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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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of the the israeli forces could at least $215.00 palestinians and 24 hours the highest depths, told in 3 weeks. many still trapped on the jordan. this is done. is there a life and death? the wounded carried out to the hospital in northern cause i'm the is rarely a truck in the south to major hospitals are also one that is radius each contacts prime minister says good progress has been made on the past to something. israel's will, i'm calling the father struggled to feed his family. we need to space on this demands of lost everything under one. the brink of starvation on the international criminal
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codes. chief prosecutor says there are grounds to believe will primes of being committed and thoughtful of warning. sign the beginning, garza, we've just seen the highest any depth told in 3 weeks at least 215 palestinians have been killed and 300 injured since sunday. israel has increased its attacks on the strip despite the international court of justice as order to prevent genocide and gaza is really forces avenue, the strikes and the north just weeks after pulling back. most of that forces from the area. thousands of garza city residents. we chose to stay despite weeks of endless bombing about to grab what they can leave, even though they have no way to go. what is there any strikes or targeted the allowed a hospital in the jabante, a refugee camp, that's in northern garza, many parts of the hospital and out of service. an ambulance is up and damaged beyond repair. over 85 percent of gauze is hospitalized. not functioning due to
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relentless is ready bombing from a rough or target god bless, whom reports on israel is when you admitted tressles in northern casa, these really military, as they are spending the military attacks being the central and key neighborhoods of gauze and city. they have been using military's crack cope to drones with loud speakers, doors for a residence where i still trapped in the north and in cause a city to flee more to the eastern part of calls have been to move forward to the south in order to seek their own safety. now the, these where the forces at earlier stated that they have with it through a number of rigs from the north and some, some areas of kansas city. but right now we've been seeing, tense are reaching to she felt maybe come conflicts again, were thousands of palestinians are taking shelter inside is facility and yards as well. this is completely a part of the ongoing to the sides of the ministry campaign that had been conducted
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against the cause of succeed. i'd especially be that we have been hearing and seeing more searching of military strikes on gauze and city within the past 24 hours. have been issuing more resolutions and also also if i q, we sion orders for the majority of people that to keep slipping to rough. i so you can safety as they are completely leveling to the ground, the main central neighborhoods of the city making the life that completely on inhabitable as palestinians are fleeing to russell and the intense is very compartment to a order to secure the family members as they are turning the roof, i did not find any place for them as the majority of areas had become completely flooded with evac curious, which right now for them roughly is the last remaining or yeah, that's supposed to be safe for the is really perspective the topic of a zoom out just a rough, rough i. e, suffering gauze. well, much of the guns and stripping tubing, central guns that has been on the,
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is ready to evacuation orders, but many say that i'm trusts that somewhere else will be any safer. israel has previously bum locations and have described a safe in canada, your thoughts from what he garza just north of the above. i'm currently standing on under sheet street a couple of meters away from what because of the last point that separates the north of causal strip and the south of the cause of strip where it has been separated a couple of months ago. where is really force is called this a safe corner door and it's only quite door. that's the only road for people to evacuate from the northeast to the south. it has been a tough night on the causes true for their husbands, and this is right. the raids on on south river you can see camps and several areas across the car, the ser sense, the morning, the palestinians in gaza strip and stuff with one neighborhood. and it's telling how a neighborhood and in the middle of the causal cities have been warned on their iphones and their phones,
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they receive messages to evacuate from those areas to get it. but as you see, no one showed up. we are surprised that people did not do what the is where the army asked them to evacuate, but at the end of the day, people in the gaza strip. now acknowledge the fact that the is ready forces are asking them to go to safe areas. and then these days areas turn into a war, so we're talking about people who have been called to evacuate, defend units, to evacuate, to reflect in the so you don't add to all the southern areas. as you see, people do not trust. what is ready forces, tell them, and no one evacuated just like the is there any forces requested them? this is in the godaddy. why? because the cause of, i mean on the south has been fist fighting on the ground and the city of han, eunice, forcing tens of thousands of people to flee to rough. how
