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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 12:00am-12:54am AST

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the, the, the, the lo, i'm carry johnston. this is the news a lot from time coming up in the next 16. the israel target stopping and central gaza evacuation. orders are issued, but people say they're a note safe places to get kind of pause. prime minister says good progress has been made on the off to hold as well as world guns. joining our best to get to negotiate a solution way to convince the us just safely back to their homes. yet, most of the stuff in the continuation of
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the us criticizes a conference that tended by senior is very cabinet administered coal for the return of settlers to gauze and support palestine. historic ronald, the asian cops is over there 1st parents, and then all that rounds ended in a to one defeat against house and defending champions. the beginning does that, what is what is continuing its relentless attacks focused on the south and central regions of school. housing displaced palestinian families feeding these various thoughts on an apartment building which thousands of people have been killed because the health industry says the total depth total is now suppose to $26600.00 . the honey mosley begins coverage from wrapped them in southern garza. these
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are the consequences of his, of 80 or strikes when an apartment building. and so why the and the fire out in central garza, the more to pack a piece of paper stuck to a blanket, would identify her as she is very outside. more the pines off in an ambulance not far away at the re man school boys said stopping on the school building with sha weed. with miss salas, my family was killed. they will be killed. all those in the costs remove, burned to death. in the north, at least 10 people were killed in a strike on a residential building and gall, the city. the bodies were taken to as ship a hospital. they used to be a god, the largest medical facility that barely functions. now the
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o. n. say's about 14 hospitality throughout this trip remain operational. the only they're paid is a trickling into god, but it's not enough just to stay in line, especially in the north where people are digging up water pipe and we get water here. once every 15 days. we use it for bathing and cooking for cooking. we must boylen and firewood as we don't have gas. the water pressure is very weak and the water is dead. children now sick, the teeth are a road from the to the water and they have is pulling out by will borrow and bucket the have to take with they can get the problem. so then after that we are full of diseases from this water. it's definitely not drink apple. why should we drink it? and everyone has seen this. why are they ignoring us? are we human beings of the palestinian medical students at sea level head?
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this is one of those for us to hit south in the exit us from honeymoon is towards rough. she and her 4 siblings of scratch out the living among the 1000 of displays . pete, the cat. i hope i can find anything under the rubble when we go back. i also hope to go back to my university to the simple days. for now, my future has destroyed our lives destroyed, even if to be and how many years will it take us to recover? there is a sadness behind the smiles, with the uncertainty of the future, weighing heavily on her and so many others. i mean my mood is eda know fi and southern gauze. well, there are points that these very forces have stormed shelters, run by the you and agency for protest and refugees and central goals. a city interested, dozens of people with heart i will assume is in reference, southern guns of force. now, what kind of, what more do you know about what's happened?
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got these facilities yes. carry these really military as they are expanding the military attacks in the central and key neighborhoods of dollars a city. they have been using military crowd cope to drones with loud speakers. doors for i'm residents for i still trapped in the north end in kansas city to actually move to the eastern part of gauze. i've been to move forward to the south in order to seek their own safety and the lights at the store. and one of you on a run show to is in the central neighborhood of a remodel. and the managed to you to complete the rest doses of palestinians work. we're taking shelter inside of this area. i have been taken to undisclosed location for investigations while till now there was no any official conformation regarding the killing of any of them. still this very moment upon these kinds of attacks and
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also storming, continue against you and run shelters, and it is not the only time as well as we have been seeing more rates games at these facilities. and just to force people to flee more to roughly in order to have more peroration of village on the ground for that use really meant to treat them. now the, the use where the forces have earlier stated that they have with a true a number of brigades from the north and some, some areas of kansas city. but right now have been seen time reaching to she felt and make some conflicts. again, were thousands of palestinians are taking shelter inside its vicinity and god says, well, this is completely a part of the on getting to the sides of the ministry campaigns that had been conducted against the cause of succeed. i'd especially be that we have been hearing and seeing more searching for military strikes on gauze. the city within the past. the 24 hours. i'm sorry. tell us more if you count about the late strikes. so won't move even though yes.
