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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the last generation to farm the lines the rocks. walter was part 2 of 2 on a jersey to i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on mountains here. the, the israel targets central and southern gaza hospitals and con eunice if in order to evacuate. but there's no safe places to go . the more about this in a distance or to do a life and go home. also coming up at least 2 people are killed in an air strike on the syrian capital manama building to the wrong size was targeted by israel last month. at least 5 honest indians are dead off to another nice with this very
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minutes we raise across the occupied west by tunnels pine ministers in washington for more salts and a possible deal to secure the release of this very top's got the israel has once again targeted the southern and central areas of gas, school, housing displaced, palestinians, families framing the is really a tax. and an apartment building have been had dozens of people have been killed according to the gaza health industry. the total decimal as no surprise to $26600.00. on a monthly begins, our coverage was off in southern gaza. these are the consequences of his of 80 years strikes an apartment building. and so why the and the fire out in central garza, the more get a super hospitalized pack,
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a piece of paper stuck the blanket would identify her as use. their outside is more the piles up in an ambulance not far away. at the remote school, the boys said stopping on the bus. the school building was sha weed. with miss salas, my family was killed. they will be killed. all those in the cost to move been to death in the north, at least 10 people were killed in a strike on a residential building and gall, the city. the bodies were taken to us. you've a hospital, they used to be a god. the largest medical facility that barely functions now the you and said about 14 hospitality throughout this trip remain operational. the only barely paid is a trickling into gaza, but it's not enough to stay in line,
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especially in the north where people are digging up water pipe. we get water here once every 15 days we use it for bathing and cooking for cooking . we must a boiler, firewood as we don't have gas. the water pressure is very weak and the water is dead. children now sick. the teeth are a road from the to the water. the hair is pulling out by will borrow and bucket they have to take with. they can get the problem. so then after that we are full of diseases from this water. it's definitely not drink of all. why should we drink it? and everyone have seen this. why are they ignoring us? are we human beings of the palestinian medical students at sea level head? this is one of those for us to hit south and the exit us from honeymoon is towards rough. she and her 4 siblings scratch out the living among the 1000 of displays. pete,
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the cat. i hope i can find anything under the rubble when we go back. i also hope to go back to my university to the simple days. for now, my future has destroyed our lives destroyed, even if the will and how many years will it take us to recover? there is a sadness behind the smiles, with the uncertainty of the future, weighing heavily on her and so many others. i mean my mood, those are the no 5 in southern gauze photos by minute associate mohammed, then i'm the one on the on a is in the us. he's be meeting the secretary of state onto the blinking in washington dc. everything comes just a day after is matter intelligence officials from egypt, israel and the us and powers to discuss a possible deal to release the captives held. and gas has been going to be speaking at an event hosted by the atlantic cancel. think time from the regional de escalation, garza and the us, he's just had an introduction from frederick kemp of the president and c e o of the
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atlantic consul labs listen to read to this weekend to release hostages in agreement with a phase pause in the fighting women and children 1st and to continue this in phases as you proceed with a go in as well. this is being presented as we understand it now to months. in the past, they've insisted on an immediate permanent ceasefire before any hostages can be released. i do think there's a chance that they might read this or would there be to be a deal breaker by fest for i would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak here today. and that's not the concept i might have to be with, but a few and david well, actually, i think that to like now, if i were to describe it to the corporate us,
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the batch be honest you actually are making in the last couple of weeks is we are much better place than where we may have a few weeks ago. we have seen that to the whole process was working in november that resulted in the release of fund of to 9 hostages, and unfortunately, this process for the default. so at best time and the intensity of the war actually increased the, made the situation more complex as you have highlighted that there was a clear demand of the cabinet ceasefire for head of the english here. sions, which i believe that to we move from that place to a case with the task that potentially might lead to a ceasefire, a government in the future. and this is what we all hold ending for. because we've seen also the suffering of the p to the supervisor, and we've seen them on the selection of it now or the manual as the mediators
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trying our best in order to get to negotiate a solution where to kind of brings the sausages safely back to the homes yet also stopping the bombing, a mazda and bic, continuation of, of picketing of passivity. as we've seen, the numbers are increasing the magic, the and the, i mean that what i think that we are seeing and what i say is not resulting with that is not getting an resolved to guess the hostages bucks. but the process is the one which is getting them back now on what you have to and yeah, i don't know when did you get all these details on, on the proposals on the framework. but i can say are when informed. uh we have the, i think yesterday was the progress managed to get things back and she had
