and so how old? so coming up. another phase of no confidence is being tables against the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the can assets us try con, serious.


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