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uh, these really minute tree is it is to find its military attacks across different areas in gauze trip. we're starting with con eunice city where more air strikes and the shooting by these, by the out through you, which all station inside the main areas of con, you just keep it kept bound in different areas. we're not part of routing. show buildings were attacked as they have been also it trapping and encircling both the last 2 remaining hospitals in calling you to sort of think about the amount of the mass or hospital where the tax had been carried out on its vicinity. is preventing medical teams from getting out of from the hospital to reach the areas of talking things to evacuate victims from under the rustles of the destroyed houses and alongside with ongoing bombardments. anamosa rocked a refugee camp at also in gauze and city in both a 2 and in a supper, a neighborhood went in a separate neighborhood. the 20 palestinians have been killed,
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at least in the latest, is really strikes on the gauze of 60 a topic. i would assume an roster for us. thank you. so much of the gaza strip is now on the is rarely evacuation orders that's forcing 1000 small to fleece many say they don't trust that somewhere else will be any safe than israel has it previously bought into the cations and had described the safe and the calgary is in why the guns are just north of the, of the law with more a i'm trying to standing on a sheet street a couple of meters away from love because that's the last point that separates the north of causal strip and the south of the cause a strip where it has been separated a couple of months ago. where is there any forces called this a safe cord or? and it's the only cory door, and it's the only road for people to evacuate from the north. this, to the south. it has been a tough night on the causes true for there has been and this is right. the raids on
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on south river, you can see camps in several areas across the colors through sense. the morning. the palestinians in gaza strip in check with one neighborhood and telling how a neighborhood and in the middle of the causal associates have been warned on their iphones and their phones. they receive messages to evacuate from those areas to that end. but as you see, no one showed up. we are surprised that people did not do what the is where the army i asked them to evacuate, but at the end of the day, people in the gaza strip. now acknowledge the fact that the is where the forces are asking them to go to safe areas. and then these days areas turn into a war. so we're talking about people who have been called to evacuate the community to evacuate, to reflect in the say, rock and to all the southern areas. as you see, people do not trust what is ready, forces, tell them and no one evacuated just like the is there any forces requested them?
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this is in the body. why? because the cause of these rarely attacks and the main hospital in con, eunice, of escalating the recent days, adult to nasa hospital describes the confusion that she's very forces instruct stuff to evacuate the area a heavy leave on being sweet. it is the best line the moon being rolled over the water listening to the instructions by the flood, cut the so does it make it a horn? and they are giving us instructions to eventually build area. because this is a method area. the protestant in red crescent, has also been ordered by is really forces to leave a mount hospital. in con eunice, the area has been bombarded for days,
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displacing thousands of people. so some of which has the latest escaping from the danger. once again is really forces have declared the area around all amount of hospital and hun eunice on safe ordering palestinians to leave immediately. this area has been under heavy bombardment for days and now the palestinian red crescent has been told to move its operations elsewhere . let me look at no evacuation should take place without proper coordination or without the humanitarian cord. are we looking at this for to ensure the safety of all those inside the hospital ensure we is paramedics? will be able to continue to provide our services and help evacuate the patients and the wounded, according to the proper medical protocols, the palestinians here say they don't know where to go over to seek safety. the nearby shelters are relatively safe, but the fear of in
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a vacuum ation order looms in metal showing never stops. this winter's cold is fierce. children are gripped with fear. was there my pleasure? if i, i just see the situation is more than dire. we can hardly sleep one hour throughout the day. we sleep on the floor in the hospital's court or has everybody checked, the palestinian red crescent has described the situation in our model as critical. hospital units have had to shut down because of a lack of supplies. they are urgently calling for the protection of all civilians, but there is concerned these calls may go unanswered access. i'm reaching out to 0, or at least 5 people have been injured off to is rarely forces hit the out of the hospital, going to bother and guns with a strike sections of the hospital out of service and several ambulances helping damaged. i'll just here is on a sal sharif. isn't about it with more? no, no, no, no, no. so should i was going of him korean, i'm just outside the hospital and to jump all yeah,
