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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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most of the time the the problem carry johnston. this is the news a lot from the coming up the next 60 minutes. the israel strikes con, unison or this hospital sick to evacuate for. there are no safe places to get around here in the open does a host with him, with a group of degrees visitors and from over the us and trying to help us as a for the people here. a doctor in gauze, a close to more international volunteers to head to the strip and help support the collapsing helps countertops of 5 minutes to says good progress has been made on
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the off to hold as well as we're on guns. joining our best to get a solution where they can safely deduct most of the stuff in the i'm at least 2 people killed in an air strike on the syrian capital. they were building other ron's as was talking to like these last month the we begin in the us or what as well as continuing its relentless attacks focused on the south and central regions of school housing displaced, protest in families feeding these various souls and an apartment building where hits thousands of people have been killed because the health industry says the total desktop is now suppose to $26600.00. funny, luckily begins
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a coverage from rafa and southern gaza. and these are the consequences of his, of 80 or strikes when an apartment building is a why the and the fire out in central garza, the more get a super hospitalized pack. a piece of paper stuck the blanket would identify her as she is buried. outside is more the piles up in an ambulance not far away at the re man school boys said stopping on the school building with sha weed. with miss salas, my family was killed. they will be killed. all those and the costs remove, burned to death. in the north, at least 10 people were killed in a strike on a residential building and gall, the city. the bodies were taken to us. you've
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a hospital, they used to be a god, the largest medical facility that barely functions. now. the un say's about 14 hospitality throughout this trip remain operational. the only they're paid is a trickling into god. but it's not enough just to stay in line, especially in the north, where people are digging up water pipe. we get water here once every 15 days. we use it for bathing and cooking. for cooking, we must boylen and firewood as we don't have gas. the water pressure is very weak and the water is dead. children now sick, the teeth are a road from the to the water and the harris pulling out by will borrow and bucket they have to take with they can get the problem. so then after that we are full of diseases from this water. it's definitely not drink apple. why should we drink it?
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and everyone has seen this. why are they ignoring us? are we human beings? palestinian medical students at sea level head. this is one of those for us to head south in the exit us from honeymoon is towards rough. she and her 4 siblings scratch out the living among the 1000 of displays. pete, the cab. i hope i can find anything under the rubble when we go back. i also hope to go back to my university to the simple days. for now, my future is destroyed on lives destroyed, even if the will and how many years will it take us to recover? there is a sadness behind the smiles, with the uncertainty of the future, weighing heavily on her and so many others. i need my mood. this is eda know fi in southern gods as well. there are reports that is ready for us as of stone. sell to is run by the you and agent secret policy and refugees in central kansas city.
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interested, dozens of people public assume is in reference to southern guns that for us now, what kind of, what more do you know about what's happened that these facilities yes, just in the last a few hours we've been hearing and also ensuring that these really military forces had stormed to one of the united nation run shelters in central areas of kansas city, especially in the mountain neighborhood where they completely had surrounded the facilities. and later they have still in that are arresting that on post palestinian if activities or taking shelter inside. now it's absolutely important to say that the majority of these people were being trapped in that area and the ongoing bottles and confrontations being rocked. typically in the policy, the in flight isn't the easy way to soldiers. and such areas. people that had been going through completely difficult day as these really military forces in the past
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few days as we have been seeing, please said of military operations. and because a central neighborhoods where as the ministry had conducted not is very campaign to represented in arresting palestinian men and they have been taken on disclosed location for investigation on till now. there was no any official conformation regarding the kidding of any palestinian um at these home getting the storming spot smoke. the 1st kinds of a storming that had been conducted by these very many treat them previously in similar locations before they have stormed. a number of you and shelters, they have taken a number of men to investigation in different areas that chris calls us trip. some of them have been killed. others have been released off to a long week's of, to, to on the hands of the is really meant to treat the so the situation right now that is completely chaotic as to is what the forces had been targeting the central areas of kansas city within the past few hours until right?