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much has released this video showing? fighting on the streets of han eunice spending fights of se they've destroyed 2 is really tongues. the southern gauze as largest city has been of the honda of israel defensive in recent weeks. last falls, tens of thousands of palestinians to flee the cities. kind of give me a ministry of health as accused as ready for his conduct to receive of executions on stopping ambulances from reaching the dead. i'm being terrified civilians are heading towards rafa through his randy military check points and under the shadow of farms and fighting the my husband remains with these really army. they stopped us and allow the children and women to pass, but they kept some of the men. my songs belongs or with my husband, it's cold and my children's clothes and diapers are with him. is that we say to human rights institutions, close your offices to children's rights organizations do so as well to women's rights institutions. look at all women and girls that we say to the entire will be
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ashamed. we have been destroyed regardless of law, just remaining health facility out not so. hospital in hong unice has been on the is really siege and attacks the days as well as issued and evacuation or the bad. but that's led to confusion and chaos. according to this doctor was a vehicle being we didn't leave us like the moon being over the world or listening to the instructions by the was cut, the losing microphone. and they are using us inflections to do that with that area. because this is a bucket area or is there any forces of goals? i besieged another major hospital and found eunice. patients and medical staff have been trapped inside the amount of hospitals the days the palestinian red crescent which operates the facility, says there's
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a severe shortage of medicines feel food and water acts on some of the triple escaping from the danger. once again, is really forces have declared the area around all amount of hospital in hun, eunice on safe ordering palestinians to leave immediately. this area has been under heavy bombardment for days and now the palestinian red crescent has been told to move its operations elsewhere. let me look at no evacuation should take place without proper coordination or without the humanitarian cord. are we looking at this for to ensure the safety of all those inside the hospital ensure we is paramedics? will be able to continue to provide our services and help evacuate the patients and the wounded, according to proper medical protocols. the palestinians here say they don't know where to go over to seek safety. the nearby shelters are relatively safe, but the fear of in
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a vacuum ation order looms in metal. shelling never stops this. winter's cold is fierce. children are gripped with fear. was there my pleasure if i i just see the situation is more than dire. we can hardly sleep one hour throughout the day. we sleep on the floor in the hospital's court or has everybody check, the palestinian red crescent has described the situation in our model as critical. hospital units have had to shut down because of a lack of supplies. they are urgently calling for the protection of all civilians, but there is concerned these calls may go unanswered access. i'm reaching out to 0 . the cutoff appointment is to shift mohammed bin of the rockland l finally says good progress has been made towards a deal that could lead to a poor wasn't as well as a tax on guns that you met us actually of state. and to me blinking in washington, just a day of to holding tubs with intelligence officials in egypt as well. and the us in paris. capital is 5 minutes for says he's hopeful a deal maybe to assist by,
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by kind of has more from washington dc. said the tardy foreign minister and the us secretary of state appeared briefly for the cameras, but made no comment. it's understood that the guitar of foreign ministers is also the prime minister. rece the secretary of state on recent intelligence, folks in paris at which it was discussed how to the forward the release of those captive still being held in gaza at the meeting along with the intelligence chief some of the parties such as egypt and israel. this a crucial part of getting some form of deal to get those captives out of gaza and the guitar e for administer cautiously optimistic saying that progress has been made, but he refused to be drone any further at a discussion meeting that he held later on in the course of the day at the meeting, he outlined cut his role this in response to reported criticism by the israeli prime minister that costco was not doing enough to impose its will on him us. but