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the future jobs and all of the kinds of strip. sometime they go to is really occupational things founded the hosp because building not going to massage defense as direct. and they resulted in massive damage to many parts of the hospital where damage out of service, how much and on that of ambulance vehicles and what also destroyed this is the often what is clearly visible done in the hospital. the main building was damaged as a result. thank top part of the building is now not part of the ration. yeah. the medical equipment was also the story. oh yeah, i mean, i saw flashed. i'm just like that for the fee. at 12 o'clock, the missile hit, the hospital's main building, the entire 4th level was destroyed. what it is, the next word for patients and the internet is the 3rd time the hospital comes under a direct attack, but it's really forcing what was the reason damage more than 50 percent of the hospitals capacities in august, we are now forced to be back to the menu of the patient and injured in order to be able to attend the victim of the day after day. and 5 persons were in the most out
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in one levels. now i was visiting relative of mine who were being treated in the hospital on the way out. these really were play the tact the hospital and my son was injured in the attack. so yeah, this is rose water on hospitals and the guys a slip from the south to the north continues. it's the most recent facade target, the hospital, the facilities suffer damage, and half of its capacity is brought to a grinding hole. and a number of parts to indians have been injured and it's a chevy, if i just a task 5 minutes to say, well how many they've been doing rock milestone and it says good progress has been made towards deal that could lead to a pool is and israel's a tax on god. he met us at secretary states until he blinking in washington dc just a day off the holding talks with intelligence officials from egypt, israel and the us in paris. or the us secretary of states said the to spoke about restoring at pace to the region for the possibility of an extended
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pausing, fighting in gaza. i am not sure to meet today with the prime minister in foreign minister guitar on the ongoing effort to get hostages out and to create an extended pause. this is critical to then being able to get to the formula that we've been talking about for putting a durable end to the cycle of violence that we've seen in the region for generation after generation and the opportunity that exists to actually achieve it. white honda has more now from the state department in washington, dc of the guitar, a foreign minister and the us secretary of state appeared briefly for the cameras, but made no comment. it's understood that the guitar foreign ministers is also the prime minister. rece the secretary of state on recent intelligence, folks in paris at which it was discussed how to the forward, the release of those captives still being held in gaza. had come to
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a meeting along with the intelligence chief some other parties such as egypt and israel. this a crucial part of getting some form of deal to get those captives out of gaza and the guitar e for administer. cautiously optimistic saying that progress has been made, but he refused to be drawing any further at a discussion meeting that he held later on in the course of the day. at the meeting, he outlined kept his role. this in response to reported criticism by the israeli prime minister that casa, was not doing enough to impose its will on him, us. but the foreign minister making very clear his belief that cuts his role is that of the media to we try to bring the thoughts to use to bridge the gap between them. frustrating them frustrating. both of them by the by wards, by, by made things by commitment, by addressing the issues with, with some solutions that's,
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that's the pressure and benefits of the on this the leverage are we don't see that, but that is a sofa. part of that can impose something on the spot to you or the other party to bring them to that place. the foreign minister of the ref, my now tawny, also responded to criticism of cutoff for hosting groups like come us. he said this was done in consultation and cooperation with united states to provide a forum for it to have communication with its opposing groups such as a mass or indeed us in the past. tell up on my kinda, i'll just sierra washington joining us in washington dc. now is which allison, he's a j, a political consultant and non resident senior center of the atlantic council. welcome to the program. let me ask you 1st. not withstanding the numerous, lots of civilian life and gone. so just how strong is the tension in why the middle
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east right now in your what am i do? we are an undeclared regional war. and i, i think it's possible to read the events in the red sea and didn't gauze in southern lebanon in syria as sort of individual crises. but there is a logic that connects them all together in my view and the view of many in washington that logic is a coordinated proxy campaign by iran to force the united states and its allies out of the region in terms of the allies that are not in the region and to intimidate, or course those allies that are in the region. so the, the attack on us forces, for instance, uh in jordan, last night is part of this. so i think the, there's a tension between uh, wanting to dial this down and scale it back in as the administration is. so they don't want a white or regional war. but in fact, if the other side is pushing, because they sort of want a bigger conflagration in order to cause the us to just draw up a change and,
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and walk away. it's hard to see how those to get reconciled when it comes to attempts to diffuse a situation. how important these catalogs relative to this as well uh, guitars and a unique player in this space. and it has obviously very good relations with united states due to the presence of the united states didn't come forward headquarters, other bases, i'll get the most notably. but also because the a dry diplomacy that categories and discrete diplomacy, the guitars have conducted some very thorny diplomatic problems. now, this is dissatisfying to many in the west, at least in the united states, because we see people as, as basically friends or enemies. and this idea that you may have to talk to your enemies and that you may need friends who can talk to your enemies, is not an easy sell in washington. so i, oh, the, the foreign minister has certainly his work cut out for him because a lot of people don't appreciate that. and they think that this mediation role or