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time to at least today, a foundation for on their way for what we cannot to say that there's a way that makes us, you know, in better shape very soon but we are halting actually a told her name is proposal from us and to get them to a place when they. ready engage positive, you can select to be in the process because we think that in, in, in today's world i think that's the only game in town and how and that's would be the only way to get that situation. do you schedule it? and we hope that both parties taking this a fortune to, to, to get, of course a, to make the war stop, but also to get the hostages back to the. let me ask you as a follow up whether if the united states retaliates against around, as for the tax in jordan,
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killed these 3 american soldiers and thousands more injured. if that were to happen, do you think that that would scott of a deal with it 1st before the end of the year? i express my condolences today to the secretary in our meeting for that most of the of the 3 sort of jobs and we all think that the in just was to secretary blank through the secretary blinking out the cover. so, and of course, and a bad tax that's happened in georgia and is condemned infringing georgia and still vanity also undermining the force of the coalition analysis is not something that can be accepted. what's actually, what we've been wanting from this that to get a fixture that agent and we've been wandering from day one, that this floor has a, prefer shut off, expanding and spit over on the agent ends. we are seeing this building up. unfortunately, in the last 3 months of huff,
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i hope that nothing would undermine the forces that to be all doing caught up with those the process. uh yes, it will definitely have an impact on a 1021 way or another to have an impact on, on that age, you know, security and we hope that things get contained and not to get scared. shake, mom and you said earlier, an answer to enter his question that you're waiting for an answer from from us to this question of whether they're willing to accept a long pause and fighting but not a permanent end of the war, which is real. as i understand it is not ready to offer. what of thomas says no. what's plan be here because the situation is, you know, better than anyone on the ground and gaza is perfect of what i think that to save it. busy for me, at putting an end for this, for now,
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it's becoming not only a denial of the people in the plaza, so these are on demand and it's getting beyond this, we have seen the amount of dysfunction that's happened. we have seen the number of victims. we cannot furnish an entire population for an act of, of, of smartphone. now, what's the, what's would be the plan as, as enough to, to, for most viewed, we have to seek for another way for, for another mean to get to our break. so where we can get to do it together and we cannot we are going to measure the cost to here. we are not potty off of this conflict and we are trying our best to bridge. the gap is the framework that yesterday being targeted up on with a weight on the policy as well as a framework based on what's being proposed by those ladies and what's being a content, propose that
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a function of also we try to blend things together to come up with some sort of a reasonable look at all that's brings everybody together. now, we don't know and we cannot predict what time also respond to whether it be and we, we are sure that we would be faced with some challenges and obstacles, but it's a and it's not an easy process since we in boston from day one in the water, but we are committed to continue to carry for one of them to come up with some solutions back to provide a they going sluggish on tomorrow. if they say no, are you prepared to pressure them? you have a lot of leverage on how much when david this is actually this point that you have raised. i've been hearing this and it's about, that's what i joined the pressure as a whole. it needs to be understand the key clearly in this context our role is, is a media tough. we try to bring the fosters to bridge the gaps between them.
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frustrating them frustrating. both of them a by, by wards, by, by made things by commitments, by addressing the issues with some solutions that's, that's the pressure and benefits beyond this, the leverage we don't see that i thought as so far, part of that can impose something on the spot too. or the other thought to, to bring them to that place. basically we are using our, the offices to connect to, to bridge gaps, to put solutions to come up with somebody's tendon because that's what i thought it has as, as inability. and this way has worked has was previously in the process and was that has walks in process between us and the other one has often a process between us and find it on and it's being walk in between in plan will show what their credentials are and so that's,
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that's the way that others is operate. should mohammed israel has today released evidence supporting its claim that these 12 employees of the un release agency on us had participated or supported the october 7th massacre. and the evidence is compelling enough that the un fired some of the united states and other countries have cut off funding temporarily. while, as this being investigated, as this validate israel's claims against the un, which cemetery bring. and it said is the only game in town for getting a to know the implications on that. so be our reluctance to get the a to a, which is so critical for the causes for the palestinians that the civilians and critical to the hostage to well actually the u. n. is, is very important and, and that's fine. don't order for another law itself. and we've been seeing the
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suffering that they, they are facing with the cost of funding. that's happened to them, not, not warranty, but even the shots is a shortage and funding that's happened to the last few years. uh, its the on the agency that can provide, compensated for the seniors and mazda and douglas, thanks. now. if they're all claims, again, is some of the stuff to be at all as i recall on the front of the stuff. so being involved in those, these terms needs to be investigated. i don't know why it needs to fix the mattress according to the shots out of but it's cannot be punished because of the act of some employees as long as they are complying with this, including if she's not being a woman, according to the allegation, wouldn't know actually none of the 1st floor that we don't know about the verification yet until that investigation come out yet and it's,
