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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:59pm AST

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arrows and possibilities of artificial intelligence, it changes the way we think. and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this, and this is the news on life from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes. the israel targets central and southern gaza hospitalization con you. this will be an order to be back. you wait, but there are no safe places to go. at least 2 people are killed in an air strike in the city and capital never building that. it runs says was targeted by israel last month. is there any government ministers attend
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a conference calling for the return of settlers in jobs? i'm forcing palestinians to lease out at least 5 palestinians are dead off to another night of his really military raids across the okay, fine west by the we're going to begin this news in gas over israel has once again targeted the southern in the central areas of the strip a school housing displaced palestinian families fling is really a tax and an apartment building of being hit dozens of people to be killed. according to the gas, a health ministry, the total death toll is now suppose to $26600.00 honey ma, who begins, are coverage from law firm in southern gas, and these are the consequences of this video strikes one apartment building. and so why the and the fire out in central garza, the more data super hospitalized pack,
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a piece of paper stuck the blanket would identify her as she was very outside is more the ties up in an ambulance not far away at the remote school, the boys said stopping on the school building with sha weed. with miss salas, my family was killed. they will be killed. all those in the costs remove band today . in the north, at least 10 people were killed in a strike on a residential building in ga, the city. the bodies were taken to us. you've a hospital, they used to be a god, the largest medical facility that barely functions. now. the un say's about 14 hospitality throughout this trip remain operational. the only they're
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paid is a trickling into god. but it's not enough just to stay in line, especially in the north, where people are digging up water pipe. and we get water here once every 15 days. we use it for bathing and cooking for cooking. we must a boiler, firewood as we don't have gas. the water pressure is very weak and the water is dead. children now sick, the teeth are a road from the to the water and the harris pulling out by will borrow and bucket they have to take with they can get the problem. so then after that we are full of diseases from this water. it's definitely not drink apple. why should we drink it? and everyone has seen this. why are they ignoring us? are we human beings? a palestinian medical students at sea level head? this is one of those forced to hit south and the exit us from honeymoon is towards rough. she and her 4 siblings scratch out the living among the 1000 of displays. pete,
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the cat. i hope i can find anything under the rubble when we go back. i also hope to go back to my university to the simple days. for now, my future is destroyed, a lives destroyed, even if the will and how many years will it take us to recover? there is a sadness behind the smiles, with the uncertainty of the future, weighing heavily on her and so many others. i need my mood. this is eda, know fi and southern gauze. is really a tax to the main hospital in columbia and as of escalated in recent days, adulthood also hospital describes the confusion. there is this really forces called on stuff to evacuate. the area for a vehicle being we did is leave us like the moon being over the water,
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listening to the instructions by the was cut the but using microphone. and they are using us inflections to do that with that area. because this is a button area that's what i'm looking at his life with us, not adults. i'm a job. it good to have you with this analogy that we heard from you just a moment ago describing with the initial moments when the is readings were telling you to evacuated. can you tell us what has been happening since then? yes uh uh, i should be no, uh, uh, a lip. i see. uh there was both of those with the um the some of the areas that used to be for all of the victory did people now many people already left the the has to be done. now if you look at scores bethany of, by the most of the most of the, like $78.00 schools,
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the school is almost every be know that few people out there. uh yeah, uh i came here to bring my side to your ego infrequent both to be very close, but it was so that there was to be that an old hospital might be the biggest shooting, goes up. i saw my gloss, the, the gloves, the window bloss, already broke in and reboot the night when you took out the window and we don't know what is going on next. the uh me, yeah, let me get this box here. i was supposed to be the only thing, but it's maybe listed in bits. and as i mean, think of this stuff for them and that that was to be done all the voice my going to do with that kind of stuff over the, to those to be done. actually i just getting back from the main or the i have done 2 cases with also be think bookstores. i'm the i'm, i'm on the i'm, i'm the only use this you can, you'll be you,
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i'm the only decision. yeah. those because it might especially that the plastic young people selective service got it. do we have only 2 or 3, or for me to call me until you know the systems that's on uh, i don't know how we would, how we would just send um, i don't know. or if it is normally to go supplies or know, would all mean well water? i don't know how we would run the war or how they would see that we scan. no, i mean my selection the i can see now we have shortage this guy, this tool for this task. i was i told me that many i have my time of the was on the, on the my daughter's name. don't eat too much if you can eat once i did just do it to please. because the other side of the, uh, the uh, the, the, i didn't uh,