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intermediary role, is either done against the will of united states without consulting the united states, or, or because it's somehow guitar to soft on these groups. and that's not what i think is going on. this is stay crap at a high level, and i think it's incredibly important the guitar does it more than 26000 people killed in gaza. and let's be clear, protestant in lives matter as much as any other nods, but politically and domestically in the us. how much pressure does administration feel when american lives with us as well? so it, you know, the word we're seeing that now with the loss of american soldiers certainly, and the attacks yesterday. but let's not forget that some of the is really used that were killed in the october 7th. the attacks were also american citizens. so i think the americans sensitivity the casualties either our own or the loss of other countries. civilians varies by the nature of the depth and the nature of the
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conflict through the consulate ration. we've seen a half 1000000 syrians die, and frankly, that has never moved washington or the american public to change policies or to intervene forcefully. so in the case of gaza, i think there is, this is really the public imagination more so than other fighting between is real. the palestinians has in the past both because of the horrible nature of the attacks on october 7th, but also sort of the helpless condition of the palestinian civilians. there is no sympathy for homos in washington or the united states. they are seen as, as obviously not, not, not just another resistance group, michigan is a terrorist group. and you know, i think there's an appreciation for the fact that these people have families, the children living in close proximity and essentially held hostage by how much are somehow deserving of a better situation than just being fodder in this ongoing conflict. and i think that's why there's, there's brought support for the us to pursue negotiations and define some sort of a solution. but not only ends this fighting,
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but make sure that neither the attacks on israel, nor the apply to the palestinians will be repeated in future. okay. you mentioned the us, um and in the us selection. yeah. then to what extent is joe biden trying to the there's a smaller footprint in the middle east as well, or is it already too late for that briefly? female as well he's, he's got a dilemma right? because after having pulled the united states forces out of afghanistan, where he to do so abruptly or look like he's being forced out of places like a rack or syria. and then it's going to strengthen up political narrative against him that he was weak and that he spent on a surrender. on the other hand, americans really have no enthusiasm, bramlett complex in them, at least they've made that clear and public opinion polling. i think we're seeing, especially on the far left the end of the democratic party, even a reticence to do the sort of support for israel that's been there before showing us the threat. the needle between these 2 on the one hand, decreasing our vulnerability and our profile in the region, but on the other hand, not strengthening the retreat narrative. okay, with even emmett chaps,
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and we appreciate your insights here now to 0. thank you. good to see you. thank you. us national security spokesman john kirby has condemned comments by far right? is very administered during a rally, according for the re establishment of settlements and gaza. what's the was over the conference was attended by several is really cabinet members. some of this rhetoric and the language and that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event, a irresponsible, reckless incendiary. i go so far as to say in certainly isn't that isn't the port with our strong policy statement. what we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory. i'm just all who joins us from ok parties through so now. so what more did the us national security spokesman have to say on this the united states has said that their position is clear there and critically against the forced relocation of
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palestinians from gaza. he also says that they are taking these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on his word. that settlements will not be built inside of guns. that we do know that all settlements are legal under international law. but it's not the only criticism we're hearing about this conference. you're also hearing from members of these really government members of the war cabinet itself, like benny gans, who said that this d, legitimizes israel in the space of the international community, damages it during war time and further henders efforts for account of deal. another member of the war cabinet guy, the eyes and code says that these members of these really government have learned nothing over the last year or so from the events that have taken place throughout the country. and that rhetoric like this is harmful, but i wanna also point to something else that john kirby had noted. he said that the united states is also against the reduction of the palestinian territory. and
