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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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of nuclear war, zulus have a present. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what if this is the beginning of the end of life, as we know from the horrors of recent history to the rising card tract, the apocalypse, maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have funds, humanity, our failure to keep humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street, this is not to drill on that, which is 0. pulling the plug, more countries have cut the funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees. israel says some unrest off what's involved in the law says october attacks. and how knowledge is this accusation, and what does it mean for the people of casa? this is inside store the
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hello there, and welcome to the program. i'm this dante, obtain the united nations agency for palestinian refugees on ro is a lifeline for nearly 6000000 people. established back in 1949, its mission is to provide relief to palestinians who were forced from their homes when the state of israel was created. now the agencies future and that of those who depend on it to survive is under threat. several western nations have suspended their funding to and right in the wake of his really optimizations that some of its staff members were involved in attacks by him. us on southern israel. back in october, the agency has dismissed several employees and opened an investigation on the united states as one of the countries and withholding funding contacts. the agencies biggest starting in 2023, had contributed more than $422000000.00. on ro supports nearly 6000000 palestinian refugees across the middle east and runs 706 schools and,
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and 40 primary health care facilities. it also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians. under employees, some 13000 people in gauze, i learned at least a 152 of whom have been killed. and israel is full of you and has one that comes to funding and made a growing humanitarian disaster. and garza will be catastrophic. honeywell, what has more from an onerous school and rough uh the you on agency for a palace. many a refugee is known as honor was employed 1000 of a stop, or is that a provide by delay then services to millions of people across the middle east? in java, it has been the main suppliers of food water. and so there's just 1000 of this way as palestinians. since the beginning of this genocide, the war about 85 percent of the territory is people haven't flipped their hands in galls on the northern part. over a 1000000 r show during an honor where the schools and other facilities are at risk of as
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further starvation on permanent displacement as many countries withholding their funds to the agency. honey, my mort, for the inside of the story, i was just the you know, so what does on russ future look like and what impact will the suspension of this funding have on the palestinian people, both in garza and beyond, has plenty to discuss but fast. this report that takes a look at owners operations. more than 2000000 palestinians depend on the un agency, underwent to survive higher on on what is our lifeline, who give us food and drink after the war. may god help the people? what can i say that? but now funding costs are threatening that support and palestinians are appealing to the states to reconsider from on 5 year property. sonya and the comments of bruce in germany and some other european countries on aid to the palestinian people
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is a disaster for us today. they punish us as if we were as guilty as the occupiers. the occupation keeps on doing crimes, and yet they are supporting them to do more crimes against us. israel called for the suspension of the agencies operations, accusing it of supporting or to prove terrorism. goal should i know, but me for my main goal in the war is to eliminate the threat. not just neutralize it. we know how to eliminate terrace, but it's hard up with an idea of unreal. represents that idea. the reading more terrorist 3 various means if we cannot win this will without dismantling. unless you me the b u. n. is investigating the 12 employees accused of being involved in her mass attacks in southern israel. on october. the 7th. 9 of them have been dismissed and one is confirmed that but the implicated employees account severely a fraction of the agencies workforce of 30000 people under the commission to
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general philly. lots of really says it's another example of the collective punishment inflicted on the people of casa, he's willing, but if countries go ahead and suspend funding, the result will be the depth of more palestinians. for on the capex rosa, which is 0, the inside story the, the, well, that's not bringing out guests in rasa and southern gaza. we have somebody is a cruise. he's a social activist who has been displaced himself by israel school. he advocates for palestinian rights and also we have audiences, he's a professor of international law cleans university and does also olsa of a new book entitled the united nations on the question of palestine. he previously substitute as an equal council for our and, and also raymond johnson is the secretary general of the wage and people's aid, which has provided humanitarian assistance in the gaza strip. now for more than 35 years, he's also a full mental region state secretary for foreign affairs. welcome
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a gentleman to program today. thank you for joining us on inside story. somebody i'm going to stop with you because you're on the ground the in the gaza strip. can you describe for us what we're on means to people that in gaza and maybe give us a summary of, of the reaction that you've been hearing to both the, the is really allegations that we've been hearing and the stockings by one row. i think when we are talking about or another while hitting guys us today we are talking about like kind of the government for that if you z because the is, i don't know, i provide every thing. yeah. for that it's easy. everything got that, you know, in go to 70, out of out of 70 percent of the nation here. refugees from 1948 so that the overall provides many services like education, healthcare, even they have food that they said of it, there's that and,