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yes. kind of some more a few can about the latest strikes. what do you hear? the yes, since the 80 hours of today's morning inside the drug, they have been attacking what different areas in kansas city, despite the fact that these very minutes we had stated that they have with a true match number of a is ready for a gauge of rating of such areas, but right now we have been seeing that they're using manager cope to drones, to attack a palestinian residential or is it moving in the streets of kansas city? especially the dues will have been waiting for 8 to arrive to the know that part of the territory alongside with on the present levels of attack, especially against residential building. we're talking about $25.00 out of city is being killed and a 2 neighborhoods off to reducing to the ripple, one of the residential buildings that they were taking refuge insights alongside with central attacks against a separate neighborhood where i'd always been to a building. but i'm to them, do, our family had been attacked were
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a number of kind of city and civilly as have been killed and the others. and just being taken to a she for medical complex that is partially right now rating. this is a part of the ongoing military strength spot. the situation. it seems to be very critical also into southern part with alton res shooting continues, continues on the city of con, you into square bottles between the policy and find this id is really suit just continues, especially in the vicinity of an officer hospital alongside with another hospital where people are still trapped inside, being informed to not to leave a from these areas. but the, as the minute you confrontations or it's specific, just continue the where people are. i'm able to sleep as they are waiting for being afforded a safe, cordial to hit with the roof. i seeking safety with that update for us, the atomic thanks very much. i. it will not solve the gaza strip is not on the is rarely evacuation orders. that's forcing thousands more to sleep,
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but any say they don't trust that somewhere else will be any safe on israel has previously bowman to locations that have described as safe in calgary is in one of the goals. so just north of the, of, of the, with more i'm trying to standing on a sheet street a couple of meters away from what the, the stuff, the last point. the separates, the north of cause a strip and the south of the cause of strip. where it has been separated a couple of months ago, where is really force is called this a safe core door and it's the only cory door. and that's the only road for people to evacuate from the northwest to the south. it has been a tough night on the causes true for there has been and this is radio raids on on south river. you can see camps in several areas across the street since the morning, the palestinians in gaza strip and shepherds, one neighborhood, and telling how a neighborhood and in the middle of the causal cities have been worn on their
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iphones and their phones. they receive messages to evacuate from those areas to data, but as you see, no one showed up. we are surprised that people did not do what the is where the army i asked them to evacuate. but at the end of the day, people in the gaza strip. now acknowledge the fact that the is there any forces are asking them to go to safe areas and then be safe areas turn into a war. so we're talking about people who have been called to evacuate units to evacuate, to reply to me. so you don't add to all the southern areas. as you see, people do not trust what is where the forces tell them and no one evacuated just like is there any forces requested them? this is in the godaddy. why? because the cause of cause that prime minister shake mohammed, then i'll do a rough man. a funny says good progress has been made towards the deal at the could
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lead to a pause in israel and tax on garza. he met us secretary state anthony blinking in washington dc just a day off the holding talks and intelligence officials from egypt, israel and the us powers is also a period that's an event hosted by the atlantic council. think tank i think that says life. now if i were to describe it to the corporate us back to be honest, you guys we are making in the last couple of weeks is we are much better price than where we were a few weeks ago. we have seen that to the whole process was working in november that that resulted in that it is on the, on the to 9 hostages. and unfortunately, this process for that i thought i best time and the intensity of the wall actually increased the, made the situation more complex. as you have highlighted that there was
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a clear demand of the cabinet ceasefire for head of the english you a sions which i believe that we move from that place to a case where it has potentially might lead to a ceasefire. a government in the future. martin honda joins us now from the state department in washington dc. mike, what more have we heard from the category of prime minister tonight a rose jacob dawson, now tommy who is also the foreign minister, spoke at that atlantic council debate or discussion. he explained very carefully what cuts has role is in these ongoing processes. now this was partially in response to a reported comments by these ready prime minister and which benjamin netanyahu said that the cut of what's not doing enough to bring or force from us into some form of ceasefire. well, we heard that from the prime minister,
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making very clear that cup top is not a will. paula is not going to impose its will on other parties. what it is that and what to do is going to do is provide a bridge, a mediation, a link between parties and disputes. and this is exactly what it is doing at the moment. and absolutely critically a crucial component in. busy terms of trying to put together yet another deal to bring back those captives who are being held in gaza. he also referred to the strike against us forces on the jordan syrian border, making please believe that any us action directly against iran who the us holds responsible for the stabilize the region, but did not rule out to taking action against those who actually carry out the attack those who the caea us is all iran a back to melisha. so very cautious, very careful outlining cutters role, but also bring to bear