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this comes, as is really officials have reportedly told the west that this buffer zone they are trying to establish is temporary. it's something that the united states has expressed dismay over. so a lot of pressure on the is really government from multiple angles from the americans. and what about domestic pressure and protests in israel itself? a while ago i mentioned there's been pressure from within the government itself. but let's talk about the families of these captives, the protests that have been ongoing for months. now, just tonight, there are demonstrations that are happening. families of the captives who are saying, but simply too much time has gone by and they want to see their loved ones back. these really armies spokesperson daniel had got in his nightly address this evening . said that these really is have not forgotten about the 136 captives who are currently being held inside of gaza. and that every day that goes on,
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they try harder and harder to achieve those military objectives so that they can bring back the captives. but the families have said that this is simply not enough . and these really need to give whatever concessions necessary been negotiating table. but you also have families who were expressing extreme disappointment in this conference that happened yesterday. we're far right ministers, one 3rd of benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet were in attendance dancing, and calling for the resettlement of gauze calling for the legal settlements. the occupation of garza and these family members had said that you are dancing on the blood of these captives that well, more than a 130 is really is, are still being held in gaza. the focus should be on them, but instead this right wing part of the government is focused on objectives that simply are not for now. from this how, who thank you very much. but at least 2 people have been killed in an air strike on the building in the syrian capital, damascus,
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several others were wounded. the house was reportedly being used by runs by pollution. we got the attack happened near the scene of another strike last month, around the israel for that to attack, which killed a senior member of its revolutionary god as well that strikes in syria came one day, often attack on a us minute treat facing jordan, that killed 3 american soldiers and injured 40 present drove by and blamed rainy and backed fights as well. these were the 1st american ministry fatalities in the region since israel's world gone. so began around the noise that it was behind the attack. a group called the stomach resistance in iraq has claimed responsibility. the pentagon has now reiterated that the us does not want the tensions in the middle east to spill over into wonderful. we don't seek a war with iran. we don't seek to white in this conflict. we have said, and we will continue to call out the fact that iran does fund and equip these drill
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these groups and provide them the capabilities that they use to attack our service members, whether it be a rock, syria, or jordan so, so we're not going to hesitate in calling that out, but we certainly don't seek a war. and frankly, we don't see, or ron wanting to seek a war with the united states. but it's been, you know, a pentagon correspondent particular heading now. so talk to you. what more can you tell us about this? you know, is really interested in that. she was sort of walking back. i think something she had said at the very top of the briefing. she said, quote, we know that around is behind it and we will certainly hold them responsible. so that would have been a much tougher line from anyone within the, by the administration. just to keep in mind that we've had several republican senators come out and say that job, i didn't, the president joe biden has to strike a ran inside its own territory. so that would have been very escal atoria. but then you, as you just heard, she went back to say, know what, we're,
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we're not saying that they've planned that we're saying that they've given training and weapons to these groups. so their fingerprints are on it is how she ended up sort of trying to walk that back, but it was, it was interested in there for, for a minute. i'm fancy. what more do we know about the strike itself there? for we know that it was in the very early morning hours on sunday and we believe that this was a one man. drill a one way drone and this is a housing barracks. this is a very, very small level logistics hub. tower 22. uh, only about $350.00 soldiers and airmen there, but they said because it hit the building. that's why we saw the 3 service members . the 3 soldiers done i. we do know their names. now we do the vs reservist, out of georgia and they, as you mentioned, the increase the number of injured to 40 and they said that's going to continue to fluctuate as more troops are evaluated. one of the things they're talking about here at the pentagon is how to respond. as you mentioned, the big thing is they don't want to see a wider conflict. but at the same time,
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they've been striking back at these uranium back groups. and the attacks continue. so far they says there's been a $165.00 attacks since around october 17th on u, a service members. so they're trying to find, to strike a balance between finding what will actually be a deterrence without slipping into what could be a wider war. and the other thing i want to point out that there were started here reports of how this happened because, you know, these bases have some really good air defenses. it's for and reported. and several outlets that this strong came in at the same time in american drone was supposed to be lay on the back of the base. and they may have gotten confused. pedagogy hasn't confirmed that yet, but that's going to be one of the big concerns for central command. just figure it out how this drone got fruit most of the time, they're shot down. okay, fine, keep to go hand with that top date. i said i had to know is, is there the store also works closely with boxers around the world. their latest