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the foreign minister making very clear his belief that cuts his role is that of media to we try to bring the thoughts used to bridge the gaps between them. frustrating them frustrating both of them by, by wards, by, by made things by commitments, by addressing the issues with, with some solutions that's, that's the pressure and benefits beyond this leverage, we don't see that, but that is a sofa. part of that can impose something on the spot too, or the other party to bring them to that place. the foreign minister of the ref, my now tony also responded to criticism of contact for hosting groups like come us . he said this was done in consultation and cooperation with the united states to provide a forum for it to have communication with it's a posing group such as some us or indeed us in the past. tell up on my kind of out
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of sierra washington to us national security spokesman, john covey has strongly condemned a conference held in west jerusalem cooling for several of the storage homes have gone. so once the wars ends up, it was attended by several right wing is really cabinet ministers and members upon some of this rhetoric and the language and that, that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event. irresponsible, reckless incendiary. i go so far as to say in certainly isn't that isn't the port with our strong policy statement. what we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory come to some of it has more now from occupied in services in the united states. had reiterated their position that they on equivalent and denounce and are against any talk of displacing palestinians or forcing palestinians out of gaza to go elsewhere. he also says that the united states position is clear about reducing palestinian land for the building of
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illegal settlements. this comes after members of these rarely government itself had slammed this conference, attended by settlers and members of the right wing, one 3rd of nathaniel, whose cabinet was in attendance there, benny, dance, and member of the countries war cabinet. speaking out saying that this puts israel in an incredibly bad position internationally and it harms the country during war time. and it also hinders efforts to bring back captive guy the eyes in coat, a former military chief of staff, and a war cabinet observer who has spoken out against netanyahu. and right wing policies has said that these ministers have learned nothing over the events of the last year. specifically during this war, these really prime minister reportedly had told the americans that this is not going to happen. there won't be legal settlements and the americans are saying that they believe him,
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they're going to take him at his word. but when you have one 3rd of nathan yahoos cabinet, members of his own party going to this and saying they want to legal settlements to be rebuilt. they want palestinians to be displaced from gaza. they want to see a full occupation full control of the palestinian territory. it's difficult because nothing, yahoo, while he's the prime minister, he's still in a coalition with these members of the right wing who are putting increasing pressure on him for these types of policies. but the prime minister has reiterated that this is not the official government stance a tougher. so frank here and i'll just say when we come back, not giving up why then as well as opposition lead as found to stay in the presidential race. despite the fight against the deep fakes such south korea's national assembly makes it illegal to use the tops of images and videos of elections more on the
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hello that was taught in south asia and dense fall continues to blanket northern parts of india. and the deluxe haven't been issued for new delhi, we still have poor visibility and very unhealthy quality. instead on tuesday, it's going to be to protest that has the amber lights out as well as b hall. we've also got a wesley disturbance putting its way from afghanistan across northern pots of pakistan and india, bringing some heavier snow to the mountains as well as rain, and the likelihood of since thundering down pools in the expected to roll into a new denny by wednesday. a much more settled story to the south of this, some crowd here and there. some shot was coming in to the east, a north east of india as well as bangladesh and the port and boot time, but logically dry as we ahead for the south. some shot was coming into the very south of india, heavier rain,
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the in sugarland come on wednesday. and heavy rain is the story across southern and central parts of china. you see that patch over heavy rain pulling its way across the east china sea on its way to southern parts of japan. ahead of this, we have had some very fine conditions. thanks to high pressure across the korean peninsula. but we'll see things cool down across the north of china over the next few days, beijing, seeing some cloud in cold weather to friday. the unique perspective. some people see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people. and it's really sticking up against door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy, deep human noises. that is all i want to go into, you know, a human to happen to next to the street on out to 0.