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the only uh from that was because they broke last only a bit. this the, they used to do you, they used to bring bread double is, you know, uh some uh, conservative fluid, you know, like tune up blah blah blah. but the only, the, the, the offer just started only, but it was the whole room. so please forgive me for interrupting you, but i do want to ask you, i know how to define. we were talking to you on monday and you were describing the situation to us then you said about 95 percent of the medical staff had laughed at that time. you said about 8 surgeons were left. it sounds as though maybe some have gone since then can you describe to us what is happening with the patients who are remaining at the hospital at the moment? and what the intention is if they have to leave? yes yes, just uh now we have many patients dollars to be done. i shouldn't need for the for the plus the guy,
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but he must like decisions this be decisions already have been done by or so with the team. now the good thing for me actually to perform says, ready to come out of the ruins. you know, i'm the most. i don't have the exact number. i'm not. so what i'm doing now because i don't have this is, i don't have sessions with me. what i'm doing, i shouldn't i have one to be looked or, and one, this is what you are doing well doing it, did this thing changing over this thing? pulled up, michelle's says we can do, we can do, says you this icon for the photos that has all these visions to because we don't have or geniuses or the technicians we don't have. so we are going dana, changing listings for their loans. that's it. in the event that they, as a troops gets closer even closer to the hospital, because yesterday uh, 24 hours ago they were telling me their board tanks about 200 meters or so away
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from the hospital. what do you intend to do with the patients? if it is rarely forces start to move into the hospital itself. as i said i, i don't have, i don't have, i know they, i don't, i didn't have any idea. ready what should i do with suspicions? they, what do they mean? i database, i didn't deal with the best it this like it's a sense of execution. we have many visions. i mean, nice to you. we have many visions that i told you that need says you are the otherwise i'm doing this things. but if i don't do this things, the wind guard cecilia and they will die for, for the vision. so like if they will, don't have football. can you mentioned, sir, that you have your family there and again, on monday when we were talking to you, you said your mother was there and your children as well? no, i don't know how old your children are, but how do you as a father described to your children?
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what is happening the child should even was at least very different kinds of this time. this is getting the when 5, when i want to describe the situation, don't trust me. i understand so thank you very much indeed for taking the time to talk to us. we appreciate a doctor on the of the palestinian rug tries and has also been ordered by his very forces to leave all i'm all of hospitality in con eunice. the areas being bombarded for days, displacing thousands of people. ok, so i was on the which was the latest escaping from the danger. once again is rarely forces have declared the area around all amount of hospital and han eunice on safe ordering palestinians to leave immediately. this area
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has been under heavy bombardment for days and now the palestinian red crescent has been told to move its operations elsewhere. let me have to look at. no evacuation should take place without proper coordination or without the humanitarian court. are we looking at this would ensure the safety of all those inside the hospital ensure we is paramedics? will be able to continue to provide our services and help evacuate the patients and the wounded, according to the proper medical protocols. the palestinians here say they don't know where to go over to seek safety. the nearby shelters are relatively safe, but the fear of in evacuation order looms then that a shilling never stops this, winter's cold is fierce. children are gripped with fear for their my pleasure. if i, i just see the situation is more than dire, we can hardly sleep one hour throughout the day. we sleep on the floor in the hospital's core door as ever and the check, the palestinian red crescent, has described the situation in our model as critical hospital units have had to shut down because of
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a lack of supplies. they are urgently calling for the protection of all civilians. but there is concerned these calls may go unanswered access. i'm reaching out to 0 as much of the gaza strip is not under is really evacuation orders the most recent sort of shooting con units in training. the area of nasa hospital and that's forcing thousands more to flee, but many say that they don't trust that somewhere else is going to be any say for israel has previously problem locations. 8, had described a safe and country isn't. what do you guys? i was more i'm currently standing on a sheet street, a couple of meters away from one because that's the last point that separates the north of cause a strip and the south of the cause, a strip where it has been separated a couple of months ago. where is really force is called this a safe core door and it's the only cory door, and it's the only road for people to evacuate from the northwest to the south. it has been
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a tough night on the cause of your for there has been and this is right. the raids on south river you can see camps in several areas across the colors are sense. the morning, the palestinians in gaza strip in charlotte, one neighborhood. and that's kind of how a neighborhood and in the middle of the causal associates have been warned on their iphones and their phones. they receive messages to evacuate from those areas to data. but as you see, no one showed up. we are surprised that people did not do what the is where the army i asked them to evacuate, but at the end of the day, people in the gaza strip. now acknowledge the fact that the is where the forces are asking them to go to safe areas and then be safe areas turn into a war. so we're talking about people who have been called to evacuate the community to evacuate, to reflect, and to say you dogs. and to all the southern areas. as you see,
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people do not trust what is ready forces, tell them and no one evacuated just like the is there any forces requested them? this is in the godaddy. why? because the cause of that of god zooms in as off are in the southern guys are all of those people who have decided to move. they're probably going to be heading towards where you are in the draw 5 at the i've occupation, orders know, taking place across a large part of the gaza strip. so that's, that's why the majority of garzon c and the territory has a more groaning sense of mistrust. regarding why the all you're off generally tells them to do or to fund it as more evacuation or what has happened to shoot at during the past 24 hours for the residents in in a hospital facility i'm squared, the majority of residents also in kansas city including the main central neighborhood stop people generally in such areas that have included the oldest of