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books are showcase and previous titles are recommended. we visit a bookstore and they'll keep bodies to listen to us raising awareness auditing and history and cultural identity and see why french farmers have blocked or major highways out of paris. thus since sports hospitals, manager responds to room is about to leave the clock from him like from the, from the the had a lot of the pleasant weather has kicked off the working week across europe. and it's gonna stay that way, at least for the next few days. so lots of dry and wound conditions across the south and most central areas, it is going to get a little cooler across the northwest. the temperature is still sitting very high in
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scandinavia. we'll see that trends continue in the north east, but not in the southeast. now we've seen something of a cool down here, wintery weather coming in for greece and took here with a chance of some snow here in the and low temperature is not just increased, but also for sub where we have got some issues with fog. and it's a similar story for the north of it's a much more settled with sunshine in the south, and you can see slices of sunshine across the west, europe, into southern areas of england. it is looking pretty mild here on tuesday, but the rain isn't very far away. you can see that rolling in some blustery winds as well. pushing across the sea, come going into denmark on into the low countries as well. some heavy rain to come for central and northern parts of england. but still lots of rooms with temperatures sitting out, particularly down in southern areas like spain. if we haven't got a 3 day full madrid, sunshine on warm for 3 should 5 day 18 degrees celsius. stay with bright skies. the
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is one of the was largest radio telescopes, designed by soviet era, pioneer only to be left lying, idle refusing to be silenced, his niece, recessive dates the sleeping colossus. the witness makes 50 full armenians for built in space drive on the jersey to heavy pricing in the we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. it's the consequence of war. the human suffering that we have a 4 times. we brave bullets and bombs, and some of the world's most trouble regions, the army floods in the face of idols advance. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence in recent years. in some instances we are the targets because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the
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views from all sides. the the welcome back, a reminder about top storage. israel has targeted a school in gauze where displaced the palestinians with sheltering as well as in apartment building. thousands of people would count for the 26600 palestinians hoping to, according to the goals of health, was cut off as a prime minister. shake mohammed vin, i'm the rock man. i'll found a says good progress has been made towards the field. could lead to a pause of israel's attacks on guns. he met us extra states until he thinks in
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washington. and the us has criticized comments by far rides is very cabinet, is doing a radi queen for the re establishment of jewish sacraments and the gaza strip. montage inspections on coming and said they were breakfast and didn't send you the us in the us small in the hundreds of people have reality in north carolina in support of palestinians. a demonstration came to a quote for the split up the road. so say they were not informed of the pilot test or the route to take. the group says it has much to every sunday since the beginning of the south african turn this side held a visual in support of tennessee. they own it's correspondence, sons need your work cuz they've been killed. and israel's war on gaza at least $122.00 journalists have died since the conflict started not of us. yeah. i as she telling the policies for you,
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because we have some really nice on our tiny little colleagues closer to the can you tell them what we can do is look in the book, which we can do is ensure that our language we use in our, in the in the telling of the story by when use for accurate, i meant to stand inside the dies you've been, the past will be a family owned bookstore and occupied east. jerusalem has been highlighting the palestinian story, promote to write to this for years. if i'm it says the emission has now become more important than ever. honey junction reports at the educational book shop. customers are welcome to read and encouraged to learn about a people's history unfolding before that one chapter at a time that the mission has been and is to continue to promote palestinian
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literature. but this thing in the ice, this highlights and should the lights on the 1st thing in an issue on the stadium story that this family owned and run institution that's done to thousands of volumes, encompassing history, literature, food and so much more and more minds. the store chatting with regulars, just like his grandfather did, just like his father and uncle still do. in the cafe upstairs, some patron studies and others nearly skim. how it feels like looks how can i love this place? it's a beautiful place. the way the books are organized, the way that they showcase all of this beautiful resources. so you feel that it's not just a collection space. it's a place where the mission mission, that since october 7 has expanded, is very important to highlight the books and guys out because actually you wanna