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the the, we're going back to watching out just a real quick reminder about top stories here, this uh, thousands of on demands. i wanna move once again as is ready for us as loans and i sold on gauze and city just weeks up to pulling up most of its ministry from the north. hold on 211 kills and sunday strikes and slicing across the street. that's how i was 5 minutes to shift. i'm a how much it's been. i'm the one i'll find me says good progress has been made towards the left could lead to a horse as well as the types of guns us separative states. and everything comes in washington and us national security spokesman contacting us strongly condemned
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a conference held in west jerusalem calling for settlements to attend to goes up once the war is over. attended by several runaway news writing cabinet ministers, infectious diseases and guns spreading at an alarming rate, the palestinian health ministry and guns and says there's been more than $700000.00 cases. rapidly growing numbers were noted in cases of hepatitis and diarrhea as well as skin diseases. roughly 2000000 displays, palestinians are suffering from lack of clean water progress on vacation of accounting and flimsy shelters. what does price palestinians and rough are struggling to protect their children from harsh winter conditions of med mohammad. volume after fi is i'm in beta, new northern gauze or 2 months ago. he now lives in a tent with his son, then 25 other family members. it's a story about him, him a name is going to do that, handles your mind about those. and then there's that. and then that way it gives you all these degree. but in the last one is the
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name of the show. you know that, that you know, higher what i'm a went away with them. yes but well, i guess i didn't get the name of the day. i did, a lot of that comes to i should be in the end of a feel and um, but i didn't know that. okay, me. well, we're letting me know what it is. now, what is the name of the said? i'm trying to educate the, who's the, the i, what is the best anyways then what would it be? well hey, a sub no, i showed me. i'm doing well was let me, let me now you'll meet for you and as ask the team countries to
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reconsider that decision to suspend funding for the you an agency for palestinian refugees. it says the agency which provides life saving aiden garza will be forced to stop, operate and have the end of next month. the us and 12 other countries make the decision of the israel alleged 12 unrest off members. i've taken part in the october 7th attacks. the critical humanitarian work that the u. n. does not only in, in, in gaza, all over the region needs to be supported people's lives, depend on it. we are doing in parallel taking very seriously all the allegations that have been made. we are, we are being the forward leaning it was on while other than doubts this, right? they took the 1st step of a brief critical donors. they brief certain parties before that happened. they were given information, they took the steps. so we have
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a process of accountability that's, that's going on while that's going on. people need to survive and we need to continued the support for on one all humanitarian work or your success state. i'm going to bring kind of has come into the you an agency if the palestinians, full and indispensable roland garza. but he's unwrapped to address allegations that stuff were involved in a tax on his rail. in october. the henri has played and continues to play an absolutely indispensable role in trying to make sure that men, women and children who so desperately need assistance in gaza actually get it. and no one else can play the role that under has been playing. certainly not in the, in the near term. no one has the, the reach of the capacity of the structure to do what on earth been doing. and from our perspective, it's important more than an important imperative fit that, that will continue. so that only underscores the importance of unreal tackling this
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as quickly as effectively and as thoroughly as possible. and that's what we're looking for. well, they've been riley's in the us and support of the palestinians. the demonstrations of north carolina came to a hold of the police flock. the road officers said they were not informed of protest or the route it would take. the group says it's most every sunday since the guns in october and south african generalist, have held a vigil in support of palestinians. they on the correspondence and media work has been killed and israel's war and guns that at least a $122.00 in palestinian john less have been killed since none of those. yeah. i as she telling the policies for you to be caught vh and far away the the night on our tiny little colleagues closer to the ground. tell them what we can do is look in the book. what we can do is ensure that our language we use in our, in the, in the timing of the story by when use for accurate energy spending. saw the guys
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using the actual the software is mandatory says north korea has fired multiple cruise missiles into the c f. it's west coast. it's young young's code miss are launched in less than a week. international criminal codes chief prosecutor says there are grounds to believe both faith stood in these ami um the permanent to rapids support forces documenting war crimes and full cream con. present that evidence to the un security council. often launching an investigation into the search of violence in so then i'll just say it was kristen salumi reports from the united nations here, a long chads border with sudan where one and 3 people is a refugee stories of atrocities about fresh from a visit. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, korean con,