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these occupations, do not have any safe cordial to reach too rough a, which is this a post as ignited area that is saved stone for them to. now, people are still trapped in these areas. they refused to follow these orders and demands in terms of leading from the home, simply because they won't be either c, p, a in the roof lockbox. the facility to over the hospital had been widely tracked within the past. a few hours with it is very forces had to open the find a game that or the fuel tanks of the hospital, which means that it will run out completely over few, within the coming hours along side also with opening the fire against different against different men to come points that have been made and such by the palestinians with the present society in the western side of the law. seat area, western con you to send. this is completely contradictory to what had been also told for the majority of people at the beginning of this war to sleep too hot, it's going to be safe for you. but right now, the manager of operations had been expanded to reach this area,
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which is supposed to be saved right now. for the we can go with this to a, the majority of gauze ins to seek safety in roof. where now the majority of the strip has been crammed into so the situation within the past few days has completely catastrophe. as isabel had contributed to making a very clear geographical shift in, in terms of the lines across different areas. for the majority of college students, just to make life for them on an habitable, even off, the damsel, thank you, because this is all happening against the backdrop. as a continuing fighting that we've been reporting will just bring us up to date with what has been going on with these video struct. the thank you. yes, and unfortunately the page of law says are feed to a topic i was going, we will be of course, coming back to topic in later programs. let's move on, at least 2 people have been killed in an air striking
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a building and the city and capital demoss goes several others have been wounded. the house was reportedly being used by a ron's revolutionary god. that's how i happened to the scene of another strife and last month and blamed israel for that attack which killed a senior member of his revolution regard. the us says there is going to be very consequential response to a drone attack that kills 3 of its soldiers and injures dozens in jordan present. and joe biden blamed a running and backed fighters. but the white as of monday added that the us does not seek a war with iran. these are the 1st american military fates and fatalities in the region. since israel is more on gas of began around denies that it was behind the attack. calling the accusations baseless the american base host, a small number of troops involved in anti isom operations directly on groups backed by on have claimed responsibility for the attack. these findings, resistance in iraq is released this video,
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which it says it shows the launch of the drone that killed the us. soldiers want to bring and our white house correspondent, kimberly hall could. so what do you mean hearing from the us the by the ministration about all of this? yeah, the national security council spoke 1st and john kirby is speaking on behalf of the president on monday. and what he's saying is that the united states will respond to echoing the comments of the u. s. president in his sunday statement. and there will be a response given the view of the united states. this was a consequential attack, but it will be of, according to the united states against us soldiers and they have been aimed at us troops. as we have been reporting there has been 3 killed on the sunday attack. 34 wounded. and in fact they were so we know that 8 has been evacuated
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and requiring higher levels of care. and we also know that in fact, uh there have been a number that are, is fluctuating in terms of those casualties done. going to let you know they're in the control rooms that i have lost i f, b. i know you did want to talk quickly about the political aspect to all of this and we are in an election year. and so there are going to be political consequences for us to president joe biden, who is facing a tough re election. what i can tell you is that general election is 10 months away ad already his republican opponents and capitol hill and also nikki haley, a contender, and also the front runner in the race republican and former president donald trump has been criticizing the current president very heavily in fact, donald trump same has braces, attack of the us is get another horrific and traffic. tragic consequences of jo
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biden's weakness in surrender. the former us ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley saying they would not be attacking our troops if joe biden weren't so weak. in his treatment of a ron ad, we should point out that even some members of jo biden's democratic party in the progress of wing, that's the further left on the political spectrum is also criticizing joe biden. but for different reasons, they are saying that in fact to their should, from the united states standpoint, be an effort to forge a cease fire with israel hum us. the they see is the rid of this escalation before the united states is dragged into a broader middle east conflict. that's company. how could our white house correspondent talking to us from outside the white house in washington dc actually just explained to view, is that when kimberly mentioned the i r b a system, that's the method of communicating with our correspondence and our teams in the field. and sometimes it breaks time, but kimberly managed to soldier on there. so brianna run on once or is director of
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the iraq initiative of shots. i'm how does he says on groups in the region are probably going to continue their attacks on us interest a, as in frank, our group, it's as main sort of target. our main enemy has been the united states and, and especially since october 7th, an israel sort of the fight against israel in the region. it's looks and it has targeted as well. us interests in iraq already as targeted us interesting, syria as well as in the most recent i yesterday attacks, alex killed 3 service people. americans, there was people, it's a tit for tat you've had for the last few months. american air strikes that have killed senior iranian commander, senior headed by left the managers as well as senior commanders from this is dominic resistance in iraq. and in retaliation. these groups have also attacked american interests in american allies in the region. countries like iraq and syria