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and no one can imagine that the owner was and we'll stop there to the sandwiches as their work. and i think even the of the a you on a don't say is like all chat like get and the blood food, the progress um like get well health organization even they wouldn't have stopped without the marketing of oh no to afford available. i don't think that or imagine any of those. it just says will work heating, does it fit and i think this decision coming off of the ice is a decision. is that the telling us is that that is right, and yet it may be vehicle me thing that jenny, aside and gaza especially not just like the people here. they are not can buy it or kits or, or bombs. but even with the payment with, with the payment with that,
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that, that, that, that needs of full of benefits. and you know, that has nothing here enough. i, we are talking about the list which like before, this displays it from all of that. gov, uh government. notice to throw it off. uh, we are talking about a loan. sent a 100000. now we are talking about $1000000.00 bullying for or bullying 5. how, how can offer uh, react, or, or it can a give or provide, provide any services for eh, those sort of use use it is that is i think that change, or is that convenient as that if you do some of them, it is used for mine doing for that as of now from 2023 and i don't imagine i need the white board can talk about the justice about the hill,
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my life and off thought of the i figure decision getting the donate a the own or why? because it's scanning the decision to pin all the people here, then go to the city. bye bye, same, i'm, bye bye, a big big the chronic diseases like it, but the price of it, you know, that is normally this in, in the bottom. i can see it, for example, in of my tenant i might if you do a problem. yeah. my, my, my, my family display of from that. yeah. i'll are on the village and that, and 19 for the place. at no time i, i go to order was, i'm been his kid because i have a good, like lifestyle and situation. i can go to the bottom of buying. you might need to send it without me is that that own or do i have now in this situation, when i just live from like a department from a government safety thought alpha and then is know i maybe this in the fall of my
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says if me i have been to the own or those i bought me giving me my me this in maybe i will buy because i have many like chronic diseases like blood, blood rush auto and we did that in fans or something like this. and you can imagine the other that'd be able to home sick with con side with different kinds. of course i'll shoot you an indication of so many we just saw in the gaza strip. it is no, i mean, john, for that to 1000000000 here to sort of buy from the unit side. i want to bring in all the here because i didn't you what doesn't equal advise us a and rough ends and many is. and so you understand a little bit about funding cycles and how the agency also also works. we know that there is no strategic for that. there was already a funding crisis full on how quickly could the effects of these funding cuts to be felt on the ground. these, these funding costs will be effect on will be experience on the ground immediately make no mistake about it. as some of your i just mentioned on right offers cause i
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governmental services in the gaza strip. it is the largest organization in the gaza strip to govern, cause i govern mental issue like health education, belief in social services, and in times of emergency of the sort that we're seeing now unfold since october. what the international court of justice has determined as a plausible genocide, fam, and starvation of the population as a tool of war, indiscriminate bombardment, forcible transfer of 1700000 people, etc. so honor is the only lifeline, quite literally to those people. there are 13000 staff and your organization that operate in the gaza strip. and in this case, the allegations are, i've got a number of, of staffing. 12 in number had been engaged, allegedly, on the events of 7 october. the agency has a 0 tolerance policy for any criminal activity or outside activity
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as it is called a, undertaken by any of its stuff in it. and usually we would engage in the investigation once any allegations are made. these allegations are so serious and the situation on the ground so perilous that the commissioner general of the agency took a decision to terminate these staff members even absent the conclusion of an investigation . so it belies all credulity as to what the western donors expect of on what to expect of the united nations beyond side. and to do before they kick their their money back back in without those funds people will die without those funds. there will be famine that the famine will exist and will will ravaged that population. so it makes very little sense to my mind the move to, to withdraw funds. how do you use the what the lifeline and i just want to pick up on that because i understand that on right is at the moment facilitating something
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like 80 percent of a deliveries into gaza. so it's not just at one of our facilities, but it's also facilitating aid for other aid organizations get getting into the gaza strip. as you say, funding is looming. let me ask you right and what would be the impact for instance on your organization? if this does continue, would you be able to continue operating the very difficult on the course on rides, the lifeline for the power steering and the to some extent. also the lifeline for other responders. they have the interest excess. they have the networks and the every wellness stuff. they depend on, well, the services coming up from, from monroe. that's the right to mention. we have been there since 1987. and we are supporting the, for the local organizations. they are there. they are among the i the piece they
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are doing their best with the provide the necessities. but of course they came back, generally speaking, for the people in golf saw in the systems to and by the way to stop it is the mens drum message on the i think the international community mustn't do their own most to oscars also know have said they want to freeze, suspend their system to unwrap to reconsider that. i'm very happy that the way to go with matt is not the most of those was going to just stop the necessary assistant to unwrap known so that i would actually give credit to the response to coming from uh from and off today to receive this very very cedar sec, accusations that they immediately, they suspended the people they do the most like uh,