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a knowledge of how tenuous the region is and how action by any of the parties conferred the destabilize it. on my earlier he met us secretary of state i imagined there was plenty on the agenda to we is one. let's look at the context because the prime minister was in paris yesterday for a meeting of intelligence cheese from egypt, from israel, from cut to obviously. now this was a crucial part in terms of trying to get a deal together to get those captives out. what he would have done in the course of the meeting today is briefly us secretary of state, on what was discussed by those intelligence chief and caught his take on those particular discussions. that's why we heard him say a little bit later that there has been progress. the situation is now better as he put it than it was a few weeks ago. so although he remains cautious, this talks of the secretary of state are likely to indicate that he feels that
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there is a possibility of a deal which would involve a link the ceasefire as well as the release of a number of those being held captive. so that's the context of those tools with the secretary of state, which coincided with this chase discussion at the atlantic council meeting on him in washington dc life 1st. i think he returns the situation on the ground and goes and it's really a tax there. the main hospice in con eunice escalated recent days. adult to at nasa hospital describes the confusion that this is ready, forces instruct stuff to evacuate the area. it was a vehicle being with it is the best light room being all over the world are listening to the instructions by the was cut the but it was the microphone and they
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are giving us the instructions to do that with build area because this is a bucket area dr. off with mcgraw, the spoke to al jazeera earlier saying he's the research and networking at the hospital. as i can here to for my sides here is all in sequence both to be very close, but it was so the that was to be the oldest without my biggest chicken goals up. i saw. oh my god. last yeah, the gloves, the window bloss, already broken and we put an item here to cover the window and we don't know what is going on next the uh yeah, let me get this stuff here. uh, once it goes to be done, we only have 10, but as it maybe this 10 bits, and as i mean, think of this stuff for them. and that that was to be done all the voice mails what to do with the color stuff over the bills. because uh, i should,
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i just came back from the main or the i have done 2 cases. would also be the bookstores as the i'm on the i'm, i'm the only uses you can, you'll be, you are the only decision yet are those because it my suspicion that the plastic young people selected says that it. and we have only 2 or 3 of you to coordinate until, you know, systems. that's all and uh, i don't know how we would, how we would just send, i don't know. or if it is normally to go supplies or low fluids, all won't clean well water. and you know, red crescent has also been ordered by is very forces to leave out. i'm out of hospital in con units. the area has been bombarded for days, displacing thousands of people. so some of which has the latest now of escaping from the danger. once again, is rarely forces have declared the area around all the amount of hospital and han
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eunice on safe ordering palestinians to leave immediately. this area has been under heavy bombardment for days and now the palestinian red crescent has been told to move its operations elsewhere. let me have to look at. no evacuation should take place without proper coordination or without the humanitarian court. are we looking at this would ensure the safety of all those inside the hospital ensure we as paramedics, will be able to continue to provide our services and help evacuate the patients and the wounded, according to the proper medical protocols, the palestinians here say they don't know where to go over to seek safety. the nearby shelters are relatively safe, but the fear of in evacuation order looms then that a shelling never stops. this winter's cold is fierce. children are gripped with fear. is that my pleasure? if i just see the situation is more than dire, we can hardly sleep one hour throughout the day. we sleep on the floor in the
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hospitals, core door has them and they check the palestinian red crescent has described the situation in our model as critical hospital units have had to shut down because of a lack of supplies. they are urgently calling for the protection of all civilians. but there is concerned these calls may go unanswered access. i'm gonna reach out to 0. talk to is from the you k us no way phones and other countries have been performing. surgeries of the european gallons of hospital in con eunice. the supporting protestant in dolton, struggling to cope with the health system on the brink of total collapse. one doctor has now put out a quote for more foreign medical records to travel 2000. and so he is in the hospital with a group of its visitors and that's all over the world printing us and trying to support the people here on the back to get on the we have to get it also for the surgeons operating on one patient with the supposed to investigate surgeons,
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author, consultants, adventure and trauma surgery on initially i'll be out pittsburgh canal from jordan and sir with diploma and turned in the american surgeons. i'm a so mortgage, a plastic surgeon from the united kingdom. i came here with our deals at this point, 5 specific areas of control. this appeared to have you all here and just to let you know for that for yesterday and today we were running it sent me an operating system. i disagree move of get a some photos of the fun people because of so thank you everyone. i was looking for the warrant for many and many other visiting missions to help us and support the collab system of gaza. at least 5 people have been injured off to is very forces hit the out how the hospital in jamalia and guns that we can strike sections of the hospital out. the service and several ambulances have been damaged. i'll just arizona, i'll show you. if it's into volume with more, i know not the salon,
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you know, i'm especially i was the own of him. korean, i'm just outside the hospital and to jump on the out. if you're just dropping off with the kinds of strip sometime ago, this is really what your patient was. planes found at the hospitalization building not going to massage furnaces direct and they resulted in massive damage to many parts of the hospital where damage out of service, how much longer of ambulance vehicles and what also destroyed this is the often what is clearly visible. the hospitals, main building was damaged as a result in top part of the building is now not part of the ration. yeah. the medical equipment was also destroyed and i saw flashed. i'm just like that will probably be at 12 o'clock the missile hit, the hospital's main building of the entire 4th level was destroy. it isn't the word for patients and the internet is the 3rd time the hospital comes under direct attack. praise really force and what was the reason damage more than 50 percent of the hospitals capacities in august, we are now forced to be back to the menu of the patient and injured in order to be