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is where it was. it's fine to happen is where the ron and love it. nice as well. i want to fight that happened. this is becoming the playground for what you know, people have been talking about in terms of escalation in the, in the middle east right now. so for those reasons, you know, i will continue this type of tit for type attacks. something i think that is consequential. however, is, this is the 1st time the several years, but american service people have been killed so they have casualties from direct fire and, and, and so this is uh, i can certainly escalation the conference is being held in western lucel. i'm calling for is really settled, is to move back into guys are ones the was over at least 27 members of these really government attended that meeting on this. i'll hold reports from occupied east jerusalem. thousands gather to call for a legal is really settlements to be rebuilt in garza and for palestinians to be expelled from their homes. among them. cabinet ministers and coalition lawmakers,
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including the countries national security minister and alter nationalist eton, mar bend deer, who called for settlements. not just to be rebuilt in gonzo, but also in the northern occupied west bank. it, there's no need to go sometimes a lot less the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm addressing you from the stage . it's a shame to wait another 19 years to understand that bush got teeth and northern somalia must be returned. the responsibility of brave leadership is to make courageous decision. so tell me nothing. y'all who says he does not intend to maintain a permanent presence in gaza again, but that is real. what maintains security control for some time? with some of those in his cabinet. once more, we are settling or aligned from width to length, controlling yet and fighting several ways and bringing with god's help security to full of as well know what the answer is. without settlement,
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there is no security one seen as freely voices. they are now at the heart of israel's government. opposition leader. yet you're lupita posting this scathing statement on social media. the settlement conference on gaza by the what's my yeah . did party with many ministers from the liquid party is a disgrace to thing. yeah. in to part to that was once at the center of the national camp and is now trailing helplessly behind a stream is how simeon say there is real danger in meetings like this one. this confidence well is administered, is participated, including ministers from the liquid party. the party opens the now addition at least 15 members of those that are really committed participated. so it's not a joke. these are, these are the people who are making the policy and the 0 and the they were going to include ethnic, cleansing growth guys and complete ethnic cleansing of the people of guys is there
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a withdrew from gauze after a 38 year occupation in 2005, this included the evacuation of $21.00, illegal settlements. if new settlements were built, it would be against international law. and the public position of israel's biggest ally, the united states, have the central jersey to occupying east jerusalem and a good life to him. well, how much, i'm jim in the town of eva's fund of existing standing there that says some senior figures and these really a government setting these really coalition criticizing this satellite conference of the that's right. rob. throughout the day we've heard more criticism from is really political leaders, including many can spin against, of course, former israeli defense minister, a lawmaker now also a member of the countries war cabinet. and his remarks as to this conference saying that the participation of ministers and members of the coalition in this re
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settlement conference yesterday heart is really society during war. he went on to say they did, they damaged our legitimacy in the world. and they damaged efforts to create the framework for returning our after these. we also heard a lot of criticism from work cabinet member a, he's an observer of the work cabinet, got the eyes and caught, he's a former chief of the is really army. and he's also a member of the kinetic currently he filled in his really television outlet that those who participated, especially members of the connected administers are exacerbating societal divisions . beyond that, we also heard comments from relatives of captives being held in gaza, who were quite upset, not just at the fact that this conference happened during war time. but also, as you saw and have this report there with these images of participants who were dancing during that conference and celebrating. and so these relatives of captive said that these participants were dancing on the blood of the captives being held
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in gaza. so as the day has gone on, we've heard more criticism, not just from political leads and members of the opposition, but also from relatives of captives being held in gaza. certainly this is something that's very contentious and we expect that we will be hearing even more criticism in the days to come across the mom and stay with me because i'm on my boss care about reports of rockets which are being fired towards israel, homeless on doing custom brigades is saying it's responsible, the bondage is being seen over the skies of tel aviv these really management immediate excuse me, is reporting that there have been no casualties. and the number of the rockets have been intercepted and just talk as to what you would experience in june that so we heard the sirens ring out over tele, vive, where we are my team and i went to a shelter. we stayed there for about 6 minutes and then we were told that
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everything was safe. this just goes to show how tenuous the security situation remains as a result of the war on gaza. now we should mention this happened about an hour and a half ago, and it's the 1st time that you heard rocket sirens in the last. well, it's been a little over a month actually here and tell of eve since that happened the last time. but the fact of the matter is that we're told by is rarely officials being reported and is really media that this barrage of rockets came from. southern con eunice, that is interesting in itself notable because these really army has said that they are operating in and around southern fund units that they are sending more troops there. so that in itself is something that is quite remarkable at this time when the war is going on. now we're told by is really officials is being reported is rarely media that there were about 11 rockets that 7 of them were intercepted by the iron don't missile defense system. and the 4 of them fell in open areas. we are starting to see videos emerging,