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tell the true story and to, in a way come to are the misinformation. uh that is easily spread opened in 2009. the shop was the 1st of its kind in occupied east jerusalem to amplify palestinian voices through only english language books. the store also works closely with authors around the world. their latest books are showcase and previous titles are recommended. it's one more way. the one of family reinforces palestinian cultural identity. behind the counter with i from a today wife node who's and 5 month old son, a month for who had hopes to impart his family's sense of purpose. we spent its thing as we as beautiful lights. we as on that of this business where i have to stay, we love what we do. we love selling books. we love telling of a story, a powerful tale long in the making one that will continue to resonate. so how much i'm doing my visitor occupied east jerusalem. the
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so let's take a look at some of those other news. at least 50 people have been killed and 64 been wounded in an attack on the south to don's board. it was done on youth from it sounds to dunsmore upstate, carried out re using to the neighboring of the region on saturday. the disputed region is an oil rich area jointly administered by the sedona on south dom. well, this is a dead list incident in a series of attacks since 2021 over board of disputes. international criminal court, steve prosecutor told the un security council that they're all grounds to believe both sit on the regular on the, on the power, but it traffic support forces committing war crimes. and the full time con, gave his conclusions often the once you an investigation is a search of hostilities and sit down to the for region in july 2023. and president
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excellence is based on the work of my office. it's my clear finding my to assessment the grounds to believe the presidency room statute crimes are being committed in the. ready by both the sudanese on forces and the rapid support forces and affiliated groups. the situation is not by any metric. one in 3 of the population. in the effect of pots of china, refugees from the situation of the one in 3 of the population of china. and these affected areas refugees as reflected in my import, the apple the alleged atrocities that have taken place in l. janitta, a sort of the central line of investigations that my office is pursuing at
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this current moment. and i can confirm the council that we bought collect a very significant body of material information and evidence that is relevant to those particular crimes. and today is that prime minister georgia maloney is hosting an international summit on africa in rome. but she's unveiled a new plan for the confidence so cold, my tape plan is aimed at transforming it to the into an energy hub. and reshaping relations with african countries, as also aims to reduce people smoking and migration to your presence of a house. apartments has voted to delay ratification of governments for when the immigration bill. it's until the british government can demonstrate that we're one that is a safe country for migrants to be deported to. the move is a below for prime minister which assume that we've had a it's
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a house of yours to pass the plan among those opposing if it was the archbishop of categories, dustin will be who described it as damaging to the country. it is damaging, in respect to the constitutional principles and the rule of law. and most of my lords, it is damaging for all nations unity in a time when the greatest issues of whole peace, defense, and security need us to be united. the farmers protesting and from continuing to block roads near paris, now swearing the country, farming, union leaders won the french government to do more to help pharmacy say that high taxes, low wages and complex new regulations are ruining their life limits. tasha bucks it has this report from pass comfortable you've tracked is heading to paris to join a blockade of a major roads into the french capital at northeast 50 columbia. to
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a south of the city. moved to rest have to be diverted. french farm is being protest infinity 2 weeks. they say the rise and costs and you, you environmental rules makes a work impossible. you feel good. let's talk them. when i go to governments has to understand that we can't take it anymore when the phone is gone, take it anymore. we're at the end of all it's had to, we've run out of cash, we've got no money to start up again. we've got too many environmental regulations at some point enough, as you know, if i don't see why other european countries have different regulations to us. some of the farm is hope that the blockades, in a powerful increase pressure on the french government to meet they did loans. they say new measures announce last week by the french prime minister, failed to address the concerns including new pay and what they call on the phone competition. well, that's may not do. the coming week is a week of all dangerous, because only the government won't hear us will because they'll be so much anger
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that everyone will have to take responsibility. responding to the crisis fonts as interior administered, deployed $15000.00 police officers to secure power, says apples and you have small just wholesale food market. south of the city holding on offices to show motivation the most which shows that the vehicle seem to go into the actual computer. we do not seek escalation. we want everyone to be respected for offices and property to be respected. we won't allow government buildings or tax collection buildings or grocery stores to be damaged or trucks transporting forward in projects to be stopping. and obviously that is unacceptable to protest come as a sense this time for french presidency manual macro campaign. he's on the ways that june's european parliamentary elections marine depends. the right policy is courting farm is and leading an opinion polls. the government is expected to announce move measures soon to try and calm a situation that looks increasing the volatile natasha butler ultra 0 paris.