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told the security council, he's gathered evidence of war crimes. and i can confirm the counsel between bach collect a very significant body of material information and evidence that is relevant to those particular crimes. over $600000.00 sudanese fled west are for last year. as the fighting got worse. even as rapid support force has battled the sudanese armed forces for control and the capital human rights groups have a ledge. civilians were deliberately targeted and killed in classes with the recess and allied militias. the prosecutor says he's found evidence of atrocities on all sides of sudan civil war, but has received little cooperation from authorities. we have not received a scrap of paper from decision these offices. i met with general i will go to honda in september the promised cooperation
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with the i see the but despite that promise to me face to face, we have received no information. what's the, i say say prosecutor has yet to formally charge any individuals, but he has the authority to do so under a 2005 security council resolution. and his most recent comments suggest those charges maybe coming soon. kristin, salumi, algebra, the united nation. so advocate for the president, jacob summa has been suspended from the governing african national congress. that's up to he bought another party, had a busy as general elections. the amc says that sue misconduct is in conflict with that values and principles. assume is 9 year presidency was painted by multiple corruption scandals. he's denied any wrong. french farm is blocked, old major highways out of the french capital parish on monday, refusing to pass down from protest, quoting for better working conditions,
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unless environmental regulation a raft of concessions announced by 5 minutes that gave black towel on friday failed to pass upon the farm is to say, it's clear that message is not getting through. on the side, the fed up with folding wages, no pensions, and over regulations. farmers in belgium levels have lots of modes away with similar demand. so best of pay and working conditions. and in central brussels of trunk that was parked outside the he, you, parliament, belgian pharmacy. it's becoming possible. and a decent wage for us has begun reinstating functions on venezuela. often the country's top court upheld a band on the leading opposition candidate. carina machado insists the presidential elections will not take place without to distinguish john home was the candidate for venezuela's may no position. coalition has a message for the country president nicola nicholas, my dear, isn't going to choose the people's candidate. so that seems to be exactly what the
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president's done. because maria corina machado, who won the type or opposition primary by landslide, has been disqualified from the countries 2024 elections. the decision was made by supreme court headed by ruling policy lloyd list. but it could come at a cost within his white glove and candidates. in october the united states lifted some of its sanctions, granted the country they partly in exchange for the government, committing to let some bundle position, take us back into politics. now the us says it's reviewing its science and policy again mr. madura and his regime of decisions we have to make. we want to see him meet the commitments they made back in october to allow position parties and candidates to run appropriately and release political prisoners. we have decisions to make as well. if they don't do that, they've got till april. we'll see what they do. meanwhile, machado right wing politically bedframe, so she won't step aside for substitute kind of that. bob will have
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a little bad and we are going to be nicholas my do in elections is. yeah. and we're going to do it to give that i don't see who a substitute would be. anyway, some of position figures have been found, others have flipped the country along with more than 7000000. other people definitely call that the points towards another vote. which president nicholas, my daughter, comes out until his prize an 11 year in charge of a country and a long standing, some men materials and economic crisis on home. and i'll just, you know, experts say recent wall fires in columbia as capital have been fueled by invasive prompt, spacious eucalyptus pine. and the goal is to cover the mountain surrounding baba to the problems contained oils, and stops which are highly flammable. firefighters have been battling fires there for a week. columbia, as president, has declared a national disaster and has requested international help. and typically, the place today is currently facing a heat wave, the capital, a santiago,
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is expected to swelter for the entire week. wednesday is expected to be the hottest day of the week from frontier, with temperatures expect to reach 35 degrees celsius. officials are asking people the same goals. 3 japanese citizens of foreign dissent, assuming the government for racial profiling the lawsuit as the 1st of its kind in the country has been filed against both and national and local governments, plaintive village. they will repeat to the question by the police because of their race. i say it's a violation of the constitution, south korea as an forcing a new little binding the use of artificial intelligence generate to deep faith videos and election campaigns. those will violate the legislation to face up to 70 years in prison. the rulings to prevent the spread of disinformation in a year of elections around the world. eunice came repulsed, not from the capital. so the south koreans are among the estimated 4000000000 people worldwide. who will cast ballots this year. at unlike in the past,
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the national assembly has made it illegal for political campaigns to use the vague content, 90 days before the election, to give us time to consider their authenticity. the term deep fake is a combination of deep learning and fake and refers to a generated content that's often designed to mislead in the lead up to the 2022 presidential pulse, the fix featured, but mostly to generate humor or entry. he, i use, i'm getting the candidates used avatars to ask for a simple questions and health news conferences in the metaphors. since then, however, the technology has evolved and become more prevalent clips, such as these can be customized for a price or even produced by novices. as you'll see later in our report, dfcs are also impacting world leaders. in december, a student posed a.


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