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showing the aftermath of that garage of rock is fired towards central israel. we're seeing damage done to some cars and certain parts of tell of the but again, no moon, others were killed. and so one door to and to cool, there's also been an incursion in the city of shining with a palestinian pot of medic was beaten by an israeli soldier before being arrested. bulldozers demolished properties and public facilities as israel intensifies its rates across the occupied weiss bank more stories of emerging of the physical abuse of palestinians. some who were detained, admitted to check point say they were beaten by is really soldiers. it abraham. as the story on armed and on the ground, i'm going to attach 2 more hits. then he could count. some were from the rifle but open his really soldier back, you know, and now you know, i said to them, my eyes are hurting their bleeding on my face. he pepper straight them without care that i'm in pain. blindfolded in hand,
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coughed. he was been left to go without any explanation and with many wounds, some of which you have not a lot of. they beat me before. i could know who it was. it was also shocking the human lead me and put the rifle on my shoulder to shoot at other palestinian men. i heard the boy going near my ear. unlike ahmed, the beating of my se level without wasn't caught on camera. this video shows medical teams trying to help him after he was assaulted during and his really read of his refuge account in the occupied list. way. he says these really soldiers went from door to door at us thing and assaulting dozens of palestinians, not even last year. from a 2nd and officers shouted, we found in front of me. they started beating me up on my head, and they hit my shoulders with a crowbar and hit my elbow with a hammer. fortunately can be, but mostly was not wanted by these ready forces. and there was no reason to detain
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him and who are driven by the hatred towards us. they just want to hurt us, especially young men of the shipment. if i did altura with or sam in pain, they'd beat me honda and humiliated me to them. they kept exposing me, some of them go back, it says this type of physical and mental abuse has become the norm. he says he's been a soul, so not one this and i'm not line. but 4 times is that the most recent was while he was working in a coffee shop. are you off on this a soldier to like to hit my head against on the phone here, but i use my hand to see my head and he took my glasses away off and then continued hitting my head against the wall. yeah, but it wasn't just him. smith says these really forces a tech of not everyone else in the coffee shop that night. cool. so, so before they did, he says they pulled the plug on the surveillance camera. that's fine and he told us they're the only because he's often beaten but also because he could face
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a further punishment for speaking on camera with peers, stress, sudden pain. good afternoon. parents try to protect their children the best they can, but nothing on the deck as long minute threw up your patient. they know there is little they can do to keep them safe. is that, but he does eat off the occupied lesson a go ahead and i'll just say the console spot of ministers in washington for more adults and a possible deal to secure the release of as many captives in gaza. the hello that was taught in south asia and dense fog continues to blanket northern parts of india and the deluxe haven't been issued for new delhi. we still have poor visibility and very unhealthy quality. instead on choose day,
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it's going to be will to protest that has the amber lights out as well as b hall. we've also got a west city disturbance pulling its way from. i've got a son across northern pots of pakistan and india, bringing some heavy of snow to the mountains as well as rain. and the likelihood of since thundering down pausing is expected to roll into a new denny by wednesday. a much more settled story to the south of this, some cloud here and there. some shot was coming in to the east, a north east of india as well as bangladesh and the port and boot time, but logically dry as we had for the south. some shop was coming into the very south of india, heavier rain, the insure land come on wednesday. and heavy rain is the story across southern and central parts of china. you see that patch over heavy rain putting its way across the east china sea on its way to southern parts of japan. ahead of this, we have had some very fine conditions. thanks to high pressure across the korean peninsula. but we'll see things cool down across the north of china over the next
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few days. the aging, seeing some cloudy and cold weather to friday, the unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices, very few people and israel are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and tap into conversations. you will find elsewhere, he's healthy. and so i want to go and see, you know, us as a human, to have a connection with the stream on how does the or the look it out to us. so the se in everything is good, even explains the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of
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their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding your preventive, occupied and imprisoned. the what's you know, it is either a reminder i told so is this are israel's targeted schooling jobs are, were displaced, palestinians have been sheltering as well as an apartment building. dozens of people have been killed. thousands upon the cities are forced to free ton unit. santa is very, in fact you ration orders, but they say there's nowhere else to go. as israel has previously bomb locations described, a safe at least 2 people have been killed in an air strike on a building in the city and capital damascus houses report to be used by