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able to attend the victim of the day after day. and 5 persons were inter mazda sat on one levels. now. i was visiting relative of mine were being treated in the hospital on the way out. these really were play the attack, the hospital and my son was injured in the attack. so yeah, this is rose water on hosp because when the guys a slip from the south to the north continues, it's small streets since the stock target to the hospice. i don't know if i send it to suffer damage and half of his capacity is brought to a grinding hole. and a number of 5 simians have been injured. and that's a shot. if i just at least 2 people have been killed in striking a building in the syrian capital, damascus, several officers were wounded. the house was reported they being used by around the revolution. we've got the attack happened at the scene of another strike last month . around blamed israel, so that's a tax which killed a senior member of its f. additionally, god as us says that it will be
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a very consequential response to a drone attack that killed a 3 of its soldiers, an injured dozens of jordan present. joe biden blamed, rang and back fighters, but the white house on monday added us, there's not a seat, a war with iran when he's in the 1st american minute treat fatalities in the region sense as well as war on goss. i began around the noise that it was behind the attack, according to accusations baseless american base, host, a small number of troops involved in n t. i so operations your rocky groups backed by roland, has claimed responsibility for the attack is that make resistance in iraq released this video, which it says it shows the notes on the drug that 2 us soldiers have months. a is the director of the rock initiative at chatham house. he says that on groups in the
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region are likely to continue their attacks on the us interest. as the vanguard group, it's as main sort of target. our main enemy has been the united states and especially since october 7th, and israel sort of the fight against israel and the region. it's looks and it has targeted as well. us interests and iraq already as targeted us interest and syria as well as in the most recent i yesterday attacks i that's killed 3 service people, american service people. it's a tit for tat you've had for the last few months. american air strikes that have killed senior iranian commander senior has both left the managers as well as senior managers from this is dominic resistance in iraq. and in retaliation. these groups have also attacked american interests in american allies in the region. countries like iraq and syria is where it was, it's fine to happen is where the rom and loving youth as well. i want to fight that happened. this is becoming the playground for what you know,
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people have been talking about in terms of escalation in the, in the middle east right now. so for those reasons, you know, i will continue this type of tit for type attacks. something i think that is consequential. however, is, this is the 1st time the several years, but american service people have been killed. so they have casualties from direct fire and ends. while this is uh, i can certainly escalation at least a 5 palestinians had been killed by israeli forces and occupied westbank. the young man was shot dead in the town of the moon. others were killed in so dura and to cook. there was also an incursion in the city of janine, where palestinian paramedic was beaten by his very soldier before being arrested booth as the modest of properties and public facilities as this route intensifies. this raids across the occupied to westbank most stories are imagine of the physical abuse of palestinians. some who were detained, minute to check points,
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say they were beaten by, it is very soldiers. it has the story. on armed on the ground, i'm going to attach the more hits than he could count. some were from the rifle but opened his really soldier that came to no, no use. i said to them, my eyes are hurting their bleeding on my face to pepper sprayed them without care that i'm in pain. blindfolded in hand coughed, he was been left to go without any explanation and with many wounds, some of which might, for him had not a lot of. they beat me before i could know who it was. it was also shocking the human lead me and put the rifle on my shoulder to shoot a other fellow sending him, and i heard the boy going near my ear. unlike ahmed, the beating of my syllable, what all wasn't caught on camera. this video shows medical teams trying to help him after he was assaulted during and his really read of his refuge account in the
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occupied lift bag. he says these really soldiers went from door to door and testing and assaulting dozens of palestinian sovereign. that even last year of my 2nd an officer shouted. we found in one of they started beating me up on my head and they hit my shoulders with a crow bar and hit my elbow with a hammer force reading. the book must in was not wanted by these ready forces. and there was no reason to detain him and who had driven by the hatred towards us. they just want to hurt us, especially young men of the shipment. if i did altura with or say i'm in pain, they'd beat me honda and humiliate me. i, the more they kept experiencing, some of them will back, it says this type of physical and mental abuse has become the norm. he says he's been a soul, not one this and of no twine. but 4 times is that the most recent was while he was working in a coffee shop. are you off on this, the soldier to like to hit my head against on the phone here, but i use my hand to seat my head. he took my glasses,
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a weight off and then continued hitting my head against the wall. yeah. but it wasn't just him looking at him. it says these really forces attacked them. not everyone else in the coffee shop that night. cool stuff. oh, before they did, he says they pulled the plug on the surveillance camera christmas time and he told us there was the only because he's often beaten, but also because he could face a further punishment for speaking on camera with peers, stress, sudden pain. well, the thing in fair is try to protect their children the best they can, but living under decades long minutes through a few patients, they know there is nothing we can do to keep them safe. is that what he does of either the occupied with these rarely on a has released 19 of female palestinian prisoners from garza who were arrested during the war. i'm a 100 survived 45 days in is very cafeteria to. she describes the verbal and