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the parents of a 13 year old accused of killing a 10 paperless school shooting and sub enough to have gone on trial. the fact that happens at primary school who led to large scale demonstrations against the government. boy's father and mother are accused of the legally possessing munition training this son and how to use firearms. prosecutors of whole surcharge, the head of a serbian shooting clubs and an instructor for providing full testimony. 3 japanese residents so far in the center, assuming the government for racial profiling or the go see to the 1st of its kind in the country. it's been filed against both and national and local governments and nurturing the plaintiffs where repeatedly question my lease. because of the race, they say it's find a nation of the constitution. eventually i felt myself as part of social withdrawal and i never knew what social be withdrawing wasn't did recently because
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he committed japanese that i feel like every time i finish book, i'm hiding in my house. in japan is one of the cases, one of the greatest city where people want to go. but i don't want to go out and i always tell them as a why contact. and the reason is just because i don't want to face on the police. so 9 out of 10 times i know they will find a way to stop in japan has the gun removing a memorial to koreans who are forced to work during the 2nd world war. the memorial commemorates create in the neighbors who died in good my prefecture. the group who installed it violated the rules, not the whole political events according to the japanese government. critics one that the remove of putting coverage, historical revisionism, but lasers for the finance minister has been charged with tax evasion times and in has been accused of failing to declare $71.00 assets ranging from luxury caused the golf companies,
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properties and land. foreign minister appeared in court on monday and pleaded not guilty. it's possible corruption investigation. looking into several people connected to malaysia's format. prime minister was a newton's wife, who's been charged with similar effects is also created not guilty. i've been charged this morning with a criminal offense, but no crime was committed by me and i will put this in court. the real crime is the call or the need to plot to tarnish my husband's reputation and exec, political revenge and rectification against him. and also hong kong, cortez ordered the liquidation of the wells most indebted property to benefit china . as a grand office failed to strike a deal with its creditors to restructure it's a really thing with a significant legal ramifications on is likely to jolt china is over the front of out property market. actually the fuck reports from holcombe of the whole court
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ruling opens up and unpredictable new phase. and the collapse of every grand foreign credit has followed the partition a year and a half ago to force the world's most invested property. develop a into liquidation and trying to recoup some of the losses. eric ryan has repeatedly given additional times to come up with the restructuring proposal, but it failed to materialize. and the high court says enough is enough. it's been a very long and drawn out restructuring. and so normally the amount of value has already been destroyed for the bondholders. the case now faces major jurisdictional challenges. in cases like these foreign credit, just prefer to go through hong kong quotes for him to become lost as a man because of the lack of transparency and legal process on mainland china. but liquidators have no power to enforce the order from home comforts on the mainland. so all they can do is try to attempt to grab assets and sell assets that are optional. but the majority of the value in this case is on shore in china. so
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there's very little they tend to, let's say, credit is unlikely to recover less than 5 percent of their investment. as an estimated one and a half 1000000 people in china are left with unfinished homes opposing a serious risk of social instability. meanwhile, chinese regulators assure and help support the other struggling developers and making it easier to access loans as part of efforts to stem a major market raft. it's unclear whether the measures will have a sustained effect at the end of david. still, i can send you the implantation off of your commercial backs of financial institutions in china. some of the top distressed developers have not time to resume, to find the support where awareness, all the additional liquidity was rejected through, and you stay on the developers. chinese developers still face the problem of sluggish consumer, the mon, the latest date that shows how surprises in december fell the most and really 9 years. but i'm list say evergreen's faith shows authorities all the time and to bring under control the prompting market bubble. patrick folks 0 to 0,
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from what coming up off to the brakes and sports, the goals that proved to be attending in this new account. sorry, the business latest is brought to you by i guess as i live by on one of your this makes modern pleads. the
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business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the pulse volts needs. now his power, thank you so much caring, defending champions cuts out or through the quarter finals of the asian cop, they ended palestine historic run up a tournament with a to one victory. joanna,
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i guess, raska watched match for us from al bate stadium. how designs funds came in hopes of watching the team extend an unprecedented spell here at the age co saying that the no cap, much pulling this us eval. when at this tournament, the policy is look to be full of confidence creasing the majority, the tongue tongue and the assistance paid off. when it's you pub, individual, or data box. how to sign in front with moments left in the host and defending champion back at the corner. he's providing the both accounts and how he does. he made it 11. the 2nd half had barely got underway with the penalty. one of the 2 of them is top scores from a see play money today is that another cleansing is taking place. they've got
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nothing goes into garza without israel permits, and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire. demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 the the non carry johnston. this is an easy life from day one. coming up. the next 60 minutes is where a launch is an assault on garza city in the north forcing thousands of palestinians to fleet off to receiving warnings from the military. casals prime minister says good progress has been made on a path to hold as well as boiled guns, trying our best to get to negotiate a solution where to kansas the hostages safely back to the homes,
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yet most are stopping the bombing. and i say in the continuation of public and go.


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