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a runs were revolutionary guard. the colors for them and associate mohammed went onto the coming to all the dani is in the us meeting secretary of state, i'm to be blinking in washington dc. now the meeting comes just a day after he met intelligence officials from egypt, israel and the us in powers discuss a possible deal to release the captives held and guys and like kind of joining, you know, from the us state department in washington dc. so what's going to be covered in this meeting? my as well, the 2 had been talking for a while now. they appeared briefly in front of the camera, but neither made the statement top of the agenda. the very importantly is the release of captives being held in godsa by various factions. now that is most likely what the foreign minister discussed yesterday when meeting with intelligence chiefs. it's a discussion that will continue today with the at the us secretary of state. it
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must be understood that kata is absolutely central to any plan to recover these captives being held. it is a interlock you to with a mouse. it has great relations the united states. so it is a very important component in any deal that made comments by to really small hostages. now also under discussion, of course, was the attack on need to damian syrian border in which a number of us soldiers were killed and number were injured. cuts out once again has an ally of the united states phase and in very important role in us security in the region as well. so these are the items that were on the table, but this meeting was not set up on a scheduled basis. the prime minister is having a meeting or talking to the atlantic council within the next hour. it was convenient for him to meet the secretary of state at this very opportune time, on his trip to d. c. full that speech. mike, thank you very much. indeed,
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my kind of talking to us from us state department in washington dc. we will be listening out for that to visit by default, administer to the atlantic council to see what he's going to be saying. at least 5 people that being injured off to is really for his head, the all the hospital in jamalia in gaza. sections of the hospital or out of service and several ambulances have been damaged. obviously, it is other functionally is injured by here with more, i know not the salon. you know, i'm especially i don't of him korean, i'm just outside the hospital and to jump on the out. if you're just dropping off with the kinds of strip sometime ago, there's really a few patient world planes found at the hospitals building not going to massage defense as direct. and they resulted in massive damage to many parts of the hospital where the damage and the out of service, how much longer of ambulance goes and what also destroyed this is the often what is clearly visible. the hospitals main building was damaged. as a result, think top part of the building is now not going to hold the ration. yeah,
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the medical equipment was also destroyed and i saw flashed. i'm just like that will probably be a 12 o'clock. the missile hit, the hospital's main building, the entire 4th level was destroy. it isn't that word for patients and the internet is the 3rd time the hospital comes under direct attack plays really force and what was the reason damage? more than 50 percent of the hospitals capacity is in august, we are now forced to be back to the menu of the patient and injured in order to be able to attend the victim of the day after day. and 5 persons were inter mazda sat on one levels. now. i was visiting relative of mine, were being treated in the hospital on the way out. these really were play the attack, the hospital and my son was injured in the attack. and so i asked him as that is what is what on hosp because in the gaza strip from the south to the north continues, it's most recent, the stock target to the hospice. i don't know if i send it to suffer damage and half of his capacity is brought to a grinding halt. and a number of 5 simians have been injured and necessary if i just to
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a spokesman for the you and agency helping palestinians in gaza. it says the organization is going to be forced to stop operations at the end of february. if funding isn't provided itself to a number of countries stopped payments when 12 staff members were accused of taking part in the total of 7 for tax. the us as the agencies biggest donor in 2023, it contributed to $422000000.00 to own right. several other nations including germany, austria, the u. k. canada and japan are also suspending their support. they provided more than a 1000000000 dollars last year. you and agencies supports daily 6000000 palestinian refugees across the middle east at 1706 schools and a 140 primary health care facilities. and it also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians, most of them in gossip. and as a staff of about $13000.00 and at least a $150.00 to have been killed and is really
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a tax. norway has joined us in calls for donor countries to keep supporting the vital work of on one has been bought to is the norwegian minister of foreign affairs. and he says suspending on my funding minds to what he calls collective punishment. and i know that the commission of general, as a really has said that there should be 0 tolerance, 0 tolerance to anything like this. but you know, if you have 30000 employees who are embedded inside, so sites in because the overwhelming majority of these employees are local stuff and kind of the needs, the input of thing in there is to try to, you know, be absolutely certain that you have 0 risk, it's very difficult even if, if your treatment has 0 tolerance, which is exactly why i want to continue our funding. i urge all the donors to do so . and then we will collectively work with on right to make sure that everything comes from the table to what actually happened. and what then level do to prevent something like this were happening again,
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but we can not collectively furnish all the people who are refugees or internally display. so fortunately the past, many of them remembered these people did not choose a life as a refugee. i think everyone would prefer to live in the, for you independent, continuing and normal life and having their own business or work. but circumstances were many, many years have the put these people in this place on the international community cannot about them. them now still ahead on obviously on keep a morgan of mine incidents capital and i'll be showing you how policies are providing for patients in big capital. health sector continues to be affected by the complex the business like to exp,
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be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the business slates has to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant.