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physical abuse and conditions akin to torture. i don't even better. it's daniel was july, but it's the one the applause. these really occupation forces storm to my home and it was a tune area in garza entertained me. it was on friday, december a before that these really army had lead seat to the entire neighborhood for 4 days on throughout those 4 days we have no access to any food or water. although we had many children with us, there were screaming out of thirst and hunger. on the 5th day, these rarely soldiers started a storm residential home. my grandfather was 77 years old and he was disabled. and with all the time he was lying on the floor with a catheter 2 hanging down. as soon as these rarely soldiers entered on home, they shot him dead. the old disabled man was killed on the spot where we were hiding in one room. i started shouting, we're just women and children. a soldier asked me to step forward. the moment i came out, he fired at me. i hit the floor immediately. i wonder how i survived the gunshot. i
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kept screaming these really, so we'll just talk to each other and then they detain. they asked me how many people were inside the house. a soldier told me that if it turns out the numbers were giving are inaccurate. one more person, one person less, we will shoot you in the head. then they ransacked the entire house. all women and children were kept as hostages for 24 hours, hancocks and blind for that. and they started beating my younger brothers when we wanted to go to the toilet, women or children, we were asked to do it in the open, outside the house, the following day. the 2 women and i were put on a truck with young men and they were naked and had cost $2.00 of them. we were beaten and abused throughout the day. after that, we arrived at the detention center, tripped over our clothes, and searched and abusive mount or were given a light jumper in this cold weather and were forced to wear it on the skin. we were locked in an open yard. the is really soldiers kept beating and verbally abusing us, mocking and swearing at us. there was no proper toilet, only a pass to cover. we were detained in the space for a week along very cold, hungry,
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above all psychologically ruined. after that, we were transferred to diamond prison in high fell on the bus and he's ready. soldier kept battering me with his rifle in the prison. i was not able to sleep because my head injury assigned to it many times and these rallies denied me any medical treatment we were given in serial meals and some water once a day. they have no value for the human soul or human life. these are, these treated us as if we were animals. what's the head hair announces era around the pocket? stones of foreign ministers meet to reset relations to both countries. village the tax on each others had the pleasant weather, has kicked off the working week across europe. and it's going to stay that way,
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at least for the next few days. so lots of dry and wound conditions across the south and most central areas. it is going to get a little cooler across the north west. the temperature is still sitting very high in scandinavia. we'll see that trends continue in the north east, but not in the southeast. now we've seen something of a cool down here, wintery weather coming in for greece and took here with the tons of some snow here in the, and low temperatures. not just increased, but also for sub where we have got some issues with fog. and some of the stories for the north of it's a much more settled with sunshine in the south. and you can see slices of some china across the west europe, into southern areas of england. it is looking putting miles here on tuesday, but the rain isn't very far away. you can see that rolling in some blustery winds as well. pushing across the sea, come going into denmark into the low countries as well. some heavy rain to come for central and northern parts of england, but still lots of rooms with temperatures sitting out,
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particularly down in southern areas like spain. if we have a look at the 3 day full madrid, sunshine on one for 3 is for thursday, 18 degrees celsius. stay with bright skies. the unique perspective, some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices. very true, people in israel are sticking up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy. and so i want to go and see, you know, as if you were to happen next to the stream on out to 0. examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians explore the world cloths programming. we are basically
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a digital pharmacy, an investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform. most events on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well, from a different perspective. on our address here. the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you want to you all just here remind to all the headlines. israel has targeted a school in garza where displaced palestinians with sheltering as well as an apartment building. thousands of people were killed. thousands of palestinians are
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forced to flee a con units on the it's very evacuation orders, but they say there's nowhere else to go. as israel has previously palms, medications described as found at least 2 people had been killed in an, as striking a building and a syrian capital damascus house is reported the used by around reputation. the conflict between that saddam's army and the power minutes re rapids support forces as push the country's health care sector to the brink of collapse. not a nation says that 70 percent of its hospitals are also service. and the one that health center in the capital of volunteers with no medical background are stepping in to help doctors even more than has more from the call to this medical facility in on demand incidents capital. how to is a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers. they who funded the center graduated as a doctor only
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a few years ago. he works at the hospital during the day and comes here in the evenings level assembly at the start of the conflict. the situation was concerning because of the tax, but the rocket support forces on hospitals and health care centers. we wanted to ensure people have access to medical care instead of the center to provide 1st a to treat chronic illnesses that have sedans. health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the power minutes through rapid support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning even hard to only a handful remain open. and the volunteers provide the study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have a card for every patient. at the moment we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. donations from volunteers enabled the clinic to