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and i'd be heavy at all as an individual or a little smaller group of people among tens of thousands, a lot of walking. and i know lots cannot be like a way to live better than toyota agency as it is violating or adopting a such as we believe and done. forced himself the one we believe in them, forced himself on our law as that agency. and we believe also we have the confidence that they were in front of a what's, what's that was awful of having them to, to photo. i mean, it's a, as they mentioned, they are taking goals, images. they are investigating guns, they filed them this morning. so this is, this is at least you know, they all doing that part as an agency, but it cannot be enabling for the entire agency. and finally, that is real agree as part of the agreement this weekend and power as it is, we have agreed to accelerate the a deliveries which would be through the way when actually uh, look,
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unfortunately, and this is something that we've been, if anything that you say and your rights, you know, it's not the way to use the humidity in as, as, as an average or as, as, as a pressure on that the, for the deeper than the size of dining from starvation. we have seen the sufferings that they are going through is something on a president of the way that we never seen before and any conflicts. and just so that's us. you know, picture of this has, is the only conflicts on where would the people have no way as to go to have no short steps and even with the safe as long as that they've been advocating and advocating for them since the stopped of the conflicts they've been bunk in this it and in the, in the safe caught of doors and all safeguards and gentlemen, okay, safe for them officers. so this shouldn't be part of any deal yet. unfortunately, it's being used as a bargaining chip all the time. the ship bombing, as you said,
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the sudden we're on the edge of a much wider or more but could involve the united states. the iran proxy is maybe even wrong. so i want to ask you 2 questions 1st, after this attack that killed the 3 americans. and the northern jordan is cut are prepared to condemn that attack as something that is wrong. well actually that's i just to mention that very clearly, we condemn any attacks that try to festival and to undermine the security. and as to the sales agent infringing the security of a country life, jordan for even killing. so it does a lot of difficult mention that to be on. and so it's not something can be acceptable yet. we are saying that in order to get and to ask you that agent
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from being involved and you know, so like more and more suffering to the more his condition is really to pot, find a solution and to put down what's happening in us that's, that's a key thing, so you've favored it every stage of mediation diplomacy in the escalation, what i ask you if you are playing any media enroll now with the who, the fees and what messages your government is sending to iran with what you have good relations with actually there is no, and in addition to a lot of that, we are playing with this policy as of right now. but we all in continuous conversation was, you know, on about that age and our situation. and that is, you know, his condition. we are continuing the conversation with other what did he say do it wrong, the agent that we would like them to you is battling and better nation when everyone
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with the forces to the carrier tend not to get the situation out of control. and as you just mentioned, uh how about the who is the, is what's happening to stop seeing the trade, the international trade in that i'd see something effecting on a fuss. freedom of navigation is something very important for my country, for the entire region, for the world and something unacceptable to uh, to be messed up with yet. uh, we are seeing that the situation is, is pointing up here and there. and everyone, unfortunately is dancing a badge and we have seen what's happened yesterday with that tech on, on and can examine it, kansas, is that a result of being trying to do some operations here on data to undermine village and our security, or to show that some pressure yet that the results of the way that karen gulf see soldiers send least audio israel's channel 12
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parameter. that's and yahoo can be heard criticizing your country is criticizing color. he says, i don't bank 100 for the previous hostage releases. why? because for me, hotter is essentially no different from the u. n. it is essentially no different from the red cross. and in a way, it's even more problematic. does that make it harder for you to deal with israel? is you were dealing with israel this week and in paris when the honesty under the i don't want to comment on, on such assessments and we are not expecting thanks from, from him or from anyone our we understand already our road. we believe it's important and we've been very honest from the beginning, we've been very close friends with everyone. and our world has proven that it's, it's getting good results and not just putting out some,
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some statements or using gets for political exploitation and being like some of the, to the, you know, to the cost of those, all the humanitarian organizations solely all thought to be i'm on the premise or has also said that he's against a palestinian state and that his goal is to eliminate him, offsets leadership and it's fighters. as part of this military campaign, do you think that that is possible without jeopardizing the lives of the hostages? when parents to forward and the is the only way for a lot of, for us to have a piece for asian is that was the solution. that's what i posted for. that's what we ought. but even good. that's what we believe that the entire region has adopted . long time ago, and the 2 state solution a was of course, needs like partners on, on the other side, if we see