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the the price farmers have blocked all major highways out of powers on monday, refusing to back down from protest, calling for better working conditions. unless environmental regulation a raft of concessions enhanced by 5 minutes, a gabriel at all on fridays, failed to pacify the pharmacist. say it's clear the message isn't getting through pharmacy. the fed up with falling wages, low pensions, and over regulation. the head of the farmers union is set to meet out whole on monday, but everywhere in front, across all the territories, we will continue this movement with the very concrete objective of having emergency measures announced concerning the call vol. profession, meaning food prices and reciprocity of rules, you know,
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farmers and belgium have also blocked to most away with similar demands for better pay and working conditions, dozens of tractors, punched in a major road near the city of house, blocking traffic and in central brussels. attractive was parked outside the parliament. belgian pharmacy. it's become impossible to own a decent wage. kasanya divani and foreign ministers have agreed to expand cooperation that on the top dips, i'm not saying i'm in the lock in is enough along the bad to ease tensions after recent across the border strikes. so i can to destabilize the relationship from all high to his more from as long as that and the closure round of golf between the in foreign minister. i will touch down on late sunday evening and it's lama, but both sides of the i did a good there to go to men friends say, then to cooperate. and elaine, each other concerns his visit at such
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a short notice justifies to deep commitment of both sides to further spent. and so they defy the for 10 and size between bucks done. and these on it said relationship, which is steep in shared religion of history, culture and geography. now the indian foreign minister also has a meeting with pockets tons and getting prime minister the focus on the foreign minister. and why did the indian president, where they focused on after the election did any and pardon minutes the thing that that were to happen sooner than later. and as it was crucial for both countries to cooperate. but the one thing that did come out of this talk is the fact that both sides have now realized that the 3rd part did what interested in creating tensions between the 2 countries. although there are differences between it on and focused
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on the 1st time that the game goes to a conflict according to you know, that focused on here. so that in a very loud voice, it will tell to old terrorist that we will not run on pockets on may not provide them with any opportunity. we will not provide an opportunity with the service to endanger, outcome and secure retirement. you're on a, i just want to strongly despite the sovereignty entity towed out integrity. so we saw that focused on a complaint that i'm groups that are operating from union story in the end of cards . on the other hand, thing that did, i did range in groups operating on the pockets on each side. both sides of course, also stressed on the fact that the confrontation between the 2 countries was not something that was in the interest of both countries. given the situation intermittently, and that that agent could not afford more instability,
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but both sides now determined to be escalated after they had broken off diplomatic relations and trying to main fences in order to move forward the data. it's not mobile. the hong kong code is owed to the liquidation of the world's most indebted property, develop a china ever ground after they've failed to strike a deal with its creditors to restructure it's a really was significant legal ramifications and it's likely to jolt china is already for our job property market as a default reports from hong kong. the whole court ruling opens up and unpredictable new phase and the collapse of every grant. foreign credit has filed a petition a year and a half ago to force the world's most invested property, develop a into liquidation and trying to recoup some of the losses. eric ryan has repeatedly given additional time to come up with the restructuring proposal, but it failed to materialize. and the high court says enough is enough. it's been
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a very long and drawn out restructuring. and so normally the amount of value has already been destroyed for the bondholders. the case now faces major jurisdictional challenges. in cases like these foreign credit, just prefer to go through hong kong quotes for him to become lost as a man because of the lack of transparency and legal process on mainland china. but liquidators have no power to enforce the order from home come forth from the mainland. so all they can do is try to attempt to grab assets and sell assets that are optional. but the majority of the value in this case is on shore in china. so there's very little they tend to, let's say, credit is unlikely to recover less than 5 percent of their investment. as an estimated one and a half 1000000 people in china are left with unfinished homes opposing a serious risk of social instability. meanwhile, chinese regulators assure and help support the other struggling developers and making it easier to access loans as part of efforts to stem a major market raft. it's unclear whether the measures will have a sustained effect at the end of david. still,
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i can send you the invitation to offer your commercial backs of financial institutions in china. some of the top distrust developers have not time to res, seem to find the support. well, awareness all the year to the creditors, objectives, human and you say own developers. chinese developers still face the problem of sluggish consumer, the monde. the latest date that shows house prices in december fell the most and nearly 9 years. but analysts say evergreen's faith shows authorities all the time and to bring on the controls, the policy market bubble, patrick, phone out a 0 phone call. i so has claimed responsibility for an attack on the roman catholic church and it's tumble the killed one person. a funeral has been held for tunzia, a mode johan the man killed while attending church service battalions. interior minister said to man he described as iso members are being detained in connection with sunday. susan, based on his prime minister, georgia maloney is holding hosting an international summit on africa in rome,