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remain open despite the center relying entirely on volunteers and eclipse with little. it doesn't only deal with goals, cases, minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with gunshot wounds or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many in the city. for many people, this is their only option for medical treatment since being tortured by the rapid support forces. my uncle suffers from diabetes and hyper tension. we come here every day for his treatment and we've never had to pay sent the thought of funding . i brought to my son here and he was given oxygen. the center is new in my home and the treatment is free and that matches because there is no volunteers that say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left vulnerable by the conflict in hopes of making a difference in their lives. and those of their loved ones, people, morgan knowledge of their own,
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how to the international criminal quotes that chief prostitutes. it says there are no grounds to believe both of saddam's, regular army on the permanent too rapid support forces are committing rule crimes and all foot. and con, gave his conclusions to the un security council. also launching an investigation into a search of hostilities in saddam and stuff for each. an engine light 202300 residential accidents. he's based on the work of my office. it's mike the finding i to assessment that there are grounds to believe the presidency room statute crimes are being committed in the. ready by both the sudanese on forces and the rapid support forces under affiliated groups. the situation is not by any metric. one in 3 of the
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population. in the effect of pots of child refugees, from the situation of the wondering 3 of the population to chat in these affected areas. refugees as reflected in my import, the apple, the alleged atrocities that have taken place in l. janitta formed a central line of investigations that my office is pursuing at this current moment . and i can confirm to the council that we bought collect a very significant body of material information and evidence that is relevant to those particular crimes. correspondents, kristen salumi joins us live now from the un headquarters in new york. so christian accusations on both sides of this continuing conflict as yeah, he painted
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a pretty grim picture with one and 3 of the people in the chat board, a region with sudan being refugees, many of them having witnessed and suffered immensely as they fled the country. and the prosecutor is focused on what happened in elgin, you know, last year and where human rights group say thousands, were killed by the rapids, support forces and allied groups. many as they were fleeing the country. but cream con said that he found evidence of atrocities on all sides of this conflict and that the, the sudanese armed forces were not cooperating. no one was cooperating with his investigation. none the less he went to the region to collect evidence and is collecting evidence and under the authority of the security council, which authorized him to go to dar for 1st in 2005 to investigate alleged war crimes
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. there he is continuing on that mission and it sounds like he is putting together a case to go forward. worth noting, however, that these things do take time. the 1st cases that he is filed related to the situation and are for going back to 2005 and b, 4 were not filed until 2022. so 17 years it took to bring the 1st prosecutions in dar for these cases might take some time, but no doubt a reassuring to those who have suffered that just as could still be served for those crimes. christmas made me thanks very much indeed. now it's an is it 5 minutes to georgia, maloney is hosting an international summit, toll nasa in rome, but she's unveiled a new plan for the continent. so cool that type time, these aimed at transforming it to the into an energy hub and re shaping relations
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with the african countries, but also aims to reduce people smoking and migration to you. it would, they could, the fire is deputy secretary general of action. it's a he joins this for a minute. welcome to the program. so firstly, and just to put simply down, what do you make of the italian prime minister as planned at this conference? well, thank you for this question. my opinion is deb. this is potentially a game changer and award here potentially. cuz i think the stakes are high and the promises are remarkable. prime and assume a loading here. he's referring to setting off to creating partnerships, not based on the printer tray and know that this is a huge political message. is this being driven mainly by it's in the old by african nations? do you think? well,
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this is probably for now i'm the time governments initiative we heard today in the me sold sessions to some important africa leaders commented on the side. they would that we'd like to be full before the long shop event. but i think we should be putting the space that they see and then we should be double checking. but the maloney is able to really to turn this into something that is done together with leaders from africa. some of the keys hereof of using a system kind of combat when it comes to how views on migrants in refugees crossing over. what do you make of that? solely concerns about manage a migration days. one of the major drivers behind this, but i would like to believe that there is understanding, does security driven majors to banish migration flows? lot to going to use less and i started to have
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a serious conversations with all good countries about this. how do you describe this as a potential gain change? can you elaborate on that? what would you mean exactly? well, we know that we live in the will, that when it comes to relationships with the applicant countries development corporation, this fall is fundamentally still base a colonial power relationship. so now it's fairly trying to challenge this colonial long term legacies and to establish feel fair relationship with often can contracts. so that's why i would like to believe that there's the potential change in the make. and what role can and should the agencies, not yourselves say well, this is to agree here. we'll be in completing that is for now just the government to govern the business. so it's going to be stream of the import of the old