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not all organization will do the same as drafted that they have done. so uh, i think uh we will. so she'll give some credit to decide what you mean. and right in the way that, that you meet the response of these varies manage. the is accusations room. and i just want to ask you a little bit about what you think the implications might be here for israel. because as you say, if or a doesn't receive more funding and it's not able to facilitate a deliveries and it is an obligation for a to enter the district presumably as well as going to have to take on more of that responsibility. and i do see that happening to, well, the doesn't make sense the same, the certainly text that gets bone b, but what uh, that long term strategy is it's very, very hard to see what can be the long term consequences you have for the bombing and the happening, goss, i'm mixed and know what be happening with that in many tiring crisis. will they be
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responsible or will it take for granted that the international community and who in the international community will read, respond to that? so it's very hard for me to see it pleading strategy. so now we're talking about the 2 state solution bringing pockets together at the same time. therefore also, i think generally speaking, the products, the names needed to see and that the national communities. since sam about the inputs know, trying to find a political solution to stop the system, john rock is not the 1st this phone to build these necessary confidence in believing in man and ben shoulder uh the piece peaceful set for man. although it's long for me, i'm wondering what the feeling is like the and gaza at the moment. whether or not
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this potentially could, could back fi entirely and, and perhaps create the grounds for further radicalization as the humanitarian situation deteriorates. even further. basically having the opposite effect to what these, these done as a potentially one thing. i think i think that the, the feeling of that goes in and when it comes to this decision to, to continue the fun part of the why is it people like whole place now? and they are frustrated and fill in the fields that they will buy because there is no, no food. because that is normally the since, because no, i need like basic services for the people basic at humanitarian services in this time. and it was joking me, and i think many of that doesn't mean that there's a legation, it's not stop by this time. it's like years ago,
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the are try to try to get not just the own or all that that you and it just says here it's working on that. it didn't see me. and if you mentioned through to accuse why is that i in that they are supporting, filled with a do it is and a money or even that instead of much than i it organization. and when it comes to that, he only due to the investigation, bailey, because the agent, we find that it's fix, we are talking about a very huge what does that my vision which working in and i think 5 countries in and just it's not just think of you guys have been, was back in your to them in the syria and, and leave it on in the with that is that it has seen that if you are, you'll, you'll, you'll find the owner was there. and i don't think that anyone, even the area and students so close to about with their like a huge boe out of. it's basically an infinitive issue. they put in like get
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it if they made that it wouldn't have been and this have been how can anyone like make this decision when bid is just a legation and making this collective punishment for all that. because even in this time, when, when they are needing even the people who doesn't need any kind of help before from on or before. now all the people here needing the own or what she needs don't do instead of a sense of that to me that you're describing that for us. and we are literally but feeling like is to die, to die. you're describing how people are also feeling. does that and by the international community, and i want to understand some of the legal obligations here. audi, as we've been saying, the ice t j, the central court of justice has just rolled at that genocide could be taking place in gauze. and one of the emergency measures that it put into place was to say that
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they needed to be effective, humanitarian aid entering cause. so that needed to be scaled up is that some kind of legal imperative here for member states. is that a legal obligation for instance, for, for these donors to continue funding an agency that is essentially facilitating that 8? i think society, let me just take it back one step. the 1st obligation is on an occupying power israel to facilitate and ensure humanitarian aid to scale and appropriate for the needs of the people on the ground who are suffering. as he said, a plausible genocide, according to the international court of justice. but there is also obligations on the part of the 3rd states because they are signatories to the genocide convention . they have an obligation to quote unquote, preventive genocide from taking place. and it lies all could you with these? i said earlier that these states within 24 hours of these allegations having been made of wrong doing on the part of a handful of staff members at honora,
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would withdraw their funds from the agency when in fact they have a positive obligation to prevent the genocide which can be connected to obviously the requirement to ensure humanitarian aid and assistance. so it is a highly irresponsible move by the western donors. it's cruel for the reasons that we've set out already, but it clearly is also possibly legally legal in respect to their their obligations by my. busy so just say this, going back to these really side. look the relationship shared between on right and israel is a long one. and in fact the agency operates within the westbank, including east jerusalem and the gaza strip. at the invitation of the government of the state of israel, this is regulated through an agreement called the co main nichol. more exchange of letters of 1967 and he is released undertook not only a firm their international obligations to do so. but under to, to facilitate humanitarian aid and assistance to the palestine,