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which is on failed. her new plan for the continent, circled by a plan is aimed at transforming italy into an energy hub and re shaping relations with african countries. it also aims to reduce people smuggling and migration to europe. the conflict between sedans, army, and the part of military rapids, the board forces as push the country's health care sector to the brink of collapse . united nations, it says 70 percent of its hospitals are out of service. added one, how central and the capital volunteers with no medical background to staffing and to help doctors humalog and has more from call to this magical facility in the mind. incidents capital have to them is a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people. every day and it's run entirely by volunteers. they who found at the center graduated as a doctor only
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a few years ago. he works at the hospital during the day and comes here in the evenings level assembly. at the start of the conflict, the situation was concerning because of the tax by the rocket support forces on hospitals on health care centers. we wanted to insure people have access to medical care and set up the center to provide 1st aid and treat chronic illness of center. sedans, health sector is neely destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent military rapids support forces. the u. n. says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning in hard to only a handful, remain open and the volunteers the study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have a card for every patient. at the moment we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. donations from volunteers enable the clinic to
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remain open despite the center relying entirely on volunteers and equipped with little. it doesn't only deal with calls cases, minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with gunshot wounds or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many in the city. for many people, this is their only option for medical treatment since being tortured by the rapid support forces. my uncle suffers from diabetes and hyper tension. we come here every day for his treatment and we've never had to pay a cent. it's dora honey. i brought my son here and he was given oxygen. the center is new in my home and the treatment is free and that matches because there is no what the volunteers of say. they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict in hopes of making a difference in their lives. and those of a loved ones. people, morgan, onto their own heart to vaccines are being rolled items in bob way to combine or no
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break of color. officials are image of vaccinate 800000 people during the campaign . people in the worst affected districts will be administered to 2 doses of the vaccine, which also has more from zimbabwe capital. this is quads in a township, a low income neighborhood in zimbabwe is capital had at a it's one of the areas as the most effective by this latest cause or outbreak. so what you're seeing is community health work is going door to door house to house, trying to get people to take dyslexia. and it's an oral vaccine of people that mean to get 2 doses. but why the only getting one that's because is a global shortage effect scenes world wide? does one dose is meant with pick them for at least 6 months. the government is hoping to get more vaccine sent into the country. right. of that by 900000. that are being delivered, they are hoping to get 2200000 to k to for as many people as possible. sometimes it's challenging for the health workers. try to convince people to take feedback.
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seen some people are keen, others are concerned about the possible side effects. but these health workers, i've been trying to encourage as many people as possible to get this back seen, to protect them and protect others in the community. hardwood tests out. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more on all these stories. don't forget the websites, all the 0 dot com. i'm robotics and stay with us and obviously the it is january 13th, 2014. i'm with nicole wilson. just tell me everything that you can remember about what happened today. i went to the movies with my husband chat olson and we went to see the marine movie with mark wahlberg
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loan survivor. that was supposed to be a great day. it was just meant for us to kind of reconnect and have some time together. we go into the move in as of the day. no one's there. at some point, a man comes in and sits directly behind the side of a whole empty movie theater. were just sitting there watching us and we hear a voice telling child to turn his phone off, but not in a nice, polite way. it was like, i demand chad responded that he was just checking on his daughter, seeing if there was maybe a missed call or something from the daycare. then you'll hear it again from the guy behind us. turn the phone off. from there, he gets up any storms off oil rich get rock is facing a crisis and
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a final bike to results water. as dimes built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now, when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to, on a jersey to or and i'm told stories from asia on notice here. the, the israel target, central and southern gaza hospitals and con units have in order to evacuate. but there's no safe places to go.
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the, i'm about to send a distance or to save a life from jo. how i'm also coming up at least 2 people are killed in an air strike on the syrian capital manama building to the wrong size was targeted by


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