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fighters here. so suppose the need are the and the not the could cost race, it's important for that to be involved in the baking it up this plan team of these pro just implementations reporting will say cool design. porton, so starting with yourselves that must be involved. look at the for, i will leave it that joining us from of them. thanks very much. thank you. a vaccines are being road, athens and bob way to come back to color outbreak. officials are aiming to vaccinate 800000 people, june the campaign. people in the west effect to districts will be administered to doses of the vaccine higher latasha reports, not from her radi. the community health with is go house to house, trying to convince people to give the facts, and they said they gave the color. and the image is the 1st immunization campaign in zimbabwe. since the codes outbreak began in february last year. so see the piano
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has agreed to take the drug. course the big thing myself is very important. if i get sick, hopefully i will have a creek. health official say they have secured more than 2000000 doses of the oral color of vaccine from the united nations. a global shortage means they have to be rationed. zimbabwe has only received about 900000 doses. for this campaign, only one will be given as opposed to the use of 2 doses. one dose will to take the individual for at least 6 months as opposed to 2 doses, which is a protection of above 3 is quads on a high density setup in the capital head id is one of the worst effected neighborhoods. iraq supplies of clean water. i'm collecting garbage and raw sewage flowing and the streets have increased infections. there's a file staying in the neighborhoods. people who live on the street save the like
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this. the and some of them now used to it. they cope by keeping the windows and doors set. the all color outbreaks and several of the applicant countries exploits the if water and sanitation issues in urban centers onto the rest agency. vaccines are only a temporary solution to long term health problems. how do i talk to, how does that? how do i the so i so has claims responsibility for an attack on the roman catholic church and is done bull that killed one person. a funeral has been held for twins at right jihad, the man killed while attending a church service to if his interior minister said to men who describe this, i assume that it was being detained in connection sunday's shooting museum. who's the, we will never told her, right?
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those who tried to disrupt the peace of our country terrace, the collaborators both national and international criminal groups. and those, you take a metal unity and solidarity. the focused on the underwriting and the foreign ministers have agreed to expand corporation around that topic. zip on that side of the lock in is in is i'm about to ease tensions. of the recent across the board of strikes threatens to destabilize the relationship, come out hard to has more form is on the back. and the closure round of golf between the in foreign minister who dies down on that sunday evening and it's lama, but both sides of the i did a good there to go to main friends say then to forwarded in a language other is going son. his visit at such a short notice justifies to deep commitment of both
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sides to further spent and certified for 10 in size between bucks done and these on it's a relationship which is steep in shared religion of history, culture and geography. now the indian foreign minister also has a meeting with pockets tons and getting prime minister the focus on the foreign minister in white a d i in president where they focused on after the election. did any and pardon minutes the thing that that were to happen sooner than later. and as it was crucial for both countries to cooperate. but the one thing that did come out of this talk is the fact that both sides have now realized that the 3rd part did what interested in creating tensions between the 2 countries. although there are differences between it on and focused on the 1st time that the game goes to
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a conflict according to you know, that focused on here. so that in a very loud voice, it will tell to old terrorist that we will not run on pockets on may not provide them with any opportunities and not provide an opportunity with the service to endanger outcome and secure retirement. and you're on a, i just want to strongly despite the sovereignty entered your total integrity. so we saw that focused on a complaint that i'm groups that are operating from union story in the end of cards . on the other hand, thing that did, i did range in groups operating on the pockets on each side, both sides of the test on the fact that the confrontation between the 2 countries was not something that was in the interest of both countries. given the situation intermittently and that that agent could not afford more instability, but both sides now determined to be escalated after they had broken off diplomatic
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relations and trying to main fences in order to move forward. the amount of hide that, um, it's not mobile. french farm is blocked all major highways off of paris on monday, refusing to back down from protest, courting full back to work and could, which is less environmental regulations are off to have concessions announced by 5 minutes to gabriella on friday. failed to pacify farm. as we say, it's clear the message is not getting through. i say the fed up with pointing which is no pensions and over regulation. the head of the farm is unit is set to meet the prime minister on monday. i pulled it is a farmer and a board member of a french young farmer organization. he said that if the change is a sequence implemented, the risk is that they will not be able to produce anymore. because the goal is to obtain all of the other quotes and measure we uh we booked on the test also have
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prime minister is about 120 measures. so we are really waiting to have the owners or measure uh, you know, or a favor. and if it's not the case, we will. yeah, for sure continues of protest for us. it's quite clear. if i see 2 patients as a, uh, it is actually uh, we will not be able to produce anymore. so uh that will uh come from other countries and its, uh, sometimes we don't know how does it stand ours and uh, what ours is, stand our jesus country. so for us, it's looking like a part of danger and sometimes houses and say to be g, when we see the jo political situation, we really feel that it's a moment to be to have a real fall or full. uh, i will culture, home calm call, it says order the liquidation of the wells most in debt to the property, develop a china ever granted off. it failed to strike