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a need to on those that i decide who is opposing such a solution, then what's doctor to about. so you would ask me, well, how can we live side by side with people who are dedicated to our on immunization? so can there be a 2 state solution as long as a mouse isn't guys when it's not uh where i'm on the obstacles of the 2 state solution, but can i start also and we didn't see anything implemented from that in 2001 when out a piece initiative wasn't present as it is a likely to at least engage in, in the process at the time when the order, those anti government. i think that it's not to a forcing that to a state solution. and just, it's not something you would that's happened most of the 7th of october that happened even. it was happening before that for the kids. so for us as out of
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countries as my country, we are in the country which believes and fees, we support the state and cause we support 2 people living side by side. these put it together when we have c and hops in, in the ninety's of studies. and also i thought it was, it was the 1st country and they go that's to the top and often then office the trade off as well. those are 8 and we had said too much, i can imagine i bet time set a target relations at that time. yes, we have seen that the other party on the popped out a form piece wasn't serious about it. and that's, that's when i thought of decided just to close down this janet and just keep the ongoing working child getting back to them. awesome mazda is dedicated to eliminating israel. so does a loss have to be out of guys before there can be peaceful coexistence when i look i want to know
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that this, that vacation off. and the minute thing says that i, we know that now the only way for what it is to a state solution is living side by side and next to each other. now whoever is accepting this principle, i believe this is, it should be, you know, we should deal with them in, in a very positive, not a whole. but the ones who are not accepting such a press a button. what is it as tentative as we are providing for the people who are willing to accept this for us from that specification of your 6. excellent. say i want to ask 2 questions about what we described as the day after the day after this terrible war. and so in what governance would look like. the 1st is whether you imagine from us would play
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a role in the governance of gaza and of an eventual posted in state. israel would strongly oppose that for would gutters position when our position, that the fate of the thought of serious tribute a man at the hands of the thought of students. they are the ones who should decide what would be the way for. for us, we see it that the way for what does that, what is that cannot be a that's set that have to be organization from the west bank us and there should be one. the governments that take care of flies in the west bank together. we have the power steering thought to whatever the battery forms they are with things to do. but yet this is a decision on from the front of state is the thought of scene inspections. those are the ones who can decide who should be government enough not to me. that's not that i'm not as that. i know anyone i believe in the position to impose on them something kind of source. what we believe is the light for them and i,
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i take it from your earlier comments in answer to andrea that you think from us should accept israel's right to exist as the price of being part of the future. is that a fair statement? what i think that the statement that time saying that everyone at, you know, i'm, if i'm just tickets to back without a time off. but all i need to take care of my daughter due for that to kind of talk to you. it's a male, this side door to g, as there's an idea for you to chatting to the idea is to present a better idea. and the better idea here is the 2 state solution. and now what is opposing the 2 state solution? if the majority is agreeing to, i think the people themselves would have the answer to that. so that's why i'm saying that we are not in position to decide on behalf of the thought of seeing in
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the senate. uh, they have the they can decide on the on, and we believe that the, on the way for water that's been embraced and, you know, adopted by everybody, including at the thought of seeing a harold to you is to have that thought of students that living side by side to is right on the final question, a promise to not in yahoo, but many others, including many us officials. a said that a future palestinian state should be actively demilitarized, is able to take care of security, but not able to launch moore's against its neighbors. do you agree with that or we don't want to see any country you're able to knowledge uh a lot against its name, but i knew once the to the, you know, the fees for the with that because that specifically what about it. but i think that the, any piece of land should includes enough security guarantees for most people that they don't that are present such to each other. we've been told incredibly that let
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me this documentary evidence of the way the women were treated. women who are dead fields on october 7th, the women hostages as well. the rates the same sex is being used as a weapon for and that's their thing, abuses continuing in their captivity. so there's such a priority on releasing these women who should have been released back in november when that was the agreement. what hope can you present to the hostage families you met with them and oh hi. you've reached out to them, your country, as some of them are here in the audience. what message can you give to the hostage families of getting their children, their relatives home when of course, these kind of fact solved on accepts to the non god condemned. and this is some
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things that no faith, no human being can connex of tend we regarding our fraud and thought of tying our best to get your sausages afraid this is something that's we've been doing from day one, even without seeing us. when we have seen this situation at all to 3, at each talk to have him with somebody to weigh and we were demanding to release all the hostages. unfortunately things went to another direction and that didn't work out that way. everyone wanted at the beginning. yes, we have been very for assistance and committed to the process that led to the festivities. we are hoping for this process to you know, to, to continue for the us for us some good that are some.


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