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refugees living in the occupied palestinian territory since 1967 and threw on rocks . so going back to the change you have the dream and if, if the israelis won't allow us, well won't allow the agency to do its work on the ground. especially the time like this unprecedented levels of violence being waged against the people. and as a donor is the western donors don't take up the funds to make it happen. that is to support the agencies and managed sharing assistance in line with their own international legal obligations. where who, who is going to feel this breach where other palestinians who are subjected to this possible genocide, going to seek relief. it really turns the world on its head. and i think the western states really do need to think very carefully about revisiting their position on right is the only lifeline, the palestinians and the gaza strip. and in this time of genocide now is not the time to be behaving this way. you mentioned the western states and i'm wondering
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where are in states are on this raymond, do you think that are in the states could step in to, to fill this funding gap? i know for you because it really is already saying that this could affect regional stability or well, i have some news today that was very and some others. maybe we would be willing to do that. uh, but uh, i don't know. uh, i think they, uh, they asked also to step up. but this is, it's a double discussion here because it's the could have the ability of the respect for you and which was established after the 2nd good bore us. because we have to believe any national rules, that's all the 2 wars and that 3, so solve the problem between nations. we have to use nice state and nation. and then we see from friday that ruling from ice a j. and it was very clean and that's ruling please. they have to push a sancho guessing to provide them to do many terry and assistance in to go saw that
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was a very important part of the ruling the they after they, they frozen the support to a rock which is the life line. so it's also see and us in that respect to the international body of united nation in the space and then more towards societies, we need a stronger u. n. so it's also the big nations they have to feed responsible for giving a big stuffed support. also to you and institutions. so i think that also part of the manufacturing society in these days is extremely, extremely important. and if not really see that defense strong, see this? no strong uh, come through is when we, when a small come face was totally dependent on having an international order
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international, the daily fold between 2 sheriffs. so i hope that the contest when step up for that 1st and foremost, i hope that you and will not suffer as much as us. now, do you know what, let me put that question meant as a man, because raymond, you are talking that about the ongoing existence and trust in an international rules based order submit is that, is there a belief and trust in that system right now and also to people still believing and trust in the united nations. i think i've thought of that this isn't why fi j? it's like get it. yeah, i mean making that be able to kind of read to us that the and instead of less than that, a system that the human and dad is a heal. my lights knows this a soft because before they they find it's like it's a big issue or just they are abusing it. they using it just so the thought you have
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there like benefits or goal, but it because they couldn't be getting good. but when it comes to somebody to see me and why we are supporting this, this very long site and because that, that national community, human the, that me on, if you that immunity, it's that every with it the, uh, account for that, a lot of clients or negative volition for that you're going to tell you a little, i don't think that we will reach this point, but they're not on of that much in our community for somebody to see another question. um, a male what the is really and behave especially this government. this very friendly means that you have ottoman which coming in, in applying to display is don't, don't buy fox, doesn't display on the scene. and the problem is that, that the 96 fits, they've been able to see me at a lens and with bank and it goes up to date and it says which all this government
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minutes, it is like brings up the smoke that it's visit the program. so that i don't think that it's a med, this will have been if we have like the living things of that and thought a national, not an or that is for example, that, that you on the security council, a decisions or that you're not on. it's simply decisions. if the community picked it sort or the only mean the laws in this area, i don't think that we went, this is this and i think this is this the it may ship it which coming from the last day of the, of the off of the i see a decision, it's kind of a collective, but it's mean not just for them to see them like a medium, but even for all that you are in the system because it, they, they, they thought a good thing. it really a, you, i'm here, john says it may need some, you know,
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saying that palo scans assign, assigned to the field on high, like i said before, and the other. so that it says that pg, you were saying the palestinians were finally feeling housing. when it came to the international court of justice roland, but now everyone is facing even further deprivation. i'm afraid we'll have to leave that discussion that for today obviously a situation will continue watching incredibly closely here on to 0. thank you to on of i guess for now. so me is that good audiences and raymond johonson and thank you to for watching. you can see this program again, any time by visiting our website, also 0. don't com for further discussion to go to my facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. remember, you can also join the conversation on x. i'll handle is at a inside story. for me, this nonsense, hey, on the whole team here. and uh huh. bye for now, the
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what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here. it just here to we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the of the israel. target's southern and central garza evacuation orders are issued, but people say there are no safe places to get. the other ones are in jordan, this is out. is there a life though? said coming. the wounded carried out to the hospital in northern garza, and there is really a time in the south to major hospitals are also on those really siege. countertops prime minister says good progress has been made on the top to something is really
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cool. garza, i'm the international criminal quotes. chief prosecutor says there are grounds to believe more crimes of being committed in.


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