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a deal with his creditors to restructure. but it's on clear how much debility will impact to the company on the mainland china hutch it fuck reports now from home. com. and the whole court ruling opens up an unpredictable new phase, and the collapse of the grand foreign credit has filed a petition a year and a half ago to force the world's most invested property developed, but into liquidation and trying to recoup some of the losses. eric ryan has repeatedly given additional time to come up with the restructuring proposal, but it failed to materialize. and the high court says enough is enough. it's been a very long and drawn out restructuring. and so i don't know, most amount of value has already been destroyed for the bondholders. the case now faces major jurisdictional challenges. in cases like these foreign creditors prefer to go through hong kong quotes for him to become more system. and because of the lack of transparency and legal process on mainland china, but liquidators have no power to enforce the order from home comfort from the
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mainland. so all they can do is try to attempt to grab assets and sell assets that are optional. but the majority of the value in this case is on shore in china. so there's very little they can do, let's say credit is unlikely to recover less than 5 percent of their investment. as an estimated one and a half 1000000 people in china all left unfinished homes opposing a serious risk of social instability. meanwhile, chinese regulators assure and help support the other struggling developers and making it easier to access loans as part of efforts to stem a major market wrapped, it's unclear with a dimensions we'll have a sustain defects. and the innovative officials are transferring to immunization often or commercial banks and financial institutions in china. some of the distrust developers have not time that we seem to find the support where awareness of a year additional liquidity was rejected. so we're going to just stay on the developers. chinese developers still face the problem of sluggish consume, of the month, the latest date that shows house prices in december, the most,
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and maybe 9 years. but i'm, let's say ever grants, faith shows authorities all the time and to bring on the control prompt to market bubble. patrick phone, which is 0 sum of south career is enforcing and you know, nodding the use of artificial intelligence, dunaway to deep psych videos and election campaigns. the rule aims to prevent the spread of this information into your elections around the globe. you just came reports, not from so of the south. koreans are among the estimated 4000000000 people worldwide who will cast ballots this year. at, unlike in the past, the national assembly has made it illegal for political campaigns to use the vague content. 90 days before the election to give us time to consider their authenticity, the term, the fake is a combination of deep learning and fake and refers to a generated content that's often designed to mislead in the lead up to the 2022
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presidential pulse. the fix featured but mostly to generate humor or entry he, i use on getting the candidates used avatars to asterisk simple questions and health news conferences in the metaphors. since then, however, the technology has evolved and become more prevalent clips, such as these can be customized for a price or even produced by novices. as you'll see later in our report, dfcs are also impacting world leaders. in december, a student posed a question to russian president vladimir putin as his ai generated double interior . and last week, voters in new hampshire receive calls from a voice pretending to be us president joe biden. discouraging them from participating in the primaries. putting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to elect donald trump again. the white house moved quickly to
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confirm by did did not make the recordings. it's prompted concerns about the impact the stakes can have in the lead up to elections. this is just uh for spot in the apple, not only for south korea, for all other countries who take the 3 inferior elections versus seriously for the longevity of the liberal democracy. the measures may not be perfect in their 1st attempts, but they have to be try so that the the deficiency is have to be this covers in south korea. dfcs can be used in campaigning ahead of the 90 day window. as long as they are clearly identified, but much work lies ahead to disturb the work of actors outside of the visual campaigning. who are seeking to confuse and deceive learning the lines between what is real and what is not us kim, i'll just sarah. so, as i said for now, but i'll be back in
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a few moments with more of the days the the cloud of nuclear war wounds have a present. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental yours? what is this is the beginning of the end of life? because we know from the horrors of recent history to the rising card threat, the apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have funky vanity. our failure to keep humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on that which is 0. oil rich, your rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results. water, as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow, under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled, funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could
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be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part 2 of 2 on a jersey. the siren sounds as ambulances from across the main island of when she race to rescue people in need. suddenly a warning to halt. there is a $5.00 magnitude come or nearby. we finally arrived that know to some 30 kilometers south of the, at the center of that weight where many elderly people called home, they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction. with so many structures needing to be in susie with one of the highest casualty. counts supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue then they'll kinda stay just on the way. yeah. the agent of being played here and to tell for reco the time once the whole thing started the total months,
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but only one will be crowned champions. right across the action. on the israel target, southern and central gulf evacuation orders are issued, but people say they're a note safe places to get the hello and carry johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from time. i will said, coming out a little here in the hospital with a group of degrees visitors and it's all over the world from pink us and trying to help us as a for the people here. the doctor in gaza calls for more international volunteers


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